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Powered by AI
The document provides details about a role-playing game set in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by an AI system called Skynet. It describes different missions and encounters players may have, as well as vehicles and machines controlled by Skynet.

The mission briefing is about extracting a prisoner from a speeding Terminator land train, as the prisoner contains classified radioactive isotopes that could be dangerous if used by Skynet.

The document describes the MT-Transport modular land train and its components like trailers and weapon turrets. It also describes the T-20 utility service robot and its purpose of performing maintenance functions.













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TIMELINE TAG: Gathered around an outdoor trash-can fire,

Captain Wisher hands you each a cup of coffee
sludge and tops it off with a shot of tequila.
“Nothing like a smooth reposado to give the
The Player Characters (PCs) must extract a caffeine runs a real kick in the pants. Ok soldiers,
prisoner from a speeding Terminator Land- the crashed stealth ship recovery mission you
Train—dead or alive. The prisoner has classified were sent on was the result of an HK-satellite
radioactive isotopes inside them. In Skynet’s attack on TDC team Omega. Omega was in transit
clutches, those particles could destroy the from our lunar base to our Time Displacement
Resistance. Luckily they can be tracked, so the facility in Florida when the shit hit the fan.
PCs can locate their target aboard the mammoth
Before you ask—yes I’m fucking serious. Time
vehicle. They must extract themselves and the
travel is real. We go back in time to nudge events
prisoner off of the Land-Train before it reaches its
in humankind’s favor, and we really do have a
fucking base on the moon. The sooner you accept
that the sooner we can get on with this mission.
The majority of the stealth craft crew were killed,
Designed for 3-6 players, this mission is the but some managed to eject across the United
second of the monthly online Tech-Com: Mission States. We’ve recovered most of them, now—
Reports for a campaign and will span many parts. dead. The mission commander—Shadowfox—is
While it is designed as a follow-up scenario to the still MIA. Shadowfox was covertly transporting
In The Pale Moonlight Mission Report, it can also classified radioactive isotopes that we laced in the
be played independently. ink of their TDC tattoo.
We’ve been tracking the isotopes through five
○GET○T○I○N○GT○HER○E states now and narrowed their location down
Set in the dark future, Rush Hour Express to an MT-Transport—one of those fucking giant
assumes you are carrying over any PCs who Terminator Land-Trains. It’s carrying bodies for
survived In The Pale Moonlight. Alternatively, you disposal at the Century City work camp. We can
can use this mission with new PCs that have been only zero in on the isotopes within a kilometer,
inducted into the TDC. so we know Shadowfox’s on the half-kilometer
transport—either as a prisoner or dead. Getting
At the end of Mission Report 01, the PCs
them back is up to you.”
were introduced to Captain Wisher of a Tech-
Com special division—the Time Displacement Wisher unfolds a map from his back pocket
Commandos. After that, they were each given a and stabs a finger at a point on it. “Take a
hot meal and a good night’s sleep on a real god- motor convoy and intercept the Land-Train at
damn mattress. Sure, the musty mattresses had coordinates 35.372481°n by-115.8905631°w.
rusty springs and smelled like piss, but crashing Commit that to memory. We’ll give you rad
on them sure as hell beat sleeping on the cement trackers so you can find Shadowfox. Make
slabs the PCs are accustomed to. sure you evac before the transport reaches its
destination or you might as well join the bodies
○M○I○S○S○I○O○N○BR○I○EFI○N○G at the Century City grave dump. Any fucking
In the morning, the PCs are summoned for a
briefing by Captain Wisher, Commander of the The PCs must board the speeding Land-Train and
TDC. Read them the following. If they did not search the cars until they find the leader of the
partake in Mission 01, you’ll need to modify the TDC team Omega. If they ask about Shadowfox,
text accordingly: Wisher will supply a brief physical description
(see Shadowfox and the Long Game) and add the

