Online Disinformation ESL Lesson

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BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below

EU warns X over Israel- True / False

Hamas disinformation 1) Social media is full of disinformation over
Israel and Gaza. T / F
16th October 2023 2) The EU has just opened an investigation into
events in Gaza. T / F
Social media is awash
with information and 3) The EU gave X a month to answer a series of
graphics about the questions. T / F
ongoing events in Israel 4) The EU could fine X 5% of its annual global
and Gaza. There are turnover. T / F
concerns about how much
of the content posted 5) The Digital Services Act in the EU looks into
online is fake. The hate speech online. T / F
European Union has just 6) The EU wants X to introduce mitigation
opened an investigation measures. T / F
into the social media site
X, formerly known as Twitter. The EU says there is 7) The article says a million fake accounts are
an alarming volume of posts containing false uploading disinformation. T / F
information on X. EU officials have expressed 8) A social media expert called removing sites a
concern that X was, "being used to disseminate drop in the bucket. T / F
illegal content and disinformation". X has until the
end of next week to answer a series of EU questions
about this content. Failure to satisfactorily address Synonym Match
these issues could lead the EU to impose a fine on X (The words in bold are from the news article.)
of up to five per cent of the company's daily global 1. awash a. complained about
2. ongoing b. frightening
The EU probe into X comes under the bloc's
3. investigation c. continuing
Digital Services Act. This was established to monitor
how large tech companies deal with the hate speech 4. alarming d. revenue
posted on their platforms, and how they police the 5. turnover e. provocative
Internet. An EU spokesperson advised X to
6. bloc f. regulate
introduce, "proportionate and effective mitigation
measures" to identify and delete disinformation. He 7. police g. flooded
added: "We have, from qualified sources, reports 8. circulating h. union
about potentially illegal content circulating on X,
9. inflammatory i. spreading
despite flags from relevant authorities." Hundreds of
bogus accounts have been flooding the Internet with 10. lamented j. inquiry
harmful and inflammatory content. The CEO of X
said the site had removed hundreds of these
accounts. A social media expert lamented this was, Discussion – Student A
"a drop in the ocean". a) What do you think of online disinformation?
Sources: / / b) Who is posting disinformation online about
Israel and Hamas?
Writing c) What do you know about the Israel and
Hamas crisis?
Social media companies should be heavily fined for
disinformation. Discuss. d) How can we rid the Internet of fake news?
e) How has fake news affected our lives?
Chat f) What do you think of the social media
Talk about these words from the article. platform X?

social media / information / graphics / online / g) What do you think leaders in the Middle East
fake / investigation / illegal / fine / should do?
the EU / tech companies / Internet / mitigation / h) What do you think will happen in the Middle
hate speech / bogus accounts East in the coming weeks?
BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below

Phrase Match
1. Social media is awash a. accounts
2. much of the content posted online b. illegal content
3. an alarming volume c. global turnover
4. being used to disseminate d. the Internet
5. five per cent of the company's daily e. is fake
6. how large tech companies f. in the ocean
7. potentially illegal content circulating g. with information
8. Hundreds of bogus h. on X
9. flooding i. deal with the hate speech
10. a drop j. of posts

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) What do you think about what you read? Role A – X
b) What regulations do social media platforms You think X is the best social media site. Tell
need? the others three reasons why. Tell them what is
c) What hate speech have you seen online? wrong with their sites. Also, tell the others
which is the least useful of these (and why):
d) How worried are you about events in Israel
TikTok, Facebook or Instagram.
and Gaza?
e) What is your advice for people in the region? Role B – TikTok
You think TikTok is the best social media site.
f) How much faith do you have in the truth of
Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
what you read online?
what is wrong with their sites. Also, tell the
g) What should happen to people who post others which is the least useful of these (and
inflammatory content? why): X, Facebook or Instagram.
h) What questions would you like to ask a social Role C – FaceBook
media boss? You think Facebook is the best social media
site. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
Spelling them what is wrong with their sites. Also, tell
the others which is the least useful of these
1. Social media is washa with information
(and why): TikTok, X or Instagram.
2. opened an inovgiaitsetn Role D – Instagram
3. EU officials have epsexdres concern You think Instagram is the best social media
site. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
4. being used to iaetssinedm illegal content them what is wrong with their sites. Also, tell
5. Failure to ifrisacloatsty address these issues the others which is the least useful of these
(and why): TikTok, Facebook or X.
6. the company's daily global rotnuver
7. This was deelihsbsta to monitor how Speaking – Social Media
8. effective iaomttigin measures Rank these with your partner. Put the best sites at the top.
Change partners often and share your rankings.
9. illegal content lctaicgriun on X
• X • Instagram
10. from lranveet authorities • Facebook • TikTok
11. nltroaaifmym content • Pinterest • SnapChat
• YouTube • LinkedIn
12. tmdelean this was a drop in the ocean
Answers – True False
Answers – Synonym Match
1. g 2. c 3. j 4. b 5. d
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 F

6. h 7. f 8. i 9. e 10. a Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.

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