Newsband 162

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17 • issue: 162 • Thursday, 9 november 2023

• RNI No. MAHENG/2007/21778 • POSTAL REGN. NO. NMB/154/2020-22/VASHI MDG POST OFFICE PAGES: 12 PRICE : 2.00
City gears up for Diwali
NMMC's 3R Markets aglow with diverse array of diyas

donation shelves
By Chandrashekhar Hendve

A s the much-awaited festival of Diwali draws

garner generous
near, the city of Navi Mumbai buzzes with
fervent activity. Enthusiastic customers throng
local markets, preparing for the grand celebra-

response from
tion. Diwali, the festival of lights, heralds the
arrival of traditional and diverse stalls, creat-

ing an atmosphere brimming with excitement.
However, this year, the prices of decorative Di-
wali items have surged, experiencing a notable
increase of 10 to 15 percent.

T he Navi Mumbai
ensuring that items
in good condition do
not end up in land-
Diwali is renowned for its splendid illumina-
tion, and it's a time when the tradition of adorn-
ing homes with "diyas," or earthen lamps, takes
witnessed a hearten- fills but instead serve
ing response from the those in need.
residents of the city An official from
towards the 3R (Re- the municipal cor-
use, Reduce, Recycle) poration highlighted
donation shelves that the success of the
were set up last year. initiative, express-
These shelves were ing delight over the
established with the posit ive centre stage. Various markets offer a wide array
page 2
primary objective of feedback of enchanting diya options for eager customers.
The offerings range from a variety of handi-
crafts, including plain diyas, double-layered di-
Concerned citizens urge civic authorities to address yas, Kolkata-style diyas, tortoise and fish-shaped
diyas, and even imported 'Made-in-China' diyas,
deteriorating air quality in Navi Mumbai ahead of Diwali all of which are swiftly gaining popularity in the
By Indrani Basu Rajukumar, a local vendor, shared insights

T he Air Quality In-

dex (AQI) in Navi
Mumbai has reached
that plain Diwali diyas for decoration are avail-
able for as low as Rs. 20, while more ornate op-
tions can be found for up to Rs. 150. The prices
alarming levels, caus- for tortoise and fish-shaped diyas, as well as lan-
ing serious health con- tern lights, range from Rs. 100 to Rs. 300 each.
cerns among residents,
particularly as the Di- Diya Types Current Year Last Year
wali festival approach- Price Range Price Range
es. The unchecked (Rs.) (Rs.)
construction activities Plain Clay Diya 20 to 70 10 to 50
rampant across the sat- (per dozen) (per dozen)
ellite city Made-in-China Diya 10 to 50 10 to 35
have sig- page 2
(per dozen) (per dozen)
Cup Candle Holders 70 to 150 40 to 120
(per dozen) (per dozen)
Deep Mal 50 to 350 60 to 270
(Per piece) (Per piece)
Tortoise shape Diya 30 to 80 20 to 60
(per piece) (per piece)
Fish shape Diya Age 35 to 70 30 to 40
(per piece) (per piece)
Tulsi Diya 15 to 40 10 to 25
(per piece ) (per piece )
Kundan Diya 60 to 250 40 to 180
(For pair) (For pair)
2 Thursday, 9 November 2023
Concerned to address this critical sant movement of trucks bers of the Kharghar
citizens urge... issue. carrying construction Taloja Colonies Welfare
Continued from page...1 Citizen groups have materials and debris is Association conducted
nificantly contributed to vehemently protested the primary cause of pol- an early morning as-
the decline in air quality. against the relent- lution, generating heavy sessment on Novem-
Citizens fear the reper- less construction tak- dust particles and pollut- ber 8th, revealing an
cussions, especially with ing place at all hours in ants that blanket the twin alarming AQI of 330
the upcoming Diwali the city. The Save Navi cities in smog. Agarwal in Kalamboli, signify-
celebrations likely to Mumbai Environment stressed the urgent need ing a drastic decline in
exacerbate the situation group captured images for action, citing a vio- air quality. Other areas
due to increased fire- of ongoing construc- lation of the Bombay under the Panvel City
cracker usage. tion activities, includ- High Court's directives Municipal Corporation's
The situation in Navi ing concrete mixing at issued on November jurisdiction, such as
Mumbai echoes the midnight, disturbing 6, 2023, to mitigate the CBD (158) and Taloja
woes previously faced the sleep of hundreds of unprecedented poor air (188), also registered
by Mumbai, notably residents. These images quality in the Mumbai unhealthy AQI levels.
with the adverse effects were shared on social Metropolitan region. Mangesh Ranawade,
witnessed after the es- media platforms, direct- The group fears a fur- the Chairman of the
tablishment of the Mum- ed at the Navi Mumbai ther decline in the city's Welfare Association, ex-
bai metro. With the AQI Municipal Corporation, air quality due to the ex- pressed grave concerns
continuing to plummet highlighting the gravity pected use of firecrack- for Kharghar residents,
in the Mumbai Metro- of the situation. ers during Diwali, urg- situated between these
politan Region, the city Sunil Agarwal, ing civic authorities to affected areas, with an
of Navi Mumbai finds founder of the Save halt these construction AQI of 160, urging im-
itself at risk, prompting Navi Mumbai Environ- activities promptly to mediate action from
urgent action from civic ment group, residing in restore the air quality in- PMC to adhere to the
authorities, specifically the NRI Complex, em- dex to acceptable levels. Bombay High Court's
the NMMC and PMC, phasized that the inces- Meanwhile, mem- orders.

NMMC's 3R Appreciating the

CHANGE OF NAME donation shelves... residents for their en-
I have changed my name from BRIJESH KUMAR Continued from page...1 thusiastic participation,
UPADHYAY to BRIJESH UPADHYAY as per affidavit received from the com- Commissioner Rajesh
dated 8th November 2023. munity. The concept of Narvekar extended a
the 3R donation shelves heartfelt appeal to the
has gained immense citizens, encouraging
Government of Maharashtra popularity, prompting them to continue their
Executive Engineer, residents to come for- support and make the
P. W. Division, Palghar, ward and donate gener- upcoming festival of
E-Quotation Tender Notice No. 03 for 2023-24 (Second Call) lights a joyous and ful-
ously, thereby fostering
Online Tenders E-Quotations are Estimated purpose is invited by the Executive Engineer, P. W. Division,
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Printed and owned by Kailash Shankarlalji Gindodia Published by Shiv Kailash Gindodia Editor: Varda Sharma Printed at Siddhakala Print Media &
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Navi Mumbai, Thane, Uran, Panvel, Raigad Thursday, 9 November 2023 3
PMC Commissioner urges
developers to prioritize air pollution
Navi Mumbai Crime Branch busts
reduction in city development mobile phone snatching gang
Seizes 29 devices worth Rs. 5 Lakhs

