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1 s2.0 S0263822323009005 Main
Composite Structures
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/compstruct
Keywords: Advanced composite materials are prone to various types of damage during - manufacturing and long-time
Ultrasonic inspection service. Ultrasonic detection methods have been widely employed to detect damage because of their high ac
Composite materials curacy and reliability. This study gives a comprehensive review of the ultrasonic detection methods for damage
Damage categorization
diagnosis and assessment of advanced composite materials. Firstly, the typical damage types and their effects on
Material parameter measurement
Damage assessment criteria
composite materials are introduced. Ultrasonic measurement methods for determining the parameters of com
posite materials are reviewed to enhance damage detection accuracy. In addition, acoustic models, detection
techniques, and imaging methods based on ultrasonic bulk wave or guided wave detection technologies are
discussed. Further, the damage diagnosis of composite materials, criteria for damage assessment, and analytical
methods for predicting the remaining service life of damaged composite materials are reviewed in detail. Finally,
insights into the application prospects of advanced composite materials, including the acoustic modeling of
different composites, integration of multiple ultrasonic testing technologies, development of fast damage
monitoring systems, establishment of damage diagnosis criteria, and lifespan prediction of damaged composites,
are provided.
1. Introduction spalling, chipping, and fuzzing, can occur [11]. In addition, during the
service life of aircraft structures, the extent of the damage in the com
Advanced composite materials are being increasingly used in the posite structure may gradually increase owing to various environmental
production of aerospace components [1,2], wind turbines [3–6], and factors, such as load, vibration, and hygrothermal conditions. For
marine equipment [7] owing to their high stiffness-to-weight ratio, example, delamination damage occurs in the interior of composites
excellent strength and corrosion resistance, low weight, and improved during service, the generation and propagation of which are not visible.
mechanical properties [8]. Moreover, significant progress has been This damage adversely affects the mechanical properties of aircraft
made in improving the product efficiency and cost-effectiveness of structures. If the occurrence and accumulation of damage cannot be
advanced composites, as well as in enhancing specific properties, such as detected in time, catastrophic failure of aircraft structures may occur,
strength and modulus [9]. Composite materials are gradually becoming thus endangering human life. Over the past 30 years, research on the
alternatives to metallic materials. Advanced composites are widely used damage detection of composite materials in specific fields has focused
in various applications, including the manufacturing of chemical con on crack damage detection [12], determination of bonding quality in
tainers, pressure vessels, machine spindles, power transmission shafts, laminated plates [13], large-scale thin- or thick-walled structures [14],
and robot arms [10]. intelligent structures [15], and sandwich structures [16,17].
Owing to the complicated curing and drilling processes during Damage must be detected during the manufacturing and processing
composite manufacturing, damages, such as delamination, fiber frying, stages, as well as during the service period, for quality control and safety
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: zyyang1993@dlmu.edu.cn (Z. Yang), wuzhj@dlut.edu.cn (Z. Wu).
Received 18 May 2023; Received in revised form 22 August 2023; Accepted 8 September 2023
Available online 10 September 2023
0263-8223/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
characteristics of composite materials, such as their multilayered borehole damage located away from the surface.
structure, anisotropy, and acoustic attenuation strength, enable the
propagation of ultrasonic waves of different frequencies and modes. 2.2. In-service damage
Moreover, owing to the gradual attenuation of the acoustic field strength
with increasing propagation distance, the detection rate of the internal (1) Impact damage
defects of large-thickness composite structures by ultrasonic testing is When a composite part is subjected to an external impact load, its
significantly reduced, thereby increasing the difficulty in detecting structure is deformed by the impact source in a linear elastic manner
Table 1
Parameters related to the severity of impact damage.
Impactor Impact energy (J) Type and size (mm) of composite plates Example image Reference
Half steel sphere; 5 Composite plates with graphite/epoxy prepregs; 100 × 100 × 2.1
m = 6.5 kg
Steel ball; 689.7 Glass fabric GF/epoxy composite shells; length 200
m = 0.11 kg
Hemispheric head 7.4 Composite plates with Cytec 977–2 / Tenax HTS cross-ply laminates; 990 × 110 × 2
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
owing to its low interlaminar strength. When the applied load reached position and size estimations. Gorgin et al. [81] studied the effects of
the critical value, the slope of the load–displacement curve decreased environmental parameters on ultrasonic guided-wave propagation.
rapidly, and the fiber and matrix of the structure exhibited deformation Boon et al. [82] experimentally demonstrated that the group velocity of
and a variety of failure modes. All these cases can lead to impact damage ultrasonic-guided waves decreases with increasing temperature, thus
and a decrease in the overall stiffness of the structure. The severity of the causing a deviation in the extraction of the arrival time and impacting
impact damage is related to certain parameters, such as the structure of damage detection.
