Case Study UTAD - EN
Case Study UTAD - EN
Case Study UTAD - EN
Claudia Corniciuc (1), Alexandre Veríssimo (1);
Navaltik Management
Implementing a CMMS in any organization where there are equipment comes as a necessity to organize
and manage the daily activity of the maintenance department. In a university campus – a set of facilities
with great diversity of equipment, high activity level and practically without interruptions – the
maintenance management is a transversal process that must be well planned and structured from the
This case study details the implementation of a CMMS at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto-Douro
campus, with the main goals of identifying and inventorying the equipment of the most important
systems, characterize the main preventive maintenance plans and provide a history of interventions in
order to obtain reliable KPI (Key Performance Indicators).
hectares. The maintenance is necessary for the systems, electric panels, elevators and
proper functioning of the university facilities and audiovisuals.
to maximize the performance of the Technical
Regarding the data gathering, here are some
Support, Maintenance and Security Unit
recommendations to avoid some unforeseen
(UATMS) – maintenance department – UTAD
decided to implement a CMMS.
In a first instance, the existent system was
› Adopt a survey system and respect it, to
ensure consistency of information;
analyzed, which consisted of an internally
developed app to process the maintenance › Be aware of the coding system used, if any,
request to the UATMS. The requests received and label any equipment that may lack
through the platform were transformed into identification;
work orders, on paper and without centralizing › Base the survey on updated plants, which
the information, when approved by the UATMS serve as a guide in the spaces covered;
manager. The maintenance plans were the › Photograph all the equipment that was
responsibility of each technician and there were surveyed;
no centralized records of these. Also the work
reports were carried out monthly by the
› Gather equipment documents such as user
manuals or warranty / inspection
technicians, without detail and quantification of
certificates in digital form.
the resources or the unavailability period of the
equipment subject to the maintenance The CMMS implementation at UTAD is a good
interventions, making it difficult to obtain example for large-scale institutions, with
indicators. multiple buildings. The work schedules lasted for
three months and during the summer period –
Based on this analysis, it was decided that some
when the campus activity is more moderate. The
of the requirements of the CMMS to implement
pilot building concept was used and for this, the
would be:
equipment data was gathered and imported to
› Centralized record of the equipment and the CMMS. Concerning the importation step, it is
respective maintenance plans; important to organize the information in a way
› A tool to create, manage and centralize to create a good basis for the upcoming work.
maintenance requests; The functional organization is a key element for
› E-mail alert notifications; a well succeeded implementation. For the
university campus, being a facility with multiple
› Warehouse management tool;
buildings, it is suggested to adopt the FSys –
› Analysis and reports that allow obtaining
Facilities Systematization, provided by Navaltik
Management (Navaltik Management, 2014) for
Thus, it was chosen a CMMS that fulfilled the each one of the buildings. In this way, if there is
above referred requirements and, for the 12 an anomaly, it will be possible to easily identify
more relevant buildings, there was included a the extent of it and the affected areas or services
survey of the equipment belonging to the HVAC, and also to obtain well defined indicators for
Fire Detection and Control, divisions and lighting each building, which will later allow to analyze
and compare parameters such as the failure rate BIBLIOGRAPHY
or maintenance cost.
Cabral, J. P. S. (2012). Gestão da Manutenção de
Within the scope of the CMMS implementation Equipamentos, Instalações e Edifícios.
at UTAD, after importing the equipment Lisboa: Lidel.
belonging to the pilot building, the users training
Carvalho, A. V. (2014). Gestão da manutenção
was followed. In this way, it was possible to
apoiada num CMMS. Manutenção,
familiarize the technicians with the CMMS and
DOSSIER: A, 54–56.
allow them to start recording all the
maintenance actions regarding the pilot building Navaltik Management. (2014). FSys- Facilities
in the system. Systematization. Retrieved September 10,
2016, from
After completing the importation stage, it is
important to define the functions of the several
users and the internal procedures, in order to O’Donoghue, C. D., & Prendergast, J. G. (2004).
avoid that the CMMS is stagnant, only with a Implementation and benefits of
“data base” function and to ensure that the introducing a computerised maintenance
information inserted into the CMMS by the management system into a textile
technicians is valid and allows obtaining reliable manufacturing company. Journal of
indicators. Finally, having all these steps Materials Processing Technology, 153–
completed, it remains to make use of the CMMS 154(1–3), 226–232.
resources and, by feeding it with daily
maintenance information, take advantage of the
provided analysis and optimize the maintenance
Regarding the maintenance management at
UTAD, in addition to answer the direct
necessities previously mentioned, the CMMS
implementation may have other positive
impacts, such as the improvement of the
operability and performance of the equipment,
the optimization of maintenance costs,
motivation of the maintenance team on daily
activities and, possibly, the favorable contagion
of the other functions of the entity and also the
qualification of the procedures required by the
norms of Quality, Safety and Environmental