Fitter 1st Year (Volume II of II) TT
Fitter 1st Year (Volume II of II) TT
Fitter 1st Year (Volume II of II) TT
Revised LEVEL
in 2017 -5
Post Box No. 3142, CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
Sector : Capital Goods and Manufacturing
Duration : 2 Years
Trade : Fitter - 1st year (Volume II of II) Trade Theory NSQF (Level - 5)
Printed by
National Instructional Media Institute
Chennai - 600 032
The Government of India has set an ambitious target of imparting skills to 30 crores people, one out of every
four Indians, by 2020 to help them secure jobs as part of the National Skills Development Policy. Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) play a vital role in this process especially in terms of providing skilled manpower.
Keeping this in mind, and for providing the current industry relevant skill training to Trainees, ITI syllabus
has been recently updated with the help of Mentor Councils comprising various stakeholder's viz. Industries,
Entrepreneurs, Academicians and representatives from ITIs.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI), Chennai has now come up with instructional material to
suit the revised curriculum for Fitter - 1st Year (Volume II of II) - Trade Theory NSQF Level - 5 in
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Sector under annual Pattern. The NSQF Level - 5 Trade Theory will
help the trainees to get an international equivalency standard where their skill proficiency and competency
will be duly recognized across the globe and this will also increase the scope of recognition of prior
learning. NSQF Level - 5 trainees will also get the opportunities to promote life long learning and skill
development. I have no doubt that with NSQF Level - 5 the trainers and trainees of ITIs, and all stakeholders
will derive maximum benefits from these IMPs and that NIMI's effort will go a long way in improving the
quality of Vocational training in the country.
The Executive Director & Staff of NIMI and members of Media Development Committee deserve appreciation
for their contribution in bringing out this publication.
Jai Hind
Director General,
Directorate General of Training,
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Government of India.
The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) was established in 1986 at Chennai by then Directorate
General of Employment and Training (D.G.E & T), Ministry of Labour and Employment, (now under Directorate
General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship) Government of India, with technical
assistance from the Govt. of the Federal Republic of Germany. The prime objective of this institute is to
develop and provide instructional materials for various trades as per the prescribed syllabi under the Craftsman
and Apprenticeship Training Schemes.
The instructional materials are created keeping in mind, the main objective of Vocational Training under
NCVT/NAC in India, which is to help an individual to master skills to do a job. The instructional materials are
generated in the form of Instructional Media Packages (IMPs). An IMP consists of Theory book, Practical
book, Test and Assignment book, Instructor Guide, Audio Visual Aid (Wall charts and Transparencies) and
other support materials.
The trade practical book consists of series of exercises to be completed by the trainees in the workshop.
These exercises are designed to ensure that all the skills in the prescribed syllabus are covered. The trade
theory book provides related theoretical knowledge required to enable the trainee to do a job. The test and
assignments will enable the instructor to give assignments for the evaluation of the performance of a trainee.
The wall charts and transparencies are unique, as they not only help the instructor to effectively present a
topic but also help him to assess the trainee's understanding. The instructor guide enables the instructor to
plan his schedule of instruction, plan the raw material requirements, day to day lessons and demonstrations.
In order to perform the skills in a productive manner instructional videos are embedded in QR code of the
exercise in this instructional material so as to integrate the skill learning with the procedural practical steps
given in the exercise. The instructional videos will improve the quality of standard on practical training and
will motivate the trainees to focus and perform the skill seamlessly.
IMPs also deals with the complex skills required to be developed for effective team work. Necessary care
has also been taken to include important skill areas of allied trades as prescribed in the syllabus.
The availability of a complete Instructional Media Package in an institute helps both the trainer and
management to impart effective training.
The IMPs are the outcome of collective efforts of the staff members of NIMI and the members of the Media
Development Committees specially drawn from Public and Private sector industries, various training institutes
under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Government and Private ITIs.
NIMI would like to take this opportunity to convey sincere thanks to the Directors of Employment & Training
of various State Governments, Training Departments of Industries both in the Public and Private sectors,
Officers of DGT and DGT field institutes, proof readers, individual media developers and coordinators, but for
whose active support NIMI would not have been able to bring out this materials.
Chennai - 600 032 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges with thanks for the co-operation and
contribution extended by the following Media Developers and their sponsoring organisations to bring out this
Instructional Material (Trade Theory) for the trade of Fitter under Capital Goods & Manufacturing Sector for ITIs.
NIMI - Co-ordinators
NIMI records its appreciation for the Data Entry, CAD, DTP operators for their excellent and devoted services in
the process of development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI also acknowledges with thanks the invaluable efforts rendered by all other NIMI staff who have contributed
towards the development of this Instructional Material.
NIMI is also grateful to everyone who has directly or indirectly helped in developing this Instructional Material.
The manual of trade theory consists of theoretical information for the Fitter Trade. The contents are sequenced
according to the practical exercise contained in NSQF LEVEL - 5 syllabus on Trade practical. Attempt has
been made to relate the theoretical aspects with the skill covered in each exercise to the extent possible. This
correlation is maintained to help the trainees to develop the perceptional capabilities for performing the skills.
The Trade Theory has to be taught and learnt along with the corresponding exercise contained in the manual
on trade practical. The indications about the corresponding practical exercises are given in every sheet of this
It will be preferable to teach/learn the trade theory connected to each exercise atleast one class before
performing the related skills in the shop floor. The trade theory is to be treated as an integrated part of each
The material is not for the purpose of self learning and should be considered as supplementary to class room
The trade practical manual is intented to be used in practical workshop . It consists of a series of practical
exercises to be completed by the trainees during the Fitter Trade course supplemented and supported by
instructions/ informations to assist in performing the exercises. These exercises are designed to ensure that
all the skills in compliance with NSQF LEVEL - 5 syllabus are covered.
The skill training in the shop floor is planned through a series of practical exercises centred around some
practical object. However, there are few instances where the individual exercise does not form a part of project.
While developing the practical manual a sincere effort was made to prepare each exercise which will be easy
to understand and carry out even by below average trainee. However the development team accept that there
is a scope for further improvement. NIMI looks forward to the suggestions from the experienced training faculty
for improving the manual.
Module 1: Drilling
2.1.61 Drills 1
2.1.62 Drill angles 4
2.1.63 - 65 Drilling - Cutting speed, feed and r.p.m , drill holding devices 6
2.1.66 Counter sinking 9
2.1.67 Reamers 16
2.1.68 - 69 Screw thread and elements 22
2.1.70 Tap wrenches, removal of broken tap, studs 1 32
2.1.71 Dies and die stock 36
2.1.72 - 73 Drill troubles - Causes and remedy, drill kinds 40
2.1.74 - 75 Standard marking system for Grinding wheels 46
2.1.76 Radius/Fillet gauge, feeler gauge, hole gauge 55
2.1.77 - 78 Pig Iron 60
Module 3: Turning
Lesson No. Title of the Lesson Learning Page No.
27 Produce componentsby 61 Mark off and drill through holes. Drill- material, types, (Taper shank,
different operations and (5 hrs.) straight shank) parts and sizes.
check accuracy using Drill angle-cutting angle for different
62 Drill on M.S. flat. (1 hrs.)
appropriate measuring materials, cutting speed feed.
instruments.[Different 63 File radius and profile to suit gauge R.P.M. for different materials. Drill
Operations-Drilling, (13 hrs.) holding devicesmaterial,
Reaming, Taping, Dieing; 64 Sharpening of Drills.(1 hrs.) construction and their uses.
Appropriate Measuring
Instrument – Vernier, Screw 65 Practice use of angular measuring
Gauge, Micrometer] instrument. (5 hrs.)
28 -do- 66 Counter sink, counter bore and Counter sink, counter bore and spot
ream split fit (three piece fitting). facing-tools and nomenclature,
(5 hrs.) Reamermaterial,
types (Hand and machine reamer),
67 Drill through hole and blind holes.
kinds, parts and their uses,
(2 hrs.)
determining hole size (or reaming),
68 Form internal threads with taps to Reaming procedure.
standard size (through holes and Screw threads: terminology, parts,
blind holes).(3 hrs.) types and their uses. Screw pitch
69 Prepare studs and bolt.(15 hrs.) gauge: material parts and uses.
Taps British standard (B.S.W.,
B.S.F., B.A. & B.S.P.) and metric /
BIS (course and fine) material, parts
(shank body, flute, cutting edge).
29 -do- 70 Form external threads with dies to Tap wrench: material, parts, types
standard size. (10 hrs.) (solid &adjustable types) and their
uses removal of broken tap, studs
71 Prepare nuts and match with
(tap stud extractor). Dies: British
bolts.(15 hrs.)
standard, metric and BIS standard,
material, parts, types, Method of
using dies. Die stock: material,
parts and uses.
30 -do- 72 File and make Step fit, angular fit, Drill troubles: causes and remedy.
angle, surfaces (Bevel gauge Equality of lips, correct clearance,
accuracy 1 degree).(15 hrs.) dead centre, length of lips. Drill
73 Make simple open and sliding fits. kinds: Fraction, metric, letters and
(10 hrs.) numbers, grinding of drill.
31 -do- 74 Enlarge hole and increase internal Grinding wheel: Abrasive, grade
dia. (2 hrs.) structures, bond, specification,
75 File cylindrical surfaces.(5 hrs.) use, mounting and dressing.
Selection of grinding wheels.
76 Make open fitting of curved Bench grinder parts and use.
profiles.(18 hrs.) Radius/fillet gauge, feeler gauge,
hole gauge, and their uses, care
and maintenance.
32 -do- 77 Correction of drill location by binding Pig Iron: types of pig Iron, properties
previously drilled hole.(5 hrs.) and uses. Cast Iron: types, properties
and uses.
78 Make inside square fit. (20 hrs.)
33 Make different fit of 79 Make sliding „T. fit.(2 hrs.) Interchangeability: Necessity in Engg,
components for field definition, BIS. Definition, types of
assembling as per limit, terminology of limits and fits-basic
required tolerance size, actual size, deviation, high and low
observing principle limit, zero line, tolerance zone Different
of interchangeability standard systems of fits and limits.
and check for British standard system, BIS system
f u n c t i o n a l i t y.
[Different Fit –
Sliding, Angular, Step
fit, ‘T’ fit, Square fit
and Profile fit;
Required tolerance:
±0.04 mm, angular
tolerance: 30 min.]
34 -do- 80 File fit- combined, open angular Method of expressing tolerance as per
and sliding sides. (10 hrs.) BIS Fits: Definition, types, description
of each with sketch. Vernier height
81 File internal angles 30minutes
gauge: material construction, parts,
accuracy open, angular fit.(15 hrs.)
graduations (English & Metric) uses,
care and maintenance.
35-36 -do- 82 Make sliding fit with angles other Wrought iron- : properties and uses.
than 90°.(25 hrs.) Steel: plain carbon steels, types,
properties and uses. Non-ferrous metals
(copper, aluminum, tin, lead, zinc)
properties and uses.
83 Scrap on flat surfaces, curved surfaces Simple scraper- circular, flat, half round,
37 -do-
and parallel surfaces and test. (5 hrs.) triangular and hook scraper and their
uses. Blue matching of scraped
84 Make & assemble, sliding flats, plain
surfaces (flat and curved bearing
surfaces. (15 hrs.)
85 Check for blue math of bearing
surfaces - both flat and
curved surfaces by with worth
38 -do- 86 File and fit combined radius and Vernier micrometer, material, parts,
angular surface (accuracy ± 0.5 mm), graduation, use, care and intenance.
angular and radius fit. (18 hrs.) Calibration of measuring instruments.
Introduction to mechanical fasteners and
87 Locate accurate holes & make
its uses.
accurate hole for stud fit.(2 hrs.)
Screw thread micrometer: Construction,
88 Fasten mechanical components / sub- graduation and use.
assemblies together using screws,
bolts and collars using hand tools.
(5 hrs.)
89 Make sliding fits assembly with Dial test indicator, construction, parts,
39 -do-
parallel and angular mating surface. material, graduation, Method of use, care
(± 0.04 mm) (25 hrs.) and maintenance. Digital dial indicator.
Comparators-measurement of quality in
the cylinder bores.
40 Produce components 90 Lathe operations- Safely precautions to be observed
involving different while working on a lathe, Lathe
91 True job on four jaw chuck using knife
operations on lathe specifications, and constructional
tool.(5 hrs.)
observing standard features. Lathe main parts
procedure and check for 92 Face both the ends for holding between descriptions- bed, head stock,
accuracy. [Different centers. (9 hrs.) carriage, tail stock, feeding and
Operations – facing, thread cutting mechanisms. Holding
93 Using roughing tool parallel turn ±
plain turning, step of job between centers, works with
0.1 mm. (10 hrs.)
turning, parting, catch plate, dog, simple description
chamfering, shoulder 94 Measure the diameter using outside of a facing and roughing tool and their
turn, grooving, knurling, caliper and steel rule.(1hrs.) applications.
boring, taper
turning, threading
(external ‘V’ only)]
41 -do- 95 Holding job in three jaw chuck.(2 hrs.) Lathe cutting tools- Nomenclature
ofsingle point & multipoint cutting
96 Perform the facing, plain turn, step turn,
tools, Tool selection based on
parting, deburr, chamfercorner, round
different requirements and necessity
the ends, and use form tools. (11 hrs.)
of correct grinding, solid and tipped,
97 Shoulder turn: square, filleted, throw away
beveled undercut shoulder, turning-
type tools, cutting speed and feed
filleted under cut, square beveled.
and comparison for H.S.S., carbide
(11 hrs.)
tools. Use of coolants and
98 Sharpening of -Single point Tools. lubricants.
(1 hrs.)
43 -do- 103 Make a bush step bore-cut recess, General turning operations- parallel
turn hole diameter to sizes.(5 hrs.) or straight, turning. Stepped turning,
grooving, and shape of tools for the
104 Turn taper (internal and external).
above operations. Appropriate
(10 hrs.)
method of holding the tool on tool
105 Turn taper pins. (5 hrs.) post or tool rest, Knurling: - tools
description, grade, uses, speed and
106 Turn standard tapers to suit with
feed, coolant for knurling, speed,
gauge.(5 hrs.)
feed calculation. Taper – definition,
use and method of expressing
tapers. Standard tapers-taper,
calculations morse taper.
107 Practice threading using taps, dies Screw thread definition – uses and
44 -do-
on lathe by hand. (2 hrs.) application. Square, worm, buttress,
acme ( non standard-screw
108 Make external „V. thread.(8 hrs.)
threads), Principle of cutting screw
109 Prepare a nut and match with the thread in centre lathe –principle of
bolt.(15 hrs.) chasing the screw thread – use of
centre gauge,setting tool for cutting
internal and external threads, use
of screw pitch gauge for checking
the screw thread.
45-46 Plan & perform 110 Simple repair work: Simple assembly Maintenance
simple repair, of machine parts from blue prints. -Total productive maintenance -
overhauling of (15 hrs.) Autonomous maintenance -Routine
different machines maintenance -Maintenance schedule
111 Rectify possible assembly faults during
and check for -Retrieval of data from machine
assembly.(19 hrs.)
f u n c t i o n a l i t y. manuals Preventive maintenance-
[Different Machines 112 Perform the routine maintenance with objective and function of Preventive
– Drill Machine, check list (10 hrs.) maintenance, section inspection.
Power Saw, Bench Visual and detailed, lubrication survey,
113 Monitor machine as per routine
Grinder and Lathe] system of symbol and colour coding.
checklist (3 hrs.)
Revision, simple estimation of
114 Read pressure gauge, temperature materials, use of handbooks and
gauge, oil level (1 hrs.) reference table. Possible causes for
115 Set pressure in pneumatic system assembly failures and remedies.
(2 hrs.)
47 -do- 116 Assemble simple fitting using dowel Assembling techniques such as
pins and tap screw assembly using aligning, bending, fixing, mechanical
torque wrench. (25 hrs.) jointing, threaded jointing, sealing, and
torquing.Dowel pins: material,
construction, types, accuracy and uses.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.61
Fitter - Drilling
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state drilling
• state the necessity of drilling
• name the types of drills used
• identify the parts of a twist drill.
Drilling: Drilling is the production of cylindrical holes of The flutes provide a correct cutting angle which provides
definite diameters in workpieces by using a multi-point an escape path for the chips. It carries the coolant to the
cutting tool called a ‘drill’. It is the first operation done cutting edge during drilling. (Fig 3)
internally for any further operation.
Flat drill (Fig 1) : The earliest form of drill was the flat drill
which is easy to operate,besides being inexpensive to
produce. But it is difficult to hold during operation,and the
chip removal is poor. Its operating efficiency is very low.
The portions left between the flutes are called ‘lands’. The
size of a drill is detemined and governed by the diameter
over the lands.
