FM - Student - Guide - v1.3 L3
FM - Student - Guide - v1.3 L3
FM - Student - Guide - v1.3 L3
Student Guide
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Title Here
1. Module Overview and Objectives .............................................................................. 5
2. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria .......................................................... 5
3. Syllabus....................................................................................................................... 6
5. Teaching and Learning............................................................................................... 9
5.1 Lectures........................................................................................................................ 9
5.2 Tutorials ........................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Seminars ...................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 Private Study ................................................................................................................ 9
6. Assessment ................................................................................................................ 9
7. Suggested Further Reading List .............................................................................. 10
Topic 1: Introduction to Algebra ............................................................................................ 11
1.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 11
1.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 12
1.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 15
1.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 23
Topic 2: Using Algebraic Equations ...................................................................................... 25
2.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 25
2.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 25
2.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 26
2.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 29
2.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 34
Topic 3: Solving Algebraic Equations Using Graphs ........................................................... 35
3.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 35
3.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 35
3.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 36
3.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 37
3.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 38
Topic 4: Introduction to Differential Calculus ....................................................................... 39
4.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 39
4.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 39
4.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 40
4.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 42
4.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 44
Topic 5: Introduction to Integral Calculus ............................................................................. 45
5.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 45
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5.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 45
5.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 46
5.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 48
5.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 50
Topic 6: Presentation of Data ................................................................................................. 51
6.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 51
6.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 51
6.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 52
6.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 54
6.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 60
Topic 7: Beginning Statistics ................................................................................................. 61
7.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 61
7.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 61
7.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 62
7.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 65
7.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 69
Topic 8: Understanding Dispersion ....................................................................................... 71
8.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 71
8.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 71
8.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 72
8.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 75
8.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 80
Topic 9: Introducing Probability............................................................................................. 81
9.1 Learning Objectives .................................................................................................... 81
9.2 Timings ....................................................................................................................... 81
9.3 Seminar Notes ............................................................................................................ 82
9.4 Private Study Exercises .............................................................................................. 85
9.5 Tutorial Notes ............................................................................................................. 88
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5. Understand the fundamental of 5.1 Recognise integration as the inverse of
integral calculus differentiation
5.2 Recognise the constant of integration
5.3 Evaluate the constant of integration
5.4 Evaluate the definite integral
5.5 Calculate of the area under a curve
6. Understand measures of dispersion 6.1 Calculate the range, quartiles and quantiles
6.2 Calculate the mean deviation
6.3 Calculate the variance
6.4 Calculate the standard deviation
7. Understand the fundamentals of 7.1 Calculate probability using the addition and
probability multiplication rules
7.2 Calculate the probability of compound events
7.3 Use tree diagrams to determine probability
7.4 Calculate probabilities of permutations and
3. Syllabus
Topic Title Proportion Content
1 Introduction to 10% • Simplification of a range of algebraic
Algebra expressions including those involving powers
2 hours of • Simplifying a range of algebraic expressions
lectures by multiplying and dividing expressions
2 hours of • Factorising a algebraic expressions by using
seminars a range of techniques
4 hours 50 • Simplify and solve a range of algebraic
minutes of private fractions
study Learning Outcome: 1
1 hour of tutorials
2 Using Algebraic 10% • Transposing formulae
Equations • Solving simple linear equations
2 hours of • Solving simple quadratic equations
• Solving simultaneous Equations
2 hour of
4 hours 50
minutes of private
study Learning Outcome: 2
1 hour of tutorials
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3 Solving Algebraic 10% • Presenting a range of linear equations in
Equations using graphical form
Graphs • Presenting a range of quadratic equations in
2 hours of
lectures graphical form
2 hour of • Solving simultaneous equations using
seminars graphical forms
4 hours 50
minutes of private
study Learning Outcome: 3
1 hour of tutorials
4 Introduction to 13% • Using the principles of calculus to explain the
Differential rate of change of one variable in respect of
Calculus another
3 hours of
lectures • Calculation of the gradient of a curve using
2 hours of differentiation
seminars • Plotting maximum and minimum turning points
5 hours 45 using graphical means
minutes of private • Identification of the maximum and minimum
study turning points using differentiation
2 hours of Learning Outcome: 4
5 Introduction to 15% • Recognising the process of integration as the
Integral Calculus inverse of differentiation
3 hours of • Recognition of the role played by the constant
lectures of integration
3 hours of • Evaluation of the constant of integration
seminars • Evaluation of the definite integral
6 hours 45 • Calculation of the area under a curve
minutes of private
2 hours of
tutorials Learning Outcome: 5
6 Presentation of 10% • Present data using tables, pie charts and bar
Data charts
2 hours of • Construct Frequency distributions
lectures • Present data as histograms, ogives and time
2 hours of series graphs
4 hours 45
minutes private
1 hours of
tutorials Learning Outcome: 3
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7 Beginning 10% • Calculation of the arithmetic mean for a range
Statistics of data samples
2 hours of • Calculation of the arithmetic mean for a range
lectures of frequency distributions
2 hours of • Calculation of the arithmetic mean for
seminars grouped data
4 hours 45 • Calculation of the modal value of data sets
minutes of private • Calculation of the median value of data sets
Learning Outcomes: 2
1 hours of
8 Understanding 11% • Calculation of the range, quartiles and
Dispersion quantiles
2 hours of • Calculation of the mean deviation
lectures • Calculation of the variance
2 hours of • Calculation of the standard deviation
4 hours 45
minutes of private
1 hours of Learning Outcome: 6
9 Introducing 11% • Calculating probabilities using the addition
Probability and multiplication rules
2 hours of • Calculating the probability of compound events
lectures • Using tree diagrams to determine probability
2 hours of • Calculating permutations and combinations
6 hours 45
minutes of private
1 hours of Learning Outcome: 7
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5. Teaching and Learning
Suggested Learning Hours
Lectures: Tutorial: Seminar: Laboratory: Private Study: Assessment: Total:
20 11 19 - 48 2-hour exam 100
The teacher-led time for this module is comprised of lectures, tutorials and seminars. The
breakdown of the hours is also given at the start of each topic.
5.1 Lectures
Your lecturer will be presenting the basic knowledge and the theoretical concepts required for the
unit during this time. He/she will use PowerPoint slides during the lecture time and you will be
expected to take notes.
You will also be encouraged to be active during this time and discuss and/or practice the concepts
covered. Lectures will include question and answer elements to promote participation and to allow
your lecturer to check whether you understand the concepts they are covering.
5.2 Tutorials
These are designed to deal with the questions arising from the lectures and private study sessions.
You should think carefully beforehand about any areas in which you might need additional guidance
and support and use this time to discuss these with your teacher.
5.3 Seminars
These sessions provide tasks to involve group work, investigation and independent learning for
certain topics. The details of these tasks are provided in this guide.
You should also use this time to revise the content of lectures to ensure understanding and conduct
extra reading (using the supplementary textbooks or other materials available in the library or
online). You should bring any questions to the tutorial for additional guidance and support.
