Jeong 2016

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Accuracy of complete-arch model using an intraoral

video scanner: An in vitro study
Il-Do Jeong, PhD,a Jae-Jun Lee, MSc,b Jin-Hun Jeon, MSc, PhD,c Ji-Hwan Kim, MPH, PhD,d
Hae-Young Kim, DDS, PhD,e and Woong-Chul Kim, MPH, PhDf

During the fabrication of dental ABSTRACT

restorations using a computer- Statement of problem. Information on the accuracy of intraoral video scanners for long-span areas
aided design and computer- is limited.
aided manufacturing (CAD/
Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate and compare the trueness and precision
CAM) system, a definitive cast
of an intraoral video scanner, an intraoral still image scanner, and a blue-light scanner for the
is often digitized from a con- production of digital impressions.
ventional impression.1 Errors
inevitably occur when obtain- Material and methods. Reference scan data were obtained by scanning a complete-arch model.
An identical model was scanned 8 times using an intraoral video scanner (CEREC Omnicam;
ing the impression, creating
Sirona) and an intraoral still image scanner (CEREC Bluecam; Sirona), and stone casts made from
the cast, and digitizing with a conventional impressions of the same model were scanned 8 times with a blue-light scanner as
laboratory scanner and are a control (Identica Blue; Medit). Accuracy consists of trueness (the extent to which the scan data
caused by the impression differ from the reference scan) and precision (the similarity of the data from multiple scans). To
materials used, expansion and evaluate precision, 8 scans were superimposed using 3-dimensional analysis software; the
shrinkage of the gypsum cast, reference scan data were then superimposed to determine the trueness. Differences were
and impression distortion. 2,3 analyzed using 1-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey HSD tests (a=.05).
Intraoral scanning systems Results. Trueness in the video scanner group was not significantly different from that in the control
provide an alternative to the group. However, the video scanner group showed significantly lower values than those of the still
use of conventional impres- image scanner group for all variables (P<.05), except in tolerance range. The root mean square,
standard deviations, and mean negative precision values for the video scanner group were
sions, stone casts, and labora-
significantly higher than those for the other groups (P<.05).
tory digitization. Intraoral
scanning systems could reduce Conclusions. Digital impressions obtained by the intraoral video scanner showed better accuracy
errors more effectively than for long-span areas than those captured by the still image scanner. However, the video scanner was
less accurate than the laboratory scanner. (J Prosthet Dent 2015;-:---)
scanning casts in the labora-
tory.4 However, errors caused
by a number of variables will still be reflected in the data intraoral scanning systems, the accuracy of the scanner
from intraoral scanning systems. Thus, to replace con- should exceed that of the conventional impression.4 In
ventional impressions with models generated using addition, unlike the conventional method, with which a

Supported by a Korea University grant.

Doctoral student, Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering, College of Health Science, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Master student, Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering, College of Health Science, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Doctoral student, Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering, College of Health Science, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Professor, Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering, College of Health Science, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Associate Professor, Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering, College of Health Science & Department of Public Health Sciences,
Graduate School & BK21PLUS Program in Public Health Sciences, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Professor, Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering, College of Health Science, Korea University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.


