FLEXI: A Robust and Flexible Social Robot Embodiment Kit

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FLEXI: A Robust and Flexible Social Robot Embodiment Kit

Patrícia Alves-Oliveira1, Matthew Bavier2, Samrudha Malandkar3, Ryan Eldridge4,

Julie C Sayigh3, Elin A. Björling3, Maya Cakmak1
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Human-Centered Design and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington
Seattle, USA
Contact author: patri@uw.edu

Abstract Description of the main features of FLEXI, a Social Robot

The social robotics market is appealing yet challenging. Though social robots are built few remain Embodiment Kit developed from scratch by the research team.
on the market for long. Many reasons account for their short lifespan with costs and context-
specificity ranking high amount them. In this work, we designed, fabricated, and developed FLEXI,
a social robot embodiment kit that enabled unlimited customization, making it applicable for
a broad range of use cases. The hardware and software of FLEXI were entirely developed by
Easily customizable Head with haptic sensor
this research team from scratch. FLEXI includes a rich set of materials and attachment pieces to rendered face using a and 4DoF, including tilt
allow for a diverse range of hardware customizations that ensure the embodiment is appropriate smartphone, allowing
the use of camera as
for specific customer/researcher projects. It also includes an open-source end-user programming
a sensor
interface to lower the barrier of robotics access to interdisciplinary teams that populate the field of
Human-Robot Interaction. We present an iterative development of this cost-effective kit through
the lenses of case studies, conceptual research, and soft deployment of FLEXI in three application
scenarios: community-support, mental health, and education. Additionally, we provide in open- Torso with 180
degree swivel
access the full list of materials and a tutorial to fabricate FLEXI, making it accessible to any maker
space, research lab, or workshop space interested in working with or learning about social robots.

Authors Keywords - Social robotics; robot kit; fabrication; open access.

CSS Concepts - Hardware • Human-centered computing ~ Human computer interaction (HCI) ~
HCI design and evaluation methods • Applied computing

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided
that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the Owner/
Belly tablet screen Strong robust base allows
allows for text and voice for attachment to a range of
DIS ‘22, June 13–17, 2022, Virtual Event, Australia
communication as well as platforms, adding mobility,
© 2022 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
expressing emotions customization and height.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9358-4/22/06.

