Online Disinformation ESL Lesson
Online Disinformation ESL Lesson
Online Disinformation ESL Lesson
social media / information / graphics / online / g) What do you think leaders in the Middle East
fake / investigation / illegal / fine / should do?
the EU / tech companies / Internet / mitigation / h) What do you think will happen in the Middle
hate speech / bogus accounts East in the coming weeks?
BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below
Phrase Match
1. Social media is awash a. accounts
2. much of the content posted online b. illegal content
3. an alarming volume c. global turnover
4. being used to disseminate d. the Internet
5. five per cent of the company's daily e. is fake
6. how large tech companies f. in the ocean
7. potentially illegal content circulating g. with information
8. Hundreds of bogus h. on X
9. flooding i. deal with the hate speech
10. a drop j. of posts