Itanium Hardware Developer's Manual

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Intel® Itanium™ Processor

Hardware Developer’s Manual

August 2001

Document Number: 248701-002

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ii Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 4 MB Cartridge .......................................................1-1
1.2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 2 MB Cartridge .......................................................1-2
1.3 Intel® Itanium™ Processor System Data Bus....................................................1-2
1.4 Processor Abstraction Layer ..............................................................................1-2
1.5 Terminology........................................................................................................1-2
1.6 References .........................................................................................................1-3
1.6.1 Revision History ....................................................................................1-3
2 Introduction to Microarchitecture .....................................................................................2-1
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 6-Wide EPIC Core Delivers a New Level of Parallelism .......................2-1
2.1.2 Processor Pipeline ................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Processor Block Diagram......................................................................2-3
2.2 Instruction Processing ........................................................................................2-4
2.2.1 Instruction Prefetch and Fetch ..............................................................2-4
2.2.2 Branch Prediction ..................................................................................2-5
2.2.3 Dispersal Logic......................................................................................2-5
2.3 Execution............................................................................................................2-5
2.3.1 The Floating-point Unit (FPU) ...............................................................2-6
2.3.2 The Integer Logic ..................................................................................2-6
2.3.3 The Integer Register File.......................................................................2-6
2.3.4 The Register Stack Engine (RSE).........................................................2-7
2.4 Control................................................................................................................2-7
2.5 Memory Subsystem............................................................................................2-7
2.5.1 L1 Instruction Cache .............................................................................2-8
2.5.2 L1 Data Cache ......................................................................................2-8
2.5.3 Unified L2 Cache...................................................................................2-8
2.5.4 Unified L3 Cache...................................................................................2-8
2.5.5 The Advanced Load Address Table (ALAT)..........................................2-9
2.5.6 Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs) ...................................................2-9
2.5.7 Cache Coherency..................................................................................2-9
2.5.8 Write Coalescing ...................................................................................2-9
2.5.9 Memory Ordering ................................................................................2-10
2.6 IA-32 Execution ................................................................................................2-10
3 System Bus Overview .....................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Signaling on the Itanium™ Processor System Bus............................................3-1
3.1.1 Common Clock Signaling ......................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Source Synchronous Signaling .............................................................3-2
3.2 Signal Overview .................................................................................................3-3
3.2.1 Control Signals ......................................................................................3-3
3.2.2 Arbitration Signals .................................................................................3-4
3.2.3 Request Signals ....................................................................................3-5
3.2.4 Snoop Signals .......................................................................................3-5
3.2.5 Response Signals .................................................................................3-6
3.2.6 Data Signals ..........................................................................................3-6
3.2.7 Defer Signals.........................................................................................3-7

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual iii

3.2.8 Error Signals .........................................................................................3-8
3.2.9 Execution Control Signals .....................................................................3-9
3.2.10 IA-32 Compatibility Signals ...................................................................3-9
3.2.11 Platform Signals ..................................................................................3-10
3.2.12 Diagnostic Signals...............................................................................3-10
4 Data Integrity...................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 Error Classification .............................................................................................4-1
4.2 Itanium™ Processor System Bus Error Detection .............................................4-1
4.2.1 Bus Signals Protected Directly ..............................................................4-2
4.2.2 Unprotected Bus Signals.......................................................................4-2
4.2.3 Hard-fail Response ...............................................................................4-2
4.2.4 Itanium™ Processor System Bus Error Code Algorithms .....................4-3
5 Configuration and Initialization ........................................................................................5-1
5.1 Configuration Overview......................................................................................5-1
5.2 Configuration Features.......................................................................................5-1
5.2.1 Output Tristate ......................................................................................5-3
5.2.2 Built-in Self Test (BIST).........................................................................5-3
5.2.3 Data Bus Error Checking ......................................................................5-3
5.2.4 Response/ID Signal Parity Error Checking ...........................................5-3
5.2.5 Address/Request Signal Parity Error Checking.....................................5-3
5.2.6 BERR# Assertion for Initiator Bus Errors ..............................................5-3
5.2.7 BERR# Assertion for Target Bus Errors................................................5-3
5.2.8 BERR# Sampling ..................................................................................5-4
5.2.9 BINIT# Error Assertion ..........................................................................5-4
5.2.10 BINIT# Error Sampling ..........................................................................5-4
5.2.11 LOCK# Assertion ..................................................................................5-4
5.2.12 In-order Queue Pipelining .....................................................................5-4
5.2.13 Request Bus Parking Enabled ..............................................................5-4
5.2.14 Data Transfer Rate................................................................................5-4
5.2.15 Symmetric Agent Arbitration ID.............................................................5-4
5.2.16 Clock Frequency Ratios ........................................................................5-6
5.3 Initialization Overview ........................................................................................5-6
5.3.1 Initialization with RESET# .....................................................................5-6
5.3.2 Initialization with INIT# ..........................................................................5-7
6 Test Access Port (TAP)...................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Interface .............................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Accessing The TAP Logic ..................................................................................6-2
6.3 TAP Registers ....................................................................................................6-4
6.4 TAP Instructions.................................................................................................6-5
6.5 Reset Behavior...................................................................................................6-6
6.6 Scan Chain Order ..............................................................................................6-6
7 Integration Tools .............................................................................................................7-1
7.1 In-target Probe (ITP) for the Itanium™ Processor .............................................7-1
7.1.1 Primary Function ...................................................................................7-1
7.1.2 Mechanical Requirements.....................................................................7-1
7.1.3 Connector and Signals ..........................................................................7-3
7.2 Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI) for the Itanium™ Processor ...............................7-4

iv Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

A Signals Reference .......................................................................................................... A-1
A.1 Alphabetical Signals Reference ........................................................................ A-1
A.1.1 A[43:3]# (I/O)........................................................................................ A-1
A.1.2 A20M# (I).............................................................................................. A-1
A.1.3 ADS# (I/O)............................................................................................ A-1
A.1.4 AP[1:0]# (I/O) ....................................................................................... A-1
A.1.5 ASZ[1:0]# (I/O) ..................................................................................... A-2
A.1.6 ATTR[7:0]# (I/O)................................................................................... A-2
A.1.7 BCLKP / BCLKN (I) .............................................................................. A-2
A.1.8 BE[7:0]# (I/O) ....................................................................................... A-3
A.1.9 BERR# (I/O) ......................................................................................... A-3
A.1.10 BINIT# (I/O) .......................................................................................... A-3
A.1.11 BNR# (I/O)............................................................................................ A-4
A.1.12 BPM[5:0]# (I/O) .................................................................................... A-4
A.1.13 BPRI# (I)............................................................................................... A-4
A.1.14 BR0# (I/O) and BR[3:1]# (I).................................................................. A-4
A.1.15 BREQ[3:0]# (I/O) .................................................................................. A-5
A.1.16 CPUPRES# (O).................................................................................... A-5
A.1.17 D[63:0]# (I/O)........................................................................................ A-5
A.1.18 D/C# (I/O) ............................................................................................. A-6
A.1.19 DBSY# (I/O) ......................................................................................... A-6
A.1.20 DEFER# (I)........................................................................................... A-6
A.1.21 DEN# (I/0) ............................................................................................ A-6
A.1.22 DEP[7:0]# (I/O)..................................................................................... A-6
A.1.23 DHIT# (I)............................................................................................... A-6
A.1.24 DID[7:0]# (I/O) ...................................................................................... A-6
A.1.25 DPS# (I/O)............................................................................................ A-7
A.1.26 DRATE# (I)........................................................................................... A-7
A.1.27 DRDY# (I/O) ......................................................................................... A-7
A.1.28 DSZ[1:0]# (I/O) ..................................................................................... A-7
A.1.29 EXF[4:0]# (I/O) ..................................................................................... A-8
A.1.30 FCL# (I/O) ............................................................................................ A-8
A.1.31 FERR# (O) ........................................................................................... A-8
A.1.32 GSEQ# (I)............................................................................................. A-8
A.1.33 HIT# (I/O) and HITM# (I/O) .................................................................. A-8
A.1.34 ID[7:0]# (I) ............................................................................................ A-9
A.1.35 IDS# (I) ................................................................................................. A-9
A.1.36 IGNNE# (I)............................................................................................ A-9
A.1.37 INIT# (I) ................................................................................................ A-9
A.1.38 INT (I) (LINTx configured as INT)......................................................... A-9
A.1.39 IP[1:0]# (I)............................................................................................. A-9
A.1.40 LEN[1:0]# (I/O) ..................................................................................... A-9
A.1.41 LINT[1:0] (I) ........................................................................................ A-10
A.1.42 LOCK# (I/O) ....................................................................................... A-10
A.1.43 NMI (I) (LINTX configured as NMI)..................................................... A-10
A.1.44 OWN# (I/O) ........................................................................................ A-11
A.1.45 PMI# (I)............................................................................................... A-11
A.1.46 PWRGOOD (I).................................................................................... A-11
A.1.47 REQ[4:0]# (I/O) .................................................................................. A-11
A.1.48 RESET# (I) ......................................................................................... A-12
A.1.49 RP# (I/O) ............................................................................................ A-12

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual v

A.1.50 RS[2:0]# (I)......................................................................................... A-12
A.1.51 RSP# (I) ............................................................................................. A-12
A.1.52 SBSY# (I/O) ....................................................................................... A-13
A.1.53 SPLCK# (I/O) ..................................................................................... A-13
A.1.54 STBN[3:0]# and STBP[3:0]# (I/O) ...................................................... A-13
A.1.55 TCK (I)................................................................................................ A-13
A.1.56 TDI (I) ................................................................................................. A-13
A.1.57 TDO (O) ............................................................................................. A-13
A.1.58 THERMTRIP# (O) .............................................................................. A-14
A.1.59 THRMALERT# (O) ............................................................................. A-14
A.1.60 TMS (I) ............................................................................................... A-14
A.1.61 TND# (I/O).......................................................................................... A-14
A.1.62 TRDY# (I) ........................................................................................... A-14
A.1.63 TRISTATE# (I) ................................................................................... A-14
A.1.64 TRST# (I) ........................................................................................... A-14
A.1.65 WSNP# (I/O) ...................................................................................... A-14
A.2 Signal Summaries ........................................................................................... A-15

1-1 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 4 MB Cartridge Block Diagram...............................1-1
1-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 2 MB Cartridge Block Diagram...............................1-2
2-1 Two Examples Illustrating Supported Parallelism ..............................................2-2
2-2 Itanium™ Processor Core Pipeline ....................................................................2-3
2-3 Itanium™ Processor Block Diagram ..................................................................2-4
2-4 FMAC Units Deliver 8 Flops/Clock.....................................................................2-6
2-5 Itanium™ Processor Memory Subsystem..........................................................2-8
2-6 IA-32 Compatibility Microarchitecture ..............................................................2-10
3-1 Common Clock Latched Protocol.......................................................................3-2
3-2 Source Synchronous Latched Protocol..............................................................3-3
5-1 BR[3:0]# Physical Interconnection with Four Symmetric Agents .......................5-5
6-1 Test Access Port Block Diagram........................................................................6-2
6-2 TAP Controller State Diagram............................................................................6-3
6-3 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 2MB Cartridge Scan Chain Order ..........................6-7
6-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 4MB Cartridge Scan Chain Order ..........................6-7
7-1 Front View of the Mechanical Volume Occupied by ITP Hardware ...................7-2
7-2 Side View of the Mechanical Volume Occupied by ITP Hardware.....................7-2
7-3 Debug Port Connector Pinout Bottom View .......................................................7-3
7-4 Front View of LAI Adapter Keepout Volume ......................................................7-5
7-5 Side View of LAI Adapter Keepout Volume........................................................7-5
7-6 Bottom View of LAI Adapter Keepout Volume ...................................................7-6

vi Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

3-1 Control Signals .................................................................................................. 3-3
3-2 Arbitration Signals ............................................................................................. 3-4
3-3 Request Signals ................................................................................................ 3-5
3-4 Snoop Signals ................................................................................................... 3-5
3-5 Response Signals ............................................................................................. 3-6
3-6 Data Signals ...................................................................................................... 3-6
3-7 STBP[3:0]# and STBN[3:0]# Associations ........................................................ 3-7
3-8 Defer Signals..................................................................................................... 3-7
3-9 Error Signals...................................................................................................... 3-8
3-10 Execution Control Signals ................................................................................. 3-9
3-11 IA-32 Compatibility Signals ............................................................................... 3-9
3-12 Platform Signals .............................................................................................. 3-10
3-13 Diagnostic Signals........................................................................................... 3-10
4-1 Direct Bus Signal Protection.............................................................................. 4-2
5-1 Processor Power-on Configuration Features .................................................... 5-2
5-2 Itanium™ Processor Bus BREQ[3:0]# Interconnect (4-Way Processors)......... 5-5
5-3 Arbitration ID Configuration ............................................................................... 5-5
5-4 Itanium™ Processor System Bus to Core Frequency Multiplier Configuration . 5-6
5-5 Itanium™ Processor Reset State (after PAL).................................................... 5-6
5-6 Itanium™ Processor INIT State......................................................................... 5-7
6-1 Instructions for the Itanium™ Processor TAP Controller................................... 6-6
7-1 Recommended Debug Port Signal Connectivity ............................................... 7-3
A-1 Address Space Size .......................................................................................... A-2
A-2 Effective Memory Type Signal Encoding........................................................... A-2
A-3 Special Transaction Encoding on Byte Enables................................................ A-3
A-4 BR0# (I/O), BR1#, BR2#, BR3# Signals Rotating Interconnect ........................ A-4
A-5 BR[3:0]# Signals and Agent IDs........................................................................ A-5
A-6 DID[7:0]# Encoding ........................................................................................... A-7
A-7 Data Transfer Rates of Requesting Agent (DSZ[1:0]#)..................................... A-8
A-8 Extended Function Signals................................................................................ A-8
A-9 Length of Data Transfer .................................................................................. A-10
A-10 Transaction Types Defined by REQa# / REQb# Signals ................................ A-11
A-11 STBp[3:0]# and STBn[3:0]# Associations ....................................................... A-13
A-12 Output Signals................................................................................................. A-15
A-13 Input Signals.................................................................................................... A-15
A-14 Input/Output Signals (Single Driver)................................................................ A-16
A-15 Input/Output Signals (Multiple Driver) ............................................................. A-16

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual vii

viii Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual
Introduction 1
The Intel® Itanium™ processor, the first in a family of processors based on Itanium architecture, is
designed to address the needs of high-performance servers and workstations. The Itanium
architecture goes beyond RISC and CISC approaches by pairing massive processing resources with
intelligent compilers that enable parallel execution explicit to the processor. Its large internal
resources combine with predication and speculation to enable optimization for high performance
applications running on Windows* Advanced Server Limited Edition, Windows* XP 64-bit
Edition, Linux, HP-UX* 11i v1.5 and other Itanium-based operating systems. The Itanium
processor is designed to support very large scale systems, including those employing several
thousand processors. It will provide the processing power and performance head room for back-
office data-intensive servers, internet servers, and large data set computation intensive applications
for high-end workstations. SMBus compatibility and comprehensive RAS features make the
Itanium processor ideal for applications that demand continuous operation for maximum reliability
and availability. In addition, the Itanium processor is fully compatible, in hardware, with IA-32
instruction binaries to preserve existing software investments. For high performance servers and
workstations, the Itanium processor offers outstanding performance and reliability in targeted
application segments and the scalability to address the growing e-business needs of tomorrow.

1.1 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 4 MB Cartridge

The Itanium processor 4 MB cartridge contains the processor core and 4 MB of Level 3 (L3) cache
(four 1 MB Intel Cache SRAMs). The high speed L3 cache bus is completely isolated in the
Itanium processor cartridge and operates at the same frequency as the processor core. Figure 1-1
shows the block diagram for the Itanium processor 4 MB cartridge.
Figure 1-1. Intel® Itanium™ Processor 4 MB Cartridge Block Diagram




DATA Processor Core DATA

[0:63] [64:127]

System Bus

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 1-1


1.2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor 2 MB Cartridge

The Itanium processor 2 MB cartridge contains the processor core and 2 MB of L3 cache (two
1 MB Intel Cache SRAMs). The high speed L3 cache bus is completely isolated in the Itanium
processor cartridge. Figure 1-2 shows the block diagram for the Itanium processor 2 MB cartridge.
Figure 1-2. Intel® Itanium™ Processor 2 MB Cartridge Block Diagram



DATA Processor Core DATA

[0:63] [64:127]

System Bus

1.3 Intel® Itanium™ Processor System Data Bus

The system bus signals use an enhanced version of the low voltage AGTL+ (Advanced Gunning
Transceiver Logic) signaling technology used by the Pentium® III and Pentium III Xeon™
processors. For the highest performance, the system bus supports source synchronous data
transfers. The system bus signals require external termination on each end of the signal trace to
help supply the high signal level and to control reflections on the transmission line. Maximum
system data bus throughput is 2.1 GB/sec.

1.4 Processor Abstraction Layer

The Itanium processor cartridge functionality requires the Processor Abstraction Layer (PAL)
firmware. The PAL firmware resides in the system flash memory and is part of the Intel Itanium
architecture. This firmware provides an abstraction level between the processor hardware
implementation and the system platform firmware to maintain a single software interface for
multiple implementations of the processor silicon steppings. PAL firmware encapsulates those
processor functions that may change from one implementation to another so that the System
Abstraction Layer (SAL) can maintain a consistent view of the processor.