Customizable Technologies
Introduction Related Work
Though all smartphones look the same, how we organize
Customization of social robots to a users’ individual Insights to the Social Robot Market
the apps on them is part of our personal preference
Estimations about the size of social robot markets have
needs and preferences is critical in fostering acceptance, system. Customization can be key to ensuring that
been positive. A Global Social Market Review estimated
usability, and adoption of robots [1,2]. While the technology works for an individual user. As users become
programmability of social robots enables customization that the 2017 social robot market was 288 million dollars
increasingly diverse, personalization and customization
of their behaviors and content, their physical and that would rise to 700 million by 2023 [10]. According
become increasingly important [25,26]. According to
embodiment is generally fixed. When considering the to a 2020 market analysis conducted by BCC Research,
the Nielson Norman Group [27], customization is key to
most commonly used social robots, whether consumer social robots are a rapidly growing market, increasing by
ensuring users can enhance and control their interactions
products or research platforms, we find that they allow millions every year, with a compound annual growth rate
especially when they can articulate their needs.
very little hardware customization [3–9]. of around 15% [11]. According to Statista, in 2018, social
and entertainment robot sales reached 2.68 million units Customizable robotic systems have been developed for
The lack of hardware-customizable social robots forces a wide range of purposes, including dental procedures
worldwide. By 2025, that number is forecast to double
researchers to commit financial and labor resources to a [28], mini-robot platforms [29], and disinfection [30].
to 5.51 million units [12]. We see a general recognition
robot embodiment that restricts the applications areas Past efforts to develop low-cost social robotic platforms
of the potential of this field. However, many robotic
they can explore or to spend years developing new include EMAR V4 [31], Huggable [32], Dragonbot [33],
companies fail in the market [13]. While the reasons for
platforms from scratch. Our research aims to overcome TOFU [34], YOLO [20], and Romibo [35]. Costumizable
this are beyond the scope of this paper, we highlight
these obstacles. robots’ examples are Robot Diaries [38] (later on called
cost and customization. This paper explores FLEXI, a
In this paper, we present FLEXI: a hardware design kit price-effective social robot embodiment kit for flexible Arts & Bots [37]) and Artbotics [39].
that allows the creation of a wide range of social robot use in varied scenarios. Existing customizable social robots still have
embodiments (see Figure 1). Both the hardware and the Spectrum of Social Robots shortcomings. Blossom lacks a customizable face and
software of FLEXI were entirely designed, developed, its core is not robust enough to afford attachments of
and fabricated from scratch by this research team. FLEXI Though the design space for social robots is vast, the
heavy materials [2]. The EMAR V4 with flexible software
consists of a robust robot core and attachment parts for majority of social robots look alike [14,15]. They tend
for customized teenager-robot interactions, does not
augmenting the core in different ways, serving a variety to be designed using only the color white [13], hard
have a fully customizable body but rather a hard shell
of application areas for social robotics. The core includes plastic shells and affording little tactile interaction.
that does not enable individual personalization [60].
a 4 degree-of-freedom neck-and-base mechanism and Customization of the robot’s hardware (or embodiment) is
OPSORO is an inexpensive and customizable robot but
two screens that display the robot’s face and enable not possible since robots are sold in their final “polished”
lacks robustness to be used across different use cases
input/output interactions with the user. In addition to state. Further, robots usually assume a humanoid shape
[58], [59].Additionally, many robot kits developed for
the hardware attachments, FLEXI can be customized [17,18]. According to the widely studied Uncanny Valley
education are made with arts and crafts materials not
with common construction materials, including phenomenon [19], humanoids can create unrealistic
allowing a robust robot that can be deployed in real
expectations of human-like behavior and interactions,
cardboard, foam, and 3D printed accessories. FLEXI is contexts of use. There is an almost unlimited design
which are detrimental to their acceptance.
thus a robust robot core, intended for a wide range of space for robots to have different colors, heights,
application scenarios. It’s versatility makes it extremely Disappointed with existing social robot platforms, materials, shapes, and forms. However, current
cost-competitive compared to social robots now in roboticists have developed their own robots using platforms target only a few of these spaces, opening rich
the market. This robot can be used by researchers, non-humanoid designs. The Blossom robot lets users opportunities for more research in this area.
developers, and anyone interested in robotics. customize wool covers to place over the robot’s core
To design FLEXI, we first gathered requirements by [2]. The YOLO robot has an abstract shape but does
interviewing users of social robot platforms. This lead to not allow for customization [20,21]. Additional non-
a list of “pain points” in the current use of social robots. humanoid robots non-customizable include Cellulo [22],
The collected pain points informed the design principles BubbleBot [23], and Ranger [24]. This work challenges
of FLEXI. Next, we created the conceptual design of assumptions of traditional robot designs and puts
FLEXI within three different use cases: mental health, forefront the importance of customization as a success
community, and education. metric for broader social robot acceptance.

Table with the pain points and design principles that surfaced during the study described in the next page.
Design Of FLEXI
Pain Points Design Principles
Cost Affordability
(1) Social robot platforms are expensive and an (1) The cost should be affordable enough to buy at
unstable market product. least a pair of the same robot. Not only this will ensure
(2) Social robots are perceived as disappointing as research continues if the robot breaks, as it enables
they have unnecessary functionalities/sensors of poor research multi-robot interaction.
Design Questions quality that makes them expensive. Frequently these (2) A low maintenance and high reliability social robot is
are not used and replaced with external sensing. preferable as frequently the functionalities/features of
DQ. 1 What are the design requirements for social robots? (3) Integrating existing software in social robots the robot need to be replaced due to their limitations.

