How Should Scientific Review and Critique Support Policy
How Should Scientific Review and Critique Support Policy
How Should Scientific Review and Critique Support Policy
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A comment posted 12 December 2022 to the 13 February 2020 PLOS One article: The Elephant in the
room: What can we learn from California regarding the use of sport hunting of pumas (Puma
concolor) as a management tool? Article and comment online:
Decisions that hope to advance broad public interests require a reliable foundation in facts. We provide
a post-publication review of Laundré & Papouchis (2020) and compare it with a review included in the
report, “Human-Cougar Interactions: A Literature Review Related to Common Management
Questions,” undertaken by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife to inform decisions
and regulations made by that State’s Fish and Wildlife Commission. We focus on two aspects of
objectivity in that report: (1) the constitution of the membership of the persons that performed the
review; and (2) how they conducted their review. Our conclusions more broadly reveal how scientific
review and critique should and should not be done to support policy decisions, regulations, and
legislation, and how policy-makers can be enlightened or misled by scientific review. We conclude
with recommendations for what the public and policy-makers should look for in a sound review of
scientific evidence.
Decisions that hope to advance broad public interests require a reliable foundation in facts. For policies
that concern the biophysical environment, science is considered invaluable. Indeed, US environmental
agencies have a legal duty to avoid arbitrary or capricious decisions [1]. Some agencies’ duties demand
consideration of the best available science. Yet, identifying the best science, and considering it
impartially for the sake of the greatest good, is not straightforward even if decision-makers can insulate
themselves from political pressures or self-interest. Many environmental agencies rely on teams of
qualified scientists to judge what evidence is available and which is best. This is especially important
for government commissions that regulate uses of wild species and their environment or direct agency
policy because commissioners typically are political appointees with little science training or
Independent review of research findings is an ideal of good science. Moreover, the make-up of review
teams and their working methods should fulfill at least two essential criteria as recommended by the
US federal government and National Academies of Science for all pre- and post-publication reviews:
(1) that reviewers are independent of competing interests (i.e., members can come to their own
conclusions and are free to express these in open debate) and independent of each other (i.e., they
represent diverse worldviews to prevent domination by one view and its presuppositions about
evidence); and (2) that reviewers use accepted standards of evidence and judge data based on scientific
criteria rather than anecdote, assumption, personal beliefs or organizational values [2, 3].
Post-publication review teams may be necessary for commissions and government agencies because
peer review processes of scientific journals cannot guarantee that any given, single study is reliable or
replicable (i.e., the finding can be reproduced by independent investigators). Likewise, a single post-
publication review cannot settle an issue forever, as scientific progress in methods and new studies can
invalidate older findings. In the face of such paucity of scientific replication and certainty, policy-
makers must place trust in their review teams.
Objectivity, defined as “to observe, measure, or infer with impartiality; detachment” (accessed 28
April 2022,, is considered essential to science. Nevertheless, two common
pitfalls occur in its practice: 1) people view scientists as either completely objective or completely
unobjective, and 2) scientific judgments are sometimes based not on the methods used in observation,
measurement, or inference, but on other unscientific criteria.
One extreme form of the binary view of objectivity is to claim no one can be objective. This claim
commits the error of attributing impartiality and detachment to individuals rather than to observation,
measurement, and inference (scientific actions). Instead, Naomi Oreskes [4] encourages us to think of
objectivity as a continuum, and one that improves with practice. Improvements can occur personally
and in a community of scientists. For example, relying on a diverse community of independent
scientists to resolve uncertainties and disagreements without regard for any one scientist’s reputation
or authority [4].
A clear example of the second pitfall comes from U.S. jurisprudence on agency science. In the U.S.,
courts routinely defer to the scientific claims of government agencies in their areas of expertise (e.g.,
the Chevron standard). Therefore, courts often award legal victories to the government establishment
without examining the scientific methods they used. This is especially troublesome in the instances
that agencies produce reports that summarize their reviews of scientific evidence, that are not
externally reviewed. We must evaluate the scientific actions of observation, measurement, inference,
not the actors or the communication styles.