The System Abstraction Layer (SAL) consists of the platform dependent firmware. SAL is the
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) required to boot the operating system (OS). The Intel®
Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Vol. 2: System Architecture describes the
PAL interface in detail.

1.5 Terminology
In this document, a ‘#’ symbol after a signal name refers to an active low signal. This means that a
signal is in the active state (based on the name of the signal) when driven to a low level. For

1-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual


example, when RESET# is low, a processor reset has been requested. When NMI is high, a non-
maskable interrupt has occurred. In the case of lines where the name does not imply an active state
but describes part of a binary sequence (such as address or data), the ‘#’ symbol implies that the
signal is inverted. For example, D[3:0] = ‘HLHL’ refers to a hex ‘A’, and D [3:0] # = ‘LHLH’ also
refers to a hex ‘A’ (H= High logic level, L= Low logic level).

The term ‘system bus’ refers to the interface between the processor, system core logic and other
bus agents. The system bus is a multiprocessing interface to processors, memory and I/O. The L3
cache does NOT connect to the system bus, and is not accessible by other agents on the system bus.
Cache coherency is maintained with other agents on the system bus through the MESI cache
protocol as supported by the HIT# and HITM# bus signals.

The term "Intel Itanium processor" refers to the cartridge package which interfaces to a host system
board through a PAC418 connector. Intel Itanium processors include a processor core, an L3 cache,
and various system management features. The Intel Itanium processor includes a thermal plate for
a cooling solution attachment.

1.6 References
The reader of this manual should also be familiar with material and concepts presented in the
following documents and tools:
• Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 1-4 (Document Number:
245317, 245318, 245319, 245320)
• Intel® Itanium™ Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet (Document Number:
• Itanium™ Processor Family Error Handling Guide (Document Number: 249278)
• Itanium™ Processor Microarchitecture Reference (Document Number: 245473)
• IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture
• PAC418 VLIF Socket and Cartridge Ejector Design Specification
• PAC418 Cartridge/Power Pod Retention Mechanism and Triple Beam Design Guide
• Itanium™ Processor Heatsink Guidelines

Note: Contact your Intel representative for the latest revision of the documents without document

1.6.1 Revision History

Description Date
001 Initial release of the Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s May 2001
002 Updated Section 1: Introduction. August 2001

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 1-3


1-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Introduction to Microarchitecture 2
This chapter provides an introduction to the Intel Itanium processor microarchitecture. For detailed
information on Itanium architecture, please refer to the Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software
Developer’s Manual. For more detailed description of Itanium processor microarchitecture, please
refer to the Itanium™ Processor Microarchitecture Reference.

2.1 Overview
The Intel Itanium processor is the first implementation of the Itanium Instruction Set Architecture
(ISA). The processor employs EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) design concepts
for a tighter coupling between hardware and software. In this design style, the interface between
hardware and software is designed to enable the software to exploit all available compile-time
information, and efficiently deliver this information to the hardware. It addresses several
fundamental performance bottlenecks in modern computers, such as memory latency, memory
address disambiguation, and control flow dependencies. The EPIC constructs provide powerful
architectural semantics, and enable the software to make global optimizations across a large
scheduling scope, thereby exposing available Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) to the hardware.
The hardware takes advantage of this enhanced ILP, and provides abundant execution resources.
Additionally, it focuses on dynamic run-time optimizations to enable the compiled code schedule
to flow through at high throughput. This strategy increases the synergy between hardware and
software, and leads to higher overall performance.

The Itanium processor provides a 6-wide and 10-stage deep pipeline, running at 733 and 800 MHz.
This provides a combination of both abundant resources to exploit ILP as well as high frequency
for minimizing the latency of each instruction. The resources consist of 4 integer units, 4
multimedia units, 2 load/store units, 3 branch units, 2 extended-precision floating point units, and 2
additional single-precision floating point units. The hardware employs dynamic prefetch, branch
prediction, a register scoreboard, and non-blocking caches to optimize for compile-time non-
determinism. Three levels of on-package cache minimize overall memory latency. This includes a
4MB L3 cache, accessed at core speed, providing over 12GB/sec of data bandwidth. The system
bus is designed for glueless MP support for up to 4-processor systems, and can be used as an
effective building block for very large systems. The advanced FPU delivers over 3 GFLOPS of
numerics capability (6 GFLOPS for single-precision). The balanced core and memory subsystem
provide high performance for a wide range of applications ranging from commercial workloads to
high performance technical computing.

2.1.1 6-Wide EPIC Core Delivers a New Level of Parallelism

The processor provides hardware for the following execution units - 4 integer ALUs, 4 Multimedia
ALUs, 2 Extended Precision FP Units, 2 additional Single Precision FP Units, 2 load/store units
and 3 branch units. The machine can fetch, issue, execute and retire 6 instructions each clock.
Given the powerful semantics of the Itanium instructions, this expands out to many more
operations being executed each cycle.

Figure 2-1 illustrates two examples demonstrating the level of parallel operation supported for
various workloads. For enterprise and commercial codes, the MII/MBB template combination in a
bundle pair provides 6 instructions or 8 parallel ops per clock (2 load/store, 2 general-purpose ALU
ops, 2 post-increment ALU ops, and 2 branch instructions). Alternatively, an MIB/MIB pair allows

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 2-1

Introduction to Microarchitecture

the same mix of operations, but with 1 branch hint and 1 branch op, instead of 2 branch ops. For
scientific code, the use of the MFI template in each bundle enables 12 parallel Ops per clock
(loading 4 double-precision operands to the registers, executing 4 double-precision flops, 2 integer
ALU ops and 2 post-increment ALU ops). For digital content creation codes that use single
precision floating point, the SIMD features in the machine effectively provide the capability to
perform up to 20 parallel ops per clock (loading 8 single precision operands, executing 8 single
precision FLOPs, 2 integer ALUs, and 2 post-incrementing ALU operations).
Figure 2-1. Two Examples Illustrating Supported Parallelism

6 Instructions Provide:
ƒ 12 Parallel Ops/Clock for Scientific
ƒ 20 Parallel Ops/Clock For Digital
Content Creation
2 ALU Ops
• Load 4 DP (8 SP) Ops
Via 2 Fld-pair 4 DP FLOPS
• 2 ALU Ops (Post incr.) (8 SP FLOPS)

6 Instructions Provide:
8 Parallel Ops/Clock for Enterprise
and Internet Applications

2 Loads + 2 Branch Insts.

2 ALU Ops 2 ALU Ops
(post incr.)

Note: SP-Single Precision

DP-Double Precision

2.1.2 Processor Pipeline

The processor hardware is organized into a ten stage core pipeline, shown in Figure 2-2, that can
execute up to six instructions in parallel each clock. The first three pipeline stages perform the
instruction fetch and deliver the instructions into a decoupling buffer in the ROT (instruction
rotation) stage that enables the front-end of the machine to operate independently from the back
end. The bold line in the middle of the core pipeline indicates a point of decoupling. Dispersal and
register renaming are performed in the next two stages, EXP (expand) and REN (register rename).
Operand delivery is accomplished across the WLD (wordline decode) and REG (register read)
stages, where the register file is accessed and data is delivered through the bypass network after
processing the predicate control. Finally, the last three stages perform the wide parallel execution
followed by exception management and retirement. In particular, the DET (exception detection)
stage accommodates delayed branch execution as well as memory exception management and
speculation support.

2-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Introduction to Microarchitecture

Figure 2-2. Itanium™ Processor Core Pipeline

Front-end Execution Core

Pre-fetch/Fetch of 6 Instructions/Clock 4 Single Cycle ALU, 2 Load/Stores
Hierarchy of Branch Predictors Advanced Load Control
Decoupling Buffer Predicate Delivery & Branch


Instruction Delivery Operand Delivery

Dispersal of 6 Instructions onto 9 Issue Ports Register File Read and Bypass
Register Remapping Register Scoreboard
Register Save Engine Predicated Dependencies


2.1.3 Processor Block Diagram

Figure 2-3 shows the block diagram of the Itanium processor. The function of the processor is
divided into five groups, each summarized below. The following sections give a high-level
description of the operation of each group.
1. Instruction Processing
The instruction processing group contains the logic for instruction prefetch and fetch, branch
prediction, decoupling buffer, register stack engine/remapping.
2. Execution
The execution group contains the logic for integer, floating-point (FP), multimedia, branch
execution units, and the integer and FP register files.
3. Control
The control group contains the exception handler and pipeline control.
4. Memory Subsystem
The memory subsystem group contains the L1 instruction cache (L1I), the L1 data cache
(L1D), the unified L2 cache, the unified L3 cache, the Programmable Interrupt Controller
(PIC), the Advanced Load Address Table (ALAT), and the system bus and backside bus logic.
5. IA-32 Execution
The IA-32 execution group contains hardware for handling IA-32 instructions.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 2-3

Introduction to Microarchitecture

Figure 2-3. Itanium™ Processor Block Diagram

L1 Instruction Cache
and ITLB IA-32
Branch Fetch/Pre-fetch Engine Decode
Prediction and
Decoupling Control
8 Bundles


Register Stack Engine / Re-Mapping

L2 Cache

Branch & Predicate

L3 Cache
128 Integer Registers 128 FP Registers
Scoreboard, Predicate,

NaTs, Exceptions


Branch Dual-Port
Units L1
MM Units Floating
Cache Point
and Units

Bus Controller


2.2 Instruction Processing

2.2.1 Instruction Prefetch and Fetch

Acting in conjunction with sophisticated branch prediction and correction hardware, the Itanium
processor speculatively fetches instructions from a moderately sized and pipelined L1 instruction
cache (L1I) into a decoupling buffer. This buffer allows the front end to speculatively fetch ahead
and hide the instruction cache and branch prediction latencies. A hierarchy of branch predictors,
aided by Branch Hints provided by the compiler, provides up to 4 progressively improving
instruction pointer resteers. Software-initiated prefetch probes for future misses in the instruction
cache and then prefetches such target code from the L2 cache into a streaming buffer and
eventually into the instruction cache.

The 16KB, 4-way set-associative instruction cache is fully pipelined, and can deliver 32B of code
(two instruction bundles or 6 instructions) every clock. It is supported by a single-cycle 64-entry
Instruction TLB that is fully-associative and backed up by an on-chip hardware page walker. The

2-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Introduction to Microarchitecture

fetched code is fed into a decoupling buffer that can hold 8 bundles of code. During instruction
issue, instructions read from the decoupling buffers are sent to the instruction issue and rename
logic based on the availability of execution resources.

2.2.2 Branch Prediction

The processor employs a hierarchy of branch prediction structures to deliver high-accuracy and
low-penalty predictions across a wide spectrum of workloads. The branch prediction hardware is
assisted by Branch Hint directives provided by the compiler (in the form of explicit BRP
instructions, as well as hint specifiers on branch instructions). The directives provide branch target
addresses, static hints on branch direction, as well as indications on when to use dynamic
prediction. These directives are programmed into the branch prediction structures and used in
conjunction with dynamic prediction schemes. The machine provides up to 4 progressive
predictions and corrections to the fetch pointer. These 4 resteers are:

Resteer-1: Special single-cycle branch predictor (uses compiler programmed Target Address

Resteer-2: Adaptive Two-level Multi-way Predictor, & Return Predictor:

Resteers-3,4: Branch Address Calculation & Correction (BAC1, BAC2):

2.2.3 Dispersal Logic

The processor has a total of 9 issue ports capable of issuing up to 2 memory instructions (ports M0
& M1), 2 integer (ports I0 & I1), 2 floating-point (ports F0 & F1), and 3 branch instructions (ports
B0, B1, and B2) per clock. The 17 execution units in the processor are fed through the M, I, F, and
B groups of issue ports.

The decoupling buffer feeds the dispersal in a bundle granular fashion (up to 2 bundles or 6
instructions per cycle), with a fresh bundle being presented each time one is consumed. Dispersal
from the two bundles is instruction granular – the processor disperses as many instruction as can be
issued (up to 6), in left-to-right order. The dispersal algorithm is fast and simple, with instructions
being dispersed to the first available issue port, subject to two constraints - detection of instruction
independence, and detection of resource oversubscription.

2.3 Execution
The Itanium processor has the following execution units: four integer, four multimedia, two
extended-precision floating-point and two additional single-precision floating-point, three branch,
and two load/store units. The processor implements 128 integer and 128 floating point registers,
and eight branch registers.

The integer engines support all non-packed integer arithmetic and logical operations. The
multimedia engines can treat 64-bit data as either 2 x 32-bit, 4 x 16-bit, or 8 x 8-bit packed data
types. Four integer or multimedia operations can be executed each cycle. The floating-point
engines support simultaneous multiply-add to provide performance for scientific computation.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 2-5

Introduction to Microarchitecture

2.3.1 The Floating-point Unit (FPU)

The floating-point unit (FPU) delivers up to 6.4 Gflops and provides full support for single, double,
extended, and mixed mode precision computations. Parallel FP instructions which operate on pairs
of 32-bit single precision numbers increase the single-precision FP computation throughput. The
processor also supports multimedia instructions that treat the general registers as vectors of eight 8-
bit, four 16-bit, or two 32-bit elements. The FPU execution hardware primarily consists of a low
latency floating-point multiply-add (FMAC) primitive with high register and memory bandwidth,
which is an effective building block for scientific computation. At peak, two FP instructions, two
integer instructions, and two integer or FP loads/stores can be issued every clock.

The FPU has a 128-entry FP register file with eight read and four write ports supporting full
bandwidth operation. See Figure 2-4. Every cycle, the eight read ports can feed two extended-
precision FMACs (each with three operands) as well as two floating-point stores to memory. The
four write ports can accommodate two extended-precision results from the two MAC units and the
results from two load instructions each clock. To increase the effective write bandwidth into the
FPU from memory, the floating-point registers are divided into odd and even backs. This enables
the two physical ports dedicated to load returns to be used to write four values pre clock to the
register file (two to each bank), using two ldf-pair instructions. The earliest cache level to feed the
FPU is the unified L2 cache. The latency of loads from this cache to the FPU is nine clock cycles.
For data beyond the L2 cache, the bandwidth to the L3 cache is two double-precision operations
per clock (one 64-byte line every four clock cycles)

Figure 2-4. FMAC Units Deliver 8 Flops/Clock

6 x 82 bits
2 Stores/Clock

Even Register
L3 L2 (128-entry
Cache Cache Odd 82 bits)

2 Double- 4 Double-
precision precision
Ops/Clock Ops/Clock 2 x 82 bits
(2 x ldf-pair)


2.3.2 The Integer Logic

The integer execution engine includes four Arithmetic Logic Units (ALUs) and memory ports used
to issue loads or stores. All common operations are fully bypassed.

2.3.3 The Integer Register File

The integer register file is divided into static and stacked subsets. The static subset is visible to all
procedures and consists of 32 general registers from GR0 through GR31. GR0 always returns 0.
The stacked subset local to each procedure begins at GR32 and may vary in size from zero to 96
registers under software control. The register stack mechanism is implemented by renaming
register addresses as a side-effect of procedure calls and returns. The implementation of this
rename mechanism is not visible to application programs.

2-6 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Introduction to Microarchitecture

2.3.4 The Register Stack Engine (RSE)

The Itanium processor eliminates overhead associated with call/return by avoiding the spilling and
filling of registers at procedure interfaces through a large register file and register stack.When a
procedure is called, a new frame of registers is made available to the called procedure without the
need for an explicit save of the caller’s registers. The old registers remain in the large physical
register file as long as there is enough physical capacity. When the number of registers needed
overflows the available physical capacity, the Register Stack Engine (RSE) state machine is called
to save registers to memory to free up the necessary registers needed for the upcoming call.

On a call return, the processor is reversed to restore access to the state prior to the call. In cases
where the RSE has saved some of the callee’s registers, the processor stalls on return until the RSE
can restore the appropriate number of the callee’s registers. The Itanium processor implements the
forced lazy mode of the RSE.

2.4 Control
The control group of the Itanium processor is made up of the exception handler and the pipeline
control. The exception handler implements exception prioritizing. The pipeline control uses a
scoreboard to detect register source dependencies and also special support for control and data
speculation as well as predication. For control speculation, the hardware manages the creation and
propagation deferred exception tokens (called NaT). For data speculation, the processor provides
an Advanced Load Address Table or ALAT (see Section 2.5.5). Predication support includes the
management 64 1-bit predicate registers as well as the effects of predicates on instruction

2.5 Memory Subsystem

The Itanium processor accesses main system memory through the system bus described in
Chapter 3, “System Bus Overview”. The memory subsystem group for the Itanium processor
contains the L1 instruction cache (L1I), the L1 data cache (L1D), the unified L2 cache, the unified
L3 cache, the Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC), the Advanced Load Address Table
(ALAT), and the system bus and backside bus logic (Figure 2-5).

The L2 cache contains instructions and data accessed at the full clock speed of the processor. The
L2 cache can handle two requests per clock via banking if there are no conflict conditions. This
cache is unified, allowing it to service both instruction and data side requests from the L1 caches.
When a request to the L2 cache causes a miss, the request is automatically forwarded to the L3

The backside bus logic accesses the L3 cache through a 128-bit backside bus operating at the full
clock speed of the processor. L3 cache misses are automatically forwarded to main system memory
through the Itanium processor system bus.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 2-7

Introduction to Microarchitecture

Figure 2-5. Itanium™ Processor Memory Subsystem


Bus Logic L2

Itanium™ Processor
128b Backside Bus


Itanium Processor Cartridge


2.5.1 L1 Instruction Cache

The Itanium processor L1 instruction (L1I) cache is 16 KB in size and organized as 4-way set-
associative with a 32B line size. L1I is fully pipelined and can deliver a 32B line containing two
instruction bundles (six instructions) every clock. The L1I cache is physically indexed and
physically tagged.

