Fe Diaquino Pec 102
Fe Diaquino Pec 102
Fe Diaquino Pec 102
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis,
a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a
psychoanalyst. Freud's work has had a profound influence on psychology, psychiatry, and
the broader field of the social sciences. Here are some key aspects of Freud's theories:
Psychic Structure, The Id, Ego, and Superego, Defense Mechanisms, Psychosexual
Development, Dream Analysis
While many of Freud's specific theories have been largely discredited or revised in modern
psychology, his work laid the foundation for the development of psychotherapy and
influenced the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and even literature and culture in significant
ways. Freud remains a pivotal figure in the history of psychology and continues to be a
subject of both interest and debate
Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson was a prominent developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst who is best known
for his theory of psychosocial development. He was born on June 15, 1902, in Frankfurt,
Germany, and died on May 12, 1994, in Harwich, Massachusetts, USA. Erikson's theory is often
considered an extension of Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory of development, but it places a
greater emphasis on the social and cultural aspects of human development.
Erikson's theory of psychosocial development consists of eight stages, each associated with a
specific psychosocial crisis that individuals must successfully navigate in order to develop
healthy personality traits and a strong sense of self.
Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was a Swiss psychologist known for his pioneering work in the
field of child development and cognitive psychology. He is one of the most influential
figures in the study of cognitive development and is best known for his theory of cognitive
development, which outlines how children develop their intellectual abilities from infancy
through adolescence. Piaget's work has had a profound impact on the fields of psychology,
education, and child development
Lawrence Kohlberg
Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) was a renowned American psychologist and a pioneer in
the field of moral development. He is best known for his theory of moral development,
which builds upon the earlier work of Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. Kohlberg's theory,
often referred to as Kohlberg's stages of moral development, posits that individuals go
through a series of stages as they develop their moral reasoning and ethical judgment.
Kohlberg's theory has been influential in psychology and education, as it provides a
framework for understanding how individuals develop their moral reasoning and ethical
decision-making abilities. However, it has also faced criticism, including concerns about
cultural bias and the assumption that moral development is necessarily progressive and
linear. Despite these criticisms, Kohlberg's work remains a significant contribution to the
study of moral psychology.
Lev Vygotsky
Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) was a Russian psychologist and educator who made significant
contributions to the fields of developmental psychology and educational theory. He is best
known for his sociocultural theory of development, which emphasizes the role of social
interaction and cultural context in shaping cognitive development in children.
Lev Vygotsky's work has had a significant impact on educational practices and has
influenced the development of educational theories that emphasize the importance of
social interaction, scaffolding, and the cultural context of learning. His ideas continue to be
relevant in the fields of psychology and education today.
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) was a prominent Russian-American developmental
psychologist known for his ecological systems theory. This theory provides a framework for
understanding human development in the context of various environmental systems or
"ecosystems" that individuals are a part of. Bronfenbrenner's theory highlights the
importance of the social and physical environments in which people grow and develop.
Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory emphasizes the interplay and
interconnectedness of these systems in influencing human development. It recognizes that
individuals are not passive recipients of their environments but actively shape and are
shaped by them.
This theory has been widely influential in the field of developmental psychology and has
been applied to various contexts, including education, child development, and family
dynamics. It underscores the importance of considering multiple layers of influence when
studying and promoting healthy development in individuals across the lifespan.
1. Identify one concept from the theories reviewed and describe how this can be
applied in teaching and learning.
Jean Piaget Active Learning: Encourage students to
be actively involved in the learning
Constructivism is a learning theory that process. Instead of passively receiving
suggests learners actively construct their information, they should be engaged in
own understanding of the world through activities such as problem-solving,
their experiences and interactions. It discussion, and hands-on experiments.
emphasizes the role of the learner in the This helps them construct their own
learning process. Here's how knowledge.
constructivism can be applied in teaching
and learning:
Problem Research Methodology
The problem addressed in this research is to Study Design: Longitudinal study.
understand the long-term impact of parental Participants: A diverse sample of 500 families
involvement on child development, considering with children aged 3 to 8 years, drawn from
that existing literature offers mixed findings urban and suburban areas.
and limited longitudinal studies. Additionally, Data Collection: Data collected at three time
the study aims to explore potential variations points (baseline, 2 years, and 5 years) using a
in this relationship based on various combination of structured interviews,
demographic and socioeconomic factors. questionnaires, and observations.
Data Analysis: Statistical analysis includes
regression models to examine the relationship
between parental involvement and child
development while controlling for confounders.
Longitudinal data analysis techniques, such as
growth curve modeling, will be employed to
assess changes over time.