By Vikram Gaikwad Sakore, and Deputy Commission-

By Ryhea George
paper was deemed essential to curtail
dust pollution. I n a significant breakthrough, the
Crime Branch Unit-2 of Navi
er of Police of Crime Branch Amit
Kale, issued orders for the gang's
I n response to the deteriorating air
quality in the MMCR region, the
Mumbai High Court has recently is-
Additionally, Deputy Commis-
sioner Dr. Vaibhav Vidhate relayed
directives from the High Court, in-
Mumbai Police Commissionerate
has successfully apprehended a
notorious gang involved in mobile
Under the guidance of Senior
Police Inspector Umesh Gawli of
sued stringent directives following a cluding the installation of mobile an- phone snatching, following which Crime Branch Unit-2, a dedicated
public interest petition. Taking charge ti-smog gun machines at construction the police have solved 17 cases. team consisting of Assistant Po-
under the leadership of Panvel Mu- sites, regulated water usage during The diligent efforts of the police lice Inspector Praveen Phadtare,
nicipal Corporation Commissioner operations, and a strict prohibition on force led to the seizure of 29 mobile Police Sub-Inspectors Mansingh
Ganesh Deshmukh, an online meeting overloading. phones worth Rs. 5.02 lakhs. Patil, Dilip Bhande, Sunil Giri,
was convened on November 7 involv- To enforce compliance, CCTV The arrested culprits have been and others, conducted an ex-
ing developers in the Corporation area. cameras will be mandated at all con- identified as Bharat Prahlad Rath- tensive investigation, collecting
Commissioner Ganesh Deshmukh em- struction sites. Activities such as od (19), Devanand Vishnu Jadhav crucial information on the gang's
phasized the importance of maintain- grading, cutting, drilling, sawing, and (19), Deepak Ramesh Rathod (19), criminal activities. This effort
ing air quality in the Panvel Municipal trimming must occur in designated and Vaibhav Kisan Jagtap (24), all involved visiting various crime
Corporation area and urged developers areas and employ water sprinklers to residents of Panvel and Kalamboli scenes and employing technical
to strategize measures in this regard. mitigate pollution. Developers are re- areas. The gang's modus operandi means to track the accused.
The meeting was attended by key quired to upload ongoing construction involved snatching mobile phones Through sources and me-
figures such as Deputy Director of and demolition details on a dedicated from pedestrians while they were ticulous investigation, the crime
Town Planning Jyoti Kavade, Deputy site, which will be subject to monitor- engaged in conversations, then branch team was able to locate
Commissioners Dr. Vaibhav Vidhate ing. making a swift getaway on motor- and arrest the gang in connection
and Suvarna Dakhane, Chief Devel- Post debris and rubble clearance, cycles. with the mobile phone snatching
opment Officers in the municipal de- thorough vehicle cleaning is neces- The gang's activities had re- incidents that occurred in Panvel
velopment area, and Environment De- sary. Vehicles transporting construc- cently escalated, with their opera- Taluka and other areas.
partment Chief Manoj Chavan. tion materials and debris should be tions spanning areas like Taloja, The investigation has now
Commissioner Deshmukh stressed fitted with vehicle tracking systems. Kalamboli, Kamothe, and Panvel. unearthed a total of 17 cases of
that developers must use metal sheets The police department will take This increasing threat prompted mobile phone snatching, with in-
at least 25 feet high for all construc- action against violations of regula- the swift response of authorities, stances occurring in Panvel Talu-
tion projects. Moreover, covering tions and overloading of vehicles, as including Commissioner of Po- ka-2, Kamothe-5, Taloja-5, Panvel
construction sites and buildings with reiterated to developers during the lice Milind Bharambe, Additional City, Khandeshwar, Kalamboli,
green or yellow cloth, tarpaulin, or meeting. Commissioner of Police Deepak Kharghar, and CBD Belapur.

Thane Disaster Management Team safely

rescues dog trapped in stormwater drain 10-month-old infant dies after
drowning in water-filled bucket
I n a commendable dis-
play of efficiency and By Vikram Gaikwad a bucket filled with wa- away at work. Filled
swift action, the Thane
Disaster Management
Department successfully
A 10-month-old baby,
identified as Ashiq
Al Iman, lost his life in
ter, creating a nightmare
for the family.
The mother awoke to
with panic and de-
spair, he raced home
and rushed the baby to
rescued a dog trapped in a devastating accident find her child missing, MGM Hospital in a bid
a stormwater drain near after falling into a buck- sparking a frantic search to save the young life.
Viviana Mall on Eastern et filled with water. The throughout the house. Tragically, the medi-
Expressway in Thane. unfortunate occurrence Her desperate efforts led cal team at the hospi-
The incident occurred while the mother was to the heartrending dis- tal could not revive the
on Monday evening, and resting during a quiet covery of her 10-month- infant, and he was de-
thanks to the timely re- afternoon. old son, lying upside clared dead.
sponse of the disaster Reports suggest down in a plastic buck- In response to the
management team, the that the infant had been et, the very object that tragic event, the Panvel
dog was safely rescued playing in the house had become a fatal trap. City Police have regis-
without any injuries. the team immediately professionalism and and, at some point, ven- Upon receiving the tered the case as a sud-
An official from the sprang into action and care, they successfully tured into the bathroom. distressing news, she den death and have ini-
team informed after re- swiftly coordinated the rescued the trapped dog In a cruel twist of fate, immediately contacted tiated a comprehensive
ceiving the distress call, rescue operation. With and was released. he accidentally fell into her husband, who was investigation.
4 Thursday, 9 November 2023

Spreading festive cheer among

Editorial ragpickers ahead of Diwali
Issue: 162 9 november, 2023

Safeguarding Our Natural Heritage

N ational parks stand as iconic
treasures, representing the
heart of our natural heritage and
Preserving these national parks
demands a multifaceted approach.
First and foremost, robust conser-
serving as sanctuaries for biodiver- vation efforts are essential. This in-
sity. These areas are not just pictur- cludes stringent protection against
esque landscapes; they encapsulate illegal poaching, logging, and other
our commitment to conserving the destructive practices. Moreover,
environment for future generations. proactive steps such as reforesta-
However, the preservation of these tion, habitat restoration, and the
vital ecological habitats demands enforcement of sustainable tourism
immediate and resolute action. Ur- practices are crucial in maintaining By Vikram Gaikwad face.
gent measures are required to safe-
guard our national parks against the
the ecological integrity of these ar-
eas. W ith the spirit of Diwali lighting
the hearts of people, Mahaveer
International and the Consumer Prod-
During the event, Vrushali Mag-
dum, Trustee of the Sri Mukti Sang-
hatana, shed light on the organiza-
pressing threats of human encroach- Education and awareness also
ment, climate change, and biodiver- play a pivotal role in safeguard- uct Distributors Association extended tion's initiatives, including facilitating
sity loss. ing these natural havens. Educat- their generosity to the marginalized eye operations for a thousand women
The significance of these natural ing communities, visitors, and the segments of society, upholding their each month and providing essential
reserves cannot be overstated. They younger generation about the im- social commitment. In a heart-warm- medical supplies and protective gear.
are the custodians of diverse eco- portance of preserving these areas ing initiative, these two organizations Balwant Chordia, President of
systems, serving as crucial habitats fosters a sense of responsibility and collaborated to provide a brotherly Mahaveer International, outlined the
for a multitude of flora and fauna. stewardship. It instills a deeper ap- gesture to the women waste collectors organization's ongoing endeavours,
National parks, often considered the preciation for the natural world and by distributing sarees, ration kits, and including the promise of free eye ex-
epitome of wilderness, offer invalu- emphasizes the need to protect and snacks. The gratitude and joy were pal- aminations, surgeries, and compre-
able ecological services. They regu- nurture these invaluable landscapes. pable among the recipients as they ex- hensive health check-ups for the wom-
late climate, purify air and water, Furthermore, addressing the pressed their appreciation for the gifts. en garbage collectors. Vijay Tamhane,
and provide havens The event, graced by Senior Police In- Secretary of the Consumer Product
for countless species, spector Ajay Bhosle of Koparkhairane Distributors Association, announced
some of which may Police Station and other esteemed dig- plans to provide free rickshaw train-
be found nowhere nitaries, was a testament to the com- ing and licenses to 25 women garbage
else on Earth. munity's dedication to supporting the collectors post-Diwali. The event
Human activi- underserved communities. saw the presence of various digni-
ties, however, have The Sri Mukti Sanghatana held a taries, including Mahavir Interna-
increasingly en- special program in Koparkhairane on tional Secretary Manish Jain, Dinesh
croached upon these Tuesday, where Senior Police Inspec- Babel, Praveen Jain, Anil Chhajed,
vital spaces. Defor- tor Ajay Bhosle lauded the commend- as well as representatives from the
estation, poaching, able efforts of the organization in their Consumer Product Distributors As-
pollution, and irre- tireless support of the women waste sociation, including Prakash Sancheti,
sponsible tourism collectors. He emphasized the sig- Vasant Lokhande, and Bharat Darji.
have all taken their nificance of the organization's work The event was skilfully moderated by
toll on these fragile and pledged continuous support in Seema Kisve, and a heartfelt vote of
ecosystems. The delicate balance challenges posed by climate change addressing any challenges they may thanks was extended by Rukmini Paul.
that sustains these national parks is is imperative. Nations must commit
at risk, and the repercussions of in-
action are grave. If we continue on
to reducing carbon emissions and
adopting sustainable practices to 60-Year-Old woman mowed
this trajectory, we not only threaten
the existence of these parks but also
mitigate the impact on these sensi-
tive environments. Collaborative down by speeding vehicle
jeopardize the survival of numerous international efforts are crucial in By Crime Reporter lah, resided with her her in critical condition.
species and the well-being of future
Climate change poses an addi-
this regard, as the preservation of
national parks is a global respon-
sibility that transcends borders and
A routine shopping
trip turned into a
tragedy for a 60-year-
family in Khadakpada
village, Kalamboli.
Around 5 pm on Tues-
Upon receiving
news of the incident,
Mulkidevi's husband
tional, significant threat. Rising tem- national interests. old woman as she was day, Mulkidevi was rushed to the site and
peratures, altered rainfall patterns, Financial investments in the fatally struck by an un- going towards D Mart. took her to Kalamboli
and extreme weather events disrupt conservation and management of identified vehicle while While crossing the busy MGM Hospital for
the delicate harmony of these eco- these parks are equally indispens- crossing the Mumbra- Mumbra-Panvel road at urgent medical atten-
systems. From the melting glaciers able. Governments, private organi- Panvel road near Kha- the Khadakpada junc- tion. Despite the efforts
of Glacier National Park to the coral zations, and concerned individuals dakpada on Tuesday tion, she was tragically of the medical staff,
bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef must allocate resources to ensure evening. The Kalamboli hit by a speeding ve- Mulkidevi succumbed
Marine Park, the impact of climate the effective protection and mainte- police have initiated hicle traveling from to her injuries.
change is stark and palpable. With- nance of these crucial areas. Invest- a search for the driver Mumbra towards Pan- Following the in-
out prompt action, these changes ing in research, innovative conser- who fled the scene after vel. The impact of the cident the Kalamboli
may irreversibly damage these nat- vation technologies, and sustainable the accident, register- collision left Mulkidevi police have registered
ural wonders, causing irreversible practices will fortify the longevity ing a case against the with severe injuries, a case against the un-
harm to the intricate web of life they and resilience of these natural re- unknown perpetrator. and the driver, respon- known driver and be-
sustain. serves. The victim, identi- sible for the accident, gun further investiga-
fied as Mulkidevi Mal- fled the scene, leaving tion.
Navi Mumbai, Thane, Uran, Panvel, Raigad Thursday, 9 November 2023 5
Prashant Thakur inaugurates multimedia exhibition
in Kharghar to showcase nine years of governance
Less political kandils
By Ryhea George Balvikas Project Officer in Panv- phasized the importance of the
this Diwali season
@george_ryhea el, entrepreneur Kantibhai Patel, Central Information Bureau's

