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The indirect effect of strategic management
management accounting in the accounting
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of chief executive officer (CEO)
characteristics and involvement in networks on strategic management accounting (SMA) and, in turn, the
indirect effect of SMA on company performance.
Design/methodology/approach – A model is advanced and tested using partial least-squares path
modelling and data were collected from a sample of 121 service small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in
Findings – The results indicate significant and positive relationships between the CEO education and
the application of SMA as well as between involvement in networks and SMA. Moreover, it is found that
SMA has an indirect effect in relations of CEO education, involvement in networks and company
Practical implications – SMEs’ leaders may realize their important role in affecting outcomes by their
choices, which are in turn affected by their characteristics and activities.
Originality/value – This study provides an empirical evidence on the impact of two new factors on the
SMA by considering contingency theory and upper echelons theory simultaneously for explaining
relationships and developing a new model.
Keywords Contingency theory, Upper echelons theory, CEO characteristics,
Involvement in networks, Small and medium enterprises, Strategic management accounting
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Typically, the decision-making process in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is
highly centralized, and chief executive officers (CEOs) play a key role in important decisions,
such as the adoption of new practices (Ahn et al., 2014; Lubatkin et al., 2006; Papadakis and Journal of Accounting &
Organizational Change
Barwise, 2002). According to upper echelons theory, the psychological and social Vol. 13 No. 4, 2017
pp. 471-491
characteristics of top executives drive their behaviour and shape their organization © Emerald Publishing Limited
outcomes (Hambrick, 2007; Hambrick and Manson, 1984). With this as a starting point, this DOI 10.1108/JAOC-05-2015-0042
JAOC paper focuses on three important characteristics of CEOs, namely, their education,
13,4 experience, and involvement in networks. Management accounting and control systems
(MACS) can be seen as an organizational outcome or as an aspect of organizational structure
(Hiebl, 2014; Strauß and Zecher, 2013) and, consistent with upper echelons theory, is likely to
be influenced by CEO characteristics and activities (Kalkhouran et al., 2015). The theory also
argues that the personality, experience and activities of top managers significantly influence
472 their strategic choice. (Hambrick, 2007). Strategic management accounting (SMA) as one of
the management accounting practices, which have strategic orientation and developed
owing to widely published criticisms of conventional management accounting practice
(Cadez and Guilding, 2008), can be affected by CEO characteristics and activities. In this
regard, review of previous literature supported the association between the CEO-related
factors and MACS (Naranjo-Gil and Hartmann, 2006, 2007). However, very few studies have
investigated the relationship between CEO characteristics, their involvement in networks
and SMA.
In addition, in the way of developing an appropriate SMA framework for SMEs, this
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study adopts a contingency perspective. Based on the basic principle of contingency theory,
there is no single MACS suitable for all businesses (Chenhall, 2003). Drawing upon
contingency theory, the dependant variable in the model is company performance. The
fundamental tenet of contingency theory holds that company performance is a product of an
appropriate fit between the structure (SMA system) and context (contingency factors).
Consequently, it is assumed that both high- and low-performing companies exist as a result
of more or less compatible combinations of context and structure (Gerdin and Greve, 2004;
Ittner and Larcker, 2001). Stated alternatively, good fit implies enhanced performance, while
poor fit implies diminished performance (Chenhall, 2003). This study uses contingency
theory in conjunction with upper echelons theory. The aim is to find the best fit between
CEO characteristics (education, experience) and their involvement in networks, and SMA to
improve firm performance. Although earlier empirical research examined the relationship
between CEO characteristics and company performance, the findings are inconsistent. Some
studies found a positive relationship (Kaplan et al., 2012; Peni, 2012; Kalm, 2012; Kenny and
Fahy, 2011; Tendai, 2013), while others have noted a significant negative relationship
(Amran et al., 2014; Hamori and Koyuncu, 2015). Furthermore, a few studies have failed to
find any association (Bhagat et al., 2010; Peng and Luo, 2000). These mixed results
motivated this investigation into the factors that may affect the relationship between CEO
characteristics and company performance. Therefore, this study focuses on the indirect
effect of SMA. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no study has investigated the
indirect effect of SMA practices in the relationship between CEO characteristics and
involvement in networks, and firm performance. Therefore, the second objective of this
research is to examine if there is an indirect effect of SMA techniques in the relationship
between CEO characteristics, involvement in networks and performance.
