Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

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SMA 109 Foundations of pure mathematics Topic 2: Natural Numbers

Natural numbers are the numbers we use for our everyday counting, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . . There is a huge debate as to whether zero 0 is a natural number. I will leave that as an open question for you to think about. The symbol for natural numbers is N := {0, 1, 2, . . . }. In our case we will consider 0 as a natural number. Arithmetic properties of natural numbers First is a look at some of the arithmetic properties of natural numbers. Let N := {0, 1, 2, . . . } denote the set of natural numbers. We will use the notation n N which translates to a is a natural number. Addition of natural numbers is subject to the following laws: For all m, n, p N; 1. Closure law: m + n N 2. Commutative law: m + n = n + m 3. Associative law: (m + n) + p = m + (n + p) 4. Cancelation law: If m + p = n + p then m = n Multiplication of N is dened by; a) n.1 = n b) n.m = n.m + p where n.m is dened. Multiplication of natural numbers is then subject to the following laws: For all m, n, p N; 1. Closure law: m.n N 2. Commutative law: m.n = n.m 3. Associative law: (m.n).p = m.(n.p) 1

4. Cancelation law: If m.p = n.p then m = n Addition and multiplication of natural numbers are then subject to the following distributive laws: For all m, n, p N; 1. (m + n).p = m.p + n.p 2. m.(n + p) = m.n + m.p Excercise 0.1. Use the properties above to show that: 1. (a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd 2. (a + 6)(c + 9) = ca + 36 + 6c + 9a 3. (a + b) + 2(a + 3b) = 3a + 7b In each step, indicate the property you are using. Division with remainder If m, n are natural numbers with n > 0 then there exist natural numbers q and r such that; m = qn + r with 0 < r < n. (0.0.1) In this case m divided by n gives q with remainder r. Any natural number (except 0) can divide another, we will say that one number divides another if it does so exactly, without remainder. Thus 7 divides 84 , and 9 doesnt. We will use the notation n|m to mean that n divides m, and n m to indicate that n does not divide m. Proposition 0.2. Let a, b, c be natural numbers. If a|b and b|c then a|c. Proof. Given that a|b and b|c means that there are natural numbers n and m such that b = xa and c = yb. It follows that c = xya, so a|c. The symbol 2 means the end of proof. A number n is prime if it is divisible only by 1 and itself. This brings us to the following lemma 2

Lemma 0.3. Every natural number greater than 1 is divisible by some prime number. Try to think of how you can prove this. We will get back to it at a later stage. Lemma 0.4. There are innitely many prime numbers. Proof. To prove this lets take p1 , ..., pn as any list of prime numbers. We will show that there is another prime number not in the list. This implies that how ever many primes you might have found, theres always another. In other words, the number of primes is innite (in nite means literally unending). To prove the existence of another prime, consider the number p1 p2 pn + 1. By the lemma, it is divisible by some prime number (possibly itself, if it happens to be prime). As it is not divisible by any of p1 , . . . , pn , because division by any of them leaves a remainder 1, any prime that divides it comes from outside our list. Thus our list does not contain all the primes. Excercise 0.5. Let n, p and q be natural numbers with q p, prove that if n|q and n|p then n|(q p). We now go to a very important property of natural numbers: The Well-Ordering Principle: Every non-empty subset of N has a least element. More formally let k be a xed number and put U = {n|n N, n k}. Suppose that S is a non-empty subset of U . Then the Well-Ordering principle asserts that S has a smallest element. Thus is a well order on U . This statement also holds for integers and rational numbers. We will use the Well-Ordering Principle to give a proof for lemma 0.3 Proof. For lemma 0.3 Denote by S the set of natural numbers greater than 1 which are not divisible by any prime. We have to show that S is empty. Suppose it is not empty, then by the Well-Ordering Principle it has a least element, say k. Either k is prime, or it is not. 3

If k is prime, then since k divides itself, it is divisible by a prime. So it is both divisible by a prime (itself, in this case) and not divisible by a prime (because it is in S). If k is not prime, then we can write it as a product, k = k1 n2 , with both k1 and k2 smaller than k and bigger than 1. But then neither can be in S since each is divisible by a prime. Any prime dividing k1 and k2 will also divide k. Once again, k both is and is not divisible by a prime. In either case, we get a contradiction from the supposition that k is the least element of the set S. Since S N, if not empty it must have a least element. Therefore S is empty. The logical structure of the proof above is to imagine that the negation of what we want to prove is true, and then to derive a contradiction from this supposition. We are left with no alternative to the statement we want to prove. A proof with this logical structure is known as a proof by contradiction. It is something we use everyday: when faced with a choice between two alternative statements, we believe the one that is more believable. A statement cannot be true and false at the same time for this will present unbelievable consequences. Such statements leaves us with no choice but to reject them. A successful Proof by Contradiction in mathematics oers you the alternative of believing either the statement you set out to prove, or something whose falsity is indisputable. Typically, this falsehood will be of something like the number n is and is not prime, which is false for obvious logical reasons. Or, later, when youve built up a body of solid mathematical knowledge, the falsehood might be something you know not to be true in view of that knowledge, like 27 is a prime number. We will use Proof by Contradiction many times. The Well-Ordering Principle has the following obvious generalization: Any subset T of the integers Z which is bounded below, has a least element. 4

