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• Combined Defense Service, Exam (UPSC)

Notification/Registration month: - December & May Website to ensure: - UPSC

Exam month: - April & September Age: - 19-23 Years


1. English 2 Hours 11 100
2. General Knowledge 2 Hours 12 100
3. Mathematics 2 Hours 13 100

(1) English- it contains all English which is required for a professional level speaker, they
are: -
Reading Spotting the Errors Fill in the Blanks Synonyms & Antonyms
Comprehension Questions Questions
Idioms and Phrases Sentence Arrangement or Ordering of words in Sentence Improvement
Jumbled Sentence Questions or Sentence Correction
Word Substitution Reported Speech Active and Passive Vocabulary
Parts of Speech Ordering of a sentence Cloze Tests Homophones
Homonyms Spellings (Same word different
(Same sound words) Meanings)

(2) General Knowledge- It comprises the basic science and general awareness subjects, they
are: -
Indian Polity Indian History General Science- Physics,
Biology, Chemistry,
Environment & Ecology
(up to class 10th )
Indian & World Geography Indian Economics & General Knowledge

Defense Awareness Current Affairs Awards, Books, Important Places,

Culture, Wars, Sports, Inventions,
(3) Mathematics-It comprises topics up to class 12 mainly, they are:

Number System Simple interest HCF&LCM of Area

HCF & LCM of Compound interest Linear Equations in Surface area and
numbers one and two volume of solids
Decimal fraction Ratio and proportion Quadratic Equations Lines and angles
and Inequations

Square roots and Average Set theory Triangles

cube roots
Time and distance Profit and loss Trigonometry Quadrilateral and
Time & Work logarithm Height and distance Circle
percentage Basic operations and Ratio Expressions Statistical Data
factorization Analysis
➢ SBI Probationary Officer

Notification/Registration month: - September Website to ensure: - SBI

Exam month: - January Age: - 21-30 Years
Stages of Selections (4 Stages): - Prelims, Mains, Personal Interview & Medical Examination

Preliminary Round: -
Type of Paper: - Objective (MCQs) Duration: - 1hr
No of Question: - 100Q No. Of Marks: -100M
1. English 20 mins 30
2. Quantitative Aptitude 20 mins 35
3. Reasoning 20 mins 35

Mains Round: -
Type of Paper: - Descriptive type (Essay)
No of Question: - 155Q No. Of Marks: -200+50M


1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 50 mins 50
2. Data Analysis & Interpolation 50 mins 50
3. General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness 45 mins 60
4. English 40 mins 40

Descriptive Test- (Essay & Letter)

2Questions - 50M - 30mins
Syllabus- It will be covered while preparing for CDS and other Exams.

Interview Round: -
GD-20M Interview- 30M

Notification/Registration month: - February-March Website to ensure: - RBI

Exam month: - May Age: - 21-30 Years
Stages of Selections (4 Stages): - Prelims, Mains, Personal Interview & Medical Examination

Phase 1: -
Type of Paper: - Objective (MCQs) Total Time: - 2 Hrs
No of Question: - 100Q No. Of Marks: -200M
1. General Awareness 25 mins 80
2. Quantitative Aptitude 25 mins 30
3. English 25 mins 30
4. Reasoning 40 mins 60

Phase 2: -
Type of Paper: - Descriptive type (Essay) Total Time: - 5.5 Hrs
No of Question: - 155Q No. Of Marks: - 300M


1. Paper I: Economics and Social Issues 50 mins 50% Objective Type, 50
50% Descriptive (to be 50
typed with the help of the
keyboard) TOTAL-100
2. Paper II: English (Writing Skills) 50 mins Descriptive (3 questions) 100
3. Paper III: Finance and Management 45 mins 50% Objective Type 50
50% Descriptive 50


Syllabus: -
For Phase-1 it is same as other exams such SBI PO but the General Awareness is more on the
banking economics side and also
Indian Financial Systems, Indian Banking Systems, Monetary Plans, National Institute,
Banking Terms.
1. Growth and Development

Measurement of growth- National Income and

per capita income
Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation
in India
Sustainable Development
Environmental issues
2. Indian Economy

Economic History of India

Changes in Industrial and Labour Policy
Monetary and Fiscal Policy since reforms of
Paper 1- Economic & Social Issues Priorities and recommendations of Economic
Survey and Union Budget
Indian Money and Financial Markets: Linkages
with the economy
Role of Indian banks and Reserve Bank in the
development process
Public Finance
Political Economy
Industrial Developments in India
Indian Agriculture
Services sector in India
3. Globalization

Opening up of the Indian Economy

Balance of Payments
Export-Import Policy
International Economic Institutions
IMF and World Bank
Regional Economic Cooperation
International Economic Issues
4. Social Structure in India

Demographic Trends
Urbanization and Migration
Gender Issues
Social Justice: Positive Discrimination in favor of
the underprivileged
Social Movements
Indian Political System
Human Development
Social Sectors in India
Health and Education
To analyse the writing skills of the candidates
Paper 2- English including expression and understanding of the
topic and topics from other Exams like CDS, SBI
1. Financial System

