Synopsis Ritusahni
Synopsis Ritusahni
Synopsis Ritusahni
Synopsis of the thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree
Department of Mathematics
Let T be a self map of a nonempty set X . A point p X such that Tp p is called a fixed
point of the map T . However, if T is a multivalued map, i.e., from X to the collection of
nonempty subsets of X , then a point p in X is called a fixed point of T if p Tp . The
importance of the fixed point theory lies mainly in the fact that most of the equations arising
in the various physical formulations may be transformed to fixed point equations or
inclusions. The theorems concerning the properties and existence of fixed points are known as
fixed point theorems. The roots of fixed point theory lie in the method of successive
approximations for proving existence of solutions of differential equations introduced
independently by Joseph Liouville [1] in 1837 and Charles Emile Picard [2] in 1890 (also see
Granas and Dugundji [3], Kirk and Sims [4], Zeidler [5]). But formally its origin goes back to
the beginning of twentieth century as an important part of nonlinear analysis. The abstraction
of this classical theory is the pioneering work of the great Polish mathematician Stefan
Banach [6] published in 1922 which provides a constructive method to find the fixed points of
a map.
The Banach fixed point theorem states that “a contraction mapping on a complete metric
space has a unique fixed point”. However, on historical point of view, the major classical
result in fixed point theory is due to L. E. J. Brouwer [7] given in 1912, which states that “a
continuous map on a closed unit ball in Rn has a fixed point”. An extension of this result is
the Schauder’s fixed point theorem [8] of 1930 which states that “a continuous map on a
convex compact subspace of a Banach space has a fixed point”. Thereafter, many
generalizations, extensions of these celebrated results enriched the theory of fixed points by a
number of authors (see among others, Tychonoff [9], Kakutani [10], Lefschetz [11], Tarski
[12], Edelstein [13], Kannan [14], Chatterjea [15], Zamfirescu [16], Ćirić [17] and references
thereof). The Banach fixed point theorem forces the mapping T to be continuous on the space
X . In 1968, Kannan [14] proved a fixed point theorem for operators that need not be
continuous. Further, Chatterjea [15], in 1972, also proved a fixed point theorem for
discontinuous mapping, which is actually a kind of dual of Kannan mapping. In this way, a lot
of work has been reported in the literature on this line by using different classes of contraction
type conditions. For an excellent comparisons of various contraction conditions, one may
refer Rhoades [18-21], Collaco and Silva [22], Murthy [23] and Singh and Tomar [24]. The
extension of the theory of fixed points to multivalued maps was initiated by Kakutani [10] in
the year 1941 for finite dimensional spaces. This was extended to infinite dimensional Banach
spaces by Bohnenblust and Karlin [25] in 1950 and to locally convex space by Ky Fan [26] in
1952. Nadler, Jr. [27] in 1969 introduced the concept of multivalued contraction mappings
motivated by the contraction principle of Banach.
Thus a huge development is reported in the study of fixed point theory of single valued,
multivalued and hybrid maps in different directions. This in turn enhances the applications of
fixed point theorems to diverse disciplines of mathematics, statistics, engineering and
economics. In the present work, our attempt is to extend, improve and generalize several
recent results and explore them for applicational purpose.
The main objectives of the work reported in the thesis are:
to obtain some approximate fixed point results and explore them for applications,
to establish some common fixed point theorems and their applications,
to study the role of fixed point theorems in the stability of iterative schemes,
to use fixed point results for obtaining minimax and saddle point theorems,
to study and extend the fixed point results for iterated function / multifunction systems.
The thesis is organised chapter wise as follows:
Chapter 1
The first chapter is introductory in nature and provides the development of the subject and
necessary background to the rest of the chapters in the thesis.
Chapter 2
In chapter 2, the concepts of approximate fixed points are discussed for various cases. In
many situations of practical utility, the mapping under consideration may not have an exact
fixed point due to some tight restriction on the space or the map, or an approximate fixed
point is more than enough, an approximate solution plays an important role in such situations.
This leads to the necessity of a proper theory regarding approximate fixed point. Tijs et al [28]
obtained an approximate fixed point result in Banach spaces which is further extended for
several types of operators on metric spaces by Berinde [29]. The most general operator
considered in that was the weak contraction which has been introduced in [30]. In this chapter,
we obtain some basic approximate fixed point results in generalized metric spaces. Further,
we establish some existence results concerning approximate fixed points, approximate
common fixed points, approximate coincidence points, coincidence points and endpoints of
multivalued contractions. We also develop quantitative estimates of the sets of approximate
fixed points and approximate endpoints in generalized metric spaces.