By Chandrashekhar Hendve
he multimedia exhibition on Praveen Patil, Mandal President multimedia exhibition in spread- @seashekhar

the topic of "Government of of Kharghar, Nikhil Deshmukh, ing awareness about government s the city of Navi Mumbai gears up for
India: 9 Years of Service, Gover- Deputy Director of Pune Divi- plans. Diwali, a noticeable shift is observed in
nance, Poverty Alleviation, and sion of the Central Information Prashant Thakur distributed the celebration dynamics. In a stark contrast
International Prosperity" orga- Bureau, renowned officer Har- cards for beneficiaries of the Ay- to last year, the market this festive season is
nized by the Central Information shal Akude, Assistant P. Kumar, ushman Bharat Yojana and the adorned with fewer political kandils (paper
Bureau of the Ministry of lanterns) bearing political symbols or images
Information and Broad- of political personalities.
casting of the Govern- Traditionally, the Diwali celebration in
ment of India was inau- Navi Mumbai has witnessed active engage-
gurated by MLA Prashant ment from political aspirants within the mu-
Thakur in Panvel on Tues-
day, November 7. On this
occasion, he emphasized
that the Central Informa-
tion Bureau's exhibition
is appropriate for spread-
ing information about the
government's plans.
During the inaugu-
ration, Central Govern-
ment's Information Ex-
hibition Is Appropriate
for Spreading Awareness
was mentioned by MLA
Prashant Thakur former municipal councillors, so- Pradhan Mantri Svadhi Yojana
This exhibition is being held cial workers, and a large number during the event. The exhibi-
at Little World Mall in Kharghar, of citizens. tion also provided detailed in-
New Mumbai, and will continue The program began with a formation on various schemes
from November 7 to 9, from 10 cultural performance by the art- and international prosperity year
AM to 10 PM. The exhibition ists of a local multidisciplinary through a unique Child Develop-
showcases information about arts organization in Thane. Sub- ment Service Plan called "Shri nicipal corporations, particularly leading up
various welfare schemes and sequently, Prashant Thakur in- Ann Recipe". to the announcement of municipal elections.
initiatives initiated by the Gov- augurated the entire exhibition. The attendees had the oppor- Last year, there was a surge in demand for
ernment of India over the past 9 He mentioned that over the past tunity to taste delicious items pre- elaborate sky lanterns, ranging from 3 to 7
years, presented in the form of 9 years, under the leadership of pared using welfare grains. Addi- feet in height, as political candidates sought to
images and digital displays. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, tionally, a Clean India Campaign boost their visibility by commissioning these
The opening ceremony of the the Central Government has (Swachh Bharat Abhiyan) selfie lanterns adorned with their names and party
program was attended by Nithin initiated several beneficial and point was set up at the exhibition. symbols in various wards.
Yevela, Senior Superintendent welfare plans. These plans have The organizers also encouraged However, this year, the political scenario
of Thane Lok Kala Bhavan, positively impacted the lives of citizens to visit the voter registra- seems to have receded into the background as
Avinash Koli, the North Raigad citizens, and it is important to tion camp organized by the Pan- the city's residents embrace the festive spirit
District President, Sanjay Bhale, ensure that more people ben- vel Tehsil Office and benefit from with open arms. Despite the challenges posed
Deputy Tehsildar, Suhita Owale, efit from these schemes. He em- the services available there. by inflation affecting the cost of raw materials,
there's a real shift towards supporting local
Mohini Gaurav Awards Ceremony held artisans and embracing traditional craftsman-
ship, steering away from the dependence on
By Chandrashekhar Hendve arts since its inception nent personalities and the Opposition, along lantern imports from China.
@seashekhar in 2001. luminaries from the with Dr. Milind Kasbe, a While the demand for sky lanterns remains

O n the auspicious oc- The event, held to world of arts and lit- practitioner of Tamasha significant, both from political entities aiming
casion of "Marathi and Folk Art, and Shiv- to make a lasting impression on the electorate
Theatre Day," the "Mo- das Ghodke. Renowned and from local societies looking to contrib-
hini Art Academy" in entrepreneur Maruti ute to the festive atmosphere, lantern vendors
Navi Mumbai celebrat- Ambawale, Subhash have reported a diverse price range. Lanterns
ed the rich and vibrant Kulkarni, President of are now available at prices spanning from Rs
world of theatre with the Marathi Sahitya Mandir, 500 to Rs 10,000, catering to a range of prefer-
"Natya Darval" event E. A. Patil, film producer ences and budgets.
and the prestigious "Mo- Lilavati Ambawale, and
hini Gaurav Awards various other dignitaries
– 2023" awards. This graced the occasion.
annual event, conceptu- The evening was en-
alized by the esteemed riched with captivating
Ravi Wadkar, has been performances, including
a testament to the appre- commemorate Marathi erature. Notable attend- the play "Ardhrat Ka-
ciation of exceptional Theatre Day, witnessed ees included Dashrath
talent in the dramatic the presence of promi- Bhagat, the Leader of Continued on page... 9
6 Thursday, 9 November 2023

Navi Mumbai children embrace tradition

Know the reason why Lakshmi with fort building activity this Diwali
is worshipped on Diwali
By Christopher Rodrigues and offer prayers and offerings to

