Advanced RF Layout With Altium

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AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium

ATSAMR21, ATmega256RFR2, AT86212B


Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout for Radio Frequency (RF) uses uncommon
techniques that contradict basic design rules. RF designers use physical
structures on PCBs as circuit elements; complex impedances, transmission lines,
PCB-antennas, intentional shorts, tuning stubs, and ground-planes are all tools
used by RF designers. These structures work at high frequency but they can
violate Design Rules (DRCs) followed by basic Computer Aided Design (CAD)
tools. Altium® is no exception. This paper illustrates how to configure Altium to
manage these uncommon layout techniques.


 PCB Stack-up Management

 Configuring Component Classes
 Configuring Design rules
 Net Ties
 Transmission Lines
 Polygon Pouring
 Polygon Keepouts
 Via Stitching
 3D modeling with Paper Mock-ups

1 Background
When laying out Atmel® RF devices like ATSAMR21 or ATmega256RFR2, there are several uncommon
techniques that are required to succeed. Management of multiple ground-planes, using stack-up to control
impedance, and Via Stitching to improve Electro-Magnetic Compliance (EMC). This paper is a companion
document to the AT08973 SAMR21 Basic Connections and Wireless Design [1] application note and illustrates
the use of Altium in the Ramen design. It is expected that the reader has AT08973 available for reference.

2 Stack-up Management
Atmel recommends using a minimum 4-layer stack-up for RF PCBs. 4-layer PCBs consistently exhibit improved
transmitter efficiency and EMC over 2-layer construction. The Layer Stack Manager in Altium is used to select
the dielectric thickness and stack-up order. In Figure 2-1, the PCB has four layers; Top-Layer, RFGND,
DGND/3V3, and Bottom-Layer.

Figure 2-1. Altium Layer Stack Manager

2.2 Altium Layer Stack Manager

In this document, we use the terms Layer-1, Layer-2, Layer-3, and Layer-4. Layer-1 is the “Top-Layer”. This is
where all the RF signals are routed. Layer-2 is the RF Ground-plane; this is an Internal Plane that covers the
entire PCB (with a few exceptions). Layer-3 is a split-plane for digital power and ground. Layer-4 is for general
purpose baseband signals.
The dielectric thickness between Layer-1 and Layer-2 are adjusted to control the transmission line impedance.
Microstrip is used in this design. A 20 mil trances for 50Ω transmission lines results in a 10 mil dielectric. 20 mil
traces abut cleanly to 0402 components. The application note AT02865 RF Layout with Microstrip [2] goes into
details about dimensions and material selection. The basic idea is to work with the Fabrication House to achieve
50Ω controlled impedance using easily obtainable material. Altium and many other tools can be used to calculate
controlled impedance, however, the Fabrication House will have calibrated models and the best working
knowledge of available materials.
A core/prepreg/core (CPC) stack-up is used in this design. This is uncommon. Low-cost Fabrication Houses
prefer prepreg/core/prepreg (PCP). Using a rigid core dielectric provides a truly planer slab that is more
consistent with theoretical modeling. Prepreg is compliant and deformation of dielectric slabs is not negligible.
CPC is preferred, however, low-cost products with can use PCP if the Fabrication House can maintain controlled
impedance tolerances to 50Ω ±10%.

2 AT11309:
2 Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE]
3 Managing Ground Domains
To start the discussion about Net Ties, the ground domains must be considered. Review of the ATSAMR21
Datasheet [3] shows several ground domains: GNDANA, AVSS, and DVSS. Complete discussion of the
grounding system is given in the Ramen reference design [1].

Figure 3-1. ATSAMR21 Power and Ground Connections

To summarize the grounding system used in the Ramen design: GNDANA is connected to RFGND (the plane on
Layer-2), AVSS is connected to AGND (signal traces on Layer-1), and DGND (split plane on Layer-3). Altium can
cope with one plane and will route the other ground domains as signals as long as they have unique names. The
problem is electrically connecting these planes together, at the IC, to form a star topology without confusing the
layout tool, or the engineer. The recommended technique for connecting these domains together is adding a
metal patch on Layer-1 between the IC pins and the “Paddle”. This makes the paddle the common node of the
star network. Regrettably, simply shorting the domains with a “Fill” Polygon will cause DRC errors and/or merging
of the signal names.

