Practice Test in Agricultural Extension and Communication

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Agricultural Extension and Communication


DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the best answer from the choices given.

1. Agriculture and fisheries extension programs shall focus on activities prescribed under Section
87 of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997. The said activities shall include:

A. Training service C. Demonstration

B. Farm or business advisory D. All of the above

2. An extension worker is a versatile person who performs multi-faceted roles.The main task or
primary job, however, is:

A. Leading C. Linking
B. Facilitating D. Teaching

3. Good ideas or messages must be transmitted properly from the source to the recipient to effect
change or affect behavior. What is this process called?

A. Extension C. Communication
B. Management D. Transmission

4. Extension teachings must be able to solve problems, meet the needs of clientele or a new skill
has been acquired by the recipients. On the part of the learner, this end-product is called__.

A. Knowledge C. Resource Generation

B. Satisfaction D. Capability Building

5. Farmer’s field school is one way of teaching farmers through actual demonstration. Most of our
government agencies use it as a way to effect quick learning. Which country this method was
first introduced?

A. Malaysia C. Indonesia
B. Philippines D. India

6. Which of the following methods provide opportunity to recognize the worthwhile

accomplishments of the extension officer, farmer-cooperator and other stakeholders?

a. Demonstration C. Achievement days

b. Exhibits D. Camps

7. Problems and needs of the people in a community can be best identified through a community
study. Solution to the identified problems shall be in the form of:

a. Programs C. Tasks and Activities

b. Projects D.Plans
Agricultural Extension and Communication

8. Community-based approach either in developmental planning or the provisional of services to

the people was so popular in the 90s. It is best described as:

a. People centered C. Resource-based

b. Community-oriented D. all of these

9. A community-organizer maybe internal or external to the community. The guiding principle in

integration of the community organizer is ____.

a. Cooperation C. Rapport building among people

b. Unification D. Team work

10. To solve a particular problem, data must be gathered from the site. These are extremely
important especially in the analysis of problems. In the community organizing process, the best
method for data gathering is ____.

A. Immersion C. Community-based
B. Integration D.All of these

11. Individuals in a community do not adopt new practices immediately nor at the same time. The
first individual in his group or community to bring in or adopt a new idea or practice is ___

A.Early adopter C. Quick adopter

B. Innovator D.All of these

12. Communication in extensions is a teaching-learning process. Which type of communication

refers to the interaction between two or more individuals in a face-to-face situation?

A. Intrapersonal C.Interpersonal
B. Organizational D. Mass communication

13. The establishment of model farms or “granjamodelos” by the Spaniards in 1565 signaled the
start of extension work in the Philippines. Which was the purpose of the model farms?

a. As experimental stations and demonstration centers

b. As “lakbayaral” site
c. As extension and research station
d. As “lakbayaral” site, experimental station and demonstration center

14. Research centers and agencies in the country follow the relatively long and complex technology
development process. Which is not a process involved?

A. Technology generation C. Technology Commercialization

B. Technology verification D. Technology Administration

15. The decoding skills that an extension worker must process are the following:
Agricultural Extension and Communication

A. Listening and Reading C. Listening and Writing

B. Listening and Speaking D. Listening and Conveying

16. Extension teaching methods used in “technology transfer” are very critical for easy adoption
purposes. Which method is best to use?

a. Lecture and demonstration method

b. Farm and home visit
c. Use of radio or television
d. Use of lecture/demo cum radio and television

17. The approach to be used in a particular extension work must ultimately develop or change the
person involved. Which approach involves the inclusion of intended beneficiaries in solving their

A. Mass approach C. Single-purpose approach

B. Participatory approach D. Commodity approach

18. People participation is very important in project development. Which is not a benefit of people

A. Project Sustainability C. Advancement of the project

B. Less graft and corruption D. Key Development

19. A program is composed of interrelated projects while a project is composed of interrelated ___.

A. Schedules C. Steps
B. Activities D. Procedures

20. Program development is a process itself and each stage is a process too. Which is not process
involve in program development?

