2018 Faf Futsal Laws of The Game. Final

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Original Version by:


English translation from Spanish and modifications by:




LAW 1 The Court 3

LAW 2 The Ball 6

LAW 3 The Number of Players 7

LAW 4 The Players' Equipment 8

LAW 5 Substitutions of Players 9

LAW 6 The Duration of the Game 10

LAW 7 The Start and Restart of the Game 12

LAW 8 The Method of Scoring 13

LAW 9 Fouls and Misconduct 15

LAW 10 Accumulated Fouls and Free Kicks 19

LAW 11 The Penalty Kick 20

LAW 12 The Goal Clearance 21

LAW 13 The Throws 22

LAW 14 The Referee 24



The field of play must be rectangular and its length must be greater its width.

Local Games International Games

Length Minimum 28 m Length Minimum 36 m
Length Maximum 40 m Length Maximum 40 m
Width Minimum 15 m Width Minimum 18 m
Width Maximum 20 m Width Maximum 20 m


36 meters minimum - 40 meters maximum

6 meters

18 meters minimum - 20 meters maximum

r: Ø3 meters
r: Ø6 meters
(3 meters)
15 meters

4 meters 3 meters 9 meters

6 meters


28 meters minimum - 40 meters maximum

6 meters
15 meters minimum - 20 meters maximum

r: Ø3 meters
13 to 15 meters

meters r: Ø5 to 6 meters
(3 meters)

4 meters 3 meters 9 meters




2 meters

3 meters



1. The court must be marked with lines.

2. The two longer lines are the side-lines and the two shorter lines are the goal-lines. All lines must be
between 5cm to 8cm wide.

3. The court must be divided in two halves by a line named the half way line.

4. The centre of the court must be marked with a 10 centimetre diameter mark located at the centre of
the half way line, surrounded by a circle of 3 meters radius.

5. The court must be surrounded by at least 1 meter wide space, free of obstacles.


Penalty areas must be marked at both ends of the court, and it must be marked as follows:

At each end, two quarter circles must be marked from the outer side of each goalpost having a radius of six
meters each measured from the outer part of the goalpost. A 3 meter line will then join the two quarter
circles at which centre the penalty spot must be marked.

If the court is small, 5 meter radius quarter circles can be marked, however the penalty spot will remain at 6
meters from the goal line and equidistant to the goalposts.


A 10 centimetre diameter mark must be drawn at a distance of 6 meters from the goal line and equidistant
to the goalposts.


A 10 centimetre diameter mark must be drawn at a distance of 9 meters from the goal line and equidistant
to the goalposts.




The substitution areas are the areas on the side lines located in front of each team's technical area, it must
be used to get on or off the court. It must be 4 meters long and it must be marked at both ends with two
perpendicular lines 80 centimetres long (extending 40 centimetres into the court and 40 centimetres outside
the court) and 8 centimetres wide. It must be marked 3 meters from the halfway line in each half.

The area in front of the timekeeper's table must be at least 6 meters long – 3 meters to each side of the
halfway line. This area must be reserved for the referees.

The goals must be placed at the centre of each goal line. Each goal must consist of two vertical posts
(goalposts), made of wood, metal or aluminium material. They can be square or a circular shape and joined
together at the top of each post by a similar horizontal post (crossbar).

The inside distance between the posts must be 3 meters and the distance from the ground to the inside part
of the crossbar must be 2 meters.

The goalposts and the crossbar must have the same thickness of 8cm.
If the goalposts and the crossbar are circles, must have the same diameter of 8cm.

The nets must be made out of hemp, jute or nylon and must be hooked up to the back of the goalposts and
the crossbar, while the lower end will be hooked to the bottom with any hooking device. The depth of the
goal from the inside part of the goalposts and facing the court must be at least 80cm at the top part and
100cm at the bottom.


The use of portable goals is allowed as long as they are placed on the floor at equidistance from the side
lines and place on the markings. The Goals can be weighed down by the use of sand bags. These sand bags
must be placed so as not to interfere with the ball crossing the goal line.
The playing area must be smooth and flat, free from ruggedness, and not rough. The use of wood, synthetic
or lime material is recommended. Synthetic grass is allowed.
The use of tar or concrete should be avoided.
Decision 1:
In case the goal lines are shorter than 18 meters, the quarter circle lines of the penalty area must be at 5
meters radius from the goal posts.
Decision 2:
The team benches must be placed at least 1 meter behind the side lines in the teams technical areas.

At the beginning of each half of the game the teams must be seated in the technical area located in the
opposition’s defensive half.




- It must be spherical.

- It must be made out of leather or other suitable material.

- Seniors Ball (ages 14 and over)

(a). Must have a minimum circumference of 60 centimetres and a maximum circumference of
62 centimetres.
(b). It must have the pressure of 9 pounds.
(c). Must weigh between 430 & 460 pounds.
(d). When dropping the ball at from a height of 2 meters, the first bounce must not exceed
30 centimetres and the second bounce must not exceed 10 centimetres.