2 Volume - Issue -

Experienced staff carried out 8 scans on each system in

Clinical Implications accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended
Compared with intraoral still image scanning, scanning protocols. The data obtained were converted to
the stereolithography (STL) file format for 3D analysis
intraoral video scanning allowed the digitization of
using the manufacturer’s certified software (CEREC
a complete dental arch; however, this technique
Connect Software 4.3; Sirona).
could not completely replace the method of
Heavy-body and light-body impression materials
scanning a cast derived from a conventional
(Aquasil Ultra XLV and Rigid; Dentsply Caulk) were
placed into a metal stock tray to obtain 8 impressions of
the reference model. These impressions were obtained in
a temperature-controlled room at 35 ±1 C to reproduce
wide range of impressions can be obtained, the narrow
the intraoral temperature when the mouth is open15 and
range of intraoral scanners needs to be broadened.5,6
were allowed to polymerize for the duration recom-
Recently, an intraoral video scanner (CEREC Omni-
mended by the manufacturer. Wetting agent was spread
cam; Sirona) has been introduced. This system is rec-
and dried on the inside of the obtained impressions to
ommended for wide-range scanning because it creates a
increase the quality of the stone casts. Subsequently,
3-dimensional (3D) model through continuous data
Type IV stone (CAM-Stone N; Siladent) was poured into
acquisition. However, few studies have evaluated the
the impression, which was then hardened in a pressure
accuracy of digital impressions of the complete arch
pot for 45 minutes under a pressure of 200 kPa. After 48
captured using this intraoral video scanner.7
hours at room temperature, the cast was scanned with a
Studies on the accuracy of intraoral scanners have
blue-light scanner (Identica Blue; Medit) and 3D software
used 3D comparative analysis.4-6,8-12 In these studies,
(IdenticaBlue V1.2; Medit) to obtain the STL files.
systematic errors were quantified to determine the true-
All acquired data were exported to 3D analysis soft-
ness, and random errors were quantified to determine
ware (Geomagic Verify 2015; Geomagic GmbH). Data
the precision.13,14 Thus, the accuracy of a scanner is
approximately 1 mm from the gingival margin to the
the combination of trueness, that is, the extent to
gingival groove were defined as the border of each image,
which the measurements differ from those of the refer-
and the remaining scan data, except that of the teeth,
ence model, and precision, that is, the similarity between
were removed. Trueness was calculated by overlapping
all of the data from each group with the reference data
The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the
(n=8), and precision was obtained based on the overlap
accuracy of the digital impressions of a complete-arch
of the data within each group (n=28). The spectrum was
model obtained with the intraoral video scanner and to
set for 20 color segments, with each color depicting the
compare them with those obtained with an intraoral still
tolerance values. The max/min nominal values were set
image scanner (CEREC Bluecam; Sirona) and a labora-
to ±50 mm, and the max/min critical values were set to
tory scan (Identica Blue; Medit) of a cast from a con-
±500 mm. The data obtained in the analysis included the
ventional impression. The null hypothesis was that no
standard deviations (SD), mean positive/negative values
significant difference would be found in the trueness or
(±AVG), tolerance range values, and root mean square
precision of the digital impressions obtained using the
(RMS) values. The RMS values were calculated using the
intraoral video scanner, intraoral still image scanner, and
following equation:
blue-light scanner.
1 X n  2
MATERIAL AND METHODS RMS = pffiffiffiffi $ x1;i − x2;i ;
n i=1
A reference model (ANKA-4 V CER; Frasaco) that did
not require a light powder coating for use with the where x1;i is the measurement point of i of the reference,
intraoral still image scanner (CEREC Bluecam; Sirona) x2;i is the measurement point of i of the data set, and n is
was chosen for this study. By using 2 cameras set the total number of points to be measured in each
asymmetrically at 10 degrees, 20 degrees, and 30 degrees, analysis.
accurate data could be collected for areas that were A statistical power analysis was performed to deter-
difficult to measure, and a reference scan was obtained mine the number of specimens required in each group.
using a high-precision optical scanner with an accuracy With an effect size of 1.0, a=.05, and a power of .80, the
of 7 mm (SmartSCAN R5; Breuckmann GmbH). calculations revealed that 8 specimens per group would
Two types of intraoral scanner systems were used be needed to detect the postulated effect size.
(CEREC Omnicam and CEREC Bluecam; Sirona). In All of the obtained values were analyzed using software
compliance with ISO-12836, each scanner was main- (IBM SPSS Statistics v21.0; IBM Corp). The Shapiro-Wilk
tained at an ambient temperature of 23 ±2 C. test was used to examine the normal distribution of each


- 2015 3

Table 1. Trueness of 2 different types of intraoral scan and laboratory Table 2. Precision of 2 different types of intraoral scan and laboratory
scan of complete dental arch scan of complete dental arch
Intraoral Video Intraoral Still Laboratory Intraoral Video Intraoral Still Laboratory
Scanner Image Scanner Scanner Scanner Image Scanner Scanner
Variable (mean ±SD) (mean ±SD) (mean ±SD) P Variable (mean ±SD) (Mean ±SD) (mean ±SD) P
RMS (mm) 197 ±4a 378 ±11b 170 ±12a <.05 RMS (mm) 58 ±13a 116 ±28b 78 ±15c <.05
SD (mm) 195 ±4a 375 ±14b 165 ±12a <.05 SD (mm) 57 ±13a 115 ±28b 78 ±14c <.05
+AVG (mm) 114 ±6a 211 ±16b 81 ±15a <.05 +AVG (mm) 37 ±10a 65 ±19b 43 ±10a <.05
−AVG (mm) 83 ±5a 151 ±9b 82 ±8a <.05 −AVG (mm) 42 ±11a 63 ±15b 51 ±13c <.05
Tolerance (%) 52 ±4a 53 ±8a 42 ±14a <.05 Tolerance (%) 73 ±13a 64 ±14a 70 ±13a <.05

Means in row with different superscript letters indicate significant difference (P<.05) by *Means in row with different superscript letters indicate significant difference (P<.05) by
ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test. ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test.

