4-Digital and Analog
4-Digital and Analog
4-Digital and Analog
Continuous-time signals
It is 'continuous' in that it is
present at all times
continuous does not mean that
it goes on for ever
Discrete-time signals
are defined at particular or
discrete instants only-
they are usually sampled
Digital signals
a discrete-time signal where
the sampled, analogue values
have been converted to their
equivalent digital values.
Decimal Code Binary Code
Based on two symbols or states 0 0 0000
and 1(binary digits or bits). 1 0001
When a number is represented 2 0010
by this system, the digit position 3 0011
in the number indicates the 4 0100
weight attached to each digit 5 0101
increases by a factor of 2 as we 6 0110
proceed from right to left. 7 0111
8 1000
Bit 0- Least significant bit(LSB)
9 1001
The highest bit- the Most
10 1010
Significant Bit (MSB)
11 1011
Word:-combination of bits to 12 1100
represent a number 13 1101
Byte-a group of 8 bits 14 1110
15 1111
Digital output
A 4-bit Successive-approximation ADC is shown in Fig.
below. If the input voltage is 5.1 V and the DAC has Vout =
8 V for 2 bit (MSB) and Vout = 1 V for 2 bit (LSB)
Step #1: The MSB is set to 1 then the output of DAC is 8 V
which is greater than the input of 5.1 V. The output of the
comparator is LOW causing the MSB in the SAR to be reset
to 0 as shown in Fig.
Step #2: The 2 bit is set to 1 then the output of DAC is 4
V which is less than the input of 5.1 V. The output of the
comparator is HIGH causing this bit to be retained in the
SAR as shown in Fig. (b).
Step #3: The 2 bit is set to 1 then the total output of DAC
is 6 V which is greater than the input of 5.1 V. The output
of the comparator is LOW causing the this bit in the SAR
to be reset to 0 as shown in Fig. (c).
Step #4: The 2 bit is set to 1 then the output of DAC is 5 V
which is less than the input of 5.1 V. The output of the
comparator is HIGH causing this bit to be retained in the
SAR as shown in Fig. (d).
The four bits have been tried, thus completing the
conversion cycle. At this point the binary code in the
register is 0101, which is approximately the binary value of
the input 5.1 V. Additional bits will produce more accurate
results. The SAR is cleared at the beginning of each cycle.
ZN439-8bit ADC(see page 79 for detail…)
W. Bolton, Mechatronics, 2nd ed.,
Have inputs from a number of sources and then, by selecting
an input channel, give an output from just one of them.
Is an electronic switching device which enables each of the
inputs to be sampled in turn.
Has inputs from number of sources
Give an output from one input