- Juniors Ball (ages 7 to 13)

(a). Must have a minimum circumference of 55 centimetres and a maximum circumference of
58 centimetres.
(b). It must have the pressure of 9 pounds.
(c). Must weigh between 360 & 390 pounds.
(d). When dropping the ball at from a height of 2 meters, the first bounce must not exceed
30 centimetres and the second bounce must not exceed 10 centimetres.

- Minors Ball (ages 3 to 6)

(a). Must have a minimum circumference of 51 centimetres and a maximum circumference of
53 centimetres.
(b). It must have the pressure of 9 pounds.
(c). Must weigh between 330 & 360 pounds.
(d). When dropping the ball at from a height of 2 meters, the first bounce must not exceed
30 centimetres and the second bounce must not exceed 10 centimetres.


If the ball pops or gets damaged during play, the game must be temporarily stopped to start again with a
new ball and from the same place where the first ball was damaged.

If the ball pops or gets damaged out of play (Free Kick, Penalty Kick, Throw-in, Corner Throw etc.) the game
must continue with a new a ball.

The ball must not be replaced without the referee's permission.

Before the game starts, three balls must be shown and approved by the referee.



Each team consists of 5 players on the court including a goalkeeper; one of them will be the team captain.

The team captain has the following tasks:

a. The captain represents his/her team, and he/she is responsible for the players, team officials and
supporters’ behaviour before, during and after the match.

b. The captain signs the team sheet at the beginning of the match, guaranteeing that everyone in team
sheet is present.

c. The captain is the only team member who can talk to the referees to receive essential information or
instructions, always doing so in a polite manner.

d. When the coach and his/her replacement have been expelled the captain is the only team member to
inform the 3rd Referee or the timekeeper of the substitutions of players or of a change of the
position of the goalkeeper.

e. The captain must be identified by a clearly visible band on one of his/her arms; if he/she is
substituted he/she must appoint a replacement captain.

4. A match must not start without a minimum of 4 players, neither may it continue if one team has less than
3 players. The referee must end the match if this occurs.

5. Each team may list a maximum of 12 (twelve) players in the team sheet, 5 may start the match and the
rest must remain seated on the substitutes' bench with the technical staff.

6. In Official tournaments a team is not be permitted to play unless it has listed a minimum of 7 players who
are ready and able to take the court.



1. A player’s equipment consist of a t-shirt with either short or long sleeves, shorts, long socks, shin pads
and shoes made of soft leather or synthetic material with even soles covered with rubber which must be
2. Shin pads must be used at all time. These must be completely covered by the socks and must be made
out of an appropriate material (plastic or similar) and must provide a reasonable degree of protection. If
skins or tights, strapping tape or bands to hold socks up are used, they must have the predominant
colour of the uniform.
3. The goalkeeper's uniform colours must be different to those of all court players. The goalkeeper is
allowed to use long pants with no pockets or zippers. He/she is not permitted to use objects that might
endanger themselves or others, including any kind of accessories.
4. Players’ shirts must be numbered on the back of the shirt and the front of the shirt or shorts. The
numbers must be between 1 (one) and 20 (twenty), the numbers on the back having a maximum height
of 20 centimetres and a minimum height of 15 centimetres. The colour of a number must be distinct to
the colour of the shirt. The use of the same numbers in the same team is not allowed. The numbers on
the front must be between 10 and 12 centimetres.
5. All players must have their playing shirts tucked into their playing shorts when they first enter the court
of play, however if during play the shirt becomes un-tucked, the referee may ask the player to tuck their
shirt back in when the ball is next out of play.
6. The use of dangerous or inappropriate objects is prohibited; if in the referee's judgment a player does
not obey these rules after being warned, the player could be subject to a sanction.
7. If a player is not using a proper uniform according to this rule, he/she will be sent temporarily off the
court. Once his/her uniform is in accordance with the rules, he/she will be able to re-enter the court
again, but only when the ball is out of play.
1. Referee uniforms must be uniform at every game and consist of: t-shirts with short or long sleeves of a
colour agreed by the referees prior to the game, long white pants, white belt, white coloured shoes. The
national Federation may adopt special designs to be used in national and international competitions, as
authorised by the AMF.
2. When a team has shirts of similar colour to the referee's shirt, the referee must change his/her shirt.
The rest of the uniform remains the same as mentioned before.
3. The referees must have on the upper left hand side of the front of their shirts, his/her Federation logo.
The AMF, Confederation or Continentals referees must have their Federations and Confederation logos.
5. During winter seasons in places with extreme weather conditions, the referees and the timekeeper may
wear additional garments in accordance to the prevailing temperature while keeping the basic original
design (long white trousers and white shoes) intact.
AMF rules states that the team officials or anyone who is in the technical area that is not a player, must wear
a shirt and tie with or without a jacket, it is also permitted to wear a Polo shirt with trousers, however this
must be the team uniform and all in the technical area must be in the same uniform.
Only four (4) team officials are permitted in the technical area being the Coach, Assistant Coach, Physical
Trainer and Team Doctor or Physio. The Physio or Doctor must carry official documentation of their
credentials to be eligible to be in the technical area and to treat players.
The referee is authorised to remove any person from the technical area who is not dressed in accordance to
this rule and the referee is authorised to stop the game until his/her orders are followed



1. Any player may be substituted by any substitute. There is no limit to the number of substitutions. The
substitutions may only take place when the ball is out of play and through the substitution zone.

