IECEx FMG 16.0014X 011

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IECEx Certificate

of Conformity
IEC Certification System for Explosive Atmospheres
for rules and details of the IECEx Scheme visit

Certificate No.: IECEx FMG 16.0014X Page 1 of 5 Certificate history:

Issue 10 (2021-07-27)
Status: Current Issue No: 11 Issue 9 (2021-07-09)
Issue 8 (2020-08-31)
Date of Issue: 2022-12-16 Issue 7 (2020-02-11)
Issue 6 (2019-08-11)
Applicant: Yokogawa Electric Corporation Issue 5 (2019-02-11)
2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo Issue 4 (2019-01-02)
Japan Issue 3 (2017-10-27)
Issue 2 (2017-01-25)
Equipment: YTAxxx Series Temperature Transmitter Issue 1 (2016-07-27)

Optional accessory:

Type of Protection: Ex ia, Ex ic

Marking: YTAxxx -J or -D - Ex ia IIC T5...T4 Ga

YTAxxx -J or -D - Ex ia [ia Da] IIIC T135°C Db

YTAxxx -J or -D - Ex ic IIC T5...T4 Gc

YTAxxx -F or -G - Ex ia IIC T4 Ga

YTAxxx -F or -G - Ex ia [ia Da] IIIC T135°C Db

YTAxxx -F or -G - Ex ic IIC T4 Gc

Approved for issue on behalf of the IECEx J.E.Marquedant

Certification Body:

Position: VP, Manager - Electrical Systems

(for printed version)

(for printed version)

1. This certificate and schedule may only be reproduced in full.

2. This certificate is not transferable and remains the property of the issuing body.
3. The Status and authenticity of this certificate may be verified by visiting or use of this QR Code.

Certificate issued by:

FM Approvals LLC
1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike
Norwood, MA 02062
United States of America
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No.: IECEx FMG 16.0014X Page 2 of 5

Date of issue: 2022-12-16 Issue No: 11

Manufacturer: Yokogawa Electric Corporation

2-9-32 Nakacho, Musashino-shi
Tokyo, 180-8750

Manufacturing Yokogawa Corporation of America Yokogawa Electric Asia Pte. Ltd. Yokogawa Manufacturing
locations: 2 Dart Road 5 Bedok South Road, 469270 Corporation
Newnan, GA 30265 Singapore 155 Takamuro-cho
United States of America Kofu-shi
Yamanashi-ken 400-8558

See following pages for more locations

This certificate is issued as verification that a sample(s), representative of production, was assessed and tested and found to comply with the
IEC Standard list below and that the manufacturer's quality system, relating to the Ex products covered by this certificate, was assessed and
found to comply with the IECEx Quality system requirements.This certificate is granted subject to the conditions as set out in IECEx Scheme
Rules, IECEx 02 and Operational Documents as amended

The equipment and any acceptable variations to it specified in the schedule of this certificate and the identified documents, was found
to comply with the following standards

IEC 60079-0:2017 Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment - General requirements


IEC 60079-11:2011 Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"

This Certificate does not indicate compliance with safety and performance requirements
other than those expressly included in the Standards listed above.


A sample(s) of the equipment listed has successfully met the examination and test requirements as recorded in:

Test Reports:
US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/00 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/01 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/02
US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/03 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/04 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/05
US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/06 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/07 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/08
US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/09 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/10 US/FMG/ExTR16.0015/11

Quality Assessment Reports:

NL/DEK/QAR11.0022/09 NL/DEK/QAR11.0025/08 NL/DEK/QAR11.0026/09
NL/DEK/QAR11.0028/08 NL/DEK/QAR14.0009/07 NL/DEK/QAR21.0006/01
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No.: IECEx FMG 16.0014X Page 3 of 5

Date of issue: 2022-12-16 Issue No: 11

Equipment and systems covered by this Certificate are as follows:

Refer to the Annex to this certificate.