The point angle is the cutting angle, and for general purpose
work, it is 118°. The clearance serves the purpose of
clearing the back of the lip from fouling with the work. It is
mostly 8°.
Drills are manufactured with varying helix angles for drilling
different materials. General purpose drills have a standard
helix angle of 27 1/2°. They are used on mild steel and
cast iron. (Fig 5a)
The cone shaped end which does the cutting is called the
point. It consists of a dead centre, lips or cutting edges,
and a heel.
Shank Body
This is the driving end of the drill which is fitted on to the The portion between the point and the shank is called the
machine. Shanks are of two types. body of a drill.
The parts of the body are flute, land/margin, body clearance
Taper shank, used for larger diameter drills, and straight and web.
shank, used for smaller diameter drills. (Fig 3)
Flutes (Fig 3)
Flutes are the spiral grooves which run to the length of the
This is a part of the taper shank drill which fits into the slot drill. The flutes help
of the drilling machine spindle.
2 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.61
- To form the cutting edges The diameter of the drill is measured across the land/
- To curl the chips and allow these to come out
- The coolant to flow to the cutting edge. Body clearance (Fig 3)
Land/Margin (Fig 3) Body clearance is the part of the body which is reduced in
diameter to cut down the friction between the drill and the
hole being drilled.
Web (Fig 4)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.61 3
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.1.62
Fitter - Drilling
Drill angles
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• identify the various angles of a twist drill
• state the functions of each angle
• list the types of helix for drills as per ISI
• distinguish the features of different types of drills
• designate drills as per ISI recommendations.
Like all cutting tools the drills are provided with certain Twist drills are made with different helix angles. The helix
angles for efficiency in drilling. angle determines the rake angle at the cutting edge of the
twist drill.
Drill angles
The helix angles vary according to the material being drilled.
They are different angles for different purposes. They are According to indian standards, three types of drills are
listed below. used for drilling various materials.
Point angle, helix angle, rake angle, clearance angle and • Type N - For normal low carbon steel.
chisel edge angle.
• Type H - For hard and tenaceous materials.
Point angle/ cutting angle (Fig 1)
• Types S - For soft and tough materials.
The clearance angle is meant to prevent the friction of the Designation of drills
tool behind the cutting edge. This will help in the penetration
of the cutting edges into the material. If the clearance Twist drills are designated by the
angle is too much, the cutting edges will be weak, and if it
is too small, the drill will not cut. • Diameter
• Material
A twist drill of 9.50 mm dia. of tool type ‘H’ for right hand
cutting and made from HSS is designated as:
Recommended drills
Moulded plastics,
with thickness s<d
Laminated plastics,
Stainless steel; hard rubber (ebonite)
Copper (drill diameter marble, slate, coal
more than 30 mm)
Al-alloy, forming
short broken chips
Zinc alloys
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.62 5
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.63 - 65
Fitter - Drilling
Feed in drilling
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is meant by feed
• state the factors that contribute to an efficient feed rate.
Feed is the distance (X) a drill advances into the work in Feed is expressed in hundredths of a millimeter.
one complete rotation. (Fig 1)
The table gives the feed rate which is based on the average
feed values suggested by the different manufacturers of
drills. (Table 1)
The rate of feed is dependant up on a number of factors. 12.1 - 15.0 0.200 - 0.300
15.1 - 18.0 0.230 - 0.330
• The finish required
18.1 - 21.0 0.260 - 0.360
• Type of drill (drill material)
21.1 - 25.0 0.280 - 0.380
• Material to be drilled
Too coarse a feed may result in damage to the cutting
Factors like rigidity of the machine, holding of the work- edges or breakage of the drill.
piece and the drill, will also have to be considered while
determining the feed rate. If these are not to the required Too slow a rate of feed will not bring improvement in surface
standard, the feed rate will have to be decreased. finish but may cause excessive wear of the tool point, and
lead to chattering of the drill.
It is not possible to suggest a particular feed rate taking
all the factors into account. For optimum results in the feed rate while
drilling, it is necessary to ensure the drill cutting
edges are sharp. Use the correct type of cutting
Drill-holding devices
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the different types of drill-holding devices
• state the features of drill chucks
• state the functions of drill sleeves
• state the function of drift.
Sleeves and sockets are made with the same taper so that
the taper shank of the drill, when engaged, will give a good
wedging action. Due to this reason Morse tapers are called
self-holding tapers.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.63 - 65 7
In order to make up the difference in sizes between the
shanks of the drills and the bore of machine spindles,
sleeves of different sizes are used. When the drill taper
shank is bigger than the machine spindle, taper sockets
are used. (Fig 2)
8 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.63 - 65
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.66
Fitter - Drilling
Counter sinking
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state countersinking
• list the purposes of countersinking
• state the angles of countersinking for the different applications
• name the different types of countersinks
• distinguish between Type A and Type B counter sink holes.
• For accommodating countersink rivet heads For countersinking small diameter holes special
countersinks with two or one flute are available. This will
• To chamfer the ends of holes for thread cutting and other reduce the vibration while cutting.
machining processes.
Countersinks with Pilot (Fig 3)
Angles for countersinking
For precision countersinking, needed for machine tool
Countersinks are available in different angles for different
assembling and after machining process, countersinks
with pilots are used.
75° countersink riveting
They are particularly useful for heavy duty work.
80° countersink self tapping screws
The pilot is provided at the end for guiding the countersink
90° countersink head screws and deburring
concentric to the hole.
120° chamfering ends of holes to be threaded or other
Countersinks with pilots are available with interchangeable
machining processes.
and solid pilots.
Countersinks Countersink hole sizes
Countersinks of different types are available. The countersink holes according to Indian Standard IS
3406 (Part 1) 1986 are of four types: Type A, Type B, Type
C and Type E.
Type A is suitable for slotted countersink head screws,
cross recessed and slotted raised countersink head screws.
Table I
Dimensions and designation of countersink - Type A according to IS 3406 (Part 1) 1986
10 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.66
Table I
For Nominal Size 1 1.2 (1.4) 1.6 (1.8) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (4.5)
Medium d1 H13 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.5 5
Series d2 H13 2.4 2.8 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.6 5.7 6.5 7.6 8.6 9.5
(m) t1 ³ 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.3
Fine d1 H12 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.3 4.8
Series d3 H12 2 2.5 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.3 5 6 7 8 9
(f) t1 ³ 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 2 2.2 2.4
t2 + 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.35 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.3
Designation : A countersink Type A with clearance hole of fine (f) series and having nominal size 10 shall be designated
as – Countersink A f 10 - IS : 3406.
Table II
Dimensions and designation of countersink - Type B according to IS 3406 (Part 1) 1986
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.66 11
For Nominal Size 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 (14) 16 (18) 20 22 24
Designation : A countersink Type B with clearance hole of fine (f) series and having nominal size 10 shall be designated
as – Countersink B f 10 - IS : 3406.
Table III
Dimensions and designation of countersink - Type C according to IS 3406 (Part 1) 1986
For Screw Size No. (0) (1) 2 (3) 4 (5) 6 (7) 8 10 (12) 14 (16)
d1 H12 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7 4.2 4.5 5.1 5.8 6.7 8.4
d2 H12 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.6 7.2 8.1 8.7 10.1 11.4 13.2 16.6
t1 ³ 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.6 3 3.4 3.9 4.9
Note : Sizes given in brackets are of second preference.
Designation : A countersink Type C for screw size 2 shall be designated as – Countersink C 2 - IS : 3406.
Table IV
12 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.66
Dimension and designation of countersink - Type E according to IS 3406 (Part 1) 1986
d1 H12 10.5 13 17 21 23 25
d2 H12 19 24 31 34 37 40
t1 ³ 5.5 7 9 11.5 12 13
± 1° 75° 60°
Designation : A countersink Type E for nominal size 10 shall be designated as – Countersink E 10 - IS : 3406.
Use of dimension
The dimension of the countersink can be expressed by the
diameter of the countersink and the depth of the
Counterboring is an operation of enlarging a hole to a given The tool used for counterboring is called a counterbore.
depth, to house heads of socket heads or cap screws with (Fig 2) Counterbores will have two or more cutting edges.
the help of a counterbore tool. (Fig 1)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.66 13
Spot facing
At the cutting end, a pilot is provided to guide the tool Counterbore sizes and specification
concentric to the previously drilled hole. The pilot also
helps to avoid chattering while counterboring. (Fig 3) Counterbore sizes are standardised for each diameter of
screws as per BIS.
14 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.66
The table given below is a portion from IS 3406 (Part 2)
Dimensions for H and K Type counter bores
1986. This gives dimensions for Type H and Type K
counterbores. While representing counterbores in drawings, counterbores
can be indicated either by code designation or using the
Counterbore and Clearance Hole Sizes for Different Sizes
of Screws
Table - 1
Nominal size 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.5 3 (3.5) 4 5 6 8 10 12 (14) 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36
Medium (m) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.5 5.5 6.6 9 11 13.5 15.5 17.5 20 22 24 26 30 33 36 39
fine (f) 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 2 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.7 4.3 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 - - - -
d2 H13 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.3 3.8 4.3 5 6 6.5 8 10 11 15 18 20 24 26 30 33 36 40 43 48 53 57
Type H 0.8 0.9 1 1.2 1.5 1.6 2 2.4 2.9 3.2 4 4.7 6 7 8 9 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 - - - -
Type K - - 1.6 1.8 - 2.3 2.9 3.4 - 4.6 5.7 6.8 9 11 13 15 17.5 19.5 21.5 23.5 25.5 28.5 32 35 38
Note : Sizes given in brackets are of second preference. For details refer IS : 3406 (Part2) 1986.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.66 15
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.67
Fitter - Drilling
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the use of reamers
• state the advantages of reaming
• distinguish between hand and machine reaming
• name the elements of a reamer and state their functions.
Advantages of ‘reaming’
Reaming produces
Classification of reamers
Reamers are classified as hand reamers and machine
reamers. (Figs 2a and 2b)
The longitudinal centre line of the reamer.
The portion of the reamer which is held and driven. It can The edge formed by the intersection of the face and the
be parallel or taper. circular land or the surface left by the provision of primary
clearance. (Fig 4)
Circular land
The cylindrically ground surface adjacent to the cutting
edge on the leading edge of the land. The portion of the flute surface adjacent to the cutting edge
on which the chip impinges as it is cut from the work.
Bevel lead (Fig 4)
The bevel lead cutting portion at the entering end of the Rake angles
reamer cutting its way into the hole. It is not provided with
a circular land. The angles in a diametral plane formed by the face and a
radial line from the cutting edge. (Fig 5)
Taper lead
The angle formed by the cutting edges of the bevel lead and
the reamer axis.
The angle formed by the cutting edges of the taper and the
reamer axis.
Clearance angle
The grooves in the body of the reamer to provide cutting The angles formed by the primary or secondary clearances
edges, to permit the removal of chips, and to allow the and the tangent to the periphery of the reamer at the cutting
cutting fluid to reach the cutting edges. (Fig 4) edge. They are called primary clearance angle and secondary
clearance angle respectively. (Fig 6)
Helix angle
Heel The angle between the edge and the reamer axis. (Fig 7)
The edge formed by the intersection of the surface left by
the provision of a secondary clearance and the flute.
(Fig 4)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.67 17
Hand reamers
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the general features of hand reamers
• identify the types of hand reamers
• distinguish between the uses of straight fluted and helical fluted reamers
• name the materials from which reamers are made and specify reamers.
Helical fluted hand reamers have left hand helix. The left
hand helix will produce smooth cutting action and finish.
18 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.67
Socket reamer with parallel shank (Figs 5a and 5b)
Specifications of a reamer
Straight fluted reamers are useful for general reaming work. Example : Hand reamer, Straight flute, Parallel shank of
Helical fluted reamers are particularly suitable for reaming Ø 20 mm.
holes with keyway grooves or special lines cut into them.
The helical flutes will bridge the gap and reduce binding and
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.67 19
Table 1
Note: If the reamed hole is undersize, the cause
Undersizes for reaming is that the reamer is worn out.
i _________________________________________
ii _________________________________________
iii _________________________________________
iv _________________________________________
20 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.67
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the procedure for hand reaming and machine reaming.
Hand Reaming
Ream the hole through, ensure that the taper lead length
of the reamer comes out well and clear from the bottom of
Chamfer the hole ends slightly. This removes burrs and the work. Do not allow the end of the reamer to strike on
will also help to align the reamer vertically. (Fig 2) Fix the the vice.
work in the bench vice. Use vice clamps to protect the
finished surfaces. Ensure that the job is horizontal. (Fig 2) Remove the reamer with an upward pull until the reamer is
clear of the hole. (Fig 5)
Fix the tap wrench on the square end and place the reamer
vertically in the hole. Check the alignment with a try square. Remove the burrs from the bottom of the reamed hole.
Make corrections, If necessary. Turn the tap wrench in a
clockwise direction applying a slight downward pressure Clean the hole. Check the accuracy with the cylindrical
at the same time. (Fig 3) Apply pressure evenly at both pins supplied.
ends of the tap wrench.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.67 21
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.68 - 69
Fitter - Drilling
Minor Diameter
In the case of external threads it is the diameter of the The angle of inclination of the thread to the imaginary
blank on which the threads are cut and in the case of perpendicular line.
internal threads it is the largest diameter after the threads
are cut that are known as the major diameter. (Fig 2) Hand
This is the diameter by which the sizes of screws are The direction in which the thread is turned to advance. A
stated. right hand thread is turned clockwise to advance, while a
left hand thread is turned anticlockwise.( Fig 3)
Screw threads - types of V threads and their uses
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the different standards of V threads
• indicate the angle and the relation between the pitch with the other elements of the thread
• state the uses of the different standards of V threads.
The different standards of V threads are: BSF thread
- BSW thread: British Standard Whitworth thread
This thread is similar to BSW thread except the number of
- BSF thread: British Standard fine thread TPI for a particular diameter. The number of threads per
inch is more than that for the BSW thread for a particular
- BSP thread: British Standard pipe thread
diameter. For Example, 1” BSW has 8 TPI and 1 “BSF has
- B.A thread: British Association thread 10 TPI. The table indicates the standard number of TPI for
different dia. of BSF threads. It is used in automobile
- I.S.O Metric thread: International Standard Organisation
metric thread
- ANS: American National or sellers’ thread BSP thread
- BIS Metric thread: Bureau of Indian Standard metric
This thread is recommended for pipe and pipe fittings. The
table shows the pitch for different diameters. It is also
similar to BSW thread. The thread is cut externally with a
BSW thread (Fig 1)
small taper for the threaded length. This avoids the leakage
in the assembly and provides for further adjustment when
slackness is felt.
BA thread (Fig 2)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69 23
Unified thread (Fig 3) For the fine series, the letter ‘M’ is followed by the major
diameter and pitch.
For both the metric and inch series, ISO has developed this
Ex : M14 x 1.5
thread. Its angle is 60°. The crest and root are flat and the
other dimensions are as shown in the Fig 3. This thread is
M24 x 2
used for general fastening purposes.
American National Thread (Fig 4)
These threads are also called as seller’s threads. It was
more commonly used prior to the introduction of the ISO
unified thread.
Constructional features
Some screw pitch gauge sets will have blades provided for
checking British Standard threads (BSW, BSF etc.) at one
end and the metric standard at the other end.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the uses of hand taps
• state the features of hand taps
• distinguish between the different taps in a set.
Use of hand taps: Hand taps are used for internal Features (Fig 1): They are made from high speed steel.
threading of components.
24 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69
The threads are cut on the periphery and are accurately
To form the cutting edges, flutes are cut across the thread.
The end of the shank of the tap is made of square shape for
the purpose of holding and turning the taps.
The end of the taps are chamfered (taper lead) for assisting,
aligning and starting of the thread.
The size of the taps, the thread standard, the pitch of the
thread, the dia. of the tapping hole are usually marked on
the shank.
These are: The bottoming tap (plug) is used to finish the threads of a
blind hole to the correct depth.
– First tap or taper tap
For identifying the type of taps quickly - the taps are either
– Second tap or intermediate tap numbered 1,2 and 3 or rings are marked on the shank.
– Plug or bottoming tap.
The taper tap has one ring, the intermediate tap has two
These taps are identical in all features except in the and the bottoming tap has three rings. (Fig 2)
tap lead.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69 25
Table for tap drill size
Tap size Threads per Tap drill Tap size Threads per Tap drill
(inch) inch size (mm) (inch) inch size (mm)
Tap size Threads per Tap drill Tap size Threads per Tap drill size
(inch) inch size inch (inch) inch inch
26 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69
Tap drill sizes ISO Inch (Unified) thread
1” 8 7/8 1” 14 15/16
1 3/4 5 1 9/16
2” 4 1/2 1 25/32
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69 27
Machine taps
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the characteristics of machine taps
• name the different types of machine taps
• state the features and uses of different types of machine taps.