To investigate this, we collected design requirements for

requires a deep learning curve. While this can be (3) As HRI is an interdisciplinary field there is a preference
learning opportunities, it also hinders students that for an easy-to-use software with “low learning barrier”
robots through a need-finding study [37], [38]. We uncovered
aim for shorter projects in human-robot interaction. is preferred, accessible to more students.
pain points with current social robot design and mapped
them onto new design principles, specifically focusing on Rigidity Customizability
un-met needs of current social robot.
While there is an immense design space for social Social robots that allow for easy customization are
robots, current platforms only cover a few of these needed to afford the exploration of different scenarios
design points in a sparsely populated manner. and easy testing for further development. This would
DQ. 2 What does a social robot look like when it meets Important points of social robot design space are left include the possibility to purchase parts of the robot,
these design requirements? available, e.g., robots with different textures, colors. or to add customized parts to the attachments.
To investigate this, we used the methodology of
conceptual design [39] to captures the designer’s intent. Specificity Flexibility
This methodology reveals design opportunities that would Within each application domain of social robots there Flexibility within the same application domain requires
be otherwise missed without such creative exploration [40]. are specific needs that are not met. E.g., education has a flexible robot that can be adapted easily to the
We conceptually designed FLEXI and explored its use across specific needs considering different curriculum. individual needs.
three diverse case studies: community support, mental
health, and education.
FLEXI Ideation and Hand Sketches

DQ. 3 Does our FLEXI Social Robot Kit meets the needs
of its current users in terms of usability?

We fabricated the hardware and implemented the software

of FLEXI from scratch. Then, we performed a soft deployment
across the three case studies, where diverse users that work
in the fields of education, mental health, and community
used FLEXI to create a robot that meets the needs to their
scenario. We used a case study method [41] which provides
deeper insights relative to an exploratory study context.

Design Practices
Throughout this work, we adopted intermediate-level Conceptual Design Of FLEXI
knowledge as a meaningful and valid way of generating
To create the Social Robot Kit, we used conceptual design methodologies. We explored three case studies that
knowledge [45–47]. We go ‘beyond text’ into sensory
are commonly investigated in HRI: community-support robot, mental health robot, and education robot.
research and contribute new knowledge visually by
presenting sketches, storyboards, and photos as
outcomes of our work. Visual modes of communicating
research findings are becoming more prevalent,
especially in interdisciplinary areas [48,49], including
HRI [50].
We adopted visual research methods, including
conceptual design [42] and hardware fabrication by
prototyping with 3D printing and fabric materials
[51]. This work is also anchored in qualitative research
methods [52] including co-design [54], need-finding
[40,41], and semi-formal interviews [55]. These are well
suited methods for exploratory studies such as ours that
support inductive practices and research spaces where
little information is known. They can lead to prominent
emerging themes without existing prior hypotheses [53].

Hand-sketches of explored ideas for FLEXI.

Method and Procedure Analysis of Pain Points

FLEXI Design Requirements We comprehensively identified different pain points
We explored need-finding through interviews with
Recruitment and Sample experts in HRI to collect untapped opportunities for voiced by experts in HRI towards current robot platforms,
Participants were robot users from universities, research social robots [58,59]. Need-finding is a methodological which enabled us to gain a deeper understanding into
labs, or schools. We sampled purposefully for maximum tool for both grounding and inspiring research and allows yet un-met design requirements for social robots. See
variability, ensuring representation from a range of us to quickly enter a user’s world, casting the user as an Table in previous page.
countries, professional backgrounds, and types of robots expert who can teach us the meaning of a given task,
used [56]. We interviewed a total of 10 participants who objects, or technology. Interviews took 30min each, Semi-Structured Interview Sample.
worked in the field of HRI. Six were university professors, were conducted online using Zoom, recorded, and
post analyzed. We adopted a semi-structured interview • What tools do you use to teach about social robotics?
1 was a STEM teacher in a high school, 1 a former STEM
consultant, 1 a doctoral student, and 1 a postdoctoral process as our method for data collection [55], which • What are the advantages and pain points/frustrations
researcher. Regarding demographics, 6 participants allows participants to be asked the same questions of these tools?
identified as female and 4 as male; 2 were Asian, 4 within a flexible framework. Additionally, participants • How do university professors and school teachers
European, and 4 from North America. We stopped were encouraged to talk about their experiences through
measure if a new tool is successful?
recruiting additional participants when we reached open-ended questions, and the ordering of further
questions was determined by their responses [55]. A • If anything were possible, what do you need to bring
thematic saturation [57].
sample of the interview questions is shown. your curriculum about social robots to the next level?

