Tenancy Agreement
Tenancy Agreement
Tenancy Agreement
(a) “Lessor” means University of Dar es Salaam and includes any person for the time being, exercising the duties of
the Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and includes any person appointed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor
Administration to act on that behalf.
(b) “Lessee” means any student dully admitted to the University of Dar es Salaam, and who has entered into a valid
agreement with the Lessor for the purposes of this lease.
(c) “Students” means any person admitted to the University of Dar es Salaam as a candidate for a degree, diploma,
certificate or other award of the University of Dar es Salaam who has subscribed to this agreement.
(d) “Student residence” means and includes all halls of residence and hostels, any dwelling house or building,
designed or modified as hall of residence or hostel for purposes of student residence.
(e) “Residence Regulations” means and includes provisions of University Student By-Laws relating to student
residence, all students regulations stipulated in the students tenancy agreement and any other regulations
promulgated for purposes of governing students residence in University halls/hostel and property contained
therein or attached thereto.
1. The Lessor hereby agrees to let to the student room No: 332..in the Mabibo hall of residence or Hostel situated on
plot No. ..................... Block B in district region, for one academic year at TZS 500 per person per day.
2. That the Lessee agrees to pay Tzs 10,000/= as a refundable caution fee applicable during the academic programme
with understanding that each mismanagement and misuse of the University properties will lead to deduction on
the caution money.
3. That loss of keys by a student must be immediately reported to the Hall Warden or Janitor on duty. The key will be
replaced on payment of the cost of new lock by student responsible for its loss or for its safe custody. Key must be
returned on leaving the hall/block of residence at the end of each semester, vacation or programme. Failure to
return keys shall involve the paying of full vacation to the time the key is returned. Each resident must ensure that
he/she sign in the arrival/departure form when vacating.
a) To pay rent for the whole semester once and promptly at the beginning of each semester, vacation and
b) To keep personal effects and the room, including furniture, paintwork, fixtures and fittings, properly and in good
c) To leave the room clean at the end of each semester, vacation and programme.
e) To allow University workforce access to the room so that repairs and other activities can be carried out.
f) To allow University staff or its assignees access to the room in order to carry out inspections.
g) To pay the university the costs of repair of any part(s) of the building that has been damaged by him/her or while
under his/her care.
h) Not to sublet any part to the building without written permission of the University Student Accommodation
j) Not to do anything which may become or cause a nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance or cause
loss to other residents in the same or other blocks or other halls of residence or to residents of other university
buildings in nearby areas.
l) Not to install an electrical wiring or outside TV aerial or satellite dish or additional furniture.
n) Not to allow visitors of either sex in the hall/hostel of residence beyond 06.00pm for outside visitors and 12.00
midnight for UDSM students.
r) Not to use cooking facilities in the kitchen, that is refrigerator(s) and cooker(s) provided by the University if
he/she is not member.
t) If provided, to return key holder at the end of each semester, vacation or programme.
6. In case of breach of 5 (e), (k) or and (s) the Lessee shall pay a fine of Tshs. 10,000/= and be evicted out of
halls/hostels with immediate effect.
8. In case of delay rental payment, the Lessee shall be evicted after expiry of fourteen days during first semester”.
9. The Lessee hereby agrees to pay the following fines deductible from the Caution fee or any other sources as
a) To pay Tshs. 100,000/= and be evicted instantly once he/she caught subletting or living with unauthorised
persons in his/her room.
b) To pay Tshs. 50,000/= in case of breach of part 5(b), 5(c), 5(o), 5(p) and 5(r)
c) To pay Tshs. 10,000/= and clean the area in case of breach of 5( d) and (q)
e) In case of breach of 5(j) - The Lessee shall be given a warning letter with an order to remove the properties and if
repeated shall be evicted.
f) In case of breach of 5(l) - The Lessee shall be given warning letter and if repeated shall be evicted with
immediate effect.
10. That the Sublettee shall pay 100,000/= once he/she caught subletted in the lessee’s room.
11. That if any clause is breached in this agreement, the University will have the right to terminate tenancy without
refunding the Lessee as long as:-
a) The Lessee has broken or has not performed any obligation of this lease agreement.
12. Signing out for short vacation(s) does not mean ceasing Lessee’s tenancy. This accommodation agreement
lasts for one academic year.
13. If the lease fails to abide clause 11 she/he shall pay full rent for the whole academic year. Non-payment of rent shall
results on withholding of examination results.
Every resident student shall report any violation of accommodation agreement including subletting, illegal
exchange of rooms, cooking in rooms, possession of unauthorised appliances such as cookers, fridges e.t.c. Failure
of which shall result into eviction and payment of fine amounting Tzs 100,000/=
15. That the Lessee shall observe and comply with all rules, instructions and regulations governing students’ residence
and accommodating specified in the student By-Laws all those covenants specified herein and other rules and
regulations as may be promulgated by the USAB from time to time for purposes of students’ residence.
If, before the expiration of the term herein reserved, and if there shall be no breach or non-observance of any of
the covenants, rules and regulation on the part of Lessee, then the Lessee may apply and be considered for
accommodation for a further period of one academic year of the same terms and conditions or as may specified in
the new agreement.
IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands on the day and year herein appearing.
Date: Title:
For Deputy Vice Chancellor-Administration/Lessor for and on behalf of the University of Dar es Salaam.
Dar es Salaam.
Signature: Date: