Teachers' AI Digital Competencies and Twenty First Century Skills in The Post Pandemic World
Teachers' AI Digital Competencies and Twenty First Century Skills in The Post Pandemic World
Teachers' AI Digital Competencies and Twenty First Century Skills in The Post Pandemic World
Davy Tsz Kit Ng1 · Jac Ka Lok Leung2 · Jiahong Su1 · Ross Chi Wui Ng1 ·
Samuel Kai Wah Chu1
The pandemic has catalyzed a significant shift to online/blended teaching and learn-
ing where teachers apply emerging technologies to enhance their students’ learning out-
comes. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has gained its popularity in online learning
environments during the pandemic to assist students’ learning. However, many of these
AI tools are new to teachers. They may not have rich technical knowledge to use AI edu-
cational applications to facilitate their teaching, not to mention developing students’ AI
digital capabilities. As such, there is a growing need for teachers to equip themselves with
adequate digital competencies so as to use and teach AI in their teaching environments.
There are few existing frameworks informing teachers of necessary AI competencies. This
study first explores the opportunities and challenges of employing AI systems and how
they can enhance teaching, learning and assessment. Then, aligning with generic digital
competency frameworks, the DigCompEdu framework and P21’s framework for twenty-
first century learning were adapted and revised to accommodate AI technologies. Recom-
mendations are proposed to support educators and researchers to promote AI education in
their classrooms and academia.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant shift to online/blended teaching and
learning that educators tried to incorporate new technologies in their classrooms (Ng
et al., 2020; Sartika et al., 2021; Whalley et al., 2021). Among these, artificial intelligence
in education (AIED) technology has gained its popularity during the pandemic. Stud-
ies have started discussions on how AI reshapes education to reduce teachers’ workload
138 D. T. K. Ng et al.
by automating some non-teaching related tasks, enhancing data analysis and optimizing
online teaching (Kexin et al., 2020). AIED has traditionally referred to intelligent tutors
that help automate students’ learning and track their progress so that teachers can offer
personalized assistance. More recently, AI-driven tools have become more teacher-focused
and help teachers identify effective pedagogies based on students’ learning data, automate
operational tasks, generate assessments, automate grading and feedback which greatly save
teachers’ time and enhance efficiencies (Chaudhry & Kazim et al., 2022). Some studies
argued that AI technology can effectively promote students’ personalized learning (Ahmad
et al., 2022), advance their knowledge acquisition and motivate students’ learning using
intelligent agents (Chen et al., 2020a, 2020b; Hwang et al., 2020). However, without
addressing the issue of teachers’ roles and competencies, the claimed benefits could be
questionable. Therefore, it is important to consider how teachers’ competencies change in
an AI context (Markauskaite et al., 2022).
A major part of teachers’ responsibilities is to create meaningful learning environments
to deepen students’ learning experiences and boost their capacities. However, teachers may
not be digitally ready to use AI-driven educational applications for teaching and learning
purposes (e.g., Ally, 2019; Seo et al., 2021). They may lack technological experience to
conduct data analysis, or to set rules to automatically generate assignments and feedback
for students via AI-driven tools (Seo et al., 2021). Challenges such as AI-based misunder-
standing, misleadingness, limitations, and hidden ethical issues behind different platforms
have been identified (Akgun & Greenhow, 2021; Sijing & Lan, 2018). There is a broad
consensus that teacher education is an important factor influencing student achievement
which could lead to higher social and economic expectations (OECD, 2005). Instructional
and theoretical frameworks are useful to set as a reference for teachers to identify necessary
AI competencies to facilitate their teaching (Chiu, 2021; Ng et al., 2022a).
Although recent research effort has been put to address the need of fostering students’
AI competencies (e.g., Kong et al., 2021; Ng et al., 2021a, b; Xia et al., 2022), rarely do
studies reveal what digital competencies teachers need to become ready in an AI-driven
learning environment. The pandemic has led to an unprecedented use of technology for
education. It has also turned a crisis into an opportunity, and catalyzed a shift to AI-driven
digital teaching/learning (Green et al., 2020; Moorhouse, 2020). AI has become one of the
most essential and popular technologies adopted by university educators to process and
analyze big data for distant learners (Aljarrah et al., 2021; European Commission, 2022).
To develop teachers’ competencies to adapt AI-driven teaching and learning tools and
approaches, educators need to timely update their skills and knowledge so as to create suit-
able learning environments for their students (Williamson & Eynon, 2020).
This conceptual paper uses research examples as evidence to identify what types of
AI competencies should be emphasized from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.
First, it is important for educators to be aware of the opportunities and challenges when
employing AIED technology (European Commission, 2022). Therefore, this article first
explores the opportunities and challenges associated with AIED technology and identifies
needs related to AI competencies. Second, the identified AI competencies are synthesized
for better alignment with existing competence frameworks. In doing so, the new proposed
framework could bring significant value to teachers by equipping themselves with neces-
sary AI competencies so as to facilitate better teaching, learning and assessments in the
post-pandemic context.