Community Support Case Study Outline
It is important to feel a sense of community to belong to a place.
However, we can often feel lost when physically relocate and need
to start building a new community. We envision this as a robot for the
community that can provide moments of brief connection to the city.
This Community-Support Robot Kit is composed of several creative
attachment pieces, such as an umbrella that can be used if raining
when people are interacting with the robot; a pocket with pens and
pencils that people can use to write down a message for someone;
a light bulb that can be placed on the head of the robot that flashes
to notify people about a new message; an envelope that can be
attached to the body of the robot to signal the robot’s functionality:
to receive and deliver messages.
We explored two different scenarios using the attachment pieces.
Trivia Robot is a scenario where the robot helps newcomers establish
connections to the city by providing information, such as fun facts
about the city. The Happy Mail Robot is part of a university campus
and is meant to encourage students. It does so by receiving and
displaying messages from other students and fostering a sense
of community. In both scenarios, the robot is used a safeguard of
difficult emotions, e.g., alienation, loneliness, and a promotor of well

Trivia Robot Happy Mail

Sam just arrived in a new city.

He feels lost and does not really
know where to go. He decides
to look for a park. In the park,
he sees a robot and decides to
approach it.

This robot gives trivia information

about the park and the city. Sam
clicks on the first trivia item, and
the robot says “Did you know that The life of a student is not always easy. The message was sent from someone named This messages fills her heart with hope, and she
in one hour there will be a dance Sometimes, students need encouragement, Kate to Nora, and says “Believe in yourself. You decides to print it using the robot’s mini printer.
performance? Stick around!” Sam specially after a tough day. The student got this!” Nora smiles. She needed to hear this This way, she can carry the message with her
smiles, in this moment, he feels Nora approaches the robot, which is part of to be reminded that she is doing her best, even anytime she needs a reminder. Nora decides to
connected to the city with new the university campus property. This robot on this difficult day. She secretly thanks Kate, leave a message in the robot too. Maybe other
opportunities to meet people. contains a message, and Nora clicks on it. who she actually has never met! student needs to hear something positive.

Mental Health Case Study Outline
Mental health is a rising problem among the youth. In this case study,
we propose a social robot kit to support the metal health of the
youth. This robot is envisioned to live in a high school and help to
de-stress and relax.
This Mental Health Robot Kit is composed of a mixed set of
attachment pieces that vary in their form and function to provide a
flexible embodiment that meets the youth’s personal preferences.
The pieces’ design originated from the data collected from the youth
directly. The youth voiced several elements that matter for their
robot, including ambient decorations, such as flowers, to practical
day-today considerations, such as a slot to keep their belongings.
The kit also explores materiality, where some attachments are made
in wood, fur, plastic, or fabric.
We explored three different scenarios using the attachment pieces
for a mental health robot. Phone Away is a scenario where the youth
uses the robot to help focusing attention to study better; Stress
Reduction is a scenario where the youth voices out heavy emotional
experiences while finding comfort in touching the soft furry arm of
the robot; Comfort through Safety is a scenario that explores the
feeling of belonging and “being present” with a robot as a form of
safety, comfort, and re-balance.

Phone Away Comfort Through Safety Stress Reduction

A teenage girl is struggling to focus on her This robot’s embodiment is meant A teenager is extremely
readings due to smartphone notifications from to be a stress and anxiety reducing stressed from school. She
her friends. She has an idea for what could playground. It has an attached feels like sharing her feelings
help her focus. tray that contains stress-reducing without judgement and goes
She gives her objects, such as a sponge, a stress to the robot. This robot lives
smartphone to the ball, a fidget toy. The robot has other in her school and is meant to
robot that has a attachments, such as a spring in its support teens with high stress
special slot to insert head. levels. It is a complementary
and lock the phone. school technology for mental
The robot keeps health when counselors are
her phone and she unaccessible.
can focus on her
While sharing her stressors
A teenager girl is feeling anxious with the robot, she holds its
but she does not feel like talking fluffy hand. This makes her
about it. She starts to fidget with feel comfort and safety, which
the robot’s attachments and this are important feelings in
helps her cope with her anxiety, moments of high stress. She
while at the same time promoting also uses the robot’s cap as a
Every time the girls wants to check her relaxation and stress relief. way to feel close to the robot,
phone, the robot reassures that she will feel similar to how friends share
more proud if she finishes her readings first, belongings.
and then connects with friends.