2.5.2 L1 Data Cache

The Itanium processor L1 data (L1D) cache is dual-ported 16 KB in size and is organized as 4-way
set-associative (with way prediction) with a 32B line size and two-cycle load latency. It can support
two concurrent loads or stores. The L1 data cache only caches data for the integer unit, not the
floating-point unit. The L1D cache is write-through with no write allocation. The L1D cache is
physically indexed and physically tagged.

2.5.3 Unified L2 Cache

The Itanium processor unified L2 cache is pseudo-dual-ported and supports concurrent accesses
via banking. The L2 cache is 96 KB, 6-way set-associative with a 64 B line size. The L2 cache uses
a write-back with write-allocate policy. The L2 cache is physically indexed and physically tagged.

2.5.4 Unified L3 Cache

The Itanium processor unified L3 cache is available in 2 or 4 MB size and is organized as 4-way
set-associative with a 64 B line size. The L3 cache is physically indexed and physically tagged.
The L3 cache is accessed via a dedicated 128-bit back-side bus that runs at full processor core

2-8 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Introduction to Microarchitecture

2.5.5 The Advanced Load Address Table (ALAT)

A structure called the Advanced Load Address Table (ALAT) is used to enable data speculation in
the Itanium processor. The ALAT keeps information on speculative data loads issued by the
processor and any stores that are aliased with these loads. The Itanium processor ALAT has 32
entries and is 2-way set-associative.

2.5.6 Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs)

There are three TLBs on the Itanium processor: first level Data Translation Lookaside Buffer
(DTLB1), second level Data Translation Lookaside Buffer (DTLB2), and the Instruction
Translation Lookaside Buffer (ITLB). TLB misses in either the Data Translation Lookaside Buffers
(DTLB1 and DTLB2) or the ITLB are serviced by the hardware page table walker which supports
the Itanium-defined 8B and 32B Virtual Hash Page Table (VHPT) format. The Data TLB (DTLB)

The DTLB has a two-level TLB hierarchy (DTLB1 and DTLB2 are not inclusive):
1. The DTLB1 has 32 entries, is fully-associative and maintains cached copies of the main
DTLB2. The DTLB1 is not architecturally visible.
2. The DTLB2 has 96 entries, is fully-associative, holds all architecturally defined page sizes,
data Translation Register (TR) and data Translation Cache (TC) entries.
3. There are 48 data TRs on the Itanium processor. The Instruction TLB (ITLB)

The ITLB is single-level:
1. The ITLB contains 64 entries and is fully associative.
2. The ITLB holds all architecturally defined page sizes, instruction TRs, and instruction TC
entries. The ITLB has only one level of hierarchy.
3. There are eight instruction TRs on the Itanium processor.

2.5.7 Cache Coherency

A three-level cache system requires a mechanism for data consistency between different caches
levels. Every read access to a memory address must provide the most current data at that address.
The Itanium processor implements the MESI (Modified, Exclusive, Shared, and Invalid) state
protocol to maintain cache coherency.

2.5.8 Write Coalescing

For increased performance of uncacheable references to frame buffers, the Write Coalescing (WC)
memory type coalesces streams of data writes into a single larger bus write transaction. On the
Itanium processor, WC loads are performed directly from memory and not from the coalescing

On the Itanium processor, a separate two-entry, 64-byte buffer (WCB) is used for WC accesses
exclusively. The processor will evict (flush) each buffer if the buffer is full or if specific ordering
constraints are met.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 2-9

Introduction to Microarchitecture

2.5.9 Memory Ordering

The Itanium processor implements a relaxed memory ordering model to enhance memory system
performance. Memory transactions are ordered with respect to visibility whereby visibility of a
transaction is defined as a point in time after which no later transactions may affect its operation.

On the Itanium processor, a transaction is considered visible when it hits the L1D (if the instruction
is serviceable by L1D), the L2, or the L3, or when it has reached the visibility point on the system

2.6 IA-32 Execution

Itanium processor supports IA-32 instruction binary compatibility in hardware (Figure 2-6). This
includes support for running a mix of IA-32 applications and Itanium-based applications on an
Itanium-based OS, as well as IA-32 applications on an IA-32 OS, in both uniprocessor and
multiprocessor configurations. The IA-32 engine is designed to make use of the registers, caches,
and execution resources of the EPIC machine. To deliver high performance on legacy binaries, the
IA-32 engine dynamically schedules instructions.
Figure 2-6. IA-32 Compatibility Microarchitecture

IA-32 Instruction Fetch Shared Instruction Cache

and Decode and TLB

IA-32 Dynamic Scheduler

Shared Itanium™ Processor

Execution Core

IA-32 Retirement & Exceptions


2-10 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

System Bus Overview 3
This chapter provides an overview of the Itanium processor system bus, bus transactions, and bus
signals. The Itanium processor also supports signals not discussed in this section. For a complete
signal listing, please refer to the Intel® Itanium™ Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet.

3.1 Signaling on the Itanium™ Processor System Bus

The Itanium processor system bus supports common clock signaling as well as source synchronous
signaling for increased performance. Section 3.1.1 and Section 3.1.2 describe in detail the
characteristics of each type of signaling. The corresponding timing figures, Figure 3-1 and
Figure 3-2, use square, triangle, and circle symbols to indicate the point at which signals are driven,
received, and sampled, respectively. The square indicates that a signal is driven (asserted or
deasserted) in that clock. The triangle indicates that a signal is received on or before that point. The
circle indicates that a signal is sampled (observed, latched, captured) in that clock.

3.1.1 Common Clock Signaling

In this mode, the system bus signaling uses a synchronous common clock latched protocol. On the
rising edge of the bus clock, all agents on the system bus are required to drive their active outputs
and sample required inputs. No additional logic is located in the output and input paths between the
buffer and the latch stage, thus keeping setup and hold times constant for all bus signals following
the latched protocol. The system bus requires that every input be sampled during a valid sampling
window on a rising clock edge and its effect be driven out no sooner than the next rising clock
edge. This approach allows one full clock for communication between system bus agents and at
least one full clock at the receiver to compute a response.

Figure 3-1 illustrates the latched bus protocol as it appears on the bus. In subsequent descriptions,
the protocol is described as “B# is asserted in the clock after A# is observed asserted,” or “B# is
asserted two clocks after A# is asserted.” Note that A# is asserted in T1, but not observed asserted
until T2. A# has one full clock to propagate (indicated by the straight line with arrows) before it is
observed asserted. The receiving agent uses T2 to determine its response and asserts B# in T3. That
is, the receiving agent has one full clock cycle from the time it observes A# asserted (at the rising
edge of T2) to the time it computes its response (indicated by the curved line with the single arrow)
and drives this response at the rising edge of T3 on B#. Similarly, an agent observes A# asserted at
the rising edge of T2, and uses the full T2 clock to compute its response (indicated by the
lowermost curved arrow during T2). This response would be driven at the rising edge of T3 (not
shown in Figure 3-1) on {internal} signals. Although B# is driven at the rising edge of T3, it has
the full clock T3 to propagate. B# is observed asserted in T4.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 3-1

System Bus Overview

Figure 3-1. Common Clock Latched Protocol

Full clock allowed Full clock allowed
for signal propagation for logic delays

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5






{Internal} 0 0 1 1

Assert A#
Latch A# Latch B#
Assert B#
Change internal state

Signals that are driven in the same clock by multiple system bus agents exhibit a “wired-OR glitch”
on the electrical low to electrical high transition. To account for this situation, these signal state
transitions are specified to have two clocks of settling time when deasserted before they can be
safely observed, as shown with B#. The bus signals that must meet this criterion are: BINIT#,
HIT#, HITM#, BNR#, TND#, and BERR#.

3.1.2 Source Synchronous Signaling

The data bus can also operate in a source synchronous latched protocol to achieve a 2x transfer
rate. This source synchronous latched protocol is accomplished by sending and latching data with
strobes. The rest of the system bus always uses the common clock latched protocol described in
Section 3.1.1.

The source synchronous latched protocol operates the data bus at twice the “frequency” of the
common clock. Two source synchronous data transfers are driven onto the bus in the time it would
normally take to drive one common clock data transfer. At both the beginning and 50% points of
the bus clock period, drivers send new data. At both the 25% point and the 75% point of the bus
clock period, drivers send centered differential strobes. The receiver captures the data with the
strobes deterministically.

The driver pre-drives STBP# before driving data. It sends a rising and falling edge on STBP# and
STBN#, centered with data. The driver deasserts all strobes after the last data is sent. The receiver
captures valid data with the difference of both strobe signals, asynchronous to the common clock.
A signal synchronous to the common clock (DRDY#) indicates to the receiver that valid data has
been sent.

3-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

System Bus Overview

Figure 3-2. Source Synchronous Latched Protocol

Full clock allowed

for signal propagation

T1 T2 T3 T4



D1 D2 D3 D4
Data Bus
STBP# (@driver)

STBN# (@driver)
D1 D2 D3 D4
Data Bus
STBP# (@receiver)

STBN# (@receiver)

Capture D1
Drive D1 Capture D2

Drive D2 Latch D1,D2

3.2 Signal Overview

This section describes the function of various Itanium processor signals. In this section, the signals
are grouped according to function. For a complete signal listing, please refer to the Intel®
Itanium™ Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet.

3.2.1 Control Signals

The control signals, shown in Table 3-1, are used to control basic operations of the processor.

Table 3-1. Control Signals

Signal Function Signal Names
Positive Phase Bus Clock BCLKP
Negative Phase Bus Clock BCLKN
Reset Processor and System Bus Agents RESET#
Power Good PWRGOOD

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 3-3

System Bus Overview

The BCLKP (Positive Phase Bus Clock) input signal is the positive phase of the system bus clock
differential pair. It is also referred to as CLK in some of the waveforms in this overview. It specifies
the bus frequency and clock period and is used in the signaling scheme. Each processor derives its
internal clock from CLK by multiplying the bus frequency by a multiplier determined at
configuration. See Chapter 5, “Configuration and Initialization” for further details.

The BCLKN (Negative Phase Bus Clock) input signal is the negative phase of the system bus clock
differential pair.

The RESET# input signal resets all system bus agents to known states and invalidates their internal
caches. Modified or dirty cache lines are NOT written back. After RESET# is deasserted, each
processor begins execution at the power-on reset vector.

The PWRGOOD (Power Good) input signal must be deasserted during power-up and be asserted
after RESET# is first asserted by the system.

3.2.2 Arbitration Signals

The arbitration signals, shown in Table 3-2, are used to arbitrate for ownership of the bus, a
requirement for initiating a bus transaction.

Table 3-2. Arbitration Signals

Signal Function Signal Names
Symmetric Agent Bus Request BREQ[3:0]#
Priority Agent Bus Request BPRI#
Block Next Request BNR#
Lock LOCK#

BR[3:0]# are the physical pins of the processor. All processors assert only BR0#. BREQ[3:0]#
refers to the system bus arbitration signals among four processors. BR0# of each of the four
processors is connected to a unique BREQ[3:0]# signal.

Up to five agents can simultaneously arbitrate for the request bus, one to four symmetric agents (on
BREQ[3:0]#) and one priority agent (on BPRI#). Processors arbitrate as symmetric agents, while
the priority agent normally arbitrates on behalf of the I/O agents and memory agents. Owning the
request bus is a necessary pre-condition for initiating a transaction.

The symmetric agents arbitrate for the bus based on a round-robin rotating priority scheme. The
arbitration is fair and symmetric. A symmetric agent requests the bus by asserting its BREQn#
signal. Based on the values sampled on BREQ[3:0]#, and the last symmetric bus owner, all agents
simultaneously determine the next symmetric bus owner.

The priority agent asks for the bus by asserting BPRI#. The assertion of BPRI# temporarily
overrides, but does not otherwise alter the symmetric arbitration scheme. When BPRI# is sampled
asserted, no symmetric agent issues another unlocked transaction until BPRI# is sampled
deasserted. The priority agent is always the next bus owner.

BNR# can be asserted by any bus agent to block further transactions from being issued to the
request bus. It is typically asserted when system resources, such as address or data buffers, are
about to become temporarily busy or filled and cannot accommodate another transaction. After bus
initialization, BNR# can be asserted to delay the first transaction until all bus agents are initialized.

The assertion of the LOCK# signal indicates that the symmetric agent is executing an atomic
sequence of transactions that must not be interrupted. A locked sequence cannot be interrupted by
another transaction regardless of the assertion of BREQ[3:0]# or BPRI#. LOCK# can be used to

3-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

System Bus Overview

implement memory-based semaphores. LOCK# is asserted from the start of the first transaction
through the end of the last transaction. When locking is disabled, the LOCK# signal will never be

3.2.3 Request Signals

The request signals, shown in Table 3-3, are used to initiate a transaction.

Table 3-3. Request Signals

Signal Function Signal Names
Address Strobe ADS#
Request REQ[4:0]#
Address A[43:3]#
Address Parity AP[1:0]#
Request Parity RP#

The assertion of ADS# defines the beginning of the transaction. The REQ[4:0]#, A[43:3]#,
AP[1:0]#, and RP# are valid in the clock that ADS# is asserted.

In the clock that ADS# is asserted, the A[43:3]# signals provide an active-low address as part of the
request. The low three bits of address are mapped into byte enable signals for 0 to 8 byte transfers.
AP1# covers the address signals A[43:24]#. AP0# covers the address signals A[23:3]#. A parity
signal on the system bus is correct if there are an even number of electrically low signals in the set
consisting of the covered signals plus the parity signal. Parity is computed using voltage levels,
regardless of whether the covered signals are active high or active low.

The Request Parity (RP#) signal covers the request pins REQ[4:0]# and the address strobe, ADS#.

3.2.4 Snoop Signals

The snoop signals, shown in Table 3-4, are used to provide snoop results and transaction control to
the system bus agents.

Table 3-4. Snoop Signals

Signal Function Signal Names
Purge Global Translation Cache Not Done TND#
Keeping a Non-Modified Cache Line HIT#
Hit to a Modified Cache Line HITM#
Defer Transaction Completion DEFER#
Guarantee Sequentiality GSEQ#

The TND# signal may be asserted by a bus agent to delay completion of a Purge Global Translation
Cache (PTCG) instruction, even after the PTCG transaction completes on the system bus. Software
will guarantee that only one PTCG instruction is being executed in the system.

The HIT# and HITM# signals are used to indicate that the line is valid or invalid in the snooping
agent, whether the line is in the modified (dirty) state in the caching agent, or whether the
transaction needs to be extended. The HIT# and HITM# signals are used to maintain cache
coherency at the system level.

If the memory agent observes HITM# active, it relinquishes responsibility for the data return and
becomes a target for the implicit cache line writeback. The memory agent must merge the cache

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 3-5

System Bus Overview

line being written back with any write data and update memory. The memory agent must also
provide the implicit writeback response for the transaction.

If HIT# and HITM# are sampled asserted together, it means that a caching agent is not ready to
indicate snoop status, and it needs to extend the transaction.

The DEFER# signal is deasserted to indicate that the transaction can be guaranteed in-order
completion. An agent asserting ensures proper removal of the transaction from the In-order Queue
by generating the appropriate response.

The assertion of the GSEQ# signal allows the requesting agent to issue the next sequential
uncached write even though the transaction is not yet visible. By asserting the GSEQ# signal, the
platform also guarantees not to retry the transaction, and accepts responsibility for ensuring the
sequentiality of the transaction with respect to other uncached writes from the same agent.

3.2.5 Response Signals

The response signals, shown in Table 3-5, are used to provide response information to the
requesting agent.

Table 3-5. Response Signals

Signal Function Signal Names
Response Status RS[2:0]#
Response Parity RSP#
Target Ready (for writes) TRDY#

Requests initiated in the Request Phase enter the In-order Queue, which is maintained by every
agent. The responding agent is responsible for completing the transaction at the top of the In-order
Queue. The responding agent is the agent addressed by the transaction.

For write transactions, TRDY# is asserted by the responding agent to indicate that it is ready to
accept write or writeback data. For write transactions with an implicit writeback, TRDY# is
asserted twice, first for the write data transfer and then for the implicit writeback data transfer.

The RSP# signal provides parity for RS[2:0]#. A parity signal on the system bus is correct if there
is an even number of low signals in the set consisting of the covered signals plus the parity signal.
Parity is computed using voltage levels, regardless of whether the covered signals are active high
or active low.

3.2.6 Data Signals

The data response signals, shown in Table 3-6, control the transfers of data on the bus and provide
the data path. Data transfers can be at a 1x or a 2x transfer rate, configured at reset.

Table 3-6. Data Signals

Signal Function Signal Names
Data Ready DRDY#
Data Bus Busy DBSY#
Strobe Bus Busy SBSY#
Data D[63:0]#
Data ECC Protection DEP[7:0]#

3-6 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

System Bus Overview

Table 3-6. Data Signals (Continued)

Signal Function Signal Names
Positive phase Data Strobe STBP[3:0]#
Negative phase Data Strobe STBN[3:0]#

DRDY# indicates that valid data is on the bus and must be latched. The data bus owner asserts
DRDY# for each clock in which valid data is to be transferred. DRDY# can be deasserted to insert
wait states in the Data Phase.