(0, 1). Then T has approximate fixed point property, i.e., for every 0, Fix (T ) ,
where, Fix (T ) is the set of all approximate fixed points of T.
(0, 1) . Then for each 0, the diameter of Fix (T ) is not larger than b (1 b) /(1 b2 ).
Similar more results are derived for the maps satisfying Kannan, Chatterjea, Zamfirescu, quasi
contraction and almost or weak contraction conditions. These theorems extend the various
results given by Tijs et al [28], Berinde [29], P˘acurar and P˘acurar [31] and Singh and Prasad
Further, we obtain some approximate fixed point and coincidence point results for
multivalued maps satisfying different contraction conditions. Following is one of the results:
Theorem 3. Let ( X , d ) be a b-metric space and T : X Cl ( X ) satisfy multivalued
contraction, i.e., there exists a number (0, 1) such that H (Tx, Ty) d ( x, y),
x, y X . Then T has a fixed point provided, either ( X , d ) is compact and the function
f ( x) d ( x, Tx) is lower semicontinuous or T is closed and compact.
The following theorem ensures the existence of approximate coincidence point of two maps
and includes the result of Hussain et al [33].
Theorem 4. Let ( X , d ) be a b-metric space and T : X Cl ( X ) be a multivalued
I-contraction, i.e, there exists a number (0, 1) such that H (Tx, Ty) d ( Ix, Iy),
x, y X . Then T has the approximate coincidence point property, provided each Tx is
I-invariant. Further, if ( X , d ) is compact and the function f ( x) d ( Ix, Tx) is lower
semicontinuous, then I and T have a coincidence point.
Similar results are obtained for other multivalued contractions also.
Next we extend the results of Hussain et al [33] and Amini-Harandi [34], regarding the
existence of unique endpoint.
Theorem 5. Let ( X , d ) be a complete b-metric space and I : X X be a continuous
single-valued mapping such that r d ( x, y) d ( Ix, Iy), where r 0 is a constant. Let
T : X Cl ( X ) be lower semicontinuous and satisfy multivalued I-contraction. Then I and T
have a unique endpoint if and only if I and T have the approximate end point property.
Similar results are obtained for other multivalued contractions as well.
Mohsenalhosseini et al [35] define the concept of approximate best proximity pair that
is stronger than the best proximity pair and prove some existence theorems for approximate
best proximity pair. Inspired from them, we obtain following existence results of approximate
best proximity pair:
Theorem 6. Let A and B be nonempty subsets of a b-metric space X. Suppose that the
mapping T : A B A B satisfies T ( A) B, T ( B) A and
Theorem 8. Let A and B be nonempty subsets of a b-metric space X and suppose that the
mapping T : A B A B satisfies T ( A) B, T ( B) A and
Chapter 3
The intent of chapter 3 is to obtain some coincidence point and common fixed point theorems
in different spaces. The existence and approximation results for common fixed points of
families of mappings have been studied by various authors (see, for example [36-39]), mostly
by relaxing the contraction condition of the map or sometimes by relaxing the condition on
the space or both.
First we obtain common fixed point theorems for hybrid pair of maps satisfying an integral
inequality and common property (E. A.) in b metric spaces, which modifies the results of
Liu et al [38].
Definition 1 [38]. Let f , g : X X and F , G : X CB( X ). The maps pair ( F , f ) and
(G, g ) are said to satisfy the common property (E. A.) if there exist two sequences
Theorem 10. Let ( X , d ) be a complete b metric space and let f , g : X X and
F , G : X CB( X ) such that
(i) FX gX , GX fX ,
(ii) the pairs ( F , f ) and (G, g ) satisfy the common property (E.A),
H ( Fx , Gy )
M ( x, y )
(iii) for all x, y X , (t ) dt q (t ) dt ,
0 0
where : is Lebesgue integrable function which is summable, non-negative and
M ( x, y) max{ d ( fx, gy), d ( Fx, fx), d (Gy, gy), [d ( Fx, gy) d (Gy, fx)] / 2} with
qs 1, s 1 , where max{ q, }. If fX and gX are closed subspace of X , then
2 qs
(1) f and F have a coincidence point.