the composite materials, the geometry of the impact body, impact ve (2) Delamination
locity and energy, and boundary conditions (Table 1). Interlayer debonding failure in composites called delamination, is
Impact damage to the composite structure of an aircraft is caused by often caused by interlaminar stress exceeding its strength under factors
low-speed impact events, such as bird strikes, hail, and runway gravel, such as external load and temperature. Propagation of delamination in
when the aircraft moves on the runway or flies in the air or when tools composite laminates is the primary form of structural damage. Thus,
fall during transportation and maintenance. Although the resulting research on delamination detection in composites is of great engineering
damage cannot often be directly observed, numerous tiny damages may significance for improving their durability and service life. Owing to the
appear in the interior of the structure. Owing to these damages, which multilayered structure of the composites, delamination between the
include fiber fracture, matrix cracking, and delamination [64], the layers can occur quickly, thereby reducing the structural strength.
tensile and compressive properties of the material are significantly Numerous studies on the delamination of composite structures used
reduced, and the service life of aircraft structures is severely affected. in aircraft aerofoil structures have been conducted using non-destructive
Such low-speed impact events occur primarily on thin-skinned sandwich identification. The position and size of the delamination in the carbon-
structures such as aircraft spoilers, engine intake fan blades [65], wing fiber composite laminates are shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively.
and tail blades [66], and tail rotor blades [67]. Most of the layers were also distributed in deeper positions, particularly
Traditional non-destructive testing methods can locate and charac at h/3 and h/2, where h is the laminate thickness. Additionally, the
terize the size and type of impact damage in composite structures [72]. damage diameters of 38.1 mm and 50 mm were considered as the crit
Nevertheless, they have the following drawbacks [73]. (a) When impact ical dimensions of the delamination based on their use, and these di
damage on a bulky composite structure is detected, local scanning, mensions were selected for the experimental study [83].
including point scanning, line scanning, and surface scanning, must be Researchers have experimentally investigated the causes and factors
performed on the measured structure successively, thus leading to affecting delamination expansion. Various materials, including Teflon
substantial savings in human resources and time costs; (b) these methods film [84], paper, flash tape, vacuum bags, and peel plies [85], have been
are unable to monitor the damage online in real-time as damage inserted into composites as artificial defects. The modal frequency and
detection can be performed only during the repair or maintenance damping of the laminates with pre-set delamination were relatively
stages, thereby resulting in increased downtime. Ultrasonic-guided high.
waves can propagate in thin-plate structures, and owing to their wide Although the delamination of more than half a wavelength can be
detection range, high speed, and high sensitivity, they have been reliably detected using ultrasonic testing, the use of numerical models
increasingly used by scholars for damage-detection research [74–76]. and the interaction with delamination for their characterization have
For instance, Diamanti et al. [77] used piezoelectric elements as trans not been extensively researched [86]. In particular, acoustic waves are
mitters/receivers to generate/receive A0 mode Lamb waves, thereby reflected by mode conversion during delamination [87], thus increasing
achieving comprehensive detection of low-speed impact damage loca the difficulty in identifying delamination-scattered signals.
tions on composite plates. However, when ultrasonic guided waves are (3) Crack
used to detect impact damage on curved structures, such as those be Cracks are the most common type of damage in composite materials.
tween an aircraft wing and web, or on stiffened plate structures with Cracks are typically small and dispersed within the matrix. The evolu
robust mechanical properties, the wave mode propagating with un tion of such microcracks is accelerated under load, thus leading to fiber
known group velocity cannot be accurately identified owing to the breakage and dislocation of the composites and ultimately to the failure
multimode and dispersion characteristics of the guided waves [78]. of the laminate composites, which is associated with potential hazards.
Therefore, locating impact damage and estimating its size and shape are Numerical simulation is a useful method for investigating the frac
challenging [79,80], particularly for irregular impact damage. In addi ture mechanism of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP). Several re
tion, the accurate extraction of scattered impact damage signals is searchers have employed numerical methods. In particular, the
affected by the external environment and operating conditions such as extended finite-element method (FEM) has received significant atten
temperature, humidity, and vibration, thus negatively affecting damage tion. With respect to the mesh independence of cracked structures,
Fig. 3. Probability of delamination damage at a specific position and size of composites [83].