2. A player who had been previously substituted is able to enter the game again through another
substitution but can only do so when the ball is of play and through the substitution zone.

3. A player who has been expelled may be substituted, but the player expelled may not remain in the
technical area or in any part of the playing area including the grandstands.

4. A change of positions between the goalkeeper and another player is not considered a substitution. This
action may only take place when the ball is out of play, previously notifying the referee and the game
being halted for this to occur (if the game is run of the clock, then the clock will also be halted).

5. A change in position between the goalkeeper and another player is not allowed during a penalty kick
unless the goalkeeper is seriously injured. Such injury may only be confirmed by the referee and a
medical doctor.

6. If a team wishes to substitute 4 or more players at the same time, they can do so but first they must
notify the referee or the third referee, the ball must be out of play for this to occur and the game will be
halted until the substation has been completed (if the game is run of the clock, then the clock will also be

7. In the case of injured players, the game may be stopped for a maximum of 15 seconds so the player can
receive medical attention. If the injured player is unable to continue within 15 seconds time frame the
referee must order the substitution of that player.

8. In the case of an injury to a Goalkeeper the game may be stopped for a maximum of 1 minute so the
Goalkeeper can receive medical attention. If the injured Goalkeeper is unable to continue within 1
minuet time frame the referee must order the substitution of that Goalkeeper..

9. Substitution may only take place when the ball is out of play. The substitute must enter the playing area
through the substitution area, with the exception of players who are substituted due to injury who may
exit the court at any point.

10. If the player who is being substituted is the team captain, he/she must name a new replacement captain,
and inform the referee and the third referee of his/her identity. The substituted captain must give the
captain's arm band to the new replacement captain on the side-line of the substitution area.

11. As per rule 3, the substitute’s bench within the technical area is for team officials and substitutes, where
they may have a maximum of 7 substitutes ready to play, and no more than four (4) team officials, all of
whom must be duly identified.

12. The referee's authority commences at the moment the referee enters the field of play, the referee may
warn and/or sanction any player or team officials acting in an inappropriate manner. Any player or team
official dismissed before the match starts may be replaced.

Decision 1: If the game is restarted with the referee’s whistle and a substitution is not complete the player
will remain on the court and no substitution will take place, if a player has left the court they must re-enter
as soon as possible.
Decision 2: If what is described in point 4 occurs, both players will keep their original number.
Decision 3: If what is described in point 4 is not followed (ie, a player and a goalkeeper interchange whilst
the ball is in play), the player must be Blue carded.



1. The duration of a game is 40 (forty) minutes stopping the clock whenever the ball is out of play, it will be
divided into 2 (two) equal periods of 20 (twenty) minutes each and a maximum 10 (ten) minute break
between each period. These game times and breaks will be in effect for the categories of: youth, adults,
seniors and ladies (over the age of 15).

In the categories of under 15 years of age for boys and girls, the duration of the game will be 30 (thirty)
minutes stopping the clock whenever the ball is out of play divided into 2 (two) periods of 15 (fifteen)
minutes each with up to 10 (ten) minutes break between each period.

2. The duration of any of the two periods must be extended to permit the execution of a penalty kick or
9m penalty kick but without allowing for the kicking of the ball a second time after the penalty kick has
been taken.

3. The request for time out must be made by the team official, coach or team captain, who may request it
from the referee or third referee.

4. Each team is entitled to 1 (one) minute of time out in each of the periods.
The referee or third referee signals time out when the ball is out of play, using a whistle or an acoustic
signal different from the one used by the referees if available.

5. During time out the coaches may give instructions to player but only from behind the side line and in
the technical area. The players can leave the court to receive them, but only during the time given and
in the technical area.

6. Even if a team does not request a time out it is entitled to in the first period, it will still have only 1 (one)
minute time out in the second period.

7. In case of extra time being played, the extra time is considered as a continuation of the regulation
second period of the game.

8. The coach may talk and direct its players during the game either sitting down or standing occasionally,
without constantly standing, as long as it is done discreetly and without disrupting the game. In all
circumstances the coach may not leave the technical area nor interfere, or bother the work of the
referees, and/or the timekeeper.

9. The coach who is expelled may be substituted by a team official from the same team, who must be duly
accredited (as technical assistant or physical trainer).

10. If for any reason a team does not have a coach, and time out is requested, the players from that team
may not come to the bench to receive instructions, and they must remain in the central circle of the
court to receive the instructions from the captain of the team. The referee in that case can only
authorize a doctor or physical trainer to enter the field to assist the players.