(2) g and G have a coincidence point.
(3) f and F have a common fixed point provided that f is F weakly commuting at u and
ffu fu for u C ( f , F ), where C ( f , F ) {x : x is a coincidence point of f and F }.
(4) g and G have a common fixed point provided that g is G weakly commuting at v and
ggv gv for v C ( g , G) .
(5) f , g , F and G have a common fixed point provided (3) and (4) are true.
Again we obtain a common fixed point result for four self mappings in b-metric space.
Theorem 11. Let ( X , d ) be a complete b-metric space and A, B, S , T : X X be such that
(i) AX TX , BX SX ,
(ii) the pairs ( A, S ) and ( B, T ) are weakly compatible,
d ( Ax , By )
M ( x, y )
(iii) for all x, y X , (t ) dt q (t ) dt ,
0 0
where : is a Lebesgue integrable mapping which is summable, non-negative and
satisfies (t ) dt 0, for each 0 and
M ( x, y) max{ d (Sx, Ty), d (Sx, Ax), d (Ty, By ), [d (Sx, By ) d (Ty, Ax)] / 2},
with qs 1, s 1 , where max{ q, }. If TX or SX is closed, then A, B, S and T
2 qs
have a common fixed point.
As an application of Theorem 11, we obtain an existence and uniqueness result for the
functional equations arising in dynamic programming. Let X and Y are Banach spaces and
S X is the state space, D Y , a decision space, R (, ) and B(S) is the set of all
bounded real valued functions. Then the functional equations arising in dynamic
programming are given as follows:
f i ( x) sup H i ( x, y, f i (T ( x, y))), x S , (1)
where T : S D S and H i , Fi : S D R R, i 1, 2.
Theorem 12. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) H i and Fi are bounded for i = 1, 2.
H1 ( x , y , h ( t )) H 2 ( x , y , k ( t ))
M ( h, k )
(ii) (t ) dt q (t ) dt ,
0 0
M (h, k ) max{ T2 h(t ) T2 k (t ) , T1 h(t ) A1 h(t ) , T2 k (t ) A2 k (t ) ,
T1h(t ) A2 k (t ) T2 k (t ) A1h(t ) }
for all ( x, y) S D, h, k B(S ) and t S. Ai and Ti (i = 1, 2) are defined by
(iii) For any sequence {k n } B(S ) and k B(S ) with lim sup k n ( x) k ( x) 0,
n xS
Then the system of functional equations (1) and (2) has a unique common solution in B(S).
Zadeh [40] in 1965 introduced the concept of fuzzy set to describe vagueness or uncertainty
mathematically. Gogeun [41] generalized fuzzy set to fuzzy set in 1967 and then Saadati
et al [37] defined fuzzy metric space. Recently, Khojasteh et al [42] reported a new
notion of metric space defined as follows:
Definition 2 [42]. Let : [0, ) [0, ) [0, ) be a continuous map with respect to each
variable. Then is called a B−action if and only if it satisfies the following conditions:
(i) (0, 0) 0 and (t , s) (s, t ) for all t , s 0,
(ii) (s, t ) (u, v) if s u and t v or s u and t v,
(iii) for each r Im( ) {0} and for each s (0, r ], there exists t (0, r ] such that
(t , s) r, where Im( ) { (s, t ) : s 0, t 0},
(iv) (s, 0) s, for all s 0.
Then metric space is defined as follows:
Definition 3 [42]. Let X be a nonempty set. A mapping d : X X [0, ) is called a
Using the concept of metric space, we define fuzzy metric space in the following
Definition 4. The 3-triplet ( X , , ) is said to be a fuzzy metric space, if X is an
arbitrary (non-empty) set, is a continuous t norm on and is an -fuzzy set on
X 2 (0, ) with respect to B−action and satisfies the following conditions for every
x, y, z in X and t, s in (0, ) :
(i) ( x, y, t ) L 0 ,
(iv) (( x, y, t ), ( y, z, s)) L ( x, z, (t , s)),
(v) ( x, y, .) : (0, ) L is continuous and lim ( x, y, t ) 1.