[○.02 ] ○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02


“Full TDC field operatives go by mission-specific ○GEN○ER○AL○DY○N○AM○I○CS○R○BS○-○80

codenames only—minimizes exposure so Skynet ○V○HEA Y○P○L○AS○M○AR○TEP○EA ○ER○
can’t use that info to go back in time and kill ‘em
The RBS-80 is the Resistance’s preferred heavy
in the crib. You can verify Shdaowfox’s identity
plasma repeater. With a rate of fire and damage
by their TDC tattoo and the radioactive signature
rating equal to a standard heavy repeater, the
given off by the isotopes.”
RBS-80 boasts a 25% higher ammo capacity
If the PCs ask about the isotopes: with only a slight increase in weight. As the
weight makes it nearly impossible for a human
“Don’t ask what the isotopes are for—that’s
to lift and fire effectively, the RBS-80 is typically
classified and right now none of your goddamn
tripod or turret-mounted. Terminators have been
business. The problem here is they can also be
known to carry them into battle, however, even
reverse-traced back to our TDE facility in Florida,
sneaking them into resistance bunkers under their
so our base there is in jeopardy.”
When the PCs’ questions are answered, Wisher
crumples up the map, throws it on the fire, and RBS-80 HEAVY PLASMA REPEATER
watches it burn. “Good luck.” SKILL Support Weapons
2d10+4 10 4 6
The point of the entire Tech-Comm Mission ROF RECOIL RANGE CLIP
Report campaign is to give the PCs a chance
10/SUP(50) 0 300m 250
to change their future by traveling to the past.
They won’t know it until towards the end of
the campaign, but Omega Team is the PCs DIRECTORS NOTE: If your players are still new
from the future, and Shadowfox is their PC to Terminator, or will derail the session with a
commander (Ah, I love temporal mechanics). lengthy shopping trip feel free to have a friendly
That means that the PCs found their own dead NPC quartermaster assign them a standard set of
bodies in Mission Report 01. Give Shadowfox equipment and limit their choices to what vehicle
the same sex and vague description as the they want to take. That said players who come up
PCs’ team leader. This will pay off at the with a cool boarding plan such as blowing a hole
campaign’s finale, so be patient! Your players in the side of the Train with an Anti-Tank Rocket,
will appreciate the twist at the end. will find one made available.
Each PC is issued a Geiger counter. As long Headset communicator, Body Armour with Helmet
as it is reasonable, let them choose the rest of (PV 3, Resistance 7 Wt 1), M-14 Plasma Pistol
their equipment for this raid. The motor pool has (Wt 1), 1 extra clip of ammo, Disposable Tool kit,
beat-up sports cars, motorcycles, and a semi-rig Disposable First Aid kit, a canteen of water, and a
(core rulebook, pages 123-126). Each PC will be hipflask of bathtub gin.
in their own vehicle and can control that driver
Stronger characters will be pointed in the direction
and any gunners as well as themselves until they
of the below options and advised not to overload
manage to board. Each car is equipped with a
turret mounted RBS-80 Heavy Plasma Repeater,
with the semi-rig mounting two. The motorcycles’ Common Wt 1 items
weapons must be carried by their riders.
• Basic First aid kit/Hacking Kit/Tool Kit
The drivers and gunners should be assumed to
• Plasma Charge
have Skills and Stats of 2 when performing their
tests. If your campaign has established NPCs that Common Wt 2 items
you prefer to use instead, go for it.
• Paramilitary Protection (PV 4, Resistance 11),
• M-25 Phased Plasma Rifle (Wt 2)

○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02 [○.03 ]


It’s 434km from Vegas to Century City and the rotting leavings of humanity. Near the tractor, two
PCs are hitting the train in progress. The PCs cars are as opposite in function as can be—one
have to be off before the train arrives at the work a prison and the other used for humans that have
camp as there is no chance of surviving what sided with the machines to ride in luxury. An HK
awaits them. Each trailer is the length of a train aerial rises off the train. Time to make this count
car (25 meters) and is two stories tall. This train before you are turned to ash.
has sixteen cars. Only a few of the cars have
The HK will need to get above the dust cloud and
detailed descriptions, though a table is provided
steady itself before it can begin any attacks—
for possible hazards encountered in the trailers
otherwise, its intakes will clog and its attacks will
not detailed.
be made as if they are against concealed targets
(Core Rulebook page 70). To avoid this it will circle
around for 1d10+2 rounds before it can enter the
01. TRACTOR CAB fight, so the PCs best make their moves fast.
As the PCs close to a quarter of a mile, the Turret
Trailer lights up, firing at the closest targets on
either side.