Finally, there is still a relative dearth of empirical research into SMA practices in the
SME context (Santini, 2013). It is not surprising, as, traditionally, SMEs were understood to
not need or use MACS owing to their simple structure and limited resources. Recent findings
in both developed and developing countries have shown the importance of such practices for
SMEs (Ahmad, 2013; López and Hiebl, 2015). Therefore, this study offers valuable
information by enhancing awareness and knowledge related to usage and role of SMA in the
SMEs context. It also provides a better understanding of the role of CEOs in SMEs. It may
help them to understand the significant influence of their choices on outcomes, choices that
are in turn affected by individual characteristics and activities.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 examines the concept of Strategic
SMA. Section 3 proposes a contingency-based framework for SMA and develops a set of management
testable hypotheses. Section 4 describes the research method and summarizes the findings. accounting
Finally, Section 5 proposes some conclusions and outlines the most important issues arising
from the study.
2. Background 473
2.1 Strategic management accounting
Conventionally, management accounting has focused on the provision of historical financial
information. This is gradually being replaced by a new trend that takes a more proactive
stance, arising from interest in competitive management information that generates value
for the firm (Cadez, 2006; Hoffjan and Wompener, 2005). These advanced practices are often
overtly strategic, and use both past and future, non-financial and financial data gathered
from internal and external sources (Kalkhouran et al., 2015; Abdul Rasid et al., 2011). Interest
in SMA seems to have been motivated by widespread criticism of traditional management
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accounting practice (Bhimani and Bromwich, 1992). This has led to their reconsideration,
integrating a strategic role based on a range of relatively new methods in the fields of
investment appraisal, costing and performance management (Cadez and Guilding, 2008).
Simmonds (1981) The analysis of MA information related to a business and its competitors to develop
business strategy
Dixon (1998) A mean which helps an organization to know more about its environment, to put
more effort into expecting changes and to be more adjustable in the face of change
Bromwich (1990) It is observed as going beyond gathering information on businesses and their
competitors, to covering the advantages that products offer to customers, and how
these advantages contribute to building and sustaining competitive advantage
Hoque (2004) A process of identifying, gathering, choosing and analysing accounting data for
helping the management team to make strategic decisions and to assess
organizational effectiveness
Cadez and Guilding SMA can be considered as a set of strategically oriented accounting techniques Table I.
(2008, 2012) SMA definitions
JAOC 2.3 Upper echelons theory
13,4 The central idea of upper echelons theory states that the organization is a reflection of its top
managers (the so-called “upper echelons”) (Hambrick and Manson, 1984). The theory
acknowledges that the characteristics of individual top administrators affect their strategic
choices. Hambrick and Manson (1984) further postulated that these strategic choices help to
describe the performance of an organization. The theory is founded on two interrelated
474 ideas:
(1) executive’s actions are based on their personal interpretation of the strategic
circumstances they face; and
(2) these individual constructs are a function of their personality, experience and
values (Hambrick and Manson, 1984).
Past decades have seen increasing academic interest in top managers (Wei et al., 2005;
Kaplan et al., 2012). Upper echelons theory has accompanied and most likely fostered this
upsurge (Finkelstein et al., 2009; Nielsen, 2010). More recently, scholars have drawn upon it
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to analyse the association between the characteristics of top executives and MA and control
systems (Hiebl, 2014). The theory argues that the personality, experience and values of top
managers significantly affect their interpretation of the situations they face and, in turn,
influence their strategic choices (Hambrick, 2007). Hambrick and Manson (1984) highlight
the influence of top managers on “administrative complexity”, composed of several key
thorough formal planning systems;
complex structures;
coordination devices;
detailed budgeting; and
incentive compensation schemes.
3. Hypotheses
This section reviews the SMA literature that forms the basis for hypotheses related to:
contingent variables (CEO characteristics and their involvement in networks) and
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Figure 1.
Contingency model of
JAOC Top administrators also have considerable experience gained from their operational
13,4 responsibilities. Firms can benefit from their long tenure in the same position (Peni, 2012), as
they develop richer, more comprehensive knowledge about the company (Finkelstein, 1992;
Peni, 2012). They are able to interpret and perceive situations drawing upon their
operational knowledge and training (Barker and Mueller, 2002; Hambrick and Manson,
1984; Peni, 2012). As CEOs may favour a particular strategy as a function of their experience
476 (Hambrick and Manson, 1984), their career track is expected to be a significant factor.
