This is an early access release of the digital board Game Design: Marcel Zons
game “Soulless Vessel” for Tabletop Simulator. It’s a Manuel Kuczynski
work in progress, but our goal is to deliver a great
experience. 2D Design & Layout: Manuel Kuczynski
To ensure it’s the best game it can be, we will Illustrations: Albert Wijaya
periodically make changes to improve balance and
Map Tile Art: Marcel Zons
Supporting Design: Dashiel Nemeth
The campaign’s first three chapters can be enjoyed
in its entirety already, and more chapters will follow
Programming: Jonah Möller
over the coming months.
Dashiel Nemeth
We want this game to grow together with an
Narrative Support: James Jarvinen
engaged community, so we encourage all our
Alexandra Norman
players to leave feedback, and you can do that by
joining us on Discord. Special Thanks To: Julian Erhardt
James Jarvinen
If you’d like to support us, you may also consider Magnus Linder
subscribing to our Patreon for in-depth updates and Jonah Möller
Dashiel Nemeth
a voice in the direction of future updates. Your
Alexandra Norman
support helps us pay for the art which makes this a Jennifer Patzer
complete and polished product. Florian Rohde
Tobias Rojahn
Patrick Röseler
Naomi Seeling
Adam Taubenheim
Thomas Walther
Andreas Weiß
All icons for items, ability cards and traits are from
the Humble Bundle Game Dev Icons. The Map Tiles
were created using a pro license from Inkarnate.
Table Of Contents: Attack Roll 14
Defense Roll 14
Game Summary & Goal 5 Spellcasting Roll 14
Game & Campaign Overview 5 Damage Roll 15
Game Components 6 Miscellaneous Rolls 15
Ability Cards 6 Attacking 15
Ability Tokens 6 Unarmed Attacks 15
Vessels 6 Line-of-Sight 15
Items 6 Ability Cards 16
Legendary Items 6 Cooldown 17
Wear Tokens 6 Failed Spellcasting 17
Special Tokens 7 Ongoing Effects 17
Book Of Adventures 7 Interrupt Effects 17
Book Of Exploration 7 Ability Tokens 17
Exploration Cards 7 Initiative 17
Map Tiles 7 Items & Item Slots 18
Player Board 8 Vessels 18
Die Pool Tokens 8 Exchanging Vessels 18
Scratch Tokens 8 Damage & Death 18
Hero Wound Tokens 8 Hero Damage 19
Status Effect Cards 8 Wound & Scratch Healing 19
Initiative Tracker 8 Enemy Damage 20
Player Tokens 8 Minion Damage 20
Enemy Cards 9 Status Effects 20
AI Cards 9 Bleed 20
Trait Cards 9 Cripple 21
Enemy Standees 9 Dazed 21
Status Effect Tokens 9 Stun 21
Enemy Wound / Minion Scratch Tokens 9 Weaken 21
Coins 10 Cursed 21
Soul Shards 10 Terror 21
Legend Points 10 Exploration 21
Game Concepts 11 Quest Triggers 21
Movement 11 Connecting Rooms 21
Movement Actions 11 Placing Loot & Doors 22
Red Map Lines 11 Placing Enemies 22
Blue Map Lines 11 Key Terms 22
Difficult Terrain 11 Nimble 22
Special Movement Actions 11 Slippery 22
Attacks Of Opportunity 12 Bulky 22
Dice Types 13 Knockback 23
Dice Symbols 13 Pull 23
Power 13 Retreat 23
Plus 13 Hit Multiple / Additional 24
Double Plus 13 Reach 24
Star 13 Toughness 24
Wear 14 Straight / Diagonal Line 24
Botch 14 Blast Template 25
Critical 14 Giving Up 25
Dice Rolls 14 Enemies 25
Enemy Reference Cards 25 Shared Currencies 34
AI Cards 26 Repair 34
Trait Cards 26 Sell Items 34
Rule Of Ambiguity 26 Buy Items 34
Game Rounds 27 Additional Inventory 34
1. Reduce Ongoing Effects 27 Tier 0 - Improvised Items 34
2. Events 27 The Soul Shop 34
3. AI Cards & Enemy Initiative 27 Immediate Use Items 34
4. Place Ability Cards 27 Vessel Offers 35
Secret Plans 28 Vessel Exchange 35
5. Reveal Cards & Hero Initiative 28 Buy & Upgrade Ability Cards 35
6. Turns 28 Buying Ability Cards 35
Hero Turn 28 Upgrading Ability Cards 35
Movement 28 Retraining Cards 35
Ability Cards & Actions 28 Vessel Perk Unlocks 35
Minion Turn 28 Retaining Synchronization 35
Enemy Turn 29 Select Next Adventure 36
Activation Order 29 Adventure Tracker 36
Target Priority 29 Campaign & Tiers 36
Movement 29 Advancing Tiers 36
Attacks & Defense 29 The First Tier 36
Abilities 30 The Final Tier 36
AI Modifiers 30 Failing The Campaign 36
Threat Value 30 Optional Game Rules 37
End Turn Effects 30 Difficulty: At Death’s Door 37
End Round 30 Difficulty: Neverwake Horde 37
First Game Setup 30 Difficulty: Starved Economy 37
Select Roles 30 Difficulty: Smart & Mean 37
Select Starting Decks 31 Singleplayer / Solo Campaign 37
Select Vessels 31 2-Player Campaign 37
Select Items 31 Optional: Enemies Drop Loot 38
Deck Builder 31 OPtional: Card Drafting 38
Select Soul Tokens 31 Joining Later In the Campaign 38