Our Review
Overall, L&P exhibited several hallmarks of good science: hypothesis testing, citation to evidence, and
open data, given that the data were all pulled from public databases. The authors tested four primary
predictions, and the fourth prediction included two related predictions, for a total of six:
"If sport hunting is achieving the management goals sought by state wildlife managers, then California,
in the absence of a sport hunt of pumas, should have: 1) higher puma population densities; 2) higher
per-capita number of problematic puma-human encounters; 3) higher rate of puma predation on
domestic sheep and cattle; and 4) higher levels of puma predation on ungulate populations, resulting in
lower hunting opportunities for sport hunting of ungulates… If these predictions are supported by the
40+ year data base available, then it would lend support to the hypothesis that sport hunting of pumas
is a reasonable management strategy to obtain the desired results as stated above. If these predictions
are not supported, then it would be reasonable to reject this hypothesis.” p.4 [5]
L&P argue that the data they employed to test their various predictions are the same data used to
justify puma sport hunting, and therefore the data were the best data with which to proceed. In general,
however, we believe that the authors would have provided greater insights into the influence of sport
hunting on the response variables of interest discussed herein had they utilized a stronger analytical
framework and a more diverse set of covariates. The authors’ decision to stick with only the data found
in public databases, however, was a judgement difficult to assess with science alone. If indeed these
are the data driving agency decision-making about sport hunting, then it appears a defensible approach
to stimulating discussion and reflection about current assumptions.
Our second general criticism was with the scale of analysis. The authors argue that state agencies make
decisions at the scale of states, but we are unclear whether agencies make these assumptions at the
geographic scale of entire states, or for smaller game management units (GMUs). We know of
examples of both (GMU-level decision-making (e.g., targeted puma hunting in Oregon in response to
puma-livestock conflict, public safety issues or failure to meet deer or elk management objectives [7])
and state-wide decision-making, e.g., “PLAN GOAL: Maintain a healthy cougar population within
their current distribution while considering human safety, economic concerns, other wildlife species,
and maintaining hunting traditions through 2025…Objective 1 Maintain cougar populations within
their current statewide distribution” p.3, 21, [8]. In sum, both L&P and the state agencies should
conduct appropriate analyses at the appropriate scales.
It is also well established in the field of ecology that animal abundance is driven largely by resource
availability—water, forage (prey for pumas), and refugia where animals are safe. The authors did not
include any of these variables in their test of puma abundance across the West, which varies from
temperate rainforests to dry deserts. The authors also did not appear to include other forms of human-
caused mortality, such as road strikes and depredation removals, which in the case of California may
be comparatively higher than other states, e.g., [10]. At the scale of state-wide puma densities, we
would expect these ecological variables to play important roles in explaining puma abundance.
Prediction 2: California will have a higher number of per capita puma-human incidents.
We believe the prediction is fair, and the author’s inferences are defensible, even though we would
again criticize the scale of analysis. Rather than a statistical test, the authors used a similar narrative
approach as for Prediction 1 in assessing support for this hypothesis. Puma-human encounters are rare,
complex, and beyond our scope [13]. Given that California is among the states with the lowest
frequency of terms of human-puma incidents, we found the authors’ interpretation of the summary data
compelling, but perhaps simplistic.
Prediction 3: California will have a higher percentage of puma predation on domestic livestock.