L akshmi Puja, also known as

Diwali Puja, is a significant
tradition during the Diwali festival,
the goddess during the Lakshmi
Puja. This is done with the hope of
receiving her blessings for a pros-
which is widely celebrated in India perous year ahead.
and by the Indian diaspora around This story of the churning of the
the world. It is performed to wor- ocean and the emergence of God-
ship and seek the blessings of God- dess Lakshmi is one of the many
dess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess mythological narratives associ-
of wealth, prosperity, and good for- ated with Diwali and the worship
tune. of Lakshmi. It emphasises the im-
The story behind Lakshmi Puja, portance of wealth and prosperity
associated with Diwali, can vary in people's lives and the need to
depending on regional and cultural seek the blessings of the goddess to
interpretations, but one of the most ensure financial well-being in the
well-known and widely accepted coming year. By Sainath Bhoir Ochre lime is then used to add the final
stories is the story of the churning Goddess Lakshmi is often de- @sainathbhoir3 touch of colour to these miniature bas-

of the ocean, which is also known picted with four hands, symbol- s the festival of Diwali approach- tions, reminiscent of the vibrant forts
as the Samudra Manthan. izing the four goals of human life, es, the spirit of celebration and in rural landscapes. Notably, with the
This ancient Hindu myth is which are dharma (duty), artha enthusiasm is spreading across Navi constraints posed by urbanization and
often cited in the context of Di- (prosperity), kama (desire), and Mumbai. The focus for the children space limitations, some individuals
wali and the worship of has shifted to the art of building forts. have turned to ready-made forts avail-
Goddess Lakshmi. Recognizing the significance of this able in the market.
Here’s a simplified cherished tradition. Meanwhile, in an effort to instill
version of the story: Diwali, known as festival of light a deeper appreciation for our rich
The churning of the fervour and vibrant festivities, wit- historical heritage and the spirit of
ocean: In the distant nesses the adornment of homes and self-governance symbolized by forts,
past, the Devas (ce- hearts with lanterns, rangolis, and di- Maitri Foundation Navi Mumbai has
lestial beings) and the yas. The excitement reaches a peak as organized a captivating fort-building
Asuras (demons) joined families commence the preparations competition for children in Nerul,
forces to churn the cos- by purchasing new clothes, crackers, Ward No. 36. The event, organized
mic ocean (Ksheera and sky lanterns. With a rich histori- under the leadership of the Founder of
Sagara) in the hopes cal and cultural significance, the act of Maitri Foundation Navi Mumbai, Ak-
of obtaining the nectar fort-building stands as a testimony to shay Kale.
of immortality, known the valour, triumphs, and tribulations The competition aims to nurture
as Amrita. They used of bygone eras. Traditionally, forts creativity and encourage the younger
Mount Mandara as the are constructed using a blend of ma- generation to connect with the cultural
churning rod and Vasu- terials such as stone, soil, dung, and significance of forts, fostering a sense
ki, the serpent king, as glutinous grain flour, mimicking the of pride and understanding of the his-
the churning rope. craftsmanship of ancient village forts. torical legacy they represent.
Emergence of di-
vine treasures: As the
churning of the ocean For inserting
progressed, various di-
vine beings and treasures emerged. moksha (liberation). Worshipping advertisements
Among these treasures was God- her is a way to seek blessings for a in Newsband
dess Lakshmi, the goddess of well-rounded and fulfilling life. Contact:
wealth, who appeared seated on a Diwali is often associated with
lotus and was immediately recog- the beginning of the Hindu finan- Vijay -
nised as a symbol of prosperity and cial year. People believe that the 9867529919
abundance. blessings of Goddess Lakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi’s choice: will ensure financial prosperity
Rampreet -
Once she emerged, Goddess Lak- and abundance in the coming year. 9867659921
shmi chose Lord Vishnu as her eter- Lighting lamps and candles during Off : 2087 0513
nal consort. This is why she is also Diwali is a symbol of driving away
known as ‘Sri’ and is associated darkness and ignorance and invit- 2781 5380
with Lord Vishnu, who is believed ing wealth and light into one's life.
to be the preserver of the universe. During Lakshmi Puja, people
Significance of Diwali and Lak- clean and decorate their homes,
shmi Puja: Diwali is considered the create rangoli (colourful floor de-
day when Goddess Lakshmi de- signs), light oil lamps, and offer
scends to Earth to bless people with prayers and offerings to Goddess
wealth and prosperity. To welcome Lakshmi. It is believed that the god-
her into their homes, people clean dess visits homes that are clean and
and decorate their houses, light oil well-lit during Diwali and blesses
lamps and candles, create rangoli, them with prosperity. A reader shares a picture of cloudy skies that were seen across
Navi Mumbai on Wednesday (November, 8) evening. Weather
forecasts said there is a possibility of light showers.
Navi Mumbai, Thane, Uran, Panvel, Raigad Thursday, 9 November 2023 7

An ennobling musical journey

An Interview with Smt. Praveena Gouthman - Navi Mumbai’s Leading Artiste & Guru With Global Reach
By Lakshman Sundar natic Music from my childhood in teach? Online? Offline? Tell us about the awards and
Of All The Things In The the 1960s up to Geethams. Then I teach 28 students online across honors you received
Universe, The Earth Is Essential after my marriage in 1984 I began different time zones and 30 stu- I have received many prestigious
Of Earth, Human Beings Are learning varnams with Sumathi dents offline and they keep me busy awards both for vocal music and for
Essential Subramanian, a disciple of Mrs the whole week. I consider it as my veena in India and abroad from re-
Of Human Beings, Sound Is Balamani for five years from 1986. pleasurable duty as knowledge illu- nowned cultural organizations like
Essential Up next, I was under the tutelage minates when shared. Shanmukhananda. Awards honours
Of Sound , Speech Is Essential Smt. Raji Subaraman for ten years. What is the response for In- are the spin-offs or the by-products
Of Speech, Poetry Is Essential From 2006 till date, Sangeetha Ka- dian music abroad? of good performance. I took them
Of Poetry, Music Is Essential laAcharya Smt. Radha Namboodiri Very good. I perform before a in my stride and stopped counting
Of Music Veena Is Quintessential has been my steadfast Guru. multicultural audience and the at- them.
- The Chandogya Upanishad Where and when did you gave tendees are so inquisitive that if What is your opinion about
Vashi based global artiste Smt. your first music performance? they like a song or composition, the younger generation?
Praveena Gouthaman has been a I gave my they request me Present generation wants to per-
disciple of Sangeetha KalaAcharya maiden vocal for an encore. form at an early stage which is not
Smt Radha Namboodiri for the past performance in They want to acceptable. They must acquire suffi-
17 years till date for Carnatic Vocal BARC for Thiag- learn something ciency and proficiency to overcome
and a disciple of Smt. Shyamala Sa- araja Aradhana new and appre- any deficiency before ascending the
janani for over 13 years for Veena. and at Devi Tem- ciate something stage. They don’t put in extra prac-
She has given over 1,000 concerts in ple, Anushak- different and so tice hours. They want everything
Vocal Carnatic Music & Veena for tinagar for the melodious. Not instantly like fast food! I feel they
the past three and half decades in Navratri Festival only for the mu- should take music seriously along
India & abroad. She also performs in 1988. Since sic concerts but with their studies. There is no short
jugalbandhi with noted Hindu- then, I have been also for my work- cut to success. They should have
stani Classical Vocalist Smt. Adity performing there shops and lec passion and patience to succeed in
Shome. She takes music classes for and other places dems on music I music.
both vocal and veena both online both in India get excellent re- What are your favourite plac-
and offline. Smt. Praveena Goutha- and abroad every ception. Indian es?
man has done her Master’s in Car- year. classical music is My favourite places in India
natic Vocal & Veena & Diploma in And Veena? spreading across are Kodaikanal, Mahabaleshar and
Carnatic Vocal from Madras Uni- I started the globe. Udaipur. Abroad I like the bustling
versity, Tamil Nadu University of learning un- Who are and lively Los Vegas, Grand Can-
Fine Arts & Music, Chennai, and der Smt. Janaki your favourite yon, Niagara Falls and Houston in
Mumbai University respectively all Rangan at Bhakta Rasika Ranjani musicians? the U.S.
qualifying with summa cum laude. Sabha in 1990 at Anushaktinagar. In Carnatic Music, Smt. M.S. Who is your role model?
She is an MCom, MPhil (Com- I had given my maiden Veena per- Subbulakshmi whom I consider as My role model is the renowned
merce), Diploma in Higher Educa- formance at BARC Temple prem- a musical treasure house. Among artiste and my Guru Smt. Radha
tion from Mumbai University and ises for Navratri in 2000. the current musicians I like Shri. Namboodiri. In life, manners, style,
Diploma In School Management What is your daily routine? Sanjay Subramanian. In Hindu- teachings and ethos she is simplic-
from Yashwantrao University. She My daily routine is practising stani, I like Vidushi Kaushiki ity personified which reflects her
was a lecturer in commerce at a music, cooking, teaching students, Chakraborty. true elegance.
Mumbai college for 33 years. A brisk walking and watching impor- Your favourite song in Car- Having become a very good
multidimensional and multi tal- tant music, bhajan programs and natic Music and in Hindi? and well-known artiste, if you
ented persona, she talks about her cricket matches like the World Cup Well, my favourite song in Car- want to still become one thing in
musical journey in this frank and on TV. natic is Bhavayami Gopalan in raag life what is that?
candid interview. Below, excerpts: When do you practise? Yamuna Kalyani composed by the I want to become a distinguished
Please tell us about your musical I practice one hour each on vo- legend Saint Sri. Annamacharya. teacher in Carnatic music. I want to
journey? cal and veena daily in the morning. In Hindi it is Bole Re Papihara pass on our rich music tradition to
Well, I l started learning Car- How many students do you sung by late Smt. Vani Jairam. the future generation.