Regulators of Banks and Financial Institutions

Reserve Bank of India- functions and conduct of
monetary policy
Banking System in India – Structure and
concerns, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM
Bank, NABARD, NHB, etc, Changing landscape
of banking sector.
Impact of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-08
and the Indian response

2. Financial Markets

Paper 3 (a) Finance Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money,

Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, recent

3. General Topics

Risk Management in Banking Sector

Basics of Derivatives
Global financial markets and International
Banking – broad trends and latest developments.
Financial Inclusion
Alternate source of finance, private and social
cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
Corporate Governance in Banking Sector, role of
e-governance in addressing issues of corruption
and inefficiency in the government sector.
The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and
broad trends
Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates,
consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI
- components and trends; striking a balance
between inflation and growth through monetary
and fiscal policies.
1. Fundamentals of Management &
Organizational Behaviour

Introduction to management
Evolution of management thought
Scientific, Administrative, Human Relations
Systems approach to management
Management functions and Managerial roles
Nudge theory
Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour
Personality: meaning, factors affecting
personality, Big five model of personality
Concept of reinforcement
Perception: concept, perceptual errors
Motivation: Concept, importance
Content theories (Maslow’s need theory,
Alderfers’ ERG theory, McCllelands’ theory of
needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory)
Process theories (Adams equity theory, Vrooms
expectancy theory).
Leadership: Concept, Theories (Trait,
Behavioural, Contingency, Charismatic,
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance,
Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship:
Transactional Analysis, Johari Window
Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Management
of Conflict
Organizational Change: Concept, Kurt Lewin
Theory of Change
Organizational Development (OD):
Organisational Change, Strategies for Change,
Theories of Planned Change (Lewin’s change
model, Action research model, Positive model).

2. Ethics at the Workplace and Corporate

Paper 3 (b)- Management Governance

Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in

the business
Theories of ethics: Utilitarianism: weighing
social cost and benefits, rights and duties, Justice
and fairness, ethics of care, integrating utility,
rights, justice and caring
An alternative to moral principles: virtue ethics,
teleological theories, egoism theory, relativism
Moral issues in business: Ethics in Compliance,
Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, etc
Ethical Principles in Business: introduction,
Organization Structure and Ethics, Role of Board
of Directors, Best Practices in Ethics Programme,
Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, etc.
Corporate Governance: Factors affecting
Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate
Communication: Steps in the Communication
Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus
Written Communication; Verbal versus non-
verbal Communication; upward, downward and
lateral communication
Barriers to Communication
Role of Information Technology
➢ Air Force Common Aptitude Test, (IAF)

Notification/Registration month: - Nov-Dec Website to ensure: - Indian Air Force

Exam month: - February Age: - 20-24 Years

Type of Paper: - Objective (MCQs) Total Time: - 2HRS

No of Question: - 100Q No. Of Marks: -300M
1. General Awareness 20 60
2. Numerical Ability 30 90
3. English 30 90
4. Reasoning & Military Aptitude 20 60

Syllabus: -
Syllabus is easy as compare to CDS and it will get covered during its preparation.

Art and Culture
Current Affairs
General Awareness
Basic Science
Basic Grammar
Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word
Error Detection
Sentence Completion
Synonyms and Antonyms
Testing of Vocabulary
One Word Substitution
Decimal and Fraction
Simple Interest & Compound Interest
Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams)
Mathematics Percentage
Ratio & Proportion
Time and Work
Profit & Loss
Odd One Out
Venn Diagram
Pattern Completion
Dot Situation Analysis
Blood Relation
Missing Figures
Figure Classification
Coding and Decoding
Spotting the Embedded Figures
➢ Staff Selection Commission, Combined Graduated Level Examination

Notification/Registration month: - Nov-Dec Website to ensure: - SSC

Exam month: - February Age: - 20-24 Years

Stages of Selections (4 Stages): - 1st Tier, 2nd Tier, 3rd Tier & 4th Tier-Personal Interview & Medical

1st Tier: -
Type of Paper: - Objective (MCQs) Total Time: - 2 Hrs
No of Question: - 100Q No. Of Marks: -200M
1. General Awareness 50
2. Numerical Aptitude (Mathematics) 2 Hours 50
3. English 50
4. General Intelligence & Reasoning 50

2nd Tier: -
Type of Paper: - Objective (MCQs) Total Time: - 2 Hrs
No of Question: - 150+100Q No. Of Marks: - 450+200M
1. Paper I (Compulsory For all) 2hrs 30 mins 450
2. Paper-II: Junior Statistical Officer 2hrs 200

3. Paper-III: Assistant Audit Officer/ 2hrs 200

Assistant Accounts Officer
(Finance & Economics)

➢ Paper-I
It comprises of following subjects and going to last for 2.5 hrs.
Sessions Section Subjects No. of Maximum Weightage Duration
Questions Marks
Session 1 Section-I Mathematical Abilities 30 90 23%
Reasoning & General 30 90 23% 1 hour
Section-II English Language 45 135 35% 1 hour
General Awareness 25 75 19%
Session 2 Section-III Computer Knowledge Test 20 60 Qualifying 15 mins
Data Entry Speed Test One Data Entry Task Qualifying 15 mins
➢ Paper-II
It contains the following subjects as per service choice, only one paper will be solved by
each candidate.
Paper Section No. of Questions Max Marks Duration
Paper II Statistics 100 200 2 hrs.
Paper III General Studies (Finance) 100 200 2 hrs.