DBSY# holds the data bus before the first DRDY# and between DRDY# assertions for a multiple
clock data transfer. DBSY# need not be asserted for single clock data transfers.

SBSY# holds the strobe bus before the first DRDY# and between DRDY# assertions for a multiple
clock data transfer. SBSY# must be asserted for all data transfers at the 2x transfer rate.

The D[63:0]# signals provide a 64-bit data path between agents. For partial transfers, the byte
enable signals BE[7:0]# determine which bytes of the data bus will contain valid data.

The DEP[7:0]# signals provide optional ECC (error correcting code) for D[63:0]#. DEP[7:0]#
provides valid ECC for the entire data bus on each clock, regardless of which bytes are enabled.

STBP[3:0]# and STBN[3:0]# (and DRDY#) are used to transfer data at the 2x transfer rate with the
source synchronous latched protocol. The agent driving the data transfer drives the strobes with the
corresponding data and ECC signals. The agent receiving the data transfer uses the strobes to
capture valid data. Each strobe is associated with 16 data bits and 2 ECC signals as shown in
Table 3-7.

Table 3-7. STBP[3:0]# and STBN[3:0]# Associations

Strobe Bits Data Bits ECC Bits
STBP3#, STBN3# D[63:48]# DEP[7:6]#
STBP2#, STBN2# D[47:32]# DEP[5:4]#
STBP1#, STBN1# D[31:16]# DEP[3:2]#
STBP0#, STBN0# D[15:0]# DEP[1:0]#

3.2.7 Defer Signals

The defer signals, shown in Table 3-7, are used by a deferring agent to complete a previously
deferred transaction. Any deferrable transaction (DEN# asserted) may use the deferred response
signals, provided the requesting agent supports a deferred response (DPS# asserted).

Table 3-8. Defer Signals

Signal Function Signal Names

ID Strobe IDS#
Transaction ID ID[7:0]#

IDS# is asserted to begin the deferred response. ID[7:0]# returns the ID of the deferred transaction
that was sent on DID[7:0]#. Please refer to Appendix A, “Signals Reference” for further details.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 3-7

System Bus Overview

3.2.8 Error Signals

Table 3-9 lists the error signals on the system bus.

Table 3-9. Error Signals

Signal Function Signal Names

Bus Initialization BINIT#

Bus Error BERR#
Thermal Trip THERMTRIP#
Thermal Alert THRMALERT#

BINIT# is used to signal any bus condition that prevents reliable future operation of the bus.
BINIT# assertion can be enabled or disabled as part of the power-on configuration register (see
Chapter 5, “Configuration and Initialization”). If BINIT# assertion is disabled, BINIT# is never
asserted and the error recovery action is taken only by the processor detecting the error.

BINIT# sampling can be enabled or disabled at power-on reset. If BINIT# sampling is disabled,
BINIT# is ignored and no action is taken by the processor even if BINIT# is sampled asserted. If
BINIT# sampling is enabled and BINIT# is sampled asserted, all processor bus state machines are
reset. All agents reset their rotating ID for bus arbitration, and internal state information is lost.
Cache contents are not affected. BINIT# sampling and assertion must be enabled for proper
processor error recovery.

A machine-check abort is taken for each BINIT# assertion, configurable at power-on.

BERR# is used to signal any error condition caused by a bus transaction that will not impact the
reliable operation of the bus protocol (for example, memory data error or non-modified snoop
error). A bus error that causes the assertion of BERR# can be detected by the processor or by
another bus agent. BERR# assertion can be enabled or disabled at power-on reset. If BERR#
assertion is disabled, BERR# is never asserted. If BERR# assertion is enabled, the processor
supports two modes of operation, configurable at power-on (refer to section 5.2.6 and 5.2.7 for
further details). If BERR# sampling is disabled, BERR# assertion is ignored and no action is taken
by the processor. If BERR# sampling is enabled, and BERR# is sampled asserted, the processor
core is signaled with the machine check exception.

A machine check exception is taken for each BERR# assertion, configurable at power-on.

THERMTRIP# is the Thermal Trip signal. The Itanium processor protects itself from catastrophic
overheating by using an internal thermal sensor. This sensor is set well above the normal operating
temperature to ensure that there are no false trips. Data will be lost if the processor goes into
thermal trip. This is signaled to the system by the assertion of the THERMTRIP# pin. Once
asserted, the signal remains asserted until RESET# is asserted by the platform. There is no
hysteresis built into the thermal sensor itself; as long as the die temperature drops below the trip
level, a RESET# pulse will reset the processor. If the temperature has not dropped below the trip
level, the processor will continue to assert THERMTRIP# and remain stopped.

A thermal alert open-drain signal, indicated to the system by the THRMALERT# pin, brings the
ALERT# interrupt output from the thermal sensor located on the Itanium processor to the platform.
The signal is asserted when the measured temperature from the processor thermal diode equals or
exceeds the temperature threshold data programmed in the high-temp or low-temp registers on the
sensor. This signal can be used by the platform to implement thermal regulation features such as
generating an external interrupt to tell the operating system that the processor core is heating up.

3-8 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

System Bus Overview

3.2.9 Execution Control Signals

The execution control signals, shown in Table 3-10, contains signals that change the execution
flow of the processor.

Table 3-10. Execution Control Signals

Signal Function Signal Names

Initialize Processor INIT#

Tristate outputs during reset configuration TRISTATE#
Platform Management Interrupt PMI#
Programmable Local Interrupts LINT[1:0]

INIT# triggers an unmaskable interrupt to the processor. Semantics required for platform
compatibility are supplied in the PAL firmware interrupt service routine. INIT# is usually used to
break into Hanging or Idle Processor states.

INIT# has another meaning during reset configuration. If INIT# is sampled asserted on the asserted
to deasserted transition of RESET#, then the processor executes its Built-In Self Test (BIST).

If TRISTATE# is sampled asserted on the asserted to deasserted transition of RESET#, then the
processor tristates all of its outputs. This function is used during board level testing.

PMI# is the platform management interrupt pin. It triggers the highest priority interrupt to the
processor. PMI# is usually used by the system to trigger system events that will be handled by
platform specific firmware.

LINT[1:0] are programmable local interrupt pins defined by the interrupt interface.These pins are
disabled after RESET#. LINT0 is typically software configured as INT, an 8259-compatible
maskable interrupt request signal. LINT1 is typically software configured as NMI, a non-maskable

LINT[1:0] are also used, along with the A20M# and IGNNE# signals, to determine the multiplier
for the internal clock frequency as described in Chapter 5, “Configuration and Initialization”.

3.2.10 IA-32 Compatibility Signals

The compatibility signals, shown in Table 3-11, contains signals defined for compatibility within
the Intel Architecture processor family.

Table 3-11. IA-32 Compatibility Signals

Signal Function Signal Names

Floating-Point Error FERR#

Ignore Numeric Error IGNNE#
Address 20 Mask A20M#

The Itanium processor asserts FERR# when it detects an unmasked floating-point error. FERR# is
included for compatibility and is never asserted in the Itanium-based system environment.

If IGNNE# is asserted, it allows execution of floating-point instructions in the presence of prior

unmasked floating-point exceptions. If IGNNE# is deasserted, the processor will wait for interrupts

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 3-9

System Bus Overview

in the presence of unmasked floating-point exceptions. IGNNE# is included for compatibility and
is never asserted in the Itanium-based system environment.

If A20M# is asserted, the processor is interrupted. Semantics required for platform compatibility
are supplied in the PAL firmware interrupt service routine. A20M# is included for compatibility
and is never asserted in the Itanium-based system environment.

A20M# and IGNNE# are also used, along with the LINT[1:0] signals, to determine the multiplier
for the internal clock frequency as described in Chapter 5, “Configuration and Initialization”.

3.2.11 Platform Signals

The platform signals, shown in Table 3-12, provides signals which support the platform.

Table 3-12. Platform Signals

Signal Function Signal Names

Processor Present CPUPRES#

Data Transfer Rate DRATE#

CPUPRES# can be used to detect the presence of an Itanium processor in a socket. A ground
(GND) level indicates that the part is installed while an open indicates no part is installed.

DRATE# configures the system bus data transfer rate. If asserted, the system bus operates at a 1x
data transfer rate. If deasserted, the system bus operates at a 2x data transfer rate. DRATE# must be
valid at the asserted to deasserted transition of RESET# and must not change its value while
RESET# is deasserted.

3.2.12 Diagnostic Signals

The diagnostic signals, shown in Table 3-13, provides signals for probing the processor,
monitoring processor performance, and implementing IEEE 1149.1 specification for boundary

Table 3-13. Diagnostic Signals

Signal Function Signal Names

Breakpoint / Performance Monitor BPM[5:0]#

Boundary Scan/Test Access TCK, TDI, TDO, TMS, TRST#

BPM[5:0]# are the Breakpoint and Performance Monitor signals. These signals can be configured
as outputs from the processor that indicate the status of breakpoints and programmable counters for
monitoring processor events. These signals can be configured as inputs to break program

TCK is used to clock activity on the five-signal Test Access Port (TAP). TDI is used to transfer
serial test data into the processor. TDO is used to transfer serial test data out of the processor. TMS
is used to control the sequence of TAP controller state changes. TRST# is used to asynchronously
initialize the TAP controller.

3-10 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Data Integrity 4
The Itanium processor system bus incorporates several advanced data integrity features to improve
error detection and correction. The system bus includes parity protection for address/request
signals, parity or protocol protection on most control signals and Error Correcting Code (ECC)
protection for data signals.

The terminology used in this chapter is listed below:

• Machine Check Abort (MCA)
For more information on Machine Check Architecture, see the Intel® Itanium™ Architecture
Software Developer’s Manual, Vol. 2: System Architecture.

4.1 Error Classification

The Itanium processor classifies errors in the following categories, listed with increasing severity.
An implementation may always choose to report an error in a more severe category to simplify its
Continuable Error: The error can be corrected by hardware or firmware.
Local MCA: The error cannot be corrected, but the memory image is intact. Only one
agent is affected and may report the error via machine check handler.
Recoverable Error: The error cannot be corrected and only a specific memory range is
corrupted. Any agent using the data in that range is affected and may
report the error via machine check handler.
Global MCA: The error cannot be corrected and the memory image may be corrupted.
All agents are affected and may report the error via machine check
BINIT Global MCA: The error cannot be corrected. All agents are affected and cannot reliably
report the error via an exception handler without a bus reset.

4.2 Itanium™ Processor System Bus Error Detection

The major address and data paths of the Itanium processor system bus are protected by 10 check
bits that provide either parity or ECC. Eight ECC bits protect the data bus. Single-bit data errors are
automatically corrected. A two-bit parity code protects the address bus.

Three control signal groups are explicitly protected by individual parity bits RP#, RSP#, and
IP[1:0]#. Errors on most remaining bus signals can be detected indirectly due to a well-defined bus
protocol specification that enables detection of protocol violation errors. Errors on a few bus
signals cannot be detected.

An agent is not required to enable all data integrity features since each feature is individually
enabled through the power-on configuration register. See Chapter 5, “Configuration and

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 4-1

Data Integrity

4.2.1 Bus Signals Protected Directly

Most system bus signals are protected either by parity or by ECC. Table 4-1 shows the parity and
ECC signals and the signals protected by these parity and ECC signals.

Table 4-1. Direct Bus Signal Protection

Signal(s) Protect(s)

RP# ADS#,REQ[4:0]#
AP0# A[23:3]#
AP1# A[43:24]#
RSP# RS[2:0]#
IP0# IDS#, IDa[7:0]#
IP1# IDS#, IDb[7:2,0]#
DEP[7:0]# D[63:0]#

• Address/Request Bus Signals: A parity error detected on AP[1:0]# or RP# is reported based
on the option defined by the power-on configuration.
• Address/Request parity disabled: The agent detecting the parity error ignores it and
continues normal operation. This option is normally used in power-on system initialization and
system diagnostics.
• Response Signals: A parity error detected on RSP# should be reported by the agent detecting
the error as a protocol error.
• Deferred Signals: A parity error detected on IP[1:0]# should be reported by the agent
detecting the error as a protocol error.
• Data Transfer Signals: The Itanium processor system bus can be configured with either no
data bus error checking or ECC. If ECC is selected, single-bit errors can be corrected and
double-bit errors and poisoned data can be detected. Corrected single-bit ECC errors are
continuable errors. Double-bit errors and poisoned data may be recoverable or non-
recoverable. The errors on read data being returned are treated by the requestor as local errors.
The errors on write or writeback data are treated by the target as recoverable errors.

4.2.2 Unprotected Bus Signals

The following Itanium processor system bus signals are not protected by ECC or parity:
• The execution control signals BCLK, RESET#, and INIT# are not protected.
• The IA-32 compatibility signals FERR#, IGNNE#, and A20M# are not protected.
• The system support signal PMI# is not protected.

4.2.3 Hard-fail Response

The target can assert a hard-fail response to a transaction that has generated an error. The central
agent can also claim responsibility for a transaction after a response time-out expiration and
terminate the transaction with a hard-fail response.

On observing a hard-fail response, the initiator may treat it as a local or a global machine check.

4-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Data Integrity

4.2.4 Itanium™ Processor System Bus Error Code Algorithms Parity Algorithm

All bus parity signals use the same algorithm to compute correct parity. A correct parity signal is
high if all covered signals are high or if an even number of covered signals are low. A correct parity
signal is low if an odd number of covered signals are low. Parity is computed using voltage levels,
regardless of whether the covered signals are active-high or active-low. Depending on the number
of covered signals, a parity signal can be viewed as providing “even” or “odd” parity; this
specification does not use either term. Itanium™ Processor System Bus ECC Algorithm

The Itanium processor system bus uses an ECC code that can correct single-bit errors, detect
double-bit errors, send poisoned data, and detect all errors confined to one nibble. System
designers may choose to detect all these errors or a subset of these errors. They may also choose to
use the same ECC code in additional system level caches, main memory arrays, or I/O subsystem
buffers. For more information, see the Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer’s

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 4-3

Data Integrity

4-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Configuration and Initialization 5
This chapter describes configuration options and initialization details for the Itanium processor.

A system may contain single or multiple Itanium processors with one to four processors on a single
system bus. All processors are connected to one system bus unless the description specifically
states otherwise.

5.1 Configuration Overview

Itanium processors have some configuration options that are determined by hardware, and some
that are determined by software.

Itanium processors sample their hardware configuration on the asserted-to-deasserted transition of

RESET#. The sampled information configures the processor and other bus agents for subsequent
operation. These configuration options cannot be changed except by another reset. All resets
reconfigure the bus agents. Refer to the Intel® Itanium™ Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz
Datasheet for further details.

The Itanium processor can also be configured with software configuration options. These options
can be changed by writing to a power-on configuration register that all bus agents must implement.
These options should be changed only after taking into account synchronization between multiple
Itanium processor system bus agents.

5.2 Configuration Features

Table 5-1 lists the features provided by the power-on configuration register and the signals that are
reserved during reset configuration. The table also includes the PAL calls corresponding to the
features that are under user control during power-on configuration. For details on the PAL calls,
refer to the Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2. All bus agents
are required to maintain some software read/writable bits to control some of the features listed in
the table.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 5-1

Configuration and Initialization

Table 5-1. Processor Power-on Configuration Features

Select Default/Inactive
Feature PAL Call Read/Write
Signals Value
Data Error Checking Enabled N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
Response/ID Error checking enabled N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
Address/Request Error checking enabled N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
BERR# Assertion Enabled N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
BERR# Sampling Enabled N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
BERR# Assertion Enabled for Initiator N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
Internal Errors
BINIT# Assertion Enabled N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
Output Tristate Enabled TRISTATE# N/A Read Disabled
Execute BIST INIT# N/A Read Disabled
BINIT# Sampling Enabled A10# PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
In-order Queue Depth of 1 A7# PAL_BUS_GET_FEATURES Read Disabled i.e.
IOQ depth is 8
Reserved1 A31#, A30#, N/A N/A N/A
A14#, A13#,
A12#, A11#,
A8#, A6#, A5#
Unused Address bits during reset A43#–A32#, N/A N/A N/A
configuration2 A29#–A16#,
A9#, A4#, A3#
Symmetric Arbitration ID BR3#–BR0# PAL_FIXED_ADDR Read Based on
system bus
mapping w.r.t.
Clock Ratios A20M#, PAL_FREQ_RATIOS Read 2/8
Request Bus Parking Enabled A15# PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled
Data Transfer Rate DRATE# PAL_BUS_GET_FEATURES Read Disabled i.e.
data transfer
rate is selected
LOCK# Assertion Faulted N/A = 13 Read/Write Disabled
( i.e. No
fault on bus lock
LOCK# Assertion Masked N/A PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES Read/Write Disabled (default
from PAL) i.e.
1. The reserved bits must either be un-driven or driven inactive during reset configuration.
2. These bits are not used during reset configuration, and are don’t care.
3. This bit is used for platforms which do not support the LOCK# pin and have to rely on the bit to cause a fault. When the locked data reference
fault handler is not installed, this bit is set to prevent the LOCK# pin from being asserted.

5-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Configuration and Initialization

5.2.1 Output Tristate

The Itanium processor tristates all of its tristatable outputs if the TRISTATE# signal is sampled
asserted on the asserted-to-deasserted transition of the RESET# signal. The only way to exit out of
the Output Tristate mode is by assertion of RESET# with TRISTATE# deasserted. Refer to the
Intel® Itanium™ Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet for further details.