Select Difficulty 32 Leaving A Campaign 38
Default 32 Tabletop Simulator Guide 39
Challenger 32 Take A Seat 39
Nightmare 32 Shuffle 39
+1 Mode 32 Flip 39
Prepare First Adventure 32 Draw Card vs. Move Deck 39
Adventure Setup 33 View Card 39
Player Ready State 33 Lock / Unlock Object 39
Exploration Deck 33 Draw Line-Of-Sight 39
Enemy Deck 33 Look at Facedown Cards 39
Events 33 Quick Draw Card 39
First Room 33 Rotate Object 39
Story Intro 33 Ping 39
Quest Triggers 33 Take Multiple From Bag 40
After The Adventure 33 Dice Roller Tool 40
Town Phase 34 End Round Button 40
Refresh Piles 34
Game Summary & Goal
Soulless Vessel is a cooperative dungeon crawler
all about tactics and building a strong character
with powerful internal and party synergies.
standee miniature, and provides unique benefits
Game Components that grow stronger over time as the party’s legend
There are several types of game components
players should be familiar with and this section At any given time a player inhabits only a single
provides an overview over all of them: vessel, and when they leave it for another the
abandoned vessel crumbles to dust and is lost.
Ability Cards
Ability tokens are used to track the location of an Items with a golden border are “Legendary Items”.
ongoing ability effect on the board, and are always These can only be earned by finishing certain
placed in a specific square on the game board. adventures. They can never be bought for coins.
This manual describes how to set up the room with
Special Tokens enemies, treasures, vessels, as well as its
orientation and available doors.
Exploration Cards
Book Of Adventures
Map Tiles
This guide contains all the adventures, including
story, setup instructions, objectives, special rules,
layout, an event table, and rewards.
Book Of Exploration
Hero wound tokens mark severe injuries by heroes,
Player Board and block an entire row of scratches after scratches
have overflowed into the next row.
Scratch Tokens
Every player selects a soul token to represent them
on the initiative tracker when the campaign starts.
Enemy Cards Enemy Standees
AI Cards
Trait Cards
Adventure Tracker Coins
Soul Shards
There is a token representing each adventure, and Soul shards are obtained as adventure rewards or
after finishing it (successful or not), its token is by extracting a vessel which no soul chooses to
placed on the adventure tracker. inhabit. They can be spent in the Soul Shop, which
becomes available starting in chapter two.
Legend Points
Game Concepts Blue Map Lines
The map tiles which make up the game board are
divided into squares through dark grid lines.
All models can move on the game board by Some map tiles show blue dotted lines along the
spending movement points. edges of one or more squares, representing barriers
like fences, screens, windows etc..
For each movement point spent, a model can move
onto an adjacent square, straight or diagonally. These blue dotted lines block movement, but don’t
block Line-Of-Sight.
A model cannot move onto or through a square that
is already occupied by another model however.
Difficult Terrain
Movement Actions
During each player’s turn, they gain movement
points equal to their vessel’s speed which have to
be used before taking any other action.
These red lines cannot be crossed, and it is not Pick Up Treasure (1 Movement): A hero who is
possible to draw a Line-Of-Sight through them. adjacent to a treasure chest can spend one
movement point to open it. Remove the treasure
chest and draw two random item cards from the
pile of available item cards. The opening hero may
move both items to their unoccupied and
compatible item slots on their player board.
If they cannot hold one or both of the items, place a
Attacks Of Opportunity
dropped item token where the treasure chest was,
and put the item card(s) near the map tile. Whenever a hero or minion begins a new movement
action and moves at least one square (regardless of
direction) while adjacent to one or more enemy
models, they must perform an escape test.
During attacks, power determines the total damage
Dice Types dealt to an enemy. During defense, it determines
There are five types of dice in Soulless Vessel how much of the incoming damage is mitigated.
featuring various symbols in various combinations. During spellcasting rolls, power determines if the
Some dice also have blank sides that contribute target number was met and consequently, if the
nothing when rolled. spell succeeds.
