Abacus Comp Chart I PDF

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What’s in Abacus for teachers? a love of maths -

y child
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glass to take a
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and medium term plans
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look at each com

✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 and planning ideas
including planning
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support for mixed-age
classes Over 1000 interactive screens ‘Carpet maths’ and
Editable teaching tools whole-class activities

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Guide & Intervene

Resource Sheet 56

Time cards
Assess Mastery NEW
Resource Sheet © Pearson Education Ltd 2013

Year 4 Autumn

10 minutes to 10
and Assess
Pearson Primary Progress
10 minutes past 4 Maths Progression Map
(1 of 2) Child’s Name

Skill area
Geometry Statistics
Fractions, Decimals, Measures (STA)
Multiplication and (GEO)
Addition and Ratio and Percentages (MEA)
Number and Division (MD) (FDRP)
Subtraction (AS) time
Use mathematical
Place Value (NPV) Read, write and convert reasoning to answer a

Quarter past 2 9 o’clock

Find unit fractions of digital
Use the distributive law to between analogue and question by collecting,
Know bonds to the amounts.
Recognise the place multiply 2-digit numbers 12-hour clocks. displaying and
by a 1-digit number using
next 100.
value of each digit in a Example:
Example: interpreting data in a
4-digit number (1000s, Example: formal written layout or 1/4 of 24
6:05 = five minutes past
six frequency table and
100s, 10s, and 1s); order 54 + 46 mental methods. 1/8 of 32
Week 4
bar chart, choosing an
and compare numbers 653 + 47
Example: Week 3
Autumn 1 PSR
appropriate scale.
with up to 4 digits. Week 1 4 × 65 Autumn 1 PSR Week 8
Week 2 Autumn 1 PSR 94 × 7 Autumn 2 PSR
Autumn 1 PSR Week 3

5 minutes to 9 25 minutes past 2

Autumn 1 Arithmetic
Solve problems involving
Begin to recognise and
Use table facts and converting from hours to
Use place value and number show families of common
Begin to place 4-digit commutativity to perform minutes; minutes to seconds;
facts to add numbers with equivalent fractions.
years to months; weeks
to days.
numbers on number lines multiplications involving
up to4 digits, including Week 6
and round these to the of multiples of 10.
fluency in adding any pair Autumn 2 PSR
nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Example: 1 minute 23 seconds = 83
2-digit numbers.
Example: 40 × 6 seconds

4782 rounds to 4780,
300 × 8 231 minutes = 3 hours 51
147 + 36
4800, 5000 Week 3 Week 4

10 minutes to 5
4286 + 199

20 minutes to 3
Week 2; 9 Autumn 2 Arithmetic Autumn 1 PSR
Week 1; 2; 5; 7
Autumn 2 PSR Read scales to the nearest
100 g
Autumn 1 PSR
Count in fractions, one
Recall multiplication in and draw a bar chart where
Use counting up to subtract expressing each fraction
and division facts for step represents 100.
numbers with up to 3 digits its simplest form.
multiplication tables, for Week 4
crossing one multiple of 100. Week 6
2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8, 6 and 9
Example: times tables.
134 − 88
Week 3; 9 (S); 10 (S)
809 – 742
Autumn 1 Arithmetic

20 minutes to 4
Week 1; 2; 9 Autumn 1 PSR

Quarter past 7
Autumn 1 PSR Solve simple measures problems
Recognise and write and convert between different
Use the distributive law to decimal and fraction
Choose a method to cm, m;
multiply 2-digit and 3-digit equivalents of tenths and
units of measure – mm,
subtract that is appropriate
numbers by a 1-digit ml, l; g, kg.
to the numbers in the a 1/2.
number using formal Example:
calculation. Week 7
written layout (grid). 0·7 L =  ml
Example: Autumn 2 PSR Write 1250 g in kilograms.
456 − 199
134 − 88
3 × 34 Week 4; 8
7 × 145 Autumn 1 & 2 PSR

Half past 8
134 – 6
Week 3; 10

5 o’clock
Week 2; 7; 9
Autumn 2 Arithmetic
Autumn 2 PSR © Pearson Education Ltd
school only.
Copying permitted in purchasing

