Solutions eRAD-PACS
Solutions eRAD-PACS
Solutions eRAD-PACS
The eRAD PACS Viewer provides secure, web-based image viewing. “Columbia was interested in eRAD’s tech-
nology for many reasons. Easy, web-based
Put the power of eRAD PACS in anyone’s hands—referring physicians,
access for both reading and referring physi-
surgeons, diagnosticians, remote staff—for secure collaboration from cians was a prerequisite. It was clear eRAD
any web-accessible PC. excelled in this area, but as we investigated
their solution, we were impressed with
Images and reports are downloaded from the server, and radiologists need little training to view innovative features like Mask Subtraction,
multiple modalities in layouts that suit them. The user-friendly viewer offers a consistent user which enables us to do Digital Subtraction
interface and tool set whether used inside the imaging facility or across the Internet. Angiography.”
Carole Ann Norman
eRAD PACS Viewer provides full image rendering capabilities; advanced imaging tools, including Practice Manager
Columbia Nephrology
MPR, image fusion and mask subtraction; and tools for diagnostic interpretation, including report Columbia, South Carolina
dictation, transcription and speech recognition. Preserve the presentation state after annotating,
sizing and positioning clinically significant images. eRAD PACS Viewer provides a common interface
and toolset from PC workstations and CDs distributed to referring physicians. Portable profiles
The user’s defined GUI preferences follow
the user to any workstation or device.
Diagnostic tools
nywhere access with roaming profiles
eRAD PACS Viewer supports mammography
eRAD PACS enables roaming profiles, so users access their profiles at login from anywhere.
CAD, digital mask subtraction, multi-planar
That consistency cuts training time and increases acceptance.
reconstruction, presentation states,
▶ E mbedded reporting PET/CT fusion with MIP and SUV,
Report dictation, transcription and speech recognition are embedded directly in the PACS
cross-reference locating, orthogonal
Viewer, bypassing the need for an expensive standalone reporting system. Reports can be
image inserts, dynamic and regional
sent to a RIS or archived with the images.
zoom, spine labeling, Cobb angle and
other annotation tools.
ammography optimization
▶M Flexible Hanging Protocols
The eRAD PACS Viewer provides multi-step hanging protocols for fast views, custom keypad
Protocols can be customized and “trained”
support and other tools for mammography-specific workflows.
for each user.
▶ S elf-installing download Embedded dictation
eRAD PACS Viewer is a self-installing, self-updating, Windows-native diagnostic viewer with an Reporting can be handled within the PACS
array of diagnostic tools, including MPR, MIP, digital mask subtraction, full annotation and more. workflow, using digital dictation, templates
and speech recognition.
▶ C ustomizable shortcuts
Map features—like W/L, line measurements, ROI—to any keyboard shortcut you prefer, or
map mouse actions or your x-keys box. Quickly access tools you use most often with custom
right-click menus.
eRAD PACS Viewer
The power and flexibility of the eRAD PACS Viewer is driven by these technology features: “We evaluated eRAD and were impressed
by the comprehensive workflow solu-
Self-installing download Speech Recognition
tion capabilities. It wasn’t any one thing
eRAD PACS Viewer is a self-installing, self-updat- eRAD PACS Viewer supports embedded speech
ing, Windows-native diagnostic viewer. recognition. Display a dictated report in re- in particular that set them apart from
al-time in the report panel, use speech-driven the other vendors we looked at but it
Consistent Viewer Workspace macros and access your cloud-stored profile was that they did them all and did them
eRAD PACS Viewer provides a single viewer for from anywhere. The eRAD PACS Viewer also well that captured our attention. This,
use in diagnostic, clinical, web and referring supports several other commercial speech rec- together with a price point that was
physician environments. The viewer downloads ognition solutions, seamlessly integrating their affordable for a multisite outpatient
the user’s personal profile and tool set from the feature sets. setting like ours, made eRAD an easy
central server and applies it to the user’s current choice.”
workstation. The familiar user interface reduces Digital Mammography Tools Tony Medeiros
training time and increases user acceptance. eRAD PACS Viewer provides mammography Operations Manager
Prima CARE, P.C.
tools which include synchronized panning Fall River, Massachusetts
Integrated Reporting and zooming, mirrored-image mode, support
Dictate reports or select customized for CAD objects, BI-RADS® support in reports, “The eRAD solution is a good fit for our
canned reports from within the eRAD PACS mammography-specific hanging protocols and target market. eRAD’s web-based
Viewer, using the embedded, web-based dic- hanging protocol sets. It also supports multiple, application, flexibility and ease of cus-
tation/transcription report editor. Transcription mixed resolution monitors, including mammog- tomization is ideal for the customer that
and approval tools are included. Reports can be raphy monitors. performs 3000 or 75,000 procedures
sent to a RIS or archived with the images. annually. I am pleased to add eRAD to
our product portfolio.”
Greg McCray
Vice President Sales and Marketing
Medical Application Specialists
Oak Brook, Illinois
Mammography images may only be interpreted in eRAD PACS Viewer when using a monitor that meets technical
specifications reviewed and accepted by the FDA.
201 Brookfield Parkway 864-234-7430
Suite 160
Greenville, SC 29607 © eRAD, Inc. | November 2017