Star Critical
If a roll is botched, you cannot make use of any Successfully casting a spell requires that the roll
other symbols unless you have specific spending produces a total power equal to or greater than the
options or perks that let you ignore the botch. spell’s target number.
Ranged attacks have a specified range in squares,
which can be counted in any combination of
straight or diagonal steps, so long as a direct line of
sight can be traced to the target as well (see
(an ability asking for a spellcasting roll with a total If a hero performs a ranged attack while adjacent to
power of two or more) one or more enemies, add two Cursed Dice to their
attack roll.
Damage Roll The total power of the attack roll determines the
damage done to the target (see Damage & Death).
When an ability calls for a damage roll that is not an
attack, they roll the specified dice pool but count
only the total Power and Criticals rolled, ignoring all Unarmed Attacks
other symbols. The result goes against the target’s
Heroes can always perform unarmed melee attacks
with their regular pool - usually, this is a single
Weapons usually do not provide their bonus dice to Standard Die, even if they have no weapon.
such damage rolls. Note that each fist counts as an individual 1-handed
weapon for the purpose of other effects.
Miscellaneous Rolls If a hero has at least one free hand, they can also
perform ranged attacks by throwing rocks with a
A few abilities call for rolling a set of specific dice
range of 3 and a Cursed Die added to the roll.
and using the results in a specified way. When
making a miscellaneous roll, no other bonuses are
applied and only the specified dice are rolled. Line-of-Sight
Symbols rolled on a miscellaneous roll can only be Whenever an ability or attack mentions “range”,
used for the spending options or conditions specific then this implicitly requires a viable line-of-sight
to that roll, and can’t be used for generic options from the source to the target!
such as a vessel’s ‘plus’ ability.
To measure a viable line-of-sight, draw an imaginary
line from the center of any square occupied by the
Attacking source model to the center of any one square that
is occupied by the target.
Whenever a hero or minion performs an attack, they
will do so with a suitable weapon or their fists. When “Bulky” models are involved, pick any of its
four occupied tiles to draw from or to.
Exactly one weapon is chosen for each attack, and
the player only gains bonus dice and spending If that line crosses a red line or an outer wall of a
options from the weapon they chose, not from any tile, then the line-of-sight is blocked, but note that
other weapons they may also have equipped. touching the corner of an obstruction is still valid.
Any action that simply says “Attack” can be Other models do not impact line-of-sight.
performed as a ranged or melee attack, as the
player prefers, assuming the hero has an
appropriate weapon equipped.
Ability Cards
Cooldown Interrupt Effects
Effects may reduce the cooldown of cards, and They briefly interrupt the game flow, handle their
cooldowns may also be reduced by performing a interrupt card, and resume the game where it was
Minor Action. Using a minor action returns the card left before that effect.
used to the player’s hand and moves each card on
their cooldown tracker one place to the left. If the interrupt was part of the card’s major action,
the card is placed on the “Cooldown” or “Effects”
If a card on position one would have its cooldown tracker after usage as appropriate.
reduced, it is returned to its owner’s hand.
Items & Item Slots Vessels
Vessels are the physical forms a heroic soul
inhabits to enable it to interact with the world, and
each of them confers upon the soul certain powers
which reflect the story of its former life.
Hero Damage
Each hero has three rows for scratches. The
amount of scratches they can suffer depends on
the vessel’s toughness for that row. Place as many
scratch tokens on the player board with the healthy
side up.
A minion can suffer as many scratches as it has
toughness. Once their scratches exceed that
amount, they suffer a wound (which kills and
removes them immediately).
Status Effects
There are a variety of status effects in Soulless
Vessel that can affect heroes and enemies in
negative ways.
Cripple Terror
For both heroes and enemies, moving one square Only heroes can suffer from this effect.
costs two movement points instead of one.
As long as the hero suffers from terror, they may not
If a movement action provides an uneven amount reduce the duration of their other negative effects
(e.g., 3 movement points), then one movement by any means.
point is potentially wasted (unless used for Special
Movement Actions).
Dazed Whenever a new room is revealed by opening a
door, the player who opened it draws the top card
Heroes: The hero treats all major actions they use
from the exploration deck and reveals it.
as if their cooldown was one higher than normal, to
a maximum of five. Ongoing effects and their
Typically, this card will be a room card, which you
duration are unaffected.
will connect to the dungeon, but occasionally it will
be a quest trigger card. In either case, follow the
Enemies: The enemy cannot use their bones or skull
instructions below.
abilities, regardless of what its AI card (or trait
cards) would otherwise dictate.
Quest Triggers
Stun In some cases, the revealed card from the
exploration deck will be a quest trigger and not a
Heroes: The hero can place at most one card from
map tile. In this case, refer to the description of the
their hand face down at the beginning of the round.
adventure for instructions on how to proceed.