Getting onto the moving Land-Train requires
dealing with or surviving the Turret Trailer (and
06. CHARNEL TRAILER MN03 possibly the HK Aerial) and getting close enough
to physically jump or climb (detailed below) onto
07. CHARNEL TRAILER MN04 one of the trailer cars. When the PCs try and get
on the train, read the following to your PCs:
Dust and flying debris assault you as the vehicle
09. CHARNEL TRAILER WY01 hurtles over the rough road. It’s time to move from
one speeding vehicle to another. If your driver
10. CHARNEL TRAILER UT01 keeps it steady and gets you close, it shouldn’t
be that difficult. Otherwise, it’s a leap of faith that
will likely end with your being roadkill. Here’s
12. CHARNEL TRAILER NV02 to hoping the last thing you see isn’t a massive
tractor tire rolling over your skull.
If the driver of the vehicle can succeed at a
15. HK AERIAL LANDING PAD Difficulty 8 Drive: Car (CONC) Skill Test then
jumping onto the train requires a Difficulty 5
16. TURRET TRAILER Athletics (DEX) Skill Test. Otherwise, it requires a
Difficulty 8 Athletics (Dex) Skill Test to make the
Additionally, if the driver rolls an Exceptional
The stillness of the dark wasteland is broken by
Success, then the jump is Mundane and
a churning cloud on the horizon, visible from
Automatically Passed to climb onto the train.
kilometers away—the mammoth Land-Train is
Once PCs are on the train see Scene 2.
kicking up its own dust storm as it barrels across
the shattered highways. You race through the Once the PCs board, the surviving Resistance
kilometer-high dust cloud the massive rolling vehicles will split off and make a run for it. Most
monstrosity leaves in its wake. The sixteen trailers will be hunted down and destroyed by the HK
long Land-Train weaves through the waste like a Aerial.
metal serpent. Most of the cars are filled with the

[○.04 ] ○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02


Once the PCs are on the train, and they can ○AL○AR○M○S
choose where they start, it’s time to search for
Shadowfox. Movement outside on top of the Alarms feature throughout this adventure. The
trailer, as well as moving between and through the effect of an active alarm depends on how badly
trailers are covered below. Other than the PRISON the PCs failed the appropriate test. On a messy
TRAILER (see page XX) or CHARNEL TRAILER success, a single T-500 (Core Rulebook; page
MN04 (see page XX), the cars are each covered 153) will be deployed within a minute. On a failure,
by a short write-up and a chart with possible this increases to three T-500s in a minute. On a
hazards to be encountered. serious failure, the three T-500s will be deployed
within one Round. Roll Initiative.
If the PCs are trying to move along the exterior of ○GO○I○N○GI○N○
the Land-Train read them the following: While moving on the outside of the train is
dangerous, moving through it has its own set of
There is no growing accustomed to the dust and challenges.
debris tearing at your exposed flesh. The wind
threatens to rip you off the speeding Land-Train ○I○N○S○I○CESDA ○S
making each step or handhold potentially your All the Charnel Trailers, the Prison Trailer, and the
last. All you need to make this worse is for the VIP Trailer have access doors at either end of
metal pricks to know what you are doing because them with a platform just above the trailer tongue
this is no place for a fight. (where they are coupled to the next trailer).