6. Assessment
This module will be assessed by means of a global examination. This examination will be based on
the assessment criteria given above and students will be expected to demonstrate that they have
met the module’s learning outcomes. Sample assessments are available through NCC Education’s
Virtual Learning Environment ( for your reference.
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7. Suggested Further Reading List
A selection of sources of further reading around the content of this module must be available in your
Accredited Partner Centre’s library. The following list provides suggestions of some suitable
Croft, A. and Davison, R (2006). Foundation Maths. 4th Edition. London: Pearson Education
ISBN-10: 0131979213
ISBN-13: 978-0131979215
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Topic 1
1.2 Timings
Lectures: 2 hours
Seminars: 2 hour
Tutorials: 1 hour
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1.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Your teacher will ask you to work through some or all of the following exercises. Answers all already
1 1−3 23
1. = −3 = 3 = 8
2 2 1
2. 4 2 = (22 ) 2 = 22 2 = 23 = 8
3 3 3
11.40 11.40
4. 9.5×102×1.2×10-5 = (9.5×1.2)×102×10-5=11.40×10-3= = =0.0114
103 1000
− 13 −1 8 5 40
5. 16 4 125 2 27 = (24 ) 4 (53 ) 3 (33 ) = 23 5 3−1 = = = 13 13
3 1 3 1
3 3
64a 6 = (64a 6 ) = (8 2 a 6 ) = 8 2 2 a 6 2 = 8a 3
1 1 1 1
6. 2 2
8. (20)0=1
9. (0.56)0=1
10. = 1
1. 3( x + 1) + 2( x + 4)
2. 5(2a + 4) − 3(4a + 2)
3. 3( x + 4) − (2 x + 5)
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4. 4(1 − 2 x) − 3(3x − 4)
5. 5(2 x − y) − 3( x + 2 y)
6. 1
( y − 1) + 13 (2 y − 3)
7. − (4a + 5b − 3c) − 2(2a + 3b − 4c)
8. 2 x( x − 5) − x( x − 2) − 3x( x − 5)
9. 3(a − b) − 2(2a − 3b) + 4(a − 3b)
Look at the following questions. Your teacher will show you which ones to work through.
1. (a-b)2-2x(a-b)
2. 3(x+y)+(x+y)2
3. 5(3m-n)2-5a(3m-n)
4. x2-y2+x-y
5. a2-b2-3a-3b
6. 3x2-3y2-2x-2y
7. 2m2-2n2+4m+4n
8. R2+2Rh
9. 4y3-9a2y
10. lR2-lr2
11. 20x3-45xy2
12. 23 r 3 + 13 r 2h
13. a2-2ab-2bc+ac
14. (x-1)2-4y2
15. xy(2p-3)-y(2p-3)
16. a2-b2-(a+b)
17. 18p3-2p
18. 3(x-y)2-2(y-x)
19. 8(x-y)2-4(y-x)
20. a2-b2-3(b-a)
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Activity 4: Simplification of Algebraic Fractions;
You will be asked to simplify some or all of the following algebraic fractions:
3x + 3 y 6x + 6 y
2 x + 4 xy
3x + 6 5x 2 x + 8
2. 2 2
2 x + 6 3x + 6 x x + 3x
a2 − b2
3a − 2b
9a − 12 ab + 4b 2
3x + 2
12 x + 23 x + 10
4x + 7
8 x + 2 x − 21
2x − 1
2 x + 5x − 3
a 2 − b 2 + 2a + 2b
2a 3 − 18ax2
2a + 6 x
( 2 x − y ) 2 + 3a ( 2 x − y )
3a − y + 2 x
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1.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 4 hours 50 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
1. a5×a6
2. z4×z7
3. y3×y4×y5
4. 23×25
5. 3×32×35
1 1 3
6. a a 2 a3
2 4 4
7. a5 ÷ a2
8. m12 ÷ m5
9. 28 ÷ 24
10. x20 ÷ x5
11. a5 × a3 ÷ a4
12. q7 × q6 ÷ q5
m5 m
m3 m 2
l5 l6
l2 l7
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16. (x3)4
17. (a5)3
18. (3x4)2
19. (23)2
20. (103)2
21. (ab2)3
22. (ab2c3)4
23. (2x2y3z)5
3m 2
24. 3
2 4 2, 52 5 2 5 2 , 8 3 , 27
1 3 1 1
26. Find the values of
2 4 2 2 , (10 2 ) 3 , (2 5 ) , 64 2 1
5 2
29. Find the values of:
2 3 −1 −1
30. Evaluate: 32 5 , 16 4 , (81) , 4
9 2
32 5 25 2 64
3 1
31. Find the value of
32. Find the values of 4 +
1 −1 5
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−1 −1 −1
34. Simplify: (9 x4 ) 2 , (27 x6 ) 3 , (25a8 ) 2
(64a6 ) 2 (64a6 )
35. Simplify:
( x 2 y 3 )2 + ( x3 y 2 x 2 y 3 )
36. Simplify:
xy + y 2
when p = 64 3 and q = 3−2
37. Evaluate:
1. 7 x + 11x
2. 7 x − 5x
3. 3x − 6 x
4. − 2x − 4x
5. − 8 x + 3x
6. − 2x + 7 x
7. 8a − 6a + 7a
8. 5m + 13m − 6m
9. 6b2 − 4b2 + 3b 2
10. 6ab − 3ab − 2ab
11. 14 xy + 5xy − 7 xy + 2 xy
12. − 5x + 7 x − 3x − 2 x
13. − 4 x 2 − 3x 2 + 2 x 2 − x 2
14. 3x − 2 y + 4 z − 2 x − 3 y + 5z + 6 x + 2 y − 3z
20. 3a 4b
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21. 3 4m
22. q 16 p
23. x (− y)
24. (−3a) (−2b)
25. 8m (−3n)
26. (−4a) 3b
27. 8 p (−q) (−3r )
28. 3a (−4b) (−c) 5d
29. 12 x 6
30. 4a (−7b)
31. (−5a) 8b
32. (−3a) (−3b)
33. 4a 2b
34. 4ab 2a
35. 12 x 2 yz 2 4 xz 2
43. 3a 2a
44. 5 X X
45. 5q (−3q)
46. 3m (−3m)
47. (− pq) (−3q)
50. 2q 3r 4 5qr 2
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51. (−3m) 2n (−5 p)
1. ax+by+bx+ay
2. mp+np-mq-nq
3. a2c2+acd+acd+d2
4. 2pr-4ps+qr-2qs
5. 4ax+6ay-4bx-6by
6. ab(x2+y2)-cd(x2+y2)
7. mn(3x-1)-pq(3x-1)
8. k2l2-mnl-k2l+mn
9. x2+4x+3
10. x2+6x+8
11. x2+9x+20
12. x2-3x+2
13. x2-6x+8
14. x2-7x+12
15. x2+2x-15
16. x2+3x-28
17. x2+6x-7
18. x2-x-12
19. x2-5x-14
20. x2-2xy+y2
21. a2+4ab+3b2
22. p2-9pq+8q2
23. m2-5mn-24n2
24. 3p2+p-2
25. 2x2+13x+15
26. 3m2-8m-28
27. 4x2-10x-6
28. 10a2+19a-15
29. 21x2+37x+10
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30. 26p2+33p-9
31. 6x2+x-35
32. 6p2+7pq-3q2
33. 2a2+7ab+6b2
34. 30a2-43ab+15b2
35. 12x2-5xy-2y2
36. 4x2+12x+9
37. x2+2xy+y2
38. 9x2+6x+1
