2018-Dec ECD-311 58

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B. Tech. End Semester Examination (DEC-2018)

Brach: ECE Semester: 51h

Subject: Microprocessor theory and applications Subject Code: ECD-
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60
Note: All questions are compulsory

1. Identify and define the addressing mode used in each of following 8086 instructions and also
determine the physical address of following instructions:
(a) ADD CX, [BX + SI+ 1523]
(b) MOV [1234], AX
(c) ADD CX, [BX]
DS=1 000,BX=0300,CX=0400,AX=0500,S1=0200.

• 2. Explain master slave concept in 8259. (4)

3. Which interfacing chip is used for parallel data transfer between microprocessor and input
/output device. Explain its working with suitable diagram. (6)

4. How i nstruction queue works in 8086 microprocessor. E xplain functional units of 8 086
microprocessor with help of diagram. (4)

5. What do you mean by DMA data transfer. Explain its operation with the help of diagram. (6)

6. Explain these active low pins of 8086 microprocessor

(a:) BHE
(b) TEST
(c) DEN
(d) LOCK

7. (a) Write the difference between 8085 and 8086

(b) How we done the masking of interrupts in 8085 microprocessor and which instruction is
used to know the status of pending interrupts and explain it. •

8. What will be status of flag registers after executing the following instructions and also
describe the following instructions with example:
(a) ORA C
(b) CMP B

9. Write the flow chart and assembly language program to interface the seven segment LED
display modules with CPU using 8255 chip.
10. Explain the operational command word (OCW2) in 8259 chip and explain it.
11. Write the assembly language problem to search a prime number in list of five numbers based
on 8085 microprocessor.
12. Draw the timing diagram for this instruction STA 4002 which stores at memory location
8005 and also calculate the machine cycle and T-State for this instruction. (4)

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