A. Situation C. Program Planning Process

B. Organization D. Feasibility Study

21. A preliminary analysis on the current situation of a community can be best assessed using this
set of information

A. Barangay Profile C. Barangay Census

B. Ecological Profile D. All of the these

22. Planning is deciding in advance what to do, when to do it, how to do it, who will do it, why and
how much is needed. Therefore, planning is regarded as ____.

a. Forecasting future activities

b. Representation and participation process
c. Decision-making process
Agricultural Extension and Communication

d. Action-oriented process

23. A continuing and viable long-time project with minimal destruction to the environment has this

a. Realistic C. Transformable
b. Sustainable D. Development-oriented

24. Planning to be effective must involve all stakeholders. An approach in planning which is highly
democratic, people-oriented, community-based and highly participatory is called ___.

a. Joint Planning C. Mass-based Planning

b. Grassroots Planning D. Both b and c

25. Learning is a continuing process. A type of learning done purposely to change the performance
of people doing the jobs is

a. Skills acquisition C. Training

b. On-the-job training D.All of these

26. Poverty alleviation has been a continuing program of the government. The minimum required
for a family or individual to meet both the basic food and non-food requirements is termed as:

a. Poverty threshold C. Subsistence allowance

b. Poverty incidence D. Per capita consumption

27. Resources are finite, thus, these must be used wisely. Which condition will occur when the
natural resources in a given area or ecosystem is consumed faster than nature can replenish

a. Ecosystem breakdown C. Habitat destruction

b. Environmental degradation D. All of these

28. Filling the needs or what is received lacking among client groups from the extension worker
corresponds to this concept.

A. Information theory C. Diffusion-adoption theory

B. Rural vacuum theory D. Social relationship theory

29. Awards received by individuals are vital and memorable for them. Which principle of extension
was applied when the extension worker gives rewards or recognition to his clientele for their
efforts and accomplishments?

A. Satisfaction C. Incentive
B. Participation D. Leadership
Agricultural Extension and Communication

30. Any activity for that matter has its target clientele. However, extension work does not select its
clientele but mostly these are ____.

A. Youths C. Youth and Adults

B. Adults D. All types of farmers

31. An extension worker must be credible so that he will be followed at all times by his clients.
Which characteristic below must be possessed in order that he will be credible enough?

A. Acceptable C. Incompetent
B. Irresponsible D. Social outcast

32. An extension worker meets different people of varied cultures. Adjusting to the culture of the
people is embodied in which principle below?

A. Cultural change C. Cultural adaptation

B. Cultural revolution D. Cultural difference
33. Goals set by an organization shall be attained to be successful. How do you call the art or
process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically to achieve
organizational goals?

A. Planning C. Leadership
B. Team building D. Management

34. There are many kinds of communication that an extension worker may use. Which of the
following is not a mass level of communication?

a. Broadcasting relevant info via radio

b. Conducting result demo in a community
c. Distribution of leaflets to rural people
d. TV plug on pests and diseases

35. Land for the landless has been a battlecry to alleviate poverty among rural people. The program
which is focused to redistribute lands to eligible farmers is known as:

A. Land Reform C. Department of Land Reform Program

B.ComprehensiveTaxation D. Department of Agrarian Reform Program

36. Planning is necessary to chart the direction of a project, activity or the organization itself. Which
among these is not a characteristic of a good and effective planner?

A. Commitment C. Mistrust
B. Innovativeness D. Credibility

37. A good lecture has three parts, first, is the introduction and second, is the body of the lecture.
Which is the third part?
Agricultural Extension and Communication

a. Summary C. References
b. Abstract D. foreword

38. In the delivery of a lecture, the extension worker must remember the main purpose of doing it
which is ___

A.Inform the participants about the specified subject matter

B. Introduce a subject indicating its importance
e. Provide information for better understanding
f. Summarize a given topic or subject matter

39. When a clientele goes to the extension office to seek for technical assistance or information
from the extension worker, the teaching method employed is ___.