Machine taps: Machine taps of different types are available. Flute-less taps are used for tapping through holes on
The two important features of machine taps are materials which are not thicker than the diameter of the
holes. Flutless spiral point taps are best suited for tapping
– Ability to withstand the torque needed for threading soft materials or thin metal sections.
Helical fluted taps/spiral fluted taps: These taps have
– Provision for eliminating chip jamming.
spiral flutes which bring out the chips from the hole being
Types of machine taps tapped. (Fig 4)
These are useful for tapping holes with slots. The helical
land of the tap will bridge the interruption of the surface
These taps are especially useful for machine tapping of being threaded. The helical flutes of the tap provide a shear
through holes. In the case of blind hole tapping, there cutting action, and are mostly used to tap holes in ductile
should be sufficient space below to accommodate the materials like aluminium, brass, copper etc.
chips. While tapping, the chips are forced out ahead of the
tap. (Fig 2) Spiral fluted taps are also available with fast spiral. (Fig 5)
These taps are best suited for tapping deep holes as these
can clear the chips faster from the hole. (Fig 6)
28 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69
These taps have projecting lobes which actually help in
forming the thread. (Fig 8) Since there are no chips in the
process, it is very valuable in places where chip removal
poses problems. These taps are excellent for tapping
copper, brass, aluminium, lead etc. The thread finish is
also comparatively better than in the fluted taps.
Unlike tapping with the three piece set of hand taps, the Accordingly three types of taps are available.
machine tap cuts the entire threaded profile in one operation.
The machine tap is normally made of tool steel and Type normal (Fig 3b ) with a rake angle of approximately
consists of the shank (2) and the cutting section (1) as 12°.
shown in (Fig 1). The cutting section itself is subdivided
into two areas. The start (3), which serves for cutting, and Type soft (Fig 3c) with a rake angle of approximately 20°.
the guiding section (4) for the feeding motion and smoothing
of the newly cut thread. (Fig 1) Type hard (Fig 3a) with a rake angle of approximately 3°.
The ‘hard’ type tap is used for tapping brittle materials like
cast iron. In case a ‘normal’ type tap is used on cast iron,
the tap cutting edges get blunt soon and the tap cannot be
used again on ductile materials like mild steel. The fine
cast iron splinters wear the external diameter of the cutting
edges of the tap causing them to tend to become blunt, and
when the same tap is used on steel which is more flexible
it is elastically pressed away (8) at the cutting point.
Straight and spiral groove machine taps are available. The Behind the cutting edge the material returns to the machined
diameter of the shank and the shape of its end vary between diameter. The depth of the groove also causes jamming of
the various standards. The shank diameter may be the guiding section of the tap. (Fig 4)
smaller, equal to or larger than the thread diameter. The
shank ends are available in straight design, with square
ends as shown in (6) or with driving shoulders.
Chip removal (flow) takes place at the start of the tap. The
rake angle must be adapted to the material to be machined.
Hard and brittle materials require a small rake angle and
soft materials need a larger rake angle.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69 29
Pipe Threads and Pipe Taps
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state parallel and taper pipes threads
• determine the wall thickness and threads per inch (TPI) of BSP threads
• state the method of sealing pipe joints
• determine blank sizes for threading as per B.S 21 - 1973 and I.S. 2643 - 1964.
Pipe threads
The standard pipe fittings are threaded to British Standard
pipe (BSP). The internal pipe threads have parallel threads
whereas the external pipes have tapered threads as shown
in Fig 1.
B.S.P. threads
Glavinized iron pipes are available in sizes ranging from
1/2” to 6” in several different wall thickness. The table 1
shows outside diameters and threads per inch from
1/2” to 4”. (Fig 2)
Table 1
BSP - Pipe sizes Threads Outside diameter/
or DIN 2999 inch mm of the pipe (A)
(inside) (B)
1/2” 14 20.955 mm
3/4” 14 26.441
1” 11 33.249
The next two threads have fully formed bottoms but that
tops. (B) 11/4” 11 41.910
The last four threads have flat tops and bottoms. (C) 11/2” 11 47.803
2” 11 59.614
Sealing pipe joint
2 1/2” 8 75.184
Fig 3 shows that the pipe has several fully formed threads
3” 8 87.884
at the end. (A)
4” 8 113.030
30 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69
Pipe taps In gauging internal pipe threads, the pipe plug thread gauge
should be screwed tight by hand into the pipe until the
Internal pipe threads are usually cut with standard taper notch on the gauge is flush with the face. When the thread
pipe taps. (Fig 5) is chamfered the notch should be flushed with the bottom
of the chamfer. (Fig 6)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.68 - 69 31
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.70
Fitter - Drilling
Tap wrenches These are small, adjustable chucks with two jaws and a
handle to turn the wrench.
Tap wrenches are used to align and drive the hand taps
correctly into the hole to be threaded. This tap wrench is useful to work in restricted places, and
is turned with one hand only. Most suitable for smaller
Tap wrenches are of different types, such as double-ended sizes of taps.
adjustable wrench, T- handle tap wrench, solid type tap
wrench etc. Solid type tap wrench (Fig 3)
This is the most commonly used type of tap wrench. It is These wrenches are not adjustable.
available in various sizes- 175, 250,350mm long. These tap
wrenches are more suitable for large diameter taps, and They can take only certain sizes of taps. This eliminates
can be used in open places where there is no obstruction the use of wrong length of the tap wrenches, and thus
to turn the tap. prevents damage to the taps.
A tap broken above the surface of the workpiece can be Use of tap extractor (Fig 1)
removed using using gripping tools like pliers.
This is a very delicate tool and need very careful handling.
Taps broken below the surface pose a problem for removing.
Any one of the several methods given below can be used.
Use of arc welding
Capital Goods & Manufacturing : Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.70 33
Removing broken stud
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the reasons for breakage of stud
• state different methods for removing broken stud.
34 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.70
Making drill hole If all other method fail, drill a hole equal to the size of the
stud size or a little over and tap the hole with an oversize
Correctly find out the centre of the broken stud and drill hole tap.Now a special over size stud as shown in Fig 6 is to be
nearly equal to the core diameter of the stud down the made and fitted in position.
centre so that the threads only remain. Remove the thread
portion by the point of a scriber in the form of broken chips.
Re - tap the drill the hole to clear the threads. (Fig 5)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.70 35
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.1.71
Fitter - Drilling
Uses of dies
Half die (Fig 4)
Types of dies
• Circular split die (Button die)
• Half die
• Adjustable screw plate die Half dies are stronger in construction.
Circular split die/button die (Fig 2) Adjustments can be made easily to increase or decrease
the depth of cut.
The bottom of the die halves is tapered to provide the lead
for starting the thread. On one side of each die head, the
serial number is stamped.
The die nut is used for chasing or reconditioning the
damged threads.
It has been observed from practice that the threaded = 12mm - 0.175mm
diameters of steel blanks show a slight increase in
= 11.825 or 11.8 mm.
diameter. such increase in the diameter will make assembly
of external and internal threaded components very difficult. d = diameter of bolt
To overcome this, the diameter of the blank is slightly
D = the blank diameter
reduced before commencing the threading.
p = pitch of thread
What should be the blank size?
Calculate the blank size for preparing a bolt of M16 x1.5?
The diameter of the blank should be less by 1/10th of the
pitch of the thread. Answer
Example .........................................................
For cutting the thread of M12 with 1.75mm pitch the .........................................................
diameter of the blank is 11.80.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.71 37
External threading using dies
Objective: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• cut external threads using dies.
Blank size = Threads size -0.1 × pitch of thread Fix the die in the diestock and place the leading side of the
die opposite to the step of the diestock. (Figs 1a & 1b)
Place the leading side of the die on the chamfer of the work
(Fig 2)
Make sure that the die is fully open by tightening the centre
screw of the diestock. (Fig 3)
Start the die, square to the bolt centre line. (Fig 4)
38 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.71
Apply pressure on the diestock evenly and turn clockwise
direction to advance the die on the bolt blank. (Fig 5) Use a cutting lubricant.
Cut slowly and reverse the die for a short distance in order
to break the chips
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.71 39
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.72 - 73
Fitter - Drilling
• Overheated drills
• Rough holes
Overheated drills
• The unequal angle of the cutting edges (Fig 2) • Cutting speed is too high
• Feed rate is too high
• Clearance angle is incorrect
• Cooling is ineffective
• Point angle is incorrect
• Drill is not sharp.
Rough holes
Unequal flow of chips (Fig 5 ) Broken drill or split web
Unequal flow of chips is caused if the cutting edges are
Broken drill or split web occurs when the:
not equal and the point angle is not in the centre of the
• Cutting speed is too high
• Feed rate is too high
• Work is not held rigidly
• Drill is not held correctly
• Drill is not sharp
• Point angle is incorrect
• Cooling is insufficient
• Flutes are clogged with chips.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.72 - 73 41
Inches mm
17 .173 4.394
18 .1695 4.305
19 .166 4.216
20 .161 4.089
21 .159 4.039
22 .157 3.988
23 .154 3.912
24 .152 3.861
25 .1495 3.797
26 .147 3.734
27 .144 3.658
28 .1405 3.569
Number drills:
29 .136 3.454
The number drill series consists of drills numbered from 1
30 .1285 3.264
to 80. The No.1 drill is the largest, with 5.791 mm diameter,
and the No.80 drill is the smallest, with 0.35 mm diameter. 31 .120 3.048
(Table 2). There is no uniform variation in the drill diameters
32 .116 2.946
from number to number. To find the correct diameter of a
number drill, refer to a drill Size Chart or a Hand-book. 33 .113 2.870
Number drill series are also known as ‘wire gauge’ series.
34 .111 2.819
35 .110 2.794
Table 2
36 .1065 2.705
Number drill sizes
37 .104 2.642
No. 38 .1015 2.578
Inches mm
39 .0995 2.527
1 228 5.791 40 .098 2.489
2 .221 5.613 41 .096 2.438
3 .213 5.410 42 .0935 2.375
4 .209 5.309 43 .089 2.261
5 .2055 5.220 44 .086 2.184
6 .204 5.182 45 .082 2.083
7 .201 5.105 46 .081 2.057
8 .199 5.055 47 .0785 1.994
9 .196 4.978 48 .076 1.930
10 .1935 4.915 49 .073 1.854
11 .191 4.851 50 .070 1.778
12 .189 4.801 51 .067 1.702
13 .185 4.699 52 .0635 1.613
14 .182 4.623 53 .0595 1.511
15 .180 4.572 54 .055 1.395
16 .177 4.496
42 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.72 - 73
Diameter Diameter
No. No.
Inches mm Inches mm
Why cutting angle should be checked and resharpened? The hand near the point should be pivoted lightly on the
tool-rest for easy manipulation. (Fig 2)
Drills will lose the sharpness of the cutting edges due to
continuous use.
While grinding the shank, the other end of the drill is held Hold the drill level and turn it to 59° to the face of the weel
lightly between the thumb and the first finger. (Fig 1) so that the cutting edge is horizontal and parallel to the
grinding wheel-face. (Fig 1)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.72 - 73 43
Rotate the drill to the right by turning it between the thumb
and the finger.
Check both the cutting edges with a drill angle gauge, for
correctness of the lip angle and equality of the lip length.
(Fig 6)
44 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.72 - 73
Fraction & Metric sizes of drills conversion table
mm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.72 - 73 45
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.74 - 75
Fitter - Drilling
Example (Marking system)
Standard wheel - markings specify all the important wheel
characteristics. The marking system comprises of seven 51 - A 46
symbols which are arranged in the following order. (Fig 1)
Specification of grinding wheels
32 A 46 H8V
Straight wheel
Table 1
51 A 46 H 5 V 8
Chart illustrating the standard marking system is : 551-1966 (Table - 2)
Table 2
3 1 2 3 4 5 6
Nature of Type of Grain Grade Structure Type of Manufacturer's
Wheel Abrasive Size bond Reference
51 A 36 L 5 V 23
Manufacturer's Manufacturer's
symbol indicating own identification
the exact nature of mark for the
Abrasive (optional) wheel (optional)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75 47
Construction of the grinding wheel
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the different types of abrasives and their uses
• state the different grain sizes and their uses
• state the different grades of grinding wheels
• state the structure of a grinding wheel
• name the bonding materials used for grinding wheels.
The abrasives are selected depending upon the material Vitrified bond
being ground.
This is the most widely used bond. It has high porosity and
‘Brown’ aluminium oxide is used for general purpose strength which makes this type of wheel suitable for high
grinding of tough materials. rate of stock removal. It is not adversely affected by water,
acid, oils or ordinary temperature conditions.
‘White aluminium oxide is used for grinding ferrous and
ferrous alloys. Silicate bond
‘Green’ silicon carbide is used for very hard materials with Silicate wheels have a milder action and cut with less
low lensile strength such as cemented carbides. harshness than vitrified wheels. For this reason they are
suitable for grinding fine edge tools, cutters etc.
Grain size (Grit size)
Shellac bond
The number indicating the size of the grit represents the
number of openings in the sieve used to size the grain. The This is used for heavy duty, large diameter wheels where
larger the grit size number, the finer the grit. a fine finish is required. For example, the grinding of
Rubber bond
Grade indicates the strength of the bond and, therefore, the
‘hardness’ of the wheel. In a hard wheel the bond is strong, This is used where a small degree of flexibility is required
and securely anchors the grit in place and, therefore, on the wheel as in the cutting off wheels.
reduces the rate of wear. In a soft wheel, the bond is weak
and the grit is easily detached resulting in a high rate of Resinoid bond
This is used for speed wheels. Such wheels are used in
foundries for dressing castings. Resinoid bond wheels are
also used for cutting off. They are strong enough to
withstand considerable abuse.
48 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75
Wheel inspection and wheel mounting
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• brief steps involved in grinding wheel inspection
• state the procedure for mounting of grinding wheel.
The wheel selected may have been damaged during - Suspend the wheel on a piece of string or support it
transport or storage and must be carefully inspected before with one finger through the bushing.
- Allow the wheel to hang free.
Visual inspection (Fig 1)
- Tap the wheel with a non-metallic object such as a
small wooden mallet or tool handle.
- A clear ringing sound indicates that the wheel is not
- A dull sound means that the wheel is cracked and must
not be used.
Broken or chipped edges. If you are in doubt, do not use the wheel.
Clearly mark it and seek advice from your
Cracks supervisor. (Fig 3)
Damaged mounting bushing
Damaged paper washers
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75 49
The spindle of the grinding machine includes an inner
flange, an outer flange and a nut threaded on the spindle
to hold the grinding wheel in position.
Check that the inner flange is fixed to the spindle and that
its bearing surface is clean and true.
Check that the wheel bush surface is clean and that it can
fits easily, but not loosely, onto the spindle. Clean the
bush before fitting the wheel on the spindle, if necessary.
50 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75
- Run the wheel at its recommended speed in the grinding
machine for at least a minute. Do not use the wheel
during this period.
Points to note
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75 51
Excessive pressure on the grinding wheel will lead to the
fracture of the wheel, excessive heating of the wheel,
weakening of bonding of the wheel and bursting of the
Truing refers to the shaping of the wheel to make it run
concentric with the axis. When a new grinding wheel is
mounted, it must be trued before use. The cutting surface
Glazing of a new wheel may run out slightly due to the clearance
between the bore and the machine spindle. Grinding
When a surface of the wheel develops a smooth and wheels, which are in use, also can run out of true, due to
shining appearance, it is said to be glazed. This indicates uneven loading while grinding.
that the wheel is blunt, i.e. the abrasive grains are not
sharp. Dressing and truing are done at the same time.
When such grinding wheels are used, there is a tendency
to exert extra pressure in order to make the wheels cut.
52 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75
These wheels are dressed and trued with diamond For dressing and truing, the dresser is slowly brought in
dressers. to contact with the wheel face and moved across.
Diamond dressers consist of a small diamond mounted The finish obtained depends on the rate at which the
on a holder which can be held rigidly on the work-rest. dresser is moved across the face.
How to use a wheel dresser (Fig 3) For roughing, the dresser is moved faster.
Abrasive stick
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75 53
Bench grinders: Bench grinders are fitted on a bench or Adjustable work-rests are provided for both the wheels to
table, and are useful for light duty work. support the work while grinding. These work-rests must be
set very close to the wheels. (Fig 4)
Pedestal grinders: Pedestal grinders are mounted on a
base (pedestal), which is fastened to the floor. They are Extra eyeshields are also provided for the protection of the
used for heavy duty work. eyes. (Fig 4)
54 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.74 - 75
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.76
Fitter - Drilling
Before using the radius gauge, check that it is clean and
Fig 10 shows that the radius of the fillet and that of the
external radius are smaller than the gauge.
Fig 11 shows that the radius of the fillet and that of the
external radius are larger than the gauge.