We believe the authors methods and inferences were sound. Including data from multiple years, the
authors generated variation around summary statistics on puma-livestock incidents, and therefore were
able to use significance testing to evaluate this prediction. Their within-state before-and-after
comparison was a stronger approach than above. They analyzed if the number of pumas killed by
human hunters in any given year had any correlation with incidents of predation on livestock the
following year, across all 10 western states. This supports recent findings in peer-reviewed literature
linking puma harvest or removal rates to puma-livestock incidents [14-16]) and in several other
carnivore species also (for empirical results [17, 18]; for reviews of evidence see [19-21]. At the
massive scale of this analysis, this is compelling evidence for the potential relationship between killing
pumas and increasing conflict with people and livestock, even in the absence of other covariates tested.
Prediction 4: California will have higher puma predation on ungulate populations, specifically deer.
We believe this initial prediction is based on a misunderstanding of puma ecology, but the
misunderstanding may be that of state agencies and not the authors. Puma kill rates are remarkably
consistent across ecosystems [22] and therefore the only way to increase puma predation on deer
would be to increase puma abundance, which is the same prediction as #1 above. The authors went on
to test two additional predictions linked to this one, which are more biologically relevant:
First, “After 10 years of intensive puma control, states with sport hunting of pumas should experience
higher deer densities and densities of deer taken by hunters [a standardized metric reflecting deer killed
by permitted hunters) than California,” and second, “There should be a positive correlation between
deer hunter success and the sport killing of pumas the previous year.” We believe the methods and
inferences of the authors were sound for these tests. For these predictions the authors included
significance tests to evaluate if there is a correlation between puma hunting and deer abundance or
hunter take of deer. Two recent meta-analyses support the findings of L&P and show the limited
benefits to ungulate population dynamics gained from killing carnivores [23, 24], and more
specifically, the unlikely influence of carnivore mortality on overall ungulate abundance.
Finally, we note that L&P has similar shortcomings as do many studies that attempt before-and-after
comparison of the effects of predator control, reviewed in [19-21, 25, 26]. All such studies and
subsequent ones suffer from the similar weakness of selection bias and treatment bias. Namely, the
subjects that underwent treatment and control (if any) were not randomly selected or treatment was
applied in a biased fashion to subjects selected by researchers or managers. These are the most
prevalent forms of bias in many scientific fields and especially in predator management and ecology
because of the difficulty (but not impossibility) of randomized assignment. L&P took the precaution of
within-subject analysis which provides superior inference to correlations that do not control for
subjects and their experiences over time. We call on scientists to aim higher and respect the studies that
reduce confounding variables more highly than those that do not.
In 2022, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) published the report, “Human-
Cougar Interactions: A Literature Review Related to Common Management Questions,” (hereafter
WDFW Team). The WDFW chose the Team explicitly for expertise and objectivity: “The Human-
Cougar Interaction Science Review team was created…[for] review of the science on the topic of
human-cougar conflict objectively.” pp. 2-3, [6] [emphasis added]. First, we assessed the diversity in
experience and worldview among WDFW team members. From the report: “The [Team] was created
under the guidance of [WDFW’s] Chief Wildlife Scientist, Game Division Manager, and Wildlife
Program Director. WDFW members were selected whose roles included cougar research and
management or who brought unique skills related to the assessment of scientific methods and
literature. WDFW sought external (non-WDFW) team members to bring additional perspectives to the
work of the team. The primary criterion for external team members was that they had experience with
cougar research and management or had strong research design skills or had exceptional quantitative
skills.” pp. 2-3, [6].
The WDFW convened 11 authors, of which six were employees of WDFW: two authors held the
office of the above-referenced Chief Wildlife Scientist and Game Division Manager, one author was
the Deputy Director of the Wildlife Program, and 3 others were subordinate employees of these
WDFW managers pp. 71-73, [6]. Therefore, a majority of the 11-member expert team and authors
were employees of the state agency summarizing policy-relevant guidance to the agency and
overseeing Commission. To imagine why this might pose a problem for impartiality, consider the
difficulty of being impartial when your boss is observing you.