Now we obtain the following common fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric spaces,
which includes the results of Manro et al [39]:
Theorem 13. Let A, B, S , T , I and J be mappings from a complete fuzzy metric
space ( X , , ) into itself satisfies property (C), i.e., ( x, y, t ) C, for all t 0 implies
C 1 , and
(i) AI ( X ) T ( X ), BJ ( X ) S ( X ),
( x, y , t )
( AIx , BJy , ( t ))
(ii) 0 ( s ) ds L r
0 ( s ) ds
( x, y, t ) max{ M (Sx, Ty, t ), M ( AIx, Sx, t ), M ( BJy , Ty, t ), [M ( AIx, Ty, t ) M ( BJy , Sx)] / 2},
(t ) satisfies condition ( ) (i.e., (t ) : [0, ) [0, ) is nondecreasing and t
n 1
Chapter 4
The stability of iterative procedures is discussed in chapter 4. In fixed point theory various
iterative procedures are available for approximating fixed point of nonlinear equations. These
iterative procedures are used according to their suitability. The theory regarding stability of
iterative procedures plays an important role in the study of numerical computations. Many
physical problems can be expressed as fixed point equation Tx x and this equation is solved
by some fixed point iteration procedure xn1 f (T , xn ), n 0, 1, 2, ... , which yields a
The stability of iterative procedure involving two mappings is studied by Singh et al [43] and
Singh and Prasad [44]. We extend their results in the following theorems:
Theorem 15. Let ( X , d ) be a metric space and S, T maps on an arbitrary set Y with values in
X such that T (Y ) S (Y ) and S (Y ) or T (Y ) is a complete subspace of X and z be a
coincidence point of T and S , i.e., Sz Tz p. Let x0 Y and the sequence {Sxn } generated
n n n n
L j (1 i a i ) d ( Sz i , Tzi ) (1 i a i ) j ,
j 0 i j 1 j 0 i j 1
Theorem 16. Let ( X , d ) be a b-metric space and S, T maps on an arbitrary set Y with
values in X such that T (Y ) S (Y ) and S (Y ) or T (Y ) is a complete subspace of X and z be
n n n n
j b j 2 (1 i a i ) d ( Sxi , Txi ) b j 2 (1 i a i ) j .
j 0 i j 1 j 0 i j 1
(ii) lim Sy n p if and only if lim n 0.
n n
Above results are further extended for Jungck-Mann and Jungck-Ishikawa iteration schemes
by taking two metrics in b-metric spaces, which modifies the results of Olatinwo [45].
Now we establish some weak stability results for Jungck-Mann iteration process on the lines
of Timis and Berinde [46] and Timis [47] in the settings of metric spaces by taking a general
contraction condition.
Theorem 17. Let (X, d) be a metric space and S, T maps on an arbitrary set Y with values in
X such that T (Y ) S (Y ) and S(Y) or T(Y) is a complete subspace of X and z be a
coincidence point of T and S, i.e., Sz Tz p. Let x0 Y and the sequence {Sxn } generated
d (Tx, Ty) ad (Sx, Sy) Ld (Sx, Tx), a (0, 1), L 0, then the Jungck-Mann iteration is
weak w2 stable.
We have also obtained weak w stability results for the Jungck-Ishikawa iteration process
for pair of maps under different contraction conditions generalizing the results of Timis [47].
Chapter 5
In this chapter, we present a generalized version of the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz
(KKM) theorem by extending the concept of Chang and Zhang [48] and Ansari et al [49]. As
an application of it, a generalized minimax inequality is obtained and an existence result for
the saddle point problem under general settings is derived. Consequently, a saddle point
theorem for two person zero sum parametric game is also proved. Several existing well known
results are obtained as special cases.
The KKM mapping is defined as follows:
Definition 5 [50]. Let E be a Hausdorff topological vector space and X be a nonempty
subset of E. A multivalued mapping G : X 2E , that is mapping with the values
G( x) E, for each x in X, is called a KKM mapping if co{x1 , x2 , ... , xn } G( xi ) for each
i 1
finite subset {x1 , x2 , ... , xn } X , where co{x1 , x2 , ... , xn } denotes the convex hull of the set
{x1 , x2 , ... , xn }.
Definition 6 [48]. Let X be a nonempty subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space E. A
multivalued mapping G : X 2 E is called a generalized KKM mapping, if for any finite set
{x1 , ... , xn } X , there exists a finite subset { y1 , ... , y n } E such that for any subset
This definition can be extended for two maps in the following manner:
First we prove the following result which is used in proving the KKM mapping theorem:
Theorem 18. Let X be a nonempty convex subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space E.