1 to 7 mm in steps of 0.5 mm
Individual gauges are also available. They usually have Try a larger gauge if you need to find the radius dimension.
internal and external radii on each gauge and are made in
sizes from 1 to 100 mm in steps of 1 mm. (Fig 9) Fig 12 shows the workpiece having the same radius as that
of the gauge that is being used for checking.
56 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.76
Feeler gauge and uses The sizes of the feeler gauges in a set are carefully chosen
in order that a maximum number of dimensions can be
Features: A feeler gauge consists of a number of hardened formed by building up from a minimum number of leaves.
and tempered steel blades of various thicknesses mounted
The dimension being tested is judged to be equal to the
in a steel case. (Fig 13)
thickness of the leaves used, when a slight pull is felt while
withdrawing them. Accuracy in using these gauge requires
The thickness of individual leaves is marked on it. (Fig 13)
a good sense of feel.
B.I.S. Set: The Indian Standard establishes four sets of
Feeler gauges are used:
feeler gauges Nos.1,2,3 and 4 which differ by the number
of blades in each and by the range of thickness (minimum
– To check the gap between the mating parts
is 0.03 mm to 1 mm in steps of 0.01 mm). The length of
the blade is usually 100 mm. – To check and set the spark plug gaps
– To set the clearance between the fixture (setting block)
and the cutter/tool for machining the jobs
– To check and measure the bearing clearance, and for
many other purposes where a specified clearance must
be maintained. (Fig 14)
0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20,
0.30, 0.40, 0.50.
Telescopic gauge
Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the parts of a telescopic gauge
• state the constructional features of telescopic gauges
• state the ranges of telescopic gauges.
Telescopic gauges are popular for fine work as they are very
rigid and have a better 'feel'.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.76 57
Telescopic gauges are available in a set of 6 nos, to
measure holes from 8 mm to 150 mm. (as per MITUTOYO
- Series 155)
Construction (Fig 1)
58 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.76
No.1 3 mm to 5 mm Radius gauges can be coverd in an oil-based spray as a
preventive measure against rust during storage. If a radius
No.2 5 mm to 7.5 mm gauge becomes rusty, the folding mechanism may seize
up. Further problems include the compromised accuracy
No.3 7.5 mm to 10 mm of the gauge’s measurement. The once precisely machined
radius may develop irregularities because of corrosion.
No.4 10 mm to 13 mm
Close away blades into the case carefully after use. This
Care and Maintenance of Feeler, radius and hole ensures the blades do not become bent or misshapen
gauges when the gauge is not in use. Radius gauge blades with fine
measuring surfaces are othen bought in assortmen to Be
Immediately after use, close funned out feeler gauge sure to use the plastic sleeve casing which allows neat and
blades. This should be done by grouping smaller blades orderly storage.
against the consecutively larger sizes for support. This will
prevent the thinner blades bending when they are closed Some types of small hole gauges have flattened ball ends
into the case. to permit use in shallow holes and recesses.Be care.
Observe the following practices for the care and upkeep of
Feeler gauges should be cleaned with an oily cloth before small hole gauges:
storage to prevent rust.
• Coat metal parts of small hole gauges with a light film
Wonkee Donkee recommends that you keep the blades oil to prevent rust.
closed at all times, other than when in actual use, to
prevent damage. Open - Measure - Close. The blades • Store gauges in separate containers.
should only be out for as long as it takes to measure or set • Keep graduation and markings clean and legible.
the gap. Tighten the adjusting screw, if there is one, for
additional security. • Do not drop small hole gauges. Small nicks and
scratches will result in inaccurate measurement
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.76 59
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.1.77 - 78
Fitter - Drilling
Pig Iron
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the commonly used ferrous metals
• state the main raw materials used for the smelting of pig-pron and their uses
• name the ores used for producing pig-iron
• state the constructional features of a blast furnace
• state the properties and uses of pig-iron.
- Iron ore
- Coke
- Flux.
Iron ore
- Magnetite
- Hematite
- Limonite
- Carbonate.
'naturally' available.
Coke is the fuel used to give the necessary heat to carry The furnace used for smelting iron ore is the blast furnace.
on the reducing action. The carbon from the coke in the The product obtained from smelting in the blast furnace is
form of carbon monoxide combines with the iron ore to pig-iron. The main parts of the blast furnace are:
reduce it to iron.
- Throat
- Stack
- Bosh
- Hearth Smelting in a blast furnace
- Double bell charging mechanism The raw materials are charged in alternate layers of iron
ore, coke and flux in the furnace by means of a double bell
- Tuyeres.
mechanism. (Figs 1 & 2)
The hot blast is forced into the furnace through a number The molten iron may be cast in pig beds or used in other
of nozzles (Fig1) called tuyeres. processing plants for steel making.
The temperature of the furnace just above the level of the Properties and use of pig-iron
tuyeres (melting zone) is between 1000° C to 1700° C when
all the substances start melting. Pig-iron absorbs varying amounts of carbon, silicon, sulphur,
phosphorus and manganese during the smelting process.
The limestone, which serves as a flux, combines with the A high amount of carbon makes the pig-iron very hard and
non-metalic substances in the ore to form a molten slag brittle, and unsuitable for making any useful article.
which floats on the top of the molten iron. The slag is
tapped off through the slag hole. Pig-iron is, therefore, refined and remelted and used to
produce other varieties of iron and steel.
The molten iron is tapped at intervals through a separate
tapping hole.
Cast iron is an alloy of iron, carbon and silicon. The carbon - Grey cast iron
content ranges from 2 to 4%.
- White cast iron
Types of cast iron - Malleable cast iron
The following are the types of cast iron. - Nodular cast iron
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.77 - 78 61
Grey cast iron White cast iron is produced by lowering the silicon content
and by rapid cooling. When cooled in this manner,it is
This is widely used for the casting of machinery parts and called chilled cast iron.
can be machined easily.
White cast iron cannot be welded.
Machine bases, tables, slideways are made of cast iron
because it is dimensionally stable after a period of aging. Malleable cast iron
Because of its graphite content, cast iron provides an Malleable cast iron has increased ductility, tensile strength
excellent bearing and sliding surface. and toughness when compared with grey cast iron.
The melting point is lower than that of steel and as grey cast Malleable cast iron is produced from white cast iron by a
iron possesses good fluidity, intricate casting can be prolonged heat-treatment process lasting for about 30
made. hours.
Grey cast iron is widely used for machine tools because Nodular cast iron
of its ability to reduce vibration and minimize tool chatter.
This is very similar to malleable cast iron. But this is
Grey cast iron, when not alloyed, is quite brittle and has produced without any heat treatment. Nodular cast iron is
relatively low tensile strength. Due to this reason it is not also known as:
used for making components subjected to high stress or
impact loads. Nodular iron - ductile iron - spheroidal graphite iron
Grey cast iron is often alloyed with nickel, chromium, This has good machinability, castability, resistance to
vanadium or copper to make it tough. wear, low melting point and hardness.
Grey cast iron is weldable but the base metal needs pre- Malleable and nodular castings are used for machine parts
heating. where there is a higher tensile stress and moderate impact
loading. These castings are less expensive and are an
White cast iron alternative to steel casting.
This is very hard and is very difficult to machine, and for this
reason, it is used in components which should be abrasion-
62 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.1.77 - 78
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.79 - 80
Fitter - Fitting Assembly
Mass production
The indian standard system of limits & fits - terminology
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the terms under the BIS system of limits and fits
• define each term under the BIS system of limits and fits.
Actual size
Limits of size
In the BIS system of limits & fits, all internal features of a
component including those which are not cylindrical are
designated as ` hole'. (Fig 3)
In the BIS system of limits & fits, all external features of a
component including those which are not cylindrical are
designated as shaft. (Fig 3)
64 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80
Table 1 (Examples)
1 + .008
20 - .005 + 0.008 - 0.005 20.008 19.995
2 + .028
20 + .007 + 0.028 + 0.007 20.028 20.007
3 - .012
20 - .021 - 0.012 - 0.021 19.988 19.979
Upper deviation
Lower deviation
In addition to the above, four sets of letters JS, ZA, ZB & ZC
It is the algebraic difference between the minimum limit of are included. For fine mechanisms CD, EF and FG are
size and its corresponding basic size.(Fig 2) (Table 1) added. (Ref.IS:919 Part II - 1979)
Upper deviation is the deviation which gives For shafts, the same 25 letter symbols but in small letters
the maximum limit of size. Lower deviation is are used. (Fig 5)
the deviation which gives the minimum limit of
Actual deviation
Fundamental deviation
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80 65
The fundamental deviations are for achieving The grade of tolerance refers to the accuracy of
the different classes of fits. (Figs 8 and 9) manufacture.
Toleranced size
Fundamental tolerance
66 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80
A very wide range of selection can be made by the
combination of the 25 fundamental deviations and 18
grades of tolerances.
The deviation is mostly given on the drawing with the The difference between the maximum and minimum limits
dimensions. is the TOLERANCE. Tolerance here is 0.4 mm. (Fig 16)
25 + 0.2 = 25.2 mm
or 25 - 0.2 = 24.8 mm.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80 67
Clearance fit
Minimum Clearance
Example 20 H7/g6
With the fit given, we can find the deviations from the chart.
20 – 0.007 =19.993 mm
68 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80
Interference In the example shown in figure 9
It is the difference between the size of the hole and the shaft The maximum interference is = 25.035 – 25.000
before assembly, and this is negative. In this case, the
= 0.035
shaft is always larger than the hole size.
The minimum interference is = 25.022 – 25.021
Interference Fit
= 0.001
It is a fit which always provides interference. Here the Transition fit
tolerance zone of the hole will be below the tolerance zone
It is a fit which may sometimes provide clearance, and
of the shaft. (Fig 8)
sometimes interference. When this class of fit is represented
graphically, the tolerance zones of the hole and shaft will
overlap each other. (Fig 12)
The limits of hole are 25.000 and 25.021 mm and the limits
of the shaft 25.022 and 25.035 mm. The shaft is always The limits of the hole are 75.000 and 75.046 mm and those
bigger than the hole. This is an interference fit. of the shaft are 75.018 and 74.988 mm.
In an interference fit or transition fit, it is the algebraic If the hole is 75.000 and the shaft 75.018 mm, the shaft is
difference between the minimum hole and the maximum 0.018 mm, bigger than the hole. This results in interference.
shaft. (Fig 10) This is a transition fit because it can result in a clearance
fit or an interference fit.
Minimum interference The fundamental deviation symbol `H' is chosen for the
holes, when the hole basis system is followed. This is
In an interference fit, it is the algebraic difference between because the lower deviation of the hole `H' is zero. It is
the maximum hole and the minimum shaft. (Fig 11) known as `basic hole'. (Fig 14)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80 69
Shaft basis system The hole basis system is followed mostly.This is because,
depending upon the class of fit, it will be always easier to
In a standard system of limits and fits, where the size of the alter the size of the shaft because it is external, but it is
shaft is kept constant and the variations are given to the difficult to do minor alterations to a hole. Moreover the hole
hole for obtaining different class of fits, then it is known as can be produced by using standard toolings.
shaft basis. The fundamental deviation symbol `h' is
The three classes of fits, both under hole basis and shaft
chosen for the shaft when the shaft basis is followed. This
basis, are illustrated in (Fig 15).
is because the upper deviation of the shaft `h' is zero. It
is known as `basic shaft'. (Fig 15)
The BIS system of limits and fits- reading the standard chart
Objective: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• refer to the standard limit system chart and determine the limits of sizes.
The standard chart covers sizes upto 500 mm (I.S. 919 of Then refer to the chart and note the upper and lower
1963) for both holes and shafts. It specifies the upper and deviations which are given in microns, with the sign.
lower deviations for a certain range of sizes for all Accordingly add or subtract from the basic size and
combinations of the 25 fundamental deviations, and 18 determine the limits of size of the components.
fundamental tolerances.
The upper deviation of the hole is denoted as ES and the
lower deviation of the hole is denoted as E I. The upper 30 H7 (Fig 1)
deviation of the shaft is denoted as es and the lower
deviation of the shaft is denoted as ei.
Note whether it is an internal measurement or an external It is an internal measurement. So we must refer to the chart
measurement. for 'holes'.
Note the basic size. The basic size is 30 mm. So see the range 30 to 40.
Note the combination of the fundamental deviation and the
grade of tolerance.
70 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80
Look for ES, and EI values in microns for H7 combination The minimum limit of the hole is 30 + 0.000 = 30.000mm.
for 30 mm basic size.
Refer to the chart and note the values of 40 g6.
It is given as
The table for tolerance zones and limits as per IS 2709 is
Therefore, the maximum limit of the hole is 30 + 0.025 = attached.
British standard limits and fits BS 4500: 1969
International Tolerance Grades (IT)
The specific tolerance for a particular IT grade is calculated T is the tolerance in micrometres [ μ m]
via the following formula:
D is the geometric mean dimension in millimeters [mm]
T = 100.2 × (ITG - 1)
. (0.45 × D + 0.001 × D) ITG is the IT Grade, a positive integer.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.79 - 80 71
Table 1 for Tolerance Zones & Limits (Dimensions in Pm)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.81
Fitter - Fitting Assembly
Parts of a vernier height gauge (Fig 1) The beam is graduated with the main scale in mm as well
as in inches. The main slide carries a jaw upon which
various attachments may be clamped. The jaw is an
integral part of the main slide.
Modern vernier height gauges are designed on the screw
rod principle. In these height gauges, the screw rod may
be operated with the help of the thumb screw at the base.
In order to have a quick setting of the main slide, it is
designed with a quick releasing manual mechanism. With
the help of this, it is possible to bring the slide to a desired
approximate height without wastage of time. For all other
purposes, these height gauges work as ordinary height
gauges. In order to set the ‘zero’ graduation of the main
scale for the initial reading.
Another kind of modern vernier height gauge has a rack and The vernier height gauge is used with the dial indicator to
pinion set up for operating the sliding unit. This is shown check hole location, pitch dimensions, concentricity and
in Fig 3. eccentricity.
It is also used for measuring depth, with a depth attachment.
It is used to measure sizes from the lower plane with the
help of an offset scriber.
It is used for measuring the width of the slot and external • You should regularly cheek the calibration of your
dimension. height gauge, to make sure that it is working correctly.
74 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.81
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.2.82
Fitter - Fitting Assembly
Properties and uses of Wrought Iron
Properties Uses
Steel is fundamentally an alloy of iron and carbon, with the Plain carbon steels are classified according to their carbon
carbon content varying up to 1.5%. The carbon present is content.
in a combined state.
Classification and content of Plain Carbon Steel is given in
Table 1.
Table 1
Classification and content of Plain Carbon Steel
Dead mild 0.1 to 0.125 % Highly ductile. Used for making wire
steel rods, thin sheets & solid drawn tubes.
Mild steel 0.15 to 0.3% Relatively soft and ductile. Used for general
workshop purposes, boiler plates, bridge work,
structural sections and drop forgings.
Medium carbon 0.3 to 0.5% Used for making axles,drop forgings,
high tensile tubes, wires and agricultural tools.
76 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.82
Non-ferrous metals - copper
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the commonly used copper alloys
• state the properties and uses of copper
• state the composition and uses of different types of brasses
• state the composition and uses of different types of bronze.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.82 77
Table 1 - Composition of different types of Brass
Composition (%)
Copper Zinc Other Applications
Cartridge brass 70 30 - Most ductile of the copper/zinc alloys. Widely used in sheet
metal pressing for severe deep drawing operations. Originally
developed for making cartridge cases, hence its name.
Standard brass 65 35 - Cheaper than cartridge brass and less ductile. Suitable for
most engineering processes.
Basic brass 63 37 - The cheapest of the cold working brasses. It lacks ductility
and is only capable of withstanding simple forming operations.
Muntz metal 60 40 - Not suitable for cold working, but suitable for hot-working.
Relatively cheap due to its high zinc content. It is widely used
for extrusion and hot-stamping processes.
Free-cutting 58 39 3% lead Not suitable for cold working but excellent for hot working and
brass high speed machining of low strength components.
Admirality brass 70 29 1% tin This is virtually cartridge brass plus a little tin to prevent
corrosion in the presence of salt water.
Naval brass 62 37 1% tin This is virtually Muntz metal plus a little tin to prevent corrosion
in the presence of salt water.
Gilding metal 95 5 - Used for jewellery.
Composition (%)
Low tin 96 - 0.1 3.9 This alloy can be severely cold-worked to harden
bronze to to it so that it can be used for springs where good
0.25 3.75 elastic properties must be combined with corro-
sion resistance,fatigue-resistance and electrical
conductivity. Eg.Contact blades
Drawn 94 - 0.1 5.9 This alloy is used for turned components requiring
phosphor/ to to strength and corrosion resistance, such as valve
bronze 0.5 5.5 spindles.