“Additionally, WDFW staff interviewed external members to see if they could approach the task of
doing a critical review of the science on the topic of human-cougar conflict objectively (i.e., did not
already have a fixed view of the literature on the topic).” pp. 2-3 [6]. Interviews are fertile ground for
confirmation bias in which one gets the answer one prefers. The costs to impartiality are particularly
likely when leaders of an agency that distributes funds are conducting the interviews. Even for those
who might never earn a dollar from engaging with the WDFW, there are non-financial competing
interests associated with government. Concerns about government capture by special interests have a
long history in environmental regulation [4, 27, 28]; carnivore conservation and management is no
exception [29-32], including for cougars [33, 34].
Finally, we don’t know what is meant by a “fixed view of the literature” in the quotation above. If the
interviewers knew the literature well enough to evaluate if an interviewee had a fixed view, it suggests
some presuppositions about the literature may have already existed.
The diversity of the WDFW Team was low by other criteria: 100% current or former employees of
government agencies, among other homogeneous traits pp. 71-73, [6]. Prior research on carnivore
management shows agency scientists’ worldviews differ significantly from their constituents [35, 36],
or differ from majorities of scientists [37]. The latter landmark study surveyed 593 grizzly bear
scientists to ask about protections for bears. “Overall, a majority (74%) of scientists recommended
continued Endangered Species Act protections for Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears.”
However, “agency experts were 7.3 times more likely to recommend delisting grizzlies” over
maintaining protections [37].
Initially, we note that 6 of the eight bracketed statements above are unsubstantiated assertions of fact
because there is not a single citation included to support them. We did, however, find some supportive
definitions and literature for (#3) and (#7) in the methods section of [6]. Below we address each callout
in turn.
If the WDFW Team’s criticism (#3) of L&P was instead that the data were not intentionally divided
into treatment and control but rather haphazardly divided by events on the ground, then the Team
should have considered the possibility of selection bias (e.g., [19, 20]. However, that seems unlikely
because the WDFW Team cited [42] for their definition of treatment/control, and those authors wrote
about their own work, “Our research was an un-replicated case study on 1 geographic area having a
before and after treatment effect design without a separate control area where pumas were not hunted.”
p.5, [42]. That design is very similar to the design in L&P, and furthermore, neither the replicated
treatment/controls nor the harvest of pumas in [42] was designed by the researchers. Probably, L&P
produced stronger inference because they compared several different sites at the same time over years.
Therefore, we find criticism (#3) misleading and invalid.
(#4) “poorly justified and questionable variables for deer and livestock abundance”:
We conclude that this criticism is unwarranted. The data analyzed by Laundré and Papouchis (2020)
were pulled from public databases maintained by state and federal agencies, and in our opinion, very
relevant to the predictions being tested. We were not alone, as integral to the peer-review process of a
journal such as PLoS One is the assumption that independent peer reviewers evaluated the suitability
of the variables and took into account their shortcomings, before they supported the publication of the
paper. We would argue that additional covariates and data would have been useful in testing the
predictions more thoroughly and building a more defensible scientific method, but the variables
included seemed pertinent to the questions being asked. The WDFW Team did not substantiate its
criticism and made it in a cursory fashion in its report, therefore we are inclined to trust the PLoS One
reviewers on this issue.
(#5) “modeled phenomena at a statewide scale that no published work has ever suggested operated at
that scale”:
We conclude that this criticism is both inaccurate and accurate, depending upon the prediction in
question. First, such statement necessitates a systematic review of the literature ([43], which the
WDFW Team did not undertake, so they seem to be making this accusation based only on the literature
they are familiar with. Peebles et al. (2013), for example, analyzed human-puma conflict data at the
GMU scale but made inferences at the state-level. Mattson et al. (2011) analyzed puma attacks on
people and made inferences about scales larger than states. Further, even if this accusation were
accurate, it would not invalidate the approach. Novel approaches are essential to scientific progress.
We share the WDFW Teams apparent concerns about analyzing data at the statewide scale, but we
specified how the state may sometimes be appropriate above. Therefore, we find criticism (#5)
inaccurate, sweeping, and inflammatory.
