Jeong 2016
Jeong 2016
Jeong 2016
Table 1. Trueness of 2 different types of intraoral scan and laboratory Table 2. Precision of 2 different types of intraoral scan and laboratory
scan of complete dental arch scan of complete dental arch
Intraoral Video Intraoral Still Laboratory Intraoral Video Intraoral Still Laboratory
Scanner Image Scanner Scanner Scanner Image Scanner Scanner
Variable (mean ±SD) (mean ±SD) (mean ±SD) P Variable (mean ±SD) (Mean ±SD) (mean ±SD) P
RMS (mm) 197 ±4a 378 ±11b 170 ±12a <.05 RMS (mm) 58 ±13a 116 ±28b 78 ±15c <.05
SD (mm) 195 ±4a 375 ±14b 165 ±12a <.05 SD (mm) 57 ±13a 115 ±28b 78 ±14c <.05
+AVG (mm) 114 ±6a 211 ±16b 81 ±15a <.05 +AVG (mm) 37 ±10a 65 ±19b 43 ±10a <.05
−AVG (mm) 83 ±5a 151 ±9b 82 ±8a <.05 −AVG (mm) 42 ±11a 63 ±15b 51 ±13c <.05
Tolerance (%) 52 ±4a 53 ±8a 42 ±14a <.05 Tolerance (%) 73 ±13a 64 ±14a 70 ±13a <.05
Means in row with different superscript letters indicate significant difference (P<.05) by *Means in row with different superscript letters indicate significant difference (P<.05) by
ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test. ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test.
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value. The Levene test was used to assess the equality of RESULTS
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conclusions may be drawn. Digital impressions obtained 274-81.
by the Omnicam intraoral video scanner were more ac-
curate than those obtained by the Bluecam intraoral still Corresponding author:
image scanner and had the advantage of covering long- Dr Woong-Chul Kim
Department of Dental Laboratory Science and Engineering
span areas. College of Health Science, Korea University
Anam-dong 5-ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-072
Republic of Korea