Education Case Study Outline
The most effective education scenarios
exist when children feel safe to make
mistakes and learn from them. However,
often children feel embarrassed when
they make a mistake in front of their
peers or even their teacher. This robot
is envisioned to be a non-judgemental
educational tool that children can use
during learning.
The Educational Robot Kit is composed of
attachment pieces that bring feelings of
safety and non-judgement while learning.
The pieces originated from data collected with children focusing on
moments where they struggled to learn. Children expressed a desire
for a robot to resemble animal and sometimes human traits. This
Kit includes bunny ears, bear arms, and small insects that can be
attached to the robot. The Kit includes a super hero cape and a
pearl collar that signifies learning gains. One unique aspect of the
Educational Kit is that pieces can be attached to the robot easily with
the help of magnets.
We explored the use of the Educational Kit across three different
cases (visual learning, spelling, and reading) and across different

Visual Learning Spelling Reading

A child is learning about the The robot helps a child

alphabet with the robot through to spell correctly. It shows Reading in a new language is
visual-aid and physical objects. the image of an object on challenging for every child. This
The robot display’s in the eye its belly and prompts the child feels judged for not being
screen a letter for the child to child to spell it out in their able to read fluently compared
find. notebook. to their peers. The robot will
listen patiently to the child’s
reading without judgement.

When the child finishes

The child finds the corresponding writing, the robot displays
letter and places it on the the correct spelling on its
magnetic board that the robot belly. Children can compare The robot plays back the reading
has on its belly. Seeing the letter their spelling with the of the child, making them aware of
and finding it in a physical object robot’s and correct their own where they can improve. The child
enhances the learning of the mistakes, which empowers understands their shortcomings
alphabet. self learning. The child can and tries reading again.
put on the robot’s cape as a
reward for the learning gain.

FLEXI Hardware BILL OF MATERIALS FOR FLEXI ROBOT KIT Note: Materials are available according to source availability. Prices might fluctuate.
Regarding FLEXI actuators, the robot
integrates four dynamixel motors, one Accessories 9mm Rubber Feet 6 $ 8.19 Amazon Sold in packs of 20
is allocated at the base for swiveling, and
M4x60mm Standoff 6 $ 9.99 Amazon Sold in packs of 10
one in the neck enabling the robot to Fasteners
M4 Button Head Screws + Washers 1 $ 19.99 Amazon Use 16x 16mm screws and 12x washers from set
lean forward/backward, one in the head
enabling head nods, and one in the face M3 Socket Head Cap 1 $ 19.99 Amazon Use 16x12mm screws, 7x10mm screws, 2x30 mm screws, 65
to enable tilting. The combinatory of these Screws + Nuts hex nuts
of these actuators enable movements that M2x8mm Flathead Cap Screw 8 $ 8.99 Amazon Any M2x8mm cap screw can work
signify active listening, curiosity, interest.
M3 Spacer 6 $ 5.99 Amazon Comes in packs of 250
Regarding FLEXI sensors, the robot M3 Nylon Set 1 $ 11.99 Amazon Use 2x 10mm screws, 4x12mm standoffs, 2x8mm standoffs, 1x6mm
integrates a capacitive sensor on the standoffs, 1x 6+10mm standoff, 4x 6+12mm standoffs, 8x hex nuts
head that enables touch recognition.
Additionally, the smartphone and the tablet Robotics Joint Motor 1 $ 219.90 Robotis 2XC430-W250-T motor; use 4x M2x5mm bolts included
enable input through those interfaces. Joint Motor Idler 1 $ 6.40 Robotis Nh11-I101 idler; idler cap,1x M3x55 flush head stud bolt included
This includes voice recognition, touch, Joint Motor (2x) 2 $ 979.80 Smart XH540-W270-T motor; use HN13-N101 gear and teflon washer
and the cameras can be used as sensors. Robot Works included; use 14x M2.5x4mm and 8x M2.5x5mm wrench bolts
The sensors enable the robot to perceive
the user in a multimodal way. Additional Joint Motor Idler 1 $ 39.10 Trossen Use 6701ZZ bearing; HN13-I101 idler, DC13 idler cap included
hardware materials can be found in the U2D2 Power Hub Board 1 $ 17.30 Robotis Attach with U2D2 using parts in set
website: https://osf.io/dbg6h/?view_on
U2D2 1 $ 29.30 Robotis Attach with U2D2 power hub board using parts in set
bd824. The hardware of FLEXI was entirely Industrial Makerbeam 100 3 $ 16.66 Amazon Comes in pack of 16
developed by the research team. Hardware
Makerbeam 200 6 $ 16.66 Amazon Comes in pack of 8