5.2.2 Built-in Self Test (BIST)

The Itanium processor executes its Built-In Self Test (BIST) if the INIT# signal is sampled asserted
on the asserted-to-deasserted transition of the RESET# signal. In a multi-processor cluster-based
system architecture, the INIT# pin of different processors may or may not be shared. No software
control is available to perform this function.

5.2.3 Data Bus Error Checking

The Itanium processor data bus error checking can be enabled or disabled. After RESET# is
asserted, data bus error checking is always disabled. Data bus error checking can be enabled under
software control. For more information on this feature, please refer to the Intel® Itanium™
Architecture Software Developer’s Manual.

5.2.4 Response/ID Signal Parity Error Checking

The Itanium processor system bus supports parity protection for the response signals RS[2:0]# and
the transaction ID signals ID[7:0]#. The parity checking on these signals can be enabled or
disabled. After RESET# is asserted, response signal parity checking is disabled. It can be enabled
under software control.

5.2.5 Address/Request Signal Parity Error Checking

The Itanium processor address bus supports parity protection on the Request signals, A[43:3]#,
ADS#, and REQ[4:0]#. The parity checking on these signals can be enabled or disabled. After
RESET# is asserted, request signal parity checking is disabled. It can be enabled under software

5.2.6 BERR# Assertion for Initiator Bus Errors

An Itanium processor system bus agent can be enabled to assert the BERR# signal if it detects a
bus error. After RESET# is asserted, BERR# signal assertion is disabled for detected errors. It may
be enabled under software control.

5.2.7 BERR# Assertion for Target Bus Errors

An Itanium processor system bus agent can be enabled to assert the BERR# signal if the addressed
(target) bus agent detects an error. After RESET# is asserted, BERR# signal assertion is disabled
on target bus errors. It may be enabled under software control.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 5-3

Configuration and Initialization

5.2.8 BERR# Sampling

If the BERR# sampling policy is enabled, the BERR# input receiver causes a global Machine
Check Abort (MCA). It may be enabled under software control.

5.2.9 BINIT# Error Assertion

When the bus protocol is violated, an Itanium processor system bus agent can be enabled to assert
the BINIT# signal. After RESET# is asserted, BINIT# signal assertion is disabled. It may be
enabled under software control.

5.2.10 BINIT# Error Sampling

The BINIT# input receiver is enabled for bus initialization control if A10# was sampled asserted
on the asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET#.

5.2.11 LOCK# Assertion

For requests which require bus locked sequences, Itanium processors can be configured to lock the
system bus, fault, or complete the request non-atomically. It may be enabled under software

5.2.12 In-order Queue Pipelining

Itanium processor system bus agents are configured to an In-order Queue depth of one if A7# is
sampled asserted on the asserted to deasserted transition of RESET#. If A7# is sampled deasserted
on the asserted to deasserted transition of RESET#, the processors default to an In-Order Queue
depth of eight. This function cannot be controlled by software.

5.2.13 Request Bus Parking Enabled

Itanium processor system bus agents can be configured to park on the request bus when idle. The
last processor to own the request bus will park on an idle request bus if A15# is sampled asserted
on the asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET#. No processor will park on the request bus if
A15# is sampled deasserted on the asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET#.

5.2.14 Data Transfer Rate

The transfer rate of an Itanium processor system bus agent is configured by sampling DRATE# at
the asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET#. If DRATE# is sampled asserted, the data bus will
be configured at the 1x data transfer rate. If DRATE# is sampled deasserted, the data bus will be
configured at the 2x data transfer rate.

5.2.15 Symmetric Agent Arbitration ID

The Itanium processor system bus supports symmetric distributed arbitration among one to four
bus agents. Each processor identifies its initial position in the arbitration priority queue based on an
agent ID supplied at configuration. The agent ID can be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Each logical processor on a
particular Itanium processor system bus must have a distinct agent ID.

5-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Configuration and Initialization

BREQ[3:0]# bus signals are connected to the four symmetric agents in a rotating manner as shown
in Table 5-2 and in Figure 5-1. Every symmetric agent has one I/O pin (BR0#) and three input only
pins (BR1#, BR2#, and BR3#).

Table 5-2. Itanium™ Processor Bus BREQ[3:0]# Interconnect (4-Way Processors)

Bus Signal Agent 0 Pins Agent 1 Pins Agent 2 Pins Agent 3 Pins

BREQ0# BR0# BR3# BR2# BR1#

BREQ1# BR1# BR0# BR3# BR2#
BREQ2# BR2# BR1# BR0# BR3#
BREQ3# BR3# BR2# BR1# BR0#

Figure 5-1. BR[3:0]# Physical Interconnection with Four Symmetric Agents



Agent 0 Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 3


















Interface Logic BREQ3#
During Reset

At the asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET#, system interface logic is responsible for

asserting the BREQ0# bus signal. The BREQ[3:1]# bus signals remain deasserted. All processors
sample their BR[3:1]# pins on the asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET# and determine their
agent ID from the sampled value.

Each physical processor is a logical processor with a distinct agent ID.

Table 5-3. Arbitration ID Configuration

BR0# BR1# BR2# BR3# Arbitration ID
L H H H 0
H H H L 1
H H L H 2
H L H H 3

1. L and H designate electrical levels.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 5-5

Configuration and Initialization

5.2.16 Clock Frequency Ratios

The following system bus ratio configurations are defined for the Itanium processor.

Table 5-4. Itanium™ Processor System Bus to Core Frequency Multiplier Configuration
Ratio of Bus
Frequency to Core LINT[1] LINT[0] IGNNE# A20M#

2/11 0(L) 0(L) 0(H) 0(H)

2/12 0(L) 1(H) 1(L) 1(L)

5.3 Initialization Overview

The Itanium processor initializes a minimum set of internal states upon RESET#. The processor
and PAL firmware initialize and test the processor on reset.

5.3.1 Initialization with RESET#

The Itanium processor begins initialization upon detection of RESET# signal active. RESET#
signal assertion is not maskable and ignores all instruction boundaries including both IA-32 and
Itanium instructions.

Table 5-5 shows the architectural state initialized by the processor hardware and PAL firmware at
reset. All other architectural states are undefined at hardware reset. Refer to the Intel® Itanium™
Architecture Software Developer’s Manual for a detailed description of the registers.

Table 5-5. Itanium™ Processor Reset State (after PAL)

Processor Resource Symbol Value Description

Instruction Pointer IP Refer to the

Architecture SALE_RESET entry point for the Itanium™
Software processor.
Developer’s Manual
for details
Register Stack RSC mode=0 Enforced lazy mode.
Configuration Register
Current Frame Marker CFM sof=96, sol=0, All physical general purpose registers are
sor=0, rrbs=0 available, register state is undefined, no locals in
the general register frame, no rotation in the
general register frame, rename base for FR, GR
and PR registers is set to 0.
Translation Register TR Invalid All TLBs are cleared.
Translation Cache TC Invalid All TLBs are cleared.
Caches — Invalid All caches are disabled.

5-6 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Configuration and Initialization

5.3.2 Initialization with INIT#

The Itanium processor supports an INIT interrupt, also referred to as “warm boot” or “soft boot”.
INIT can be initiated by either asserting the INIT# signal or an INIT interrupt message. INIT
cannot be masked except when a Machine Check (MC) is in progress. In this case, the INIT
interrupt is held pending. INIT is recognized at instruction boundaries. An INIT interrupt does not
disturb any processor architectural states, the state of the caches, model specific registers, or any
integer or floating-point states.

Table 5-6 shows the processor state modified by INIT. Refer to the Intel® Itanium™ Architecture
Software Developer’s Manual for a detailed description of the registers.

Table 5-6. Itanium™ Processor INIT State

Processor Resource Symbol Value Description

Instruction Pointer IP Refer to the Itanium™ PALE_INIT entry point for the
Architecture Software Itanium™ processor.
Developer’s Manual for details
Interruption Instruction IIP Original value of IP Value of IP at the time of INIT.
Bundle Pointer
Interruption Processor IPSR Original value of PSR Value of PSR at the time of INIT.
Status Register
Interruption Function IFS v=0 Invalidate IFS.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 5-7

Configuration and Initialization

5-8 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Test Access Port (TAP) 6
This chapter describes the implementation of the Itanium processor Test Access Port (TAP) logic.
The TAP complies with the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Specification. Basic functionality of the 1149.1-
compatible test logic is described here. For details of the IEEE 1149.1 Specification, the reader is
referred to the published standard1, and to the many books currently available on the subject.

A simplified block diagram of the TAP is shown in Figure 6-1. The TAP logic consists of a finite
state machine controller, a serially-accessible instruction register, instruction decode logic and data
registers. The set of data registers includes those described in the 1149.1 standard (the bypass
register, device ID register, BIST result register, and boundary scan register).

For specific boundary scan chain information, please reference the Itanium processor BSDL file
available at

6.1 Interface
The TAP logic is accessed serially through 5 dedicated pins on the processor package:
• TCK: The TAP clock signal
• TMS: “Test mode select,” which controls the TAP finite state machine
• TDI: “Test data input,” which inputs test instructions and data serially
• TRST#:“Test reset,” for TAP logic reset
• TDO: “Test data output,” through which test output is read serially

TMS, TDI and TDO operate synchronously with TCK (which is independent of any other
processor clock). TRST# is an asynchronous input signal.

1. ANSI/IEEE Std. 1149.1-1990 (including IEEE Std. 1149.1a-1993), “IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture,” IEEE
Press, Piscataway NJ, 1993.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 6-1

Test Access Port (TAP)

Figure 6-1. Test Access Port Block Diagram

Boundary Scan Test Register

Itanium™ Processor External Pins and

Control Cells

Probe Data Register

Probe Instruction

Control Signals

Device Identification

BYPASS Register

RUNBIST Register

TMS Instruction Decode/

Control Logic

TRST# Instruction Register

Tap Controller


6.2 Accessing The TAP Logic

The TAP is accessed through an IEEE 1149.1-compliant TAP controller finite state machine. This
finite state machine, shown in Figure 6-2, contains a reset state, a run-test/idle state, and two major
branches. These branches allow access either to the TAP Instruction Register or to one of the data
registers. The TMS pin is used as the controlling input to traverse this finite state machine. TAP
instructions and test data are loaded serially (in the Shift-IR and Shift-DR states, respectively)
using the TDI pin. State transitions are made on the rising edge of TCK.

6-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Test Access Port (TAP)

Figure 6-2. TAP Controller State Diagram

1 Test-Logic-

0 Run-Test/ 1 TMS Select- Select- 1

Idle DR-Scan IR-Scan

0 0

1 Capture-DR 1 Capture-IR

0 0

0 0
Shift-DR Shift-IR

1 1

Exit1-DR 1 Exit1-IR 1

0 0

0 0
Pause-DR Pause-IR

1 1

0 Exit2-DR 0 Exit2-IR

1 1

Update-DR Update-IR

1 0 1 0


The following is a brief description of each of the states of the TAP controller state machine. Refer
to the IEEE 1149.1 standard for detailed descriptions of the states and their operation.
• Test-Logic-Reset: In this state, the test logic is disabled so that the processor operates
normally. In this state, the instruction in the Instruction Register is forced to IDCODE.
Regardless of the original state of the TAP Finite State Machine (TAPFSM), it always enters
Test-Logic-Reset when the TMS input is held asserted for at least five clocks. The controller
also enters this state immediately when the TRST# pin is asserted, and automatically upon
power-up. The TAPFSM cannot leave this state as long as the TRST# pin is held asserted.
• Run-Test/Idle: A controller state between scan operations. Once entered the controller will
remain in this state as long as TMS is held low. In this state, activity in selected test logic
occurs only in the presence of certain instructions. For instructions that do not cause functions
to execute in this state, all test data registers selected by the current instructions retain their
previous state.
• Select-IR-Scan: This is a temporary controller state in which all test data registers selected by
the current instruction retain their previous state.
• Capture-IR: In this state, the shift register contained in the Instruction Register loads a fixed
value (of which the two least significant bits are “01”) on the rising edge of TCK. The parallel,
latched output of the Instruction Register (current instruction) does not change in this state.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 6-3

Test Access Port (TAP)

• Shift-IR: The shift register contained in the Instruction Register is connected between TDI
and TDO and is shifted one stage toward its serial output on each rising edge of TCK. The
output arrives at TDO on the falling edge of TCK. The current instruction does not change in
this state.
• Exit-IR: This is a temporary state and the current instruction does not change in this state.
• Pause-IR: Allows shifting of the Instruction Register to be temporarily halted. The current
instruction does not change in this state.
• Exit2-IR: This is a temporary state and the current instruction does not change in this state.
• Update-IR: The instruction which has been shifted into the Instruction Register is latched into
the parallel output of the Instruction Register on the falling edge of TCK. Once the new
instruction has been latched, it remains the current instruction until the next Update-IR (or
until the TAPFSM is reset).
• Select-DR-Scan: This is a temporary controller state and all test data registers selected by the
current instruction retain their previous values.
• Capture-DR: In this state, data may be parallel-loaded into test data registers selected by the
current instruction on the rising edge of TCK. If a test data register selected by the current
instruction does not have a parallel input, or if capturing is not required for the selected test,
then the register retains its previous state.
• Shift-DR: The data register connected between TDI and TDO as a result of selection by the
current instruction is shifted one stage toward its serial output on each rising edge of TCK. The
output arrives at TDO on the falling edge of TCK. If the data register has a latched parallel
output then the latch value does not change while new data is being shifted in.
• Exit1-DR: This is a temporary state and all data registers selected by the current instruction
retain their previous values.
• Pause-DR: Allows shifting of the selected data register to be temporarily halted without
stopping TCK. All registers selected by the current instruction retain their previous values.
• Exit2-DR: This is a temporary state and all registers selected by the current instruction retain
their previous values.
• Update-DR: Some test data registers may be provided with latched parallel outputs to prevent
changes in the parallel output while data is being shifted in the associated shift register path in
response to certain instructions. Data is latched into the parallel output of these registers from
the shift-register path on the falling edge of TCK.

6.3 TAP Registers

The following is a list of all test registers which can be accessed through the TAP.

Boundary Scan Register

The Boundary Scan register consists of several single-bit shift registers. The boundary scan register
provides a shift register path from all the input to the output pins on the Itanium processor. Data is
transferred from TDI to TDO through the boundary scan register.

6-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Test Access Port (TAP)

Bypass Register
The bypass register is a one-bit shift register that provides the minimal path length between TDI
and TDO. The bypass register is selected when no test operation is being performed by a
component on the board. The bypass register loads a logic zero at the start of a scan cycle.

Device Identification (ID) Register

The device ID register contains the manufacturer’s identification code, version number, and part
number. The device ID register has a fixed length of 32 bits, as defined by the IEEE 1149.1

RUNBIST Register
The runbist register is a one-bit register that is loaded with logic zero when BIST is successfully
completed. The register reports the result of the Itanium processor BIST.

Instruction Register
The instruction register contains a four-bit command field to indicate one of the following
CLAMP. The most significant bit of the Instruction register is connected to TDI and the least
significant bit is connected to TDO.

6.4 TAP Instructions

Table 6-1 shows the IEEE 1149.1 Standard defined instructions for the TAP controller. Please note
that except for BYPASS, which is all 1s, all public instructions as defined by the IEEE 1149.1 must
have an instruction code of 0000 xxxx.
• BYPASS: The bypass register contains a single shift-register stage and is used to provide a
minimum length serial path between the TDI and TDO pins. This bypass enables the rapid
movement of test data to and from other components on a system board.
• EXTEST: This instruction allows data to be serially loaded into the boundary scan chain
through TDI, and forces the output buffers to drive the data contained in the boundary scan
register. This instruction can be used in conjunction with SAMPLE/PRELOAD to test the
board-level interconnect between components.
• SAMPLE/PRELOAD: This instruction allows data to be sampled from the input buffers to
be captured in the boundary scan register and serially unloaded from the TDO pin. This
instruction also allows data to be pre-loaded into the boundary scan chain prior to selecting
another boundary scan instruction. This instruction can be used in conjunction with the
EXTEST instruction to test the board-level interconnect between components.
• IDCODE: This instruction places the device ID register between TDI and TDO to allow the
device identification value to be shifted out to TDO. The register contains the manufacturer’s
identity, part number, and version number. This instruction is the default instruction after the
TAP has been reset.
• RUNBIST: This instruction invokes BIST and places the BIST result register between TDI
and TDO. The BIST result can then be examined. BIST will continue executing even if the
FSM leaves the Run-Test/Idle state.
• HIGHZ: This instruction places all of the output buffers of the component in an inactive drive
state. In this state, board-level testing can be performed without incurring the risk of damage to
the component. During the execution of the HIGHZ instruction, the bypass register is placed
between TDI and TDO.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 6-5

Test Access Port (TAP)

• CLAMP: This instruction selects the bypass register while the output buffers drive the data
contained in the boundary scan chain. This instruction protects the receivers from the values in
the boundary scan chain while data is being shifted out.

