6-Role of Soil in Waste Management
6-Role of Soil in Waste Management
6-Role of Soil in Waste Management
Soil characteristics:
(a) Available water capacity: It is a measure of the soil’s capacity to hold water in a
form available to plants. It is a function of soil porosity, texture, structure, organic
matter content, and salinity. Available soil water is estimated as the difference
between soil water content at 1/3 bar tension (field capacity) and 15 bar tension
(permanent wilting point). The available water capacity is generally expressed as the
sum of available water in inches to a specified soil depth. Generally, this depth is 5
feet or the depth to a root restricting layer, whichever is less. Applying agricultural
wastes increases soil organic matter content, helps to stabilize soil structure, and
enhances available water capacity.
Limitations for agricultural waste applications are slight if the available water
capacity is more than 6.0 inches per 5 foot of soil depth, moderate if it is 3.0 to 6.0
inches, and severe if it is less than 3.0 inches. The volume of liquid agricultural waste
application should not exceed the available water capacity of the root zone or the soil
moisture deficit at the time of
(b) Bulk density Bulk density, soil mass per unit volume, is expressed in grams per
cubic centimeter. It affects infiltration, permeability, and available water capacity.
Agricultural wastes can be surface applied to medium to fine textured soils that have
bulk density less than 1.7 g/cm3. Incorporating wastes that have a high solids content
with high levels of organic carbon reduces the soil surface bulk density and improves
soil infiltration and surface permeability.
(c) Cation-exchange capacity: Cation-exchange capacity (CEC) is an index of the
soil’s capacity to exchange cations with the soil solution. It affects the ability of the
soil to adsorb and retain cations and heavy metals. Soils that have high CEC and
organic soils can exchange and retain large amounts of cations released by agricultural
waste mineralization processes. Conversely, soils in which the CEC is low have low
potential for exchanging and retaining these agricultural waste materials. The
limitations for solid and liquid waste applications are slight for soils that have a
cation-exchange capacity of more than 15, moderate for those with a capacity of 5 to
15, and severe for those for which it is less than 5.
(d) Depth to bedrock or cemented pan Bedrock or a cemented pan at less than 40
inches, limits plant growth and root penetration and reduces soil agricultural waste
adsorptive capacity. Limitations for application of agricultural wastes are slight if
bedrock or a cemented pan is at a depth of more than 40 inches, moderate if it is at a
depth of 20 to 40 inches, and severe at a depth of less than 20 inches.
Agricultural wastes continually applied to soils that have moderate or severe
limitations because of bedrock or a cemented pan can overload the soil retention
capacity. This allows waste and mineralization by-products to accumulate at the
bedrock or cemented pan soil interface. When this accumulation occurs over fractured
bedrock or a fractured cemented pan, the potential for ground water and aquifer
contamination is high.
(e) Depth of water table A shallow ground water table may not allow for sufficient
filtration or retention of agricultural wastes or agricultural waste mineralization by-
products. Limitations for application of agricultural wastes are slight if the water table
is at a depth of more than 4 feet, moderate at a depth of 2 to 4 feet, and severe if it is at
a depth of less than 2 feet.
(f) Flooding: Flooding transports surface-applied agricultural wastes off the
application site and deposit these materials in streams, rivers, lakes, and other surface
water bodies. Soils that have none or rare flooding potential (5 times or less in 100
years) have slight limitations for the application of agricultural waste. Occasional
flooding (5 to 50 times in 100 years) is a moderate limitation for the application of
agricultural waste, and frequent flooding (50 to 100 times in 100 years) is a severe
limitation. Agricultural wastes should be applied during periods of the year when the
probability of flooding is low.
Rock fragments, stones, and boulders: Limitations for agricultural waste application
are slight if stoniness is class 1 (< 0.1 % of the surface covered with stones and
boulders), moderate if it is class 2 (0.1 to 3.0 % of the surface covered with stones and
boulders), and severe if it is classes 3, 4, 5, or 6 (> 3 percent of the soil surface is
covered with stones and boulders). Rock fragments, stones, and boulders can restrict
application equipment operations and affect the incorporation of agricultural wastes.
(h) Intake rate: The intake rate is the rate at which water enters the soil surface. It is
influenced by soil porosity, bulk density, moisture content, texture, structure, and
permeability of the surface layer. If agricultural wastes that have large quantities of
suspended solids are applied at high rates on soils that have high or moderate intake
potential, soil macro pore space can clog and the soil intake rate is reduced.
Conversely, application and incorporation of agricultural wastes to soils that have
slow water intake potential can increase soil structure and porosity, thus improving the
potential water intake rate. The short term effect may be pore clogging and resulting
runoff if application rates are high on soils that have a slow
intake rate.