This paper will guide readers through the conceptualization, integration, and applica-
tions of the DigCompEdu framework, and revise P21’s framework for twenty-first cen-
tury learning to accommodate AI technologies. This article extends the proposal of
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 139
Due to the Great Online Transition (GOT), instructors have tried to respond to the pan-
demic and make changes in response to the global remote and online teaching (Howard
et al., 2022). Among digital technologies, the use of AIED technology for online learning
has become more popular than before to help educators to address teaching challenges such
as social isolation, heavy workload and students’ lack of motivation (Westera et al., 2020;
Zhu et al., 2020). During the pandemic, school administrators and teachers have been seek-
ing better alternatives to improve their teaching, enhance students’ interactions (Ahuja &
Nair, 2021; Kexin et al., 2020), and facilitate administration (Chen et al., 2020a, 2020b).
For example, intelligent tutoring systems propose automatic personalized suggestions and
tasks according to learners’ profiles (Cao et al., 2021; Kochmar et al., 2020). AI-driven
learning platforms record students’ behavior and interaction sequences for educators to fur-
ther analyze to understand their progress in their online learning (Tang et al., 2021), and
recommend personalized learning resources for students (Whalley et al., 2021).
These benefits could facilitate teachers to address various online teaching challenges
(e.g., learning diversity, motivation problem, social interaction) during the pandemic. AI
technologies provide students with learning opportunities that facilitate teachers and stu-
dents with interactive, personalized and just-in-time feedback (Dizon, 2017). AIED tech-
nology helps cater for different learners’ needs on a case-by-case basis, addresses their
needs during the online lessons (Chiu, 2021), and supports learners to overcome their
learning disabilities and accommodate their learning styles (Ouherrou et al., 2019).
Overall, the rapid shift to online education during the COVID-19 pandemic has accel-
erated the incorporation of AI technologies into education systems around the world
(Hwang et al., 2022). AIED applications offer effective support for teachers and students
to facilitate their teaching and learning in different subject areas (e.g., language, medical
education) (Ahuja & Nair, 2021; Liang et al., 2021). The way how educators teach and how
students learn has been dramatically influenced by AI technologies to enhance students’
learning outcomes, achievements and attitudes in the post-pandemic world.
For many teachers, it may be their first time to use AIED technologies for teaching.
They may not have rich experience of using AIED technologies to teach, and they face
various challenges such as technological difficulties, communication and collaboration
problems when using these novel-to-teacher technologies (Kim et al., 2022). Teachers who
are more capable of using AI-driven technologies tend to adapt more towards the digital
transformation, and facilitate their teaching and administrative work (Huang, 2021).
To support educators with such digital transformation, it is necessary to understand
what challenges they face when using AIED technologies so as to prepare them with ade-
quate digital competencies to overcome these difficulties. They need to choose suitable AI-
driven tools to connect their subject knowledge, and facilitate their teaching and classroom
management. For example, voice-driven AI such as Siri is a good choice to teach language
and lifelike interactional skills. Online examination software with facial recognition is
applied to conduct tests and examinations in a fair way and reduce plagiarism issues in
140 D. T. K. Ng et al.
online learning settings (Pandey et al., 2020). These technologies provide great potential
for online educators to address their teaching challenges. However, they may be novel to
educators, and not all of them are familiar with these technologies, which require teachers’
technological knowledge and skills. Since AI brings opportunities to online teaching, there
is a need to update teachers’ digital competency to facilitate their teaching and work (Ng
et al., 2022b; Zhang & Aslan, 2021).
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 141
Teachers may not be familiar with these novel technologies to facilitate their teaching in
terms of technical and other broader aspects (e.g., communication, collaboration, multidis-
ciplinary skills). When designing an AI-driven learning environment, teachers may face a
number of challenges such as technical difficulties in enabling students to use AI applica-
tions and compile algorithms (Vazhayil et al., 2019), as well as insufficient funding, imma-
ture AI curricula, lack of tools or evaluation methods (Ng et al., 2022c).
First, AI-driven platforms offer a new way of creation and delivery of instructional con-
tent (Ratten, 2020). Teachers are now challenged by digital transformation to meet new
requirements that have not been part of the traditional repertoire of expectations for effec-
tive teaching during their professional teacher training. They feel challenged when meet-
ing complex demands and new trends (e.g., online learning, AI education) in their class-
rooms. In the previous section, AI was found to facilitate teaching and administrative work;
however, it turns out that teachers need to get rid of various technical problems and need
additional time and resources to adapt to these AI technologies (e.g., Hwang et al., 2020;
Luan et al., 2020). Teachers may not get ready with technological knowledge and skills
that are essential for such digital transformation. Studies found that technical difficulties
could seriously reduce the quality of teachers’ delivery of content, instructional design, and
assessments (e.g., Seo et al., 2021; Torda, 2020). To ensure well-qualified teachers in AI-
enhanced classroom, studies suggested that teachers would need to equip themselves with
AI-related technological skills to facilitate students’ knowledge acquisition and expression
(Healy & Blade, 2020), and interact with learners using AI technologies (e.g., chatbots,
automatic feedback) (Guerrero-Roldan et al., 2021; Whitelock-Wainwright et al., 2021).