A nukkad natak (street play) was performed by the Divisional Cultural Academy of Central Railway of Mumbai Divi-
sion across stations on the harbour line at Wadala Road, Vashi, Belapur, and Panvel to raise awareness amongst the
public, encouraging them to use the UTS App.
8 Thursday, 9 November 2023

Inward Journey: Significance of Human Body

will see how deeply others. He was certain from childhood to nas creates desires in think of God only.
the world is obsessed that everyone was go- youth and later to old the being through the However, one
with looks and forms. ing to die, and he did age, it passes from one activity of the senses should not subject the
According to the not want to cause it. body to another. The and through desires body to torture and se-
Bhagavadgita, accept- He did not consider wise men are therefore delusion of the mind vere ascetic practices.
ing one’s mind and himself a spiritual be- not deluded and do not and bondage. Under The person who tries
body as real is respon- ing or the real Self, grieve over the dead or the delusion caused to restrain the organs
Minakshi Agarwal sible for bondage and until Lord Krishna the living. by the gunas, man be- of work outwardly
rebirth. People who pointed it to him and The body is the comes egoistic, think- without inner control

A ccording to Hindu
scriptures, the hu-
man body is unreal
identify themselves
with them and accept
them as true remain
assured him that the
Self was eternal and
indestructible. Unfor-
city of nine gates, the
seat of the senses, and
the field of Prakriti. It
ing that he is the doer,
and thereby becomes
attached to the modes
and detachment from
sense objects is a man
of deluded intellect
because it is perish- ignorant of their spiri- tunately, the power of is made up of the five and actions. and a hypocrite. Those
able, subject to decay, tual nature and suffer Maya is so strong that mahabhutas (great ele- The body which is are men of demoniac
sickness and death. from fear and anxiety even if you are told a ments namely the fire, the seat of illusion can resolve, who practice
Hence, one should about their Wellbeing hundred times that you the water, the earth, also be a source of true austerities and pen-
cultivate detachment and mortality. are an eternal Self, you the air and the ether), liberation. A karma ance not enjoined by
towards it and become Arjuna was filled may still not be able to the ego, buddhi, the yogi who engages the the scriptures, under
established in the Self, with sorrow when he get rid of your body- invisible (self), the organs of his body the influence of lust,
which is real, eternal, entered the battlefield centric thinking and ten senses (the ears, in desireless actions, power and attachment,
and indestructible. in the chariot driven the notion that you are the eyes, the skin, the keeping his body and and there by torture
In Hinduism, from a by Krishna. When the mind and body and tongue, the nose, the mind under control, the body and God who
spiritual perspective, he saw both the detached men- dwells in the body.
anything which is per- armies arrayed tally, offering Yoga is not for one
ishable and changeable on two sides, the fruit of his who is a voracious
is projection of Nature his heart was actions to God, eater or a non-eater.
and illusory. Whoever shaken and he living only to It is also not for those
craves for things that was filled with perform bodily who sleep too much or
are impermanent is an overwhelm- functions, be- who do not sleep at all.
bound to suffer from ing sorrow at the comes liberated Moderation, regulated
the duality of attrac- idea of the great from the bond- diet and relaxation,
tion and aversion. Like destruction that age of birth and restrained actions, dis-
all other objects, the was to follow death and is nev- cipline in sleeping and
human body is also a from the fight- er reborn again. waking, is the path to
formation or appear- ing. He knew The body can freedom from sorrow.
ance. Hence, it is the that whoever be a source of Thus according to
Not-Self or not the real might be the liberation at the the Gita, the body is a
Self. So are the mind, winner, a great time of death, mere vessel, which is
the senses and all other destruction on for the true yogi perishable and change-
parts and aspects of both sides was who has mas- able. It is the creation of
the human body. They inevitable. The tered his senses Prakriti, an Adhibhu-
constitute the physical armies consist- and controlled ta, in which is housed
self or the outer Self. ed of great he- his mind. This is the Adhiyagna, the im-
One should look be- roes of his time. possible because perishable soul, dwell-
yond them to experi- Some were eager whatever a per- ing as the inner wit-
ence oneness with the to fight to settle son remembers ness. Since the body is
Self, or the divine en- old scores, while at the time of his perishable, one should
try which is hidden in some had been death, he attains not identify oneself
all. filled with remorse death is a mere inter- hands, the feet, the that only. Thus a per- with it and not grieve
The Bhagavadgita since they knew peo- lude in the long jour- mouth, the anus and son by remembering over anyone’s death.
states clearly that one ple on the other side of ney of the soul in the the sexual organ) and God at the time of his By detaching one-
should not develop at- the battlefield whose mortal world. the five objects of the death, full of devotion, self from the body
tachment to the body, destruction they did According to the senses (the sound, the through the strength of consciousness, by con-
nor consider it their not want to see or Bhagavadgita, the taste, the touch, the the yoga, holding the trolling the mind, by
true Self. Identify- cause. No one can pre- body is perishable, de- smell and the shape). life breath between the becoming wary of the
ing with the body and dict the future, but no structible, subject to Other constituents of two eyebrows, can eas- play of the gunas and
accepting it as the one willingly wants to the process of aging, the body are desires, ily reach him. the senses, by con-
real self is a delusion kill anything, unless sickness and disease. It repulsion, happiness, By closing all the stantly fixing the mind
caused by the impuri- one is extremely psy- is like a covering or a sorrow, the aggregate, openings of the body, on the Higher Self, by
ties of the mind. The chopathic and filled dress we wear. Hence, dynamic awareness, establishing the mind performing the daily
delusion that the body with evil. the scripture affirms decisiveness. in the heart and fix- duties with a sense of
is real and the Self is Arjuna was over- that just as a man dis- The body is the ing life energy in the detachment, one can
false is universal. Even whelmed with sorrow cards his worn out seat of illusion where head, and uttering the achieve true liberation
those who are deep- on the battlefield be- clothes and takes on Prakriti enacts its play syllable "AUM," the and the Highest Goal.
ly religious may not cause he was looking at new clothes, the soul through the triple gu- yogi can easily attain The writer
wholeheartedly accept the names and forms. discards worn out bod- nas or qualities name- the Supreme Self. A can be contacted
their spiritual identi- He was not thinking ies and takes on new ly, the sattva, the rajas man should, therefore, on
ties. If you look at the beyond his physical ones. Just as it passes and the tamas. The train his mind through minakshi.ja@
world around you, you identity or those of through in this body interplay of these gu- Gyan yoga and always
Navi Mumbai, Thane, Uran, Panvel, Raigad Thursday, 9 November 2023 9
Women celebrate ‘Jal Diwali’ MNS raises concerns over
Visit Thane's water purification centre rising theft and drug sales in Kopari
Village, Urge police action

W omen of Thane
celebrated Jal
Diwali, a unique water-
held from November 7
to 9, and in collabora-
tion with the National
erations, and various
departments involved in
the process. In the sec-
By Sainath Bhoir
The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena
effectively tackle the surge in criminal
activities in the Kopari village vicin-
ity. They also stressed the importance
themed festival, by vis- Urban Livelihood Cam- ond session, junior en- (MNS) recently held a meeting with the of installing closed-circuit television
iting the Water Purifi- paign, the program 'Wa- gineers Shardul Mhatre Senior Police Inspector Ajay Shinde of (CCTV) cameras to bolster surveil-
cation Centre of Thane ter for Women' was or- and Vanraj Patil guided APMC police station and highlighted lance efforts.
Municipal Corporation ganized to empower and the women through the the issue of rising theft and drug sale in During the meeting, ward presi-
Kopari village which is causing signifi- dent Vikas Patil, sub-division presi-
cant distress among the residents. dent Nandesh Bhoir, branch president
The MNS delegation made an ap- Tushar Marathe, as well as members
peal to the officials for a dedicated po- Amol Kaldoke and MNS Sainik Aditya
lice post near the Hanuman temple to Dubukwad, were present.