Let G : X 2E be a multivalued mapping such that for each x X , G(x) is finitely closed.
Then the family of sets {G( x) : x X } has a finite intersection property if and only if the
precompact convex subset Y0 of Y, such that G( x0 ) is compact subset of Y for at least one
A general minimax inequality result is also obtained.
Theorem 20. Let X be a nonempty closed convex subset of a Hausdorff topological vector
space E and F : X 2X . Let (, ) be a given number and maps
, : X X (, ) satisfy the following conditions:
(i) For any fixed y X , ( x, y) is a generally lower semicontinuous function in x.
(ii) For any fixed x X , ( x, y) is a F- generalized quasiconcave function in y.
(iii) ( x, y) ( x, y) for all ( x, y) X X .
(iv) The set {x X : ( x, y0 ) } is precompact for at least one y0 X .
Finally the following saddle point theorem for parametric games is obtained:
Theorem 22. Let A and B be two Hausdorff topological vector spaces and let X A and
Y B be two nonempty closed convex subsets. Let (, ) be a given number, and F be
(ii) f ( x, y) is a generally upper semicontinuous function in y and F- generalized
quasiconcave function in x.
(iii) g ( x, y) is a generally lower semicontinuous function in y and F- generalized
quasiconvex function in x.
(iv) g ( x, y) is a generally upper semicontinuous function in x and F- generalized
quasiconcave function in y.
(v) There exists x1 , y1 X such that the sets {x X : G ( x, y1 ) } and
{ y X : G ( x1 , y) } are precompact.
Then, there exists a saddle point of G ( x, y), i.e., there exists ( x , y ) X X such that
G ( x , y) G ( x , y ) G ( x, y ), for all x, y X .
Chapter 6
The purpose of chapter 6 is to establish and study a generalized iterated function system using
the notion of generalized contractions. John E. Hutchinson [51] in 1981 defined a method for
constructing fractals, called iterated function system (IFS). An IFS consists of a finite set of
contraction mappings on a complete metric space. Further, Barnsley and Demko [52] studied
and popularized the theory of iterated function systems. Rus and Triff [53] and Mate [54]
replaced contraction constant by a comparison function to obtain their results. Petrusal [55]
has replaced the Banach contraction by Meir-Keeler type operators [56] and obtained more
general results. Recently A. Mihail and R. Miculescu [57] introduced the notion of
generalized iterated function system (GIFS), which is a family of functions
f1 , ... , f n : X m X , in a complete metric space and showed GIFS to be a natural
generalization of the notion of IFS. Llorens-Fuster et al [58] defined mixed iterated function
system by taking more general conditions and obtained a mixed iterated function system
theory for contraction and Meir-Keeler contraction maps. We improve and extend their
results in this chapter.
We have used following generalized definitions of contraction mappings:
Definition 8. A function f : X m X , for each x1 , x2 , ... , xm ; y1 , y2 , ... , ym X , such that
(iii) generalized Meir-Keeler contraction if for every 0, there exists 0 such that
Now we define generalized mixed iterated function system or GMIFS from X m to X rather
than contractions from X to itself.
Definition 9. Let ( X , d ) be a complete b-metric space and m N . A generalized mixed
iterated function system or GMIFS on X of order m is defined by S ( X , ( f k ) k 1,n ), consists
First we establish the following theorem, which extends the results of Meir and Keeler [56],
M. Pacurar [59], and Suzuki [60].
Theorem 23. Let ( X , d ) be a complete b-metric space (with constant b 1) such that the
x0 , x1 , ... , xm1 X , the sequence ( xn ) n1 defined by xnm f ( xn , xn1 , ... , xnm1 ), n N
has the property that lim xn . Then there exists a unique X such that
f ( , , ... , ) .
The following result extends the one of the results of Petrusel [61].
Theorem 24. Let ( X , d ) be a complete b-metric space such that the b-metric is a continuous
functional and f i : X m X , for i {1, 2, ... , m} are operators satisfying the generalized
A1 , A2 , ... , Am H ( X ).