The access doors to these are not locked. Inside
Crawling across the tops of trailers can be easily
each is a double-wide grated walkway flanked by
accomplished but it’s a slow and arduous task
two-story tall bins—similar in nature to a cattle car
requiring a Fear test to hold your nerve. Walking
stacked with dead humans floor-to-ceiling instead
is faster but requires a Difficulty 5 Acrobatics
of living livestock. The roof can retract to allow
(DEX) Skill Test. Running requires a Difficulty 8
loading and dumping of cadaverous cargo.
Acrobatics (DEX) Skill Test. Jumping the gaps
between the cars requires a Difficulty 5 Athletics Every bin has a sliding section to allow access
(DEX) Skill Test. A failure on any of the tests to to the “cargo” from the inside walkway. A basic
move along the top or jump the gap results in the computer terminal is located at each door that
PC suffering 1 damage and falling. Characters allows accessing the manifest of the cargo in
that fall require a Difficulty 8 Athletics (DEX) Skill this trailer. This applies to MN04 (page xx) and all
Test to keep from falling off the moving Land- other Charnel Trailers.
Train. A Serious Failure on any of the above Skill
When the PCs enter any Charnel Trailer other
Tests results in the PC falling off the Land-Train
than MN 04, roll or choose from the following
unless a Hope Point is spent to save them.
table. The Director should call for Fear tests as
○DO○I○T○R○EAL○Q○U○I○ET○L○I○K○E appropriate. Failing a Survival (COOL) Skill Test
gives this roll a -1 penalty. Serious Failures might
If the PCs are near the Turret Trailer and it has not
cost the characters 1d10-6 willpower regardless
been destroyed, they must make a Solid Difficulty
of the Fear test.
8 Stealth (DEX) Skill Test to remain undetected. If
seen by the turret, the alarm will go off.
DIRECTOR’S NOTE: Have PCs using Gieger
○GET○AFU○CK○I○N○GM○O○V○EO○N counters make a Difficulty 8 Detect (CONC) Skill
If the PCs spend too much time on the Land- Test using the Emphasizing Awesome rules (Core
Train, have searchlights from the Turret Trailer start Rulebook; page 56) to search for the isotopes.
looking for them (see above). Assuming the PCs
didn’t destroy the HK Aerial earlier, the Hunter- Success indicates the trailer is clear—until the
Killer can return from pursuing the other vehicles PCs get to Charnel Trailer MN 04 (Minnesota 04)
and begin a searchlight sweep of the Land-Train. where FlimFlam and the isotopes lie waiting.

○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02 [○.05 ]



FACES OF DEATH. Too many dead eyes
The access doors to this trailer are magnetically
8-10 are staring at you. All is quiet here save
locked and will require a Solid Difficulty 10 Lock
for the sounds of the moving Land-Train.
Pick: Electronic (CONC) Skill Test to unlock
STENCH. The smell of death is thick without setting off an alarm (see page xx). Inside
here. Searching the trailer requires a is divided into two floors—upper floor cabins and
6-7 Difficulty 5 Survival (COOL) Skill Test lower floor lounge. Access between the floors is
to be able to stand the smell. accomplished by a spiral staircase located at the
BAKED CORPSES. The heat has begun center point of the trailer.
cooking the corpses here—the smell
UPPER FLOOR CABINS: A central hallway
4-5 is repugnant. Searching the trailer
divides the trailer into eight lavishly decorated
requires a Difficulty 8 Survival (COOL)
sleeping compartments. All the cabin doors are
Skill Test to be able to stand the smell.
identical to the door to access the VIP Trailer.
AW, RATS. Hundreds of rats have
been feasting on the dead. The rats Here, an entourage of three T-20 Service Utility
2-3 are feral, slick with gore, and very Units (Boothby, Coleman, and Ghant) tend to
protective of their food. (See Below) an extremely important human VIP—a high-
ranking Resistance officer that the PCs know
from a past mission! Use this traitor to the
1 WHAT A BARGAIN! Combined
human race as fodder for a story hook (for T-20
effects of 2-3 and 4-5 results.
stats, see page xx).
LOWER FLOOR LOUNGE: Decorated in the
fashion of a 20th-century upper-class lounge
Rat Swarms require a Solid Difficulty 8 Survival and dining car, this compartment has a small
(COOL) Skill Test to avoid. The real danger is not well-stocked bar, several seating areas, and
the bites, but infection from one of the numerous small tables—all with views of the one-way
chimeric viruses let loose by the Judgement armored viewports that dominate both sides.
day exchange. Failing this test means that the There’s a mini-fridge and crates of various
character is at risk of infection. Characters that freeze-dried foodstuffs.
roll a messy success will be bitten for 1 damage,
allowing them to take immediate steps to manage Two T-20 Utility Service Units (Etiquette
the infection and gaining a +1 bonus on their IR and Protocol) are cleaning up a wine spill
test (+3 if treated by a Medic). on the carpet (page xx). These Technobots
are attempting to teach table manners to a
The infection present here is Chimeric Virus Zhe- somewhat dimwitted T-700 (Clodd) with a
23 (Чимериц Вирус Ж-23), a Marburg variant damaged processor. Clodd is set in write mode.
designed for rapid dissemination. While potentially The T-20s will assume the PCs are VIP human
lethal, this strain has mutated and can now be collaborators, but Clodd will immediately be
defeated by the human immune system. suspicious (see T-700 in the Core Rulebook,
page 166, but give Clodd a KNOW of only 1).
Blood Contact (IR 10) Whether the HK Aerial is present or not, this trailer
or Inhalation (IR 5) is no challenge to transverse. If present, the HK is
EFFECTS 1d10-6 (min 1) Hit points -1 CONC. powered down in sleep mode.