A. Farm and Home Visit C. Telephone/Cellphone Call

B. Office Call D. Letter

40. Which extension method does not belong to the individual contact category?

A. Meeting C. Text messaging

B. Office call D. Result demonstration
41. Which is an example of a group contact extension method?

A.Lakbay Aral C. Office Call

B. Correspondence D. Farm visit

42. If technique refers to the art or skill of performance, what is the process of transmitting ideas,
information, and technologies from one person to another with the intent of enhancing the
learner’s knowledge, attitudes or skills?

A. Method C. Device
B. Teaching D. All of these

43. An extension worker is often regarded as a facilitator or enabler. Who are considered the center
of education process?

A. Learners C. Beneficiaries
B. Planners D. Participants

44. Technologies or products displayed in public to give or promote an innovation, technology or

product is termed as:

A. Exhibit C. Achievement Day

B. Result demonstration D.Poster

45. A pamphlet of more than four pages containing essential information on a technology package
Agricultural Extension and Communication

A. Primer C. Fact sheet

B. Leaflet D. Brochure

46. A single sheet printed material which summarizes an information or technology package or
component technology is called ____.

A. Flyer C. Leaflet
B. Poster D. Brochure

47. Based from the Local Government Unit (LGU) code, every barangay receives an Internal Revenue
Allotment (IRA). What percentage is allocated as development fund?

A. 30% C. 50%
B. 20% D. 10%

48. An activity that helps raise the level of consciousness of the people and the organizer

A. Economic C. Cultural
B. Social D. Educational

49. In 1923, the Agricultural Extension Service was created under the Bureau of Agriculture. The
original name was ____.

A. Demonstration and Extension Division C. Demonstration for Extension Services

B. Extension Division for Demonstration D. Bureau for Farm Management
50. Organizations are important to assist in the implementation of a project. The first Rural
Improvement Club (RIC) was born in this town of Rizal:

A.Montalban C. Teresa
B.Tanay D.Antipolo

51. The creation of any government unit is done through the enactment of a law. Which law created
the Bureau of Agriculture Extension?

A. RA 860 C. RA 680
B. RA 65 D. RA 608

52. The Bell Mission recommended the consolidation of all agricultural Extension Services under
one agency. Who was the chief of the mission?

A. Daniel Y. Bell C. Dustin Hoffman Bell

B. Daniel W. Bell D. Dustin W. Bell

53. Every province in the country has a Provincial Agriculturist. Which law created the position of a
Provincial Agriculturist in 1936?

A. Commonwealth Act No. 75 C. Commonwealth Act No. 65

Agricultural Extension and Communication

B. Commonwealth Act No. 85 D. Commonwealth Act No. 55

54. The implementation of extension was made possible-through the formal organization of this
unit under the Bureau of Agriculture.

A. Division of Home Economics C. Demonstration and Extension Division

B. Division of Agricultural Extension D. Organic Chemistry Division

55. Increasing income of the farmers is one of the foremost objectives of providing assistance to
them. The use of high value crops is recommended as a way of increasing income. Which among
these is not included as a high value fruit tree?

A. Mango C.Duhat
B. Guava D. Papaya

56. The means of using land, labor, capital and managerial ability to produce marketable products is

A. Efficiency C. Productivity
B. Effectiveness D. Profitability

57. Complementation in every activity will lead to success. Which of the following terms represents

a. Partnership C. Linkage
b. Retooling D. Conservation

58. One of the roles of extension is to bridge the gap between the research system and the client
system. Extension, therefore, is a type of intervention which focuses on ___.
a. Education C. Education and training
b. Training D. Information and Support Services

59. A philosophical quality of education that is applicable to extension

a. Teaches people to do things

b. Doing things for people
c. Bring status quo or no change
d. Ideas must be kept for the betterment of a single person

