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Abstract-Information technology is currently growing starting from central and regional agencies should have
very rapidly. Almost all agencies take advantage of the governance as a benchmark of IT management and services.
role of information technology. In the X agencies engaged Agency X makes information technology a goal to be
in the social field of information technology as a goal that achieved. In agency X, information technology is developing
must be achieved. In order to create good government, an very rapidly under the planning field. Field planning as a field
agency must be supported by good IT governance in order that invests and manages IT services in agency X. In agency
that information technology and business objectives are X, the management of IT services has not been implemented
aligned and have added value for the agency. This study and well documented. Institution X also does not have IT
aims to measure the governance of IT services. This governance so it is not known whether IT investment has
research is done because the agency X is now using IT added value or not. Information technology management is
services. The existence of good policies and procedures on not maximal because there is no fixed standard. Currently, the
the insight X can create a good service as well. This study use of information technology services in agency X is not
uses the ITIL v3 framework that focuses on Service maximized. This is because the existing fields in agency X
Operation domain. The ITIL framework is an IT services require a governance for IT services to be structured and
management guide. Measurement of maturity level using systematic. Good IT governance will be a reference in
COBIT. The level of maturity in this governance audit is providing good and quality IT services. The use of IT services
at level 3. Recommendations are given to achieve the can serve as service providers that are aligned with the
expected targets within the ITIL framework. organization's goals. The existence of IT governance in an
agency is certainly expected to ensure that IT services can
Keyword- Audit, ITIL V3, COBIT, IT Services help achieve agency goals.
The governance designed in this study is based on IT
Service Management (ITSM). ITSM is a process to align IT
service delivery with business needs. In this study using the
Information technology is now experiencing rapid growth. framework of ITIL or Information Technology Infrastructure
This is evidenced by the number of agencies and companies Technology Library. ITIL is a framework with a set of best
that utilize the role of information technology. Almost all practice IT governance services. The ITIL framework is used
government agencies that invest in information technology to because agency X is a social institution that provides services.
achieve the goals to be achieved. Utilization of information The ITIL framework aims to improve the effectiveness and
technology in government agencies must also be considered so efficiency of IT services, improve the quality of IT services.
as to achieve the desired goal with the maximum. Attention Selection of the ITIL framework is based on previous
can be how the management of risk and effectiveness and research related to IT service management. IT governance
efficiency of resources. research in agency X using the ITIL framework focuses on
Information technology governance is part of corporate Service Provider domains. Domain Service Operation is a
governance where stakeholders have responsibility for domain that contains guides to serve the operations of IT
aligning the organization's business objectives with IT service management.
objectives, IT controls so as to achieve company objectives The formulation of the problem of this research is how the
and controlling and mechanisms for maintaining IT assets (De management capabilities of IT services in agency X and how
Haes & Van Grembergen, 2004). The Ministry of the governance of IT service management in agency X using
Communications and Information Technology has established the framework guidelines ITIL v3 which focuses on the
IT governance in MoCI Regulation No. 41 of 2007 on General domain Service Operation.
Guidelines of National Information Technology Governance
to realize good and responsible governance. Therefore,
2) Audit Design
To create a good IT plan required a COBIT mapping of
the ITIL framework in the Service Operation domain. Here is
an audit plan on the domain Service Operation.
Table 3. Domains and Sub Domains
Domain/Sub Code
Service Operation 1
Event Management Process 1.1
Incident Management 1.2
Request Management 1.3
In Table 3 it is explained that the Service domain has seven In Table 5 it is seen that there is a gap in each sub domain
sub domains that will be used as reference in the Service Operation. The existence of the gap so that the
implementation of the audit. Seven sub domains ie Event necessary recommendations for improvement to achieve the
Management Process, Incident Management, Request expected target. In Figure 3 there is an illustration of current
Management, Access Management, Problem Management, and expected maturity levels.
Application Management and IT Management.
organization at this stage has IT processes that are standardized Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Jurnal Informatika UPGRIS Vol 1
within the overall organization. This means that there is a No 2, 2015.
standard IT process that applies throughout the organization. [19] Silitonga, Tumpal Paradonga dan Achmad Halil Nor Ali. 2010.
Sistem Manajemen Insiden pada Program Manajemen Service
desk dan Dukungan TI berdasarkan Framework ITIL v3. Institut
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