PROGRESSION 1d10-7 (min 1) Hit points daily. ○T○U○R○R○ET○T○R○AI○L○ER

This is a standard Charnel Trailer housing three
TR 8
(or more as needed) T-500s. The trailer’s roof has
TREATMENT Intensive care. a dorsal turret magnetically sealed to it. The turret
counts as an SD-72 Defender Killer Turret (Core
Zhe-23 was originally an IR/
Rulebook page 154) with a powerful searchlight
NOTE TR 13 Toxicant with the
mated to its Twin P-40 Plasma Cannons and
Skin Contact vector.
another moving light moving in a random pattern.

[○.06 ] ○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02


TRACTOR CAB: The Tractor cab is mostly
machine. The damn thing is a Terminator and
drives itself—there is no actual driver’s seat.
There isn’t even a clutch, let alone a steering
wheel. there is a slot-windowed passenger
compartment in the tractor’s cab—usually used
to accommodate a cyborg or collaborator. It is
empty when the PCs get there.
HACKJACKING: The PCs can try to override the
tractor for control. That requires getting into
the cab and hacking a data port. The ‘Nator
train is not going to make it easy and it will fight
back. Only 10 Progress in the Cab’s Transit
Subprocessor can actually stop the vehicle
from its locked course, but there are other
options. The cab controls the trailers and the
hacker can unlock trailer couplings.
A canny hacker might realise that from here
they can also control the locks for all of the
trailers and read all of the Trailer Manifests
Using the Manifest to try and find Shadowfox is
an exercise in depression. Each Charnel Trailer
Manifest reads the same listing the quantity and
aggregated weight of the dead and the Prison
Trailer simply lists Anon. x1.
page and CUTTING TIES on page xx for more








> 63.7 UNITS (3.84 MT)



○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02 [○.07 ]


If the PCs head for the Prison Trailer to find ○FO○O○L○M○ET○W○I○CE…
Shadowfox, use FOOL ME ONCE. If the PCs ○AN○DI○E
search Charnel Trailer MN 04, use FOOL ME
TWICE… AND DIE. Through elimination, the PCs CHARNEL TRAILER MN 04: A Mundane Detect
will eventually encounter either or both of these (CONC) Skill Test with the Geiger counter here will
scenes during the mission. lead to Shadowfox’s alleged body. This is actually
a T-800 dubbed FlimFlam posing as the Omega
○FO○O○L○M○EO○N○CE Team leader (page xx). Read the following to your
PRISON TRAILER: Gaining access to here is
no easy task. Both doors are locked with a
The quiet dead are stacked like cordwood. The
Smart-Eye Scan magnetic lock that only opens
Geiger counter directs you directly towards a
for non-organics, so it will require a Difficulty
naked body lying near the top of one pile, a
10 Lock Pick: Electronic (CONC) Skill Test to
dangling arm showing the TDC team Omega
unlock. The PCs don’t know it yet, but there is
a jailer wandering this car—a T-600 called Big
Boy (page xx). Once the PCs have broken in
(or found some other creative ways to make an ○S○HAM○-○S○HADO○W○FO○X
entry), read them the following:
Whether male or female (see Shadowfox and the
Long Game, page xx), FlimFlam resembles the
The overwhelming smell of sweat and disinfectant vague physical description the PCs were given of
burns your nostrils. The trailer consists of a Shadowfox. The naked Terminator has the skin
central walkway flanked by grated walls sectioned of the dead Time Commando’s tattoo sewn to its
into holding cells. Each is large enough for a arm. (For T-800 stats see Core Rulebook page
dozen prisoners There are four cells on either 171.)
side—eight in total. Most appear empty, but one
holds a huddled man sitting against the bars. As soon as the PCs figure out FlimFlam is not
Shadowfox, it comes to life and brutally attacks
THE PROBLEMATIC PRISONER: A resistance with the intention to cripple, not kill. Skynet has
fighter is held here—but it’s not Shadowfox. plans for the PCs (see Not Dead Yet, page xx).
His name is Private Mallory Webb (page xx). Allow all the PCs to make a Difficulty 8 Detect
Webb knows nothing of Shadowfox and is in (CONC) Skill Test. Each success will reveal one of
no shape to stand or even walk on his own. the following clues before the Terminator strikes
At least one PC must carry Mallory for him to and grant a +1 bonus to the initiative in the first
escape. combat round:
IT’S THE BIG HOUSE FOR YOU: The Prison VITILIGO AND THREAD: The skin tone around
Trailer is run by a towering rubber-faced T-600 the tattoo does not match the rest of the body.
Terminator. Its almost child-like rubber face Examination reveals the patch of skin with the
does not match its towering size, earning it tattoo has been sewn onto this arm!
the nickname Big Boy (see below). If the PCs BLACK-AND-BLUELESS: The body has no
run into him, the first thing they will notice is wounds or bruises.
piercing red eyes in the darkness.
THE TOUCH: The body is warm.
Big Boy is armed only with a police baton and
a cattle prod. Big Boy has a key card that can LOSE A FEW POUNDS: If lifted, the body is too
open all the cells or a Difficulty 8 Lock Pick: heavy to be human.
Electronics (CONC) Skill Test will open them. TAKING INK: The PCs need to take the isotope-
This T-500 is armed only with a Baton, Cattle laden tattooed flesh sewn to FlimFlam off the
Prod, and two pairs of Hand Cuffs. Terminator to keep it from Skynet. Cutting it off
Big Boy’s initial directive is to capture the PCs. once the T-800 is immobilized is likely the best
Any attempt to free the prisoner will switch the option, but let your players get creative with
T-600 into kill mode. alternatives.