11. In the case of time wasting takes place in the substitutions procedure having used up the time out
permitted, the person who caused it must be sanctioned for the delay.

8. Each team may keep up to 15 seconds possession of the ball in their defensive half. The ball must cross
the halfway line of the court before 15 seconds, if the ball was not previously touched by a member of
the opposing team.




1. The times the game is stopped will be reduced by stopping the clock the clock must be stopped in case
of: warnings and disciplinary measures to players and coaches/team officials, referee’s instructions,
accidents, injuries, or any other event as determined by the referee.

2. If during the game an accident occurs or a player is hurt, the referees must continue the game until the
ball is out of play. If the game is stopped to get medical assistance due to serious injuries the game
must commence with a drop-ball where the ball was when the game was stopped by the referee
(Except inside the penalty area).

3. In case a player is hurt and needs attention, it is not be permitted to do so on the court, the referee
may only allow 15 (fifteen) seconds to take the injured player out, make the substitution or
immediately reintroduce the same player to the game. If the goal keeper is the one needing attention,
the referee may allow up to 1 (one) minute to take the injured goal keeper out, make the substitution
or immediately reintroduce the same goal keeper to the game

4. The referees has the authority to request the clock to be stopped as many times as it is necessary, but
they can only make such decision within reason and when the ball and the game have stopped due to
actions taken by the referees themselves.

5. If a simulated injury occurs or any other attempt to wilfully delay the game to gain time, the referees
must sanctioning the offender the next time the ball is out of play.

6. The game may not be stopped to fix the players' garment; this will be done outside the court or at a
moment the game is stopped by other events.



1. Before the game starts, the referee tosses a coin between the two captains of the teams to decide which
team will kick-off to commence the game.

2. The game starts by a signal from the referee, by a player of the team determined by the coin toss, who
will put the ball in play by moving it towards the opposite side of the field.

3. At the beginning of the game each team occupies half of the playing court; the players who are in the
opposite team from the one that kicked off must be no less than 3 meters from the ball until the ball is
in play and has travelled a distance equal to its circumference.

4. The player who makes the initial kick may not be ahead of the ball nor repeat his/her contact with the
ball until the ball has been touched by another player. Breaking A breach of this rule results in
repeating the initial kick and a disciplinary sanction for the player.

5. After a goal, the game restarts in the same manner described above by a player of the opposing team
that scored a goal.

6. After half time the teams must change ends, and the kick-off is taken by the team that did not start the

7. In case of overtime extra time, a new coin toss must be conducted in the same manner as in the
beginning of a game.

9. After any interruption of the game, due to exceptional reasons not mentioned in these Laws, when the
ball is on the court, the referee must restarts the game through a dropped ball in the same spot where
the ball was when the play was interrupted. When the ball is dropped, no player may be situated no
less than 1mtr from the contact point of the ball from the floor. The ball may not be touched by any
player until it has touched the ground. If any of these rules are breached the referee must repeat the
action. A drop ball must not take place in the penalty area, it must take place outside the penalty area
nearest where the ball was when the game was stopped.

9. The ball is out of play if:

• It passes completely over the side-line or the goal line, be it in the air or on the floor.
• The game stops by an instruction of the referee.
• It hits the ceiling.

10. The ball is in play at all times including if:

• It bounces back from the goalposts or the crossbar and it stays in the court.
• It bounces off any of the referees inside the court.

If the game is played under roof and the ball is thrown or kicked by a player and accidentally hits the
ceiling or any other obstacle in the court, the game must be stopped and restarts with a side-line throw
taken by a player of the opposite team that last touched the ball at the closest side-line point from
where the event occurred.

The information regarding the time left till the end of the game in any of the periods may be requested
from the timekeeper by a team official but only at the moment in which the ball is not in play. In case a
team has no team officials, the captain may inquire under the same circumstances.



1(a). It is considered a goal when the whole of the ball has entirely crossed the goal line,
between the goalposts and below the crossbar as long as it has not been carried, projected or
hit intentionally by the hand or arm of any player of the attacking team, and as long as the
team that scored has not breached any of these rules just prior to scoring.
(b). A goal is not awarded if the goalkeeper is taking a goal clearance and the ball has
not left the penalty area.
If this occurs the goal clearance will be retaken and the ball will not be in play until the ball
has left the penalty area.
(c). A goal is not awarded if from the kick-off the ball is kicked directly into the oppositions goal,
a goal clearance will be awarded if this occurs
(d). A Goal will not be awarded if from a penalty kick (6m or 9m) is passed to a team mate
before entering the goal as penalty kick must be performed with the intention to score
from the direct kick. If this rule is breached the penalty will be retaken.
(e). A goal is not awarded if the ball goes directly in the goal from a side-line throw-in
or Corner throw-in (attacking or defensive), even if it is touched by the defending goalkeeper
before entering the goal. If this occurs a goal clearance or corner throw will be
awarded depending on which team touched the ball last.
(f). A goal is not awarded if the ball enters the opposition goal directly
from a goal clearance or a goalkeeper throw even if it is touched by the defending goalkeeper
in his/her own penalty area before going in the goal. If this occurs a goal clearance or corner
throw-in will be awarded depending which team touched the ball last
(g). A goal is awarded if the whole of the ball crosses the goal line between the posts and under
the crossbar at any stage of the game as long as no infringement or violation has occurred
prior to the ball entering the goal.
(h). If during the game and by chance or accident the goal posts are moved from their original
position and a possible goal could have been scored if the goals were in their proper
position, the referee has the right to award a goal if they he/she deems that a goal could of
been scored.