60. People differ in their culture. Which is a culture barrier to development?

a. Knowledge C. Religion
b. Education D. Skills

61. Generally, the ultimate objective of extension is development. Which is not an objective of
Agricultural Extension and Communication

a. To raise agricultural production C. To put up livelihood projects

b. To raise the level of living D. All of these

62. Which is an area of concern which poses challenge to the extension delivery system?

a. Wide geographic area of coverage C. Problems of the people

b. Culture of the people D. All of these

63. Extension being multi-faced requires a human resource that possess this characteristic

a. Open to change and development C. Insensitive to people’s and problems

b. Highly-specialized knowledge D. Selfish to work for development

64. The need for a more integrated approach in agricultural extension work led to the establishment
of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension(BAE) in 1952. Which three-phase program was
implemented by BAE in the succeeding years?

a. Farm improvement, home management and youth development

b. Improved agricultural knowledge, increase income and youth education
c. Massive trainings, improved home environment, and young people’s social
d. All of these

65. Rice and corn being the staple food of Filipinos was given foremost attention to ensure food
availability in the late 50’s. This agency was organized to exercise direct control and
management over the Rice and Corn Production Program.

a. Rice and Corn Administration

b. Rice and Corn Production Coordinating Council
c. Bureau of Plant Industry
d. PhilRice
66. The declaration of Martial Law in 1972 brought significant changes in the extension program of
the government. The Agricultural Productivity Commission (APC) was renamed while the Bureau
of Farm Management was abolished. What was the new name of APC?

a. Bureau of Agricultural Extension C. National Agriculture and Fisheries Council

b. Ministry of Agriculture and Food D. Bureau of National Extension Program

67. Clarity in communication is important. Which is not a part or component of communication?

a. A source sends a message C. To affect with intent the person’s life

b. To influence the behavior of the recipient D. To the attitude of the receiver

68. Communication is a two-way process. Which condition below is not a two-way process?

a. Extension workers and farmers can change roles

b. Only extension worker sends message to the farmer
Agricultural Extension and Communication

c. The farmers can only receive message from the farmer

d. Both b and c

69. In the old extension paradigm, extension workers are considered “change agents” In the new
concept, extension workers are considered as:

a. Facilitator of change C. Development agent

b. Enabler of change D. Both a and b

70. The process involved in role playing is best described in this phrase

a. Role-fitting and role-taking C. Over-acting and acting-over

b. Role-on and Roll-out D. Walk your talk

71. Leaders are not born, they are trained.This form of role playing will be effective in developing
the leadership skills of a person.

a. Multiple role play C. Role relationship

b. Single role play D. Spontaneous role playing

72. A good flyer as a medium to disseminate information have this characteristic:

a. No illustration C. Printed only on one side

b. Written in English D. Back to back printing for economy

73. A presentation medium that makes use of the audio mode in disseminating information
simultaneously to thousands or even millions of potential receivers is __.

a. Television C. Radio
b. Cable D. All of these

74. Putting up exhibits is a good way of promoting an innovation, technology or product. Which
among these is a characteristic of a good exhibit?

a. Attractively set-up and arranged C. Real objects or line exhibits included

b. A good design was used D. All of these

75. A form of training according to subject matter or discipline is termed as:

a. Crop Production Training C. Skill Training

b. Producers Training D. Orientation Training

76. Which form of training does not belong to the group?

a. Producers C. Specialists
b. Technicians D. Marketing
Agricultural Extension and Communication

77. Which of the following does not describe extension?

a. Educational process C. Communication process

b. Demonstration process D. Autocratic process

78. Extension classes are examples of non-formal education. One of its aims is:

a. Change people behavior C.Improve profitability

b. Productivity D.Both b and c

79. This principle considers the involvement of people in the planning, implementation and
evaluation of extension activities.

a. Participation C. Leadership
b. Cooperation D. Interests and needs

80. Majority of the Filipinos live in this area and are involved in developing the agricultural

a. Urban area C.Rurban area

b. Rural area D. Agricultural area

81. The ability to make decisions that achieve goals in the most efficient manner is:

a. Managerial skill C. Manipulative skill

b. Psychomotor skill D. Planning skill

82. This is the principle of extension which considers the level of knowledge and economic status of
the people.

a. Grassroot approach C. Educational attainment

b. Cooperation D. Income

83. The bases of extension programs so that people will certainly support the planned activities are:

a. Interests and needs C.Educational attainment

b. Social status D.Income

84. The principle of voluntary education means:

a. Participation with coercion
b. Participation with compulsion
c. Free-willing participation
d. Participation with lukewarm attitude
Agricultural Extension and Communication