39. p2+4pq+4q2
1 2 1
40. 2
+ + 2
x xy y
m2 m 1
41. + +
4 3 9
42. 25x2 - 20x + 4
43. m2 - 2mn + n2
44. a − a +
45. x2-4x+4
20 4
46. 25 − +
R R2
1 2
47. − +1
x2 x
48. 4x2 - y2
49. m2 - n2
50. x −
51. 9p2 - 4q2
1 1
52. 2
− 2
x y
53. 121p2 - 64q2
54. 1-b2
9 2
55. y −
56. (x+y)2 – q2
57. a2-(p+q)2
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58. 4x2-(x+3)2
1. 4, 12x
2. 3x, 6y
3. 2ab, 4a, 6b
4. ab, bc, ac
5. 3m2pq, 9mp2q, 12mpq, 3mn2
6. 5a2b3, 10ab4, 2a2b3
7. (m-n)2, (m-n)
8. (x+3)2, (x+3), (x+1)
9. (x-1), (x2-1)
10. (9a2-b2), (3a+b), (3a-b)
x x x
11. + +
3 4 5
5a 7 a
12. −
12 18
2 3
13. −
q 2q
3 5 4
14. − +
y 3y 5y
3 2
15. −
5 p 3q
3x 5 y
16. −
2 y 6x
17. 3x −
2x x
18. 1 − +
5 8
2m + n
19. 3m −
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3a + 5b a − 3b
20. −
4 2
3m − 5n 3m − 7n
21. −
6 2
x−2 2
22. +
4 5
x−5 x−2
23. −
3 4
3x − 5 2 x − 3
24. +
10 15
4 15 3
25. − −
x − 5 x( x − 5) x
3 2x
26. − 2
2x − 1 4x − 1
5x 2
27. −
x − x−6 x+2
7 2 2
28. − 2 − 2
x + 3x − 10 x + 5 x x − 2 x
x+2 x−2
29. −
x+3 x−3
3x x+3
30. −
x −y
2 2
( x + y)2
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1.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 1 hour. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 2
• Transpose formulae;
• Solve a range of linear equations;
• Solve a range of quadratic equations;
• Solve a range of simultaneous equations.
2.2 Timings
Lectures: 2 hours
Seminars: 2 hours
Tutorials: 1 hour
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2.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Activity 1
1. x+2=7
2. t–4=3
3. 2q=4
4. x–8=12
5. q+5=2
6. 3x=9
7. (y/2)=3
8. (m/3)=4
9. 2x+5=9
10. 5x-3=12
Activity 2
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Activity 3
1. £24.00 is divided between three men A, B and C. If B has three times as much as A and C has
four times as much as A how much does each receive?
2. Divide the number 12 up into two parts so that 5 times the first part added to 3 times the second
part equals 40.
3. Two men A and B have £120 in cash between them. If A gives B £10, B would have twice as
much as A. How much has A?
4. Find two numbers whose sum is 9, which are such that 5 times the first number exceeds four
times the second number by 9
5. 15 articles are bought. Some cost 5 pence each and the others cost 8 pence each. If the total
amount paid for them is 90 pence how many of each are bought?
Activity 4
1. x2 – 25 = 0
2. x2 – 8 = 0
3. x2 – 16 = 0
4. 3x2 – 48 = 0
5. 5x2 – 80 = 0
6. 7x2 – 21 = 0
7. (x – 5)(x – 2)=0
8. (3x – 4)(x + 3)=0
9. x(x + 7) = 0
10. 3x(2x – 5 ) = 0
Activity 5
Solve using the formula for a quadratic equation. Give your answers to 3 decimal places.
1. 4x2 – 3x – 2 = 0
2. x2 – x – 1 = 0
3. 3x2 + 7x – 5 = 0
4. 7x2 + 8x – 2 = 0
5. 5x2 – 4x – 1 = 0
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Activity 6
1. 3x + 2y = 7 and x + y = 3
2. 4x – 3y = 1 and x + 3y = 19
3. x +3y = 7 and 2x – 2y = 6
4. 7x – 4y = 37 and 6x + 3y = 51
5. 4x – 6y = -2.5 and 7x – 5y = -0.25
Activity 7
1. Find two numbers such that their sum is 27 and their difference is 3.
2. A bill for £123 was paid with £5 and £1 notes a total of 59 notes being used. Find how many
£5 notes were used.
3. £x is invested at 6% and £y is invested at 8%. The annual income from these investments is
£23.20. If £x had been invested at 8% and £y at 6% the annual income would have been
£21.60. Find x and y.
4. An alloy containing 8 cm3 of copper and 7 cm3 of tin has a mass of 121g. A second alloy
contains 9 cm3 of copper and 11 cm3 of tin has a mass of 158g. Find the densities of copper
and tin in g/cm3.
5. A motorist travels x km at 40 km/h and y km at 50 km/h. The total time taken is 2½ hours. If
the time taken to travel 6x km at 30 km/h and 4y km at 50 km/h is 14 hours find x and y.
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2.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 4 hours 50 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1
1. 6p-7=17
2. 3x+4=-2
3. 7x+12=5
4. 6x-3x+2x=20
5. 14-3x=8
6. 5x-10=3x+2
7. 6m+11=25-m
8. 3x-22=8x+18
9. 0.3d=1.8
10. 1.2x-0.8=0.8x+1.2
11. 2(x+1)=8
12. 5(m-2)=15
13. 3(x-1)-4(2x+3)=14
14. 5(x+2)-3(x-5)=29
15. 3x=5(9-x)
16. 4(x-5)=7-5(3-2x)
17. (x/5)-(x/3)=2
18. (x/3)+(x/4)+(x/5)=(5/6)
19. (m/2)+(m/3)+3=2+(m/6)
20. 3x+(3/4)=2+(2x/3)
21. (3/m)=3
22. (5/x)=2
4 2
23. =
t 3
7 5
24. =
x 3
4 3
25. y = y−2
7 5
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1 1 7
26. + =
3 x 4 x 20
x+3 x−3
27. − =2
4 5
2 x x − 6 3x 3
28. − − =
15 12 20 2
2m − 3 4 − 5m
29. =
4 3
3− y y
30. =
4 3
3x − 5
31. x − 5 =
32. =3
3 4
33. =
x−2 x+4
3 2
34. =
x −1 x − 5
3 5
35. =
2 x + 7 3( x − 2)
x 3x − 7 x − 2
36. − =
3 5 6
4 p −1 3p −1 5 − 2 p
37. − =
3 2 4
3m − 5 9 − 2m
38. − =0
4 3
x 2x − 5
39. − =0
3 2
4x − 5 2x − 1
40. − =x
2 6
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Exercise 2
1. A factory employs M men, N boys and P women. If a man earns £x per week, a boy £y per
week and a women £z per week what is the total wage bill per week?