142 D. T. K. Ng et al.
AI competencies
The term ‘digital competencies’ refers to a set of skills that everyone needs to live, learn
and work in a society where people need to communicate and access relevant information
through digital technologies such as internet platforms, social media and mobile devices
(Falloon, 2020; Ng et al., 2021a, 2021b; Ng, 2012). In recent years, AI technologies such
as robotics, chatbots, and smart devices have become common in our daily life. However,
people may not understand the technologies, principles and ethical concerns behind (Ng
et al., 2021a, 2021b). With more age-appropriate technologies, educators begin to design
meaningful curriculum and pedagogy to develop students’ related knowledge, skills and
attitude to facilitate their learning, living and working (Su et al., 2022). AI competency has
become one of the important twenty-first century technological skills nowadays. With AI
competencies, people can critically evaluate AI technologies, communicate and collaborate
effectively with AI, and use AI as a tool online, at home, and in the workplace (Long &
Magerko, 2020).
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 143
Recent studies and reports have proposed important digital competencies to guide what
abilities and skills people should gain. The Five Big Ideas in AI serve as a K–12 educa-
tion framework to articulate what all K-12 should learn about AI in terms of four founda-
tional concepts (perceptions, representations, reasoning, learning, natural interaction and
societal impact) (Touretzky et al., 2019a, 2019b). Long and Magerko (2020) proposed 16
competencies that people should learn: recognizing AI, understanding AI, interdisciplinary
skills, distinguishing general and narrow AI, identifying strengths and weaknesses of AI,
imagining future applications of AI and their societal impacts, knowledge representations,
decision making, understanding machine learning, recognizing the roles of human in AI,
data competency, learning from data, critically interpreting data, higher-level reasoning
of AI, sensors, and ethical concerns behind. The two proposed sets of competencies form
the basis of what AI competencies students should learn, such that educators can design
instructions and assessments around these competencies. Taking a step further, Ng et al.
(2021b) categorized the necessary AI competencies into four cognition domains (i.e., know
and understand; use and apply; evaluate and create; and ethical issues) to foster students’
AI knowledge from low to high thinking skills, inspired by Bloom’s Taxonomy. For exam-
ple, “recognizing and understanding AI” suggested by Long and Magerko (2020) was cat-
egorized to the level of “know and understand”; “critically interpreting data” would be
related to the level of “evaluate and create”; while societal impacts” by Touretzky et al.,
(2019a, 2019b) was grouped into “ethical issues”. This model helps teachers understand
what AI competencies that students need and develop models of learning to implement
meaningful instructional design and pedagogies to enhance students’ learning outcomes.
144 D. T. K. Ng et al.
and assessments to empower learners (Vazhayil et al., 2019). This is consistent with Ng
et al. (2021b)’s review that revises the Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge
(TPACK) framework to inform teachers’ competencies and understanding of how AI can
design their teaching and learning. The TPACK framework has been adopted in research
of teachers’ technology integration and offers a nuanced perspective on teachers’ digital
competencies via multiple types of knowledge (Koehler et al., 2013; Scherer et al., 2023).
Content knowledge describes teachers’ own knowledge of the subject matter. Pedagogical
Knowledge describes teachers’ knowledge of their teaching and learning practices, pro-
cesses, and approaches. Technological Knowledge describes teachers’ knowledge of, and
ability to use, various technologies, technological tools, and digital resources (Falloon,
Educators play a leading role in realizing the potential benefits of using AI in education.
It is important that teachers and school leaders are aware of and appreciate the opportu-
nities and challenges of employing AI systems mentioned in previous sections, and how
they can enhance teaching, learning and assessment. To develop teachers’ AI competen-
cies, the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) is
complemented in Section “DigCompEdu framework”, and revised and adapted the P21’s
frameworks for twenty-first century learning in Section “P21’s framework for 21st century
DigCompEdu framework
As teachers face rapidly changing demands, educators need to acquire a more sophisticated
set of competencies than before (European Commission, 2022), especially when using dig-
ital technologies to help students become digitally competent. The DigCompEdu offers a
sound framework that provides a guideline for educators to help educators implement tools
and design their learning programs. It is an educator-specific competency framework that
defines and describes teachers’ key competencies, and proficiency levels which provide
a general reference to support the development of educator-specific digital competencies
(Caena & Redecker, 2019). This model includes a wide range of components organized
within six major areas: (1) professional engagement, (2) digital resources, (3) teaching and
learning, (4) assessment, (5) empowering learners, (6) facilitating learners’ digital compe-
tency (European Commission, 2022) (see Fig. 1).
Professional engagement
Teachers’ digital competency is important for enhancing teaching and facilitating their pro-
fessional interactions with colleagues, learners, parents and other parties (Redecker, 2017).
With digital affordances of AI technologies, teachers should consider different AI-driven
tools and systems to help them develop and improve organizational communication strat-
egies. AI could enhance organizational communication with other teachers, and enable
teachers to share and exchange knowledge, teaching experiences and pedagogies (Bryant
et al., 2020; Elnaggar & Arelhi, 2021).
