Old and Middle English C 890 C 1400 An A
Old and Middle English C 890 C 1400 An A
Old and Middle English C 890 C 1400 An A
Spanning almost seven centuries, this anthology encapsulates the foundation and consolidation of literature written in English,
culminating in some of the finest works produced in English in the high Middle Ages.
• New edition of this widely-used anthology of Old and Middle English literature
• Now extended to include newly-edited versions of Old English Wonders of the East, of Poema Morale, extracts from Julian of
• Full translations are offered for the Old and earlier Middle English material, along with marginal glosses for the later texts
• A general introduction gives an outline of key works and the historical context in which they are written
Elaine Treharne is Professor of Early English at Florida State University. She has published extensively on Old and Middle
English literature, and focuses particularly on medieval manuscripts and their contexts of production. She is a General Editor of
the Oxford Textual Perspectives Series, Editor of Essays and Studies, Medieval Editor for Review of English Studies, and a former
Chair and President of the English Association. She is the founding convenor of the English Association Special Interest Group in
English Elene, and Ælfric’s Life of St Eugenia, substantially enhance the provision of texts written about women, by women, and
(potentially) for women, allowing course convenors to use these works, together with those already in the Anthology, to create
• New edition of this widely-used anthology of Old and Middle English literature
• Spans almost seven centuries, from the earliest writings in English to the time of Chaucer
• Encapsulates the foundation and consolidation of literature written in English, culminating in some of the finest works produced in
• Now extended to include newly-edited versions of Old English Wonders of the East, of Poema Morale, extracts from Julian of
• Full translations are offered for the Old and earlier Middle English material, along with marginal glosses for the later texts
• A general introduction gives an outline of key works and the historical context in which they are written
Blackwell Anthologies