[○.08 ] ○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02


It’s time to get off this hell ride—and there is no ROLL IS IT GONNA ROLL?
easy way to do it. The MT is not slowing down
Trailer(s) rolls to a halt as the
for anything—it has a schedule and its AI means 9+ higher MT transport drives away.
to keep it. In order to make up for lost time, the
Land-Train has put pedal-to-the-metal and is Trailer(s) slide sideways,
rolling along at maximum controlled speed. In passengers must make a Difficulty
order to survive a jump-off, the PCs need to slow 5 Athletics (DEX) Skill Test to
7-8 avoid suffering 1d10 damage.
it down, stop it, or uncouple a car or three to be
left behind as it tears off on its course. Those outside the trailer will
be thrown 1d10 meters.
Note that after the attempt at disembarking, if its
Trailer(s) slide sideways rolling
still functioning, the MT transport cab will drive
once before coming to a halt.
away, leaving the PCs and the abandoned trailers
4-6 Passengers must succeed a
in a cloud of dust. It will soon be slowly followed
Difficulty 8 Athletics (DEX) Skill
by the Turret trailer dragging whatever trailers it
Test to avoid the above fate.
can 1d10 rounds later.
Trailer(s) rolls several times before
○DI○S○EM○BAR○K○I○N○G coming to halt. 2d10 damage
○T○HEAR○DWY○A 2-3 is done to all the passengers
and cargo aboard. Trailers have
When the PCs are ready to make their escape, 1d10 hit points remaining.
read them the following:
Trailer(s) flips end over end,
Things just got bumpy. It feels like the ‘Nator Train causing 4d10 damage to all
is going way faster than when you boarded it. The cargo and all passengers aboard.
1 or less Everyone is also thrown 4d10
time you thought you had before it reached its
destination seems likely to have been cut in half. meters in a random direction.
It’s time to go, so you need to slow it down, stop The trailers are destroyed.
it or figure out how to jump off without getting
turned into street pizza.
PCs damage any of the trailers, the drag slows
the Land-Train’s progress. If the PCs can deal
50 points of damage to one or more trailers or
want to destroy the MT Transport’s tractor. At
make a Difficulty 11 Demolitions (CONC) Skill
high speeds, the whole Land-Train is likely to
Test using a satchel charge, it will cause the
jackknife and roll to a crashing stop. Blowing
Land-Train’s speed to halve for 1d10 rounds as
up the trailer before slowing down is no good
it decouples the low priority damaged trailers.
for anyone. If the PCs go for it anyway, they
This does not stop the damaged trailers but will
need to inflict damage to the tractor (see
reduce their speed to ¼ as the Turret Trailer at
below). Roll 2d10 on the IS IT GONNA ROLL
the back of the Land-Train uses its rudimentary
table to see the result of their actions. They will
sensors to keep the damaged trailers moving.
likely need to spend some FATE to survive!
CUTTING TIES: The PCs can opt for unhooking
JUMP AND ROLL: If the Land-Train slows, the
their trailer(s) from the rest of the Land-Train
PCs can take a leap of faith and roll with the
by unlocking (see page 07) or destroying the
damage. A Difficulty 11 Acrobatics (DEX) Skill
tongue (blow it or just cause enough damage)
Test is required to succeed. If the PCs fail,
and trailer hitch. This can be achieved with a
they take 1d10 damage and 1d10 pieces of
Difficulty 8 Demolitions (CONC) or Lock Pick:
equipment are trashed. A Critical failure results
Manual (KNOW) Skill Test or by dealing 25
in 2d10 damage and 10 pieces of trashed gear.
damage to the PV 8 Resistance 20 mechanism.
JUMPING ONTO ANOTHER VEHICLE: If the Where they choose to uncouple is key. Roll
PCs have prearranged a pick-up by another 1d10 on the IS IT GONNA ROLL table adding
vehicle, use the same rules as SCENE ONE the number of unhitched trailers.
(see page XX). If the PCs fail, see JUMP AND