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
Karihaloo and Xiao [88] explored the advantages of an extended FEM to 3.2. Ultrasonic measurement
avoid mesh redivision. Dolbow and Nadeau [89] also applied an
extended FEM to the fracture analysis of microstructured materials, thus Determining the material parameters of composite materials using
reducing the need for mesh reconstruction in different areas between the direct measurements may destroy their structures. Therefore, indirect
materials. measurement methods are required to invert the parameters of com
posite materials. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the material parameters can be
deduced using the constitutive equations, load form, geometry, bound
2.3. Summary ary conditions, and changes in the mechanical parameters.
A large amount of experimental measurement data is required for the
The failure of composite structures is typically caused by developing inversion of composite material parameters using parameter inversion
different damage mechanisms in local areas. The damage mode depends methods. Relying on traditional strain gauges or extensometers for
on the loading type and characteristics of the composite structures. Each measurements is unrealistic. With the emergence of measurement
type of damage exhibits unique characteristics. Clarifying the causes, techniques such as digital image correlation techniques [92,93], the grid
characteristics, and effects of various defects on material properties is of method [94], digital speckle pattern interferometry [95], and ultrasonic
great significance for improving the accuracy and reliability of com immersion tests [96], the reliability of inversion methods has dramati
posite damage identification. cally improved.
Owing to the relationship between the wave velocity and elastic
3. Mechanical characterization of composite materials constant [97–99], the elastic constants of the composites can be deter
mined by ultrasonic testing, as presented in Table. 2. Accordingly,
The main parameters of advanced composite materials include transmission, reflection, and back-reflection methods have been suc
cessfully developed to improve the precision of acoustic velocity mea
elastic constant, acoustic velocity, and density. Because the accuracy of
damage detection is closely related to the accuracy of composite surements [100]. One of the earliest examples is that in 1970, the elastic
constant of fiber-reinforced composite materials was determined using
parameter measurements, the actual composite parameters must be
accurately determined by direct measurement or inversion methods. In ultrasonic wave velocity measurements [101].
To obtain the elastic constants from the phase velocity data, a set of
particular, ultrasonic measurement methods for characterizing the me
chanical properties of anisotropic composite materials are summarized. elastic constants is found using the nonlinear least squares optimization
program such that the difference between the Christoffel solution and
experimental data is minimized [102,103]. However, the algorithm
depends on the initial value. In another study, Chu et al. [104] intro
3.1. Extensometers and electrical measurements
duced genetic algorithms based on global optimization to reduce the
dependence on initial estimates.
For example, as an elementary material parameter, the elastic con
Moreover, a method that does not require cutting the sample to
stant is crucial for calculating physical fields such as mechanics and
measure the velocity in different directions was proposed. Two trans
acoustics [90,91]. The accuracy of the elastic constant determination
ducers were placed on one side of the composite material to measure and
depends on the accuracy of the strain measurement tests. Extensometers
derive different elastic constants by calculating the flight time of the
and electrical measurements are commonly used to determine the elastic
reflected waves with diverse propagation paths [105]. To enhance both
constants. Extensometers have shortcomings, such as easy slipping,
the consistency and testing speed, Wong et al. [106] employed an ul
small samples that are difficult to clamp, weight and clamping force that
trasonic 2D-array transducer to calculate the elastic constants by
may cause additional deformation to the test piece, and difficulty in
extracting the time-of-flight of ultrasonic wave signals.
testing compression deformation. However, the electrical measurement
method has the disadvantages of strain gauge adhesion, additional patch
stiffness, one-time use, and high cost.
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
Fig. 5. Acoustic models for CFRP composites based on bulk wave detection: (a) Isotropic, (b) homogenization, and (c) anisotropic heterogeneous models.
Fig. 6. Snapshots of ultrasonic wave emitted by phased array propagation in composite materials.
[115]. They also successfully developed a curved-surface transducer (2) C-scan detection technology
with a radius of curvature of 15 mm [116]. To inspect large-area aero As illustrated in Fig. 7, in the C-scan technology, an ultrasound probe
space composite components, Freemantle et al. [117] installed a phased performs a 2D scanning motion on the object surface. The scanning
array in rubber wheels to effectively detect delamination and wrinkles in signal data are obtained in 3D space, which is determined by the scan
aerospace composite components. Research on the application of phased ning plane and scanning depth. In these 3D data, the signal amplitude is
arrays for damage detection in composite materials is summarized in represented by a grey scale map at any specified scanning depth, thus
Table 3. Owing to the complexity of wave propagation in composite resulting in a 2D grey scale image corresponding to each point within
materials, phased-array detection with delayed transmission, in which the scanning plane. Large-area impact damage imaging of CFRP can be
all the elements are fired to form a beam with a fixed focus, is rarely accurately performed using C-scan detection technology (Fig. 7) [135].
utilized. Additionally, the traditional ultrasonic C-scan method requires signal
For the detection of defects parallel to the surface, such as delami peak tracking and complex gate settings. To avoid these problems, an
nation in thinner composite materials, the beam deflection character improvement based on signal correlation was adopted to achieve auto
istics of PAUT based on bulk waves are not applicable. Additionally, the mated detection of delamination in CFRP [136]. Ultrasonic C-scanning
superiority of the focusing properties is not evident. Therefore, more is convenient for detecting various types of damage in composites with
advanced PAUT systems are required for inspecting complex non-planar thin structures, provides high-precision in-situ images [137], and has
composites with thin structures. proven its reliability [138].
