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The title of the study our

Self-regulated Online Learning and Online Student Connectedness of Senior

High School

Our IV is the Self-regulated Online Learning and our DV is the Online Student

The problem of the study,

It is stated there in the first paragraph of our rationale from various studies that
students who are studying in an online environment have difficulties such as
their insufficient internet connectivity and a lack of knowledge about the proper
use of ICT. Thus, they also find it more confusing and challenging to engage in
online learning than in traditional face to face interaction. Teachers may be
unable to effectively measure student participation and respond accordingly if
they do not engage in regular face to face interaction.

The research gap of the study.

The previous study had only conducted the link between higher levels of
student-to-student connectivity and better overall course grades in a traditional
face to face setting. This means that in the present study, no research has been
done on students learning in digital environments. Also, there were only several
studies about the relationship of self-regulated online learning and online
student connectedness. Hence we need additional information about it.

Urgency of the study

The available information that was conducted from the previous studies was
limited. Also there is a need for additional research about the relationship of
self-regulated online learning and online student connectedness.
Cabañero -

The relationship of our Independent Variable and Dependent Variable

As per the study of Lemberger & Hutchison, 2014, Student abilities such as self-
regulation and feeling of connectedness are linked to the academic success.
However, we still need a specific and informative answer to determine the
significant relationship of self-regulated online learning and online student

The main purpose of the study is

To determine the significant relationship between self-regulated online learning

and online student connectedness of senior high school

The research objectives of our study is

Objective 1. To assess the level of self-regulated online learning

Objective 2. To ascertain the level of online student connectedness

Objective 3. To determine the significant relationship between self-regulated

online learning and online student connectedness of senior high school
Theory of your study:

Our IV is supported by the Mithaug's self-regulation theory, that describes how

people optimize their adjustments in order to maximize their gains toward getting
what they want from their environments.

Our DV is anchored on the Online Learning Theory of by Anderson, (2004)

which states that interactivity is regarded as a central tenet of the concept of 'online
learning theory.'

Lastly, is Zimmerman's social cognitive model of self-regulated learning.

Who will benefit to the study?

The persons who will benefit to our study are the school administrator,
teachers, parents, students, and future researchers.


What type of research did you use?

Quantitative Research
What are the research methodology/methods did we use?

Research design, research locale, population and sample research instrument,

data collection and statistical tools of the study

Research Design?

Correlational, Descriptive and non-experimental design under quantitative


We will be using Correlational study because Seeram, (2019) stated that is a non
experimental style of study that allows for the prediction and explanation of
relationships between variables. Moreover descriptive research refers to a
variety of survey studies conducted by marketing researchers in order to better
understand client perceptions, judgments, and intentions (Mittal, 2010). And
lastly is non-experimental research because as per Thompson & Panacek,
(2007), is solely observational, with results that are only intended to be

We use correlational, Because we are only after for the relationship

of our IV and DV

We are going to get the number of sample by

Using slovin’s formula

And the sampling technique We will be using simple random sampling technique

Because according to the study of west, (2016) simple random sampling

technique is perhaps the most basic method of sampling, in which every
member of a population has the same choice of being included in the sample
and all possible samples of a given size have the same chance of selection.
Cabañero -

We chose the grade 11 day class as our respondents because their given
answers to our survey questionnaire will reflect on the result of our study on
how self-regulated online learning and online connectivity affect their academic
performance, and at the same time, it will also benefit them.

And There will be 30 respondents for pilot testing and 209 for the


Also for the Research instrument

We will be using two survey questionnaires that were adopted from two
different studies, the study of Jansen et. al, (2016) entitled Validation of the
Self-Regulated Online Learning questionnaire and the study of Inan &
Bolliger, (2012) which is the Development and Validation of the Online
Student Connectedness survey.

What is data collection?

The data collection shows the steps that researchers will follow in collecting the
data needed for our study.

Steps of the data collection:

- Send a letter to the principal asking for permission for pilot testing

- Validation of the questionnaire

- Pilot testing

- Final survey through google form

- Submit the result to the statistician

- Interpretation and analysis of the data

Why did we conduct this study?

In order to provide additional knowledge for students who are struggling with
their learning abilities, as well as in connecting with their peers and teachers
through online.

What is your motivation of your study?

As students, we also want to gain additional knowledge about the importance of

self-regulated learning and online connectedness and how it could contribute in
attaining our academic achievements. We also want to give honest and accurate
information to the readers.

What limitations did you encounter in your study?

In finding related study, some sources are outdated and irrelevant to our chosen

Our research locale is the students in assumption college of Davao; we come up

with this people because these are the students within our radius.
Role of community in inclusive education

What is inclusive education?

Inclusive Education in the broader sense is the right of education of children in a

regular classroom. It is the main modality to address the educational needs of
children who suffers from different defeciencies.

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