2. A man earns £u per week when he is working and he is paid £v per week when he is on
holiday. If he is on holiday for 3 weeks per year find his total annual salary.
3. The price of m articles was £M but the price of each article is increased by n pence. How many
articles can now be bought for £N.
4. A man starts a job at a salary of £u per week. His salary is increased by y pence per week at
the end of each year’s service. What will be his salary after x years?
5. During a sale a shop gives a reduction of g pence in the pound on the marked price of articles.
If a customer buys articles marked at £X, £Y and £Z how much will he actually pay?
6. A number m is divided into two parts. If a is one part what is the product of the two parts?
7. A man pays income tax at the rate of x pence in the pound. If his income is £M of which £Q is
tax free how much tax (in pound) does he pay.
8. After spending one-seventh of my income on rent and two-sevenths of the remainder on
household expenses I have £X left. What is my income?
9. The cost of a supply of electricity is as follows. There is a fixed charge of £a, for the rent of the
meter the charge is £b and the electricity is charged for at c pence per unit. If n units of
electricity are used find an expression for the total cost in (£).
Exercise 3
1. 18 books are bought by a library. Some cost £4.00 and the remainder cost £5.00. How many of
each are bought if the total cost is £80.00.
2. Find three consecutive whole numbers so that their sum is 48.
3. A room is 1.5 metres longer than it is wide. If its perimeter is 63 metres, find the dimensions of
the room.
4. A lift A can carry 4 more people than lift B. When both lifts are full, when B makes three
journeys it carries as many people as A does in two journeys. Find how many people each of
the lifts can carry.
5. Two tanks contain equal amounts of liquid. They are connected by a pipe and 2500 litres flow
from one to the other. One tank then contains 5 times as much liquid as the other. How many
litres did each tank contain originally?
6. A man buys an article costing £688 on the hire purchase system. He pays a deposit and twelve
monthly instalments. The deposit is 4 times as large as the instalment. How much is the
7. In a club £1720 is to be shared between its 200 members. Longserving members who have
been in the club for 10 years or more are to receive £10 each, members who have been in the
club less than 10 years are to receive £8 each and junior members £4 each. If there are 5 times
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as many longserving members as junior members, how many members are there who have
been in the club for less than 10 years?
8. Find the number which when added to the numerator and denominator of the fraction 5/7 makes
anew fraction which is equal to 4/5.
9. Two taps are used to fill a tank which has capacity of 600 litres. If it takes 16 minutes to fill the
tank and one tap delivers water at twice the rate of the other find how many litres per minute
each tap delivers.
10. The perimeter of a triangle ABC is 260 mm. The side BC is two-thirds of the length of the side
AB and also 20mm longer than the side AC. Find the lengths of the three sides of the triangle.
Exercise 4
1. m2 + 4m – 32 = 0
2. x2 + 9x + 20 = 0
3. m2 = 6m – 9
4. x2 + x – 72 =0
5. 3x2 – 7x +2 = 0
6. 14q2 = 29q – 12
7. 9x + 28 = 9x2
8. x2 – 3x = 0
9. y2 + 8y = 0
10. 4a2 – 4a – 3 = 0
Exercise 5
Now solve the following quadratic equations using the formula. Give your answer to 3dp where
1. 2x2 – 7x = 3
2. x(x + 4) + 2x(x + 3) = 5
3. 5x(x+1) – 2x(2x – 1) = 20
2 3
4. + =5
x + 2 x +1
x+2 5
5. + =4
3 x+2
3x − 5 x 2 − 2
6. =
4 x
7. x(x + 5) = 66
8. (2x – 3)2 = 13
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12 1
9. + =2
x+2 x
Exercise 6
x y 13 2x y 5
1. + = and − =
2 3 6 7 4 14
x 5 y
2. − y = − and 3 x + = 13
8 2 3
x − 2 y − 1 13 2 − x 3 + y 11
3. + = and + =
3 4 12 2 3 6
x y
4. − + 1 = 0 and 6 x + y + 8 = 0
3 2
5. 3x – 4y = 5 and 2x – 5y = 8
x y 27
6. x − y = 3 and − =
5 7 35
7. 3x + 4y = 0 and 2x – 2y = 7
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2.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 1 hour. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1
1. 500 tickets were sold for a concert, some at 80p each and the remainder at 50p each. The
money received for the most expensive tickets was £140 more than for the cheaper tickets. Find
the number of 80p tickets sold.
2. The ages of A and B are in the ratio 4:3. In eight years time the ratio of their ages will be 9:7.
Find their present ages. If n years ago, A was three times as old as B, Find the value of n.
3. The organisers of a charity concert sold tickets at two different prices. If they had sold 112 of the
dearer tickets and 60 of the cheaper ones they would have received £45.60 but if they had sold
96 of the dearer tickets and 120 of the cheaper ones they would have received £52.80. Find the
price of the dearer tickets.
4. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:7. When 15 is added to each the ratio changes to 5:6. Calculate
the two numbers.
5. A man bought a number of 12p stamps and also sufficient 16p stamps to make his total
expenditure £4.80. If, instead of the 12p stamps, he had bought three times as many 8p stamps
he would have needed 9 fewer 16 stamps than before for his expenditure to be £4.80. Find how
many 12p Stamps he bought.
Exercise 2
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 3
3.2 Timings
Lectures: 2 hours
Seminars: 2 hours
Tutorials: 1 hour
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3.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Activity 1:
1. The table below gives particulars of the amount of steel delivered to a factory during successive
weeks. Plot a graph to show this with the week number on the horizontal axis.
Week Number 1 2 3 4 5
Amount 25000 65000 80000 30000 50000
delivered (kg)
2. The areas of circles (for various diameters) are shown in the table below. Plot a graph with
diameter on the horizontal axis and from it estimate the area of a circle with the diameter of 18
cm. (area of circle is r2, Diameter (d) = 2r, = 3.14 )
Diameter (cm) 5 10 15 20 25
Area (cm2) 19.6 78.5 176.6 314.2 492.2
Activity 2:
Activity 3
1. 𝑦 = 2𝑥 2 − 7𝑥 − 5 between 𝑥 = −4 and 𝑥 = 12
2. 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 + 4 between 𝑥 = −3 and 𝑥 = 3
3. 𝑦 = 6𝑥 2 − 11𝑥 − 35 between 𝑥 = −3 and 𝑥 = 5
4. 𝑦 = 3𝑥 2 − 5 between 𝑥 = −2 and 𝑥 = 4
5. 𝑦 = 1 + 3𝑥 − 𝑥 2 between 𝑥 = −2 and 𝑥 = 3
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3.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 4 hours 50 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1:
1. The values in the table below are corresponding values of two quantities i and v.
v 15 25 35 50 70
i 1.1 2.0 2.5 3.2 3.9
2. An electric train started from A and travelled to its next stop 6 km from A. The following readings
were taken of the time since leaving A (in minutes) and the distance from A (in km).