FLEXI Interactions Makerbeam 150 2 $ 9.28 Amazon Comes in pack of 6

Makerbeam hinges 4 $ 21.00 Amazon Comes in pack of 4; use all items in set
FLEXI was designed and fabricated to
Makerbeam straight 4 $ 6.99 Amazon Comes in pack of 12
be a Social Robot, capable of engaging
in meaningful interactions with human Makerbeam L 4 $ 6.99 Amazon Comes in pack of 12
counterparts. FLEXI robot is capable of Makerbeam T 2 $ 6.99 Amazon Comes in pack of 12
a wide range of behavior for a successful
human-robot interaction. FLEXI uses Makerbeam square bolts 57 $ 15.30 Amazon Comes in pack of 250
both non-verbal behaviors (i.e., eye gaze/ Electronics: Silicone Wire 1 $ 24.01 Amazon Comes w/25 feet of cable; max 2 feet will be used
blinking, emotionally evocative animations, Supplies
Surface Car Charger 1 $ 49.99 Amazon N/A
head tilt, leaning backward/forward), and
verbal behaviors (i.e., sounds and natural Car Charger Adapter 1 $ 5.25 Amazon N/A
language expression). Yellow Crimp Connectors 2 $ 24.98 Amazon Use 2 yellow butt splice crimp connectors (female/female)
Additional modalities are possible, such as Techflex Cable Sleeve 1 $ 12.95 Amazon Use as much as needed to conceal wiring
speech recognition from the smartphone/ Electronics: Surface Tablet 1 $ 299.99 Microsoft Store May replace with Windows tablet of equivalent size
tablet. The multiple interaction modalities Components
and Cases Surface Case 1 $ 25.99 Amazon N/A
of FLEXI enable this social robot to interact
with different users, from children, to Pixel 3 XL Phone 1 $ 429.00 Backmarket Prices may vary; may replace w/ iOs or Android of equivalent size
teenagers, adults, and the elderly in a broad Pixel 3 XL Case 1 $ 11.99 Amazon N/A
range of human-robot interaction scenarios.
TOTAL COST $2,330.21

GUIDELINES FOR BUILDING FLEXI Note: Time and difficulty level will vary depending on experience of the builder with robot hardware


Circular ring
Phone plate
Stand-off spacers
Motor B
Circular base Spacer
electronics board
Rubber feet
Dynamixel idler

Square Base
Slew Motor Mount
Lazy Susan 200MM Makerbeam
150MM Makerbeam
Motor plates
L bracket Hinges
150MM Makerbeam
6 Completed Flexi
200MM Makerbeam

2 Attach Dynamixel DIFFICULTY LEVEL


Dynamixel motor
4 Build Electronics DIFFICULTY LEVEL
Motor bracket Board SUGGESTED TIME 2 HOURS Phone
Follow wiring instructions for I’m FLE
electronic boards included in
the supplementary materials
Slew motor mount