The literature confirms that a high level of CEO education and experience indicates a
high level of ability to develop strategic decisions, innovate and process information
(Xiaowei and Zhang, 2010; Naranjo-Gil et al., 2009; Finkelstein and Hambrick, 1996). It also
shows that individual CEOs can have a key role in deciding the direction of the company
(Ahn et al., 2014). Therefore, as CEOs of small and medium-sized firms are more constrained
and have greater opportunities to act than their counterparts in big firms, their impact is
likely to be more pronounced (Daily and Dalton, 1992).
As stated earlier, an educated and experienced CEO enhances a firm’s information and
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knowledge resources (Hambrick and Manson, 1984). Combined with the important role that
these individuals play in strategic decision-making (Xiaowei and Zhang, 2010, Papadakis,
2006), the relationship between CEO characteristics and SMA appears interesting. We
predict that higher levels of education and experience are consistent with greater use of
SMA techniques, as top managers seek to deploy their knowledge resources more effectively
and efficiently. Specifically, we predict that they are more open to changing existing
systems to make greater use of SMA. Therefore, the following hypotheses are proposed:
H1. There is a positive relationship between CEO education and the extent of adoption
of SMA techniques.
H2. There is a positive relationship between CEO work experience and the extent of
adoption of SMA techniques.
3.4 CEO characteristics and involvement in networks, SMA and firm performance
H1, H2, H3 and H4 postulate that SMA usage has the indirect effect in the relationship
between the CEO characteristics and involvement in networks and performance. An indirect
effect relationship exists when the relationship between independent and dependent
variables exists through a third variable. In that case, the third variable has the indirect
effect in the relationship between the other two variables (Xiao et al., 2011). Therefore, if H1,
H2, H3 and H4 are supported, then use of SMA has an indirect effect in the relationship
between CEO characteristics and involvement in networks and performance (see Figure 1).
Based on the above, the following hypotheses are proposed:
H5. There is a positive indirect effect of SMA in the relationship between CEO
education and company performance.
H6. There is a positive indirect effect of SMA in the relationship between CEO work
experience and company performance.
H7. There is a positive indirect effect of SMA in the relationship between CEO
involvement in networks and company performance.
4. Method
The model presented here is in two parts, the measurement model (the outer model) and the
structural model (the inner model). The measurement model concentrates on the association
between latent variables (constructs) that cannot be directly determined and measurable
(observed) indicators (Henseler et al., 2009). The structural model focuses on the
hypothesized associations between the constructs (Hair et al., 2013). All of the items used in
this research are considered to be reflective measures.
JAOC 4.1 Data collection and sample
13,4 An online survey was carried out to collect data from target respondents, who are managers
and directors mostly working in accounting and finance (such as finance managers and
senior accountants), as they were expected to have a good understanding of accounting
procedures, company practice and CEOs characteristics and activities[1], in service sector
SMEs. To determine the population of this study, reference was made to a sampling frame
478 that was obtained from the SME business directory in year 2015. One thousand service
SMEs operating in Malaysia were randomly selected using a probability sampling
technique. The main intention for adopting proportionate stratified random sampling was to
reduce the variability between the samples by creating relatively homogenous strata.
Through classifying the sampling frame into non-overlapping service activities, as shown
below in Table II, the variation attributed to the services industries effect could be reduced.
Subsequently, the sample was drawn from each stratum (i.e. service activity) proportionate
to the relative size of that stratum in the total population to ensure that each firm had an
equal chance to be selected. Of the 1000 questionnaires that were sent, 129 were returned,
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representing a response rate of about 12.9 per cent. Of the surveys that were returned, eight
were excluded because they were incomplete. The final sample therefore consisted of 121
complete responses, a response rate of 12.1 per cent. To exclude any potential response bias,
the first 37 responses were compared to the last 84 responses using the independent-samples
t-test (Hair et al., 2010). The analyses showed that for all constructs, the difference in the
means of earlier and later responses was not significant.