Time ½ 1 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6
Distance 0.10 0.34 0.8 1.46 2.46 3.5 4.34 5.0 5.44 5.74 5.92 6
Draw a graph of these values taking time horizontally. From the graph estimate the time taken to
travel 2 km from A.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3:
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3.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 1 hour. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1:
1. Plot the graph 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 3 taking values of 𝑥 between − 12 and 2. Solve the equations:
a. 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 3 = 0
b. 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 − 2 = 0
c. 𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 6 = 0
3. Draw the graph of 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 − 9 taking value of 𝑥 between − 5 and 5. Solve the equations:
a. 𝑥 2 − 9 = 0
b. 𝑥 2 − 5 = 0
c. 𝑥 2 + 6 = 0
Exercise 2
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 4
4.2 Timings
Lectures: 3 hours
Seminars: 2 hours
Tutorials: 2 hours
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4.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Activity 1
Your teacher will ask you to work through some or all of the following exercises:
1. y = x2
2. y = x7
3. y = 4x3
4. y = 6x5
5. s = 0.5t3
6. A = R2
7. y = x½
y = 4x
8. 2
9. y=2 x
10. y = 33 x 2
Activity 2
1. Find the gradient of the curve y = 2x2 – 5x + 3 at the point (1, 0).
3. Find the gradient of the curve y = + 5 at the point (2, 5.5)
4. If s = 10 + 50t – 2t2, where s metres is the distance travelled in t seconds by a body what is the
speed of the body after 2 seconds?
5. If v = 5 + 24t – 3t2, where v metres per second is the speed of the body after t seconds, what the
acceleration of the body after 3 seconds?
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Activity 3
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4.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 5 hours 45 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1
1. y=
2. y=
3. y=
4. y= 3
5. y=
6. y=3
7. y=
x x
3 t
8. s =
9. K=
10. y=
11. y = 4 x 2 − 3x + 2
12. s = 3t 3 − 2t 2 + 5t − 3
13. q = 2u 2 − u + 7
14. y = 5 x 4 − 7 x3 + 3x 2 + 5
15. s = 7t 3 − 3t 2 + 7
x + x3
16. y=
3 + x2
17. y=
18. y= x+
19. y = x3 +
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20. s = t −
4t 2.3
3x3 2 x 2
21. y= − − x
5 7
22. y = 0.08 +
23. y = 31x − 2.4 x 0.6
x3 5
24. y= − +3
2 x
25. s = 10 − 6t + 7t 2 − 2t 3
Exercise 2
Choose any 3 questions from 1-4 and any 2 questions from 5-7:
2. Find the co-ordinates of the points on the curve y = x3 – 2x2 + 3x – 5 where its gradient is 2.
3. The curve y = x2 + has a gradient of 7 when x = 4. Calculate the value of A.
4. A body moves s metres in t seconds where s = 2 . Find the velocity and acceleration after 3
5. The distance moved by a body in t seconds is giving in metres by s = 2t2 + 5t – 3. Find a) the
initial velocity b) the velocity after 3 seconds c) the acceleration of the body.
6. A particle moves so that the distance travelled, s metres, in a time t seconds is s = 5 + 6t – t3.
Calculate the distance at which the body will stop and reverse direction.
7. A particle is moving in a straight line through 0, so that after t seconds its distance from 0 is
given by s = t3 – 9t2 + 30t. Calculate the values of the acceleration when the velocity is 6 metres
per second.
Exercise 3
1. Calculate the co-ordinates of the points on the curve y = x3 – 3x2 – 9x + 12 at each of which the
tangent to the curve is parallel to the x-axis.
2. A curve has the equation y = 8 +2x - x2. Find:
a. the value of x for which the gradient of the curve is 6
b. the value of x which gives the maximum value of y
c. the maximum value of y
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4.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 2 hours. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1
Complete any remaining work you have from seminar Activity 3. Make sure you discuss any issues
or problems with your teacher.
Exercise 2
The curve y = 2 x +
has a gradient of 5 when x = 2. Calculate
a) the value of k
b) the minimum value of y
Exercise 3
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 5
5.2 Timings
Lectures: 3 hours
Seminars: 3 hours
Tutorials: 2 hours
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5.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 3 hours.
Activity 1
Your teacher will ask you to work through some or all of the following exercises:
1. 𝑥 2
2. 𝑥 8
3. √𝑥
4. 𝑥2
7. 3𝑥 4
8. 5𝑥 8
1. The gradient of the curve which passes through the point (2, 3) is given by x. Find the equation
of the curve.
2. The gradient of the curve which passes through the point (3, 8) is given by (𝑥 2 + 3). Find the
value of y when x = 5.
3. It is known that for a certain curve 𝑑𝑥 = 3 − 2𝑥 and the curve cuts the x-axis where x = 5.
Express y in terms of x. State the length of the intercept on the y-axis and calculate the
maximum value of y.
4. Find the equation of the curve which passes through the point (1, 4) and is such that 𝑑𝑥
= 2𝑥 2 +
3𝑥 + 2
Activity 2
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Find the area under the curve for the following:
1. Between the curve y = x3, the x-axis and the line x = 5 and x = 3.
2. Between the curve y = 3 + 2x + 3x2, the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and x = 4
3. Between the curve y = x2(2x -1), the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and x = 2
4. Between the curve 𝑦 = 𝑥2
, the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and x = 3
5. Between the curve y = 5x- x3, the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and x = 2
Activity 3
1. The velocity of a body is (t + 1) metres per second after a time of t seconds. Find the distance
travelled at the end of 3 seconds.
2. The acceleration of a moving body at the end of t seconds from the commencement of motion is
(5 – t) m/s2. If the initial velocity is 10m/s find the velocity and distance travelled at the end of 3
3. The acceleration of a moving body is constant at 15m/s2. If the initial velocity is 10m/s, derive an
expression for the distance moved in t seconds. Hence find the distance travelled at the end of
4 seconds.
Solids of Revolution
Find the volume of solid of revolution when areas under the following curves are rotated about the x-
axis. Leave the answers as in terms of .
1. 𝑦 = 2𝑥 2 between 𝑥 = 0 and 𝑥 = 2
2. 𝑦 = √𝑥 between 𝑥 = 2 and 𝑥 = 4
3. 𝑦 = between 𝑥 = 1 and 𝑥 = 3
4. 𝑦 = 𝑥 + 2 between 𝑥 = 0 and 𝑥 = 4
5. 𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 5 between 𝑥 = 1 and 𝑥 = 3
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5.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 6 hours 45 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1:
1. 𝑥 2 + 𝑥 + 3
2. 2𝑥 3 − 7𝑥 − 4
1 2
3. 𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 + +
√𝑥 𝑥2
8 2
4. 𝑥3
− 𝑥 2 + √𝑥
5. (𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 − 1)
6. (𝑥 + 3)2
7. (2𝑥 − 7)2
Constant of Integration
Exercise 2
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4. ∫2 (𝑥 − 1)(𝑥 − 3) 𝑑𝑥
1. A (2, 8) and B (4, 8) are two points on the curve y = x(6 - x). Calculate the area bounded by the
straight line AB and the curve.
2. Calculate the area enclosed between the line y = 5, the curve y = 12 - 4x + 3x2 and the ordinates
x = -2 and x = 3
3. Calculate the area enclosed between the x-axis and that part of the curve y = 10 + 3x – x2 which
lies above it.
4. Prove that the curve 𝑦 = 4𝑥 − 𝑥 2 crosses the x-axis at the point where x = 2. Calculate the area
Exercise 3
Solids of Revolution
1. The part of the curve 𝑦 = 𝑥(𝑥 + 2) between ordinates x = 1 and x = 2 is rotated about the x-axis.
Calculate the volume of the solid of revolution so formed.
2. The area bounded by the x-axis, the curve 𝑦 = 3𝑥 − 𝑥 and the ordinates x = 1 and x = 4 is
rotated about x-axis. Calculate the volume of the solid generated.
3. The area between the curve 𝑦 2 = 2𝑥 + 5 the x-axis and the ordinates at x = 1 and x = 3 is
rotated about x-axis. Calculated the volume of the solid generated.
4. The curve represented by the equation 𝑦 = 𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 cuts the x-axis at two points A and B. The
area bounded by the x-axis and the arc of the curve AB is rotated through a complete revolution
about the x-axis. Calculate the volume generated.
5. The area bounded by the curve = 𝑥 3 − 6𝑥 2 , the line x = 1 and the x-axis from x = 0 to x = 1 is
rotated about the x-axis. Calculate the volume generated.
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5.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 2 hours. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 6
6.2 Timings
Lectures: 2 hours
Seminars: 2 hours
Tutorials: 1 hour
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6.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Activity 1
Question 1
A survey conducted amongst employees in an insurance company attempted to identify the most
popular modes of transport taken to work each morning. The outcomes of the survey are shown in
the following frequency table. Present this information in the form of a pie chart
Transports Frequency
Boat 25
Train 50
Bus 85
Walk 30
Car 60
Question 2
A survey carried out in a US high school attempted to collect data to identify the number of siblings
(brothers or sisters) belonging to each class member. The following data set was collected.
Number of
Siblings Frequency
1 17
2 12
3 6
4 3
5 2
Question 3
The percentage mark range for a group of students sitting an exam is given in the following table.
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Question 4
The following data set shows the number of claimants of state pension for the month of February
Question 5
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6.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 4 hours 45 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1
Question 1
The marks awarded to students for a high school maths test are presented in the following data set.
Number of
Mark Range Students
1-20 20
21-40 27
41-60 23
61-80 20
81-100 10
Question 2
The population of a range of countries within Europe as of 1995 is given in the following table.
Present this information as a pie chart.
Question 3
A survey conducted to identify the weekly household spend on bills and services was collected and
presented in the following data set.
Expense £
Mortgage 250
Food 100
Water 80
Electricity 70
Telephone 60
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Question 4
The number of pets sold in a local pet store over the period of one month is given in the following
Question 5
The following data set represents the number of passengers travelling through the airports in
Northern Ireland
Question 6
The following data set represents pension payments made to individuals during the month of
February 2012.
Age Claimants
60-64 14 530
65-69 19 270
70-74 17 180
75-79 15 800
80-84 13 630
85-89 9760
90 and over 5950
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Question 7
The following figures are the hottest daily temperatures (°C, measured to the nearest degree) and
visitor numbers during July and August at a particular coastal resort:
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29 26
27 45
25 68
29 42
27 32
25 15
26 29
28 35
26 38
24 46
28 42
27 43
26 40
25 30
23 39
28 35
32 15
30 45
31 29
A. Summarise the temperature data in a table to show the frequency of temperatures in days and
present as a histogram.
B. Summarise the visitor number data in a table to show the frequency of visitors to the resort and
present this information as a bar chart.
C. Explain why one set of data is represented by a histogram and the other by a bar chart.
Question 8
200 commuters were surveyed to find the distances they travelled to work. The table shows
the results.
Draw a histogram to show this information.
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Question 9
Question 10
The following grouped frequency distribution shows the queuing times for 100 customers in a bank.
Question 11
This table shows the yield, in litres of milk, produced by 120 cows at a certain farm on a certain day.
Question 12
The following data set shows the number of claimants of jobseeker's allowance by age in February
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18≤x<25 17,760
25≤x<35 16,360
35≤x<45 11,800
45≤x<50 5,730
50≤x<55 4,410
55≤x<60 3,320
60≤x<65 900
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6.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 1 hour. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1
A class of 30 children were asked to estimate a minute. Their teacher recorded the times they
actually said. This table shows the results.
b) A group of pensioners were given the same task as the children. Their results are shown in the
table. Draw a cumulative frequency diagram for this set of data.
Exercise 2:
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 7
• Recognise the advantages and disadvantages of applying the arithmetic mean, median and
• Understand the difference between grouped and ungrouped data;
• Recognise the use of frequency distributions as a form of grouped data;
• Perform a range of calculations of the arithmetic mean for both ungrouped and grouped data;
• Perform a range of calculations of the median for both ungrouped and grouped data;
• Perform a range of calculations of the mode for both ungrouped and grouped data.
7.2 Timings
Lectures: 2 hours
Seminars: 2 hours
Tutorials: 1 hour
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7.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Activity 1
1. 2. 3.
11 45 10
8 67 11
9 87 13
5 45 87
3 11 33
7 17 9
8 19 33
9 54 44
2 33 55
5 22 10
1. Put the following data set into a grouped frequency table. Find the estimated mean.
9 10 23 45 55 66 77 88
11 25 41 56 67 76 87
15 43 53 78 88
44 89
40 86
x F
1 0
2 3
3 4
4 1
5 1
6 0
7 2
8 3
9 5
10 2
Range f
0≤x<10 2
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10≤x<20 4
20≤x<30 6
30≤x<40 7
40≤x<50 3
50≤x<60 3
60≤x<70 1
70≤x<80 2
Activity 2:
For the following data sets calculate the mode and the median
1. 2 3 4 5 4 6 7 8 4 7
2. 21 44 32 21 14 16 21 17 19 20
3. 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 14 16 17
4. 4 6 4 7 4 8 3 5 2 5
5. x f 6. x f 7. x f
0≤x<10 5 0≤x<10 0 0≤x<10 0
10≤x<20 6 10≤x<20 2 10≤x<20 18
20≤x<30 3 20≤x<30 15 20≤x<30 13
30≤x<40 10 30≤x<40 13 30≤x<40 12
40≤x<50 2 40≤x<50 12 40≤x<50 14
50≤x<60 1 50≤x<60 8 50≤x<60 3
60≤x<70 5 60≤x<70 7 60≤x<70 1
70≤x<80 6 70≤x<80 1 70≤x<80 0
8. x f
0≤x<10 5
10≤x<20 6
20≤x<30 3
30≤x<40 10
40≤x<50 2
50≤x<60 1
60≤x<70 5
9. x f
0≤x<10 0
10≤x<20 2
20≤x<30 15
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30≤x<40 13
40≤x<50 12
50≤x<60 8
60≤x<70 7
10. x f
0≤x<10 0
10≤x<20 6
20≤x<30 13
30≤x<40 12
40≤x<50 14
50≤x<60 3
60≤x<70 1
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7.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 4 hours 45 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1
Calculate the arithmetic mean of the following data sets. Give your answers to 2dp where
1. 2.
12.1 170
13.5 165
6.7 154
22.3 198
11.2 176
7.8 122
4.3 188
12.4 175
14.4 54
13.1 167
6. 7.
56 1234
78 1109
57 1076
99 1116
10 1117
87 1256
85 1098
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Put the following data set into a grouped frequency table and hence, find the estimated mean.
16 22 37 46 54 65 76 86
18 23 38 47 56 64 75 87
25 39 41 54 67 74 88
26 33 55 66 73
23 34 56 65 77
34 53 61 76
x f
11 4
12 2
13 4
14 7
15 4
16 5
17 6
18 6
19 2
20 1
Range f
0≤x<10 5
10≤x<20 4
20≤x<30 2
30≤x<40 0
40≤x<50 1
50≤x<60 4
60≤x<70 2
70≤x<80 7
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Exercise 2
Find the mode and the median for the following data sets
1. 23 24 25 26 23 27 28 29 31 32
2. 44 56 65 55 34 44 44 56 32 31
3. 12 11 12 14 11 12 13 15 16 15
4. 6 7 7 8 7 7 8 8 9 8
5. x f
0≤x<10 4
10≤x<20 7
20≤x<30 8
30≤x<40 9
40≤x<50 11
50≤x<60 2
60≤x<70 1
70≤x<80 1
6. x f 7. x f 8. x f
0≤x<10 5 0≤x<10 11 0≤x<10 0
9. x f
0≤x<10 1
10≤x<20 4
20≤x<30 6
30≤x<40 8
40≤x<50 9
50≤x<60 4
60≤x<70 3
70≤x<80 2
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For the following find the median
10. x f
0≤x<10 5
10≤x<20 6
20≤x<30 4
30≤x<40 3
40≤x<50 2
50≤x<60 1
60≤x<70 0
70≤x<80 1
x f
10≤x<20 9
20≤x<30 5
30≤x<40 7
40≤x<50 13
50≤x<60 14
60≤x<70 12
70≤x<80 10
12. x f
0≤x<10 0
10≤x<20 0
20≤x<30 5
30≤x<40 7
40≤x<50 6
50≤x<60 3
60≤x<70 2
70≤x<80 0
13. x f
0≤x<10 1
10≤x<20 4
20≤x<30 6
30≤x<40 8
40≤x<50 9
50≤x<60 4
60≤x<70 3
70≤x<80 2
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7.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 1 hour. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 8
• Understand the relationship between averages and the dispersion of data within a data set;
• Recognise the importance of the range;
• Undertake the presentation of data as quartiles for ungrouped data;
• Undertake the presentation of data as quartiles for grouped data;
• Calculate the mean deviation;
• Calculate the variance of data sets;
• Calculate the standard deviation of data sets.
8.2 Timings
Lectures: 2 hours
Seminars: 2 hours
Tutorials: 1 hour
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8.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Activity 1
1. 2. 3.
11 45 10
8 67 11
9 87 13
5 45 87
3 11 33
7 17 9
8 19 33
9 54 44
2 33 55
5 22 10
4. 2 3 4 5 4 6 7 8 8 7 5
5. 21 44 32 21 14 16 21 17 19 20 23
6. 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 14 16 17 16
7. 4 6 4 7 4 8 3 5 2 5 6
Calculate the lower and upper quartile values for the following
8. x f 9. x f 10. x f
0≤x<10 5 0≤x<10 0 0≤x<10 0
10≤x<20 6 10≤x<20 2 10≤x<20 18
20≤x<30 3 20≤x<30 15 20≤x<30 13
30≤x<40 10 30≤x<40 13 30≤x<40 12
40≤x<50 2 40≤x<50 12 40≤x<50 13
50≤x<60 3 50≤x<60 10 50≤x<60 3
60≤x<70 5 60≤x<70 7 60≤x<70 1
70≤x<80 6 70≤x<80 1 70≤x<80 0
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Activity 2
Calculate the mean, variance and standard deviation for the following data sets
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Find the variance and standard deviation for the following data sets
Range Frequency, f
0≤x<10 15
10≤x<20 18
20≤x<30 9
30≤x<40 16
40≤x<50 9
50≤x<60 6
60≤x<70 9
70≤x<80 2
Range Frequency, f
0≤x<10 3
10≤x<20 5
20≤x<30 6
30≤x<40 2
40≤x<50 7
50≤x<60 8
60≤x<70 3
70≤x<80 1
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8.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 4 hours 45 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1:
1. 2. 3.
12.1 170 33.45
13.5 165 33.44
6.7 154 46.67
22.3 198 45.98
11.2 176 23.98
7.8 122 44.34
4.3 188 45.2
12.4 175 43.8
14.4 54
13.1 167
4. 5. 6.
1099 2.3
1077 2.4 56
1100 3.4 78
998 1.8 57
997 5.3 99
1023 1.11 10
1087 2.33 87
1114 3.08 85
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Exercise 2
Calculate the lower and upper quartile value for the following
1. x f 2. x f
0≤x<10 4 0≤x<10 11
10≤x<20 5 10≤x<20 9
20≤x<30 4 20≤x<30 5
30≤x<40 3 30≤x<40 7
40≤x<50 2 40≤x<50 12
50≤x<60 1 50≤x<60 16
60≤x<70 0 60≤x<70 12
70≤x<80 1 70≤x<80 0
3. x f 4. x f
0≤x<10 3 0≤x<10 1
10≤x<20 5 10≤x<20 4
20≤x<30 6 20≤x<30 8
30≤x<40 7 30≤x<40 8
40≤x<50 8 40≤x<50 9
50≤x<60 3 50≤x<60 4
60≤x<70 4 60≤x<70 3
70≤x<80 0 70≤x<80 3
Exercise 3
Range f
0≤x<10 2
10≤x<20 4
20≤x<30 6
30≤x<40 7
40≤x<50 3
50≤x<60 3
60≤x<70 1
70≤x<80 2
Range f
0≤x<10 5
10≤x<20 4
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20≤x<30 2
30≤x<40 0
40≤x<50 1
50≤x<60 4
60≤x<70 2
70≤x<80 7
Find the variance and standard deviation for the following data sets.