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
Table 3
Parameters of linear transducer array to detect various damages in composites.
Element pitch (mm) Number of elements Frequency (MHz) Damage type Damage size (mm) Delayed transmission Reference
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
detection technologies, smaller damages to the CFRP laminate can be under different coupling conditions. In addition, the Dijkstra algorithm
detected (Table 4). However, their detection efficiencies require further has been applied to the damage diagnosis of composite material corner
improvement. structures [120] and concrete [160–162].
Total focus imaging has been extensively applied for inspecting flat
4.3. Imaging methods panels made of CFRP. However, further research on defect imaging in
composite materials with complex structures is required. In addition, the
(1) Total focus imaging method current TFM does not consider changes in acoustic attenuation. If the
The total focusing method (TFM) [151] processes the collected full energy changes are considered, the acoustic propagation path can be
matrix data and performs a virtual focus imaging display for each point optimized and the attenuated energy can be compensated, thus further
in the space to be detected. The diagnostic TFM imaging process for improving the effectiveness of the TFM.
composite material damage based on PAUT is shown in Fig. 9. It pri (2) 3D visual imaging
marily includes characteristic analysis, data acquisition, acoustic Ultrasonic image visualization involves 2D images, such as B-scan
tracing, and imaging. and C-scan displays, as well as TFM imaging results. To present infor
According to the principle of the TFM, the main factor affecting the mation on the size, location, and shape of the damage in composite
imaging effects depends on the accurate calculation of the acoustic time. materials more stereoscopically, 3D visual imaging technology can be
Currently, the acoustic time calculation of CFRP laminates is based on adopted. Compared with traditional 2D imaging technology, the main
the three acoustic models discussed in Section 4.1, and the TFM imaging advantages of 3D imaging include [163] improved damage detection
results of the side-drilled holes are listed in Table 5. The TFM imaging accuracy, reduced risk of false and missed detections, precise charac
results based on the isotropic acoustic model are imprecise, and defects terization of the damage volume, and a wide detection range and high
can easily be missed. Nonetheless, because the ultrasonic detection imaging efficiency. Consequently, 3D visual imaging technology has
wavelength is larger than the thickness of the composite material layers, broad market application prospects and is currently extensively
it conforms to homogenization theory [152–154]. Based on this, Yan researched in industrial non-destructive testing. The reconstruction of
[155] and Li et al. [119] conducted imaging tests on three side-drilled 3D ultrasonic images relies primarily on data collected using two
holes with different depths in composite material using the TFM; acquisition methods [163]. The first method is based on data collected
reportedly, the imaging effect was better than that of the isotropic using a 1D linear phased array probe with a position encoder. The sec
models. However, note that the imaging signal-to-noise ratio is rela ond method is based on the data collected using a 2D rectangular array
tively low owing to the effect of structural noise caused by layer of phased arrays.
reflection [156]. Owing to their low cost, 1D linear array transducers are widely used
When the positions of the acoustic emission source and target point for reconstructing 3D ultrasonic images of composite materials. Never
are known, the acoustic propagation path and acoustic time between theless, owing to structural noise, the defect size characterized by 3D
them are inverted. This is consistent with the search for the shortest path visualization is not sufficiently precise. To address this problem,
algorithm in the computer field; thus, several scholars have employed Mohammadkhani et al. [164] proposed an intelligent threshold tech
the Dijkstra and A* algorithms [156] to inspect anisotropic materials, nology based on wavelet transform, which extracts the statistical mean
such as austenitic weld seams and CFRP. The Dijkstra algorithm [157] and standard deviation of structural noise, thus realizing more accurate
can solve the shortest path problem by finding the shortest path from 3D damage imaging. In addition, to achieve fast and real-time 3D im
one vertex to all other vertices in a weighted graph. A heuristic function, aging of damage, Bulavinov et al. [165] utilized a phased array based on
which is used to conduct ray tracing based on the Dijkstra algorithm, synthetic aperture technology to acquire B-scan images, which were
was added to the A* algorithm [158] to improve search efficiency. These subsequently synthesized into 3D images. Based on the data collected by
algorithms have been adopted to solve path-planning problems and are the 1D array probe, 3D visual imaging of the impact damage and pore
suitable for finding paths along given nodes. For example, Zhou et al. defects in composite materials can also be realized.
