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Genetic Nomenclature Bacteria

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Genetic Nomenclature, Bacteria

S Maloy, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA

© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Glossary Phenotype The appearance or other observable

Allele Alternative forms of a gene. For example, the characteristics of an organism. The phenotype expressed
mutants putA601 and putA736 each have a different by an organism depends upon the particular forms of its
mutation in the putA gene. genes (e.g., its wild-type or mutant alleles) and the
Genotype A specific description of the genetic constitution environmental conditions.
of an organism. The genotype is defined by the allelic form Transposable element A transposon or insertion
of each gene in an organism, but for simplicity usually only sequence. An element that can insert in a variety of DNA
differences from the wild type are described. sequences.

Nomenclature When the precise DNA sequence change responsible for

the mutation is known, it can be substituted for the allele
Until the mid-1960s, there were no clear rules for naming genes number. For example, a change in position 257 of the putA
and mutants of bacteria. Many investigators assigned different gene product from alanine to leucine may be indicated
names to mutants with the same phenotype, which resulted in putAA257L. However, even when the DNA sequence of a
different names being applied to the same gene and the same mutation is known, a specific allele number is invaluable
name being applied to two different genes. To further confuse for tracking the history of a strain when maintaining large
the issues, different investigators would each assign allele num­ strain collections.
bers based upon the order of isolation in their own laboratory,
such that two very different alleles of the same gene might have
the exact same designation. To eliminate this confusion, a Phenotype
group of bacterial geneticists led by Demerec proposed a uni­
form nomenclature for bacterial genes, mutants, and To distinguish the phenotype of a strain from its genotype, the
phenotypes. This nomenclature was adopted by many journals phenotype is usually indicated with the same three-letter des­
and soon became the standard genetic nomenclature for bac­ ignation as the genotype but phenotypes start with capital
teria. As new genetic techniques have been developed, some letters and are not underlined. For example, strain TR251
modifications have been incorporated into the standard genetic [hisC527 cysA1349 supD] has a Cys+ His+ phenotype because
nomenclature to describe mutations such as transposon inser­ the supD mutation suppresses the amber mutations in both the
tions and fusions. The basic rules of bacterial genetic cysA and the hisC genes.
nomenclature are described below.

Transposon Insertions
Transposable elements can insert in known genes or in a site
Each gene is assigned a three-letter designation, usually an on the chromosome where no gene is yet known. When an
abbreviation for the pathway or the phenotype of mutants. insertion is in a known gene, the mutation is given a three-
When the genotype is indicated, the three-letter designation is letter designation, gene designation, and allele number as
written in lowercase and italicized. Different genes that affect described above, followed by a double colon, then the type
the same pathway are distinguished by a capital letter following of insertion element. For example, putA1005::Tn10 designates
the three-letter designation. For example, mutations affecting a particular insertion of the transposon Tn10 within the putA
purine biosynthesis are designated pur. The purA gene encodes gene.
the enzyme adenylosuccinate synthetase and the purB gene When a transposon insertion has been mapped but is not
encodes the enzyme adenylosuccinate lyase. within a known gene, it is named according to the map posi­
Each mutation in the pathway is consecutively assigned a tion of the insertion on the chromosome. Such insertions are
unique allele number. For example, purA56 refers to a particu­ named with a three-letter symbol starting with z. The second
lar pur mutation that affects the purA gene. In order to and third letters indicate the approximate map position in
distinguish different mutations that affect a related group of minutes: the second letter corresponds to 10-min intervals of
genes, no other pur mutation, regardless of the gene affected, the genetic map numbered clockwise from minute 0 (a = 0–9;
will be assigned the allele number 56. A separate series of allele b = 10–19; c = 20–29, etc.); the third letter corresponds to min­
numbers is used for each three-letter locus designation. The utes within any 10-min segment (a = 0; b = 1; c = 2; etc). For
entire genotype is italicized. (In the days before word proces­ example, a Tn10 insertion located near putA at 22 min on the
sing on computers, the genotype was underlined instead of Salmonella enterica chromosome is designated zcc::Tn10. Allele
italicized.) numbers are assigned sequentially to such insertions regardless

Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics, 2nd edition, Volume 3 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-374984-0.01048-2 269

270 Genetic Nomenclature, Bacteria

of the letters appearing in the second and third positions; other types of mutations, chromosome rearrangements should
therefore, if more refined mapping data suggest a new three- be designated with allele numbers.
letter symbol, the allele number of the insertion mutation is
retained. This nomenclature uses zaa (0 min) to zjj (99 min).
Insertion mutations on extrachromosomal elements are desig­
Strain Collections
nated with zz, followed by a letter denoting the element used.
For example, zzf is used for insertion mutations on an
The ease of rapidly accumulating a large number of mutants
F′ plasmid.
requires careful bookkeeping to avoid confusing one mutant
with another. Each mutant should be assigned a strain num­
ber. Strains in collections are usually named using a short
Chromosome Rearrangements string of letters designating by the laboratory where the
mutant was isolated with a serial numbering of the strains
Common types of chromosome rearrangements include dele­ in the collection. For example, John Roth’s collection of
tions (designated Del), duplications (designated Dup), and Salmonella enterica strains that carry transposon insertions is
inversions (designated Inv). Chromosome rearrangements are designated TT.
indicated by the type of rearrangement followed by a paren­
thetic designation of the endpoints of the rearrangement. For See also: Allele Specificity; Genotype.
example, a deletion within the putA gene is simply indicated
Del(putA), and a duplication between the pyrD and pyrC genes
would be indicated Dup(pyrD-pyrC). When a chromosome
Further Reading
rearrangement is held by a selectable genetic element such as
a transposon, the position of the transposon is indicated. For
Demerec M, Adelberg EA, Clark AJ, and Hartman PE (1966) A proposal for a uniform
example, Dup (trp-248*MudP*hisD9953) describes a duplica­ nomenclature in bacterial genetics. Genetics 54(1): 61–67.
tion between a particular site in trp and a particular site in the Hughes K and Maloy S (2007) Strain collections, genetic nomenclature. Methods in
hisD gene with a MudP insertion at the join point. Similar to Enzymology 421: 3–10.

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