Table 6-1. Instructions for the Itanium™ Processor TAP Controller

Encoding Encoding
(Binary) (Hex)

Public Instructions (IEEE 1149.1 Standard Mandatory)

BYPASS 1111 1111 FFh
EXTEST 0000 0000 00h
SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0000 0001 01h
Public Instructions (Not Mandatory)
IDCODE 0000 0010 02h
RUNBIST 0000 0111 07h
HIGHZ 0000 1000 08h
CLAMP 0000 1011 0Bh

6.5 Reset Behavior

The TAP and its related hardware are reset by transitioning the TAP controller finite state machine
into the Test-Logic-Reset state. The TAP is completely disabled upon reset (i.e., by resetting the
TAP, the processor will function as though the TAP did not exist). Note that there is no logic in the
TAP which responds to the normal processor reset signal. The TAP can be transitioned to the Test-
Logic-Reset state by any one of the following three ways:
• Power on the processor. This automatically (asynchronously) resets the TAP controller.
• Assert the TRST# pin at any time. This asynchronously resets the TAP controller.
• Hold the TMS pin high for 5 consecutive cycles of TCK. This transitions the TAP controller to
the Test-Logic-Reset state.

6.6 Scan Chain Order

Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4 illustrate the order of the scan chain of the Itanium processor cartridge of
varying L3 cache sizes.

6-6 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Test Access Port (TAP)

Figure 6-3. Intel® Itanium™ Processor 2MB Cartridge Scan Chain Order


Processor Core



Figure 6-4. Intel® Itanium™ Processor 4MB Cartridge Scan Chain Order


Processor Core




Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 6-7

Test Access Port (TAP)

6-8 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Integration Tools 7
The Itanium processor supports an In-target Probe (ITP) for program execution control, register/
memory/IO access, and breakpoint control. This tool provides functionality commonly associated
with debuggers and emulators. Use of an ITP will not affect high speed operations of the processor
signals thereby allowing the system to maintain full operating speed.

The Itanium processor also supports a Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI) module to connect a logic
analyzer to signals on the board. Third party logic analyzer vendors offer a variety of products with
bus monitoring capability.

This chapter describes the ITP and the LAI, as well as a number of technical issues that must be
taken into account when including these tools in a debug strategy. Please note that simulation of
your design is required to ensure that signal integrity issues are avoided.

7.1 In-target Probe (ITP) for the Itanium™ Processor

The Itanium processor debug port (DP) is the command and control interface for the ITP debugger.
The ITP enables run-time control of the Itanium processors for system debug. Support of the ITP is
a critical requirement for effective debug of the processor board.

The debug port, which is connected to the system bus, is a combination of the system, TAP, and
execution signals. There are certain electrical, functional, and mechanical constraints on the debug
port which must be followed. The electrical constraint requires the debug port to operate at the
speed of the Itanium processor system bus and use the TAP signals at high speed. The functional
constraint requires the debug port to use the TAP system via a handshake and multiplexing scheme.
The mechanical constraint requires the ITP associated hardware to fit within a specified volume
(see Section 7.1.2).

7.1.1 Primary Function

The primary function of an ITP is to provide a control and query interface for multiple processors.
With an ITP, one can control program execution and have the ability to access processor registers,
system memory and I/O. Thus, one can start and stop program execution using a variety of
breakpoints, single-step the program at the assembly code level, as well as read and write registers,
memory and I/O. The processors are controlled from an application running on an Intel processor-
based PC with a PCI card slot.

7.1.2 Mechanical Requirements

The debug port cable’s egress imposes mechanical requirements on the debug port that must be
followed. Figure 7-1 and Figure 7-2 show the mechanical volume occupied by the ITP buffer board
hardware when connected to the DP connector. All dimensions for the diagrams that follow are in
units of inches.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 7-1

Integration Tools

Figure 7-1. Front View of the Mechanical Volume Occupied by ITP Hardware

Mating plane between

connector and user’s PCB
Add 0.04 to all dims
referenced to this plane
for surface mount version


Figure 7-2. Side View of the Mechanical Volume Occupied by ITP Hardware

Mating plane between

connector and user’s PCB

7-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Integration Tools

7.1.3 Connector and Signals

The “standard” JTAG IEEE 1149.1 Specification signal levels are not followed for the Itanium
processor debug port. Additionally, the Itanium processor is capable of a much higher speed TAP
clock, TCK, than a normal 1149.1 Specification environment. It is highly recommended that
system designers conduct platform simulations to avoid signal integrity issues.

To remove any possible confusion over the connectivity of the ITP DP the connector pinout is
shown below in Figure 7-3 along with a connectivity table, Table 7-1. The recommended DP
connector is manufactured by Berg* under part number 61641-303, a 25 pin through-hole mount
header (pin 26 removed for keying). Also available from Berg is a surface mount version of this
connector under part number 61698-302TR. The through-hole mount version is recommended for
durability reasons. Full specification of the connectors, including PCB layout guidelines, are
available from Berg Electronics.
Figure 7-3. Debug Port Connector Pinout Bottom View


BPM5DR# 23 24 TDO


BCLKP 19 20

FBO 17 18 FBI

RESET# 15 16 TCK

BPM[5]# 13 14 TRST#

BPM[4]# 11 12 TMS

BPM[3]# 9 10 TDI

BPM[2]# 7 8

BPM[1]# 5 6 DBR#

BPM[0]# 3 4 DBA#

1 2



Table 7-1. Recommended Debug Port Signal Connectivity

Pin Pin Connection

BCLK(P,N) Differential bus clock driven by the main system bus clock driver. Signals require
BPM[5:0]# Used by DP to force break at reset and to monitor events. Connected to all the Itanium™
processors and the chipset. Signals require termination.
BPM5DR# Signals assertion of pin BPM5# and is connected to that signal for on-board isolation.
DBA# Driven from the DP to indicate active TAP access of system or active event monitoring
while running; if not used can be left as a no connect.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 7-3

Integration Tools

Table 7-1. Recommended Debug Port Signal Connectivity (Continued)

Pin Pin Connection

DBR# This signals the target to initiate a reset. It is an open drain and should be pulled up on the
target. Connect to the system reset (not the same as RESET#).
FBI If using an additional clock buffer to drive TCK, use FBI as the clock source; otherwise it is
a no connect.
FBO This pin should be connected to the TCK signal of the Itanium Processor. Depending on
which topology is used, the specific connectivity will differ.
GND Ground.
PWR Connect to 1.5KΩ pull-up to VTT.
RESET# Input from target system to DP port indicating the system is completely inactive. This can
be connected to the main reset line shared between the processors and chipset.
TCK Connect to all devices in scan chain and debug port connector, unless using a TCK clock
buffer. If using a TCK clock buffer, termination resistor is not required and should be no
TDI TAP data in. Connected to the TDI of the first device in scan chain.
TDO TAP data out. Connected to TDO of the last device in scan chain.
TMS TAP state management signal. Connected all devices in scan chain and debug port
connector. May be individually buffered from debug port connector.
TRST# TAP reset signal. Connected to all devices in scan chain and debug port connector. May
be individually buffered from debug port connector.

In the past, standard practice for cost reduction of system platforms is to first remove the debug
header to improve board throughput, and then eventually remove the signal traces entirely to save
board space. This was an acceptable solution previously since an interposer style debug connector
could be used on the processor to gain access to the TAP chain. This is no longer acceptable since,
in a multiprocessor system using the Itanium processor with its tight timing margins, there is no
capability to use an interposer debug connector. This necessitates, at an absolute minimum, leaving
the hardware (without the header) for the debug port on the system board. Without this, the ability
to debug a multiprocessor system through a TAP compliant interface is very limited.

7.2 Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI) for the Itanium™

A Logic Analyzer Interface (LAI) module provides a way to connect a logic analyzer to signals on
the board. Third party logic analyzer vendors offer a variety of products with bus monitoring
capability. Consult the vendor for specific details and product offerings.

The Itanium processor system bus can be monitored with logic analyzer equipment. Due to the
complexity of Itanium multiprocessor systems, the LAI is critical in providing the ability to probe
and capture system bus signals using a logic analyzer for use in system debug and validation.
Therefore, the guidelines for the LAI keepout volume must be strictly adhered to in order for a
logic analyzer to interface with the target system.

An LAI probe adapter is installed between the socket and the Itanium processor cartridge. The LAI
adapter pins plug into the socket, while the Itanium processor cartridge pins plug into a socket on
the LAI adapter. Cabling that is part of the LAI probe adapter egresses the system to allow an
electrical connection between the Itanium processor and a logic analyzer or debug tool. The

7-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Integration Tools

maximum volume occupied by the LAI adapter, known as the keep-out volume, as well as the
cable egress restrictions, are illustrated in Figure 7-4, Figure 7-5, and Figure 7-6. Please contact the
logic analyzer vendor to get the actual keep-out volume for their respective LAI implementation.
Figure 7-4. Front View of LAI Adapter Keepout Volume


Figure 7-5. Side View of LAI Adapter Keepout Volume



Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual 7-5

Integration Tools

Figure 7-6. Bottom View of LAI Adapter Keepout Volume

In addition to the system bus logic analyzer connection, consideration should be given to the other
buses in the system. For initial debug boards, logic analyzer connections should be provided for
monitoring the critical buses, including the LPC and PCI buses. If a PCI slot is present, logic
analyzer vendors provide a plug-in card for easy connectivity. Contact the logic analyzer vendor
for connector recommendations and part numbers.

7-6 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference A

This appendix provides an alphabetical listing of all Itanium processor system bus signals. The
tables at the end of this appendix summarize the signals by direction: output, input, and I/O.

For a complete pinout listing including processor specific pins, please refer to the Intel® Itanium™
Processor at 800 MHz and 733 MHz Datasheet.

A.1 Alphabetical Signals Reference

A.1.1 A[43:3]# (I/O)

The A[43:3]# (Address) signals define a 244 Byte physical memory address space. When ADS# is
active, these pins transmit the address of a transaction; when ADS# is inactive, these pins transmit
transaction type information. These signals must connect the appropriate pins of all agents on the
Itanium processor system bus. The A[43:24]# signals are parity-protected by the AP1# parity
signal, and the A[23:3]# signals are parity-protected by the AP0# parity signal.

On the active-to-inactive transition of RESET#, the processors sample the A[43:3]# pins to
determine their power-on configuration.

A.1.2 A20M# (I)

The A20M# (Address-20 Mask) signal may be asserted as an intended side effect of a particular
I/O write originating from an OUT instruction. The platform must guarantee that the OUT
instruction does not complete until this pin is asserted.

A20M# is ignored in the Itanium-based system environment.

A.1.3 ADS# (I/O)

The ADS# (Address Strobe) signal is asserted to indicate the validity of the transaction address on
the A[43:3]# pins. All bus agents observe the ADS# activation to begin parity checking, protocol
checking, address decode, internal snoop, or deferred reply ID match operations associated with
the new transaction.

A.1.4 AP[1:0]# (I/O)

The AP[1:0]# (Address Parity) signals can be driven by the request initiator along with ADS#,
A[45:3]#, REQ[4:0]#, and RP#. AP1# covers A[43:24]#, and AP0# covers A[23:3]#. A correct
parity signal is high if an even number of covered signals are low and low if an odd number of
covered signals are low. This allows parity to be high when all the covered signals are high.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-1

Signals Reference

A.1.5 ASZ[1:0]# (I/O)

The ASZ[1:0]# signals are the memory address-space size signals. They are driven by the request
initiator during the first Request Phase clock on the REQa[4:3]# pins. The ASZ[1:0]# signals are
valid only when REQa[1:0]# signals equal 01B, 10B, or 11B, indicating a memory access
transaction. The ASZ[1:0]# decode is defined in Table A-1.

Table A-1. Address Space Size

Memory Address Memory Access
Space Range

0 0 32-bit 0 to (4 Gbyte –1)

4 Gbyte to
0 1 36-bit
(64 Gbyte –1)
64 Gbyte to
1 0 44-bit
(16 Tbyte –1)
1 1 Reserved Reserved

All observing bus agents that support the 4 GByte (32-bit) address space must respond to the
transaction only when ASZ[1:0]# equals 00. All observing bus agents that support the 64 GByte
(36-bit) address space must respond to the transaction when ASZ[1:0]# equals 00B or 01B. All
observing bus agents that support the 16 TByte (44-bit) address space must respond to the
transaction when ASZ[1:0]# equals 00B, 01B, or 10B.

A.1.6 ATTR[7:0]# (I/O)

The ATTR[7:0]# signals are the attribute signals. They are driven by the request initiator during the
second clock of the Request Phase on the Ab[31:24]# pins. The ATTR[7:0]# signals are valid for
all transactions. The ATTR[7:3]# are reserved and undefined. The ATTR[2:0]# are driven based on
the memory type. Please refer to Table A-2.

Table A-2. Effective Memory Type Signal Encoding

ATTR[2:0]# Effective Memory Type Description

000 UC Uncacheable
100 WC Write Coalescing
101 WT Write-Through
110 WP Write-Protect
111 WB Writeback


The BCLKP and BCLKN differential clock signals determine the bus frequency. All agents drive
their outputs and latch their inputs on the differential crossing of BCLKP and BCLKN when they
are using the common clock latched protocol.

BCLKP and BCLKN indirectly determine the internal clock frequency of the Itanium processor.
Each Itanium processor derives its internal clock by multiplying the BCLKP and BCLKN
frequency by a ratio that is defined and allowed by the power-on configuration.

A-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference

A.1.8 BE[7:0]# (I/O)

The BE[7:0]# signals are the byte-enable signals for partial transactions. They are driven by the
request initiator during the second Request Phase clock of on the Ab[15:8]# pins.

For memory or I/O transactions (REQa[4:0]# = {10000B, 10001B, XX01XB, XX10XB,

XX11XB}) the byte-enable signals indicate that valid data is requested or being transferred on the
corresponding byte on the 64-bit data bus. BE0# indicates D[7:0]# is valid, BE1# indicates
D[15:8]# is valid,..., BE7# indicates D[63:56]# is valid.

For Special transactions ((REQa[4:0]# = 01000B) and (REQb[1:0]# = 01B)), the BE[7:0]# signals
carry special cycle encodings as defined in Table A-3. All other encodings are reserved.

Table A-3. Special Transaction Encoding on Byte Enables

Special Transaction Byte Enables[7:0]#

NOP 0000 0000

Shutdown 0000 0001
Tristate# 0000 0010
Halt 0000 0011
Sync (WBINVD) 0000 0100
Reserved 0000 0101
StopGrant Acknowledge 0000 0110
Reserved 0000 0111
xTPR Update 0000 1000

For Deferred Reply transactions, BE[7:0]# signals are reserved. The Defer Phase transfer length is
always the same length as that specified in the Request Phase. A Bus Invalidate Line (BIL)
transaction is the only exception to this rule.

On the Itanium processor, a BIL transaction may return one cache line (64 Bytes); however, the
length of the data returned on a BIL transaction may change for future Itanium processor family

A.1.9 BERR# (I/O)

The BERR# (Bus Error) signal can be asserted to indicate an unrecoverable error without a bus
protocol violation. BERR# assertion conditions are configurable at the system level. Configuration
options enable BERR# to be driven as follows:
• Asserted by the requesting agent of a bus transaction after it observes an error
• Asserted by any bus agent when it observes an error in a bus transaction
When the bus agent samples an asserted BERR# signal, the processor enters a Machine Check

A.1.10 BINIT# (I/O)

The BINIT# (Bus Initialization) signal is asserted to signal any bus condition that prevents reliable
future operation if enabled during the power-on configuration.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-3

Signals Reference

If BINIT# observation is enabled during power-on configuration, and BINIT# is sampled asserted,
all bus state machines are reset. All agents reset their rotating IDs for bus arbitration to the same
state as that after reset, and internal count information is lost. The L2 and L3 caches are not

If BINIT# observation is disabled during power-on configuration, BINIT# is ignored by all bus
agents with the exception of the central agent. The central agent must handle the error in a manner
that is appropriate to the system architecture.

A.1.11 BNR# (I/O)

The BNR# (Block Next Request) signal is used to assert a bus stall by any bus agent that is unable
to accept new bus transactions to avoid an internal transaction queue overflow. During a bus stall,
the current bus owner cannot issue any new transactions.

Since multiple agents might need to request a bus stall at the same time, BNR# is a wire-OR signal.
In order to avoid wire-OR glitches associated with simultaneous edge transitions driven by
multiple drivers, BNR# is asserted and sampled on specific clock edges.

A.1.12 BPM[5:0]# (I/O)

The BPM[5:0]# signals are system support signals mainly used for inserting breakpoints and for
performance monitoring. They can be configured as outputs from the processor that indicate the
status of breakpoints (as inputs) and programmable counters (as outputs) used for monitoring

A.1.13 BPRI# (I)

The BPRI# (Bus Priority-agent Request) signal is used to arbitrate for ownership of the system bus.
Observing BPRI# asserted (as asserted by the priority agent) causes all other agents to stop issuing
new requests, unless such requests are part of an ongoing locked operation.The priority agent keeps
BPRI# asserted until all of its requests are completed, then releases the bus by deasserting BPRI#.

A.1.14 BR0# (I/O) and BR[3:1]# (I)

BR[3:0]# are the physical bus request pins that drive the BREQ[3:0]# signals in the system. The
BREQ[3:0]# signals are interconnected in a rotating manner to individual processor pins.
Table A-4 gives the rotating interconnection between the processor and bus signals.