Figure 1. Three-dimensional deviations between scan data and reference data. A, Trueness. B, Within each test group, precision.

value. The Levene test was used to assess the equality of RESULTS
variance, and, according to the result, the differences be-
A comparison of the trueness and precision of each
tween the test groups were analyzed using 1-way ANOVA
scanner is shown in Tables 1, 2. With regard to trueness,
and post hoc Tukey HSD tests (a=.05).
the intraoral video scanner and blue-light scanner groups


4 Volume - Issue -

were significantly different from the intraoral still image

scanner group for all values except the tolerance range
values; no statistically significant differences were found
between the intraoral video scanner and blue-light
scanner groups (P>.05). With regard to precision, the
intraoral video scanner and blue-light scanner groups
showed significantly different +AVG values from the
intraoral still image scanner group. The RMS, SD,
and −AVG values were significantly different in each of
the 3 groups (P<.05). However, no statistically significant
differences were found in the tolerance range values
among the groups (P>.05).
Fig. 1A indicates that the intraoral video scanner and
blue-light scanner groups showed deviation at the labial
surface of the anterior teeth and the buccal surface of the
posterior teeth; this deviation was particularly pro-
nounced at the occlusal surface of the first and second
molars. The intraoral still image scanner group also
showed deviation at the labial surface of the anterior
teeth and the buccal surface of the posterior teeth. Fig. 1B
indicates that all of the 3 groups showed deviation at the
labial surface of the anterior teeth and the occlusal sur-
face of the second molar; in particular, the intraoral still
image scanner group showed pronounced deviation at
the right maxillary second molar, and the blue-light
scanner group showed a small amount of deviation in
many parts of the model. Lastly, the maximum and
minimum gap distance values were calculated at the
contact part of each tooth (Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows the
differences in the point sets, not only for the reference
scan data but also for the scan data of each group. The
quantities of the point sets of the reference scan data and Figure 2. Visual differences in quantity of point sets of each
3-dimensional data set.
blue-light scan data were higher than those of the 2
different types of intraoral scan data (Fig. 2).
scanner were significantly different from those obtained
with the intraoral still image scanner for all values, with
With regard to measuring the accuracy of the definitive the exception of the tolerance range values. This was
cast created by a conventional impression obtained using because the intraoral still image scanner group had a
impression materials, the most frequently used method high deviation out of the tolerance range and a larger SD
to date has been the line distance with limited points.16,17 than the other 2 groups. In addition, the intraoral still
Recently, the accuracy, (the trueness and precision) of the image scanner group had more tolerance range values at
digital impressions and that of conventional ones has the occlusal surface compared with the other groups
been compared in 3D.4-6,8-12 (Fig. 1A). This was because the characteristics of the
In the current study, a scanner with high precision occlusal surface had a greater effect on image stitching
was used to obtain reference data, and the difference in and the ease of obtaining still images. However, the
the data obtained in each scan from the reference data intraoral video scanner and blue-light scanner groups
(trueness) as well as the difference in the data obtained in showed a similar pattern of deviation.
repeated scans (precision) was measured. The results led The results of the present study indicated that the
to the rejection of the null hypothesis because there were intraoral video scanner showed less random error than
significant differences in trueness and precision between the other scanners, but no statistically significant differ-
the 2 different types of intraoral scanners and a blue-light ence was found in the tolerance range values among the
scanner (P<.05). different scanners tested. Similar to the data for trueness,
The analysis of trueness showed that the results ob- the intraoral still image scanner showed a low level of
tained with the intraoral video scanner and blue-light precision and seemed to be greatly affected by outlier


- 2015 5

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conclusions may be drawn. Digital impressions obtained 274-81.
by the Omnicam intraoral video scanner were more ac-
curate than those obtained by the Bluecam intraoral still Corresponding author:
image scanner and had the advantage of covering long- Dr Woong-Chul Kim
Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering
span areas. College of Health Science, Korea University
Anam-dong 5-ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-072
Republic of Korea

1. DIN 13995 (NADENT: NA 014-00-05-06 AK): Dentistry-terminology of the Acknowledgments

process chain for CAD/CAM-systems, 2010. Available at: The authors thank Seung-Jin Kang, who helped to record the data.
en/getting-involved/standards-committees/nadent. Last accessed October
20, 2015. Copyright © 2015 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.


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