They can still use the empty slot for cooldown
reduction (see Ability Cards).
Connecting Rooms
Enemies: If that enemy’s AI card has a threat value To connect a new tile to the dungeon, first roll an
of 10 or less, the enemy model will skip its entire enhancement die (blue), and consult the Book of
turn (it will still remove negative effects as usual at Exploration to determine the tile’s layout.
the end of its activation).
The layout determines which room entrance
Additionally, the enemy cannot perform attacks of connects to the door just opened (and therefore the
opportunity (see Attacks Of Opportunity). orientation of the newly placed tile).
Only heroes can suffer from this effect.
the door that was just opened, and replace an end After spawning enemies, draw an AI card for each
cap closing another entrance anywhere in the enemy reference card, attach it to it, and adjust their
dungeon with a door. initiative accordingly.
Heroes or minions that are slippery do not provoke
attacks of opportunity when moving near enemy
models (see Escape Tests & Attacks Of
(a map tile with a door and an end cap piece) Note that, like nimble, in most cases slippery is
granted only for an individual movement action and
not for all of a hero's movement in general.
Placing Enemies
Lastly, if the layout displays any red or blue sockets,
then enemies will spawn on this map tile.
Models that are bulky are large and always occupy
For each color of socket in the layout, draw an four squares. However, they only have to stand on
enemy card from the pile of enemies for this at least two walkable squares at any one time. For
adventure (if you run out, shuffle the used enemy example, an Ogre may have two of its squares
cards from the adventure into a fresh pile). standing inside the outer wall of a map tile, while
the other two squares of the model occupy
Determine the number of standees to place based walkable squares.
on the number of participating heroes, and start
filling the sockets based on their numbering, going In addition to that, their movement is performed
from lowest to highest. square by square and they displace other models
as they go.
If a socket is occupied by something, place the
model as close as possible to the socket instead. If a bulky model moves into a square that is
occupied, the displaced model is moved to an
If a group of enemies would spawn that shares a unoccupied adjacent square of the players’ choice.
type with an existing enemy group, add the If there is no unoccupied adjacent square, then that
specified number of models as usual, but discard model gets displaced to the closest unoccupied
the duplicate enemy card - all models of the same square instead.
type will act based on the reference card that was
on the Initiative tracker already.
A minotaur boss (which is “Bulky”) wants to move A hero causes knockback (3) against an adjacent
onto a square that is occupied by a hero. enemy.
If so desired, the hero need not move the target the Heroes do not take damage from knockback.
full distance of the knockback.
In these cases, perform the attack or spell once as
usual against the primary target, but apply the
Enemies with this keyword will perform an resulting power and any generated effects against
additional movement action after their default each of the additional targets as well.
attack during their activation. This movement must
maximize the distance from the hero that was
attacked. If there are multiple viable destinations, Reach
the players decide which the enemy moves to. Some heroes and enemies may have the reach
keyword, typically as a benefit from their weapon.
When the retreat keyword is applied in a scenario
where the enemy didn’t just make an attack, the Reach gives melee attacks a range of two squares
enemy must instead maximize its distance from the (instead of being limited to adjacent targets).
closest hero when it starts its retreat (choose on a Line-of-sight must still be valid.
Toughness describes the amount of scratches a
hero or minion can sustain before suffering a
wound on a given bar of scratches.
In the shown example, the white directions are all However, they get to keep all treasures that were
valid, as they all emerge from the hero’s square in a collected during the adventure.
straight or purely diagonal direction.
Proceed to the town phase as usual.
The purple path / line is not viable.
Blast Template All monsters or other foes are referred to as
Some abilities make use of the blast template. “enemies”. Heroes and minions are never referred to
as such, even when a card speaks from the
This tear-drop shaped template can be placed with perspective of an enemy.
the tip anywhere within the square of the executing
model, and rotated to any angle. There are three key components that are relevant to
describe enemies: Enemy Reference Cards, Traits
All tiles that are at least partially covered by the and AI Cards.
template are affected, but each enemy can only be
affected once. The activation of enemies and their behavior is
described under enemy turns.
Giving Up
There may be adventures that simply go south for
the entire party. Maybe a few heroes are already
dead, or there are too many powerful enemies to
deal with.
1. Initiative - This value is the base initiative behavior, bonuses and initiative.
of this enemy type. It will be modified by Also check out the Game Rounds overview for more
the AI card it draws each round. information.
2. Base Values - Below the name you will find
these three values (in order): 1. Initiative - This value is a modifier that is
The enemy’s movement speed, describing added or subtracted from the base
the amount of squares they get to move initiative of an enemy group to determine
during each activation. their final initiative value for a given round.
