Section 1

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MCQ on Ch.1 and Ch.

1. What is an operating system?

a) Interface between the hardware and application programs
b) Collection of programs that manages hardware resources
c) It provides a platform for the user to run applications
d) All of the mentioned

2. Example of open-source operating system is ___.

a) Unix
b) Linux
c) Windows
d) Both “a” and “b”

3. GUI and CUI are the two types of ___.

a) Operating system
b) Interface
c) Text
d) Hardware
4. MS DOS is an example of ___.
a) GUI
b) CUI
c) GIF
d) MP4

5. Linux, Windows, etc. are the examples for ___.

a) GUI
b) CUI
c) GIF
d) MP4

6. The module that keeps track of the status of devices is called ___.
a) I/O traffic controller
b) I/O scheduler
if app , choose device manager
c) Device manager
d) all of the mentioned

7. Example for low level languages.

a) Machine language
b) Assembly language
c) Both “a” and “b”
d) None of the above
8. What is used to translate assembly language to machine language?
a) Assembler
b) Loader
c) Compiler
d) None of the above

9. The part of an operating system that is responsible for loading programs and
a) Assembler
b) Loader
c) Compiler
d) None of the above

10. Operating system with multiple users provides ___.

a) Resource Allocation
b) Accounting
c) Protection
d) All of the mentioned

11. Scheduling in batch OS are processed in ___ order.

c) Random
d) None of the above
12. ___ systems allow multiple remote users to run jobs on the computer at
a) Time-sharing
b) Batch
c) Transaction processing
d) Multi-processing

13. Time-sharing operating system is known as ___.

a) Multi-programming OS
b) Multi-tasking OS
c) Multi-processing OS
d) Multi-threading OS

14. The primary objective of time-sharing operating system is ___.

a) Avoid trashing
b) Provide fast response to the user of the computer
c) Provide fast execution of processes
d) Optimize computer memory usage

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