Table A-4. BR0# (I/O), BR1#, BR2#, BR3# Signals Rotating Interconnect
Bus Signal Agent 0 Pins Agent 1 Pins Agent 2 Pins Agent 3 Pins

BREQ0# BR0# BR3# BR2# BR1#

BREQ1# BR1# BR0# BR3# BR2#
BREQ2# BR2# BR1# BR0# BR3#
BREQ3# BR3# BR2# BR1# BR0#

A-4 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference

During power-up configuration, the central agent must assert the BR0# bus signal. All symmetric
agents sample their BR[3:0]# pins on asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET#. The pin on
which the agent samples an asserted level determines its agent ID. All agents then configure their
pins to match the appropriate bus signal protocol as shown in Table A-5.

Table A-5. BR[3:0]# Signals and Agent IDs

Pin Sampled
Agent ID
Asserted on RESET#

BR0# 0
BR3# 1
BR2# 2
BR1# 3

A.1.15 BREQ[3:0]# (I/O)

The BREQ[3:0]# signals are the Symmetric-agent Arbitration Bus signals (called bus request). A
symmetric agent n arbitrates for the bus by asserting its BREQn# signal. Agent n drives BREQn#
as an output and receives the remaining BREQ[3:0]# signals as inputs.

The symmetric agents support distributed arbitration based on a round-robin mechanism. The
rotating ID is an internal state used by all symmetric agents to track the agent with the lowest
priority at the next arbitration event. At power-on, the rotating ID is initialized to three, allowing
agent 0 to be the highest priority symmetric agent. After a new arbitration event, the rotating ID of
all symmetric agents is updated to the agent ID of the symmetric owner. This update gives the new
symmetric owner lowest priority in the next arbitration event.

A new arbitration event occurs either when a symmetric agent asserts its BREQn# on an Idle bus
(all BREQ[3:0]# previously deasserted), or the current symmetric owner deasserts BREQn# to
release the bus ownership to a new bus owner n. On a new arbitration event, all symmetric agents
simultaneously determine the new symmetric owner using BREQ[3:0]# and the rotating ID. The
symmetric owner can park on the bus (hold the bus) provided that no other symmetric agent is
requesting its use. The symmetric owner parks by keeping its BREQn# signal asserted. On
sampling BREQn# asserted by another symmetric agent, the symmetric owner deasserts BREQn#
as soon as possible to release the bus. A symmetric owner stops issuing new requests that are not
part of an existing locked operation on observing BPRI# asserted.

A symmetric agent can deassert BREQn# before it becomes a symmetric owner. A symmetric
agent can reassert BREQn# after keeping it deasserted for one clock.

A.1.16 CPUPRES# (O)

CPUPRES# can be used to detect the presence of an Itanium processor in a socket. A ground
indicates that an Itanium processor is installed, while an open indicates that an Itanium processor is
not installed.

A.1.17 D[63:0]# (I/O)

The D[63:0]# (Data) signals provide a 64-bit data path between various system bus agents. Partial
transfers require one data transfer clock with valid data on the byte(s) indicated by asserted byte
enables BE[7:0]#. Data signals that are not valid for a particular transfer must still have correct
ECC (if data bus ECC is selected). If BE0# is asserted, D[7:0]# transfers the least significant byte.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-5

Signals Reference

If BE7# is asserted, D[63:56]# transfers the most significant byte. The data driver asserts DRDY#
to indicate a valid data transfer.

A.1.18 D/C# (I/O)

The D/C# (Data/Code) signal is used to indicate data (1) or code (0), only during Memory Read
transactions on REQa1#.

A.1.19 DBSY# (I/O)

The DBSY# (Data Bus Busy) signal is asserted by the agent that is responsible for driving data on
the system bus to indicate that the data bus is in use. The data bus is released after DBSY# is

A.1.20 DEFER# (I)

The DEFER# signal is asserted by an agent to indicate that the transaction cannot be guaranteed in-
order completion. Assertion of DEFER# is normally the responsibility of the addressed memory
agent or I/O agent.

A.1.21 DEN# (I/0)

The DEN# (Defer Enable) signal is driven on the bus on the second clock of the Request Phase on
the Ab4# pin. DEN# is asserted to indicate that the transaction can be deferred by the responding

A.1.22 DEP[7:0]# (I/O)

The DEP[7:0]# (Data Bus ECC Protection) signals provide optional ECC protection for D[63:0]#
(Data Bus). They are driven by the agent responsible for driving D[63:0]#. During power-on
configuration, DEP[7:0]# signals can be enabled for either ECC checking or no checking.

The ECC error correcting code can detect and correct single-bit errors and detect double-bit or
nibble errors. Chapter 4, “Data Integrity”, provides more information about ECC.

A.1.23 DHIT# (I)

The DHIT# (Deferred Hit) signal is driven during the Deferred Phase by the deferring agent. For
Bus Read Line (BRL) transactions on the bus DHIT# returns the final cache status that would have
been indicated on HIT# for a transaction which was not deferred. The Itanium processor will
ignore DHIT# for Bus Read Invalidate Line (BRIL), Bus Read Partial (BRP), and Bus Write Partial
(BWP) transactions on the bus.

A.1.24 DID[7:0]# (I/O)

DID[7:0]# are Deferred Identifier signals. The requesting agent transfers these signals by using
A[23:16]#. They are transferred on Ab[23:16]# during the second clock of the Request Phase on all
transactions, but Ab[19:16]# is only defined for deferrable transactions (DEN# asserted).

A-6 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference

DID[7:0]# is also transferred on Aa[23:16]# during the first clock of the Request Phase for
Deferred Reply transactions.

The deferred identifier defines the token supplied by the requesting agent. DID[7:4]# carry the
agent identifiers of the requesting agents (always valid) and DID[3:0]# carry a transaction
identifier associated with the request (valid only with DEN# asserted). This configuration limits the
bus specification to 16 bus masters with each one of the bus masters capable of making up to
sixteen requests. Table A-6 shows the DID encodings.

Table A-6. DID[7:0]# Encoding

DID7# DID[6]# DID[5:4]# DID[3:0]#

Agent Type Reserved Agent ID Transaction ID

DID[7]# indicates the agent type. Symmetric agents use 0. Priority agents use 1. DID[5:4]#
indicates the agent ID. Symmetric agents use their arbitration ID. DID[6]# is reserved. DID[3:0]#
indicates the transaction ID for an agent. The transaction ID must be unique for all transactions
issued by an agent which have not reported their snoop results.

The Deferred Reply agent transmits the DID[7:0]# (Ab[23:16]#) signals received during the
original transaction on the Aa[23:16]# signals during the Deferred Reply transaction. This process
enables the original requesting agent to make an identifier match and wake up the original request
that is awaiting completion.

A.1.25 DPS# (I/O)

The DPS# (Deferred Phase Enable) signal is driven to the bus on the second clock of the Request
Phase on the Ab3# pin. DPS# is asserted if a requesting agent supports transaction completion
using the Deferred Phase. A requesting agent that supports the Deferred Phase will always assert
DPS#. A requesting agent that does not support the Deferred Phase will always deassert DPS#.

A.1.26 DRATE# (I)

The DRATE# (Data Transfer Rate) signal configures the system bus data transfer rate. If DRATE#
is asserted, the system bus operates at the 1x data transfer rate. If DRATE# is deasserted, the
system bus operates at the 2x data transfer rate. DRATE# must be valid at the asserted-to-
deasserted transition of RESET# and must not change value while RESET# is deasserted.

A.1.27 DRDY# (I/O)

The DRDY# (Data Ready) signal is asserted by the data driver on each data transfer, indicating
valid data on the data bus. In a multi-cycle data transfer, DRDY# can be deasserted to insert idle

A.1.28 DSZ[1:0]# (I/O)

The DSZ[1:0]# (Data Size) signals are transferred on REQb[4:3]# signals in the second clock of
the Request Phase by the requesting agent. The DSZ[1:0]# signals define the data transfer
capability of the requesting agent as shown in Table A-7.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-7

Signals Reference

Table A-7. Data Transfer Rates of Requesting Agent (DSZ[1:0]#)

DSZ[1:0]# Supported Rates
0 0 1x
0 1 2x
1 x Reserved

A.1.29 EXF[4:0]# (I/O)

The EXF[4:0]# (Extended Function) signals are transferred on the Ab[7:3]# pins by the requesting
agent during the second clock of the Request Phase. The signals specify any special functional
requirement associated with the transaction based on the requestor mode or capability. The signals
are defined in Table A-8.

Table A-8. Extended Function Signals

Extended Function Signal Signal Name Alias Function

EXF4# Reserved Reserved

EXF3# SPLCK#/FCL# Split Lock / Flush Cache Line
EXF2# OWN# Modified State Guaranteed
EXF1# DEN# Defer Enable
EXF0# DPS# Deferred Phase Supported

A.1.30 FCL# (I/O)

The FCL# (Flush Cache Line) signal is driven to the bus on the second clock of the Request Phase
on the /Ab6# pin. FCL# is asserted to indicate that the memory transaction is initiated by the new
global Flush Cache (FC) instruction.

A.1.31 FERR# (O)

The FERR# (Floating-point Error) signal is asserted when the Itanium processor detects an
unmasked floating-point error. FERR# is included for compatibility and is never asserted in the
Itanium-based system environment.

A.1.32 GSEQ# (I)

Assertion of the GSEQ# (Guaranteed Sequentiality) signal implies that the platform guarantees
completion of the transaction without a retry while maintaining sequentiality.

A.1.33 HIT# (I/O) and HITM# (I/O)

The HIT# (Snoop Hit) and HITM# (Hit Modified) signals convey transaction snoop operation
results. Any bus agent can assert both HIT# and HITM# together to indicate that it requires a snoop
stall. The stall can be continued by reasserting HIT# and HITM# together.

A-8 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference

A.1.34 ID[7:0]# (I)

The ID[7:0]# (Transaction ID) signals are driven by the deferring agent. The signals in the two
clocks are referenced IDa[7:0]# and IDb[7:0]#. During both clocks, ID[7:0]# signals are protected
by the IP0# parity signal for the first clock, and by the IP1# parity signal on the second clock.

IDa[7:0]# returns the ID of the deferred transaction which was sent on Ab[23:16]# (DID[7:0]#).

A.1.35 IDS# (I)

The IDS# (ID Strobe) signal is asserted to indicate the validity of ID[7:0]# in that clock and the
validity of DHIT# and IP[1:0]# in the next clock.

A.1.36 IGNNE# (I)

The IGNNE# (Ignore Numeric Error) signal is asserted as an intended side effect of an I/O write
originating from an OUT instruction. The platform must guarantee that the OUT instruction does
not complete until this pin is asserted. IGNNE# is ignored in the Itanium-based system

During active RESET#, each processor begins sampling the A20M#, IGNNE#, and LINT[1:0]
values to determine the ratio of core-clock frequency to bus-clock frequency. On the active-to-
inactive transition of RESET#, each processor latches these signals and freezes the frequency ratio
internally. System logic must then release these signals for normal operation.

A.1.37 INIT# (I)

The INIT# (Initialization) signal triggers an unmasked interrupt to the processor. INIT# is usually
used to break into hanging or idle processor states. Semantics required for platform compatibility
are supplied in the PAL firmware interrupt service routine.

A.1.38 INT (I) (LINTx configured as INT)

INT is the 8259 Interrupt Request signal which indicates that an external interrupt has been
generated. The interrupt is maskable. The processor vectors to the interrupt handler after the
current instruction execution has been completed.

The LINT0 pin must be software configured to be used either as the INT signal or another local

A.1.39 IP[1:0]# (I)

The IP[1:0]# (ID Parity) signals are driven on the second clock of the Deferred Phase by the
deferring agent. IP0# protects the IDa[7:0]# and IDS# signals for the first clock, and IP1# protects
the IDb[7:2, 0]# and IDS# signals on the second clock.

A.1.40 LEN[1:0]# (I/O)

The LEN[1:0]# (Data Length) signals are transmitted using REQb[1:0]# signals by the requesting
agent in the second clock of Request Phase. LEN[1:0]# define the length of the data transfer

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-9

Signals Reference

requested by the requesting agent as shown in Table A-9. The LEN[1:0]#, HITM#, and RS[2:0]#
signals together define the length of the actual data transfer.

Table A-9. Length of Data Transfer

LEN[1:0]# Length
0 0 0 - 8 bytes
0 1 16 bytes
1 0 Reserved
1 1 64 bytes

A.1.41 LINT[1:0] (I)

LINT[1:0] are local interrupt signals. These pins are disabled after RESET#. LINT0 is typically
software configured as INT, an 8259-compatible maskable interrupt request signal. LINT1 is
typically software configured as NMI, a non-maskable interrupt. Both signals are asynchronous

During active RESET#, each processor begins sampling the A20M#, IGNNE#, and LINT[1:0]
values to determine the ratio of core-clock frequency to bus-clock frequency. On the active-to-
inactive transition of RESET#, each processor latches these signals and freezes the frequency ratio
internally. System logic must then release these signals for normal operation.

A.1.42 LOCK# (I/O)

The LOCK# (Bus Lock) signal indicates to the system that a transaction must occur atomically. For
a locked sequence of transactions, LOCK# is asserted from the beginning of the first transaction
through to the end of the last transaction. A locked operation can be prematurely aborted (and
LOCK# deasserted) if DEFER# is asserted during the first bus transaction of the sequence. The
sequence can also be prematurely aborted if a hard error (such as a hard failure response) occurs on
any one of the transactions during the locked operation.

For requests which would lock the system bus, the Itanium processor may optionally lock the
system bus, fault, or complete the request non-atomically.

When the priority agent asserts BPRI# to arbitrate for bus ownership, it waits until it observes
LOCK# deasserted. This enables the symmetric agents to retain bus ownership throughout the bus
locked operation and guarantee the atomicity of the locked transaction.

A.1.43 NMI (I) (LINTX configured as NMI)

The NMI signal is the Non-maskable Interrupt signal. Asserting NMI causes an interrupt with an
internally supplied vector value of 2. An external interrupt-acknowledge transaction is not
generated. If NMI is asserted during the execution of an NMI service routine, it remains pending
and is recognized after the EOI is executed by the NMI service routine. At most, one assertion of
NMI is held pending.

NMI is rising-edge sensitive. Recognition of NMI is guaranteed in a specific clock if it is asserted

synchronously and meets the setup and hold times. If asserted asynchronously, asserted and
deasserted pulse widths of NMI must be a minimum of two clocks. This signal must be software
configured to be used either as NMI or as another local interrupt (LINT1 pin).

A-10 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference

A.1.44 OWN# (I/O)

The OWN# (Guaranteed Cache Line Ownership) signal is driven to the bus on the second clock of
the Request Phase on the Ab5# pin. OWN# is asserted if cache line ownership is guaranteed. This
allows a memory controller to ignore implicit writebacks.

A.1.45 PMI# (I)

The PMI# (Platform Management Interrupt) signal triggers the highest priority interrupt to the
processor. PMI# is usually used by the system to trigger system events that will be handled by
platform specific firmware.

A.1.46 PWRGOOD (I)

The PWRGOOD (Power Good) signal must be deasserted (L) during power-up, and must be
asserted (H) after RESET# is first asserted by the system.

A.1.47 REQ[4:0]# (I/O)

The REQ[4:0]# are the Request Command signals. They are asserted by the current bus owner in
both clocks of the Request Phase. In the first clock, the REQa[4:0]# signals define the transaction
type to a level of detail that is sufficient to begin a snoop request. In the second clock, REQb[4:0]#
signals carry additional information to define the complete transaction type. REQb[4:3]# signals
transmit DSZ[1:0]# or the data transfer width rate information of the requestor for transactions that
involve data transfer. REQb[2]# is reserved. REQb[1:0]# signals transmit LEN[1:0]# (the data
transfer length information). In both clocks, REQ[4:0]# and ADS# are protected by parity RP#.

All receiving agents observe the REQ[4:0]# signals to determine the transaction type and
participate in the transaction as necessary, as shown in Table A-10.

Table A-10.Transaction Types Defined by REQa# / REQb# Signals

REQa[4:0]# REQb[4:0]#
4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0

Deferred Reply 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x
Reserved (Ignore) 0 0 0 0 1 x x x x x
Interrupt Acknowledge 0 1 0 0 0 DSZ[1:0]# 0 0 0
Special Transactions 0 1 0 0 0 DSZ[1:0]# 0 0 1
Reserved (Central Agent
0 1 0 0 0 DSZ[1:0]# 0 1 x
Reserved (Central Agent
0 1 0 0 1 DSZ[1:0]# 0 x x
Interrupt 0 1 0 0 1 DSZ[1:0]# 1 0 0
Purge TC 0 1 0 0 1 DSZ[1:0]# 1 0 1
Reserved (Central Agent
0 1 0 0 1 DSZ[1:0]# 1 1 x
I/O Read 1 0 0 0 0 DSZ[1:0]# x x x
I/O Write 1 0 0 0 1 DSZ[1:0]# x x x
Reserved (Ignore) 1 1 0 0 x DSZ[1:0]# x x x

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-11

Signals Reference

Table A-10.Transaction Types Defined by REQa# / REQb# Signals (Continued)

REQa[4:0]# REQb[4:0]#
4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0

Memory Read & Invalidate ASZ[1:0]# 0 1 0 DSZ[1:0]# x LEN[1:0]#

Reserved (Memory Write) ASZ[1:0]# 0 1 1 DSZ[1:0]# x LEN[1:0]#
Memory Read ASZ[1:0]# 1 D/C# 0 DSZ[1:0]# x LEN[1:0]#
Memory Write ASZ[1:0]# 1 WSNP# 1 DSZ[1:0]# x LEN[1:0]#

A.1.48 RESET# (I)

Asserting the RESET# signal resets all processors to known states and invalidates their L2 and L3
caches without writing back Modified (M state) lines. RESET# must remain asserted for one
microsecond for a “warm” reset; for a power-on reset, RESET# must stay asserted for at least one
millisecond after VCC and BCLKP have reached their proper specifications. On observing asserted
RESET#, all system bus agents must deassert their outputs within two clocks.