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 3 3

Altium provides a special virtual component for shorting signals called a “Net Tie”. Net Ties are allowed to short
two networks without throwing DRC errors. To implement Net Ties we need to take the following steps:
 Define the footprint of the Net Tie
 Define a schematic symbol for the Net Tie
 Connect the ground domains to the Net Tie in the schematic
 Create a NET_TIE class
 Create rules for the NET_TIE class
 Place the NET_TIE on the layout

3.2 Defining the Net Tie Footprint

The Net Tie footprint is created in the PCB library like any other custom footprint. In this example the Net Tie has
two pins and is a 12 mil metal strap between the pins. The dimensions are chosen to work with the pins on the
ATSAMR21 QFN package. The reader should review the Altium application note “Net Ties and How to Use
Them” [4] for more details.

Figure 3-2. Net Tie in Footprint Editor

4 AT11309:
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Figure 3-3. Net Tie in PCB Library

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3.3 Defining a Schematic Symbol for the Net Tie
After making a footprint the Layout Engineer needs to define a schematic symbol for the Net Tie in the SCH
Library editor. A simple two pin block is used in this design, shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4. Net Tie Schematic Symbol

6 AT11309:
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Figure 3-5. Net Tie Symbol in SCH Library

Now, to make it all work, define the Component Properties Type as “Net Tie” and link it to the footprint made
previously. To get to the Library Component Properties panel, select the NET_TIE component in the SCH Library
and push the “Edit” button. Also note the use of the “NT?” prefix for the reference designator. This will be useful
later when establishing rules.

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 7 7

Figure 3-6. Component Properties for Net Ties

3.4 Connecting Grounds in the Schematic

Using the Net Tie component in the schematic is simple although the additional symbol will be a bit confusing to
the uninitiated. In the Ramen design the reference designators match the pin numbers of the SAMR21. In this
way, place them on the correct pins in layout. Figure 3-7 shows NT35, which will be used to connect RFGND and
DGND at Pin 35.

Figure 3-7. NET_TIEs Connected in the Schematic

8 AT11309:
8 Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE]
3.5 Creating a NET_TIE Class
Create a NET_TIE class in the PCB Editor. In the PCB Editor select Design → Classes… to open the Object
Class Explorer. Right-click on “Component Classes” and add a new class. In the example the class is called
“NET_TIE”. Upper case labels are used to distinguish the special entries from the default configuration. After
adding the new class, use the tool to add members to the class. In this case all the Net Ties have the “NT” prefix.

Figure 3-8. NET_TIE Class and its Members

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 9 9

3.6 Creating Rules for NET_TIEs
Create the rules for the NET_TIE class to avoid generating DRC errors. From the PCB editor menu select Design
→ Rules… to open the PCB Rules and Constraint Editor. In the editor, create two rules for NET_TIES. First add
a rule to the Plane → Polygon Connect Style group. Set the Connect Style to Direct Connect. This allows to place
the NET_TIE directly on the metal plane. See [4] for details.

Figure 3-9. Changing the NET_TIE Rules

Next, make changes to the vertical component clearance because Altium does not know NET_TIES have zero
height. There are two steps:
A. Exclude NET_TIES from the default rules.
B. Make a special rule for NET_TIES that ignores clearances about U1.

10 AT11309:
1 Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE]
Figure 3-10 shows a modification of the of the Placement → Component Clearance rule. The new
“GENERAL_RULE” is the same as the default except the NET_TIE and PCB_ANT classes are excluded.

Figure 3-10. GENERAL_RULE for Component Placement

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 11 1

Figure 3-11 shows the special rule for the NET_TIE class. The dimensions are the same as the
GENERAL_RULE except it ignores U1. Now place NET_TIES under U1 without throwing errors. For everything
else, U1 is still protected from encroachment by the GENERAL_RULE.

Figure 3-11. NET_TIE Rule Ignoring U1

Place the NET_TIE on the layout. When pushing changes from the Schematic Editor down to the PCB Editor the
Altium ECO tool attempts to remove the special classes. Bad ECO tool. These boxes need to be unchecked
every time the ECO tool is run, or the classes will be omitted.