Their attack value, describing the amount 2. Threat Value - Each AI card has a unique
of damage they deal with each attack. number that may be referenced in certain
Their attack range, describing over how situations, like some abilities or when
many squares they can perform an attack. attempting to Stun an enemy.
If there is no value, that enemy type can 3. Target Priority - The AI card determines
only perform melee attacks. what heroes or minions a given enemy will
3. Enemy Tier - This information won’t prioritize to attack during their activation.
usually matter to game mechanics. It 4. Abilities - If a bones or skull icon shows up
merely describes in which campaign tier here (or both!), then these abilities are
this enemy type gets introduced. active for the round.
4. Defense - This value describes the enemy’s 5. Bonuses / Penalties - Some AI cards grant
ability to resist attacks from heroes and enemies the keyword “Nimble” for their
minions. See enemy damage for more entire activation, or modifies their
information. movement speed, attack value or defense.
5. Models / Max. Wounds - This section is a These bonuses are only active for the
table that determines two values based on given round.
the amount of participating heroes. The
first value (#) is the number of models to
spawn whenever this enemy reference
Trait Cards
card is drawn. The second value (the
heart) describes how many wounds it
takes to kill an individual model of from
this group.
6. Passive Ability - This section describes
unique mechanics or key words that
always apply for all models of the given Some situations or game difficulties may call for
enemy group. one or more trait cards to be attached to an enemy
7. Bones Ability - This ability will be active group - typically upon spawning them. The cards
some rounds but not others, depending on provide them with unique effects that remain with
whether the corresponding icon is shown them until defeated.
on the AI card attached to the group.
8. Skull Ability - The same as above, but
activated with a different symbol. Rule Of Ambiguity
We strive to make these rules as complete as
AI Cards possible, but if you discover a case where rules are
ambiguous in terms of meaning, tie-breaking, order
of operations, or some other respect, the party
should assume they can resolve it in whatever way
is most beneficial to them.
total result is a 9, which triggers the “Resurrection
Game Rounds Sickness” event for that round.
1. Reduce Ongoing Effects This will determine the enemies’ behavior for the
round, so that players can tactically plan around it.
The first step of each game round is to reduce the
duration of any ongoing effects on heroes by one. Each AI card also modifies the initiative of the
enemy group. Add the initiative modifier to the base
Ability cards that leave the tracker go back to the initiative of the enemy group, and use the total to
hand of the hero who owns them. place that group in the appropriate initiative slot.
2. Events
At the beginning of each round (except for the first
one of of each adventure), one player rolls a
ten-sided die (d10) and adds the current
accumulated threat total to the roll.
Secret Plans Movement
Once a new round begins, the party is forbidden Every vessel comes with a default number of
from discussing tactics and strategy until step five, movement points each turn based on their vessel’s
when ability cards are revealed. speed. This movement action needs to be
performed before any actions from the placed
It is of utmost importance that every player makes ability cards, otherwise these movement points are
their own decisions, and all the players’ actions lost (see Movement).
need to be planned with the information that is
available at this point - this is a key part of the
game’s tactical challenge, and helps avoid the game
bogging down in decision paralysis. (a vessel’s speed value)
The actions that can be taken during each creature’s Unless otherwise specified by the card that creates
turn are outlined in the following sections. them, minions act at initiative step zero (before
enemy groups that are at the same initiative step),
and just like heroes, they can perform attacks and
Hero Turn defense rolls using a Standard Die.
Once it is a hero’s turn, they will first perform their During a minion’s activation, it may move its speed
default movement action, and then perform the and then perform a melee or ranged attack (if it has
actions of their placed cards. any range), as specified in its rules text.
Keep in mind that many ongoing effects and vessel As a special rule, all minions can spend any number
perks allow for things to happen at the beginning of of plus and star symbols to add +1 power to their
a turn (or during it), so now would be the time to attack rolls.
handle these.
Like heroes, minions must perform Escape Tests it didn’t attack anyone so far or that target cannot
when starting movement adjacent to an enemy. be reached this round, ignore this instruction.
Enemies don’t roll for attacks, they simply deal a This value is also relevant to see if a stun status
number of scratches equal to their attack value to effect on an enemy would force them to skip their
their target, and their target makes a defense roll turn (see Stun).
to reduce this damage according to their power
End Turn Effects
The enemy might perform abilities or trigger effects
at the end of their turn.
(an enemy’s attack value)
In any case, it removes one token from each type of
A hero or minion will always suffer at least one ongoing effect (Cripple, Stun etc.).
scratch from an attack, unless they have specific
effects or rolled a critical on their defense roll.
End Round
An attack that is performed by a melee enemy or by
an enemy that is adjacent to the target is
considered a melee attack, even if that enemy has
an attack range. Any attack that is performed from
a range is a ranged attack. This may be relevant for
certain situational bonus dice. The initiative tracker has a button that will
automatically discard all assigned AI cards, and
Check Hero Damage to re-cap on how damage place the hero’s soul tokens back to their starting
against heroes gets tracked, and Minion Damage position.
for minions.