Variables Mean SD
Composite reliability
Table IV. Networks 0.852
CR for reflectively PERFORMANCE 0.912
measured constructs SMA usage 0.906
An AVE value of 0.50 or higher indicates that, on average, the construct explains more than Strategic
half of the variance of its indicators. On the other hand, an AVE of less than 0.50 indicates management
that, on average, more errors remain in the items than the variance explained by the
construct (Henseler et al., 2009). Therefore, the desired level for convergent validity are outer
loadings more than 0.7 and an AVE value of 0.50 or higher. To meet these criteria, several
indicators were eliminated. Specifically, five networking indicators (NET1, NET2, NET3,
NET4 and NET 5), 11 SMA usage (SMA1, SMA2, SMA3, SMA4, SMA5, SMA6, SMA12, 481
SMA13, SMA14, SMA15 and SMA18) and seven performance indicators (PER4, PER5,
PER6, PER9, PER10, PER11, and PER12) were removed. Following elimination, all of the
constructs presented here meet the AVE requirement. Table V shows the convergent
validity for reflectively measured constructs in terms of outer loadings and AVE.
4.4.3 Discriminant validity. Discriminant validity depends on whether each construct
shares more variance with its measures than with other constructs in the model (Chin, 1998;
Hulland, 1999); thus, the square root of the AVE must exceed the construct intercorrelations
in the model. As Table VI reveals, the construct intercorrelations in the model did not exceed
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the square root of the AVE for the constructs. Therefore, the psychometric properties of the
instruments were adequate to support our interpretation of the structural model.
Table VII.
Structural model PERFORMANCE 0.142
evaluation SMA usage 0.34
to examine several hypotheses developed from contingency theory. The results support the
main postulates of contingency theory, which states that organizational performance
depends on the fit between its structure and context. Three factors (qualifications,
experience and involvement in networks) were shown to have a potential contingency-based
relationship with SMA. The result from the PLS path model supports most of the
hypothesised relationships. In particular, SMA usage is positively associated with education
and involvement in networks. In turn, SMA usage is shown to have a positive effect on
company performance. This finding confirms the important role of SMA practices in SMEs
in improving performance. It seems likely that SMA usage and other competitive strategies
and techniques are indicators of an investment in its long-term performance (Aykan and
Aksoylu, 2013).
The PLS path model fit was statistically significant and indicated an indirect effect
(Gerdin and Greve, 2004), which provides support for the contingency theory premise.
Moreover, the relatively large proportion of explained variance in SMA usage and company
performance shows that these factors are relevant in the SMA framework. The results
showed that education is indirectly related to company performance through SMA. This
finding is unsurprising within the framework of upper echelons theory (Hambrick and
Manson, 1984). MACS can be seen as an organizational outcome or as an aspect of
organizational structure (Chenhall, 2003; Strauß and Zecher, 2013), and the characteristics of
top managers can affect their design (Hiebl, 2014; Malmi and Brown, 2008; Naranjo-Gil and
Hartmann, 2007).
SMA can provide information support for strategic decision-making and control
activities and, consequently, assist businesses to achieve profitability (Cinquini and
Tenucci, 2010). It can be concluded that SMA has a significant indirect effect in the
relationship between education and company performance. The same argument can be
extended to the role played by SMA in the relation between involvement in networks and
company performance. On the other hand, the findings showed that the relationship
results confirm that these three novel factors, which emerge from upper echelons theory,
should be added to the contingency paradigm as new variables that significantly influence
SMA use. In addition, while contingency theory emphasizes the importance of the indirect
effect of MACS in the relationship between contingency factors and organizational
performance, only a few studies have evaluated the role of SMA (Cadez and Guilding, 2008;
Santini, 2013). Thus, this study expands on the SMA literature.
However, the study has a number of limitations. First, it does not take into account the
possible effects of different industry categories. In the context of contingency theory, it
might be valuable to focus on a sample from one specific category of service activities. Such
a sample would be more standardized and may predict the adoption of certain kinds of SMA
techniques. In turn, this might make the contribution of contingent variables to
dissimilarities clearer. In addition, a case study could highlight dissimilarities and provide a
detailed rationale outlining how and why different techniques are used or not.
Furthermore, this study concentrated on the service sector. The design of the sample
thus limits the generalizability of the findings. Therefore, future studies could look at
more than one segment. Finally, the limitations of the survey method mean that the
results should be treated with caution. Future work that adopts a more intensive, case
study methodology has great scope to improve our understanding of the drivers and
outcomes of SMA adoption.
1. Kindly it was requested in the cover letter of the questionnaire that the parts related to the CEOs
field by themselves, if target respondents do not have enough information about CEOs’
characteristics and activities.
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Corresponding author
Abolfazl Amanollah Nejad Kalkhouran can be contacted at: abolfazlaman@gmail.com
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