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 145
Digital resources
Educators are currently confronted with a wealth of AI-driven learning resources they can
use for teaching (e.g., Archambault et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2021). First, AI can support
teachers to manage teaching resources, facilitate their teaching, as well as source, create
and share resources to fit learning goals, needs and teaching style (Archambault et al.,
2022). For example, AI recommendation engines can support teachers to recommend spe-
cific learning activities and resources based on students’ preferences, progress and needs
(Klašnja-Milićević et al., 2015). Moreover, there are many free and open-source learning
resources and tools online (e.g., Code.org, Teachable Machine, Microsoft AI900 learning
resources) (Ng & Chu, 2021). Teachers should identify, select, modify and build on these
existing AI resources and technologies for teaching and learning. They need to think about
how to incorporate these resources according to different specific learning goals, learning
environment, pedagogy, and learner group, when designing digital resources and planning
their use.
When discussing how digital technologies can help teaching and learning, the DigCom-
pEdu suggests four major elements, namely (1) teaching, (2) guidance, (3) collaborative
learning, and (4) self-regulated learning (Vazhayil et al., 2019). It is believed the combina-
tion of these elements can prepare educators for getting ready for AI teaching and learning.
First, to plan for and implement digital technologies in the teaching process, teachers
need to manage and design their interventions and develop pedagogical approaches wisely
(Leung et al., 2021). With various AI technologies to support instruction, teachers need
to restructure the lessons, activities and learning content to best support learning objec-
tives. Among the pedagogical approaches, Ng et al. (2022c) suggested that collaborative
146 D. T. K. Ng et al.
learning, project-based learning and learning with game elements for secondary students
were the top three effective approaches to facilitate students to solve authentic problems.
Second, to offer timely and targeted guidance and assistance, AI helps teachers to respond
promptly to learners’ questions and doubts. For example, intelligent agents and chatbots
could provide personalized learning through the use of natural language processing to offer
students timely guidance and feedback (Tisdell, 2018; Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019).
Third, collaborative learning is important for students to solve problems, complete tasks
or create products with joint effort (Linden et al., 2000). Nowadays, AI technologies should
help teachers to foster and enhance students’ collaboration, communication, and knowl-
edge co-construction. Zheng et al. (2019) adopted a machine learning classification to
understand students’ contributions and comment patterns on a virtual learning environment
to support students’ collaborative learning in STEM education. Fourth, recent research
has drawn attention to how AI technologies permit more adaptive support and guidance
for learners. These adaptive systems help students develop self-regulated learning which
refers to a set of learning abilities (e.g., goal setting, self-monitoring, self-instruction, self-
reinforcement) for students to understand and control their learning environment (Panadero
et al., 2017). AI can support self-regulated learning processes; for example, by enabling
learners to plan, monitor and reflect on their own learning, and making learning progress
(Kay & Kummerfeld, 2019). Online learning platforms offer a mechanism and interfaces
that enable learners to scrutinize and control their learning data and models, and support
their meta-cognitive processes (Kay & Kummerfeld, 2019).
When integrating AI technologies with assessment practices, teachers need to consider how
AI can enhance existing assessment strategies. AI can support teachers in creating innova-
tive assessment approaches (Chassignol et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2020a, 2020b). For exam-
ple, AI-driven writing assistants can evaluate and grade students’ written work automati-
cally, and identify features such as word usage, grammar and sentence structures to grade
and provide feedback (Ramesh & Sanampudi, 2021). Chatbots can serve as virtual teacher
assistants to ask students questions with simple instruction and provide students with direc-
tions with a range of questions (Smutny & Schreiberova, 2020). AI can help teachers to
understand learners’ learning behavior by analyzing and interpreting data generated from
AI systems. This helps teachers make better decisions and refine their learning interven-
tions. For example, AI-driven learning analytics dashboard applications are applied to vis-
ualize learning patterns such as utilization, satisfaction and learning achievement (Verbert
et al., 2013), and identify the feedback from students and teachers (Sedrakyan et al., 2020).
Overall, teachers should learn how to utilize various types of AI technologies to direct
monitoring learner progress, facilitate provision of feedback and allow themselves to assess
and adapt their teaching strategies.
Empowering learners
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 147
progress and academic interests (Ouyang & Jiao, 2021). It addresses students’ diverse
learning needs, by allowing them to advance at different levels and speeds and follow
their learning pathways. Second, it can help reduce learners’ gap due to inequality issues,
promote and ensure accessibility for all learners, including those with special educational
needs. AI can help ensure accessibility to learning resources and activities. For example,
NWEA (a Microsoft project) makes mathematics assessment more accessible for stu-
dents with vision disabilities, which can exclude students from higher-level STEM careers
(Microsoft, 2022). Other examples remove accessibility barriers through image and facial
recognition for students with visual impairment, lip-reading recognition for students with
hearing impairment, and real-time captioning and translations for students with hearing
impairment and those who do not speak the language (Martinez, 2022).
Educators enable learners to creatively and responsibly use AI technologies for informa-
tion, communication, content creation and problem solving. The DigCompEdu framework
proposes that educators need to equip themselves with five competencies: (1) information
and media literacy skills, (2) digital communication and collaboration, (3) digital content
creation, (4) responsible use of AI, and (5) digital problem solving.