That T be bounded below means that there is some integer less than or equal to all the members of T . Such an integer is called a lower bound for T . For example, the set {34, 33, ...} is bounded below, by 34, or by 162 for that matter. The set T := {n Z : n2 < 79} is also bounded below. For example, 10 is a lower bound, since if n < 10 then n2 > 100, so that n T , and it therefore follows that all of the members of T must be no less than 10. Proposition 0.6. If m and n are natural numbers with n > 0, there exist natural numbers q, and r, with 0 r < n, such that m = qn + r. Proof. Consider the set R = {r N : r = m qn for some q N} (R for remainders). By the Well-Ordering Principle, R has a least element, r0 , equal to m q0 n for some q0 N. We want to show that r0 < n, for then we will have m = q0 n + r0 with 0 r0 < n, as required. Suppose, to the contrary, that r0 n. Then r0 n is still in N, and, as it is equal to m (q0 + 1)n, is in R. This contradicts the denition of r0 as the least element of R. We must have that r0 < n. Excercise 0.7. What is the least element of; 1. {n N : n2 < 79} 2. {n N : n2 > 79}
1 3. { n : n N and n = 0}

The importance of the Well-Ordering Principle for us is that it provides a sound basis for the method of proof by mathematical induction. This is a method you may have encountered before.

Principle of Induction (POI) Suppose that T N, and that Property 1 0 T , and 5

Property 2 for every natural number n, if n 1 T then n T , Then T = N. Proof. We will use the Well-Ordering Principle (WOP). Consider the set N T := {l|l T }. If N T is not empty then by the WOP, it has a least element, call it k. By property 1 of T that 0 T , k must be greater than 0, so k 1 is a natural number. By denition of k as the smallest natural number not in T , k 1 must be in T . But then by Property 2 of T , (k 1)+1 is in T . That is, k T . We arrive at a contradiction (k T and k T ). Our starting assumption, that N T = must be false, proving that T = N. The method of proof by induction. Suppose that k is a xed number and that for each integer n k there is a proposition p(n), which is either true or false. Assume that the following hold: 1. p(k) is true; 2. if p(n) is true, then p(n + 1) is true. Then we can conclude that p(n) is true for all n of all integers n k for which p(n) is true. Then (Principle of Mathematical Induction) apply to S. S equals n|n N, n k, i.e., p(n) is true for all n example of proof by mathematical induction. k. For let S be the set the hypotheses of PMI The conclusion is that k. Here is a simple

Example 0.8. We begin with a more familiar formula, 1 1 + 2 + + n = n(n + 1). 2 (0.0.2)

We prove that the formula is true for all n N using the POI. For each integer n, either the equality 0.0.2 holds, or it does not. Let T be the set of those n for which it is true: T = n N : equality0.0.2holds. 6

We want to show that T = N. We check easily that 0.0.2 holds for n = 1, i.e. 1 = 1 (1 + 1) 2 = 1

so T has Property 1. Now we check that it has Property 2. Suppose 0.0.2 is true for some integer n, then using the truth of 0.0.2 for n, we get 1 + 2 + + n + (n + 1) = 1 n(n + 1) + (n + 1) 2 1 = (n(n + 1) + 2(n + 1)) 2 1 = (n + 1)(n + 2) 2 1 = (n + 1)((n + 1) + 1) 2

as desired, so if 0.0.2 holds for n then it holds for n+1. Thus, T has Property 2 as well, and therefore by the POI, T is all of N . In other words, (2) holds for all n N. The Principle of Induction is often stated like this: let P (n) be a series of statements, one for each natural number n. (The equality 0.0.2 is an example.) If; Property 1 P(1) holds, and Property 2 Whenever P (n) holds then P (n + 1) holds also, then P (n) holds for all n N. Example 0.9. We prove using POI that for all n 1 1 13 + 23 + 33 + + n3 = ( n(n + 1))2 2 (0.0.3)

First we check that it is true for n = 1 (the initial step of the induction). This is trivial - on the left hand side we have 13 and on the right 12 . Next we check that if it is true for n, then it is true for n + 1. This is the heart of the proof, and is usually known as the induction step. To prove that P (n) 7

implies P (n + 1), we assume P (n) and show that P (n + 1) follows. Careful! Assuming P (n) is not the the same as assuming that P (n) is true for all n. What we are doing is showing that if, for some value n, P (n) holds, then necessarily P (n + 1) holds also. To proceed: we have to show that if 1 13 + 23 + 33 + + n3 = ( n(n + 1))2 2 then 1 13 + 23 + + n3 + (n + 1)3 = ( (n + 1)((n + 1) + 1))2 2 (0.0.5) (0.0.4)