Amity University Mumbai Hosts

'Drone Making' Workshop
A Skyward Journey of Skill Development
A mity University
Mumbai, in collab-
oration with the Amity
School of Engineering
and Technology and the
Amity Institute of Tech-
nology (ASET), recently
hosted a two-day, hands-
at Temghar. The event educate women about entire water treatment on workshop on "Drone
aimed to educate wom- water supply and puri- plant, explaining the in- Making." This workshop
en about the journey of fication. tricate process of water attracted participants
water from its source to A total of 34 women purification. from across India, pro- PUBLIC NOTICE
the purification process from self-help groups The inspection tour viding them with the Re: Sale/Transfer of Flat No.101 admeasuring 33.5 sq. mtrs.
carpet area on the First floor of the building named SHREEYANSH
before it is distributed. participated in this day- was attended by Deputy opportunity to enhance APARTMENT in SHREEYANSH Co-operative Housing Society
Jal Diwali was orga- long tour. During the Commissioner Varsha their drone-building Limited on Plot No.36, situated at Sector-8A, Airoli, Navi Mumbai,
Tal. & Dist. Thane
nized as part of the Am- first session at Temghar, Dixit, Sub-Urban Engi- skills. The event was THIS is to notify that my Client MR SANDEEP DOGU SHETTY intend
rit 2.0 initiative by the Executive Engineer neer Vinod Pawar, and inaugurated by Dr. Shri- to purchase Flat No.101 admeasuring 33.5 sq. mtrs. carpet area on
the First floor of the building named SHREEYANSH APARTMENT in
Ministry of Housing Hanumant Pandey pro- officials from the Social kant Charhate, the Dean SHREEYANSH Co-operative Housing Society Limited on Plot No.36,
and Urban Affairs. vided detailed infor- Development Depart- of Academics at Amity situated at Sector-8A, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Tal. & Dist. Thane
Jal Diwali is a na- mation about the water ment and Water Supply University Mumbai. (hereinafter referred to as the said Flat) from 1) MR.GIRISH DOGU
tionwide celebration treatment plant, its op- Department. During the work- Any person/s, Organization/s, Company/ies, Institution/s, Bank/s
shop, Dr. A. W. Santhosh or any other Govt. / Concerned authorities having any right, title,
claim etc. against or in the aforesaid Flat or by way of inheritance,
Mohini Gaurav actors residing in Navi and significant impact in Kumar, the Vice Chan- mortgage, possession, sale, gift, lease, charge, trust, maintenance,
Awards Ceremony... Mumbai who have ex- the realm of theatre. cellor of Amity Univer- development, easement, transfer, licence, either agitated in any
litigation or otherwise or any other right or interest whatsoever are
Continued from page...5 celled in the domains Ravindra Wadkar, sity Mumbai, addressed hereby required to make the same known in writing to the undersigned
lali" written by Ravin- of drama, serials, and the director of the Mo- the students, encour- within a period of 15 days from the date of publication hereof.
If no claim is made as required hereinabove, my client will be at liberty
dra Wadkar, staged by films. The recipients of hini Art Academy, ex- aged them to delve into to complete the transaction in respect of the said Flat without any
Natya Dalval, and "Na- this prestigious award pressed his heartfelt the fascinating realm of reference or regard to any such purported right, title, claim or interest
building their own per- etc., which shall be deemed to have been waived for all intents and
jar," a one-act play that included Smt. Vasanti appreciation for the purposes and not binding on my clients.
enthralled the audience. Bhagat, Srihari Pavle, awardees, emphasiz- sonalized drones and Sd/-
The "Mohini Gaurav Amol Deshmukh, Vijay ing their dedication to mastering the art of fly- ADV.M.T.THACKER & ASSOCIATES
Adv Falguni Thacker
Award" was the high- Pawar, Prashant Nigde, the performing arts and ing them. He empha- Branch office: Shop No.3, F3, Sector-9,
light of the event, ac- and Virisha Naik, each their pivotal role in en- sized the importance Ghansoli, Gharonda, Navi Mumbai
Tel: 8655080460
knowledging the excep- recognized for their re- riching the cultural tap- E Mail:
Continued on page... 11 Date: 09-11-2023 Ref: 2110403
tional contributions of markable achievements estry of Navi Mumbai.
10 Thursday, 9 November 2023

Australia escapes to victory:

Here’s how people with asthma can ICC Men’s ODI Cricket World Cup
safeguard themselves during Diwali Glenn Maxwell scores a double ton
By Christopher Rodrigues particulate matter, Educate family dampens Afghanistan entry in to semis
@mahimerchris3 such as N95 or N99 and friends: Make