(#6) “dismissed general outcomes (e.g., that higher levels of human harvest can reduce cougar
numbers) that have been well documented to have occurred in numerous field studies across several
We agree with the WDFW Team about their specific example, even though the WDFW team provided
no evidence to support this general criticism. We discussed the importance of time and geographic
scale when assessing the impact of hunting on puma abundance in our own review. We cannot assess
criticism (#5) further because we would be forced to interpret their vague claim that L&P dismissed
general outcomes. If the WDFW Team meant to conclude that human-caused mortality always results
in a long-erm decline in cougar abundance, we suggest instead that intensity and diversity of human-
caused mortality need to be considered. Therefore, we fund criticism (#6) cursory and vague.
(#8) “An a priori advocacy goal dominates the authors’ Introduction and Conclusion sections”:
We concluded this criticism [8] is a vague ad hominem attack. It contains a common erroneous
assumption that scientists should not advocate for anything [44]. In the current context, this criticism
seems ironic because the WDFW Team is itself drawing inference with the goal to advocate.
Furthermore, the journal PLoS One that published L&P instructs referees to judge submissions on their
scientific merit, not the importance, urgency, or other unscientific criteria. Therefore, the WDFW
Team replaced its own partial judgment with that of the ostensibly impartial, anonymous, independent
peer reviewers recruited by a third-party (the editors of PLoS One).
We disagreed with much of the review of L&P conducted by the WDFW Team. We are concerned that
the WDFW team eliminated the possibility that this paper be included in the education of policy-
makers on human-carnivore interactions. Every study has strengths and weaknesses that should be
identified following accepted scientific standards that are openly cited and considered thoughtfully by
any post-publication review teams. Peer-reviewed science, such as that included in PLoS One have
been vetted by reviewers selected after declaration of potentially competing interests. Post-publication
reviews conducted by homogeneous groups lacking an external review process may not hold the same
standards of objectivity. We disclosed all of our potentially competing interests in this Comment and
subjected or writing to editorial review by PLoS One as a way to avoid this potential pitfall. This case
study illustrates the importance of policy-makers understanding the standards for objective,
independent reviews of scientific evidence as an aid in their decisions.
There are remedies for failures of impartiality and a loss of objectivity. First and foremost, is diverse
representation and inclusion. “The greater the diversity and openness of a community and the stronger
its protocols for supporting free and open debate, the greater the degree of objectivity it may be able to
achieve as individual biases and background assumptions are ‘outed’…” p.63 [4]. The recent
movement to Open Science with its incentives for transparency, self-correction, and replication of
scientific findings is also an excellent start for scientific actions as we have defined them here. Among
the many tools for improving our own objectivity as scientists, Open Science provides a coordinated
toolkit. Its encouragement for transparency in all actions all involved actors, its requirements for data
sharing, its provision of registered reports, and its focus on the reproducibility of results offer hope for
a brighter future with more objective science.
For agencies and organizations seeking an authentic independent review of science before decisions
are made, we summarize our general recommendations as follows:
A. Relinquish ideas and actions to control the constitution or methods of the review team because
undue political influence readily interferes with the scientific process of open debate and criticism.
B. Diversify the pool of candidates for review teams and enlarge that pool to avoid ‘echo chambers’
that promote or even reify one worldview;
C. Articulate the goals of the review in impartial scientific language as used in systematic reviews
(e.g., https://www.conservatione...);
D. Never gag the review team members or edit the language or modes of communication by the review
team members lest you lose the trust of scientists and the public at large;
E. Allow minority reports and comments, as consensus tends to make dissenting voices inaudible; and
F. Apply consistent scientific standards to avoid the appearance or reality of post hoc or hypocritical
review. Stipulate the standards of scientific evidence beforehand using third-party, impartial sources.
