NB Article On VIII-1 RT

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The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors https://www.nationalboard.org/PrintPage.aspx?NewsPageID=144#:~:text=The RT-1 plan requires,criteria in paragraph UW-51.

Classic BULLETIN Article

Print Date: 8/5/2020 10:05:49 AM

Taking on ASME Section VIII, Div. 1, Pressure Vessel Efficiency

This article by staff member Robert D. Schueler Jr. was originally published in the summer
2006 National Board BULLETIN. It has been edited for space. Some code requirements may
have changed because of advances in material technology and/or actual experience. The
reader is cautioned to refer to the latest edition and addenda of the National Board Inspection
Code and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for current requirements.

Presented here is a list of questions and corresponding answers addressing common inquiries
about the 2004 Edition with 2005 Addenda of ASME Code Section VIII, Div. 1. While the
answers are meant to be helpful, they are merely the author’s explanation of the more complex
rules found in the code book itself.

Q. Where do the requirements for pressure part efficiency begin?

A. Look at the formulas given for each pressure part where the term “E” denotes efficiency. The
nomenclature will refer to the rules in UW-12 for joint efficiency. Paragraph UW-12 includes
subparagraphs (a) through (f), which refer to UW-11(a) and UW-11(a)(5). For the condition
applicable to no radiographic examination, the path from the formula to UW-12 and then to
UW-12(c) is correct. Unfortunately for the other plans, this does not direct the user to the true
starting point, which can be found in UG-116(e). Paragraph UG-116(e)(1) through (4) provides
the definitions of each of the radiographic plans and sends the user along the proper path.

Q. What is the difference between an RT-1 and an RT-2 vessel?

A. The definitions for the RT-1 and RT-2 are provided in paragraph UG-116(e) and, by
reference, UW-11(a). Paragraph UW-11(a) defines both plans as full radiography. The RT-1
plan requires all butt-welded joints be fully radiographed over their entire length using the
criteria in paragraph UW-51. The RT-2 plan requires all category A and D butt-welded joints be
radiographed over their entire length using the criteria in paragraph UW-51. All category B and
C butt-welded joints must be spot radiographed per UW-11(a)(5)(b) using the criteria in
paragraph UW-52. Depending on the welded joint type employed for welded components, the
efficiency will normally be established by a category A or D butt-welded joint (UG-27 footnote
15). A vessel complying with either plan will be 100 percent efficient for both components
having type 1 welded joints (Table UW-12 column [a]) and seamless head or shell sections

Q. Can RT-2 be used to satisfy the radiographic requirements of special service lethal
construction or must an RT-1 plan be used?

A. RT-1 must be applied. This is a function of the rule provided in paragraph UW-2(a), which
requires compliance with paragraph UW-11(a)(4). Paragraph UW-11(a)(4) ties in the rules in

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The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors https://www.nationalboard.org/PrintPage.aspx?NewsPageID=144#:~:text=The RT-1 plan requires,criteria in paragraph UW-51.

UW-11(a)(1) and UW-11(a)(3) which sets the condition RT-1 as defined in paragraph
UG-116(e)(1). Paragraph UW-11(a)(5) was not part of this set of requirements and is therefore
not applicable to special service lethal constructions.

Q. The vessel has a number of longitudinal and circumferential welded joints along with a
category D butt-welded joint, all affecting a single cylinder shell section of the vessel. With each
of these joints having its own welded joint efficiency, how do you determine what value of “E” is
to be used in the formula in UG-27?

A. The definition of the term “E” in UG-27(b) refers to UW-12 for welded joint efficiency. Based
on the requirements for each joint, making contact with the cylindrical shell being considered, a
list of all such welded joints and their corresponding joint efficiencies must be compiled. The
joint efficiency must be expressed in terms of equivalent longitudinal efficiency (see UG-27
footnote 15) for each joint to permit the selection of the controlling item (most severe case).


The vessel is to be stamped RT-4. The cylinder has a type 1, fully radiographed longitudinal
joint in accordance with UW-51. A nozzle conforming to Figure UW-16.1 sketch (f-4) is installed
in the cylinder using a type 1 joint which is spot examined per UW-11(b). Seamless 2:1
ellipsoidal heads are attached at both ends and are type 1 butt-welded joints, spot examined
per UW-11(a)(5)(b) (also see UW-52[b][4] for limitations). There are no ligament conditions on
the cylinder.

Expressed in terms of equivalent longitudinal efficiency:

Ligament efficiency
– UG-53 not applicable to this example
Longitudinal cylinder joint
– Table UW-12 column (a) = 1.0
Circumferential joints
– Table UW-12 column (c) = 0.70 x 2 = 1.4
Nozzle joint
– Table UW-12 column (b) = 0.85

Based on this, the lowest value of “E” used in the equation will be 0.85 resulting from the
nozzle joint.

Q. Given a seamless head or shell section, other than a hemispherical head (see UG-32), what
is the design efficiency of the seamless section?

A. Paragraph UW-12(d) answers this question with a question, as follows: Was the weld(s)
joining the seamless head or seamless shell spot examined per the rules given in UW-11(a)
(5)(b)? If yes, the seamless head or shell efficiency is set at 100 percent. If no, the seamless
head or shell efficiency will be set at 85 percent.

Q. When following an RT-3 plan per UG-116(e)(3), can seamless head or shell sections have
an efficiency of 100 percent?

A. No, RT-3 complies with the rule in UW-11(b). The requirement that would permit a higher
efficiency is found in paragraph UW-11(a) and is not applicable to a UW-11(b) spot radiographic
plan. Therefore, the rule in UW-12(d) will set the efficiency at 85 percent. Note: UW-11(a)(5)(b)
cannot be applied with RT-3 (see UW-52[b][4]).

Q. If the answer to the previous question is no, what would be required to permit a higher

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The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors https://www.nationalboard.org/PrintPage.aspx?NewsPageID=144#:~:text=The RT-1 plan requires,criteria in paragraph UW-51.

efficiency for seamless head and shell sections?

A. It will be necessary to select an RT-1, RT-2, or RT-4 plan in which the requirements of
UW-11(a)(5)(b) will be satisfied.

Q. Can a nonradiographed vessel have aligned vessel longitudinal joints between courses?

A. No, with a nonradiographed construction, the rule in UW-9(d) takes on a different meaning
and must be read as mandating the joints be staggered a distance greater than five times the
plate thickness.

Q. How can one determine the applicable RT number from the data listed on the
Manufacturer’s Data Report?

A. Based on the information provided, with the exceptions of an RT-4 and nonradiographed
vessel, the RT level cannot be determined from the data report. Only a limited amount of weld
joint efficiency and degree of radiographic examination information is required on the report.
The actual RT number only appears on the vessel stamping (see UG-116[e]).

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