D iwali celebra- masks. These masks sure your family and By Ashok Dhamija
tions, especially
the bursting of fire-
can help reduce your
exposure to pollut-
friends are aware
of your asthma and A match winning un-
beaten double cen-
tury by all-rounder Glenn
crackers, can sig- ants in the air. the precautions you
nificantly increase Avoid smoke: need to take during Maxwell saw the five
air pollution levels, Stay away from ar- Diwali. Ask for their times champions Aus-
which can be a con- eas where people are support in minimiz- tralia register a thrilling
cern for individuals bursting firecrackers ing firecracker use three wickets win with 3.1
with asthma and oth- to minimize your around you. overs to spare over Af-
er respiratory condi- exposure to smoke Plan celebra- ghanistan while chasing a
tions. and pollutants. If tions safely: If you competitive target of 292
Asthma patients you are around such are hosting or attend- in the ongoing ICC Men’s
should take extra areas, keep a safe ing Diwali celebra- ODI Cricket World Cup
precautions during distance. tions, try to choose at the Wankhede Stadi-
Diwali, as the air pol- Keep relievers locations and ac- um, Mumbai on Tuesday Glenn Maxwell heroic innings, the highest by an Australian in a
night. run chase saw his team through in to semis (Photo courtesy
lution caused by fire- handy: Always have tivities that are less The ICC)
works can exacerbate your rescue inhaler likely to expose you Walking in at no.6 af-
their condition. ( b r o n c h o d i l a t o r) to excessive smoke ter his team was reduced Khan's quick fire unbeaten 35 off 18
Here are some pre- with you. Use it as and pollution. Con- to 48 for 4 after back to back strikes by balls, as the pair put on 75 in the final
cautions suggested prescribed if you ex- sider celebrating in Afghanistan pacer Azmatullah Omarzai six overs to ensure their team score 291
by doctors that perience any asthma smoke-free environ- (2/52) in the ninth over of the innings for 5, their highest score in ODI World
asthma patients can symptoms or diffi- ments. (which soon became 91 for 7 in the 19th Cup history, after electing to bat first.
take during Diwali: culty breathing. Monitor air over), Maxwell overcame cramps and Brief scores (Round robin league
Stay indoors: Stay hydrated: quality: Keep an eye severe back spam to score 128-ball 201 match no. 39): Afghanistan - 291/5 in
The best way to not out including 21 boundaries and 50 overs (Ibrahim Zadran 129* (143b:
avoid exposure to 10 massive sixes, Appropriately he hit 8x4s. 3x6s), Rashid Khan 35* (18b:
the harmful effects the winning six over deep mid-wicket 2x4s, 3x6s)Rahmat Shah 30 (44b: 1x4);
of air pollution dur- off Mujeeb Ur Rahman (0/72) in the Josh Hazlewood 2/39, Glenn Maxwell
ing Diwali is to stay company of his skipper Pat Cummings 1/55, Adam Zampa 1/58, Mitchell Starc
indoors, especially (12*) with whom he added 202 runs for 1/70) lost to Australia - 293/7 in 46.5
during the evening the eight wicket to end Afghanistan gi- overs (Glenn Maxwell 201* (128b:
when fireworks are ant killing run in the tournament where 21x4s, 10x6s), Mitchell Marsh 24
most active. Keep they had defeated former champions (11b: 2x4s, 2x6s), Pat Cummins 12*
your windows and Pakistan and England in back to back (68b: 1x4); Rashid Khan 2/44, Naveen-
doors closed to mini- matches. The unlikely win also ensured ul-Haq 2/47, Azmatullah Omarzai
mize the entry of that Australia became the third team to 2/52) by three wickets and 19 balls
outdoor pollutants. qualify for the semi-finals stage, after to spare. Player of the Match: Glenn
Use air puri- host India and South Africa. Maxwell (Australia).
fiers: Consider us- Drink plenty of wa- on local air quality The gritty Afghani-
ing a good-quality ter to keep your air- levels and pollution stan which had won
three matches in a row PUBLIC NOTICE
air purifier with a ways moist, which forecasts. Many cit- Be it known to the General Public my clients MR. JOGINDER
HEPA filter in your can help reduce ir- ies provide real-time earlier in the tournament ATTARSINGH BAGADI & 5 OTHERS are lawful joint owners of
home, particularly in ritation from pollut- air quality data, too themselves had to immovable property bearing Apartment No.PL6A/8/4, Sahyadri Co-
op. Hsg. Society Ltd, Sector 14, Khanda Colony, Panvel (W), Tal
the room where you ants. Avoid alcoholic which can help you blame for giving Max- – Panvel, Dist – Raigad 410 206.
spend the most time. beverages, as they plan your activities well a reprieve when on My clients was holding following original documents –
1. Deed of Apartment dated 22/12/1994 executed between CIDCO
Air purifiers can help can dehydrate you. accordingly. 33. Placed at no. seven in Ltd and Shri. Shankar G. Shinde, bearing Registration document
remove fine particu- Avoid heavy Asthma patients points table after being Sr. No.42/1995
tied with 8 points with 2. Conveyance Deed / Deed of Apartment dated 07/09/1996
late matter from the meals: Overeating should prioritize executed between Shri. Shankar G. Shinde and Shri. Ilesh
indoor air. can lead to indiges- their health and well- New Zealand and Paki- Krishnadas Shah, bearing Registration document Sr.
Plan ahead: tion and discomfort, being during Diwali stan, on the basis of Net No.1775/1996
same have been lost and or misplaced by my clients on 19/05/2023
Make sure you have which can trigger by taking these pre- Run Rate, it will require while shifting household articles.
an adequate supply asthma symptoms. cautions to reduce a hurricane task for the That the above mentioned original documents are lost and or
misplaced, not traceable and accordingly my clients have lodged the
of your asthma medi- Stick to light, easily their exposure to air worn torn country in the missing documents Complaint on 04/11/2023 at Khandeshwar Police
cations, including digestible meals. pollution. face of their final league Station under Lost Property Registration No.1786/2023.
It is informed that not to use the above document for any purposes.
rescue inhalers, and Create a clean If you experi- game against second If it is misused strict legal action will be initiated. If any person or
ensure they are eas- indoor environ- ence worsening place South Africa. persons found the said documents, kindly be return to undersigned,
Earlier, Afghanistan proper charges will be paid to the concern person.
ily accessible in case ment: Maintain a asthma symptoms, Any person having any claim, right or interest in the aforesaid property
of an emergency. Fol- clean and well-venti- seek medical atten- opener Ibrahim Zadran or any part thereof they may put their such claim, right or interest
low your prescribed lated indoor environ- tion promptly, and carried his bat through within 7 days from the date of publication hereof.
It is further informed that after the period of 7 days from Notice no
asthma management ment. Use exhaust consult with your the innings in his epic claim of whatsoever will be entertain.
plan. fans in the kitchen healthcare provider unbeaten knock of 129 Sd/-
Wear a mask: If and bathroom to re- for guidance on man- off 143 balls and in the Advocate & Notary
you need to go out- move indoor pollut- aging your condition process became his coun- PL6A/6/0:2, Gr. Floor, Near MSEB Office,
try’s first batter to score a Sector - 1, Khanda Colony,
doors, wear a mask ants. Avoid smoking during the festive New Panvel (W), Navi Mumbai 410 206.
designed to filter out indoors. season. Cricket World Cup cen- Place: Navi Mumbai Ph. No. 9967335046
tury. All-rounder Rashid Date: 09-11-2023
Navi Mumbai, Thane, Uran, Panvel, Raigad Thursday, 9 November 2023 11
Chandrakant Patil elected as Navi Ten-men Mumbai City FC go down
Mumbai District President of NCP fighting to table toppers Al Hilal SFC
By Ashok Dhamija the 2020–21 season will not progress

B uoyed by the presence of their past the group stage in the ACL fol-
skipper and defender Rahul Bheke, lowing its fourth in as many Group D
Indian Football club Mumbai City FC games so far.
(MCFC) gave a much improved per- Only the top team from each group
formance before losing to Saudi Ara- is guaranteed a spot in the knockouts
bia’s Al Hilal SFC by two second half along with three of the five best-placed
goals in the reverse Group D round runners-up from each zone.
robin league match of the AFC Cham- Earlier the Des Buckingham
pions League (ACL) 2023-24 that was coached MCFC had lost to the former
played at the DY Patil Stadium, Nerul, ACL Champions Al Hilal SFC in an
Navi Mumbai on away game by a
Monday night. huge margin of
Michael Del- 6-0 at the King
gado (62’) and Fahd International
By Staff Reporter gious position within the pointment letter from Aleksandar Mi- Stadium in Ri-
C handrakant Patil, a
former corporator
and respected Mathadi
NCP leadership has re-
turned to the Patil family
for the second time, fol-
Jayant Patil, the state
president of the NCP
Sharad Pawar group, in
trovic (85’) found
the back of the
net past the ef- Mitrovic (5', 67',
leader (C.R. Patil) hail- lowing in the footsteps of the presence of esteemed fervescent MCFC 80') had scored
ing from Turbhe, has his elder brother S.D.R. leaders such as Jitendra custodian Phurba the hat-trick
been appointed as the Patil, who previously Awad and former min- Lachenpa who while Sergej Mi-
Navi Mumbai District served as the district ister Shashikant Shinde. otherwise had an linkovic-Savic
President of the Na- president of the party. Following the appoint- excellent outing (75'), Mohammed
tionalist Congress Party During a ceremony ment, Chandrakant Patil despite the send- Al-Burayk (82')
(NCP) Sharad Pawar held in Mumbai on sought the blessings of ing of his fellow and Abdulelah
faction. With this ap- Tuesday, Chandrakant party stalwarts Sharad defender Mehtab Al-Malki (95')
pointment, the presti- Patil received the ap- Pawar and Supriya Sule. Singh for a second Mumbai City FC’s Scottish striker Greg Stew- also got on the
art (Centre) attempt at the goal is thwarted by
yellow card after AL Hilal SFC players in a action packed AFC scoresheet for the
Pro Kabaddi League a foul on Al Hilal Champions League Group D reverse league Saudi
SFC midfielder match (Photo Courtesy MCFC) club.

Season 10 to be live streamed for Ruben Neves in

the 57th minute of the game.
Mumbai City
FC will take on Nassaji Mazandaran
all mobile users by Disney+ Hotstar The loss also meant that the MCFC at the Azadi Stadium, Tehran in
which is the first club to win both the their next ACL match on 28th Novem-
By Ashok Dhamija ISL title and League Winners Shield in ber.