(i) Permeability rate: Permeability (hydraulic conductivity) is the quality of soil that
enables water to move downward through the soil profile. Agricultural wastes can be
applied to soils that have only slight limitations because of permeability. Agricultural
wastes applied to soils that have permeability of < 0.2’’/ hour should be incorporated
into the soil to reduce potential surface water contamination from erosion and runoff.
Split rate applications of liquid wastes applied to soils that have permeability of > 2’’/
hour reduce the potential for contamination of shallow aquifers.
(j) Soil pH Soil pH affects plant nutrient availability, agricultural waste
decomposition rates, and adsorption of heavy metals. Soils in which the surface pH is
less than 6.5 have lower potential for plant growth and low heavy metal adsorption.
Limitations for the application of agricultural wastes are slight if the pH in the surface
layer is more than 6.5, moderate if it is 3.5 to 6.5, and severe if it is less than 3.5.
Continuous, high application rates of agricultural wastes reduce soil pH.
(k) Ponding: Ponding is standing water in a closed depression that is removed only by
percolation, transpiration, or evaporation. Agricultural wastes applied to soils that are
ponded have a very high potential for contaminating the ponded surface water.
Application on these soils should be avoided if possible.
(l) Salinity: Salinity is the concentration of dissolved salts in the soil solution and is
related to electric conductivity. Limitations for the application of agricultural wastes
are very slight if salinity is < 4 mmhos/cm, slight if it is 4 to 8 mmhos/cm, moderate if
8 to 16 mmhos/cm, and severe if more than 16 mmhos/cm. Applying agricultural
wastes that are high in salt should be avoided to prevent increasing soil salinity and
further inhibiting plant growth and organic matter decomposition. Application of low
salt, high C:N ratio agricultural wastes to these soils improves intake, permeability,
available water capacity, and structure. It also reduces salt toxicity to plants.
(m) Slope influences runoff velocity, erosion, and the ease with which machinery can
be used. Steep slopes limit application methods and rates and machinery choices.
Limitations for the application of agricultural wastes are slight if the slope is less than
8 percent, moderate if it is 8 to 15 percent, and severe if it is more than 15 percent.
Soil-agricultural waste mineralization relationship
The mineralization of agricultural waste material is governed by the biological,
chemical, and physical properties of soil and organic waste; the soil moisture; and the
soil temperature. Organic waste mineralization is a process where microbes digest
organic waste, reduce the waste material to inorganic constituents, and convert it to
more stable organic materials. Inorganic materials released during this process are the
essential plant nutrient (N, P, K), macronutrients and micronutrients, salts, and heavy
(a) Microbial activity: Soil-agricultural waste material microbial composition and
microbial activity greatly influence the rate of organic waste mineralization. Soil
moisture, temperature, and aeration regulate soil microbial activity and thus are
factors that influence the rate of waste mineralization.
Soils that are warm, moist, and well aerated have the highest potential microbial
activity and the highest potential rate of organic waste mineralization.
Agricultural wastes applied to cold or frozen soils mineralize very slowly, are
difficult or impossible to incorporate, and are vulnerable to surface runoff and Erosion
and cause agricultural waste contamination of surface water. Soils that are moist
throughout most of the growing season have higher microbial activity and more
capacity to mineralize organic waste. Wet soils or soils that are saturated with water
during the growing season have potentially lower microbial activity than moist soils.
(b) Nitrogen mineralization: Organic nitrogen is converted to inorganic nitrogen and
made available for plant growth during the waste mineralization process. This
conversion process not only releases nitrogen, but also consumes nitrogen. High
microbial activity during initial waste mineralization can cause a reduction of
available nitrogen if the waste mineralization cannot supply sufficient quantities of N
to the plants during periods of rapid growth.
(c) Phosphate mineralization: Organic phosphorus in agricultural wastes is made
available for plant growth through the mineralization process. Phosphorus is removed
from the soil solution by adsorption to the surface of clay particles or complexation
with carbonates, iron, aluminum or more stable organic compounds. It is considered
unavailable for plant growth. Adsorbed phosphorus in surface water may become
available by changes in the soil water pH or redox potential.
(d) Potassium, calcium, and magnesium mineralization Potassium, calcium, and
magnesium upon dissolution, become cations that are attracted to negatively charged
soil particles and soil organic matter. These minerals are made available for plant
growth through the cation exchange process. Potassium is less mobile than N and
more mobile than P. Leaching losses of potassium are not significant and have little
potential to contaminate ground water. Calcium and magnesium can leach into ground
water or aquifers, but they do not constitute a hazard to water quality.
(e) Heavy metal and trace element mineralization: Municipal sludge applied on the
land is often a source of heavy metals. They are strongly adsorbed to clay particles
and chelated with soil organic matter and have very little potential to contaminate
ground water supplies and aquifers. However, application of organic waste containing
high amounts of heavy metals can exceed the adsorptive capability of the soil and
increase the potential for ground water or aquifer contamination. Sandy soils that have
low content of organic matter and low pH have a low potential for retention of heavy