Completed electronics board


FLEXI Software Soft Deployment
FLEXI’s software consists of an easy-to-use browser-based tools that integrates end-user We conducted a soft deployment of FLEXI across three application scenarios:
programming, implemented with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The robot software enables (i) community-support, mental health, and education. This was not a controlled
creating interactive content for a social robot, (ii) rendering such content on the robot, (iii) experimental study, but rather a usability study with the goal of assessing the
direct user control of the robot (commonly called ‘Wizard-of-Oz’, where a human called ‘wizard’ flexibility of FLEXI in three different HRI scenarios. The procedure for each
teleoperates the robot), (iv) programming the robot to autonomously interact with users. application case was similar: we provided general guidelines on how to use
The software is split into two parts. The back-end software runs on the robot side. It renders FLEXI and enabled the participants to explore the Kit. Participants used FLEXI
the robot’s face and belly screens, receives and executes robot actions (like ‘say’ or ‘setFace’), independently and with minimal support from the research team.
and captures user input and sensor data from the robot. All robot configuration data is stored
in the cloud. The back-end software retrieves all relevant information from the database and
sends back user input and sensor data to the database. The back-end does not run interaction
programs; rather, it serves like a reactive shell that continuously waits to receive action commands
and executes them when received. This results in a fully customizable software as the user not
only can choose from pre-defined options but also create new customized ones. These features
makes it easy to reuse and re-purpose ideas developed across different scenarios.
Software functionalities include a face editing tool that allows users to create social robot faces
from basic face elements like eyes and mouth. The software was completely developed by the
researchers of this project. The software of FLEXI is available in open-access in this weblink:

FLEXI Software Framework

FLEXI Interaction

Community Mental Educational
Robot Health Robot Robot
Robot that delivers inspiring Robot provides micro- Robot enables the training
messages to passengers. interventions to decrease of educational skills by
It lives outdoors in a public levels of stress and anxiety. repeating exercises with
space, such as a city park. It lives in libraries, schools, students. It lives in a school
This robot is meant to be or at home. This robot is or a summer camp. This
used by passengers of all meant to be used by the robot is meant to be used
ages, serving as an inclusive youth. by children.

A. FLEXI Applied To Community Support B. FLEXI Applied To Mental Health C. FLEXI Applied To Education
CONTEXT: We delivered FLEXI to a human-centered CONTEXT: FLEXI was used as a mental health tool CONTEXT: FLEXI was used as a learning tool to
design researcher at a university. The researcher to support well being routines of adolescents. We support the acquisition of educational content. We
programmed FLEXI to be a message delivery robot, delivered FLEXI to an interaction designer who delivered FLEXI to a middle school teacher who
whose role was to provide cheerful messages to works in museums for youth to create interactive teaches Chinese children to speak English. During
passengers in public spaces to promote an inclusive experiences using FLEXI. one full day, the teacher shared the robot with
community. During two days, one hour each day, INTERACTION: The designer conducted two groups of children in a school who customized the
FLEXI was displayed outdoors, and the researcher sessions with adolescents to collect requirements robot for a reading scenario.
collected feedback about the robot looks and feels. for the robot. In total, 19 adolescents participated INTERACTION: English language learners are
INTERACTION: The researcher created brief and in customizing the robot and their final designs are a vulnerable population that often does not
captivating interactions, such as having the robot shown in the Figure on the top. Adolescents could participate in classes for fear of being criticized
say: “There is a message for you. It says you are program the robot and build attachment pieces. for their English-speaking skills. In this scenario,
brave, bold, and beautiful.” Participants would To test their designs, they invited adolescents from the teacher asked students to create a listening
interact with the robot by opening a secret message the group to briefly interact with the robot and robot, and the results are shown in the Figure on
delivered by the robot. The robot also invited them improved their designs according to the feedback the top. Children decorate the robot and were
to write a message for the next person by giving received. Adolescents explored different rotations able to interact with it by telling the robot a story.
this option through the belly screen. and speeds of the robot’s motors to create complex The robot exhibited non-verbal behaviors of active
RESULTS: The researcher collected qualitative behaviors, e.g., the robot moves towards someone listening, e.g., tilting the head.
feedback from 10 pedestrians, which was used to greet them. RESULTS: In total, 22 children contributed their
to create a set of attachment pieces appropriate RESULTS: Adolescents created two types of mental designs. When we interviewed the teacher, they
for a community-support robot, as seen in the health robots: “Being Present”, and “Listening” mentioned how the robot empowered children
Figure on the top. We interviewed the researcher, robots. When we interviewed the designer, they since they were the ones deciding how it should
who reported high usability levels and noted how emphasized how the robot was an easy-to use look and behave, contrary to the dis-empowered
working with FLEXI expanded their creativity as a tool that each adolescent could customize to serve state they generally felt while learning.
content creator, allowing them to create a diverse their individual preference system.
set of robot behaviors and embodiments.