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6. Find the variance and standard deviation for the following grouped data.
Range Frequency, f
0≤x<10 3
10≤x<20 5
20≤x<30 6
30≤x<40 2
40≤x<50 7
50≤x<60 8
60≤x<70 3
70≤x<80 1
Range Frequency, f
0≤x<10 13
10≤x<20 14
20≤x<30 3
30≤x<40 16
40≤x<50 5
50≤x<60 8
60≤x<70 9
70≤x<80 11
Range Frequency f
0≤x<10 25
10≤x<20 22
20≤x<30 45
30≤x<40 33
40≤x<50 26
50≤x<60 12
60≤x<70 8
70≤x<80 19
Range Frequency, f
0≤x<10 34
10≤x<20 36
20≤x<30 23
30≤x<40 12
40≤x<50 41
50≤x<60 35
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60≤x<70 35
70≤x<80 30
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8.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 1 hour. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1:
Review the private study exercises from this topic and take the opportunity to discuss any problems
you had.
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Topic 9
9.2 Timings
Lectures: 2 hours
Seminars: 2 hours
Tutorials: 1 hour
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9.3 Seminar Notes
The time allocation for the seminar for this topic is 2 hours.
Activity 1
1. A student is chosen at random from a class of 16 girls and 14 boys. What is the probability that
the student chosen is not a girl?
2. A glass jar contains 5 red, 3 blue and 2 green jelly beans. If a jelly bean is chosen at random
from the jar, what is the probability that it is not blue?
3. A number between 1 and 5 is chosen at random. What is the probability that the number chosen
is not odd?
4. In a pet shop, there are 6 rabbits, 9 kittens, 4 hamsters, and 7 budgies. If a pet is chosen at
random, what is the probability of getting a rabbit or a budgie?
5. The probability of a New York teenager owning a skateboard is 0.37, of owning a bicycle is
0.81, and of owning both is 0.36. If a New York teenager is chosen at random, what is the
probability that he/she owns a skateboard or a bicycle?
6. Spin a spinner numbered 1 to 7, and toss a coin. What is the probability of getting an odd
number on the spinner and a tail on the coin?
7. A jar contains 6 red balls, 3 green balls, 5 white balls, and 7 yellow balls. Two balls are chosen
from the jar, with replacement.
8. Two cards are chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards without replacement. What is the
probability of getting two kings?
9. Two cards are chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards without replacement. What is the
probability that the first card is a jack and the second card is a ten?
10. On a mathematics test, 5 out of 20 students got an A. If three students are chosen at random
without replacement, what is the probability that all three got an A on the test?
11. Three cards are chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards without replacement. What is the
probability of getting an ace, a king and a queen in order?
12. A school survey found that 7 out of 30 students walk to school. If four students are selected at
random without replacement what is the probability that all four walk to school?
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Activity 2
Tree Diagrams
1. A bag contains 3 black balls and 5 white balls. John picks a ball at random from the bag and
replaces it back in the bag. He mixes the balls in the bag and the picks another ball at random from
the bag
i. 2 black balls
2. A bag contains 10 marbles of which 2 are red and 8 are black. Bag B contains 12 marbles of
which 4 are red and 8 are black.
a. Draw a probability tree diagram to show all the outcomes of this experiment
Activity 3
1. If the British Universities Sports Association has applications from 6 universities to host its inter
university tennis championships in 2013 and 2014, how many ways may they select the hosts for
these championships:
2. There are five finalists in the Magic Circle’s Magician of the Year contest. In how many ways may
the judges choose a winner and a first runner-up?
3. In a local election, there are four candidates for mayor, five candidates for treasurer and two
candidates for chief lawyer. In how many ways may voters mark their ballots if they vote in all three
of the elections?
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5.A television director is scheduling a certain sponsor’s commercials for an upcoming broadcast.
There are six slots available for commercials. In how many ways may the director schedule the
c. If the sponsor has two different commercials, each to be shown three times?
d. If the sponsor has three different commercials, the first of which is to be shown three times, the
second two times, and the third once?
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9.4 Private Study Exercises
You should spend approximately 6 hours 45 minutes on the Private Study for this topic. You should
use this time to complete the exercises below as directed by your lecturer and to review the contents
of this topic.
Exercise 1
1. If a number is chosen at random from the following list, what is the probability that it is not
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19
2. If a single 6-sided die is rolled, what is the probability of rolling a number that is not 8?
3. A day of the week is chosen at random. What is the probability of choosing a Monday or
4. A number between 1 and 10 is chosen at random. What is the probability of getting a 5 or an
even number?
5. A single 6-sided dice is rolled. What is the probability of getting a number greater than 3 or an
even number?
6. Four cards are chosen from a standard deck of 52 playing cards with replacement. What is the
probability of getting 4 hearts?
7. A nationwide survey showed that 65% of all children in Japan dislike eating vegetables. If 4
children are chosen at random, what is the probability that all 4 dislike eating vegetables?
8. In Bangkok, 48% of all teenagers own a skate board, and 39% of all teenagers have a bicycle
and a skate board. What is the probability that a teenager who has a bicycle also has a skate
9. At an elementary School, 18% of all students play football and Cricket, and 32% of all students
play football. What is the probability that a student who plays football also plays cricket?
10. In the United States, 56% of all children get an allowance, and 41% of all children get an
allowance and do household chores. What is the probability that a child does household chores
given that he/she gets an allowance?
11. In Scotland, 88% of all households have a television. 51% of all households have a television
and a DVD player. What is the probability that a household with a television also has a DVD
12. In South Australia, 84% of the houses have a garage. 65% of the houses have a back yard and
a garage. What is the probability that a house has a backyard given that its has a garage?
A box contains 4 red and 2 blue chips. A chip is drawn at random and then replaced., A second chip
is then drawn at random.
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i. At least one blue
A company purchases electronic components in batches of 100 and the supplier guarantees that
there will be no more than 5 defective components in each batch. Before acceptance of a particular
batch the company has a policy of selecting without replacement two components for testing. If both
components are satisfactory the batch is accepted and if both are defective the batch is rejected.
However, if only one is defective another component is selected and if this is satisfactory the batch
is accepted while if it is defective the batch is rejected. If the probability that a component is
defective is 5% what is the probability that the batch will be accepted?
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13. A collector of antiques, who owns 10 original Chippendale chairs, is preparing a will. In how
many ways may the collector leave these chairs to three heirs?
14. A basketball fan has a pair of tickets to 6 different home games of the LA Lakers. If the fan has
five friends who like basketball, how many ways may he take one of them along to each of the
six games?
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9.5 Tutorial Notes
The tutorials for this topic will last for 1 hour. You can expect to spend some of this time discussing
your answers to the Private Study exercises with your lecturer and other students. Your lecturer will
then direct you on completing the tasks below.
Exercise 1:
You should use this final tutorial to check your private study work and also discuss preparation for
your final examination.
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