A number of bus signals are sampled at the asserted-to-deasserted transition of RESET# for the
power-on configuration.

Unless its outputs are tristated during power-on configuration, after asserted-to-deasserted
transition of RESET#, the processor optionally executes its Built-In Self-Test (BIST) and begins
program execution at the reset-vector

A.1.49 RP# (I/O)

The RP# (Request Parity) signal is driven by the requesting agent, and provides parity protection
on ADS# and REQ[4:0]#.

A correct parity signal is high if an even number of covered signals are low and low if an odd
number of covered signals are low. This definition allows parity to be high when all covered
signals are high.

A.1.50 RS[2:0]# (I)

The RS[2:0]# (Response Status) signals are driven by the responding agent (the agent responsible
for completion of the transaction).RSP# (I)

A.1.51 RSP# (I)

The RSP# (Response Parity) signal is driven by the responding agent (the agent responsible for
completion of the current transaction) during assertion of RS[2:0]#, the signals for which RSP#
provides parity protection.

A correct parity signal is high if an even number of covered signals are low and low if an odd
number of covered signals are low. During the Idle state of RS[2:0]# (RS[2:0]#=000), RSP# is also
high since it is not driven by any agent guaranteeing correct parity.

A-12 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference

A.1.52 SBSY# (I/O)

The SBSY# (Strobe Bus Busy) signal is driven by the agent transferring data when it owns the
strobe bus. SBSY# holds the strobe bus before the first DRDY# and between DRDY# assertions
for a multiple clock data transfer. SBSY# is deasserted before DBSY# to allow the next data
transfer agent to predrive the strobes before the data bus is released.

A.1.53 SPLCK# (I/O)

The SPLCK# (Split Lock) signal is driven in the second clock of the Request Phase on the Ab6#
pin of the first transaction of a locked operation. It is driven to indicate that the locked operation
will consist of four locked transactions.

A.1.54 STBN[3:0]# and STBP[3:0]# (I/O)

STBP[3:0]# and STBN[3:0]# (and DRDY#) are used to transfer data at the 2x transfer rate in lieu
of BCLKP. They are driven by the data transfer agent with a tight skew relationship with respect to
its corresponding bus signals, and are used by the receiving agent to capture valid data in its latches
before use in its core. This functions like an independent double frequency clock constructed from
a falling edge of either STBP[3:0]# or STBN[3:0]#. The data is synchronized by DRDY#. Each
strobe is associated with 16 data bus signals and 2 ECC signals as shown in Table A-11.

Table A-11.STBp[3:0]# and STBn[3:0]# Associations

Strobe Bits Data Bits ECC Bits

STBP3#, STBN3# D[63:48]# DEP[7:6]#

STBP2#, STBN2# D[47:32]# DEP[5:4]#
STBP1#, STBN1# D[31:16]# DEP[3:2]#
STBP0#, STBN0# D[15:0]# DEP[1:0]#

A.1.55 TCK (I)

The TCK (Test Clock) signal provides the clock input for the IEEE 1149.1 compliant Test Access
Port (TAP).

A.1.56 TDI (I)

The TDI (Test Data In) signal transfers serial test data into the Itanium processor. TDI provides the
serial input needed for IEEE 1149.1 compliant Test Access Port (TAP).

A.1.57 TDO (O)

The TDO (Test Data Out) signal transfers serial test data out from the Itanium processor. TDO
provides the serial output needed for IEEE 1149.1 compliant Test Access Port (TAP).

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-13

Signals Reference


The THERMTRIP# (Thermal Trip) signal protects the Itanium processor from catastrophic
overheating by use of an internal thermal sensor. This sensor is set well above the normal operating
temperature to ensure that there are no false trips. Data will be lost if the processor goes into
thermal trip (signaled to the system by the assertion of the THERMTRIP# signal). Once
THERMTRIP# is asserted, the platform must assert RESET# to protect the physical integrity of the


A thermal alert open-drain signal (indicated to the system by the THRMALERT# pin) brings the
ALERT# interrupt output from the thermal sensor located on the Itanium processor cartridge out to
the front side bus. The signal is asserted when the measured temperature from the processor
thermal diode equals or exceeds the temperature threshold data programmed in the high-temp
(THIGH) or low-temp (TLOW) registers on the sensor. This signal can be used by the platform to
implement thermal regulation features.

A.1.60 TMS (I)

The TMS (Test Mode Status) signal is an IEEE 1149.1 compliant Test Access Port (TAP)
specification support signal used by debug tools.

A.1.61 TND# (I/O)

The TND# (TLB Purge Not Done) signal is asserted to delay completion of a TLB Purge
instruction, even after the TLB Purge transaction completes on the system bus.

A.1.62 TRDY# (I)

The TRDY# (Target Ready) signal is asserted by the target to indicate that it is ready to receive a
write or implicit writeback data transfer.

A.1.63 TRISTATE# (I)

The TRISTATE# pin, sampled during the reset configuration, notifies the Itanium processor to
tristate output pins.

A.1.64 TRST# (I)

The TRST# (TAP Reset) signal is an IEEE 1149.1 compliant Test Access Port (TAP) support signal
used by debug tools.

A.1.65 WSNP# (I/O)

The WSNP# (Write Snoop) signal indicates that snooping agents will snoop the memory write

A-14 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

Signals Reference

A.2 Signal Summaries

The following tables list attributes of the Itanium processor output, input, and I/O signals.

Table A-12.Output Signals

Name Active Level Clock Signal Group
CPUPRES# Low — Platform
FERR# Low Asynchronous IA-32 compatibility
TDO High TCK Diagnostic
THERMTRIP# Low Asynchronous Error
THRMALERT# Low Asynchronous Error

Table A-13.Input Signals

Name Active Level Clock Signal Group Qualified/Valid
A20M# Low Asynch IA-32 compatibility Always1
BPRI# Low BCLKP Arbitration Always
BR1# Low BCLKP Arbitration Always
BR2# Low BCLKP Arbitration Always
BR3# Low BCLKP Arbitration Always
BCLKP High — Control Always
BCLKN High — Control Always
D/C# Low BCLKP Request Request Phase (Mem Rd)
DEFER# Low BCLKP Snoop Snoop Phase
DHIT# Low BCLKP Defer IDS#+1
DRATE# Low BCLKP Platform Always
ID[7:0]# Low BCLKP Defer IDS#, IDS#+1
IDS# Low BCLKP Defer Always
IGNNE# Low Asynch IA-32 compatibility Always1
INIT# Low Asynch Exec Control Always1
INT (LINT0) High Asynch Exec Control —
IP[1:0]# Low BCLKP Defer IDS#+1
NMI (LINT1) High Asynch Exec Control —
RESET# Low BCLKP Control Always
RS[2:0]# Low BCLKP Response Always
RSP# Low BCLKP Response Always
PMI# Low Asynch Exec Control —
PWRGOOD High Asynch Control —
TCK High — Diagnostic Always
TDI High TCK Diagnostic Always
TMS High TCK Diagnostic Always
TRISTATE# Low Asynch Exec Control Only during reset configuration
TRST# Low Asynch Diagnostic Always
TRDY# Low BCLKP Response Response Phase
GSEQ# Low BCLKP Snoop Snoop Phase

1. Synchronous assertion with asserted RS[2:0]# guarantees synchronization.

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual A-15

Signals Reference

Table A-14.Input/Output Signals (Single Driver)

Name Active Level Clock Signal Group Qualified/Valid
A[43:3]# Low BCLKP Request ADS#, ADS#+1
ADS# Low BCLKP Request Always
AP[1:0]# Low BCLKP Request ADS#, ADS#+1
ASZ[1:0]# Low BCLKP Request ADS#
ATTR[7:0]# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
BE[7:0]# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
BR0# Low BCLKP Arbitration Always
BPM[5:0]# Low BCLKP Diagnostic Always
D[63:0]# Low BCLKP Data DRDY#
D/C# Low BCLKP Request ADS#
DBSY# Low BCLKP Data Always
DEN# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
DEP[7:0]# Low BCLKP Data DRDY#
DID[7:0]# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
DPS# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
DSZ[1:0]# Low BCLKP Request ADS#+1
DRDY# Low BCLKP Data Always
EXF[4:0]# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
FCL# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
LEN[1:0]# Low BCLKP Request ADS#+1
LOCK# Low BCLKP Arbitration Always
OWN# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
REQ[4:0]# Low BCLKP Request ADS#, ADS#+1
RP# Low BCLKP Request ADS#, ADS#+1
SBSY# Low BCLKP Data Always
SPLCK# Low BCLKP Address ADS#+1
STBN[7:0]# Low — Data Always
STBP[7:0]# Low — Data Always
WSNP# Low BCLKP Request ADS#

Table A-15.Input/Output Signals (Multiple Driver)

Name Active Level Clock Signal Group Qualified/Valid
BNR# Low BCLKP Arbitration Always
BERR# Low BCLKP Error Always
BINIT# Low BCLKP Error Always
HIT# Low BCLKP Snoop Snoop Phase
HITM# Low BCLKP Snoop Snoop Phase
TND# Low BCLKP Snoop Always

A-16 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual


A Defer Enable signal ....................................................... A-6

DEFER# ................................................................. 3-6, A-6
A[43:3]# .................................................................. 3-5, A-1 DEN# ...................................................................... 3-7, A-6
A20M# .................................................................... 3-9, A-1 DEP[7:0]# .............................................................. 3-7, A-6
Address signals ..................................................... 3-5, A-1 Device Identification (ID) Register ............................... 6-5
ADS# ...................................................................... 3-5, A-1 DHIT# .............................................................................. A-6
Advanced Load Address Table (ALAT) ..................... 2-9 Diagnostic Signals ........................................................ 3-10
AP[1:0]# ................................................................. 4-2, A-1 DID[7:0]# ......................................................................... A-6
Arbitration ID .................................................................. 5-4 Dispersal Logic ............................................................... 2-5
Arbitration signals .......................................................... 3-4 DPS# ............................................................................... A-7
ASZ[1:0]# ....................................................................... A-2 DRATE# .......................................................................... A-7
ATTR[7:0]# .................................................................... A-2 DRDY# ................................................................... 3-7, A-7
Attribute signals ............................................................ A-2 DSZ[1:0]# ....................................................................... A-7

BCLK ............................................................................... 3-4 Error Classification ......................................................... 4-1
BCLKN ................................................................... 3-3, A-2 Error Code Algorithms ................................................... 4-3
BCLKP .................................................................... 3-3, A-2 Error Correcting Code (ECC) ....................................... 3-6
BE[7:0]# ......................................................................... A-3 Error Detection ................................................................ 4-1
BERR# .......................................................... 3-8, 5-3, A-3 Error Signals ................................................................... 3-8
BINIT# ........................................................... 3-8, 5-4, A-3 Execution Control Signals ............................................. 3-9
BNR# ...................................................................... 3-4, A-4 EXF[4:0]# ........................................................................ A-8
Boundary Scan Chain ................................................... 6-1 EXTEST ........................................................................... 6-5
Boundary Scan Register .............................................. 6-4
BPM[5:0]# ................................................... 3-10, 7-3, A-4
BPRI# ..................................................................... 3-4, A-4
BR[3:1]# ......................................................................... A-4
BR0# ............................................................................... A-4 FCL# ................................................................................ A-8
Branch Prediction .......................................................... 2-5 FERR# ................................................................... 3-9, A-8
BREQ[3:0]# ........................................................... 3-4, A-5 Floating-point Unit (FPU) .............................................. 2-6
BREQ0# ................................................................. 5-5, A-4
Built-in Self-Test (BIST) ................................................ 5-3
RUNBIST Register ................................................ 6-5 G
Bus Signal Protection .................................................... 4-2 Global Error ..................................................................... 4-1
BYPASS .......................................................................... 6-5 GSEQ# ............................................................................ A-8
Bypass Register ............................................................. 6-5
Byte Enable signals ...................................................... A-3
HIT# ................................................................................. A-8
C HITM# ............................................................................. A-8
Clock Frequencies ......................................................... 5-6
Clock Ratios ................................................................... 5-6
Common Clock .............................................................. 3-1
Compatibility Signals ..................................................... 3-9
IA-32 Compatibility Signals ........................................... 3-9
Containable Error .......................................................... 4-1
ID[7:0]# ........................................................................... A-9
CPUPRES# ................................................................... A-5
IDCODE ........................................................................... 6-5
IDS# ................................................................................. A-9
IGNNE# .................................................................. 3-9, A-9
D INIT# ............................................................... 3-9, 5-7, A-9
D/C# ................................................................................ A-6 Initialization ...................................................................... 5-6
D[63:0]# .................................................................. 3-7, A-5 In-order Queue Pipelining ............................................. 5-4
Data Bus Error Checking .............................................. 5-3 Instruction Buffers .......................................................... 2-5
Data Reponse Signals .................................................. 3-6 Instruction Fetch ............................................................. 2-4
Data Signals ................................................................... 3-6 Instruction Prefetch ........................................................ 2-4
Data Size (DSZ) signals .............................................. A-7 Instruction Register ........................................................ 6-5
Data Transfer Rate ........................................................ 5-4 INT ................................................................................... A-9
Data Transfer Signals ................................................... 4-2 In-target Probe (ITP64B) ............................................... 7-1
DBSY# .................................................................... 3-6, A-6 Debug Port Connector ........................................... 7-3

Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual Index-1

Debug Port Signal .................................................. 7-3 Reset Behavior ............................................................... 6-6
Integration Tools ............................................................. 7-1 RESET# .............................................................. 5-6, A-12
Interrupt Request signal ............................................... A-9 Response Signals .......................................................... 3-6
IP[1:0]# ............................................................................ A-9 RP# .............................................................. 3-5, 4-1, A-12
RS[2:0]# ...................................................... 4-2, 5-3, A-12
RSP# ............................................................ 3-6, 4-1, A-12
L RUNBIST ........................................................................ 6-5
L1 Cache ......................................................................... 2-8
L2 Cache ......................................................................... 2-8
L3 Cache ......................................................................... 2-8 S
Latched Bus Protocol .................................................... 3-1 SBSY# ................................................................. 3-7, A-13
LEN[1:0]# ........................................................................ A-9 Signal Summaries ....................................................... A-15
LINT[1:0] .............................................................. 3-9, A-10 Snoop Signals ................................................................ 3-5
Local Error ....................................................................... 4-1 Source Synchronous ..................................................... 3-2
LOCK# ......................................................... 3-4, 5-4, A-10 SPLCK# ........................................................................ A-13
Logic Analyzer Interface ............................................... 7-4 STBN[3:0]# ......................................................... 3-7, A-13
STBP[3:0]# .......................................................... 3-7, A-13
Symmetric-agent Arbitration Bus signals .................. A-5
M System Bus ..................................................................... 1-2
Machine Check Abort (MCA) ....................................... 4-1 Arbitration Signals .................................................. 3-4
Memory Control Signals ....................................................... 3-3
Address-space size signals ................................. A-2 Data Signals ........................................................... 3-6
Memory Subsystem .............................................. 2-3, 2-7 Defer Signals .......................................................... 3-7
Microarchitecture ............................................................ 2-1 Error Signals ........................................................... 3-8
Request Signals ..................................................... 3-5
Response Signals .................................................. 3-6
Signaling .................................................................. 3-1
N Snoop Signals ........................................................ 3-5
Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) signal ....................... A-10 Source Synchronous Signaling ........................... 3-2

Output Tristate ................................................................ 5-3 TCK ............................................................................... A-13
OWN# ........................................................................... A-11 TDI ................................................................................. A-13
TDO ............................................................................... A-13
Test Access Port (TAP) ................................................ 6-1
P Instructions .............................................................. 6-5
Parity Algorithm .............................................................. 4-3 Registers ................................................................. 6-4
Parity Protection ............................................................. 4-1 TCK .......................................................................... 6-1
Pentium® III processors ................................................ 1-2 TDI ............................................................................ 6-1
Pentium® III Xeon™ processors ................................. 1-2 TDO .......................................................................... 6-1
Platform Signals ........................................................... 3-10 TMS .......................................................................... 6-1
PMI# .............................................................................. A-11 TRST# ..................................................................... 6-1
Processor Abstraction Layer (PAL) ............................. 1-2 THERMTRIP# .................................................... 3-8, A-14
Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) ................... 2-3 THRMALERT# ............................................................ A-14
Protocol Error .................................................................. 4-1 TMS ............................................................................... A-14
PWRGOOD .................................................................. A-11 TND# ............................................................................. A-14
Translation Lookaside Buffers (TLBs) ........................ 2-9
TRDY# ................................................................. 3-6, A-14
R TRISTATE# ................................................................. A-14
TRST# .......................................................................... A-14
Recoverable Error .......................................................... 4-1
Register Stack Engine (RSE) ....................................... 2-7
REQ[4:0]# ............................................................ 3-5, A-11
Request Parity (RP#) signal ......................................... 3-5 W
Request Signals ............................................................. 3-5 WSNP# ......................................................................... A-14

Index-2 Intel® Itanium™ Processor Hardware Developer’s Manual

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