○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02 [○.09 ]


The PCs are either dead, captured, headed home,
Webb was captured just outside of Nevada while
or a combination thereof.
his squad was scouting for a potable water source
for their camp. He was the only survivor. His feet
○N○O○T○DEAY○ET are bare, raw, and bloody from a forced march
If a PC “died” and was left behind, they aren’t out through the desert. Private Webb has not had any
of this yet. They wake up in the wasteland with water in over 24 hours.
no memory of how they got there. They are now
Theta Hybrid subconscious spies working for
Skynet (Core Rulebook, page 164). This is part of STR DEX KNOW CONC
a continuing Skynet initiative to end the TDC. 2 3 1 3
If any PCs were captured, at least they know CHA COOL FATE INITIATIVE
where they are headed—Century City work camp.
1 2 0 +6
They likely have an appointment with interrogators
and then the furnaces. Now you get to direct a HIT WILL
prison break! If they don’t make it out, well… see POINTS POWER
above. 3/17 8/17 0/2 0/5

If they’ve survived the Land-Train and retrieved Athletics: 1 Computer: 1
or destroyed the tattooed skin, they have Detect: 2 Drive: Motorcycle: 2
succeeded—but Wisher has more in store for
Language: French: 1 Language: Spanish: 2
them. They will learn what the isotopes are for on
their next mission. Lock Pick: Electronic:1 Lock Pick: Manual: 1
Medical: 2 Pistol: 1
Saving Webb is a bonus. If rescued, he makes a
Rifle: 2 Stealth: 3
full recovery and is pulled into the TDC because
he has learned a bit too much. He may even be Survival: 2 Technical: Mechanical:1
put on the team to replace a lost PC. Technical: Weapons:1 Tracking: 2
Unarmed Combat: 1
The PCs are again brought before Captain Wisher.
Read them the following: EQUIPMENT
“Well that was less than smooth—but it was
effective. Don’t make any plans—you have SPECIAL RULES
someone else’s mess to clean up and your time
is no longer your own. Full TDC field training Webb is badly injured, but
begins tomorrow. You’re going to be fucking time a Difficulty 11 Medical
travelers.” (KNOW) Skill Test will allow
him to assist with a +1
The PCs will need to take the place of the Omega bonus using any Skill in which
Team and fulfill their mission. he has at least 2 ranks.
He’s untrusting of the
What that entails will be covered in The PCs and will divulge little
Terminator RPG Tech-Com Mission Report 03— without a Difficulty 8
Tomorrow is History—available for download in Interrogation(COOL) Skill Test.
December 2022! If rescued from the Land
INDEBTED Train, Webb will aid PCs in
whatever limited way he can.