12 AT11309:
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Figure 3-12. Unchecking the Remove Classes Box in the ECO Tool

Place the NET_TIE in the layout. To keep things organized, use reference designator numbers that match the pin
numbers of U1. In Figure 3-13 NT35 connects DGND to RFGND by shorting U1.35 and the Paddle U1.49. This
process is repeated for all eight of the Net Tie points.

Figure 3-13. NT35 Connecting DGND to RFGND

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 13 1

4 Transmission Lines
Controlled Impedance transmission lines are used in good RF layouts. There are two popular types; microstrip
and Coplanar Wave Guide (CPW). This design use microstrip. The impedance control relies on the RFGND
plane and dielectric thickness to establish the proper structure to conduct the Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM)
Wave. To reduce parasitic coupling, random metal polygons on the top layer need to be pushed away from the
transmission line by 40 mil, or 4x the dielectric thickness. To do this, make a TRX_LINE class and set up a
special clearance rule. This will keep the Polygon Pour on Layer-1 40 mil away from the transmission line. In this
way, Layer-2 becomes the dominant ground-plane for the fields surrounding the transmission line. The parasitic
effects of the remaining metal structures on Layer-1 are reduced to less than 1% of the 50Ω impedance.

Figure 4-1. TRX_LINE Class and Members

14 AT11309:
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Figure 4-2. TRX_LINE Rule 40 Mil Minimum Clearance

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 15 1

Figure 4-3. RF Transmission Lines with 40 Mil Clearance Shown in Blue

Note: The RFGND plane on Layer-2 is transparent.

16 AT11309:
1 Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE]
5 Copper Pour and Stitching Vias
Copper Pour is a classical Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) suppression technique. The pour covers un-used
areas of the outer layers with metal. For non-radiating designs, this provides shielding and absorption of stray
electric fields. The usefulness of copper pour in RF design is debatable; in microstrip designs Layer-2 is the
dominant RF Ground-plane and metal structures on Layer-1 will distort the E-Field formation surrounding the
transmission line. Additionally, metal polygons in the outer layers can act as sympathetic resonators and
increase EMI. In practice. In practical design we must place discrete RF components on top of Layer-1 and these
components need a low-impedance path to the RF ground. Making this connection is where copper pour is useful
to the RF designers.
Via Stitching is another EMI suppression technique commonly used in RF layout. A matrix of vias is used to
provide abundant connections between metal planes. Altium provides an automated Via Stitching tool that is
used in conjunction with the Polygon Pour tool to reduce EMI. The CAD Engineer can control the via diameter
and the spacing of the matrix. Also the vias are grouped together for across-the-board editing.
Polygon Pour and Via Stitching are automated tools and need some configuration to keep them from running
amok. To illustrate, the configuration options are shown in Figure 5-1 through Figure 5-6. First we need to define
the design objectives for Poly Pour and Via Stitching:
 Connect RFGND to components on the surface
 Eliminate floating metal islands that act as shields
 Reduce metal ‘Necks’ that act as antennas
 Contain internal planes and reduce edge effects by stitching around the perimeter of the PCB
 Keep Pour away from overcrowded areas
 Guide Via placement with internal DGND plane
Follow the four step process:
1. Define Internal DGND Plane and pour it on Layer-3. This will connect signals and guide via placement
because Vias Stitching is omitted over DGND polygons.
2. Pour top and bottom layers with Remove Dead Copper de-selected.
3. Add stitching vias that will connect RFGND planes on Layer1, Layer-2, and Layer-4.
4. Re-pour top and bottom with Remove Dead Copper selected. This removes any islands that were not
connected by Via Stitching.

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5.1 Defining the DGND Plane
The first phase is to define the DGND internal plane on Layer-3. Figure 5-1 shows the DGND internal plane on
Layer-3. Note the stitching vias are automatically placed outside this plane. Also note when viewing these
images, the RFGND plane on Layer-2 covers the entire PCB (except the antenna areas), however, because
Altium uses a “negative” image for this plane, Layer-2 cannot be seen.

Figure 5-1. DGND Internal Plane Shown in Brown

18 AT11309:
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5.2 Poly Pour 1st Pass
To configure the Poly Pour tool, use the settings shown in Figure 5-2 in the Poly Pour control panel. Use larger
than default values in the Remove Islands and Remove Necks options.
Note: The Remove Dead Copper box is de-selected in the first pass.