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Relevant Disclosures
Adrian Treves
Treves’ work was cited by the WDFW Team and by L&P as follow:
Ohrens, O., C. Bonacic, and A. Treves. 2019. Non‐lethal defense of livestock against predators:
flashing lights deter puma attacks in Chile. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 32-38.
Ohrens, O., A. Treves, and C. Bonacic. 2016. Relationship between rural depopulation and puma-
human conflict in the high Andes of Chile. Environmental Conservation 43: 24-33.
Treves, A. and K. U. Karanth. 2003. Human‐carnivore conflict and perspectives on carnivore
management worldwide. Conservation Biology 17: 1491-1499.
Treves, A., 2009. Hunting for large carnivore conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology 46: 1350-
Treves A. Hunting for large carnivore conservation. J Appl Ecol. 2009; 46: 1350–1356.
Artelle KA, Reynolds JD, Treves A, Walsh JC, Paquet PC, Darimont CT. Hallmarks of science
missing from North American wildlife management. Sci Adv. 2018. 4: eaao0167. aao0167 PMID: 29532032
Treves’ list of funding sources since 2007 and CV for all potential non-financial competing interests
related to work outside of his institution: All funding awarded to Adrian Treves as of 13 April 2022
and a CV for disclosure of potential competing interests.
Mark L. Elbroch
Citations in this work: Elbroch’s work was cited by the WDFW Team and by L&P as follow:
Elbroch LM, Quigley H. Social interactions in a solitary carnivore. Curr Zool, 2017; 63: 357–362
https:// PMID: 29491995
Elbroch, M. L. and H. Quigley. 2019. Age-specific foraging strategies among pumas, and its
implications for aiding ungulate populations through carnivore control. Conservation Science and
Practice 1: e23.
Literature: Elbroch has contributed to mainstream books and peer-reviewed literature, most of which
is focused on puma ecology and conservation. Books are available here, and scientific resources are
accessible via Google Scholar and ResearchGate.
Outreach: Elbroch actively engages with the media and in various outreach capacities, mostly with
regards to puma ecology and conservation. Most video content can be found here and other media
Funding: Elbroch’s direct support for the last 5 years, all of which is dedicated to puma conservation,
has come from the Ayers Wildcat Conservation Trust ($1.6 million), Fat-Cat Fish Company
($500,000), Regina Bauer Frankenberg Foundation ($220,000), Carroll Petrie Foundation ($550,000),
Summerlee Foundation ($270,000), National Geographic Society ($30,000), and other private
individuals ($98,000).
Elbroch is also a member (unpaid) of 1) WDFW Cougar Focus Group, with a focus on providing
guidance with regards to stakeholder outreach materials, 2) Texans for Mountain Lions, which is
advocating for changes in state policy and regulation with regards to the species, 3) Cougar Research
Collaborative, which explores puma dispersal and the potential biological and social carrying
capacities for pumas to return to historic range, and 4) other groups composed of academics analyzing
shared data sets.
Fred W. Koontz
Koontz and Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) and Washington Fish &
Wildlife Commission
From 2011 – 2017, Koontz collaborated with WDFW on endangered species recovery programs for
western pond turtle, Oregon silverspot buttery fly, and Oregon spotted frog. He served on WDFW’s
Wildlife Diversity Advisory Council, 2012-2018; Budget and Policy Advisory Group, 2018; and the
Snoqualmie Wildlife Area Advisory Committee, 2020. He also served in 2021 as a Commissioner on
the Washington Fish & Wildlife Commission.
Professional Service (Koontz retired from full-time employment in 2017)
Current activities (unpaid): Board Member (Vice-president), Wildlands Network; Advisory Board,
Wildlife for All; Fellow, PAN Works.
Current professional society memberships (unpaid): The Wildlife Society; Society for Conservation
Biology; and Wild Felid Research and Management Association. Recent professional society
presentations include those at the North American Congress for Conservation Biology (July 2022) and
The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting (November 2022).