After that, a new game round can begin!
Enemies typically have three abilities: a passive, a
bones ability, and a skull ability.
First Game Setup
The game is played over a course of 15 adventures,
If the AI card shows either (or both) of these
as a persistent campaign, where all participating
symbols, then that ability is available to that enemy
players keep and develop their heroes from
group for the current round, and functions as
beginning to end.
In some cases, enemy groups are required to draw Supporter - A group’s supporter keeps the group
two AI cards each round and pick the card with the alive by using healing or effects that protect them
higher threat value. from harm. They may focus on making their allies
stronger or their enemies weaker, but in either case
they magnify the abilities of the entire group.
Sorcerer - A group’s sorcerer is a versatile hero who The remaining vessels should be shuffled together
typically focuses on ranged damage combined with as a vessel deck.
effects that enhance allies or weaken enemies.
Socerers usually focus on spell-based abilities.
Select Items
Damage Dealer - A group’s damage dealer is
specialized in taking out enemies quickly. They may To determine the starting items for the party, you
focus on single target or multi target damage, using will draw cards at random from the pile of items,
ranged or melee attacks, but it’s always about the ignoring any yellow- or red-background cards drawn,
damage, and they’re key to getting threats off the and drawing a new item to replace them.
battlefield fast.
From the tier one deck, draw one card per hero to
There are many builds that don’t cleanly fit into a start, all of which you will put aside to be distributed
role, and players are encouraged to combine later. Then, for each hero, draw three cards and pick
concepts to develop a unique character that one of them to keep, discarding the others. The
complements their group and style. The smaller the party may draw all of these rows at once to narrow
party, the more you should consider creatively down your choice, also respecting the items that
combining roles to ensure they’re all covered. you put aside in the first step.
Each player begins the game with any six basic You may distribute all of these items among the
(un-upgraded) ability cards of their choice. party members in whatever way seems best, with
each player placing their items on the appropriate
To make getting started easier, players may wish to item slots on their player board.
select from one of the 15 themed starter decks the
game provides. Each fits an overarching theme (e.g.
‘Protector’) and a more specific flavor within it. Deck Builder
These decks are tried and tested, but they’re only a Building a plan for your hero is a key part of the
starting point, and you’ll add and swap cards from Soulless Vessel experience, and we’ve created a
them throughout the campaign, to take your build in deck building tool to make it easier for you. Simply
your particular direction. create a new deck (with the “+” button) and select
your chosen starter deck to have it automatically
Select Vessels If you don’t have a complete plan from the
After selecting a starting deck, players choose their beginning though, don’t worry - your plan will
starting vessels. inevitably change as you go in any case!
Select Difficulty Prepare First Adventure
The party should next agree on the difficulty of And finally, to prepare your first adventure, follow
their campaign. Obviously, nothing will keep you the “New Adventure Setup” instructions below for
from adjusting the difficulty between adventures the adventure called “The Escape”.
(especially upwards), but you need to make the
initial choice to get started. There are four difficulty You’ll be able to choose your adventures in the
levels available in addition to the optional difficulty future, but every campaign begins there.
When you play with the default difficulty, no
additional rules apply and you simply play the game
as described in the rule book.
This difficulty level will ask the party to improvise
and discuss tactics more often. This is the
recommended difficulty for experienced fans of this
genre and those who have already played similar
games before.
On nightmare difficulty, you’re much more likely to
get wiped out and lose the entire campaign, making
this the ideal difficulty for experienced players
who’ve perfected strong builds with powerful
synergies, and want to test their metal.
+1 Mode
This difficulty is not recommended for anyone who
hasn’t finished at least one full campaign, ideally on
nightmare difficulty. It’s intended only for players
seeking a truly brutal life or death challenge.
Adventure Setup First Room
Unless the description for a particular adventure
When the group has determined which adventure
says otherwise, each adventure begins with just the
they want to play next, make sure all elements of
dungeon entrance map tile.
the previous adventure have been removed or put
back, then follow these steps to get ready. Place the heroes and minions anywhere within the
starting area, and place doors on each of the map
tile’s exits.
Player Ready State
Every hero starts with their entire deck of ability
cards in their hand. Every vessel heals all scratches Story Intro
and wounds, and no one should have any negative At this stage, one player should read the intro text
effects on them at this point. out loud to the party to set the scene. There may be
additional story descriptions during the adventure
(see Quest Triggers).
Exploration Deck
With this done, you’re ready to play, and can begin
First, prepare the exploration deck, which will be
exploring the dungeon!
used to determine which map tiles are added as the
dungeon is explored (see Exploration).