First, information and media literacy skills are important for educators who need to
incorporate AI into learning activities and assessments to fulfill students’ information
needs (e.g., find resources in AI-driven environments; organize, analyze and interpret
information using AI). Second, educators need to enable students to effectively use AI for
communication and collaboration. When students want to share their files publicly online,
teachers need to be aware that the materials can be used to train AI on social media plat-
forms (e.g., family photos, comments), which may lead to privacy issues (Westerlund,
2019). Third, AI can automatically create digital content (e.g., texts, news, essays, images)
using existing digital content as its source (Salminen et al., 2019). The AI-generated con-
tent may be indistinguishable from human creations. Educators should incorporate learning
activities and assessments for students to create content through creative writing (Clark
et al., 2018), music composition (Lopez-Rincon et al., 2018) and stylising painting (Hertz-
mann, 2018). Third, it is important for teachers to be aware of the ethical concerns behind
AI systems. Teachers need to take measures to ensure students’ psychological and social
well-being (e.g., self-image, self-efficacy) while using AI technologies. They need to rec-
ognize potential risks, ethical and safety concerns when using AI technologies for teaching,
learning and assessment. They also need to remind their students of these issues. Recent
ethical guidelines have been published to advise educators to pay attention to the ethical
use of AI and data in teaching, learning, and assessment (European Commission, 2022;
Holmes et al., 2022). Finally, AI can facilitate teachers’ work and enable them to solve
teaching problems, and empower learners to be creative problem solvers (European Com-
mision, 2022). Teachers need to enhance their pedagogical and technological competencies
to design appropriate learning environments for students to solve authentic problems using
AI with their classmates.
148 D. T. K. Ng et al.
This section investigates what teacher competencies are desired for effective online teach-
ing with AI technology using the P21’s framework for twenty-first century learning. Based
on the model, four key competencies that teachers have been summarized. The key compe-
tencies of teachers should not only focus on acquisition of basic AI knowledge and skills,
but also cultivation of the qualities necessary for the teacher’s adaptation to, survival in and
control over future society as well as teachers’ lifelong professional development.
The P21’s framework for twenty-first century learning is famous for educators and busi-
ness leaders to illustrate the knowledge and skills that they need to succeed in working,
learning and living (National Research Council, 2012; Ng et al., 2022a). The framework
is useful for teachers to establish effective learning standards and assessments, curriculum
and instruction, professional development and learning environments. This paper does not
focus on the digital competency of technological/ computer science knowledge. Instead,
it aims to focus on broader digital competencies (e.g., instructional communication, col-
laboration) that support teachers to conduct online teaching using AI technologies. From
this perspective, teachers should not be limited to knowing and using AI applications
for empowering their students and preparing related teaching resources. The framework
requires a further update on the other competencies about AI competency such as applying
knowledge to different disciplines, demonstrating creativity and life and career skills, and
communicating and collaborating with their students.
Mastering key subject areas, 3Rs (reading, writing, arithmetic), and twenty-first century
themes is essential for students to succeed in work and life (Kay & Greenhill, 2011). AI
technologies have been used in applications for learning in almost every discipline such
as language and arts (Liang et al., 2021), and STEM related areas (Zawacki-Richter et al.,
2019). This extends to twenty-first century themes including global awareness (Kong et al.,
2021), environmental, financial, civic, and health competency (Guerrero-Roldan et al.,
2021), as well as the 3R competency (i.e., reading, writing and arithmetic) (Kandlhofer
et al., 2016). Universities could educate the teacher workforce to integrate AI applications
throughout students’ lifecycle, to harness opportunities of using AI technologies in their
fields to empower their students, and be aware of ethical implications and risks (Zawacki-
Richter et al., 2019).
Teachers could use different AI tools (e.g., virtual laboratories, music pieces genera-
tion, chatbots) to enable students to express their subject (or even multidisciplinary) under-
standing and reach higher cognitive levels such as creativity, collaboration and commu-
nication. In this way, teachers have increased accessibility to empower their students to
express knowledge in multi/interdisciplinary themes and subjects such as music (Miranda,
2021) and language learning (Liang et al., 2021). In higher education, universities across
the globe have started to design AI learning programmes for students from diverse educa-
tional backgrounds (e.g., radiology, architecture majors) to develop their foundational AI
knowledge, and equip themselves with skills and mindset to solve authentic problems using
AI applications (Kong et al., 2021; Ng et al., 2022a, 2022b, 2022c, 2022d). Some courses
focus on algorithms and programming for science and engineering students who need to
learn underlying computer science concepts behind AI technologies (Long & Magerko,
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 149
Regarding the 3Rs, many AI technologies can help students to read, write and calcu-
late in their learning cycle. For example, AI-driven book recommendation systems could
suggest reading materials, practices and assignments according to learners’ reading habits
(Wu & Peng, 2017). When writing essays, students could use AI writing assistants and
content generators to paraphrase texts, reduce grammatical errors and become faster writ-
ers (Lin & Chang, 2020; Nazari et al., 2021). Moreover, some applications (e.g., Wolfram
Alpha, Symbolab) allow students to input photos of mathematical formulae to generate
steps to solve complex problems by clicking a button. Suitable tools could help students
solve problems and empower their learning. However, plagiarism problems may occur
especially when students use these applications to complete their assignments and exami-
nations (Francke & Alexander, 2019).