In practice, we try to transform one side of 0.0.5 into the other, making use of 0.0.4 at some point along the way. Its not always clear which side to begin with. In this example, I think its easiest like this: 1 13 + + n3 + (n + 1)3 = ( n(n + 1))2 + (n + 1)3 2 1 = (n + 1)2 (( n)2 + (n + 1)) 2 1 2 = ( ) (n + 1)2 (n2 + 4(n + 1)) 2 1 = ( (n + 1))2 (n + 2)2 2 1 = ( (n + 1)(n + 2))2 2 1 = ( (n + 1)((n + 1) + 1))2 2 as desired. Using the induction hypothesis 0.0.4, the rst term here is equal to 13 + 23 + 33 + + n3 . So we have shown that if 0.0.4 holds, then 0.0.5 holds. Together with the initial step, this completes the proof. Excercise 0.10. Use induction to prove the following formulae 1. 1 12 + 22 + 32 + + n2 = n(n + 1)(2n + 1) 6 8

2. 1 + 21 + 22 + + 2n = 2n+1 1 3. Prove that 8n+1 + 92n1 is a multiple of 73. 4. Prove that 6|n3 n for all integers n 0. 5. Prove that 2n > n for all n N Excercise 0.11. (i) Note that 1=1 1 4 = (1 + 2) 14+9=1+2+3 1 4 + 9 16 = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4). Guess the general law and prove it by induction. (ii) Note that
1 1 2 = (1 1 ) (1 1 ) = 2 3 (1 1 ) (1 1 ) (1 1 ) = 2 3 4 1 2 1 3 1 4

Guess the general law and prove it by induction. (ii) Guess a general law which simplies the product 1 1 1 1 (1 )(1 )(1 ) . . . (1 2 ) 4 9 16 n and prove it by induction. The fundamental theorem of Arithmetic Theorem 0.12. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic 1. Every natural number greater than 1 can be written as a product of prime numbers. 9

2. Such a factorization is unique, except for the order of the terms. The factorization of a natural number n consists of an expression n = p1 ... ps where each pi is a prime number. Uniqueness of the prime factorization of n, up to the order of its terms, means that if n = p1 ... ps and also n = q1 ... qt , then s = t and the list q1 , ..., qt can be obtained from the list p1 , ..., ps by re-ordering. The proof of this theorem is quite long but you can read it in Lecture notes for MA 132 Foundations by David Mond on page 11. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic allows us to speak of the prime factorization of n and the prime factors of n without ambiguity. Denition 0.13. Let m and n be natural numbers. The highest common factor (hcf ) of m and n is the largest number to divide both m and n, and the lowest common multiple (lcm) is the least number divisible by both m and n. The existence of a lowest common multiple follows immediately from the Well-Ordering Principle: it is the least element of the set S of numbers divisible by both m and n. The existence of a highest common factor also follows from the Well Ordering Principle, in the form already mentioned, that every subset of Z which is bounded above has a greatest element. There are easy procedures for nding the hcf and lcm of two natural numbers, using their prime factorizations. First an example: 720 = 24 32 5 hcf(720, 350) = 2 5, 720 350 hcf(720, 350) lcm(720, 350) and = = = = 24 21 21 24 and 350 = 2 52 7

lcm(720, 350) = 24 32 52 7. 10 32 30 30 32 51 52 51 52 70 71 70 71

To make it easier to calculate for the hcf and lcm we can rewrite this as;

This is a more direct way of nding the lcm and hcf . We can also use the division/remainder formula for calculating lcm and hcf . We introduce this through examples, Example 0.14. (i) We nd hcf (365, 748). Long division gives 748 = 2 365 + 18 so hcf (365, 748) = hcf (365, 18). Long division now gives 365 = 20 18 + 5, so hcf (365, 748) = hcf (365, 18) = hcf (18, 5). At this point we can probably recognize that the hcf is 1. But let us go on anyway. 18 = 3 5 + 3 = hcf (365, 748) = hcf (18, 5) = hcf (5, 3). = = = hcf (365, 748) = hcf (3, 2) hcf (365, 748) = hcf (2, 1) hcf (365, 748) = hcf (2, 1) = 1.

5=13+2 3=12+1 2=21+0

The hcf is the last non-zero remainder in this process. (ii) We nd hcf (365, 750). 750 = 2 365 + 20 365 = 18 20 + 5 = = hcf (365, 750) = hcf (365, 20) hcf (365, 750) = hcf (20, 5)

Now something dierent happens: 20 = 4 5 + 0. 11

What do we conclude from this? Simply that 5|20, and thus that hcf (20, 5) = 5. So hcf (365, 750) = hcf (20, 5) = 5. Again, the hcf is the last non-zero remainder in this process. This is always true; given the chain of equalities hcf (n, m) = = hcf (rk , rk+1 ), the fact that rk = qrk+1 + 0 (i.e. rk+1 is the last non-zero remainder) means that hcf (rk , rk+1 ) = rk+1 , and so hcf (m, n) = rk+1 . Although the process just described can drag on, it is in general easier than the method involving prime factorizations, especially when the numbers concerned are large. Excercise 0.15. Find the hcf and lcm of 1. 106 + 144 and 103 2. 106 + 144 and 103 12 3. 273 and 5469.


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