Cast 89.75 0.03 10 Usually cast into rods and tubes for making bear-
phosphor/ to to ing bushes and worm wheels. It has excellent
bronze 89.97 0.25 anti-friction properties.
Admirality 88 2 - 10 This alloy is suitable for sand casting where fine-
gun-metal grained, pressure-tight components such as pump
and valve bodies are required.
Leaded 85 5 - 5 Also known as ‘red brass’ this alloy is used for the
gun-metal (5%lead) same purposes as standard, admirality gun-metal.
(free cutting) It is rather less strong but has improved toughness
and machining properties.
Leaded 74 (24%lead) - 2 This alloy is used for lightly loaded bearings where
(plastic) alignment is difficult. Due to its softness, bearings
bronze made from this alloy “bed in” easily.
78 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.82
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the properties of lead
• state the various uses of lead
• state the uses of babbit metal.
Lead is a very commonly used non-ferrous metal and has Lead Alloys
a variety of industrial applications.
Babbit metal
Lead is produced from its ore ‘GALENA’. Lead is a heavy
metal that is silvery in colour when molten. It is soft and Babbit metal is an alloy of lead, tin, copper and antimony.
malleable and has good resistance to corrosion. It is a It is a soft, anti-friction alloy, often used as bearings.
good insulator against nuclear radiation. Lead is resistant
to many acids like sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid. An alloy of lead and tin is used as ‘soft solder. (Fig 2)
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the properties and uses of zinc
• state the uses of zinc alloys.
Zinc is a commonly used metal for coating on steel to Its melting point is 420o C.
prevent corrosion. Examples are steel buckets, galvanized
roofing sheets, etc. It is brittle and softens on heating; it is also corrosion-
resistant. Due to this reason it is used for battery con-
Zinc is obtained from the ore-calamine or blende. tainers and is coated on roofing sheets etc.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the properties and uses of tin
• name the common tin alloys and state their uses.
80 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.82
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.2.83 - 85
Fitter - Fitting Assembly
In 25 mm SQ = 25 bearing parts. Scraper material: High grade tool steel or special alloy
steel and tungsten carbide tipped tool.
Types and uses of scraper: For scraping flat surfaces
Specification: The overall length of blade and handle may
– Flat scrapers with rectangular blades. (Fig 7) range from 150 to about 500 mm.
Holding position of flat scraper: The handle of the
scraper is held and pushed by right hand. Hold the right
elbow out of from the body when beginning forward cutting
stroke. As you finish the short cutting stroke bring the
Used for scraping large flat surfaces. The working edge is elbow into the body.
not thicker than 3 mm. The blade is guided and pressed down by the left hand.
Grasp the blade with the root of the little finger above the
– Hook scrapers with rectangular blades. (Fig 8) blade and about 40 mm to 50 mm from the cutting edge.
(Fig 12)
82 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.83 - 85
After scraping in one general direction and testing in the Care and maintenance of scrapers
surface plate. Change the general direction of scraping by
about 90°. (Fig 14) • Scrapers must be sharp and kept with good condition
to handle.
• Cover the cutting edge with rubber or leather sheath.
• After use apply grease on cutting edge to avoid corroding.
• Scraper should not fall down from the bench.
• Don’t mix with other tool.
Keep both the pieces together and rub the plates back and
forth against each other. (Fig 4)
File and ensure that all the three plates are finished to size
and square. (Fig 2)
Observe the high spots on the plates X and Y remove by
scraping. (Fig 5)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.83 - 85 83
Clean the faces with knitted cotton cloth. Repeat the same procedure till both the faces of the plates
X and Z are mating with good
Rub with an oilstone gently to remove the burrs and again
clean with knitted cotton cloth. Repeat the procedure till the faces of plates Y and Z are
mating with good bearing surfaces.
Repeat the same procedure till both the faces are mating
with good bearing surfaces. Now one cycle of operation is completed.
Apply a very thin uniform coating or Prussion blue on the Note: Plate X will mate with plates Y and Z but
face of the plate Z which is to be scraped. Y and Z will not mate. All the three plates mate
only when all the three are flat.
Keep the faces of the plates X and Z together and rub the
plates back and forth against each other. Repeat the cycle a number of times till interchangeable,
flat, good bearing surfaces are achieved.
Observe the high spots on the plate Z and remove by
scraping (Figs 6 and 7) Clean all the plates with kerosene.
84 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.83 - 85
Pressure is exerted with other hand on the shank for
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.83 - 85 85
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exerise: 2.2.86 - 88
Fitter - Fitting Assembly
Vernier micrometer
46 divisions
3rd division
A Full mm division
visible before
the thimble edge = 1.00 x 9 = 9.00 mm
The value of 10 vernier divisions is
B Half mm division
.0 1 mm X 9 visible after the full mm
=.09 mm. divsion on barrel. = 0.5 x 1 = 0.50 mm
C Thimble division below
The value of a vernier division the index line = 46 X 0.01 = 0.46 mm
D Vernier division coinsiding
with thimble division = 3 X 0.001 = 0.003 mm
Reading = 9.963 mm
The least count = 1 thimble division – 1 Vernier division
= 0.01 – 0.009mm = .001 mm
Vernier micrometers are made of invar steel.
(Fig 3)
Reading a vernier micrometer (Fig 2)
Care and maintenance • Care should be taken while handling the micrometer
and not to drop on floor.
• Clean the circumference of the spindle and both
measuring faces with dry linen cloth regularly before • Recalibrate the vernier micrometer if it is accidently
use. droped.
• Clean and apply thin layer of oil on the spindle and • Store vernier micrometer in a ventilated place with low
measurring faces after the use. humidity and ideally at room temperature.
• Ensure that there is a gap between measuring faces,
when it is not in use.
Mechanical fasteners
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define mechanical fasteners
• classification of fasteners
• state the application of various fasteners & their uses.
Definition Uses
A mechanical fastener is a device that mechanically joins These types of fasteners are used for assembling two (or)
two (or) more components together easily and also can be more components together to make a sub-assembly (or) to
dismantled without damaging any components using hand make a full assembly.
tools (or) power tools.
Semi permanent fasteners
The fasteners like rivets are used to hold the plates (or)
According to the need and usage they are classified into steel sections firmly. The rivets are placed through the pre
three categories. drilled appropriate holes in parts to be joined (or)
assembled.By using rivet sets, the tail part of the shank is
- Temporary (or) removable fasteners formed into the head closing the hole.
- Semi permanent fasteners
The plates are held between the heads on cooling. Rivet is
- Permanent fasteners a cylindrical rod either carbon steel (or) wrought iron (or)
non-ferrous metal. It consists of a head and shank tapering
Temporary (or) removable fasteners at the end facilitating easy placement in the rivet holes.
During dismantling the rivets may be drilled to remove the
• The fasteners like bolts, nuts, screws, studs etc.,
plates already joined together without spoiling them. This
enable us to join two (or) more components easily and
process is a permanent as well as a semi-permanent in
also can be dismantled without damaging any component
nature. According to the head type the rivets are called
using hand tools (or) power tools.
snap head, pan head, countersunk head, flat head etc.
• The most common types of male fasteners used in
industry are hexagonal head, square head, flat (or) Uses
counters sunk head, round head, socket head (or) allen
head, button head and socket set screws etc. Rivets are used in ship building, bridge girders, structural
towers, goods wagons, boilers and heavy pressure vessels
• The most common types of female fasteners (ie nuts) industry and also for small scale applications too.
used in industry are regular hexagonal nut, square nut,
round nut and nylon ring elastic stop nuts etc.
88 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.86 - 88
Permanent fasteners Uses
To hold steel plates (or) structures together like goods
Arc welding, gas welding and brazing are the operations
wagon building, ship building, bridge structures assembling
used in industry during permanent fastening of components
etc. Sometimes before doing welding the components (or)
and structures. Once the arc welding, gas welding and
the parts hold together with temporary fasteners like bolts,
brazings has been done, the components (or) the structures
nuts, screws, rivets etc.
cannot be separated without damage, hence these type of
fastening is called permanent fastening.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.86 - 88 89
While measuring the screw thread, the holder with the one
wire is placed on the spindle of the micrometer and the
other holder with two wires is fixed on the anvil. (Fig 6)
Selection of ‘best wire’ (Fig 7): The best wire is the one
which, when placed in the thread groove, will make contact
at the nearest to the effective diameter. The selection of the
wire is based on the type of thread and pitch to be
measured. The selection of the wire can be calculated and
determined but readymade charts are available from which
the selection can be made.
90 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.86 - 88
Table 1
Measurement with measuring wires. Metric threads with coarse pitch (M)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.86 - 88 91
Table 2
Measurement with measuring wires. Metric threads with fine pitch (M)
Thread designation Basic measurement Measuring wire dia.mean Dimension over wire
d2 (mm) W1 (mm) M1 (mm)
92 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.86 - 88
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.2.89
Fitter - Fitting Assembly
Principle of working
The lever type dial test indicator (Fig 4) It has a stylus with a ball- type contact, operating in the
horizontal plane.
In the case of this type of dial test indicators, the
magnification of the movement is obtained by the This can be conveniently mounted on a surface gauge
mechanism of the lever and scroll. (Fig 5) stand, and can be used in places where the plunger type
dial test indicator application is difficult. (Fig 6)
94 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89
To compare the dimensions of a workpiece against a known
standard, eg.slip gauges.
Uses (Figure 7 shows few applications) - Magnetic stand with universal clamp
- Magnetic stand with flexible post
- General purpose holder with cast iron base.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89 95
96 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the principle of working of comparator gauges
• state the essential features of a good comparator gauge
• state the purpose of a comparator gauge.
• Should be compact.
• Maximum rigidity.
• Maximum compensation for temperature effects.
• No backlash in the movement of the plunger and
recording mechanism.
• Straight line characteristics of the scale readings. This is a simple and ingeneous design, giving a very high
magnification up to 25000 times (0.02 μ ie. 0.00002 mm.
• Most suitable measuring pressure which remains
least count) It is compact, robust and free from friction
uniform throughout the scale.
and backlash.
• Indicator should be consistent in its return to zero.
When the plunger moves up, the bell crank lever is tilted
• Method of indication should be clear and the pointer
and the twisting strip elongates. The helix angle in the
‘dead beat’ (ie. free from oscillations).
twisted strip reduces and this causes the pointer, which
• Should be able to withstand reasonable wrong usage. is fixed along the helix of the strip, to move to one side.
This movement is then read on the scale fitted behind
• Should have a wide range of operations.
it. When the plunger moves down, the entire process of
Principles of working movement is reversed and the pointer moves to the
opposite side and this reading is read against the scale.
The following principles are employed in the commonly
used comparator gauges. Sigma comparator (Fig 2)
• Mechanical
• Electronics
• Pneumatic
• Optical
Mechanical comparators
These are widely used and the familiar ones are the dial
indicator fitted to the comparator stand, microcator, sigma
comparator and red comparator.
Dial indicator fitted to the comparator stand.
Here, the plunger type dial indicator is used. The
magnification is achieved by a suitable combination of
gears, rack and pinion, steel band and levers. Generally
the magnification range is between 100 or 1000 (least
count 10 micron or 1 micron).
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89 97
This also gives a magnification of the same order as
the microcator. When the plunger moves up, the knife
edge resting on the sapphire bearing block also moves
up, causing an imbalance to the hinged block which, in
turn, causes the ‘Y’ arm to move down. The
phospher-bronze band drives the drum and causes the
pointer to move.
‘Red’ comparator
Electrical/Electronic comparator
These are power-amplified with a continuous analogue
output. The electronic comparator offers advantages
like widely adjustable magnification, electrical zero
adjustment, adding or subtracting signals from a number
of measuring heads, relay functions etc.
(Figs 4a and 4b)
98 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89
This comparator is fast, rigid, accurate and suitable for Optical comparator (Fig 7)
use on the shop floor especially in mass production.
As no mechanical contact exists between the gauge
unit and the measured surface, these are used where
other instruments are unsuitable. The air stream from
the measuring jet also has a cleaning effect on the
measuring surface.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89 99
Digital dial indicator
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define digital dial indicator.
The three-point internal micrometers (Fig 1) are useful for: - Measuring the diameters of through and blind holes.
- Checking cylindricity and roundness of bores.
100 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89
Three-point internal micrometers are available in different Depending on the depth of the bore the length of the
sizes permitting measurement within a range. micrometer cab be varied using an extension rod. (Fig 4)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.2.89 101
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.90
Fitter - Turning
During work
Specification of a lathe (Fig 1) The length of the bed. The length of the bed-ways.
The maximum length of work that can be turned between
The range of threads that can be cut. The capacity of the
lathe. The swing over carriage.
The value of each division on the graduated collars of the
cross-slide and compound slide.
Range of spindle speeds.
Range of feeds.
Size of the spindle bore.
Type of spindle nose.
A lathe is to be specified by the following.
The specifications help in communication between the seller
The maximum diameter of a work that can be held. and the buyer of the lathe.
The swing over bed. This is the perpendicular distance It helps the operator of the lathe to decide whether the
from the lathe axis to the top of the bed. work in hand can be accommodated for performing the
Constructional features of lathe
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the main parts of a lathe
• state the constructional features of lathe
• explain the principle of a lathe.
Centre lathe is a machine which is used to bring the raw to axis it produces cylindrical surface and when it rotates
material to the required shape and size by metal removal. at some angle, it produces taper surface.
This is done by feeding a cutting tool against the direction
of rotation of the work. Constructional features of a lathe
The machine tool on which turning is carried out is known A lathe should have provision :
as a lathe.
- To hold the cutting tool, and feed it against the direction
Lathe is a machine tool which holds the job in between of rotation.
the centre and rotates the job on its own axis. Due to this
- To have parts, fixed and sliding, to get a relative
quality of holding the job from the centre and rotating the
movement of the cutting tool with respect to the rotation
job, it is called centre lathe. Work can be held on a chuck
of the work.
and face plate. Chuck and face plate are mounted on the
front of spindle. Cutting tool is fed against work after holding - To have accessories and attachments for performing
it in the tool post firmly. The work rotates on it own axis different operations.
and tool is moved parallel to work. When tool moves parallel
The following are the main parts of a lathe. (Fig 1)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.90 103
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.91
Fitter - Turning
Lathe bed
A combined swarf and coolant tray is provided on lathes. Combination bed way (Figs 5a & 5b)
This may be an integral part with the lathe bed.
Normally the bed-ways stop at a distance away from the
The bed is generally made by cast iron or welded sheet headstock with a gap at this point. This enables to mount
metal legs of box section. This provides the necessary larger diameters of the work.
working height for the lathe. Very often the electrical switch
gear unit and the coolant pump assembly are housed in Some lathes have a detachable section of the bed, which
the box section of the legs at the headstock end. can be fitted when desired, to enable the saddle to operate
close to the headstock.
Bed-ways (Fig 2)
The bed-ways are highly finished by grinding. Some lathes
The bed-ways or slideways assist in accurate location have their bed-ways hand scraped. Some have their bed-
and sliding of the accessories/parts mounted on this. ways hardened and ground. The wear-resisting qualities
of bearing surfaces are improved by employing chilled iron
The beds are mostly made up of closely ground, grey
cast iron.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the function of the headstock
• differentiate between cone pulley headstock and all geared headstock.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.91 105
There may be two or more intermediate shafts on which back gear shaft is parallel to the axis of the main spindle.
sliding gears are mounted. The main spindle is the last The back gear is engaged or disengaged with the cone
driven shaft in the headstock assembly. The nose of the pulley system by means of a lever. The back gear unit is
spindle is outside the headstock casting, and is designed engaged for reducing the spindle speeds. (Fig 4)
to accommodate the work-holding devices.
The levers operating the forks for the sliding gears are
situated outside in front of the headstock casting.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the functions of a carriage
• name the parts of a carriage.
Carriage is the feature of a lathe that provides the method Apron (Fig 2)
of holding and moving the cutting tool. (Fig 1) It can be
The apron is bolted to the front of the saddle. It contains
locked at any desired position on the lathe bed. It
mechanism for moving and controlling the carriage. The
consists of two major parts namely, apron and saddle.
main parts of an apron are :
106 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.91
It is a 'H' shaped casting having 'V' guide grooves at the
bottom face, corresponding to the lathe bed-ways for
mounting on the lathe bed and for sliding.
Parts of a saddle
The cross-slide is mounted on the top of the saddle, and it
provides cross movement for the tool. This is fitted at
right angles to the bed and is moved by means of a screwed
spindle, fitted with a handle. A graduated collar, mounted
on the screw rod along with the hand wheel, helps to set
the fine movements of the cross- slide.
Compound rest
The compound rest is fitted on the top and to the front of
the cross-slide. The compound rest can be swivelled
horizontally through 360°.