85. Globalization concerns can be addressed thru extension by enhancing this aspect among people
in agriculture and fisheries in both domestic and foreign markets.

a. Cooperation C. Competitiveness
b. Complementation D. Commitment

86. Extension work started in 1565 thru the establishment of model farms by this group who came
to the Philippines.

A. Spaniards C. Japanese
B. Americans D. Taiwanese

87. This is the first formally organized department implementing extension and research programs
of the government.

A. The Demonstration and Extension Division

B. The Farm and Home Division
C. The Extension Division
D. The Demonstration Division

88. This is the development strategy designed to improve the quality of life of farm families through
the pooling of resources, marketing assistance program, technology packaging, and
cooperatives development within the extension delivery system.

A. Complementation Program C. Cooperation Program

B. Coordination Program D. Extension Program

89. Which of the following does not describe extension?

a. Demonstration process C.Communication process

b. Educational process D.Automatic process

90. It refers to the systematic procedure employed by the extension worker in getting vital
information across his/her client-learners.

A. Method C. Device
B. Technique D. Instrumental materials

91. It is a prepared oral presentation of a subject by a trainer or a resource person:

A. Small group discussion C. Meetings

B. Lecture D. Panel discussion

92. This is a planned and guided visit of a group of participants to a specific site or sites for the
purpose of obtaining firsthand information about an organization and its services or products:

A. Field day C. Result demonstration

Agricultural Extension and Communication

B. Field trip D. Excursion

93. A meeting of individual, preferably a small number usually in round table situation for a specific
purpose is ___.

A. Seminar C. Small group discussion

B. Conference D. Meeting

94. This is a method of acting out roles from real life situation and understanding the dynamics of
these roles:

A. Role playing C.Theater arts

B. Case study D.Balagtasan

95. It is one, if not the oldest, of all teaching methods which emphasized the principles of learning
by doing.

A.Result demonstration C. Demonstration

B. Method demonstration D. Hands-on

96. This method of extension teaching is particularly useful in making large group of people aware
of new ideas and practices or alerting them to sudden emergencies.

a. A. Group C. Mass
b. B. Individual D. Media

97. This is well organized plan for bringing about widespread adoption of a particular practice

A. Political campaign C. Promotional campaign

B. Educational campaign D. Environmental campaign

98. This is the gap between the present situation and the desired situation.

A. Problem C. Issue
B. Need D. Concern

99. The new paradigm in agriculture is to look at farming as a/ an

A. Way of life C. Business

B. Family traditions to uphold D.Art

100. The components of agricultural development that will facilitate the attainment of its
objectives are called ___.

A. Accelerators C. Fundamentals
B. Essentials D. Requisites
Agricultural Extension and Communication

1. D 51. C
2. D 52. B
3. C 53. B
4. B 54. C
5. C 55. C
6. C 56. A
7. D 57. A
8. A 58. C
9. C 59. A
10. B 60. C
11. B 61. C
12. C 62. D
13. A 63. A
14. D 64. A
15. A 65. B
16. B 66. A
17. B 67. D
18. D 68. D
19. B 69. D
20. D 70. A
21. A 71. B
22. C 72. C
23. B 73. C
24. D 74. D
25. C 75. A
26. A 76. D
27. B 77. D
28. B 78. A
29. A 79. A
30. C 80. B
31. A 81. A
32. D 82. A
33. C 83. A
34. B 84. C
35. B 85. C
36. C 86. A
37. A 87. D
38. A 88. A
39. B 89. D
40. A 90. A
41. A 91. B
42. B 92. B
43. A 93. B
44. A 94. A
45. A 95. C
46. A 96. C
47. B 97. B
48. B 98. B
Agricultural Extension and Communication

49. A 99. C
50. A 100. A

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