Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Guided By: -
iSubmitted by:- Ramanuj Bhattacharyya
12 64 88 25 ) Mrs Supriya Satpathy
AISSCE RollNo: -
2) Mr Rajendra Kumar Saha
3) M. Surendra
This is to certify that Mr. Ramanuj Bhattacharyya of Class- XIl Science bearing the
AISSCE CBSE Roll No:- 12 6 4 22 25 has prepared and submitted this
investigatory project entitled " Effect of metal coupling on rusting of iron" in
partial fulfillment of AISSCE, 2022-23 CBSE, NEW DELHI under my personal
and supervision.
Iwish him/her success in life.
Date: 03- O). 2023
> Introduction
>Mechanism of Rusting
> Prevention of Rusting
> Aim of the Experiment
> Requirements
> Observation
Corrosion is the gradual destruction of
materials (usually metals) by chemical
reaction with its environment.
The main catalyst for the rusting process is water other elements to fom acids,
which will eventually cause more metal to be exposed. If chloride ions are
present, as is the case with saltwater, the corrosion. Iron or steel structures
might appear to be solid, but water molecules can penetrate the microscopic pits
and cracks in any exposed metal. The hydrogen atoms present in water
molecules can combine with is likely to occur more quickly. Meanwhile, the
Oxygen atoms combine with metallic atoms to form the destructive oxide
compound. As the atoms combine, they weaken the metal, making the structure
When impure (cast) iron is in contact with water, Oxygen, other strong oxidants,
or acids, it rusts. Iron metal is relatively unaffected by pure water or by dry
Oxygen. As with other metals, like aluminium, a tightly adhering oxide coating,
a passivation layer, protects the bulk iron from further oxidation. The
conversion of the passivating ferrous oxide layer to rust results from the
combined action of two agents, usually oxygen and water.
Whena piece of iron metal is exposed to humid atmosphere, it gets
covered with a red brown coat called rust. The rusting of iron is an
dectrochemical process that begins with the transfer of electrons from
iron to 0Xygen.
The iron is the reducing agent (gives up electrons)
electrons). Rusting of
while the oxygen is the oxidizing agent (gains THEORY as
inon can be explained based on ELECTROCHEMICAL
the metal dissolved carbon
) Water vapors on the surface of of metal is
dioxide and oxygen from. air. Thus,the surface i.e.,
covered with the solution of carbon dioxide and
carbonic acid:
H,0+CO, ’H,CO;
The rust formed does not stick to the iron surface. It peels off
and makes fresh iron surface available for rusting.
water Fe2
ron tin
Some of the methods used tO prevent corrosion and rusting are:
1. Barrier Protection: In this method, a barrier film is introduced
between iron surface and atmospheric air. The film is obtained
by painting, varnishing, etc.
2. Galvanization:The metallic iron is
covered by a layer of more reactive
metal such as zinc. The active
metal loses electrons in preference
over iron. Thus, protecting from
rusting and corrosion.
1At first,we must clean the surface of iron nails with the help of
2 After that we must wind zinc strip around one nail, a clean
copper wire around the second and a clean magnesium strip
around the third nail. Then all these three and a fourth nail was
put in Petri dishes so that they are not in contact with each other.
3. Then the Petri dishes were filled with hot
agar-agar solution in
such a way that only lower half of the nails are covered with the
liquids. Petri dishes were kept covered for one day.
4. The liquid was set to a gel on cooling. Two types of
were observed around the rusted nail, one is blue and the other
is pink. Blue patch is due to the formation of
potassium ferro
ferricyanide where pink patch is due to the formation of
hydroxyl ions which turns colourless phenolphthalein to pink.
SI. No. Metal Pair Color of the Patch Nails Rusts or not