Works with Abacus

10 minutes past 5 Quarter to 1

Guided activities
5 minutes past 7 with
20 minutes past 6
Child-initiated and End-of-year assessment
Assessment and tests and assessment guide
25 minutes to 8worksheets
supporting 10 minutes to 11 adult-led activities with Half-termly assessment tests
Progression maps for reporting tool
and assessment past 12 questions observation sheets Interactive activities t and assessment guides
identifying key assessmen
Quarter to 4 Half

and end-of-week quizzes

✔ KS1 ✔ KS2

✔ KS2 ✔ REC outcomes each term ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2

to support ongoing
✔ KS1 ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2

formative assessment ✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2

✔ KS2

Strengthen and Extend

Continual Professional Development


Gett d
Prerequisites for learning Whole-class problem Links to NRICH activities
built into all lessons solving investigations for developing a deep
understanding Calculation policy Full day Professional
Refresher Professional Getting started, planning
✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 ✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 and videos Development course
✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 Development courses and classroom support
✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 ✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 ✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 ✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2

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What’s in Abacus for children?
ual understanding
: Make sense (concept
Learn and Master

Abacus is made up of:

Online teacher toolkit
+ Professional Development
Speaking and listening
+ Textbooks and workbooks
Interactive problem-solving
Homework videos
and worksheets
activities with BBC videos
✔ KS1 ✔ KS2
Online pupil world
✔ KS1 ✔ KS2
✔ KS1 ✔ KS2

Resource Sheet 148

Estimating and measuring

Resource Sheet © Pearson Education

Learn and Master:


Practise (procedural fluency)

Item Estimate

Ltd 2013

Year 4
Freedom when you want it,
structure where you choose it.

Year 1
Freedom when you want it,

Textbook 1
Abacus is a unique maths toolkit for inspiring a love of maths
child. Written by an expert author team, it has been carefully
and ensuring progression for every structure where you choose it.
crafted on a robust approach to

Year 4 Textbook 1
creating inspired and confident young mathematicians.

Workbook 1
Abacus is a unique maths toolkit for inspiring a love of maths
and ensuring progression for every
Part of the Abacus toolkit, the textbooks provide: child. Written by an expert author team, it has been carefully
crafted on a robust approach to
creating inspired and confident young mathematicians.
• the perfect balance of practice and problem solving for each
area of maths
• pictorial representations to support children’s conceptual understanding Part of the Abacus toolkit, the workbooks provide:
• clearly laid out questions with instructions that are easy to • easy instructions for a teacher to explain to children
• a self-assessment opportunity on every page • an ‘Action’ to make the activity more practical
• colour to indicate the different maths areas within the programme. • a ‘Think’ to provide an extra challenge
• a self-assessment opportunity on every page

Series Editor: Ruth Merttens • colour to indicate the different maths areas within the programme.

Authors: Jennie Kerwin and Hilda Merttens Series Editor: Ruth Merttens Authors: Jennie Kerwin and Hilda Merttens

Series Editor: Ruth Merttens

Author Team: Jennie Kerwin and Hilda Merttens ISBN 9781408278239
Published by Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow,
Essex, CM20 2JE. Copyright notice
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

Practical small-group
reproduced in any form or by any means (including
Text © Pearson Education Limited 2013 photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic
Typeset by Debbie Oatley @ room9design means and whether or not transiently or incidentally
to some other use of this publication) without the

Structured play and

Original illustrations © Pearson Education Limited 2013
Illustrated by Phil Corbett, Andrew Painter, Matt Buckley written permission of the copyright owner, except
Cover design by Pearson Education Limited in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright,
Cover photo/illustration by Volker Beisler © Pearson Education Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of
Limited a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency,
First published 2013 Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS
16 15 14 13 (www.cla.co.uk). Applications for the copyright
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 owner’s written permission should be addressed to
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data the publisher.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British

Library Printed in Malaysia
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supported tasks
F 0845 630 77 77
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Workbook1_Year1_Cover.indd 1

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✔ REC ✔ KS1 ✔ KS2

✔ REC ✔ KS1

Independent maths practice Textbooks Workbooks


✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 ✔ Yr2 ✔ KS2 ✔ KS1

Graded Practice activities “Fluency fitness” activities “Quick maths” activities “Five-minute-filler”
report that
of teachers
✔ KS1 ✔ KS2 ✔ KS1
or ✔ KS2
✔ KS2
Over ve ry ✔ REC ✔ KS1
rib ut es ent,
Abacus cont ild re n’s at tainm
to ch
significantly their age,
cording to
progress ac .*
d co nfide nce in maths

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