Publications on Washington state wildlife: (1) Wainstein, M., Harding, L.B., O’Neill, S.M. et al. 2022.
Highly contaminated river otters (Lontra canadensis) are effective biomonitors of environmental
pollutant exposure. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194, 670 (2022). And (2) Pramuk, J.
F. Koontz, M. Tirhi, S. Zeigler, K. Schwartz, and P. Miller (eds.) 2013. The Western Pond Turtle in
Washington: A Population and Habitat Viability Assessment. IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding
Specialist Group, Apple Valley, MN.
Past employment (2011 -2017): Vice President of Field Conservation, Woodland Park Zoo (WPZ),
Seattle, Washington. WPZ collaborates with WDFW on several wildlife projects.
Grants received while employed with WPZ: (1) WPZ Project Lead, $20,000 awarded in 2015-2016
from Wilburforce Foundation to conduct the “Washington Wildlife Leaders Forum,” a conference of
50 leaders who strategized on methods for wildlife agency reform in Washington state, especially
aimed at improving non-game wildlife conservation. (2) Various individual donor and Wilburforce
Foundation grants awarded to WPZ, 2013-2017, totaling about $100,000 to establish and fund WPZ’s
“Living Northwest,” a field research and conservation program focused on Washington state wildlife.
Community service: Since moving to Washington state in 2011, community participation relevant to
wildlife and WDFW included leading the Biodiversity Task Force of the Central Puget Sound
Regional Open Space Strategy (ROSS) in 2015, and serving on Forterra’s Central Puget Sound
Leadership Council, 2015-2017.
Chris M. Papouchis
Papouchis’ work was cited by the WDFW Team and reviewed in this document as follow:
Laundre, J. & C. Papouchis. 2020. The Elephant in the room: What can we learn from California
regarding the use of sport hunting of pumas (Puma concolor) as a management tool? PloS One
15(2): e0224638.
Employment (since 2001): Lecturer, Environmental Studies department, California State University,
Sacramento, 2011-2022; Adjunct Professor, Natural Resources department, American River College,
Sacramento, California, 2008-2022; Managing Editor, Wild Felid Monitor, Wild Felid Research and
Management Association, 2007-2013. Conservation biologist, The Mountain Lion Foundation,
Sacramento, California, 2001-2007
Paid Service as Consultant (nominal fee <$5000 or expenses only):The Cougar Fund (2008) – drafted
comments on WDFW Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, 2009 – 2013 Game
Management Plan; Humane Society of the United States (2013)
Unpaid Service as an Advisor/Consultant: The Cougar Fund (2012-2014); California Department of
Fish and Wildlife (2014).
Memberships and Professional Service (unpaid): Governing Council, Wild Felid Research and
Management Association, 2006-2018; Member, Wild Felid Research and Management Association,
2007-present; Member, Implementation Science Team for the recovery of Sierra Nevada bighorn
sheep, USFWS, 2011-present Peer reviewer for the Journal of Wildlife Management; International
Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
Papouchis, C.M. 2006. Living with lions: does sport hunting reduce conflicts with humans? Mountain
Lion Foundation, Sacramento, California.
Papouchis, C.M. 2005. Non-lethal approaches for reducing conflicts between mountain lions and
people. Mountain Lion Foundation, Sacramento, California.
Papouchis, C.M. 2004. Conserving mountain lions in a changing landscape. Chapter 11 in N. Fascione,
A. Delach, and M. Smith, eds. Predators and People: From Conflict to Conservation. Island Press,
Washington, D.C.
Sweanor, L., J. Beecham, C. Belden, D. Dawn, R. DeSimone, G. Koehler, S. Negri, C.M. Papouchis,
H. Robinson, and R. Thompson. 2008. Formation of a professional organization: the Wild Felid
Research and Management Association. Ninth Mountain Lion Workshop, Idaho Fish and Game, Sun
Valley, ID (May).