2. The team that scored the most number of goals during the match will be declared the winner.

3. If both teams scored the same number of goals or if no goals were scored by either of the
teams, the match results in a draw.

The points which are awarded in the official tournaments of each Federation, Confederation and/or
Association affiliated to AMF are:
2 (two) points for the winning team;
1 (one) point in case of a draw and,
0 (zero) for the losing team.
If the result in the match is a draw and a winner is required to be declared, extra time and penalty kicks must
be the method of determining the winning team.

Extra time consists of two equal periods of five (5) minutes. If the score is tied after the full two periods of
extra time, the match is decided by kicks taken from the 6m penalty mark.




1. The referee chooses the goal at which the kicks will be taken.

2. The referee tosses a coin and the team whose captain wins the toss chooses whether to take the first or
second kick.

3. The referee and scorekeeper keeps a record of the kicks being taken.

4. Only three (3) players from each team that finished the game on the court at the final whistle are
permitted to take penalties, in accordance to the circumstances described hereafter. Goalkeepers are
not allowed to be replaced unless it is demonstrated that they are seriously injured, and if so, the
goalkeeper can only be replaced by players that were on the court at the end of the game.

5. Goalkeepers are not permitted to take penalties.

6. The kicks are taken alternately.

7. If, after both teams have taken three (3) kicks, both have scored the same number of goals or have not
scored any goals, kicks continue to be taken in the same order, until one team has scored one goal more
than the other from the same number of kicks.

8. Any player who has been sent off may not take part in the kicks from the penalty mark.

9. Only the eligible players and match officials are permitted to remain on the playing court when kicks
from the penalty mark are taken.

10. All players, except the player taking the kick and the two goalkeepers, must remain in the opposite half
to that where the kicks are being taken. The second referee controls this area of the playing court and
the players who are situated there.

11. The goalkeeper, whose teammate is taking the kick from the penalty mark, must remain on the pitch,
outside the penalty area in which the kicks are being taken, on the goal line where it meets the penalty
area line.

12. When a team finishes the match with a greater number of players than its opponents, that team must
reduce their numbers to equate that of its opponents and that team’s captain must inform the
scorekeeper of the name and number of each player excluded.

13. Before the kicks from the penalty mark take place, the referee must ensure that only the players taking
the kicks and goalkeepers are on the court.



The violations defined in this rule are divided into personal violations punishable by a
direct free kick and technical violations punishable by a throw in:
A player and his/her team are punished by direct free kicks for violating a rule when committing one of the
following violations below.
All personal fouls are cumulative and will be penalized as follows:
Direct Free Kicks
The opposing team will be awarded a direct free kick if a player committed one of the following fouls in such
a manner that the referee judges it irresponsible, dangerous or made with excessive force:
1. Kicked or intended to kick a player of the opposing team.
2. Placed himself/herself in the way deliberately so as to make the opposing player trip, be it by means of
the legs or by stopping in front of or behind the opposing player.
3. Jumped on, or threw himself/herself upon an opposing player.
4. Obstruct an opposing player from behind, unless the opposing player was blocking or obstructing the
5. Obstruct the opponent in a violent or aggressive manner.
6. Harmed or attempted to harm, spat on or insulted an opponent.
7. Held the opponent by grabbing him/her by the shirt, hand, arm or obstructed the players action with
any part of the arm or legs.
8. Pushed the opponent with the hands or arms.
9. Tussled for the ball with the opponent, by placing the foot directly upwards with one or both soles of
the feet, either frontally or laterally, to obstruct the path of the player.
10. Touched, deflected, held or projected the ball with the hand or arm intentionally, except for the
goalkeeper within the limits of the goal area.
11. Hindered or stopped the goalkeeper's free movement within the limits of his/her penalty area.
12. Obstruct or block the way between the ball and an opposing player to stop his/her normal movement,
and intentionally obstruct the vision of the opponent to hinder progress of his/her play.
14. The Goalkeeper enters the oppositions half.
13. If the goalkeeper enters the oppositions half in an action that their momentum carried them into the
oppositions half after a shot at goal and they perform a second movement to obstruct or impede the
progress of an opposition player.

Penalty Kick
A penalty kick from the 6m nark is awarded if a player of the defending team committed any of the above
mentioned violations inside penalty area, regardless of the position of the whilst the ball was in play.