[159] proposed an efficient ultrasonic ray-tracing algorithm for array Another study used a 2D planar array to emit focused beams on an
imaging by combining the Dijkstra algorithm and Snell’s law. Lin et al. object to be measured for volume scanning, thereby achieving a 3D vi
[133] proposed a ray tracing method based on the Dijkstra algorithm to sual characterization of the damage. The main advantages of 3D image
obtain more explicit TFM images of side-drilled holes in CFRP laminates reconstruction based on planar array probes are their high scanning
speed and spatial resolution [166].
Table 4
4.4. Summary
Comparison of damage detection techniques based on the bulk wave for
This section introduces the ultrasonic detection technology based on
Detection Element Available Characteristics Application
bulk waves for damage detection in composite materials. The charac
Technology distribution style
intensity teristics of the commonly used acoustic modeling methods, detection
technologies, and imaging methods are summarized and compared.
C-Scan Dense Contact High detection Hole [138];
efficiency. delamination Detection technology based on ultrasonic bulk waves can be used to
[143]; impact diagnose small damages such as delamination, cracks, and wrinkles in
damage [144] composite materials; however, the efficiency of online detection must be
Phased Dense Contact High detection Delamination further improved.
Array accuracy and [145]; wrinkles
sensitivity. [121]; impact
damage [146] 5. Damage detection based on the guided waves
Air-coupled Sparse Contactless No coupling Delamination
media. [147]; impact Compared with the detection range of the bulk-wave-based detection
damage [31];
technology, those using ultrasonic-guided waves have a wide detection
defect [147] range and high detection efficiency and are widely used for damage
Laser Sparse Contactless High resolution Delamination detection in large composite plates in the aerospace field. After clari
ultrasonic [148,149]; fying the propagation characteristics of guided waves, they can be
debonding combined with phased array, air-coupled, and laser ultrasound detec
defect [150]
tion technologies to excite guided waves and detect damage in
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
Fig. 9. Flowchart of the TFM imaging method to image damage in composite materials.
Table 5
Comparison of damage imaging results by TFM under different conditions.
Actual damage size Transducer frequency (MHz) Coupling layer Acoustic model Damage imaging Reference
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
composite laminates to achieve a wide range of structural health mathematical approximation to derive and solve the guided-wave
monitoring. equation for anisotropic composite laminates.
In addition, researchers have conducted a series of studies on the
5.1. Acoustic models guided-wave attenuation problem in composite materials, including
research on attenuation models and guided-wave attenuation problems.
(1) Quasi-isotropic model Attenuation models include the hysteretic [176], Rayleigh [177], and
Guided waves are related to material parameters and boundary Kelvin–Voigt models [178]. For example, Gresil et al. [179] developed a
conditions. Their multimode nature and dispersion characteristics, such Rayleigh damping model to investigate the propagation of attenuated
as Lamb waves propagating in plates, are more complex than those of guided waves in CFRP laminates. Shen [178] and Mei [180] performed
bulk waves. Theoretically, owing to the anisotropy of composite lami theoretical and experimental studies on composite plates using the
nates, the propagation characteristics of Lamb waves in composite ma Kelvin–Voigt model; the experimental results demonstrated the accu
terials are related to their direction of propagation. However, if racy of the attenuation model.
sufficient plies with different carbon fiber orientations are selected, the
obtained laminate can be considered a quasi-isotropic model [167,168]. 5.2. Damage detection technology
For example, the lamination order of the CFRP is [0/90/− 45/45]2,
which can be regarded as a quasi-isotropic composite plate [169]. In the mid-1990 s, Guo et al. [181] were the first to apply ultrasonic
(2) Anisotropic model Lamb waves to detect delamination defects in composite laminates.
The anisotropic properties of composite structures introduce several Based on the distinct propagation characteristics of guided waves, the
complex phenomena into wave propagation, such as differences be PAUT, laser ultrasound, and air-coupled detection technologies must be
tween the phase and group velocities. Methods, such as FEM [170], combined with excited guided waves to detect damage in thin composite
semi-analytical finite element approach [171], transfer matrix method plates and realize a wide range of structural health monitoring. The
[172], global matrix method [173], and spectral element method [174], diagnostic imaging process for a composite material with damage based
have been proposed to determine the guided wave propagation char on ultrasonic guided wave detection technology is shown in Fig. 10.