1. Electrostatic charges on the non-metallic parts (excluding glass parts) or coated parts of the Temperature Transmitter
shall be avoided.
2. When the enclosure of the Temperature Transmitter is made of aluminum alloy, if it is mounted in an area where the use
of EPL Ga equipment is required, it must be installed such that, even in the event of rare incidents, an ignition source due to
impact and/or friction sparks is excluded.
3. The dielectric strength of 500V r.m.s between the intrinsically safe circuit and the enclosure of the Temperature
Transmitter is limited, only by the removable surge absorber F9220AR.
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No.: IECEx FMG 16.0014X Page 4 of 5

Date of issue: 2022-12-16 Issue No: 11

DETAILS OF CERTIFICATE CHANGES (for issues 1 and above)

Removed a manufacturing location, and added a new manufacturing location.
Added a new QAR, and updated other QARs.
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No.: IECEx FMG 16.0014X Page 5 of 5

Date of issue: 2022-12-16 Issue No: 11

Additional manufacturing locations:

Yokogawa Saudi Arabia Company Yokogawa UAE Industry – Sole Yokogawa Electric China Co., Ltd.
Plot No. EI_019 Proprietorship L.L.C. No.365, Xingiong Street
Electrical & Instrument zone ICAD-1, WH-24J5-B4-44,45,46-1, Suzhou Industrial Park
King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) P.O.Box 112873 Mussafah, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province 215126
Buqayq Abu Dhabi, China
Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates


Annex to IECEx FMG 16.0014X_1.pdf

Annex to IECEx FMG 16.0014X

Equipment and systems covered by this certificate are as follows:

YTAa-bcdefgh /x /y, Temperature Transmitter

Ex ia IIC T* Ga

Ex ia [ia Da] IIIC T135°C Db

Ex ic IIC T* Gc

IP66 / IP67

Group IIC Ambient Temperature Ranges T*

-J or -D (ia) T4 Ta = -40°C to +70°C T5 Ta = -40°C to +50°C
-J or -D (ia) or T4 Ta = -55°C to +70°C or T5 Ta = -55°C to +50°C
-J or -D (ic) T4 Ta = -30°C to +70°C T5 Ta = -30°C to +50°C
-F or -G (ia) T4 Ta = -55°C to +60°C N/A
-F or -G (ic) T4 Ta = -30°C to +70°C N/A

Group IIIC Ambient Temperature Ranges

-J or -D (ia) Ta = -30°C to +70°C
-F or -G (ia) Ta = -30°C to +60°C

Entity Parameters
Ui Ii Pi Ci Li
-J or -D (ia) 30V 200mA 1.0W 22nF 0mH
-J or -D (ic) 30V - - 22nF 0mH
-F or -G (ia) 30V 300mA 1.2W 2.2nF 0mH
-F or -G (ic) 32V - - 2.2nF 0mH

Uo Io Po Co Lo
Sensor 6V 90mA 135mW 10µF 3.9mH

FISCO Parameters
Ui Ii Pi Ci Li
-F or -G 17.5V 380mA 5.32W - -

Uo Io Po Co Lo
Sensor 6V 90mA 135mW 10µF 3.9mH

a = Transmitter Series: 610 or 710

b = Output Signal: D, J, F or G

c = Alphanumeric character from A to Z or from 0 to 9, not relevent to safety

d = Sensor input number: 1 or 2

e = Housing: A, B or C

f = Electrical Connection: 0, 2 or 4

g = Integral indicator: D, E or N

h = Mounting Bracket: B, D, J, K or N

x = Product Safety specification: SS2, SS25, SU2, SU25, SN25, SN2

y = Optional specifications: Pn (n=an alphanumeric character), X1, X2, A, HC, HE, C1, C2, C3, CA, CB,
CM1, EE, HAC, R1, Nn (n = an alphanumeric character), WCn (n=an alphanumeric character), DGn
(n=an alphanumeric character), WPn (n=an alphanumeric character), SG, JP, SLN, Z

z = up to ten alphanumeric characters (each of characters is an alphanumeric character from A to Z or

from 0 to 9, or a hyphen)

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