Document (3) Supsidjjeje
Document (3) Supsidjjeje
Document (3) Supsidjjeje
Depends on its
By group 2 - Jitshen Jigdrel Shacha Wangmo Tshering
- Kinley Namgay Palden
- Kuenlay Sonam Yangchen
- Sherab Yeozer
- Sherab Tenzin
- Tandin Gyeltshen
1.1What is biodiversity?
1.2What is an ecosystem?
2.1Impacts of biodiversity
2.2Importance of biodiversity
3.1Importance of Ecosystem
3.2How to maintain a healthy ecosystem
4.1Manage Natural Resources Carefully
4.3Reduce logging
4.4Reduce chlorofluorocarbon
5.1What is the relationship between ecosystem and it’s
1.1What is biodiversity?
Well, Biodiversity is the number of variety and
variability of life on Earth.Biodiversity is typically a
measure of variation at the genetic, species, and
ecosystem level.Most people recognize biodiversity
by species—a group of individual living organisms
that can interbreed. Examples of species include blue
whales, white-tailed deer, white pine trees,
sunflowers, and microscopic bacteria that can’t even
be seen by the naked eye.
1.2What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants,
animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and
landscape, work together to form a bubble of life.An
ecosystem can also be defined as the biological
community of living beings, communicating with
the physical environment and other nonliving
components. It can also be defined as the chain of
communication or interaction between the living
organisms and their environment.
2.1Impacts of biodiversity
Biodiversity plays a crucial role in human nutrition
through its influence on world food production, as it
ensures the sustainable productivity of soils and provides
the genetic resources for all crops, livestock, and marine
species harvested for food.The five greatest drivers of
biodiversity loss with the largest global impact are:
changes in land and sea use; direct exploitation of
organisms; climate change; pollution; and invasive
species. These drivers are largely a result of underlying
societal values and behaviors.
2.2Importance of biodiversity
Biodiversity maintains the ecological balance.
It helps in the healthy existence of humans and other
species in the ecosystem.
It helps in high productivity and human wellness.
Biodiversity provides humans with valuable genetic
diversity. Because genetic material is the result of
millions of years of evolution, biodiversity preservation is
Biodiversity is a good indicator of our interdependence
with other living things.
It also signifies each species’ contribution and function in
maintaining a healthy ecosystem.
Ecological life support—biodiversity provides
functioning ecosystems that supply oxygen, clean air and
water, pollination of plants, pest control, wastewater
treatment and many ecosystem services.Biodiversity
provides vital ecosystem functions such as soil
fertilization, nutrient recycling, pest and disease
regulation, erosion control and crop and tree pollination
3.1Importance of Ecosystem:
It provides habitat to wild plants and animals. It promotes
various food chains and food webs. It controls essential
ecological processes and promotes lives. Involved in the
recycling of nutrients between biotic and abiotic
components.An ecosystem is a geographic area where
plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather
and landscape, interact with the seasons and environment
and try to coexist. Ecosystems are composed of both
biotic components or living organisms, as well as abiotic
which consist of nonliving organisms.Ecological life
support—biodiversity provides functioning ecosystems
that supply oxygen, clean air and water, pollination of
plants, pest control, wastewater treatment and many
ecosystem services.
There are also cases reported that oil spills occur at the
shorelines. This damages the reefs and the aquatic
creatures and upsets the ecosystem.
And that is not it. The decaying algae promote the growth
of anaerobic organisms, which release compounds into
the water that are toxic to marine animals.
Compound released by anaerobic organisms :
Methane,Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide
4.3Reduce logging
The demand in logs are increasing day by day as more
and more paper are used. This causes more trees to be cut
down and it means lesser trees to produce oxygen through
photosynthesis. The carbon dioxide increases and traps
heat in the atmosphere.
4.4Reduce chlorofluorocarbon
Products such as air conditioners, perfumes and deodorant
emits CFC into the surrounding.