acteristics in composite materials. Although FEM is easy to implement (1) Phased array detection technology
and can be applied to CFRP laminates with multiple lay-up directions, its Phased array detection technology based on guided waves has been
calculation is time-consuming. Compared with other methods, transfer extensively studied on metal plate structures [182–186]. However,
and global matrix methods have been widely adopted. Although the beamforming is challenging because of the anisotropic strength of
transfer matrix method is more convenient to implement, it can lead to composites. For example, Yan et al. [187,188] studied the guided-wave
numerical instability. The global matrix method can eliminate insta beam steering of a linear phased array. They selected quasi-isotropic
bility by increasing the frequency-thickness products. Li et al. [174] guided-wave modes for beam steering to suppress the anisotropic ef
modeled three types of composite laminates using 3D spectral elements fect. Vishnuvardhan et al. [189] utilized a single-transmitter multiple-
and investigated their wave propagation characteristics in composite receiver array to detect impaction delamination in quasi-isotropic
laminates. They demonstrated that the antisymmetric mode is more composite plates. Leleux et al. [190] used a phased array to activate
suitable for identifying delamination in composite structures. He et al. an S0 mode excitation signal at 0.5 MHz for defect detection in a com
[175] employed the Legendre orthogonal polynomial method of posite plate. However, this method is limited to the phase and group
Fig. 10. Flowchart of the damage detection technology based on ultrasonic guided waves.
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
velocities in the same direction. Purekar and Pines [191] investigated time reversal algorithm based on the compensation of the transducer
the ability of a 1D linear phased array to detect delamination in transfer function can improve the damage location accuracy and can be
composite-laminated plates; reportedly, the array could detect damages verified using a simulation model. The time-reversal method is inde
when the phase and group velocities had the same direction. Yu and Tian pendent of the reference signal and has been remarkably effective in
[192] presented a phased array algorithm in which direction-dependent damage-location imaging of composite materials.
guided wave parameters and skew energy effects were considered. (2) Delay-and-sum imaging
Damage was detected in the composite plate, and multiple surface de The delay-and-sum (DAS) imaging method was used to locate dam
fects were detected in various directions. age by docking the damaged scattered echo signal and combining the
(2) Air-coupled detection technology group velocity and propagation time of the guided waves. Several re
The mode-tuning potential of ultrasonic guided waves has excellent searchers have employed this method or improved the versions of
sensitivity to different defects in composite materials, such as delami damage imaging. For example, Sharif-Khodaei et al. [208] detected the
nation. By selecting an appropriate incidence angle, Lamb waves can be impact damage in composites using a modified DAS algorithm.
generated and detected using air-coupled sensors [193]. Yan et al. [194] Furthermore, Ren et al. [209] proposed a Gaussian mixture model and
controlled the Lamb wave mode by tuning the incident angle. The DAS method for the 4D imaging of composite aircraft damage, which
threshold levels were set to determine the severity of defects by experimented with time- and temperature-varying conditions (Fig. 11).
analyzing the color map magnitude. Furthermore, Liu et al. [195,196] Xu et al. [210] used sparse reconstruction and DAS methods to visualize
reported that air-coupled transducers directionally receive waves re the damage to composite laminates that compress the scattering signals
flected on delamination damage; thus, the damage size and location at because they contain information about the arrival time of each echo. A
both ends of the composite beams can be determined through the re comparison of the imaging results is presented in Fig. 12. The DAS al
flected waves. To promote the industrial application of air-coupled ul gorithm requires only sparse sensor networks in its structure and is
trasonic testing in the aerospace and aviation fields, integrated, simple and computationally efficient.
automatic, and intelligent air-coupled ultrasonic detection equipment (3) Probability imaging
must be developed according to the composite material characteristics. In probability imaging, damage index (DI) is introduced to charac
(3) Laser ultrasonic detection technology terize the degree of signal transformation caused by damage. Typically,
Zhang et al. [197] proposed an improved imaging method based on the difference between the reference signal and the current state can be
anomalous incident wave energy using laser ultrasonic scanning tech quantified. When the sensing path is closer to the damage, the DI of the
nology. The changes in the wave energy distribution caused by the path caused by the damage is more extensive; conversely, when the
damage can reveal the damage’s size and shape. Although the laser ul sensing path is farther away from the damage, the DI of the path caused
trasonic detection technology is advantageous for damage detection in by the damage is smaller. Wu et al. [211] used seven damage indices of
composite materials, its application cost is much higher than that of guided waves in the time domain and spectrum to calculate the proba
other detection methods. Therefore, low-cost, miniaturized laser ultra bility of signal paths and locate the damage. To overcome the limitations
sonic testing equipment must be developed. Detection technology based of probability-imaging methods, Jin et al. [212] optimized the damage
on ultrasonic guided waves has the advantages of a long propagation shape factor of the damage paths and identified multiple defects in
distance, fast response, and the ability to inspect parts that are difficult curved composite structures (the results are presented in Fig. 13). Liu
to inspect using traditional ultrasonic detection technologies. Conse et al. [213] developed a velocity anisotropy probability imaging method
quently, it is suitable for qualitatively detecting defects, such as to detect damage in multilayered composite plates. The number of paths
debonding, cracks, and corrosion, in large-area composite thin-wall and the selection of damage indices are critical for probabilistic imaging
structures. methods.
