.A Literature Review On Lean Manufacturing Techniques

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A Literature Review on Lean Manufacturing Techniques

Research · February 2017


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Naresh Chauhan
Balasinor College of Polytechnic


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Jayswal Arpit, Chauhan N. D, Sen Rahul; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.

ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume3, Issue2)
A Literature Review on Lean Manufacturing Techniques
Arpit Jayswal Mr. N. D. Chauhan Mr. Rahul Sen
PG Student of TITS Modasa I/C. Principal of SVBIT Asst. Prof. mechanical Department
Gandhinagar Modasa
007arpitk@gmail.com nd.chauhan@bapugkv.ac.in Rahul.sen1422@gmail.com

Abstract: Lean manufacturing is a proper technique to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous
improvement. In lean manufacturing do more with less: time (production time, waiting time etc), inventory, men, and
money. At present time, Lean Manufacturing has become a worldwide technique. It is very successful in drawing the
attention of companies of all sizes. Many organizations are following Lean technologies and experiencing drastically
improvements in quality, production, customer service, and profitability. Process improvement is an iterative method of
seeking the elimination or reduction of non-value adding work imbedded in a process. Non-value-adding work is
described as elements of work that a customer is unwilling to pay for. The Lean manufacturing technique is meant
convert non-value added activity into value added activity. Lean manufacturing has its effect on the manufacturer and
the customers alike. A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously
increase it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that
has zero waste.[2] This paper gives the literature survey on various type of industry to apply the lean manufacturing.
And introducing about lean .what is lean manufacturing, why it is needed, and method of lean manufacturing that
reduces waste. And also to introduces about different lean tools.

Keywords: Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen, Kanban, JIT, VSM, 5s.

To understand what lean is it is helpful to understand why it developed Lean (and the Toyota Production System) have two
main purposes; Provide customer satisfaction and do so profitably. Principles of lean manufacturing are widely used by
industries to eliminate waste. After Second World War Japanese manufacturers were faced with big shortage of material,
money, and human resources. These conditions resulted in the birth of the lean manufacturing concept (Womack et al.,
1990). Early Japanese industrial leaders such as Toyoda, Shigeo Shingo, and Taiichiohno devising a new, disciplined,
process oriented system, which is known today as the “Toyota Production System” or “Lean manufacturing”.
Lean is a systematic method for the elimination of waste within a manufacturing system. Toyota has developed its
production system around eliminating three enemies of Lean: Muda (waste), and Mura (unevenness), Muri (overburden)
(Liker, 2004).

MUDA: Waste can be defined in eight types, 7 defined by TPS and non-utilized skills. This are defects: Overproduction,
Waiting, Non-utilized talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, and Excess processing.

MURA: Any variation leading to unbalanced situations. In short: UNEVENNESS, inconsistent, irregular. Mura exists
when workflow is out of balance and workload is inconsistent and not incompliance with the standard.

MURI: Any activity asking unreasonable stress or effort from personnel, material or equipment. In short:
OVERBURDEN For people, Muri means: a too heavy mental- or physical burden. For machinery Muri means: expecting
a machine to do more than it is capable of- or has been designed to do.

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Jayswal Arpit, Chauhan N. D, Sen Rahul; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.

Following are the types of waste in lean manufacturing.
o Defects
o Overproduction
o Waiting
o Non-utilized talent
o Transportation
o Inventory
o Motion
o Excess processing

Lean manufacturing tools

In lean manufacturing various types of tools and techniques are available like 5S, Value stream mapping, Andon,
Bottleneck Analysis, Continuous Flow, Gemba (The Real Place), Heijunka (Level Scheduling), HoshinKanri (Policy
Deployment), Jidoka (Autonomation), Just-In-Time (JIT), Kaizen (Continuous Improvement), Kanban (Pull System),
Muda (Waste), Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act), Poka-Yoke (Error Proofing),
Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Visual Factory, Takt Time, SMART
Goals, Six Big Losses etc.
Some of the important lean tool are explained under in shortly.
The 5S’s are from japanesse and are
o Seiri -Sort (eliminate that which is not needed)
o Seiton- Set in Order (organize remaining items)
o Seison- Shine (clean and inspect work area)
o Seiketsu- Standardize (write standards for above)
o Shitsuke- Sustain (regularly apply the standards)
5S helps to eliminate waste that results from a poorly organized work area

Just in Time (JIT) Production means to make only “what is needed, when it is needed and in the amount needed”. Just-in-
Time is the Philosophy of complete elimination of waste. Just in Time Production strives to reduce overall business costs
via eliminating in-process excess inventory and their associated costs. JIT uses Kanban (Japanese for sign or billboard)
cards to communicate between processes. Toyota found that the just-in-time system reduced lead time on orders by one
third and reduced production costs by 50 percent.


