31-Article Text-112-1-10-20220912
31-Article Text-112-1-10-20220912
31-Article Text-112-1-10-20220912
Electric submersible pump (ESP) is one of the artificial lift methods used to increase the production rate. The purpose of the
simulation of the reservoir pressure drop to tubing performance using software pipesim is to be able to project the production limits
of the natural flow well and continue using the artificial lift. Natural flow wells produce at a rate of 400 bbl/d, reservoir pressure
1250 psi, pwf 882 psi, and AOFP 868 bbl/d. Based on the production data, a simulation of the decrease in reservoir pressure was
made to the production rate and the results showed that at a reservoir pressure of 950 psi, pwf 642 psi, and AOFP 380 bbl/d the well
could not produce natural flow. Based on the simulation analysis, an artificial lift well plan is made with a production rate of 50% of
AOFP, which is 190 bbl/d. The selected ESP is Reda model DN280, diameter 4 inc, Qmin 100 bbl/d, Qmax 500 bbl/d, pump intake
production rate 206 bbl/d, efficiency 34.77%, speed 60 Hz, stage required 201, pump power required 12.95 hp with tubing diameter
2.375 inc.
Keywords: Gas-oil ratio, nodal analysis, tubing, production rate.
Received April 21, 2022; Revised May 29, 2022; Accepted August 22, 2022
1. Introduction
Optimum field development strategy requires good is proportional to the difference between reservoir pressure
knowledge of anticipated well performance and future flowing and wellbore pressure (Jahanbani et al., 2009).
condition variation, which can be accomplished by continuous Conventional IPR assumes stable (i.e. boundary-
monitoring of the surface facility network, wells, and dominated) flow conditions (Shahamad et al., 2015). The
reservoirs (Qasem et al., 2012). IPR and OPR play an parameters used to make the IPR curve include the thickness
important part in well completion, nodal analysis calculations, of the payment zone, rock permeability, fluid viscosity,
and artificial lift design (Feng et al., 2012). wellbore radius, drainage area, and skin factor. Without
Electric submersible pump (ESP) with excellent lift rate, knowing all the values of these parameters, well IPR curves
high energy efficiency, and low maintenance costs account for are usually constructed using various empirical models (Guo,
about 10% of world oil production (Popaleny et al., 2018). 2007). Common models used in designing IPR include Vogel,
ESP used for deep reservoirs, and high production volumes, Fetkovitch, Wiggins, and Sukarno. Each model has
and is in offshore applications so ESP is considered to be the advantages and disadvantages (Elias et al., 2009).
best choice (Liang et al., 2012).
The purpose of this research is to projecting boundaries 2.2. Tubing
natural flow well production using simulation method. The Tubing performance relationship (TPR) represents the
tool used is software pipesim, which simulates the reservoir ability of tubing to flow fluid. The selection of tubing can be
pressure drop on tubing performance. Simulation results at determined by finding the optimum flow rate for each well-
reservoir pressure of 950 psi, Pwf 642 psi, and absolute open using sensitivity analysis between the TPR curve with various
flow potential (AOFP) 380 bbl/d the well can no longer tubing sizes and the IPR curve (Guo et al., 2015).
produce natural flow, and then the simulation data can be used Three analyzes can be performed to determine the optimum
as future IPR data for artificial lift plans. tubing size:
a) Optimum Flow Rate
2. Literature review The percentage of the most optimum flow rate of a well is
2.1. Inflow performance relationship (IPR) 40% – 60% of the AOFP value of a well. This range is used
with the assumption that if the flow rate is too large (Q >
The inflow performance relationship (IPR) of a well 60%) it can cause production problems such as sand and water
describes the relationship between production rate and cut problems. If the production rate is too small (Q < 40%) it
bottom-hole pressure, which serves as an important tool for will cause well production to become uneconomical (Brown.,
understanding and predicting well performance (Lu et al., 1984).
2019). For oil wells, it is often assumed that the fluid flow rate
b) Selection of Tubing Diameter
Timor-Leste Journal of Engineering and Science
Vol.3, Issue.1, pp.28-32, 2022
Available online at: http://tljes.org/index.php/tljes/data
In selecting the optimum tubing diameter, it is also (AOFP), surface temperature, bottom hole temperature
necessary to pay attention to the impacts of multiphase flow and tubing diameter.
and the wrong tubing size used. The tubing size can be too big
or too small. Proper tubing size will extend well flow life and 3.2. Data processing and analysis
minimize the need for injection gas for gas lift installations The data obtained were then processed and analyzed using
(Winkler, 1994). Pipesim software. The steps taken are to simulate the reservoir
pressure drop on tubing performance. The simulation results
c) Usage Time are used as a future inflow performance relationship (IPR) in
Tubing usage time can be analyzed based on the TPR selecting the manufacturing and model of the electric
curve against the IPR curve by simulating different reservoir submersible pump (ESP). An important aspect in designing an
pressures. Optimum tubing is tubing that can drain fluid when ESP using Pipesim software is the suitability of pump
the reservoir pressure is low (Rolovic et al., 2016). selection, motor selection and cable selection.