Moreover, composite structures may be affected by external factors Nevertheless, factors affecting the effectiveness of probabilistic
such as temperature changes and vibrations. Salamone et al. [198], Gao damage imaging diagnosis include the frequency, sensor path network,
et al. [199], Wang et al. [200], and Sun et al. [201] conducted damage and size of the effective elliptical distribution area. To this end, Wu et al.
detection studies on composite laminated plates in variable temperature [211] proposed using multiple-frequency fusion images to eliminate the
environments. Additionally, other studies have investigated the effect of effect of different frequencies and proposed an optimization plan to
temperature on the dispersion curve of guided waves [202] and the improve the damage identification effect of other influencing factors,
conductive strain capacity of the sensor rubber layer [203], as well as thus successfully improving the damage localization accuracy in CFRP
temperature compensation [204]. plates. With regard to the impact of density on the probability imaging
performance in sensor networks, Liu et al. [214] improved the proba
5.3. Imaging methods bility imaging method by combining full summation and full multipli
cation methods [215]. Consequently, the effect of the uneven
Currently, various guided-wave diagnostic imaging methods are probability distribution was eliminated, and the detection accuracy and
available based on different imaging principles and calculation pro reliability were improved. Zhu et al. [216,217] proposed an improved
cesses. These include time reversal, delay-and-sum, and probability probability-weighted damage imaging algorithm based on an electro
imaging methods. mechanical impedance structural health monitoring method to detect
(1) Time reversal imaging debonding inside a honeycomb sandwich composite structure
In the time reversal imaging method, the received signal is first effectively.
reversed in the time domain and then retransmitted from the received
position. After the signal is processed by time reversal, acoustic waves 5.4. Summary
along different paths arrive simultaneously at the receiving transducer
in the same phase and are superimposed to achieve focus. For instance, Detection technologies based on guided waves have the advantages
Liu et al. [205] used a virtual time-reversal algorithm, which is a of a wide detection range and high detection efficiency; however, their
baseline-free delamination inspection technique for composite plates, to resolution for the detection and recognition of small damages is poor.
detect delaminations of different shapes and sizes. Mustapha et al. [206] Consequently, existing ultrasonic detection technologies can be com
utilized a time-reversal imaging method to identify multiple debonding bined to improve detection outcomes. For example, Spytek et al. [218]
areas of tapered composite sandwich panels. Gao et al. [207] studied combined the advantages of bulk and guided waves and proposed two
single and multiple damages on an armor composite, and used the time- damage assessment frameworks. First, a guided wave quickly scans a
reversal method to monitor and image the damage. A Lamb wave virtual large area of a complex composite plate; subsequently, high-frequency
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
Fig. 12. Normalized imaging results for one simulated damage: (a) Original imaging result using the DAS method; (b) Original imaging result using the matching
compression delay-and-sum (MCDAS) method; (c) Filtered image for (a) using a threshold of 0.5; (d) Filtered image for (b) using a threshold of 0.5. The white dots
denote the PZT locations and the triangles denote the actual simulated damage location [210].
laser ultrasonic detection technology is applied to the defect area to remaining service life of the structure modules (Fig. 14). Non-
achieve high-resolution damage imaging. Therefore, the corresponding destructive testing/structural health monitoring technologies currently
ultrasonic testing technology must be selected based on the actual focus on the detection and location of damage; that is, damage is
testing requirements and environment. detected during manufacturing and service. Inputting the test results
into a structural residual life model and thereby developing a digital
6. Damage assessment and service life prediction for composites twin for structural state prediction are challenging.
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
Fig. 13. Identification results of the probabilistic damage imaging (PDI) and modified probabilistic damage imaging (MPDI) for different defect depths: (a) Prop
agation of different defect depths; (b) PDI result in a depth of 0.6 mm; (c) PDI result in a depth of 1.2 mm; (d) PDI result in a depth of 1.8 mm; (e) MPDI result in a
depth of 0.6 mm; (f) MPDI result in a depth of 1.2 mm; (g) MPDI result in a depth of 1.8 mm [212].
6.1. Damage assessment criteria Moreover, damage evaluation problems for composite structures have
been investigated to provide feasible ideas for ensuring structural safety.
