Mahabharata Eng Comicbook 1 Sample Reduced

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2 Vyasa Composes - Ganesha Writes

Sage Vyasa composed the Mahabharata.

Lord Ganesha wrote it as Vyasa dictated.
About 5000 years ago, there was a great Sage called Vyasa


He was a very
knowledgeable sage.
He lived in the forest.

One day, Vyasa conceived a great s

epic in the form of a poem The word
flo wing
fa st in my
e!! mind.

I wish
can write
it down
as I

So, Vyasa prayed to Lord Brahma Lord Brahma appeared before Vyasa
What do you
seek son?

O Lord Brahma! It is filled with
I have conceived a life teachings
great epic called the in the form of
Mahabharata. stories.

O Vyasa! Do not worry.

But there is none Request Lord Ganesha
in the whole world to do the writing.
capable enough to
write it.

Vyasa meditated on Lord Ganesha Lord Ganesha appeared before Vyasa


You asked
for me Great
Once Lord Ganesha was seated… Lord Ganesha responded
O Lord! I have composed
a great epic. Can you write Yes. I will
it down as I dictate? write it.

But my pen I will not

must not pause.
stop writing
even for a
moment. Therefore
you should But you must
Not pause understanding
while the meaning of
dictating. each verse
before writing
it down.

Vyasa started narrating

Om! Having
bowed down to
Narayana and
Nara, the most
exalted male
being, and also
to Goddess
Saraswati, must
the word Jaya
be uttered.
Ganesha broke his tusk … …and used it as a pen to write

Vyasa composed and narrated Ganesha

complex verses and stanzas would
ponder a
moment to

And write down the verse This would give Vyasa the time
required to compose his next verse

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