The Book Of Adventures will list the cards from It’s important to remember which quest trigger is
bottom to top, so merely take the cards as listed, the next (the adventure lists them in order), as the
one after another, and put them on top of your order is crucial for adventures to function.
exploration deck, face down, until all mentioned
types of cards have been added to the deck.
After The Adventure
Enemy Deck After the adventure is completed, one player will
read the outro to everyone.
Take all the enemy cards listed in the adventure’s
description and shuffle them into their own
All scratches and wounds are healed, all effects are
face-down pile, placing it above the the initiative
removed, and all ability cards are returned to their
tracker in the corresponding slot.
owners’ hands.
can buy any of these items by paying the displayed
Town Phase costs in Coins.
When an adventure is over the party returns to At the start of the campaign, the pile of items
town. In this phase of the game you will expand should exclusively consist of Tier-1 item cards. The
your deck, buy and sell items, and generally update items of higher tiers will be added later, as
your hero to prepare for the next adventure. mentioned in the chapter transitions in the “Book Of
There are several activities the party can participate
in town, which can be done in any order.
Additional Inventory
Refresh Piles You can also pay to access additional inventory - a
few coins to stay the night and see what comes in.
Any items that have been discarded during an
adventure (for instance used consumables or items The party can reveal additional rows of cards for
that broke due to wear), are now being shuffled 10 coins each, but only one card may be purchased
back into their respective pile before the Town / picked from each of these additional rows.
Phase begins.
This option is available for the item shop, the soul
Do the same thing for all vessel cards that are shop, and the vessels available in town.
currently not in use.
Vessel Offers Upgrading Ability Cards
Each ability card has two possible upgrades,
In each town there are also people willing to give up
referred to as its alpha and beta variants.
their bodies to fight against evil.
For one soul XP, a player may upgrade a base card
Shuffle the vessel deck and draw 3 cards, skipping
that they already possess, replacing it with either of
any legendary, mythical, and peasant vessels, and
the two upgrade variants for that card.
placing the drawn vessel cards face up.
You may never have multiple versions of the same
Any member of the party may assume any of these
ability in your deck at the same time.
vessels, or the peasant vessel if both are not
already in use, at no cost, replacing their previous
Additionally, a specific upgrade variant may only be
vessel. The new vessel begins with only the first
present once across the entire party.
perk unlocked, as usual.
If the same hero later returns to the same vessel,
The First Tier
they retain access to the perks they’ve already
unlocked for it. In the very first tier (“Nathender”), keep in mind that
the initial adventure “The Escape” is the prologue
and does not count towards the total of three
Select Next Adventure adventures the party will complete in that tier.
Once they’re done with their shopping and So after playing “The Escape”, the party still gets to
upgrades, the party should discuss which adventure play three regular adventures of the first chapter.
they want to play next based on their strengths,
interests, and the possible rewards.
The Final Tier
The party can pick any adventure that is part of the In the fifth and final tier, reflecting the rising action
current campaign tier and which has not been towards the finale of the story, the party will play
attempted before. only two adventures of their choice before
advancing to their final encounter with the
Neverwake Dragon.
Adventure Tracker
During the town phase, remember to add the
adventure token for the last adventure to the Failing The Campaign
adventure tracker.
It is possible for a party to be wiped out and fail the
Once the specified number of adventures have been campaign as a whole.
completed in a given tier - 3 in most cases -, the
party will advance to the next tier and a new set of This occurs when all players lose their vessel
adventures and items will become available. during an adventure and everyone has become a
“Vesselless Soul”.
Each tier introduces new map tiles, enemies and Afterall, you should play the game in a fashion that
items, and each has its own set of adventures is most fun for everyone!
available to be played while the party is in that tier.
Advancing Tiers
When the party has completed three adventures in
a given tier (successful or not), they advance to the
next tier of the campaign.
A brief story text sets the scene for the new area,
and describes the party’s journey.
Simply remove the AI cards with the threat values:
Optional Game Rules 1, 2, 3, 5 and 13.
With this rule enabled, all vessels are considered to At the beginning of each round, you can openly
have one less toughness on each of the three rows. commit to two cards per hero (while keeping their
decks separated), and commence with the game
This effectively means they can sustain a total of
round after doing so.
three less scratches before dying.
Since you will be able to perform highly optimized
This makes suffering wounds more likely and
strategies (as you effectively forfeit the
requires a more steady usage of healing items and
non-communication rule at the beginning of a
round), it is recommended to play with a higher
difficulty than you normally would.
This applies to items sold (so items sell for 25% of The repercussions are quite similar to the solo
their displayed Coin value), Coins gained from campaign. So also in this case, it is recommended
adventure rewards or vessel perks and so on. to play with a higher difficulty than you normally
This does not affect the income of Soul Shards.