The skill sets include creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, com-
munication skills and collaboration (Van Laar et al., 2017). Recent studies have suggested
the use of AIED technologies to enhance learners’ learning and innovation skills, which
are essential to enhance their working and learning efficiency. Demchenko et al. (2021)
identified a digital transformation in legal education that teachers need to equip their stu-
dents with AI competencies. There is a need for law schools to innovate and form stronger
interdisciplinary collaboration with AI experts to enhance their effective professional and
everyday activities such as using AI-based tools to aid human judgement and identifying
algorithmic bias (Yang et al., 2022). In business education, AI has a wide range of use
in business to complete authentic tasks such as aggregating business data, managing cus-
tomer relationships and predicting future trends. Business educators need to update their
knowledge and enable students to integrate AI into their workplace and create a new user
experience for their clients (Uzialko, 2022; Williamson & Eynon, 2020). These knowl-
edge and skills are useful for teachers and students to become professionals/leaders in their
knowledge fields to implement complex cognitive and decision-making tasks, and adapt to
present scenarios.
Educators need to prepare themselves for becoming digital ready so that they will be able
to teach students related skills such as information, media, and ICT competencies (Gleason
& Von Gillern, 2018). Especially in recent years, teachers and students need to adapt to
digital transformation and develop related technological skills. In AI-driven classrooms,
teachers need to manipulate different AI-enhanced systems to design assessments, and
examine students’ performance using their historical and current data using the adaptive
learning system (Guerrero‑Roldán et al., 2021). In another study, teachers adopted an auto-
matic mode in an AI-driven service called IBM RXN to enable students to draw target
molecules, and generate chemical reactions and structure representations (Healy & Blade,
2020). Kostopoulos et al. (2021) introduced the use of an AI-driven system called DevOps
to equip smart city professionals and educators with adequate technological skills to visu-
alize urban innovation in an 11-week online course. These examples show that university
educators from different disciplines need to equip themselves with technological skills to
enable their students to express ideas, solve problems and manipulate AI-driven applica-
tions so that they will be ready to work in AI-driven environments.
150 D. T. K. Ng et al.
Life and career skills are important for preparing students for engaging as citizens in a
dynamic global community and facing different challenges and opportunities in the work-
place. Students need to develop a positive mindset, positive attitudes and other competen-
cies (e.g., flexibility, adaptability, self-direction, social skills, productivity, responsibility)
to navigate complex life and work environments (Van Laar et al., 2017). First, studies have
suggested that AI has the potential for transforming youth employment, and students need
to develop relevant skills to adapt to this change. For example, Singh et al. (2020) sug-
gested that AI profiling would move away from merely collecting information about formal
qualifications to a more holistic approach of capturing skills and life experiences. Educa-
tors need to upgrade their students to fit the future job market. Second, improving students’
self-efficacy and self-regulation is important when using AI-driven systems to support stu-
dents’ online learning since these systems seldom consist of a physical teacher to monitor
their learning (Guerrero‑Roldán et al., 2021). Third, Cetindamar et al. (2022) highlighted
four sets of workplace capabilities associated with AI: technological skills (e.g., data col-
lection, analytics, ethics, security), work-related skills (e.g., decision making, critical
thinking, teamwork), human–machine interaction (e.g., situation assessments, affordance
analysis, adaptive expertise), and learning-related capabilities (e.g., lifelong learning, self-
learning ability). Other studies have also highlighted the importance of life and career skills
such as problem-solving (Mohammed et al., 2021), emotional intelligence, judgment, ser-
vice orientation, negotiating and cognitive flexibility (Webber-Youngman, 2017), as well as
communication and teamwork skills (Seo et al., 2021) in the fourth industrial revolution.
Teachers can enable their students to become adaptive thinkers who equip themselves with
technological literacies to solve problems, think critically, lead their teammates and imple-
ment reflective practice (Li & Du, 2017). With these life and workplace skills, students
become more digitally ready to contribute to their fields and companies after graduation.
The four essential digital competencies inform how university policymakers design
their educational standards for their countries/regions and schools, and provide related pro-
fessional development for teachers. At the classroom level, teachers use them as guides to
design suitable curricula and instruction, and create positive learning environments. Edu-
cational standards could define what AI competencies are essential to possess for university
students. Such standards serve as a basis of educational reforms and digital transformation
across countries/regions. Nation-wide standards can identify necessary learning outcomes
such as enhancing student competitiveness, equipping students with futuristic skills, fulfill-
ing job demands in the AI industry, and raising children to become responsible citizens.
To implement the standards in classrooms, educators play an important role in making
decisions on what learning elements (e.g., assessments, curriculum, instruction) should
be included in the curriculum guide and learning environments. However, teachers may
not be familiar with novel technology. As such, professional development is important for
supporting educators to design appropriate learning activities that achieve teaching goals
and learning outcomes. In this way, universities, professional organizations and compa-
nies could offer the guidelines and standards to research and develop appropriate materials,
tools and platforms to support teachers and students via the standard-based AI education.