The structural form of composite materials is often complex, and the As indicated in Table 6, most factories develop the corresponding
damage exhibits diverse characteristics. Quantitative assessment standards for detecting delamination damage in composite plates.
methods for damage are classified into three categories [219,220]: (1) However, a uniform standard has not yet been established for other
methods based on ultrasonic signal amplitude (for example, the in types of damage detection, and these detections rely primarily on the
tensity drop method (–6 dB-drop method [221]), which is used as the professional expertise of inspectors; thus, the damage type, size, and
criterion to determine the shape and size of the detected damage), (2) shape cannot be assessed consistently and quantitatively.
methods based on the travel time (for example the tip echo measurement Damage formation in composite material is a complex process; the
and time-of-fight-diffraction methods), and (3) model-based digital layers, material systems, and boundary conditions can affect the damage
analysis methods [222] (such as the quantitative study of delamination mode. Various damage failure criteria have been proposed to describe
in composite materials using the Gauss Hermite acoustic beam model the failure process of composites and verified through simulations.
[223]). Moreover, damage assessment methods in structural health Hashin [235] proposed the Hashin criterion to distinguish between fiber
monitoring research are based on structural modal parameters, such as and matrix failures and their failure forms. Chang et al. [236] proposed a
natural frequency and frequency response function methods. The Lamb failure criterion that considered material nonlinearity.
wave response signals propagated in the composite structures were
analyzed at various scales to identify multi-characteristic parameters
reflecting the development and changes in structural damage. The 6.2. Service life prediction method
tracking and monitoring of composite structure damage has been stud
ied using the nonlinear mapping ability of neural networks [224]. The residual strength and fatigue properties of the composites
significantly deteriorated with internal damage. Therefore, the service
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
life of damaged composites must be investigated. life analysis methods. Modeling and analysis should be performed ac
For example, wind turbine blades made of composite materials are cording to different material properties, and the evaluation results of the
subjected to low-energy impacts from flying birds or sand. Such impacts composite service reliability should be provided for damage tolerance
can damage the blades, thus severely affecting their in-service safety and requirements.
life. Several researchers have analyzed the effect of impact damage on
fatigue life and proposed methods to predict the residual life of com 7. Challenges
posite materials with damage. Zhang et al. [237] studied the effects of
low-velocity impacts and static indentation on the fatigue lives of As illustrated in Fig. 15, ultrasonic testing technology for parameter
composites. Beheshty et al. [238,239] proposed a life prediction method estimation and damage detection of composite materials has substan
for four types of composites. The remaining service life of the composite tially progressed in recent decades. New technologies and methods have
was predicted experimentally using the equal-life prediction method. brought new development momentum and direction to this field.
Kang et al. [240] studied the fatigue behavior of plain E-glass/epoxy However, with the continuous development of new composite materials
composites under impact damage with constant and variable amplitude with complex structures, certain challenges regarding the efficient,
loads. The constant-amplitude fatigue life of the impact composites can reliable, and accurate detection and evaluation of various damage types
be determined by establishing a prediction model for the composites. By to these materials still remain. This section describes the possible chal
contrast, Koo et al. [241] predicted the fatigue life of C-shaped struc lenges and future directions.
tures of CFRP laminates using a shape factor with structural (a) Developing acoustic models of different composites in complex
characteristics. environments
Current research is focused primarily on the accurate calculation of In a broad sense, composite materials comprise two or more single
the strain energy release rate at the delamination crack tip for service materials artificially compounded using physical or chemical methods
life prediction of composite laminates. Delamination propagation can be into a multiphase solid material with a complex structure. There are
determined by comparing the calculated values with the critical value significant differences between different composite materials with their
[242]. own performance advantages. In addition, during service periods in
This study focused primarily on the service life prediction of com various environments, acoustic models of composite materials with
posite materials with various damage types under constant-amplitude different structures, such as for damage detection of composite struc
loading. However, composite structures can be subjected to a series of tures with geometrical complexity in water or covered with ice, must be
complex loads and environmental tests in service, such as changes in urgently developed. More importantly, the damage types and causes
flight conditions, thus leading to load changes. Consequently, the key to differ in various environments.
determining the remaining service life of composite structures involves (b) Combining multiple ultrasonic-testing technologies
predicting their fatigue life using a loss function under variable- Owing to the complex curing processes and service conditions of
amplitude loading. composite materials as well as the numerous state parameters, the in
formation required to characterize the structural state of composite
materials quantitatively is difficult to obtain using a single ultrasonic
6.3. Summary testing technique. To this end, a multifield-coupled sensor network that
combines multiple ultrasonic testing technologies must be established
The accurate realization of damage diagnosis, assessment, and re (Fig. 16).
sidual life estimation is the premise for developing maintenance (c) Developing faster damage monitoring system for composite
methods for composite structures. This section summarizes the ASTM materials
damage detection standards, damage assessment methods, and residual
H. Yang et al. Composite Structures 324 (2023) 117554
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