When this happens, calculate the average value in
Optional: Enemies Drop Loot both Coins and Soul Shards that each existing hero
This rule is best combined with an increased has among their equipment.
difficulty or the “Starved Economy” difficulty rule.
With this optional rule enabled, the party will obtain The party immediately adds both average amounts
an item whenever an enemy group is defeated (the (round down) to their stash.
moment its reference card is discarded).
The new player may choose any one vessel based
The last model of the defeated group leaves a on the current campaign tier:
Dropped Item token beneath it. The party draws two
● Chapter 1 - Only rarity “Common”.
item cards and keeps the one with the lower value.
● Chapter 2+ - Up to “Rare”.
Place the item near the token. It can be picked up by
● Chapter 4+ - Up to “Legendary”.
spending one movement point.
Important: Do not apply this rule to enemies that The party immediately gains an amount of Legend
can spawn infinitely through an event, like “Ambush” Points equal to the current chapter tier. So in
or “Neverwake Apparition”. This is to prevent an Chapter 3, the party would gain 3 Legend Points.
infinite loop of looting items during an adventure.
The joining player gains one Soul XP for every
adventure that has already been completed during
OPtional: Card Drafting this campaign.
Some players or groups may feel overwhelmed with After determining the vessel and adding the
the amount of ability cards that they could consider resources, the party will take an extra town phase
for their deck building efforts - especially when you and may add two additional rows of items (either
are new to the game. regular items or Soul Shop) at no cost during this
Town Phase in which the new player joins.
With this rule enabled, the party will experience
Keep in mind that the party may only buy one item
more improvisation, while limiting themselves with
from each of these extra rows, as described under
the amount of options to consider at any given time.
Additional Inventory.
During each town phase, the party draws 10 random
ability cards (only base level cards). Any party
member can learn one of these by spending Soul
Leaving A Campaign
XP as usual. If there is a base level card that a In some situations, a player may have to leave a
player already possess, they can still purchase the campaign while the rest would like to continue.
option, but will upgrade their existing card instead,
and can feely choose the Alpha or Beta upgrade To resolve this, remove their vessel and ability card
variant. By spending 10 Coins, another 5 ability deck first.
cards may be added to the list of options for that
Then, calculate the average value in both Coins and
Town Phase.
Soul Shards that each existing hero has among their
If the party wants to draft for cards at the beginning equipment.
of a campaign (instead of using a premade starter
The party can keep the departing player’s items, but
deck), provide each player with 10 random base
must collectively discard items and/or available
level cards of which they take 2. Every player
currency with a combined value equal to or greater
repeats this process until they have 6 base level
than the average for each currency. In this scenario,
take the full value of each item into account, not its
typical sell value.
Joining Later In the Campaign If the party can’t or doesn’t want to pay these
You may run into situations where you have already “debts”, they can also note them down. Any
been playing an ongoing campaign, and a new currency they receive goes to pay their debt until it
player wants to join it with a fresh hero. is fully paid. Only then the party can begin to save
up on the given currency again to spend it
Tabletop Simulator Guide Lock / Unlock Object
By pointing your mouse cursor at an object and
In this section we would like to provide you with a
hitting the “L” key, you can lock an object in place so
brief introduction of specific features of Soulless
it won’t be accidentally moved.
Vessel within Tabletop Simulator.
In the same fashion, an already locked element can
be unlocked again to move it around.
Take A Seat
This is useful to fix placed map tiles, so that players
Upon joining a session, every player needs to
don’t accidentally pick them up when moving
choose a virtual seat. This will assign them to a
models or tokens on the board.
specific player board and location for their hand
cards, and give them a distinct color.
At the top right corner, each player clicks on their Draw Line-Of-Sight
own name to choose a color. Then you will see orbs To check for line-of-sight, you can simply place your
at the different locations on the table and simply mouse cursor at the origin point (the center of the
click on one of them to assume that seat. square) and then hold the “Tab” key while dragging
to draw a line between the initial position and your
current mouse cursor position. The line will
Shuffle disappear as soon as you release the “Tab” key.
In many instances, you will need to shuffle a deck of
This way you can easily see if the line crosses a
cards. Simply point your mouse cursor at the deck
non-walkable square and therefore breaks
and press “R” (as in “randomize”). The same
function works for rolling dice as well.
Ping End Of The Rule Book
Sometimes you may want to draw your party’s
We want to thank you for playing our game and we
attention to something on the game board, e.g. to
hope you will enjoy it!
mark an enemy or to show them a card.
We want to encourage our players to be active
By hitting the “Tab” key, you can create a ping
members of our community by asking questions,
symbol on your current mouse cursor location. It
providing feedback or ideas. For that reason,
will show an arrow in your own color and make
consider joining our Discord:
other players aware of it via a sound effect.