Figure 5-2. Poly Pour Configuration, First Pass

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 19 1

Figure 5-3 shows the top and bottom planes poured with the Remove Dead Copper option disabled. The layout is
ready for the vias that will join RFGND signals on the Layer-1, Layer-2, and Layer-4.
Note: The Floating Island of Copper under the “J1”, this will be removed after the vias are in place.

Figure 5-3. Top and Bottom Planes Poured Ready for Vias

20 AT11309:
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5.3 Adding Stitching Vias

Figure 5-4. Via Stitching Setup

The Stitching Via set panel is shown in Figure 5-4. 50 mil spacing was chosen to get good coverage and
eliminating structures that might resonate in the C band.
Note: The diameter of 8.1 mil, was chosen to differentiate the Stitching Vias (8.1 mil) from arbitrary Signal Vias
(8.0 mil) for easy identification with the “Find Similar Object” feature in Altium.
The milling machine will round these to the same drill size. After the stitching via tool has run we get the layout in
Figure 5-5. Notice the vias were omitted over the DGND plane. This isolated the Floating Island under the J1

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 21 2

Figure 5-5. Stitching Vias Added

22 AT11309:
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5.4 Poly Pour 2nd Pass
Re-pour the polygons with the Remove Dead Copper option enabled. This eliminates any floating Islands that
were not connected by the stitching vias.

Figure 5-6. Final Re-Pour With Remove Dead Copper Enabled

Figure 5-6 shows the final result. The Floating Island under the J1 designator is gone. The small metal necks and
islands around the U1 are cleaned up and the remaining Copper Pour on Layer-1 is well connected to the
RFGND plane on Layer-2. This provides a generous RF current return path to the balun, RFTP1, and antenna
trimming components. Remember, Layer-2 cannot be seen in this image because it is a photographic ‘negative’.
It covers most of the PCB except the purple keep-put areas near the antenna. A final review of the Gerbers is
always recommended to verify the artwork.

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 23 2

6 3D Modeling With Paper Mock-ups
Modern CAD tools have incredible 3D modeling capability. These tools can be used to evaluate mechanical fit of
components and enclosures with mind-blowing graphic details, however, virtual 3D models need to be collected
and carefully audited for reliable analysis. In practice STEP models may not be available for all the electronic
components, particularly new devices. Similarly, mechanical design files for enclosures may be incomplete or
non-existent and ultimately, human perception of virtual-reality is abstract and often deficient as illustrated by
Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. The Blivet, a Great Looking 3D Model With DFM Issues

To improve the PCBA design process, paper mock-up models are an indispensable alternative. Mock-ups are
frequently used in advanced Architectural and Mechanical design and can provide physical and tactile
observations that elude us in virtual reality. They can be assembled quickly with real-world parts and
sub-assemblies from the proto-build. Use case scenarios, like connecting programming cables and button action
can be tested. The mock-up shown in Figure 6-2, is an early revision of the Ramen using a 1:1 paper plot,
real-world components, and hot glue.

24 AT11309:
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Figure 6-2. Early Paper Mock-Up of Ramen

The mock-up above took only a few hours to construct and provided valuable observations. The pencil is pointing
a potential clearance problem with the programming cable. Also note the QFN land pattern came from a
mislabeled footprint library and is too big for the real 7x7 mm package. Users got a chance to critique the
form-fit-and-function and ultimately reoriented the on/off switch because the neighboring headers poked their
fingers. PCBA mock-ups are quick to make and give designers an unmatched practical perspective. A few hours
with scissors and glue will save designers some unnecessary grief and insure the project’s success.

7 Bibliography
[1] AT08973: SAMR21 Basic Connections and Wireless Design
[2] Atmel AT02865: RF Layout with Microstrip
[3] ATSAMR21 Datasheet
[4] Altium Net Ties and How to Use Them

AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE] 25 2

8 Revision History
Doc Rev. Date Comments
42478A 07/2015 Initial document release.

26 AT11309:
2 Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE]
Atmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441.0311 F: (+1)(408) 436.4200 │

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AT11309: Advanced RF Layout with Altium [APPLICATION NOTE]
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