[○.01 ] ○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○t○A ○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02




n/a 1 2 5
Also called a Land-Train or MT-Truck, this massive
industrial transport can be described as an
off-road, all-wheel cargo train. Up to two dozen 0 7 0 +6
huge cargo container bed trailers can be hitched HIT WILL
to a forward tractor cab. The tractor itself has MOVEMENT
two rows of six independently operated wheels,
200 n/a 20
allowing for maximum maneuverability while
carrying heavy loads. Each trailer has its own
all-wheel drive, operating in tandem with the cab SKILLS
to ensure the containers don’t overturn on rough
Detect: 2 Drive: Self:2
terrain. The rear-most trailer container is typically
equipped with a magnetically-bonded turret. Intimidate: 1 Support Weapons: 2

its two-meter tall wheels and half a kilometer 2x P-80 Light Plasma Cannons, Forward
of hitched trailers, you don’t want to be caught Facing Heavy Machinegun and L-7 Laser
on the road with one of these behemoths. This Cannon, Reclamation Claws, Deployment Bay
thing is the bastard child of a monster truck,
a cargo train, and a dozen eighteen-wheelers. SPECIAL RULES
They are often used to transport “detainees” ARMOR PV 14, Resistance 40.
and materials to and from the labor camps.
WEAK SPOT Trailers (2) Decouple
If you think you’re going to hijack one, think
again. Only a Tech-Com hack is going to allow 15m length, 15m
you to assume control width, 5m height.
OPTIONAL Multiple trailers are
WEAPONS typically added to the
CONSTRUCTION cab. (See Below)
The MT-Transport deals
AD 10 on a collision
and adds 30 to any
damage rolled.

150 (Standard Container)
100 (Flatbed)
ARMOR PV 12, Resistance 30.
Connection Point (2)
Blind, Crash, Decouple
17m length, 15m
width, 5m height.
At least one trailer, often
the rear one, will have a
magnetically connected
DK Turret. Flatbed Trailers
can carry anything up to
a HK-Tank or HK-Aerial

○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○a○t○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02 [○.I ]


2 1 1 3
Called Technobots, these otherwise humanoid
wheeled-robots are designed to perform
advanced service functions on Skynet’s many 0 0 0 +4
server farms and Land-Trains. They have no HIT WILL
combat programming. Each of their two hands CLOSING RUSHING
contains ten “fingers”, each designed for fine
5 n/a 2 4
instrument manipulation. They have access to
detailed technical files. With the right tools, they
can operate and/or repair nearly any machine. SKILLS
These things are the original Cyberdyne models
Detect: 1 Technical: Electronics:3
that have been around since before Judgment
Day—they have been continually updated by Technical: Mechanical:2 Technical: Weapons:2
Skynet with better processors but no significant
design changes. EQUIPMENT
Role Specific, usually a Tool Kit or piece of
TECH-COM AFTER ACTION REPORT: agricultural or industrial equipment. T-20s
Designated Version 33.1, the current T-20s are seldom (if ever) armed with anything
are amicable to humans in their presence, more than a crop sprayer or microwaver.
assuming they are either collaborators or
infiltrator models. However, if anyone does SPECIAL RULES
anything detrimental to Skynet or any of its ARMOR PV 2, Resistance 10.
machines in the T-20s presence, it will sound
The presence of one or
the alarm in a nanosecond.
TATTLE-TALE more T-20s grants all
Skynet assets +1 Initiative


ARMOR PV 2, Resistance 10.
The presence of one
THE T-20 SYSTEM IS NOW or more T-20s grants
Initiative for the first
FINAL END DATE +315446473 round of combat.
While the production
model of the T-20 was
RESET INTERNAL MEMORY built around domestic
TO DAY 1 SETTINGS AND and maintenance duties,
INITIATE ORDER ONE. it was well understood
that models capable of
working in agricultural
and mining operations
would be important
REPORT TO NEAREST HUB FOR enough to make the
SUPPLIMENTAL TECHNOLOGY basic frame compatible
UPGRADE. with such activities.

[○.I○I ] ○T○h○e○T○e○r○m○i○n○a○t○o○r○R○P○G:M○I○S○S○I○O○N○02
○M○I○S○S○I○O○N○: ○03

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