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❖ SONET is a synchronous network. A single clock
is used to handle the timing of transmissions and
equipment across the network.

❖ SONET are standardized protocols that transfer

multiple digital bit streams over optical fiber using
lasers or highly coherent light from light-emitting
diodes (LEDs).
❖ SONET defines a technology for carrying many signal
of different capacities through a synchronous,
flexible,and optical hierarchy.

− Multiplexing.
− Error checking.
− Handling variations in clocks.
− Mapping of plesiochronous(nearly the same)voice
and data traffic.
− Signaling for automatic switching in case of a
fiber or node failure.
❖ SONET encodes bit streams into optical signals
propagated over optical fiber.
- All clocks in the network are locked to a common master
clock so that simple TDM can be used.
- Multiplexing done by byte interleaving.
-SONET defines a hierarchy of signaling levels called
synchronous Transport Signals (STS).
- Each STS level (STS-1 to STS-192) supports a certain
data rate, specified in megabits per second.
- The physical links defined to carry each level of
STS are called optical carriers (OCs).

❖Increased bandwidth over the traditional

telecommunication system.

❖Increased configuration flexibility that suppots future

applications, with variety of transmission rates.

❖ Reduction in equipment requirement.

❖ An increase in network reliability and many more…

❖ The basic building block of SONET is the STS-1 frame.
The length of this frame is defined by the number of bits it
is possible to transmit in 125us at the clock rate of the
network link.
❖ 9 rows by 90 columns – 810 octets in the frame.
❖ Frame is transmitted from left to right, by row.
❖ Frames are transmitted 8,000 times per second,
every 125 μseconds.
❖STS-1 bit rate is therefore 51.84 Mbps (810 octets
x 8,000 times per second x 8 bits per octet).
❖ This lowest level SONET signal is called a Synchronous
❖ Transport Signal, level 1 (STS-1). Once the scrambler
is applied,it is known as an Optical Channel,level 1(OC-1).
❖The lowest level SDH signal is know as a
Synchronous Transport Module, level 1 (STM-1).
STS multiplexer/ demultiplexer
- Either multiplexes signals from multiple sources into an STS
Or Demultiplexes an STS into different destination signals.

-Function at the data link layer.Takes a received optical signal
and regenerates it.

- Add a function to those of physical layer repeaters.Replaces

some of the existing overhead information with new
Add/drop multiplexer:

- Add signals from different sources into a given path

- Remove a desired signal from a path and redirect it
without demultiplexing the entire signal.

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