Top slide
The top slide is fitted on the top of the compound rest. It
supports the tool post which holds the cutting tool. The
top slide provides a limited horizontal movement for the
cutting tool.
Saddle (Fig 3)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.91 107
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• list the parts of a tailstock
• state the uses of a tailstock
• explain the function of a tailstock.
a Base
b Body To hold cutting tools like drills, reamers, drill chucks
provided with taper shank. (Fig 3)
c Spindle (barrel)
d Spindle locking lever
e Operating screw rod
f Operating nut
g Tailstock hand wheel
h Key
i Set screw/set overscrew
j Clamping bolt
108 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.91
To turn external taper by offsetting the body of the tailstock
with respect to the base. (Fig 4)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.91 109
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.92
Fitter - Turning
The tumbler gear unit set of three gears, having the same
number of teeth and it connects the spindle gear to the
fixed gear. It is also called the reversing gear unit as it is
used to change the direction of feed of the tool for the
same direction of rotation of the spindle.It can be
engaged and disengaged with the fixed stud gear by the
operation of the hand lever provided in the unit. (Fig 2)
The feed shaft
The feed shaft gets its drive from the quick change gear
box, and through the apron mechanism, the rotary
movement of the feed shaft is converted into the linear
movement of the tool.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing : Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) : RT for Ex.No. 2.3.92 111
Compound gear train
The driver gear and the driven gear are changed according
to the pitch of the thread to be cut on the job.
112 Capital Goods & Manufacturing : Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) : RT for Ex.No. 2.3.92
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.93
Fitter - Turning
Holding the job between centre and work with catch plate and dog
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• preparing work for turning between centre
• to set the catch plate
• working with catch plate and dog
Turning work in-between centres avoids the need for truing Select a suitable lathe carrier according to the diameter of
the work. The work turned will be parallel through-out. But the work and fasten it on one end of the work with the bent
it requires great skill to perform operations especially like tail pointing outwards. (Fig 2)
knurling, thread cutting, undercutting. It is limited to
external operations only. The work needs the following
preparations to be carried out before the actual operations
are to be performed.
Face both sides of the work, and maintain the total length
accurately within limits.
Ensure that the spindle sleeve and live centre are free
from damages, burrs and are thoroughly cleaned before Work that has a finished surface should be protected by
assembly. inserting a small sheet of copper or brass between the
end of the screw in the carrier and the work. (Fig 3)
Check for the true running of the live centre. (Fig 1)
Clamp the tailstock in position by tightening the tailstock
clamp nut. (Fig 4)
Move the tail of the carrier back and forth. At the same
time adjust the hand wheel until only a slight resistance is
Engage the work-centre hole with the point of live centre felt.
and with the tail of the lathe carrier in the slot in the catch
plate. Hold the work in this position with hand. Tighten the tailstock spindle clamp at this position and
check that the resistance does not change. Set the
Ensure that the tail of the lathe carrier does not rest on machine for about 250 r.p.m. and allow the work to run for
the bottom of the slot in the driving plate. This will not a few seconds.
permit the centre entering the centre hole of the work for
Check once again for the resistance and adjust the
proper seating. (Fig 5)
tailstock spindle, if needed.
Advance the tailstock spindle by the hand wheel rotation Before holding the work in between centres ensure that
until the point of dead centre enters the centre hole of the the centres are aligned.
work with proper seating eliminating all endwise
movement. (Fig 6)
114 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.93
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.94
Fitter - Turning
This is an operation of removing metal from the work-
face by feeding the tool at right angles to the axis of the
work. (Fig 1)
Purpose of facing
A pip left in the centre
This is due to the tool not being set to the correct centre
height. By placing the tool to the centre height, this defect
can be avoided.
116 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.94
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.95
Fitter - Turning
Nomanclature of single point cutting tools and multi point cutting tools
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the types of cutting tool
• state the nomanclature of single point cutting tools
• state the nomanclaure of multi point cutting tools
Hand chasers and their uses
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is a hand chaser
• state the constructional features of a hand chaser
• state the uses of a hand chaser.
It is not possible to cut a full thread form with a single point - Internal thread chasers Fig 3
cutting tool as errors like improper crest flat, root radius and
profile etc are likely to occur. The same may be corrected
by using a tool known as a chaser. (Fig 1)
Constructional features
They are made up of a rectangular cross-section of tool
steel, hardened and tempered, and ground to correct size.
At the front, multi-point cutting teeth are formed with a
proper rake angle. On the other end it is narrower to fix the
handle. The teeth pitch corresponds to the thread pitch on
the work to be finished. The chasing rest must be kept
close up to the workpiece, so that the chaser cannot be
dragged down between the rest and the workpiece. (Fig 4)
Hand chasers
118 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.95
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.95 119
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.96
Fitter - Turning
Cutting tool materials - The total quantity of production and the rate of
Tool materials should be:
- The dimensional accuracy required and the quality of
- Harder and stronger than the material being cut surface finish.
- Tough to resist shock loads - The amount of coolant applied and method of
- Resistant to abrasion thus contributing to long tool
life. - Condition and form of material to be machined.
Cutting tool material should possess the following Grouping of tool material
The three groups under which tool materials fall are:
- Cold hardness
- Red hardness - ferrous tool materials
Red hardness These do not have iron, and they are formed by alloying
elements like tungsten, vanadium and molybdenum. Stellite
It is the ability of a tool material to retain most of its cold belongs to this group.
hardness property even at very high temperatures. While
machining, the friction between the tool and the work, the Carbides
tool and the chips, causes heat to be generated, and the
tool loses its hardness, and its efficiency to cut diminishes. These materials are also non-ferrous. They are
If a tool maintains its cutting efficiency even at increased manufacutred by powder metallurgy technique. Carbon and
temperatures during cutting, it can be said that it possesses tungsten are the chief alloying elements.
the red hardness property.
Non-metallic materials
These tool materials are made out of non metals.
The property to resist breakage due to sudden load that Ceramics and diamonds belong to this group.
results during metal cutting is termed as `toughness' This
will reduce the breakage of the cutting edges of tools. High carbon steel is the first tool material introduced for
manufacuring cutting tools. It has poor red hardness
The following factors are to be considered, when selecting property, and it loses its cutting efficiency very quickly.
a tool material. Alloying elements like tungsten, chromium and vanadium,
are used to produce high speed steel tool material. Its
- Material to be machined. red hardness property is more than that of high carbon
- Condition of the machine tool.(rigidity and efficiency)
High speed steel is used for making solid tools, brazed Brazed tools (Fig 3)
tools and inserted bits. It is costlier than high carbon
steel. Carbide cutting tools can retain their hardness at
very high temperatures, and their cutting efficiency is higher
than that of high speed steel. Due to its brittleness and
cost, a carbide tool cannot be used as a solid tool. It is
used as a brazed tool and throw away tool bit.
- Brazed type tools These tools are made up of two different metals. The
cutting portions of these tools are of cutting tool
- Inserted bits with holders materials, and the body of the tools do not possess any
- Throw-away type tools. (carbide) cutting ability, and are tough. Tungsten carbide tools are
mostly of the brazed type. Tungsten carbide bits of square,
Solid tools (Fig 1) rectangular and triangular shape are brazed to the tips of
the shank. The tips of the shank metal pieces are machined
on the top surface according to the shape of the fits so as
to accomodate the carbide bits. These tools are
economical, and give better rigidity for the tools than the
inserted bits clamped in the tool-holders. This is applicable
to high speed steel brazed tools also.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.96 121
- Facing tool (Figs 5a and 5b) - Broad nose finishing tool (Fig 9)
122 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.96
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.97
Fitter - Turning
This is also known as side cutting-edge angle. This is Top or back rake angle (Fig 4)
ground on the side of the cutting tool. The cutting will be
oblique while cutting. The angle ground may range from
25° to 40° but as a standard a 30° angle is normally
provided. The oblique cutting has the advantages over the
orthogonal cutting, in which the cutting edge is straight.
More depth of cut is given in the case of oblique cutting,
since, when the tool is fed to the work, the contact
surface of the tool increases gradually as the tool
advances, whereas in the case of the orthogonal cutting,
The rake angle ground on a tool controls the geometry of
the length of the cutting edge for the given depth fully
chip formation. Thereby, it controls the cutting action of
contacts the work from the begining itself which gives a
the tool. The top or back rake angle of the tool is ground
sudden maximum load on the tool face. The area over
on the top of the tool, and it is a slope formed between the
which heat is distributed is greater in oblique cutting.
front of the cutting edge and the top of the face. If the
(Fig 2)
slope is from the the front towards the back of the tool, it
is known as a positive top rake angle, and if the slope is
from the back of the tool towards the front of the cutting
edge, it is known as a negative back rake angle. (Fig 5)
When turning hard metals with carbide tools, it is the usual It is the slope between the front of the cutting edge to a
practice to give a negative top rake. Negative top rake line perpendicular to the axis of the tool drawn downwards
tools have more strength than tools with positive top rake which is known as the front clearance angle. The slope is
angles. from the top to the bottom of the tool, and permits only the
cutting edge to contact the work, and avoids any rubbing
Side rake angle (Fig 6) action. If the clearance ground is more, it will weaken the
cutting edge.
Fig 8
124 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.97
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.98
Fitter - Turning
πdn 1000V
V = n=
1000 πxD
1000x25 500
= = 159pm
3.14x50 3.14
- Finish required
- Depth of cut
- Tool geometry
When a work of a diameter 'd' is turned in one revolution
the length of the portion of work in contact with the tool is - Properties and rigidity of the cutting tool and its
x d. When the work is making 'n' rev/min, the length of mounting.
the work in contact with the tool is x D x n. This is
converted into metres and expressed in a formula form as - Properties of the workpiece material
Feed (Fig 3)
The feed of the tool is the distance it moves along the
V = cutting speed in m/min. work for each revolution of the work and it is expressed in
= 3.14
The factors governing the feed are:
d = diameter of the work in mm.
- Tool geometry
n = RPM.
- Surface finish required on work
When more material is to be removed in lesser time, a - Rigidity of the tool.
higher cutting speed is needed. This makes the spindle
to run faster but the life of the tool will be reduced due to Rate of metal removal
more heat being developed. The recommended cutting
speeds are given in a chart. As far as possible the The volume of metal removal is the volume of chip that is
recommended cutting speeds are to be chosen from the removed from the work in one minute, and it is found by
chart and the spindle speed calculated before performing multiplying the cutting speed, feed rate and the depth of
the operation. (Fig 2) Correct cutting speed will provide cut.
normal tool life under normal working condition.
Cutting speed 30 m / min Length of metal passing Calculated
over cutting tool in one revolution RPM of spindle
Fig 2
25 mm ----------------78.56 mm 1528
50 mm ----------------157.12 mm 764
75 mm ----------------235.68 mm 509.3
Table 1
Cutting speeds and feeds for H.S.S tool
Material being Feed Cutting speed
turned mm/rev m/min
Aluminium 0.2-1.00 70-100
For super HSS tools the feeds should remain the same,
but cutting speeds could be increased by 15% to 20%.
The feed is selected to suit the finish required and the rate
of metal removal.
When carbide tools are used, 3 to 4 times higher cutting
speed to that required for H.S.S. tools may be chosen.
126 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.98
Comparison of HSS and Carbide Tools
• Ferrous tool material have iron as their • Non-Ferrous tool material do not have iron.
chief constituent.
• Alloying tungstan, chromism and • Carbide cutting tools can retain their
vanadium to high carbon steel, high speed hardness at very high temperature that of
steel tool material is produced. high speed steel.
• Cutting speed is low. • Cutting speed is high.
• Solid tool. • It is a brazed tool bit and throw away
tool bit die to brittleness.
• Cost low. • Cost high.
- Lubricates the chip / tool interface and reduces the - To prevent the formation of chip welding.
tool wear due to friction - To give a good cutting efficiency to the tool.
- Prevents chip welding - To give a good surface finish on the job.
- Improves the surface finish of the workpiece - To act as a lubricant for the tool and the machine.
- Flushes away the chips
The different types of cutting fluids are:
- Prevents corrosion of the work and the machine.
- Soluble mineral oils
A good cutting fluid should have the following
properties. - Straight mineral oils
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.98 127
Cutting fluids - Types and Characteristics Lard oils
Soluble mineral oils Lard oils are usually blended with mineral oils to prevent
deterioration, reduce cost and destroy the objectionable
They are made from mineral oils with emulsifying material odour. For machining under extreme conditions, they are
added to make for mixing with water. Soluble oil is diluted an excellent lubricant.
with water to form an emulsion. The water cools whilst
the oil lubricates. The extent of dilution depends upon the Sulphurised oils
type of operation.
To suit extreme cutting conditions of modern tools
Straight mineral oils sulphurised oils have been devised. The addition of sulphur
improves performance on difficult operations. Its lubricating
They are purely mineral oils. Lighter oils are used when property prevents the welding of chip on to the tool.
cooling and lubrication are required. Heavier oils are used
when lubrication is mainly essential. They are used on Coolants (Cutting fluids) plan an important role in
automats. They protect the machine parts and workpieces reducing the wear of cutting tools.
from rusting.
128 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.98
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of using lubricants
• state the properties of lubricants
• state the qualities of a good lubricant.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.98 129
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.99
Fitter - Turning
- Back plate
The four jaw chuck is also called as independent chuck,
since each jaw can be adjusted independently; work can - Body
be trued to within 0.001" or 0.02mm accuracy, using this
- Jaws
- Square threaded screw shaft.
This type of chuck is much more heavily constructed than
the self-centering chuck, and has much greater holding Back plate
power. Each jaw is moved independently by a square thread
screw. The jaws are reversible for holding large diameter The back plate is fastened to the back of the body by
jobs. The independent 4 jaw chuck has four jaws, each means of Allen screws. It is made out of cast iron/steel.
working independently of the others in its own slot in the Its bore is tapered to suit the taper of the spindle nose. It
chuck body and actuated by its own separate square has a key way which fits into the key provided on the
threaded screw. By suitable adjustment of the jaws, a spindle nose. There is a step in front and on which the
workpiece can be set to run either true or eccentric as thread is cut. A threaded collar, which is mounted on the
required. spindle, locks the chuck by means of the thread, and
locates by means of the taper and key. Some chucks do
To set the job for the second time, it can be trued with the not have back plates.
help of a dial test indicator.
Body (Fig 1)
The check on the workpiece should be carried out near
the chuck and repeated as far from it as the workpiece The body is made out of cast iron/cast steel and the face
permits, to ensure that the work is not held in the chuck is flame-hardened. It has four openings at 90° apart to
at an angle to the axis of rotation. assemble the jaws and operate them. Four screw shafts
are fixed on the periphery of the body by means of finger
The independent adjustment also provides the facility of pins. The screw is rotated by means of a chuck key. The
deliberately setting the work off-centre to produce an body, hollow in the cross-section, has equi-spaced
eccentric workpiece. (Fig 2) circular rings provided on the face, which are marked by
numerical numbers. Number 1 starts in the middle, and
increases towards the periphery.
Jaws (Fig 1) Screw shaft (Fig 1)
Jaws are made out of high carbon steel. hardened and The screw shaft is made out of high carbon steel, hardened,
tempered, which slide on the openings of the body. These tempered and ground. The top portion of the screw shaft
jaws are reversible for holding hollow work. is provided with a square slot to accommodate the chuck
key. On the body portion, a left hand square thread is cut.
The back side of the jaws are square-threaded which
In the middle of the screw shaft, a narrow step is made
help in fixing the jaws with the operating screws.
and held by means of finger pins. The finger pins permit
the screws to rotate but not to advance.
3 jaw chuck
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• identify the parts of a 3 jaw chuck
• state the constructional features of a 3 jaw chuck
• distinguish between a 3 jaw chuck and a 4 jaw chuck
• state the merits and demerits of a 4 jaw chuck over a 3 jaw chuck
• specify a chuck.
Body (Fig 1)
The parts of a 3 jaw chuck are: The crown wheel is made out of alloy steel, hardened and
tempered. On one side of the crown wheel, a scroll thread
- Back plate is cut to operate the jaws, and the other side is tapered on
which bevel gear teeth are cut to mesh with the pinion.
- Body
When the pinion is rotated by means of a chuck key, the
- Jaws crown wheel rotates, thus causing the jaws to move inward
- Crown wheel and or outward, depending upon the rotation .
- Pinion.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.99 131
Pinion (Fig 1) top of the pinion a square slot is provided to
accommodate the chuck key. It has a tapered portion on
Pinion is made out of high carbon steel, hardened and which bevel gear teeth are cut, which match with the crown
tempered. It is fitted on the periphery of the body. On the wheel.
Only cylindrical, hexagonal work can be held. A wide range of regular and irregular shapes can
be held.
Internal and external jaws are available. Jaws are reversible for external and internal holding.