The following events are sanctioned with a side line throw-in from a point on the side line closest to the
place where the violation occurred.
1. The goalkeeper failed to release the ball back into play for more than five seconds, once the ball has been
clearly controlled by him/her and the referee judged the ball ready to be put into play.
2. The player had the ball in his/her control and kept it motionless for more than five seconds hindering it
from being used to play freely.
3. The player that held or restrained the ball with the between their feet, leg or with the body against the
floor hindering it from being used to play freely, except for the goalkeeper, being on the floor in his/her
own area to defend their goal.
4. The player touched the ball a second time from a direct free kick, a 6m penalty kick, a 9m penalty kick,
side-line or corner throw-in, even after it has rebounded off the goalposts, crossbar or a referee that
was in the court before another player has touched the ball.
5. The player delayed by more than five seconds the execution of a free kick, penalty kick, kick, side line
throw or corner throw-ins, from the moment that the referee signals for its execution.
6. The player was not properly uniformed and touched the ball in motion.
7. The player that pretends to use his/her hands to retain the ball in an attempt to delay the
re-start of play. Who uses expressions or movements of the arms to attempt to distract or trick the
opponent or acting as a member of his/her team.
8. The goalkeeper caught or controlled the ball with the hands from a deliberately pass back from a team
mate with any part of their body (except when it is from a goal line throw or a corner throw-in).
9. The goalkeeper intentionally releases the ball from his/her hands and played at it with his/her
feet before it has touched another player.
10. The team took more that 15 (fifteen) seconds for the ball crossing over the halfway line without the ball
touching an opposition player.
11. The goalkeeper threw the ball beyond the half way line on the full, without it having touched any player.

12. The goalkeeper receives the ball back from own teammate a second time before the ball has been
touched by an opposition player (‘second pass’). Exceptions: Side line and corner throw-ins which do
not count as first pass to the goalkeeper.


In the event of any violation having been committed but the ball remains in the opposing team’s possession
in any place within the field, the Referees may allow the game to continue without any further consequence.




Yellow Card Violations by a Player

A player must be warned and shown a yellow card if they commit any of the following offences:

1. Persistently infringe the rules of the game.

2. Shows dissent by words or actions.

3. Displays a non-sportsmanship behaviour/conduct.

4. Deliberately leaves the court without permission of the referee.

5. Deliberately delays the restart of play.

6. Does not respect the required distance from the ball in the taking of a free kick, side line throw-in, corner
throw-in, or a penalty kick.

7. Entered or returned to the field without permission of the referee, or violated a substitution rule.

8. Player intentionally touched the ball after a free kick, penalty kick, side line throw-in or corner
throw-in was awarded to the opposition.

9. The goalkeeper that enters the oppositions half during paly.

Yellow Card Violations by a Team Official

1. Entered the court to instruct a player without permission of the referee.

2. Addressed the following people inappropriately: referees, second referee /or timekeepers, opposing team
players or officials, or a member of the public.

3. Openly suggested illegal or non-sportsmanship play.

4. Dressed not in accordance with the rules.

The Team Officials have the following tasks:

Prepare and present the appropriate documentation.

Any other action that may be sanctioned in accordance with these rules.



Blue and Red Cards Violations

A Blue Card is used for the expulsion of a player who violated the rules, this player may be replaced by
another player from the same team that is listed to play.
An expulsion by a blue card applies in a situation where a second yellow card to the same player during the
game was shown and the player may no longer take part in that game, however this player will not be
suspended from any further matches.
A Red card is shown to players who continually infringed the rules of the game, used insulting or offensive
language or attitude, was violent in word or action with or without the ball, endangered the welfare of any
player, official or spectator, played in a dangerous manner or brought the game into disrepute.
This player will be expelled from the rest of the game and will be placed on report for an automatic one
game suspension and may face further sanctions if the Judiciary deems that this player needs further
suspension. (The referee must fill in a Red Card send-off report).
A player may also be issued a Red Card if the player:
1. Played roughly and of his/her conduct was violent.
2. Spat on a player of the opposing team or any other person.
3. Used rude, offensive, and obscene language.

The player’s suspension will be subject to a referee's report. The causes and circumstances must be stated in
an impartial presentation of the facts, avoiding personal opinions.

Upon the accumulation of five personal fouls a player is shown the blue card; in order to indicate the
obligatory substitution of this player, the Referee has to use the signal prescribed by AMF.

If the game is stopped because of the send-off of a player that committed any of the violations indicated in
point 3 without having violated any of the other laws, the game must restart by a side line throw-in by the
opposing team from the place closest to where the violation occurred.


A player who accumulated five personal fouls must leave the court, may not remain in the technical area but
may be substituted.

A player, who is shown a second yellow card in the same game, must leave the court, may not remain in the
technical area but may be substituted.

To order the mandatory substitution, the Referee must use the signal prescribed by the AMF.
Please refer to the attached diagram.

A player or team official who has been removed from the game may not remain in the technical area.