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 151
The pandemic has led to an unprecedented use of technology for education and training
purposes. Among technologies, AI has presented opportunities to improve the quality and
quantity of teaching, support the digitalisation of pedagogy, and inclusive remote learning,
as well as resolve different online learning problems such as social isolation and motivation
(Cao et al., 2021; Havenga, 2020). Online applications and systems such as search engines,
chatbots (Smutny & Schreiberova, 2020), smart assistants (Dizon, 2017), language trans-
lation, online games and simulations are now equipped with AI capabilities (Martinez,
2022). AI promotes new ways for students to learn and apply their knowledge. It helps
diagnose students’ learning problems and offer immediate assistance so as to meet learning
needs of individual learners. Moreover, data generated from these applications are helpful
for supporting students’ online behavior and providing feedback and recommendations to
facilitate personalized learning (Pereira et al., 2021). AI enables teachers to analyze stu-
dents’ behaviors, performance and characteristics. However, teachers may not be familiar
with these novel technologies. There is a need to timely discuss what digital competen-
cies are important for educators and school leaders to facilitate their teaching, learning and
assessment (European Commision, 2022).
According to Ng et al. (2021b)’s review, four cognition domains (i.e., know and under-
stand; use and apply; evaluate and create; and ethical issues) are proposed to support AI
competencies according to Bloom’s taxonomy. They further suggested the use of the
TPACK model to support how teachers develop appropriate pedagogies, content knowl-
edge and technologies for K-16 education (Ng et al., 2021a, 2022b). In this article, two
existing generic digital competency frameworks (i.e., DigCompEdu and P21’s framework)
are discussed to add values to Ng et al. (2021b)’s four cognition domains of AI competency
and their revised TPACK model to prepare teachers’ adequate AI competencies for their
Ng et al. (2021b) focused mainly on the four cognitive domains from knowing to cre-
ating AI, and AI ethics that help educators to choose their content in their curricula for
specific learning goals. The P21’s framework is consistent with these proposed aspects that
AI competency include technological skills, and other higher-order learning and innova-
tion skills (i.e., critical thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration). However,
it further adds other critical and non-technical competencies such as interdisciplinary abil-
ities, life and career skills to conceptualize AI competency. In fact, schools are seeking
teachers and students with developed skills such as self-regulation, learning to learn, self-
motivation, technological savvy, and time management (McGunagle & Zizka, 2020). Edu-
cators need to strengthen themselves and their students’ a wider set of twenty-first century
skills and abilities to become digitally competent, instead of merely obtaining technologi-
cal skills, and learning and innovation skills. Other career and soft skills such as project
management, leadership, professionalism are also important capabilities to facilitate their
teaching (Caena & Redecker, 2019). In other words, when considering Ng et al. (2021b)’s
four cognition domains and P21’s framework, a broader set of AI literacy skills are sug-
gested (e.g., socio-emotional, behavioral, cognitive learning, life and career aspects).
The DigCompEdu framework is wider in scope when considering educators’ AI compe-
tencies as knowledge, skills and attitudes, with the skill domain dominating over the knowl-
edge domain. However, the learning and teaching dimension in the DigCompEdu frame-
work is narrower in scope compared with the Ng et al. (2021b)’s revised TPACK model,
as it focuses more on the pedagogical dimension. It does not emphasize on the specificities
152 D. T. K. Ng et al.
and constraints of different subjects (i.e., the content knowledge), and technological knowl-
edge which DigCompEdu assumes the two elements are described in other guidelines such
as learning and teaching, digital resources and empowering learners (Caena & Redecker,
2019). However, DigCompEdu outlines more specific actions to foster teachers to develop
a high performing AI and online education. For example, teachers should learn the positive
and negative impacts of AI and data use in education, and understand the basics of AI and
learning analytics to enhance their professional engagement. Also, they need to know how
to design and choose appropriate digital resources, understand how AI works and use vari-
ous AI systems to implement their instructional design. After that, to empower students’
learning, addressing learners’ diverse learning needs is important. Teachers need to know
different ways personalized learning systems can adapt students’ behavior, and explain how
AI technologies can benefit all students, independent of their learning backgrounds. They
make adjustments related to pedagogy, content and technologies to meet learners’ needs
and learning goals. Therefore, it is important for teachers to equip themselves with neces-
sary TPACK knowledge and learn how pedagogies that underpin a given AI system. They
also need to know how the AI system addresses the learning goals and the ethical issues
behind. Finally, assessment is crucial to understand students’ learning progress using AI.
The assessment should take care of students’ different cognitive domains. Instead of merely
examining the basic understanding of AI, there is a need to examine higher levels of think-
ing skills such as collaboration, communication, and creativity. Overall, the DigCompEdu
framework proposes specific actions that support the TPACK model.
The three models provide guidelines from different perspectives that help teachers to
design instructional support and learning/teaching content to reach students’ learning goals
and empower their competencies. The suggested elements of the three models have the
potential to incorporate into a conceptual framework for future AI competency instruc-
tional design. The four key domains are illustrated as follows:
This article proposes a new framework by extending the existing versions of the two
frameworks (i.e., P21, DigCompEdu) and Ng et al. (2021b)’s model to include AI and
achieve the latest learning standards with regard to digital upskilling of the population.