Workpieces cannot be set for eccentric turning. Workpieces can be set for eccentric turning.
Concentric circles are not provided on the face. Concentric circles are provided which help for
approximate setting of jaws.
Accuracy decreases as the chuck gets worn out. There is no loss of accuracy as the chuck gets
worn out.
132 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.99
Method of cleaning the thread of the chuck mounting
Objective: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the uses of thread cleaner.
Before mounting
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.99 133
Turn on the power to the motor. Switch off the motor.
Switch on the motor. Hence the chuck on the wooden board or cradle and slide
it close to the spindle nose.
Engage the clutch lever.
Turn the spindle by hand until the key on the spindle nose
The chuck would now begin revolving. lines up with the keyway in the chuck.
Check that the diameter and face of the chuck are running Set the speed-change lever to the slowest speed.
true by observing the surfaces.
Push the chuck on to the spindle and turn the locking ring
Mounting chuck on to the threaded spindle (Fig 3) anticlockwise. (Fig 4)
The spanner should fit around the top of the locking ring
with the handle pointing downwards. Grip the end of the
handle with one hand and firmly strike the other end with
the other hand in an anticlockwise direction. This would
securely tighten the locking ring. (Fig 5)
The chuck should easily screw into the spindle. If any Mounting on a cam-lock spindle (Fig 6)
resistance is felt, remove the chuck and check that the
threads are clean and not damaged.
134 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.99
Switch off the motor.
Hold the chuck in position when fitting nuts.
Place the chuck on a wooden board or cradle and slide it
close to the spindle nose. Disengage the clutch to permit Tighten the nuts in an anticlockwise direction using a
free rotation of the spindle. Insert the correct chuck key spanner on the opposite nuts.
into a cam-locking screw on the spindle.
Dismounting chucks from a threaded spindie (Fig 9)
Turn each cam-locking screw so that the registration line
is vertical or aligns with the corresponding line on the
spindle. Turn the spindle by hand until the clearance holes
on the spindle align with the cam-lock studs on the chuck.
Switch off the motor. Set the speed change lever to the
slowest speed. Place a solid wooden block between one
of the chuck jaws and the rear of the lathe-bed.
The length of the wooden block should be slightly less
than the centre height of the lathe.
Turn the lathe spindle clockwise by hand to loosen the
chuck from the spindle nose.
Remove the wooden block. Place the wooden board or
cradle on the lathe-bed. Unscrew the chuck from the
spindle. Clean and store the chuck (Fig 10)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.99 135
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.100
Fitter - Turning
Face plate
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the types of face plate
• state the uses of face plates
The different types of face plates are: - Face plates with elongated radial slots and additional
parallel slots. (Fig 3)
- Face plates with only elongated radial slots (Fig 1)
The application of the face plate with accessories in different
set ups is shown in the sketches below.
(Figs 4, 5 & 6)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.100 137
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.101
Fitter - Turning
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the drilling process done in a lathe
• state the methods of holding the drill in the tail stock.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.102
Fitter - Turning
• Regrinding is easy.
• Alignment is easy.
• Mounting and removal is easy.
Square and round tool bits made from HSS are inserted
and fixed in the boring bar. The inserts can be set at an
angle of 30°, 45° or 90° in the bar. It is used for heavier
cuts than those made by the solid boring tool.
Types of boring tools For plain boring, the inserts are set square to the axis of
the bar. For facing the shoulder, or threading up to the
Solid forged tools shoulder, the inserts are set at an angle.
Solid forged boring tool is made from HSS with the end Boring bars used are of two types. (Fig 4)
forged and ground. It resembles a left hand turning tool
and the operation is performed from right to left. There are
• Plain boring bar
two types, solid boring tool (Fig 2) and solid forged bar in
a tool-holder (Fig 3). They are used for light duty and on • End cap boring bar
small diameter holes.
• Used for heavy duty boring operations.
• Tool changing is faster.
• Low cost
• Boring tools can either be set square or at an angle
140 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.102
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise: 2.3.103
Fitter - Turning
Tool setting
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• set the tool in the tool post for performing the operation.
For optimum cutting, the effective rake angle and clearance Shims must be flushed with the edge of the seating face.
angle of the clamped tool must be equal to the ground
angles of the tool. This requires clamping of the tool to Place the tool in the tool post on the shims, with the rear
have its axis perpendicular to the lathe axis, with the tool butting against the wall of the seating face. (Fig 3)
tip at the workpiece centre. (Fig 1)
Remove or add shims and check the height when the tool
is tightened by the centre screw.
- Rough turning, using roughing tool or knife tool. It is done, after the rough turning is completed to bring the
(Fig 2 ) size of the work to the required accuracy and good
surface finish by removing the rough marks produced by
the rough turning. For finish turning, the speed is higher
(1 to 2 times more than for rough turning) and the feed is
very less. A round nose finish turning tool or a knife with a
larger nose radius than normal is used for finish turning.
142 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.103
Step turning
Objective: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define step turning
Step turning
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state what is grooving
• name the types of grooves
• state the specific uses of each type of groove.
Square grooves are frequently cut at the end of a section Round groove
to be threaded in order to provide a channel into which a
threading tool may run. A square groove cut against a Round grooves serve the same purpose as square grooves.
shoulder allows a matching part to fit squarely against the They are generally used on parts subjected to stress. The
shoulder. (Fig 1) round groove eliminates the sharpness of the square
corners and strengthens the part at the point where it tends
to fracture. A tool bit with a round nose ground to the
required radius is used to cut round grooves. (Fig 2)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.103 143
A tool bit ground to the desired angle is used to cut a
shallow ‘V’ groove. Larger ‘V’ grooves such as those found
on pulleys should be cut with the lathe compound rest to
form each face of the groove individually.
144 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.103
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.104
Fitter - Turning
Tool post
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the commonly used types of tool posts
• compare the features of different types of tool posts.
The tool post holds and firmly supports the tool or tools. It consists of a circular tool post body and a pillar with a
The tool post is fitted on the top slide. (Fig 1) slot for accommodating the tool or tool-holder. A ring base,
a rocker arm (boat piece) and a tool clamping screw
complete the assembly of this type of tool post.
The tool is positioned on the boat piece and clamped.
The centre height of the tool tip can be adjusted with the
help of the rocker arm and the ring base. Only one tool
can be fixed in this type of tool post. The rigidity of the tool
is less as it is clamped with only one bolt.
Quick change tool post (Fig 4) Modern lathes are provided with this type of tool posts.
Instead of changing the tools, the tool holder is changed
in which the tool is fixed. This is expensive and requires a
number of tool-holders. But it can be set to the centre
height easily, and has the best rigidity for the tool.
146 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.104
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.105
Fitter - Turning
Knurling (Fig 1)
This is done by a convex knurl on a concave surface. This Single roller knurling tool-holder (Fig 8)
is done only by plunging the tool. The tool should not be
moved longitudinally. The length of the knurling is limited
to the width of the roller.
Knurling can be done in three grades. This tool holder has a set of two rollers of the same knurling
pitch. The rollers may be of straight teeth or helical teeth.
Coarse knurling, Medium knurling and Fine knurling It is self-centering.
Coarse knurling is done by using coarse pitched knurls of Revolving head knurling tool (Fig 10)
1.75 mm pitch. (14 TPI)
148 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.105
Difference between different types of knurling tool-holders
Only one roller is used A pair of rollers are used Three pairs of rollers are used
Only one pattern of knurling can be Cross of diamond knurling pattern Knurling patterns of different
produced with this type of knurling can be produced pitches can be produced
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.105 149
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.106
Fitter - Turning
Standard tapers
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define a taper
• state the uses of tapers
• state the method of expressing tapers
• state the methods to be adopted while specifying tapers
• distinguish between the features of self-holding and self-releasing tapers
• name the different types of self-holding tapers and state their features
• state the features of self-releasing tapers
• state the features of pin taper and keyway taper.
Definition of Taper
- Self-alignment/location of components in an
- Assembling and dismantling parts easily.
- Transmitting drive through assembly.
The method adopted for expressing tapers depends on:
Standard tapers
- The steepness of the tapers
- The method adopted for measuring. Tapers for tool-holding
Specification of tapers Two types of tapers are used for tool-holding on machines.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.106 151
Spindle noses and arbors used on milling machines are
usually provided with self-releasing tapers. The standard
self-releasing taper is 7/24. This is a steep taper which
helps in the correct location and release of the components
in the assembly. This taper does not drive the mating
component in the assembly. For the purpose of driving,
additional features are provided.
Morse taper
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
152 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.106
This taper is 1:100. This taper is used on keys and
keyways. (Figs 14 and 15)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.106 153
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.107
Fitter - Turning
Screw thread
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define screw thread
• state the use of screw thread.
Square, worm, buttress and acme threads
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• identify square thread and specify its uses
• state the relationship between the pitch and the other elements of square threads
• identify the modified square thread and its applications
• identify the different forms of trapezoidal threads and their uses
• state the relationship between the pitch and the other elements of all the different forms of trapezoidal
Square and trapezoidal threads have more cross-sectional Modified square threads are similar to ordinary square
area than ‘V’ threads. They are more suitable to transmit threads except for the depth of the thread. The depth of
motion or power than ‘V’ threads. They are not used for thread is less than half pitch of the thread. The depth
fastening purposes. varies according to the application. The crest of the thread
is chamfered at both ends to 45° to avoid the formation of
Square thread burrs. These threads are used where quick motion is
In this thread the flanks are perpendicular to the axis of
the thread. The relationship between the pitch and the Trapezoidal threads
other elements is shown in Fig 1.
These threads have a profile which is neither square nor
‘V’ thread form and have a form of trapezoid. They are
used to transmit motion or power. The different forms of
trapezoidal threads are:
- Acme thread
- Buttress thread
- Saw-tooth thread
- Worm thread.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.107 155
Acme threads are used in lathe lead screws. This form of
thread enables the easy engagement of the half nut. The
metric acme thread has an included angle of 30°. The
relationship between the pitch and the various elements
is shown in the figure.
Buttress thread (Fig 3)
H1 = 0.75 P
h3 = H1 + ac = 0.867 77 P
This is a modified form of the buttress thread. Figure 4 a = 0.1 P (axial play)
shows the various elements of the buttress thread. The
bearing flank is inclined by 7° as per B.I.S. and the other ac = 0.117 77 P
flank has a 45° inclination.
Saw-tooth thread as per B.I.S. 4696 W = 0.263 84 P
156 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.107
S = 0.314 99 Ao, where Ao = basic deviation (= upper The linear pitch of the worm thread must be equal to the
deviation) for external thread in the pitch diameter. circular pitch of the worm gear. When the worm gear is of
D.P. then the linear pitch of the worm thread in mesh is
Worm thread equal to p/DP. When the worm gear is of module teeth,
then the linear pitch of the worm thread is equal to module
This is similar to acme thread in shape but the depth of x p. In some of the lathes, a chart illustrates the position
thread is more than that of acme thread. This thread is of levers of the quick change gearbox together with the
cut on the worm shaft which engages with the worm wheel. change gear connections for cutting D.P. or module worm
Figure 8 shows the elements of a worm thread. threads.
Knuckle threads
The shape of the knuckle thread is not trapezoidal but it
has a rounded shape. It has limited application. The
figure shows the form of knuckle thread. It is not sensitive
against damage as it is rounded. It is used for valve
spindles, railway carriage couplings, hose connections
etc. (Fig 9)
The worm wheel and worm shaft are used in places where
motion is to be transmitted between shafts at right angles.
It also gives a high rate of speed reduction. The worm
wheel is generally cut by diametral pitch (D.P) or module
pitch cutters. Diametral pitch (D.P) is the ratio between
the number of teeth to the pitch diameter (P.D.) of the
gear. Module is the ratio between the pitch diameter of the
gear and the number of teeth of the gear.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.107 157
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.108
Fitter - Turning
Derivation of the formula for change gears When the job rotates once, the lead screw should make
one revolution to move the tool by 4 mm. Hence, if the stud
Example gear (Driver) has a 50 teeth wheel, the lead screw should
CASE 1 : To cut 4 mm pitch (lead) thread on the job in a be fixed with a gear of 50 teeth (Driven) to get the same
lathe having a lead screw of 4 mm pitch. number of revolutions as the spindle. (Fig 3)
CASE 2 : To cut 2 mm pitch threads instead of 4 mm in Stating the above in a formula,
the same lathe.
When the job makes one rotation, the lead screw should
rotate 1/2 revolution so that the lead screw rotation is
slower. Therefore, the driven wheel (lead screw gear) Solved examples
should be of 100 teeth if the driver (stud gear) is of 50 teeth.
(Fig 4) 1 Find the change gears required to cut a 3 mm pitch on
a job in a lathe, having a lead screw of 6 mm pitch.
(Fig 6)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.108 159
3 Calculate the gears required to cut a 1.5 mm pitch in a
lathe having a lead screw of 5 mm pitch. (Fig 8)
160 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.108
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.3.109
Fitter - Turning
Thread chasing dial The number of teeth on the worm gear is the product of
the number of threads per inch on the lead screw and the
To catch the thread quickly and to save manual labour, number of numbered divisions on the dial.
use of a chasing dial is very common during thread cutting
by a single point cutting tool. A thread chasing dial is an Each numbered division represents 1 inch travel of the
accessory. carriage.
Constructional details (Fig 1) Let the worm wheel have 16 teeth, and the lead screw 4
TPI. The number of numbered graduations and unnumbered
graduations are 4 each.
Threads per inch to be cut Dial graduation at which the half nut can Reading on the dial illustrated
be engaged to catch the thread
Threads which are a multiple Engage at any position the half nut Use of dial unnecessary.
of the number of threads meshes.
per inch of the lead screw.
The predetermined travel of 1/4" is represented by the dial position in the exact middle between any numbered division
and adjacent un-numbered division. The half nut engagement can be done at any position at which it can be engaged
(ie. 16 positions).
Referring to the dial is not necessary.
The predetermined travel of 1/2" is represented by dial movement from any numbered division to the next adjacent
unnumbered division. The half nut can be engaged when any numbered or unnumbered graduation coincides with the
zero line (8 positions).
The predetermined travel of 1" is represented by the dial movement from any numbered division to the next numbered
division or from any unnumbered division to the next unnumbered division. Therefore, if the first cut is taken when a
numbered division of the dial coincides with zero, then the half nut engagement for successive cuts can be done when
any numbered division coincides with the zero mark. If the first cut is taken when an unnumbered division coincides with
the zero, then the half nut for successive cuts, is engaged when any unnumbered division coincides with the zero.
(4 positions)
162 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.109
Half fractional number Engage at every other 1&3
of threads main division. or
2 positions
The half nut can be engaged only at opposite numbered or unnumbered graduations (2 positions).
The half nut can be engaged to catch the thread only when the same numbered or unnumbered graduated line, at which
the first cut is taken, coincides with the zero line (1 position only).
The half nut engaged for the first cut should remain at the engaged position till thread cutting is completed and the machine
is reversed as it takes a long time to cover the predetermined travel arrived at by calculation.
The half nut engaged for the first cut should remain at the engaged position till thread cutting is completed and the machine
is reversed as it takes a long time to cover the predetermined travel arrived at by calculation.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.109 163
Centre gauge
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define centre gauge
• write the uses of centre gauge.
Centre gauge: (Fig 1) In the image, the gauge on the left is called a fishtail gauge
or centre gauge, and the one on the right is another style
of center gauge.
When the tool bit has been ground to the correct angle,
they may then be used to set the tool perpendicular to the
164 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.109
Check the thread formation with a pitch gauge.
Start the machine and allow the tool to cut the thread.
(Fig 6)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.109 165
Cutting an internal thread
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• tool setting to cut an internal thread.
Drill and bore the job to the core diameter of the thread to
required length/through hole.
For a blind hole, cut a recess at the end of the bore enough
to permit the cutting tool to clear thread.
Ensure that the boring bar does not foul anywhere on the
Chamfer the front end to 2x45°. Reverse the cross slide until the tool point just touches
the bore.
Set the compount rest at 29° to cut 60° included angle as
shown in Fig 2. Set the cross-slide and compount slide graduated collars
to zero.
Ensure that the tool should not touch the thread in both
side of the bore.
When cutting tool comes out of the bore stop the machine.
Set the gear box levers to the required pitch.
Give the depth of cut and run the machine in forward
Fix the correctly ground threading tool in a boring bar. direction. Similarly finish the thread until final depth is
Fix the boring bar parallel to the lathe centre line and set
the point of the cutting tool to lie on the centre. Check the finished thread with a thread plug gauge or a
threaded bolt.
Align the cutting tool with a help of centre gauge as shown
in Fig 3.