Papouchis, C.M. 2006. Conflict, controversy and conservation: humans and mountain lions in the
western U.S. Carnivores 2006, Defenders of Wildlife, St. Petersburg, FL (Nov).
Papouchis, C.M. and E.M Cunnison. 2006. People and mountain lions: strategies for coexistence.
Carnivores 2006. Defenders of Wildlife, St. Petersburg, FL (Nov).
Papouchis, C.M., R.A. Hopkins, and D.D. Dawn. 2005. A new paradigm for managing mountain lions
in the 21St Century. Eighth Mountain Lion Workshop, Leavenworth, WA (May).
Papouchis, C.M. and T. Dunbar. 2004. Human-caused mountain lion mortality in the western U.S.,
1997-2004. Carnivores 2004, Defenders of Wildlife, Santa Fe, NM (Nov).
Hopkins, R.A. and C.M. Papouchis. 2004. A new paradigm for cougar conservation in the 21st
Century: Distinguishing myth from science. Carnivores 2004. Defenders of Wildlife, Santa Fe, NM
Papouchis, C.M. and J.D. Wehausen. 2004. Desert bighorn sheep and mountain lions: confronting the
challenges. Desert Bighorn Council Meeting. St. George, UT.
Papouchis, C.M. 2004. Mountain lion conservation in a changing landscape. Western Section of the
Wildlife Society Conference. Rohnert Park, CA (Feb).
Papouchis, C.M. 2003. Conserving mountain lions in a changing sociopolitical landscape 7th Biennial
Conference on Research on the Colorado Plateau. USGS - Biological Resources Division. Flagstaff,
AZ (Nov).
Papouchis, C.M. and M. Cullens. 2003. Community-based conservation of mountain lions. 10th Annual
Conference of the Wildlife Society. Burlington, VT (Sept).
Papouchis, C.M. 2003. Mountain lions and bighorn sheep. 10th Annual Conference of the Wildlife
Society. Burlington, VT (Sept).
Papouchis, C.M. and L.M Cullens. 2003. Improving our understanding of mountain lion management
trends: the value of consistent multi-state recordkeeping. Seventh Mountain Lion Workshop. Jackson,
WY. (May).
Papouchis, C.M. and J.D. Wehausen. 2002. Conserving mountain lions and bighorn sheep: challenges
to resolving an apparent disequilibrium. Carnivores 2002, Defenders of Wildlife, Monterrey, CA.
Cullens, L.M. and C.M. Papouchis. 2002. Conserving mountain lions in California - a collaborative
approach (poster). 9th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Bismarck, ND (Sept).
Papouchis, C.M. and L.M. Cullens. 2002. After the hunt: challenges facing California’s Mountain Lion
Population. (poster). 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, St. George, LA
Organized and chaired session, Mountain lions: Attitudes and Management, Carnivores 2009
Conference. Defenders of Wildlife. Denver, CO. (November 2009).
Organized and chaired sessions, Mountain Lion Ecology, Mountain Lion Conservation, and Living
with Lions, Carnivores 2006 Conference, Defenders of Wildlife. St. Petersburg, FL (November 2006).
Chaired session, Political Influences of Mountain Lion Management, Eighth Mountain Lion
Workshop, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Leavenworth, WA. (May 2005).
Organized three sessions on mountain lion conservation, Carnivores 2004 Conference, Defenders of
Wildlife, Santa Fe, NM. (November 2004).
Organized and chaired session, Mountain Lion Conservation, The Seventh Mountain Lion Workshop,
Wyoming Game & Fish, Jackson, WY. (May 2003).
Organized and chaired sessions, Mountain Lion Conservation and Management, Mountain lion
Conservation: Managing Change, and Cougars, Cores and Corridors. Carnivores 2002 Conference,
Defenders of Wildlife, Monterrey, CA. (November 2002).