The new framework suggests that AI competency should not merely include technologi-
cal related competency (e.g., attitudes, skills, knowledge). On top of it, it moves towards
a more holistic understanding that recognizes a non-technical, critical and complex com-
petency that young people need to learn to manipulate AI technologies ethically, safely
and wisely (Ng et al., 2022c; European Commission, 2022). Towards a broader picture,
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 153
Measures are suggested to promote AI digital skills by providing training programs, offer-
ing personal development paths, retraining specialists in different fields, and providing
grant support for educational projects (Demchenko et al., 2021). Studies have proposed that
educators should provide guidance that helps learners maintain long-term learning motiva-
tion, and improves their digital competencies to learn independently, thereby improving the
quality of learning and making learning a spontaneous behavior (Xu, 2021). Recommenda-
tions are suggested to help teachers develop their digital competencies:
154 D. T. K. Ng et al.
• Teachers should not merely focus on technological knowledge and skills. Instead, they
need to develop other important skill sets such as life and career skills, multidiscipli-
nary skills, learning and innovation skills, as well as ethical mindsets and risks.
• More digital competency frameworks should be proposed to inform the key competen-
cies for educators to establish effective learning standards and assessments, curriculum
and instruction, professional development and learning environments. The EduCom-
pEdu and P21’s framework for twenty-first century learning are two of the models that
provide guidelines for teachers to develop necessary digital competencies for AI-driven
learning environments.
Teachers’ AI digital competencies and twenty‑first century… 155
digital transformation using AI smoothly. Future research could address these limitations.
Researchers can design meaningful AI competency programs with reference to the Edu-
CompEdu, P21’s and Ng et al. (2021b)’s frameworks for teachers with experimental and
empirical design. Through evidence-based research, quantitative and qualitative evidence
could then support the refinement of the frameworks and programs and suggest useful rec-
ommendations for teachers.
Conflict of interest The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. The manuscript has not been pub-
lished previously and is not being simultaneously submitted elsewhere. There are no any real or potential
conflicts of interest that could be seen as having an influence on the research.
Ethical approval No reproduction of copyrighted material is evident in this manuscript hence there is no need
to apply for any necessary permission.
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Davy Tsz Kit Ng is the IT Panel Convener at local secondary school in Hong Kong and a PhD candidate in
the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. He holds a MEd Educational Psychology, BS Com-
puter Science and Postgraduate in IT Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). His
research interests lie in the areas of AI literacy, STEM Education and technology-enhanced pedagogic inno-
vation. It is informed by his recent research on AI literacy education, online learning, andSTEM education
on the focus of aviation, 3D printing, computational thinking, virtual reality and Metaverse.
Jac Ka Lok Leung is currently a Lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dr Leung
was awarded Bachelor (Hons) of Mechanical Engineering andMaster of Environmental Engineering from
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, respec-
tively. In 2021, he wasawarded Doctor of Education at The University of Hong Kong. In Jac’s early career,
he worked in the environmental industry with focus on odor and wastewatercontamination. Since 2012, Jac
has started working in the higher education sector, he led and taught in experiential learning programmes
and courses for students withdiverse backgrounds. He is dedicated to promoting a ‘learning-by-doing’
approach situated in makerspaces. He and his team were nominated for the UGC Teaching Award in2020.
Jiahong Su is currently a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education at University of Hong Kong. Her
research interests focus on technology education, AI, andSTEM in early childhood education. Her publica-
tion covers the areas of artificial intelligence and STEM education. She has also served as a reviewer for
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, Education and Information Technologies, Early Child and
Development Care, and Early Childhood Education Journal.
Ross Chi Wui Ng is a PhD student in the Academic Unit of Social Contexts and Policies of Education, the
University of Hong Kong. Prior to commencement of his doctoral studies, he completed a double degree
programme in English Studies and English Language Education along with a Linguistics minor during
my undergraduate studies and completed a research Master’s degree in Applied English Linguistics while
serving as a full-time Graduate Master in aided secondary schools in Hong Kong. His research interests in
the field of educational studies are higher education, doctoral education, and social reproduction whilst his
research interests in the field of Applied English Linguistics are English grammar, second language devel-
opment, second language instruction, pedagogical grammar, grammar of Hong Kong English, and corpus
Samuel Kai Wah Chu is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
(HKU). He has obtained 2 PhDs in Education – one focusing on e-Learning from University College Lon-
don, Institute of Education (2017) and another one focusing on Information and Library Science from HKU
(2005). His areas of expertise include AI literacy, gamified learning, 21st century skill,, and social media
in Education. He has been involved in over 70 research projects with a total funding of US$ 9,391,342. He
has published more than 400 articles and books, with over 100 of them appearing in international academic
journals. Furthermore, Dr. Chu is the Co-Founder and Co-Editor for the journal Information and Learn-
ing Sciences. He is also a Member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Panel of the Research Grants
Council of HK. He has received many awards including the Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award in 2013,
Faculty’s Knowledge Exchange Award in 2016 and Excellent Health Promotion Project Award from Food
and Health Bureau in 2017. He’s ranked among the top 2% of scholars in 2 research areas: Information &
Library Sciences and Education (PLoS Biol 18(10), 2020, a study by Stanford University), and achieved an
h-index of 39 over the years.