2.3 Electrical submersible pump (ESP) 3.3. Research Diagram
The electric submersible pump is composed of surface Data collection
equipment and downhole equipment. Surface equipment Well data
Reservoir and
consists of transformers, switchboards, junction boxes, and Production data
variable speed drives. Another function of surface equipment
is to generate electricity to drive motors. Downhole equipment
consists of a motor, protector, pump intake, centrifugal pump, Analysis
and cable (Beggs, 2003). ESP has very high flexibility so that Simulation of reservoir pressure
drop to tubing performance
it can be designed according to the desired flow rate while using software pipesim
taking into account reservoir characteristics, well Pump manufacturing and models
characterized, and considerations of geographical and
environmental factors (Lea et al., 1999). This is done to avoid
problems such as sand problems and gas locks that can reduce
pump efficiency (Mendonca, 1997). The performance of the Design electrical submersible
electrical submersible pumping (ESP) system is affected by pump
the amount of free gas (gas-locking). Gas-locking can cause
the pump to be unable to lift fluid and not optimally maintain
excess heat in the ESP during normal operation. The way to
control gas-locking is at the pump inlet, the pump pressure Excecution
remains above the bubble point pressure of the produced Applied in the Field
liquid (Rooks et al., 2012). If the fluid pressure is below the
bubble point, it is recommended that the pump be installed
just above the perforation. The aim is to maintain a high
intake pressure and thereby reduce the disturbance of free gas Figure 1. Diagram reseach ESP design
in the fluid flow. Whenever the unit is to be installed below or
even in a perforated zone, it is recommended that a motor
shroud be used to direct fluid flow over the motor. Producing 4. Result and Discussion
from below the perforation will also allow the system to use 4.1. Result Simulation of the Reservoir Pressure Drop
natural annular gas separation. When the pump intake is above
to Tubing Performance
the perforation, gas and liquid flow in the same direction
through the narrow annular area between the ESP and the Based on the well production data, the reservoir
casing wall (Wilson, 1998). pressure (Pr) is 1250 psi, pressure well flowing (Pwf) is
882 psi, well head pressure (Pwh) is 100 psi, Q max is
868.46 bbl, production test (Qt) is 400 bbl, gas-liquid ratio
3. Methodology (GLR) ) 700 scf/stb and tubing with a diameter of 2,375
3.1. Research data inc (Fig. 1), then a reservoir pressure drop simulation for
The main data used in this study are as follows: tubing performance was made using software pipsim with
a) Well data include: well type, total depth, perforation the aim of knowing when the well could not produce itself
depth, outside diameter casing (ODC) and inside and continued using artificial methods. Inflow performance
diameter casing (IDC) relationship (IPR) and outflow performance relationship
b) Reservoir and production data include water cut, gas (OPR) curves can be used to effectively assess well
liquid ratio (GLR), gas specific gravity (Gsg), water performance (Hakiki et al., 2017). The simulation results
specific gravity (Wsg), type of oil, pressure reservoir show that at reservoir pressure (Pr) = 950 psi, pressure well
(Pr), pressure well flowing (Pwf), pressure well head flowing (Pwf) = 642 psi, pressure wellhead (Pwh) = 100
(Pwh), production test, absolute open flow potential
Timor-Leste Journal of Engineering and Science
Vol.3, Issue.1, pp.28-32, 2022
Available online at: http://tljes.org/index.php/tljes/data
psi, Q max = 380 bbl, production test (Qt) = 190 bbl, gas- where in this software there is already a database of various
liquid ratio (GLR) = 700 scf/stb and tubing diameter = types of pumps from various manufacturers
2,375 inc , the well cannot produce natural flow which can
be seen through the IPR curve that does not intersect with
the tubing (Figure 3). IPR and OPR are also used to
determine the optimization scheme and profitability of oil
and gas production (Tariq et al., 2018).
Timor-Leste Journal of Engineering and Science
Vol.3, Issue.1, pp.28-32, 2022
Available online at: http://tljes.org/index.php/tljes/data
4.3. Motor Selection electrical system configuration for long distance energy
Reda DN280 as the basis for selecting the type of motor. transmitting (Ribeiro et al., 2005).
Each type of motor can be classified by series, outside
diameter (OD), power (hp), voltage (volt), current (amperes),
and type. The recommended types of DN280 reda motors are
43 series with each outside diameter (OD), power (hp),
voltage (volt), current (amperes), and type. The selected motor
is limited by the inside diameter of the casing between 3
inches to 10 inches, and the motor can work at high pressures
and temperatures (Rabbi, et.al., 2017). Motor classification
375_Series_S, outside diameter 3.75 inc, power 15 hp, voltage
400 volts, current 28 amperes and single type is selected based
on the motor power required 15 hp is greater than the pump
power required value of 12.95 hp, so it is safe to use in
operation (Figure 6). Specific technical relations are important
for the inductor volt-amps and the relation between magnetic
induction and magnetic field (Quintaes et al., 2011).
Figure 7. Select Cable
Timor-Leste Journal of Engineering and Science
Vol.3, Issue.1, pp.28-32, 2022
Available online at: http://tljes.org/index.php/tljes/data
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