Fabrication Safeguards Limitations and Future Directions
Assembling FLEXI is a process that involves interacting with mechanical tools and machinery FLEXI is a flexible robot toolkit, easy to use across multidisciplinary teams, to
for which safety guards are required. To the best of our knowledge, no safety guidelines for learn, teach, and perform research on Human-Robot Interaction. Despite its many
personal fabrication have been formally established, and misuses have been considered qualities as a novel platform, there are limitations that we want to acknowledge.
users’ responsibility [60]. As such, we strongly advise FLEXI makers to build the robot under In its current version, FLEXI has limited sensing of the user, e.g., the user can
the supervision of experienced makers. interact with FLEXI through the iPad by clicking on buttons. In the future, we plan
on expanding the interaction capabilities of FLEXI by relying on microphones
FLEXI Kit Open-Access and cameras from the iPad and smartphone to provide the robot with additional
One of the major contributions of this work is to provide open-access to all the materials and sensing capabilities. FLEXI has demonstrated its potential across a variety of
documentation for fabricating, assembling, and operating FLEXI (Supplementary material case studies. However, we have not compared its performance with existing
for this submission is included in the Open Science Framework, accessible in the webpage: robot platforms, and we also have not studied how this platform performs in
https://osf.io/dbg6h/?view_only=51a4b157f8cd40aaa0be532e51dbd824). The software long-term HRI, which we intend to study in the future. Towards future work, we
for this robot is available in open access in GitHub: https://github.com/mayacakmak/ aim to conduct movement studies to document the effect that attachment pieces
emarsoftware/wiki. of different materials have on the robot’s range of motion and expressivity. After
The concept behind the FLEXI Robot Kit robot is not to be a prepared to kit to ship. Rather, this, we aim to conduct experimental studies to evaluate the effectiveness of a
we share the full list of hardware materials that can be purchased anywhere in the world, human-robot interaction using FLEXI.
alongside with the tutorial for FLEXI fabrication, to enable anyone interested in robotics
to create their own kit. Given the low-medium learning curve in fabricating and operating Reflection and Conclusion
FLEXI, creating this robot consist of an accessible entry-point to social robotics and STEM
The many social robots on the market have shortcomings. They do not allow
for easy customization since designing a robot’s appearance is challenging. The
We produced a conceptual unboxing video of FLEXI to inspire the future users of this design should be both aesthetically appealing and physically functional. We
robot: https://youtu.be/sUJE2NSXgbM connect the goal of customization and functionality with FLEXI, a social robot
embodiment kit. This robot can be customized for a range of use cases by easily
connecting attachment pieces. The kit is flexible, robust, affordable, and easy-to-
CUSTOM-MADE DESIGN FILES FOR FLEXI Files using: https://sendcutsend.com
Our main motivation with FLEXI was to challenge how social robots are now
Base ring DXF 4.7mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 1 designed, since at present they are a one-answer solution, instead of meeting
Mounting plate DXF 2.5mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 1
the needs of people with different tastes, cultures, and experiences. Since it is
hard to create a robot that in itself meets all needs, we propose a robot kit that
Neck bracket spacer DXF 2.5mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 4 can be adapted to every person and to every need by letting users themselves
Neck bracket distal DXF 2.5mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 2
customize it.

Neck bracket proximal DXF 2.5mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 2 Acknowledgments
Circular base DXF 4.7mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 1 We are grateful to Roberto Aimi and Guy Hoffman for their guidance, inspiration,
Phone Plate DXF 2.0mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 1 and work on FLEXI. We also thank all the participants involved in this study,
including Belinda Louie and Yufei Zhang. This work was supported with funding
Neck motor plate DXF 2.0mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 2 from the Innovation Gap Fund from CoMotion at the University of Washington
Slew motor bracket DXF 2.0mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 1 and by the NSF NRI: INT EMAR Project Award #1734100.

Torque tongue lazy DXF 2.0mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 1

Outer ring DXF 4.7mm CC BY 4.0 OSF website link 1

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