B uoyed by the re-

sounding success
of the Asia Cup 2023
Amity University
Mumbai Hosts...
tive, three lucky winners
of the virtual flying ses-
portunity to fly an actual
drone as a special conso-
and the ongoing ICC Continued from page...11 sion were given the op- lation prize.
Men’s Cricket World of fostering innovation
Cup 2023, Disney+ through brainstorming PUBLIC NOTICE
Hotstar is gearing up and the development of TAKE NOTICE THAT the following original documents have been lost/
cutting-edge technolo- misplaced from the custody of my client MRS. NANDA SAWKAR
to present the Sea- KANSE, An adult, Indian Inhabitant, Residing at:-Plot No. G-136/01,
son 10 of Pro Kabaddi gies and applications us- Nutan Co-Operative Housing Society Limited, Sector-12, Kharghar,
League (PKL). One of competing teams. viewing is evolving, as ing drones. Navi Mumbai-410210. My client has taken diligent search to find the
said lost/misplaced documents but the same are not traceable. My
the most watched tra- The decision to was witnessed by the Conducted by Amey client has also lodged N. C. Complaint in concerned Police Station of
ditional sport in the enable ad-supported phenomenal response More, an Assistant Pro- Kharghar, Navi Mumbai vide Missing Reg. No. 2488/2023, dated
country in which India streaming of the tenth to our free on mobile of- fessor at ASET, the Take notice that if said lost/not traceable documents are found to any
are the current Asian edition of Pro Kabaddi fering during Asia Cup workshop delved into the person or persons the same has to be reported to the undersigned
intricacies of drone tech- within the period of 7 days from the date of publication of this public
Games Champions in League closely follows 2023 and ICC Men’s notice, also any person having any claim or right or objection in
both Men and Women’s the historic viewer- Cricket World Cup nology. The workshop respect of the said property or any part thereof by way of share
category after cricket. ship achieved during 2023. Our audience is was structured to include encumbrance or mortgage howsoever or otherwise is hereby
required to intimate to the undersigned within 7 days from the date
The PKL same will be the ICC Men’s Cricket continually seeking the a knowledge session that of publication of this notice of his/her/their such intimation with all
lived streamed for all World Cup 2023. Dur- thrill of sports with the introduced participants supporting documents falling which the transactions in respect of
said property shall be completed without reference to such claim or
the mobile users in In- ing the India vs South convenience of on-the- to drones and their vari- objection and the claims or objections, if any, of such person shall be
dia starting 2 Decem- Africa match, the plat- go access and we are ous components. treated as waived and not binding on us.
ber, 2023 with opening form recorded a peak elated to meet this de- This was followed a) Original Deed of Assignment dated 07.03.2009 executed between
match between Gujarat concurrency of 4.4 mand. The popularity by interactive practi- Nutan Co-Operative Housing Society Limited of the One Part and
cal sessions that guided Mrs. Nanda Sawkar Kanse of the Other Part. Vide Document
Giants and Telugu Ti- Crore viewers, and this of Pro Kabaddi League Serial No. PVL1/01371/2009 on 07.03.2009.
tans from the Arena by is expected to go up as spans across age groups participants through the b) Original Share Certificate No. 25 issued by Nutan Co-Operative
Transstadia Stadium in we draw closer to the and by making it avail- process of assembling Housing Society Limited.
All above Original documents are in respect of property bearing
Ahmedabad. As may culmination of the tour- able to all our audience drone components and Plot No. G-136/01, Nutan Co-Operative Housing Society Limited,
be recalled the upcom- nament. on Disney+ Hotstar, our honing their soldering Sector-12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Tal. Panvel, Dist. Raigad.
Admeasuring Area About 32 Sq. Mtrs.
ing season of the Pro Commenting on aim is to make Kabaddi techniques. The work- Sd/-
Kabaddi League will be this, Sajith Sivanandan accessible to all of In- shop concluded with a Adv. Sonali B. Patil
hands-on virtual flying Advocate High Court
conducted in a 12-city - Head, Disney+ Hot- dia and foster a stronger Add: Shop No. 01, NL-1B-85/6,
caravan format includ- star India, said, “The sense of engagement session using a simula- Place: Navi Mumbai Shree Ganesh Appt., Sector-10, Nerul,
ing Mumbai with 12 landscape of sports amongst the fans.” tor. As an extra incen- Date: 09.11.2023 Navi Mumbai- 400 706 Mobile No. 8850832929
12 Thursday, 9 November 2023

Traditionally Rising health awareness spurs

made kandils demand for nutritious sweets
in higher By Chandrashekhar Hendve between Rs. 700 to Rs. 2,000 per kg.
Chocolates made from dry fruits

T he trend towards health-con-

scious eating habits has led
and innovative blends are also gain-
ing attention, including the newly
Demand for to a significant shift in the sweets introduced Gems Chocobite, cater-
market this festive season. Citizens ing especially to children, is sold at
‘Made in India’ products are showing a growing inclination Rs. 550 per kg. As Diwali Padwa
soars high towards sweets made from nutri- and Bhaubij approach, the market
tious ingredients such as dry fruits, is brimming with various attractive
including cashews and almonds, as gift options, including dry fruit as-
By Christopher Rodrigues well as confections derived from sortments, chocolates, and alluring
@mahimerchris3 various fruit seeds. However, the gift hampers priced between Rs. 200

N estled between the Mahim and

Shivaji Park, Dadar in Mum-
bai, there is a market dedicated
prices of these healthier alternatives
have surged, ranging from Rs. 1,000
to Rs. 2,000 per kg, owing to in-
to Rs. 3500.
Notably, the demand for sweets,
especially for corporate gifting, has
to selling lanterns or kandils bet- creased costs of essential commodi- surged by 60 to 70 percent compared
ter known as Kandil Gully. It is a ties like milk and ghee. to previous year price. The price
market that dates back five whole Diwali typically sees a high de- hike in sweets can be attributed to
decades and is famous city-wide as mand for sweets. This year, the fo- the increase in milk prices by Rs. 10
the must-visit Diwali shopping pit- cus has shifted towards sweets that to Rs. 12 per liter, resulting in a di-
stop. It is located at Kawli Wadi, the bigger kandeels range from 150 offer health benefits, including vari-rect increase of Rs. 20 to Rs. 60 per
Lady Jamshedji Road. People to 1,150 rupees. Although the cost ants made from rose, mango, saf- kg in the price of sweets. Moreover,
from all over the metropolitan re- of the materials has increased, we fron, and oranges. Additionally, the the prices of desi ghee have doubled,
gion pay a visit to this market. The tried to keep our rates the same as market has witnessed an increase and the cost of cashew nuts has also
markets put up several decorative last year to retain customers.” in demand for sugar-free sweets, seen a substantial rise.
items which attracted customers. He added, “This year there is a reflecting a growing preference for "Sweets have witnessed an in-
Handcrafted kandils in all higher demand for traditional kan- healthier options. crease of Rs. 50 to Rs. 100 this
shapes, sizes, colours and budgets. dils, with intricate patterns made Various delicious offerings such year, owing to rising prices of pet-
The abundance and variety in the from paper and wood. People are as mango, saffron, paan, rose, or- rol, diesel, gas cylinder, milk, and
market is known to draw thousands consciously trying to avoid plastic ange, and oreo sweets are being sold dry fruits," stated a local sweet shop
of patrons here for Diwali shop- and thermocol kandils.” in the range of Rs. 1500 to Rs. 5000 owner, emphasizing the impact of
ping year after year. Of course, in The wooden kandils range per kg. Meanwhile, laddoos made escalating commodity prices on the
addition to the kandils, shopkeepers from 100 to 800 rupees, while the from seeds such as watermelon, and overall market.
also stock up on other festive good- paithani material kandeels cost sunflower, along with
ies such as Rangoli Kits, Rangoli 1,150 rupees. The footfall of people options like kiwi, Items Amount Rs.
Colours, Geru (white powder), Co- is higher this year, as it is the first fig, cranberry, and Dry Fruit Mix 700 to 2500 per kg
lourful Lights and more. year without any Covid restrictions, date, are available at Ladoo 1000 to 1600 per kg
Subhash Pawar, a kandil seller although less during the week and prices ranging from Cashew Pistachio 1200 to 1800 per kg
who sets up shop here every year more on the weekends. Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2500
said, “We sell kandeels made of pa- Shibani Patankar, a resident per kg. Cashew nuts Kaju Roll 1000 to 1600 per kg
per and plastic and make it in the from Worli, Mumbai said, “I visit sweets prepared with Mohan Bhog 40 to 70 per piece
traditional way. Our small kandils Kandil Gully in Mahim every year, flavouRs. like jag- Pakija 50 to 90 per piece
cost between 30 to 50 rupees, while you can source the best locally gery, rose, saffron, jel- Bengali fancy 60 to 110 per piece
made kandils in Mumbai here. The ly, orange, strawberry,
artisans are highly skilled and have and lychee are priced Pistachio Chakra 80 to 140 per piece
been doing this work for genera-
She added, “You are spoilt for
choice here, you can find so much
variety. So many shapes, sizes and
different teams and patterns.”
Avantika Mishra, a resident
of Bandra said, “My friends and I
have decided to buy Indian-made
Diwali decorative items this year
instead of mass-produced Chinese
items. My friend recommended that
I come here, and I was truly amazed
by what Kandil Gully had to offer.
One should visit at night when the
lights of the kandils are turned on.
It is like a fairytale. A lot of young-
sters come here to click photos to
post on social media. If there is one
place you should shop at before
Diwali, Kandil Gully must be on
your list.”

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