The referees may remove, without previous warning, a player or a coach due to persistent infringements of
the rules.



All infringements listed in Law 9 are counted as accumulative fouls.

1. During a free kick all players of the opposing team must be at least 3 meters from the ball until the ball is
in play, and they must not obstruct nor interrupt the player who takes the free kick.

2. Each team is permitted to have 5 accumulative fouls, in each half of the match, without losing their right
to form a wall in front of their goal, when the opposing team is being awarded a free kick.

3. From the sixth accumulative foul on, personal fouls are sanctioned with a 9m penalty kick. The defending
team is not permitted to form a wall, nor is it allowed to have any of its players between the goal and the
ball, except the defending goalkeeper. The 9m penalty kick is taken from the second penalty mark in an
attempt to score directly from the kick.

4. The third referee must have numbered signs from 1 to 5, and he/she must visibly raise them at any time
a team commits an accumulative foul.

5. When a fifth accumulative foul is sanctioned, the third referee must notify the referees, and raise a red
flag or another visible indicator towards the technical area of the team that committed the 5 fouls.

6. When a free kick with the right to form a wall is sanctioned, the referee must raise his/her hand to show
the distance that applies to the wall (3 meters), and once it is formed, he/she allows the free kick to be

7. In case of extra time, this extra time is taken to be a continuation of the second half, maintaining the
records under in which the second half ended regarding the individual fouls, the accumulative fouls in
each team, the time outs granted, and the cards shown.



1. A penalty kick is awarded against the team that commits one of the offences for which a free kick is
awarded inside its own penalty area and the ball being in play.

2. A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick.

3. Additional time is allowed for a penalty kick to be taken at the end of each half or at the end of periods
of extra time.

4. The ball is placed on the penalty mark.

5. The player taking the penalty kick must be clearly identified.

6. The defending goalkeeper must remain on his/her own goal line, facing the kicker and between the goal
posts until the ball is in play.

7. The other players other than the kicker must wait at least 3 meters behind the penalty mark until the ball
is in play.


The player taking the penalty or second penalty kicks the ball forward in an attempt to score, and he/she
may not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player; the goalkeeper must remain
on the goal line until the ball is kicked.

The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward.

When a penalty kick is taken during the normal course of play or time has been extended at half time or full
time, a goal is awarded if: the ball touches one or both goal posts, or the crossbar or the goalkeeper before
passing over the goal line between the goal posts and under the crossbar.


If a defending player infringes this law, if and no goal was scored, the penalty kick will be retaken; but if a
goal was scored the goal is awarded.

If an attacking player other than the player taking the kick infringes this law and a goal was scored, the
penalty kick is retaken, but if no goal was scored, play will continue.

If the player who is kicking infringes the law while the ball is already in play, a side line throw-in will be
awarded to the defending team from the closest point to where the infringement occured.



Goal clearance is a way to restart the game once the ball has gone past the goal line either in the air or on
the ground, after last being touched by an attacker and no goal was scored in accordance with Law 8.

1. The goal clearance must be performed only by the goalkeeper who must throw ball using his/her hands
and must be retaken if the ball does not leave the penalti area.

2. If the ball is thrown directly over the halfway line on the full into the opposing teams half, a side line
throw-in is awarded to the opposing team from the side line where the halfway line meets the sideline.

3. A goal may not be scored directly with a goal clearance unless the ball touches one of the players (with
the exception of the defending goalkeeper.)

4. All the players of the opposing team taking the goal clearance must remain out of the penalti área until
the ball is in play.



Side line Throw-ins

The side line and corner throw-in are a way to restart the game when the ball goes out of play from any of
the side line sor Goal lines.

Procedure for Side line Throw-in

1. The side-line throw-in may not be performed by a goalkeeper, it must be performed by a player of
the opposing team who last touched the ball before it went out.
2. The player who throws the ball in must take the throw from outside the court where the ball left the
court, with both feet, joined or apart, perpendicular to the line pointing their toes towards the court,
without neither foot losing contact with the floor.
2. The ball must be thrown with both hands, with the movement beginning from behind the head and the
ball making an arch in the air as it enters the court.
3. The ball is in play from the moment it leaves the hands of the thrower.
4. No goals may be scored directly from a side line throw-in, even if the ball touches the goalkeeper and
enters the goal.
5. If the thrower infringes this procedures, the referee must award a side line throw-in to the opposing
Corner Throw-ins
A corner throw is taken when the ball crosses the goal line last being touched by a defending player or
goalkeeper and no goal was scored. It is taken by the attacking team on the same side of the court where
the ball left the court.
Procedure Corner Throw-in
1. It will be taken by an attacker from the corner at the same side of the goal line which the ball left the
2. If the ball left the court above the crossbar of the goal, the referee decides which side of the goal from
which the corner throw will be taken.
3. It will be taken in the same way as the side line throw-in, with the exception of the position of the feet
of the thrower, that must be placed outside the court and with one foot on the side line side and the
other on the goal line side meeting at the corresponding corner, but otherwise subject to the same
procedure as the side line throw-in.
4. If the thrower infringes this procedure, the referee must award a goal clearance to the opposing teams
5. No goals may be scored directly from a corner throw, even if the ball touches the goalkeeper before
entering the goal.