Kaizen is a Japanese word kai means change and zen means better so that kaizen means change for better continuously.
Quality in Toyota’s just in time manufacturing system was based on the kaizen continuous improvement concept. This
approach is used to create trial and error experiences in eliminating waste and simplifying processes, and this approach is
repeated over and over again to continuously look for problems and solutions (Russell and Taylor 2002). Kaizen is for
small improvements, but carried out on a continual basis and involve all people in the organization. Kaizen requires no or

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Jayswal Arpit, Chauhan N. D, Sen Rahul; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.

little investment. The principle behind is that “a very large number of small improvements are more effective in an
organizational environment than a few improvements of large value.”


Poka-yoke is a Japanese term that means "mistake-proofing". Poka Yoke or Mistake proofing is a simple technique that
developed out of the Toyota Production system through Jidoka and Autonomation. It is normally a simple and often
inexpensive device that prevents defects from being made or highlights a defect so that it is not passed to the next


TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a holistic approach to equipment maintenance that strives to achieve perfect
No Breakdowns
No Small Stops or Slow Running No Defects
In addition it values a safe working environment: No Accidents
Iterative methodology for implementing improvements: Plan (establish plan
and expected results)
Do (implement plan)
Check (verify expected results achieved) Act (review and
assess; do it again)
A pull method used in lean manufacturing is kanban, which ensures that material and products are pulled through the
factory when they are demanded (Lai et at 2003). Kanban is the Japanese word for card. In a simple form, kanban is a card
or device used by a customer workstation to send a signal to the preceding supplier station that it needs more parts (Slack
et al 2001). Kanban applied to lean manufacturing, is a stocking technique using containers, cards and electronic signals to
make production systems respond to real needs and not predictions and forecasts. Kanban cards typically consist of
relevant product information, such as inventory or parts. When a Pull system is used, other important term Supermarket
and FIFO Lanes is used.


The use of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) has been attributed to the cause of much of the success that Toyota of Japan
has had since the 1980’s1. Developed during the work conducted by TaiichiOhno at Toyota in the 1960’s and 70‘s, at its
basic level VSM is a systematic methodology to identify wasted time and actions in a manufacturing process. In more
recent times VSM it has been used to re-engineer businesses because it identifies unnecessary effort and resources to
permit simplification and streamlining of operations processes.
In TaiichiOhno’s words - “All we are doing is looking at the time line from the moment the customer gives us an order to
the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time line by removing the non-value-added wastes.” (Ohno,

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Tomas rohac, Martin Janushka drawn current state map for manufacturer producing plastic products dedicated to
pharmacy and helth care industry. They told that implementation of VSM technique uncovers number of problems and
bottlenecks in company logistic processes. They suggested 5 improvement after the application of this 5 improvement they
noted that total lead time was reduced from 29,636 days to 9,600 days. [1]
Nor Azian et al. explain the kanban system and how kanban implement in the Malaysian small and medium enterprise.
They also found the factors that hinder SME companies from implementating the kanban system are identifies as
ineffective inventory management, lack of supplier participation, lack of quality improvement, lack of employee
participation. After implementing kanban they reduce operational costs, wastes, scraps, and losses [2] Jafri MohdRahani et
al. have goal to apply value stream mapping to improve the production line of a color industry. In this study they found
that the big mixer and deplak mixer stations have the most cycle time so they applied continuous flow in production line.
They draw a future state map with providing a 5s principles and Kanban method. After applying this tool

The total lead time decreased from 8.5 days to 6 days and value added time decreased from 68 minutes to 37 minutes. [3]
Juthamas Choomlucksana et al .presented a case study in manufacturing sheet metal stamping process. They showed that
the deburring and polishing processes create the most non value added activities and it should be addressed as quickly as
possible. They used kaizen,5s,visual control, poka yoke tools and analysed that this tools helps in reducing processing
time of a polishing stage from 6,582 seconds to 2,468 seconds or by 62.5% and also non value added activities from
1,086 activities to 261 activities or by 66.53%.[4]
Praveen Saraswat et al. gives the information about the value stream mapping. In this study they found that annealing and
CNC machining processing have higher cycle time and work in process. They apply the VSM and 5s as lean tool and
after successful implementation they showed that total lead time was reduced from 7.3 days to 3.8 days and production
lead time was reduced from 409 seconds to 344 seconds. [5]
S. Santosh Kumar et al. use the experiencing VSM and line balancing to reduce the cycle time in an automobile assembly
plant. With the successfully implementation of lean tools and line balancing they reduce the cycle time of the total
assembly and efficiency of the line[6] R. M. Belokar says that VSM has the reputation of uncovering waste in
manufacturing and business processes by identifying and removing or streamlining non value addeding steps. With the
help of VSM they use a new fixture, a new robot welding machine and also improve the layout of weld shop. They found
that there is about 44% improvement in value added activities. [7]
A.Jayaganthandevelop the VSM techniques in pump industry. They also pointed that the company does not want to
compromise with quality. They suggested the 7 proposal for future value stream map for company to reduce material
handing time [8]
A Ramchandran et al. have discuss about the production improvement of automotive industry by lean manufacturing
technique of VSM. They improving the cycle time of welding process by introducing a new welding machine and by
improving layout of weld shop. At the end they found that there is reduction in cycle time from 29 seconds to 15 seconds
and 66% improvement in production by improvement in value adding activities. [9]
Rahani AR et al. representing to find the sources of waste and these can be minimised or eliminated using lean tools from
the front disc assembly in Malaysia. Number of parameters studies was stacking, work in process, process cycle time,
work instruction. The VSM is applied to assess the expected impact of a change in the manufacturing process resulted in
saving (lower rejection rates)[10]
K. Venkataraman et al. representing the use of VSM for reducing cycle time of crank shaft. VSM technique implemented
in this paper is done in a crank shaft manufacturing cell to eliminate the 8 non value adding waste like over production,
waiting, unnecessary transport movement, defects and unused employee creativity from the manufacturing system.[11]