166 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.109
Screw pitch gauge (Refer Related theory for 2.1.68-69)
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of a screw pitch gauge
• state the features of a screw pitch gauge.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.3.109 167
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.110
Fitter - Basic Maintenance
Quality Autonomous Maintenance
The third portion of the equation measures the number of Autonomous Maintenance put simply is the restoration
good parts produced compared to the total number of parts and preventionof accelerated deterioration and has a major
made. For example if 100 parts are made and 95 of them positive effect on OEE. It is a step by step improvement
are good, the quality is 95% (95/100). process, rather than production teams taking on
maintenance tasks.
Combining the above example into the OEE equation the
OEE is
• Understanding the equipment functions and safety
OEE = 75% x 80% x 95% = 57% risks.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.110 169
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.111
Fitter - Basic Maintenance
Routine maintenance
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the need for routine maintenance
• describe the functions of routine maintenance
• state the advantages of routine maintenance.
All the above maintenance operations are carried out while Planned maintenance has some advantages over condition-
the machine is running or during pre-planned shutdowns. based maintenance (CBM), such as:
This type of maintenance may prevent breakdown of • Easier planning of maintenance and ordering spares.
• Costs are distributed more evenly.
Routine maintenance should not interfere with production • No initial costs for instruments used for supervision of
schedules. equipment.
Maintenance schedule
Objective: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• describe the normal procedure followed in machine tool maintenance in shop floor.
- Trial run Inspection and replacement/ repair of spares
- Inspection with standards
The damaged or broken spares are procured from stores/
- Maintaining records repaired and the same is inspected to the standards.
Main machine, connected accessories, lubrication system, The next course of action is assembling the parts in reverse
panels and adjacent parts are to be cleaned first. manner of dismantling order.
The fault of the machine is to be identified by visual After completion of assembling the machine is to run first
inspection and getting information from the complaint and manually and all the lubrication, electrical connection to
justified the same. be given. Finally the machine should run on is trial run for
some time and observed for any unusual sound from the
Dismantling machine.
The fault area is dismantled with the referring to the manual Inspection with standards
and all the spares are kept seperate in a tray and preserved
safely. The machine is finally checked/inspected for geometry
accuracy safety hazards etc., according to the
Inspection manufacturer standard any other recommended standard
as required by the nature of maintenance work carried.
All the dismantled parts such as gear, bearing, shaft, key,
etc. are cleaned and inspected for any damages. Any Maintaining records
damages/breakage is recorded in the maintenance
checklist. All the activities related to fault attended, spares changed,
etc. to be recorded in the inspection report/maintenance
Identification of cause for defect record, machine history cards suitably for future reference.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.111 171
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.112
Fitter - Basic Maintenance
Preventive maintenance
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the need for preventive maintenance
• describe the functions of the P M department
• state the advantages of P M
• state the advantages of maintenance records and periodic inspection of machines.
The machine tools are of high precision, and are sensitive - Periodic inspection of machines and equipments as
and expensive. per the ‘Check- lists’. (Annexure I)
- Lubrication of machines and equipments as per the
They must be handled and maintained carefully in order to
manufacturer’s instruction manuals.
give good and long service.
- Servicing and overhauling of machine and equipment
The basic function of the maintenance department is the as per the P M schedule.
upkeep of the machines and equipments in good operating
- Keeping basic records of each machine and equipment.
(Annexure II)
Earlier the maintenance of the equipment used to receive - Analysis of inspection reports and systematic review
attention only when the equipment suffered some set-back of reports of machines and equipments.
or breakdown as a result of some minor/major fault. Such
breakdowns not only brought a serious production Periodic inspection of machines and equipments as
hold-up but also used to upset the production flow of the per the check-list
industry where the other equipment also had to stand
idle. This resulted in a more cautious approach to the The check-list items for the inspector about all the points
maintenance of the equipment and this brought up the to be checked on individual machines. While preparing
more scientific way of tackling the maintenance problem, the check-list of the machine, make sure that no machine
through preventive maintenance. (P M) part or item that is omitted needs attention. The inspection
of machine tools like lathe and drilling machine includes
Preventive maintenance the following.
Preventive maintenance consists of a few engineering - Driving system and feeding system
activities which help to maintain the machine tools in good
- Lubricating and coolant system
working order.
- Slides and wedges and gibs
The basic activities of preventive maintenance are the:
- Belts, bearings, clutch, brake and operating controls
- Periodic inspection of machines and equipments to - Guideways, lead screws and their mating parts
uncover conditions leading to production breakdowns
or harmful depreciation After inspection of each machine, the inspector has to
make out the list of parts which need repairs or spares for
- Upkeep of machines and equipments to avoid such
conditions or to adjust, repair or replace them while
they are still in the initial stages. Frequency of inspection
Advantages of preventive maintenance system The frequency of inspection depends on the age, kind of
- Less down time in production. machine and its operating conditions. Frequent inspection
of machines and equipment may be expensive and
- Improves quantity and quality of product.
frequency with long intervals may result in more
- Standby equipment is not needed which saves capital breakdowns. A good balance is needed to bring optimum
investment. savings.
- Lower unit cost of manufacture.
- Reduces major and repetitive repairs of machines.
- P.M. helps in prolonging the life of the machines
and reduction in un-expected breakdowns.
Lubrication of machines and equipments Keep a detailed record of faults, failures, repairs and
replacements done for machines. It is useful to analyse
The length of time a machine will retain its accuracy and
the cause of a fault and rectification.
give satisfactory service depends on the lubrication and
care it receives. It is essential that lubrication of machines Maintenance records analysis
should be carried out systematically at regular intervals
Systematic review and regular analysis of the equipment
as recommended in the service manual supplied by the
records will help to:
machine manufacturer.
- Re-design the weak part which gives repetitive trouble
The manufacturer’s manual contains all the necessary
details like grade of oil, grease, oiling and greasing points - Substitute with better material for high cost items
and also indicates the time intervals of lubrication. - Minimise frequent breakdowns
Maintenance records (Annexure III) - Reduce the cost of production.
Keep a detailed record of faults, failures, repairs and
replacements done for machines. It is useful to analyse
Inspect the following items and tick in the appropriate column and list the remedial measures for the defective
Bearing sound
Exposed gears
Lubrication system
Coolant system
Electrical controls
Safety gaurds
Inspected by
Name :
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.112 173
Description of equipment:
Manufacturers’ address:
Supplier’s address:
Date of commissioning:
Bearings/Spares record:
Belt specification:
Lubrication details:
174 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.112
Annexure III
Sl.No Name of the machine Nature of fault rectified Date Signature of in-charge
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.112 175
Difference between breakdown maintenance and preventive maintenance
5 Not suitable for equipments like cranes, hoists, Can be applied to all types of equipments
pressure vessels
6 Results in production loss and more “Down time” Such disadvantages are eliminated
The oldest maintenance approach is reactive. Equipment The importance use of routine maintenance is to ensure
is not repaired or replaced until it breaks. In this that all equipment required for production is operating at
maintenance equipment fails with little or no warning so 100% efficiency at all times. Through short daily
this could be down until replacement parts arrive, resulting inspections, cleaning, lubricating and making small
in income loss. In this maintenance cost and down time adjustment small problems can be detected and corrected
increased and also create safety issues. Reactive before they become major problem that can shutdown a
maintenance can be suitable in some situation such as production line. A good maintenance program requires
for non critical and low cost equipment with little or no risk company wide participation and support by everyone
of capital loss or production loss. ranging from the top executive to the shop floor personel.
176 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.112
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.113
Fitter - Basic Maintenance
Manual is one of the integral and necessary literary part Inspection is necessary for any machine/equipment where
that the operator has to know before handling and remarkable risk to health and safety may arise from wrong
operationg the machine. It will be provided by true installation, re-installation or any other circumstances. The
manufacturer along with the supply of the machine. purpose of inspection is to find whether machine can be
operated, adjusted and maintained safely. The need for
Manual furnish all information about the machine like size inspection and inspection intervals to be determined
of the machine, foundation and errection method, safety through risk assessment.
procedure to be followed, operating procedure and
periodical maintenance required. The summary of inspection should be recorded and same
should be kept atleast until the next inspection of that
The machine manual will also provide about the required machine. Machine/equipment that required inspection
power supply, safety precaution grade of lubrication oil to should not be used unless the machine has been
be used etc., availability of suitable spare parts and details inspected.
of dealer/supplier has to be provided in the manual
otherwise use of any other parts will not suit and the If the machine/equipment obtained from any other source
machine will get damaged. (eg. hired). One should be ensure that physical evidence
of last inspection is accompanied with the machine, such
We have to refer and follow manual if any problem/defects as inspection report, some form of tagging, labelling system
arises during operation of the machine. or colour coding.
The manual will also provide the brand and type of tools Function of Inspection in maintenance
that can be used, time period/life of the tools to be replaced
based on the usage and periodical inspection to be carried 1 Periodic inspection of machines and equipments as
out. per checklist (Annexure 1)
2 Keeping basic records of each machine & equipments.
In general manual to provide information right from starting
of the machine, operating method of machine and stopping 3 Preparation of list which need for repairs (or) spare for
the machine, incase of emergency to stop the machine. replacements.
4 Analysis of inspection report and systematic review of
reports of machines/equipments.
5 Assigning of frequency of inspection.
Annexure I
Name of the machine : Location of the machine :
Machine No :
Model No :
Inspect the following items and tick in the appropriate column and list the measures for the defective items.
Conclusion of inspection
Inspected by
Name :
Date :
Signature of incharge
178 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.113
Annexure II
Description of equipment
Manufacturer’s address
Supplier’s address
Date of commissioning
Belt specification
Lubrication details
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.113 179
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.114
Fitter - Basic Maintenance
Lubrication survey
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the benefit of lubrication survey
• prepare the cost estimation.
How does a Lubrication survey work? These places are indicated in the maintenance manuals
with symbols as shown in Fig 1.
Lubrication survey of all equipment that requires lubrication.
• By points of lubrication
• Recommended LE products
• Application methods
• Drain or lube intervals
• Special remarks
Simple estimation of material
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of estimation
• explain the details of formats for estimation sheet
Estimation is the method of calculating the various Standard schedule of rates of the current year.
quantities and the expenditure to be incurred on a particular
job or process. Estimating is the process of preparing an approximation
of quantities which is a value used as input data and it is
In case the funds available are less than the estimated derived from the best information available.
cost the work is done in part or by reducing it or
specifications are altered, An estimate that turns out to be incorrect will be an
overestimate if the estimate exceeded the actual result,
The following essential details are required for preparing and an underestimate if the estimate fell short of the actual
an estimate. result.
Drawings like plan, elevation and sections of important A cost estimate contains approximate cost of a product
parts. process or operation. The cost estimate has a single total
value and it is inclusive of identifiable component
Detailed specifications about workmanship & properties values.
of materials, etc.
A hand book is a type of reference work, or other collection A refereance table may mean a set of references that are
of instruction. That is intended to provide ready reference. author may have cited (or) gained inspiration from whilst
The term originally applied to a small portable book writing an article, similar to a bibliography.
containing information useful for its owner, but the oxford
english disctionary defines as “any book .... givng It can also mean an information table that is used as a
information such as facts on a particular subject, guidence quick and easy reference for things that are difficult to
in some art or occupation, instruction for operating a remember such as comparing imperial with metric
machine etc. A handbook is sometimes referred to as a measurements. This kind of data is known as reference
pocket reference. data.
Hand book may deal with any topic, and arc generally
having compact information in a particular field (or)
technique. They are designed to be easily consulted and
provides quick answer in a certain area.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.114 181
182 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.114
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.115
Fitter - Basic Maintenance
Error in assembly can result due to various reasons such Decide each operation to be performed on flanges like
as ambiguous, insufficient or inappropriate assembly Drilling, machinig and boring. While selecting the process
procedure, misalignment, poor workmanship. Sometimes, do take care of sequence of operation as it matters a lot
failures are also caused by the inadvertent error performed on costing.
by the workers during the assembly. For example, failure
of nut and stud assembly (used for holding the car wheel) You need to allot time required for particular opeation
by fatigue can occur owing to lack of information regarding considering all factors of machine. On their basis of price
sequence of tightening the nuts and torque to be used for of machine, depreciation and cost of electricity consumed
tightening purpose; under such conditions any sort of you need to finalise cost of machine running per hour.
loosening of nut which is subjected to external load will
lead to fatigue failure. Now multiply time required for particular opeation and
machine running cost/hour
Poor service conditions
Tools Cost
Failure of an engineering component can occur due to
abnormal service condition experienced by them for which • Cost of Labour: For each piece calculate total working
they are not designed. These abnormal service conditions time consumed and calculate total cost need to pay to
may appear in the form of exposure of component to labour.
excessively high rate of loading, unfavourable oxidative, • Accidental/Risk/Rejection cost: As manufacturing of
corrosive, erosive environment at high or low temperature flange is a manural process, there may be chances of
conditions for which it has not been designed. The rejection of material, so this cost should be considered.
contribution of any abnormality in Service conditions on
the failure can only be established after thorough The simple method is add 1 piece’s rate if manufacturing
investigation regarding compatibility of the design 100 qty in bulk
manufacturing (such as heat treatment) and material of
the failed components with condition experienced by them • Packaging and handling cost: Generally 2% of basic
during the service. cost
• Profit: Approx 5 to 15% to basic cost
Weight of raw mateiral
• Admin and depreciation cost
Calculate theoretically weight of material, calculate volume
of material and multiply with density of mateiral. It gives
you exact weight of raw material required.
Capital Goods & Manufacturing Related Theory for Exercise 2.4.116
Fitter - Basic Maintenance
Assembly techniquies
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• name the common techniques used for assembling components
• distinguish between the application of dowelling, pinning, staking, brazing and use of adhesives for assembling
In machine shop assembly various methods are used for These are fitted like dowels in reamed holes and held in
securing components together. A few of the common position by a retaining ring.
methods are:
Cotter pins (Fig 3)
- Dowelling
- Pinning
- Staking
- Brazing/Hard soldering
- Using of adhesives
Dowelling (Fig 1)
Taper pins will position parts accurately. The component
can be dismantled easily and assembled without any
This is also a method of locating and securing components
change in location.
together. Pins are of different types.
The holes for fitting taper pins are finished using taper pin
Parallel pins (Fig 2) reamers.
This eliminates the need for drilling and reaming of the
assembly together. The spring pin adjusts itself in case of
slight misalignment.
Peening (Fig 6)
Adhesives (Fig 9)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116 185
Threaded jointer
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the situations in which bolts and nuts are used
• state the advantages of using bolts and nuts
• identify the different types of bolts
• state the applications of the different types of bolts
• state the situations in which studs are used
• state the reason for having different pitches of threads on stud ends.
186 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116
Studs (Fig 5) Example
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116 187
In tool assemblies the parts will be fixed by screws or
bolts, (Fig 5) and are located by using cylindrical pins.
- Surface quality Un-hardened and hardened cylindrical pins are made to fit
in the holes finished by standard reamers.
Cylindrical pins are also available in un-hardened and
hardened conditions. Cylindrical pins are designated by the name, nominal
diameter, tolerance on diameter, nominal length and the
Un-hardened cylindrical pins are of three types. (Fig 3) number of B.I.S. Standard.
Taper pins
188 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116
Taper pins are of three types. (Fig 7) Split taper pin
In the case of split taper pins the split end can be slightly
opened to ensure a more positive locking.
All taper pins have a taper of 1:50 and are finished within a
dimensional tolerance of h10.
Taper pin types A & B assembly is shown in Fig 8 and - Assisting in drawing the pins out of the blind holes.
type C is shown in Fig 9. (Fig 11)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116 189
Grooved pins Grooved pins with head are also used in assembly involving
small components. (Fig 15)
These pins have three slots rolled on the outer surface.
The sides of the grooves/slots bulge out. The holes in
which slotted pins are used are not finished by reaming.
Grooved pins are available as straight pins (Fig 13a), and
tapered pins (Fig 13b). These are used in assemblies
which are not dismantled frequently and where high
accuracy is not required.(Fig 14)
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the purpose of a seal
• name the material used for static seal
• state the types of static seals and their applications
• name the materials used for dynamic seals
• state the types of dynamic seals and their applications.
Purpose Types
190 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116
Materials used for gaskets
Static seal
- Compressed cork
- Oil-proof paper
- Graphite-impregnated cloth
- Asbestos with copper covering
- PTFE (Poly-tetrafluroethylene)
- Copper Rubber gaskets (Fig 4)
- Steel
Paper (Fig 2)
Table 1
Asbestos covered with copper sheet gasket (Fig 7) Dynamic seals are required to work under more exacting
conditions than static seals because movement lakes
place between the surfaces being sealed.
192 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116
Spring-loaded seals (Fig 11) Flange seal (Fig 14)
Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116 193
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state torque in assembling
• state precautions to be observed during assembling & installation.
194 Capital Goods & Manufacturing: Fitter (NSQF Level - 5) RT for Ex No. 2.4.116