3rd Tier: -

Syllabus: -

It would include questions of both verbal and

non-verbal type.
This component may include questions on
analogies, similarities and differences, spatial
spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis,
General Intelligence & Reasoning judgement, decision making, visual memory,
discrimination, observation, relationship
concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural
arithmetic number series, non-verbal series,
coding and decoding, statement conclusion,
reasoning etc.
Questions in this component will be aimed at
testing the candidates general
awareness of the environment around him
and its application to society. Questions will
also be
designed to test knowledge of current events
General Awareness and of such matters of every day
observations and
experience in their scientific aspect as may be
expected of any educated person. The test
will also
include questions relating to India and its
neighbouring countries especially pertaining
to sports, History,
Culture, Geography, Economic Scene,
General Polity, Indian Constitution, scientific
Research etc.
These Questions will be such that they do not
require a special study of any discipline.
The questions will be designed to test the
ability of appropriate use of numbers
and number sense of the candidate. The
scope of the test will be the computation of
whole numbers,
decimals and fractions and relationships
between numbers. It will test sense of order
among numbers,
ability to translate from one name to another,
sense or order of magnitude, estimation or
prediction of
the outcome of computation, selection of an
appropriate operation for the solution of real
life problems
and knowledge of alternative computation
procedures to find answers. The questions
Numerical Aptitude would also be
based on arithmetical concepts and
relationship between numbers and not on
complicated arithmetical
computation (The standard of the questions
will be of 10+2 level).

Candidates’ ability to understand correct

English, his basic comprehension
and writing ability, etc. would be tested.
(The questions in the components A,B & D
English will be of a level commensurate with the
Qualification prescribed for the post viz;

MY D.O.B. 25th September, 2003

MY D.O.B. on: -
➢ January 2024 ➢ 20 years 3 months 7 days
➢ May 2024 ➢ 20 years 7 months 7 days
➢ January 2025 ➢ 21 years 3 months 7 days
➢ May 2025 ➢ 21 years 7 months 7 days

I’m Graduating On
• June 2025 • 21 years 8 months 7 days


➢ CDS 2 2024 • 2nd July 2001-1st July 2005
➢ CDS 1 2025 • 2nd Jan 2002-1st Jan 2007
➢ CDS 2 2025 • 2nd July 2002-1st July 2006
➢ CDS 1 2026 • 2nd Jan 2003-1st Jan 2008
➢ CDS 2 2026 • 2nd Jul 2003-1st July 2007

My Age During CDS

➢ CDS 2 2024 • 20 years 7 months 7 days
➢ CDS 1 2025 • 21 years 3 months 7 days
➢ CDS 2 2025 • 21 years 7 months 7 days
➢ CDS 1 2026 • 22 years 3 months 7 days
➢ CDS 2 2026
• 22 years 7 months 7 days

My Age During AFCAT

➢ AFCAT 2024 • 20 years 3 months 7 days
➢ AFCAT 2025 • 21 years 3 months 7 days
➢ AFCAT 2026 • 22 years 3 months 7 days
➢ AFCAT 2027 • 23 years 3 months 7 days

Exams by Month Notification- Exam Date

➢ GATE-ME • August - February (next Year)
➢ CDS 1 • December- April
➢ CDS 2 • May- September
➢ ESE (IES exam) • September- February (next Year)
➢ SBI PO • September- December
➢ RBI- Grade B Exam • Nov/Dec- February
Books For References: -
India’s Ancient Past R. S. Sharma

History of Medieval India Satish Chandra

History of Modern India Bipan Chandra

India’s Struggle For Independence Bipan Chandra

Indian Art and Culture Nitin Singhania

From Plassey to Partition: A History of Sekhar Bandyopadhyay
Modern India
Arihant Pathfinder

Sarvesh Verma
Quantum CAT

Mathematics for CDS RS Aggarwal

Quantitative Aptitude for examinations RS Aggarwal
paperback 2018

Fluid Mechanics R.K. Bansal (Numerical point of view),

Frank M.White (For understanding)
Production Engineering Swadesh Singh

Heat Transfer Cengel (For understanding concept)

Indian Polity Laxminath

Theory of Machine (TOM) S.S. Ratan

Thermodynamics P.K.Nag

English Wren and Martin

Extra: -
Lucent’s GK
Manorma Yearbook
GK India Today

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