Paper Title Journal Product Tool Benefits
analyzed applied derived
1 Value stream mapping Elsevier Plastic VSM Reduce the
demonstration on real products total lead time
case study dedicated to from 29,636
healthcare days to 9,600
industry days
2 Lean manufacturing Elsevier Local Kanban Operation
case study with kanban automative costs, wastes,
system implementation industry scraps, and
losses were

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3 Production line analysis Elsevier Color industry VSM Lead time
via value stream 5s decreased from
mapping : a lean 8.5 days to 6
manufacturing process days, Value
of color industry added time
decreased from
68 minutes to
37 minutes
4 Improving the Elsevier Sheet metal Kaizen,5s,v Processing time
productivity of sheet stamping isual was reduced
metal stamping process control,pok from 6,582
subassembly are using a-yoke seconds to
the application of lean 2,468 seconds.
5 Reduction of work in IJMVS Bearing VSM,5s Total lead time
process inventory and C was reduced
production lead time in from 7.3 days
a bearing industry using to 3.8 days ,
value stream mapping production lead
tool time was
reduced from
409 seconds to
344 seconds
6 Cycle time reduction of Elsevier Truck body VSM, The cycle time
a truck body assembly Tree of the total
in an automobile diagram assembly was
industry by lean reduced from
principles 90 min to 39.5
7 An application of value Elsevier Automobile VSM Production time
stream mapping in industry was reduced
automobile industry : a CAPARO from 124.7
case study LIMITED seconds to
107.2 seconds

8 Lead time reduction IJIEAS Pump VSM,kaize Reduced

through value stream R n, line material
mapping balance handling time
9 An application of lean IOSR- Automotive VSM Cycle time was
manufacturing principle JMCE industry reduced from
in automotive industry 29 seconds to
15 seconds
10 Production flow Elsevier Front disc VSM Reduction of
analysis through value man time was
stream mapping: A lean at 15.99 s or
manufacturing process 16.9% while
case study the machine
time was

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Reduced to 299.832 s or
14.17% compared to
original processing
11 Application of Elsevier Crank shaft VSM, Reduce of
stream mapping kaizen inventory
reduction of cycle time between two
in a machining process machines, quick
response to

[1] Tomas Rohac, Martin Januska, Procedia Engineering 100 (2015) 520-529, 25th DAMM International Symposium
on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, DAAAM
[2] Nor Azian Abdul Rahmana,Sariwati Mohd Sharifb, Mashitah Mohamed Esac.Procedia Economics and Finance 7
(2013) 174 – 180, International Conference on Economics and Business Research 2013 (ICEBR 2013).
[3] JafriMohdRohania,*, SeyedMojibZahraeea,Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015) 6 – 10, 2nd International Materials,
Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, MIMEC2015, 4-6 February 2015, Bali Indonesia.
[4] JuthamasChoomlucksanaa, MonsiriOngsaranakorna, PhrompongSuksabaia F, Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015)
102 – 107, 2nd International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference, MIMEC2015, 4-6
February 2015, Bali Indonesia.
[5] Praveen Saraswat1, Deepak Kumar2 and Manoj Kumar Sain3, International Journal of Managing Value and
Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol. 6, No. 2, June 2015.
[6] S.Santhosh Kumar and Pradeep Kumar, Procedia Materials Science 5 (2014) 1853-1862, International Conference
on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering.
[7] R.M. Belokar, Sandeep Singh Kharb, Vikas Kumar, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
Engineering, (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-1, Issue-2, July 2012.
[8] A. Jayaganthan,International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR) Volume 3, No.
5, May 2014, ISSN: 2319-4413.
[9] A.Ramachandran1, Dr. R. Kesavan2, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), e- ISSN:
2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320–334X.
[10] Rahani AR*, Muhammad al-Ashraf,Procedia Engineering 41 (2012) 1727 – 1734, International Symposium on
Robotics and Intelligent Sensors 2012 (IRIS 2012).
[11] K. Venkataramana*, B.VijayaRamnathb, V.MuthuKumarc, C.Elanchezhiand,Procedia Materials Science 6
(2014) 1187 – 1196, 3rd International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014).

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