Finally, the following existence and uniqueness result for mixed generalized multi iterated
function system is proved:
Theorem 25. Let ( X , d ) be a complete b-metric space such that the b-metric is a continuous
functional and Fi : X m H ( X ), for i {1, 2, ... , m} are operators satisfying the generalized
operator. Further, FixT F { A* } and (TFn ( A)) nN converges to A* , for each
A1 , A2 , ... , Am H ( X ).
From this theorem, results of Llorens-Fuster et al [58], Petrusel [61], Lazar [62] and
Boriceanu et al [63] are deduced.
Brief Summary
In chapter 2, we extend and improve the results of Tijs et al [28], Berinde [29],
P˘acurar and P˘acurar [31], Singh and Prasad [32], Hussain et al [33] and Amini-
Harandi [34] concerning approximate fixed point, coincidence point, end point and
approximate best proximity points. As an application of approximate best proximity
pair theorem, we obtain the solution of the Hammerstein integral equation.
In chapter 3, we establish common fixed point theorems for the maps satisfying some
integral type contraction conditions in b-metric space. Our result modifies the results
of Liu et al [38]. An application of the result in solving the functional equations of
dynamic programming is also provided. Further, we define generalized fuzzy metric
space and obtain some existence results as applications to fuzzy set theory. Our results
also generalize the results of Manro et al [39].
Chapter 4 discusses the role of fixed point theorems in the stability of iterative
schemes of maps satisfying some general condition. Our results extend and improve
the results of Singh et al [43], Singh and Prasad [44], Olatinwo [45], Timis and
Berinde [46] and Timis [47]. We analyze the convergence of various iterative schemes
and obtain faster convergence towards the solution (fixed point) by replacing the
iterative scheme. A comparative study of the different iterative schemes is also
presented for some examples reported in the literature.
The generalized version of Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz (KKM) maps is studied
in chapter 5. Some variants of KKM theorems are derived which extend some existing
results. As applications of the results to game theory, we establish minimax theorem
and saddle point theorem for two-person-zero-sum game and two-person-zero-sum
parametric game, which extends the results of Chang and Zhang [48] and Ansari et al
In chapter 6, we study the iterated function systems (IFS) and iterated multivalued
function system (IMS) in general settings. We define generalized contraction
conditions and the corresponding iterated function and multi function system. Some
existence and uniqueness results are also obtained. This theory extends several recent
results and enhances the scope of IFS and IMS. Our results of this chapter contain the
recent results of Meir and Keeler [56], Llorens-Fuster et al [58], M. Pacurar [59],
Suzuki [60], Petrusel [61], Lazar [62] and Boriceanu et al [63].
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International Conferences
1. Prasad, B. and Sahni, R., “A saddle point theorem for two person zero sum parametric
game”, Proceeding of International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technology
and Optimization (ICRITO'2010), In association with computer society of India, Delhi
chapter, Region-I, ISBN: 978-81-909732-2-9, pp. 1160-1163, November 1-3, 2010.
2. Prasad, B. and Sahni, R., “Stability of a general iterative algorithm”, Selected topics
in applied computer science, Proceeding of 10th WSEAS International Conference on
Applied Computer Science (ACS’10), Organized by Awate Prefectural University,
Japan, ISSN: 1792-4863, ISBN:978-960-474-231-8, pp. 216-221, October 4-6, 2010.
[Indexed in SCOPUS]
3. Prasad B. and Sahni, R., “A convergence theorem for Jungck-Ishikawa iteration”,
Recent Researches in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases,
WSEAS conference proceeding, 1SSN:1792-8117, ISBN: 978-960-474-273-8, pp. 79-
84, 2011. [Indexed in SCOPUS]
4. Prasad B. and Sahni, R., “A new method for solving nonlinear equations”, World
Academy of sciences, Engineering and Technology, 75, Bangkok, ISSN 2010-376X,
Electronic ISSN: 2010-3778, pp. 599-604, March 29-31, 2011. [Indexed in SCOPUS]
5. Prasad B. and Sahni, R., “A weak stability result for Jungck-Mann Iteration”,
International Conference on Network and Computer Science (ICNCS 2011),
Kanyakumari, India, pp. 231-234, April, 8-10, 2011. [IEEE Explore, Indexed in
6. Prasad, B., Singh, B., and Sahni, R., “Some general minimax theorems in topological
vector spaces”, International Conference on Advances in Modeling, Optimization and
Computing (AMOC-2011), pp. 1140-1147, December 5-7, 2011.