"The Impact of Parental Involvement on
Findings Child Development: A Longitudinal Study" CONCLUSION
Cognitive Development: The study found a This longitudinal study provides robust evidence of
positive association between sustained high the positive impact of parental involvement on
child development across cognitive, social, and
levels of parental involvement and improved
emotional domains. It highlights the importance of
cognitive development in children. Children
consistent parental engagement in a child's life,
whose parents consistently engaged in especially during early developmental stages.
educational activities showed higher cognitive Moreover, it underscores the need for targeted
scores. interventions to support families with limited
Social Development: Longitudinal analysis resources, as they may benefit the most from
revealed that children with actively involved enhanced parental involvement. These findings
parents exhibited better social skills and higher contribute to a deeper understanding of the role
levels of empathy. However, the effect was most parents play in shaping their child's development
and have practical implications for policymakers
pronounced during early childhood and tended to
and educators seeking to enhance child outcomes
stabilize as children grew older. through parental involvement initiatives.
Piagets Cognitive Stages Development
Sensory Motor Stage:
Age Range: Birth to 2 years
Characteristic: During this stage, infants and toddlers learn about the world through their senses
and motor actions.
Key Teaching Strategies: They develop object permanence, the understanding that objects continue
to exist even when they are out of sight.
Characteristic: In this stage, children begin to use symbols (language and mental representations)
to represent objects and ideas.
Key Teaching Strategies: They engage in pretend play and are egocentric, meaning they have
difficulty seeing things from others' perspectives.
Characteristic: Children in this stage can think logically about concrete objects and events.
Key Teaching Strategies: They can perform mental operations on objects, understand conservation
(the concept that the quantity of a substance remains the same even if its appearance changes),
and engage in more systematic problem-solving.
Characteristic: Adolescents and adults in this stage can think abstractly and hypothetically.
Key Teaching Strategies: They can engage in complex problem-solving, consider multiple
viewpoints, and think about future possibilities.
Oral stage (0-1 year): In the oral stage, the primary source of pleasure and
satisfaction is the mouth. Infants derive pleasure from activities such as
sucking, biting, and tasting. Freud believed that experiences during
this stage, such as breastfeeding or being weaned from the breast,
could have lasting effects on a person's personality. If there are issues
or conflicts at this stage, it may lead to oral fixation, which can
manifest as issues like overeating, smoking, or excessive talking.
Anal stage (1-3 years): The anal stage centers around the child's focus on
controlling their bowel movements. Toilet training becomes a
significant aspect of this stage, and children experience pleasure and
conflict related to their ability to control their bodily functions. Freud
proposed that successful toilet training would lead to a sense of
accomplishment and control, while failure could lead to anal retentive
or anal expulsive personality traits, characterized by neatness and
orderliness or messiness and lack of self-control, respectively.
Phallic stage (3-6 years): The phallic stage is associated with the genitals as the
primary erogenous zone. During this stage, children develop a strong
attachment to the parent of the opposite sex and may experience
feelings of attraction and jealousy. Freud famously described the
Oedipus complex (for boys) and the Electra complex (for girls) as the
child's desire for their opposite-sex parent and rivalry with the same-
sex parent. Resolution of these complexes is crucial for healthy
Latency stage (6-11 years): The latency stage is characterized by a relative
suppression of sexual feelings and a focus on developing social and
intellectual skills. During this stage, children typically form friendships
and engage in various activities outside the family context. Sexual
energy is channeled into non-sexual activities.
Genital stage (Adolescence to Adulthood): The genital stage is the final stage of
psychosexual development, and it begins in adolescence and
continues into adulthood. In this stage, individuals develop mature
sexual relationships and engage in sexual activity. Successful resolution
of earlier conflicts should lead to the ability to form healthy, loving,
and adult relationships.
Review the three components and write important concepts about them in the spaces provided
The id is the most primitive The ego represents the The superego is the moral
and instinctual part of the rational and conscious aspect and ethical component of
personality. It operates on the of the personality. It develops personality. It incorporates
pleasure principle, seeking to mediate between the societal and parental values,
immediate gratification of demands of the id and the norms, and moral standards.
desires and impulses without constraints of the external The superego strives for
considering consequences or world. The ego operates on perfection and imposes a
moral values. The id is driven the reality principle, meaning sense of right and wrong on
by basic needs, such as it takes into account the the individual. It acts as an
hunger, thirst, and sexual consequences of actions and internalized "conscience" and
pleasure, and it operates on societal norms. Its role is to can produce feelings of guilt
the basis of the "I want it, and find a balance between the or pride based on whether a
I want it now" mentality. often conflicting demands of person's actions align with its
the id and the superego. moral standards.