Goalkeeper throws
A goalkeeper throw is taken after the goalkeeper has controlled and secured the ball with the hands,


Once the the agoalkeeper has controlled and secured the ball with the hands they must release the ball
within five (5) seconds with the hands, and may not play the ball again until it has been touched by another

1. If the goalkeeper does not control the ball with his/her hands, he/she must use the feet to play the
ball out and can not gather the ball with their hands.

2. The goalkeeper may not throw the ball over the half way line on the full.

3. The goalkeeper's throw is subject to laws 9 and 12. A goal may be awarded if the ball touches one of
the players, with the exception of the opposing team's goalkeeper, and enters the opposition’s goal.

Every player who throws the ball in from the side line or corner must throw the ball within five seconds,
starting from the moment the ball is ready to be thrown or the referee gives the signal to do so.




The Referee's Authority
Each game is controlled by two referees where possible, who have the same authority to enforce these rules
of the game from the moment they enter the area where the game is to take place until they leave it.

The Referee:
1. Enforces the Laws of the Game.
2. Applies the advantage or awards a free kick where warranted.
3. Keeps records and inform the proper authorities of all incidents occurred before, during and after
the match, as well as any sanctions taken against players or team officials from each team.
4. Is the timekeeper if the timekeeper is not present.
5. Stops or ends the game in case any laws are infringed or due to any type of external interference
6. Takes appropriate disciplinary measures where warranted including expulsions and sanctions.
7. Does not allow unauthorised persons to enter the court.
8. Pauses the match if he/she believes a player has suffered a serious injury and orders to take the
player off the court in order to restart the game.
9. If the referee believes the player does not have a serious injury, permits the game to continue until
the ball is out of play.
10. Makes sure that the ball has complies with law 2.
11. Ensures before the start of a match that the goals are in the correct position and that there are no
holes in the goal nets.
12. Ends the match without granting a goal if the end of the game is announced through a whistle or an
acoustic signal before the ball has entered the goal subject to law 14 (the timekeeper and the third
The referee's decisions is final
Decision 1
If the referee and the second referee call a foul simultaneously and there is no agreement regarding which
team committed the foul, the referee's decision prevails.
Decision 2
Either the referee or the second referee may enforce a sanction or an expulsion, but if they do not agree, the
referee's decision prevails.



The Second Referee

If a second referee is appointed, he/she officiates from the opposite side to that of the referee and he/she
must be equipped with a whistle, they have the same authority as the referee to enforce the rules of the
game from the moment they enter the area where the game is to take place until they leave it.
1. He/she helps the referee to control the game according to these laws.
2. He/she has discretionary power to stop the game when the laws are infringed.
3. He/she is in charge of controlling the correct substitution of players, when the main referee is on the
opposite side to the technical áreas.

The Timekeeper and the Third Referee

A timekeeper and/or a third referee may be appointed where posible and they remain outside the court at
the same side of the substitution area.
The timekeeper and the third referee must have a chronometer and the necessary equipment in order to
keep records of and assist to control the game.
The match organiser is to provide this equipment.
The Timekeeper
He/she will keep control of the time of the game according to this law and to do that:
1. He/she starts the chronometer after the referee gives the signal to start the game.
2. He/she stops the chronometer when the ball is out of play.
3. He/she starts the chronometer again when the referee gives the signal for a goal line throw, or a side
line throw-in, or a corner throw-in, a free kick, a penalty kick from the 6m penalty mark or 9m second
penalty mark, a time out, or drop ball.
4. He/she controls the duration of time out.
5. He/she announces by a whistle or a acoustic signal different from the referee's the end of the first
half, end of the game, extra time, and the end of the time out minute.
The Third Referee
Assists the timekeeper.
1. Keeps record of each team's first five accumulative fouls, as awarded by the referees in every period
of the game.
2. Lets the referee know when a player has committed a forth personal foul.
3. Keeps a record of the interruptions to the game and the reasons for them.
4. Records the shirts number of the players who scored goals given by the referee and records the final
score of the game.
5. Keeps a record of the shirts number and names of the players sanctioned or expelled.
6. Record the time of the beginning and the end of each period of the game.



Decision 1:
In case the referee gets injured, he/she must be substituted by the second referee who in turn if injured is
substituted by the third referee.
Decision 2:
In international games the appointment of a timekeeper and a third referee is mandatory.
1. The national organisation may decide on the appointment or non-appointment of two referees in the
lower categories. If a second referee is not appointed, one person may take the referee role and
another timekeeping and third referee role.
2. In international games the use of an electronic score board is mandatory.
The Referee's Signals
These are the signals prescribed in order to facilitate communication between the referees, the players, the
teams, the timekeeping table and spectators (see the attached diagram)


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