Human Rights Violation in Bhutan - Final
Human Rights Violation in Bhutan - Final
Human Rights Violation in Bhutan - Final
Bhutan: An Introduction
Ethnic Composition
Like the United States, Bhutan, too, is a land of immigrants who settled
during different times in history. The ruling class are the descendants of
Tibetan origin clans called the Ngalongs, as known as Drukpas, who
occupy the north and western part of the country. The other main ethnic
group is comprised of easterners known as Sarchops. Both the Ngalongs
or Drukpas and Sarchops are Buddhists. The Nepali-speaking population,
predominantly Hindus, occupy the southern part of the country and are
called Lhotsampas (meaning “southerners in Dzonkha” in the Ngalung
language – the national language).
Kingship, or the hereditary monarchy, started in Bhutan with its first King -
King Ugyen Wangchuk in 1907. Since that time, the Wagchuk Dynasty has
continued, now with the fifth king - King Jigme Geysar Namgyel Wangchuk
- the present reigning monarch. For some years, they have been outwardly
projecting that Bhutan is a democracy so as to legitimize the power of the
ruling class.
It takes great caution and in-depth investigation into what has happened in
Bhutan, particularly the racist repression against the southern Bhutanese in
the late-1980s and early-1990s. The monarchy’s prevailing goal is to justify
that Bhutan is the land of the Drukpas or the Hindu Tibetan-origin clan.
2 Bhutan's Dark Secret: The Lhosampa Expulsion. Online reference: The Diplomat
This historical event is reflected in a letter to the Queen of England sent by
British Indian Viceroy Lord Curzon, wherein he had mentioned that “Bhutan
is fast becoming a Gurkhali state.”
Many Southern Bhutanese fled the country fearing persecution while the
others were systematically driven out of the country coercing them to sign
the so-called 'voluntary migration forms' - mostly at gun-point. The
Bhutanese government also extensively used its tool of disenfranchisement
(depopulation by design) by retroactively implementing its 1985 Citizenship
Act. This act effectively turned citizens into illegal immigrants overnight and
enforced the so-called 'One Nation, One People' racist policy since 1989.
Thus, this policy led to the cultural genocide on its Southern Bhutanese
masses. This was actualized in the following ways:
• Prohibiting the teaching of Nepali language in schools in South
• Forcing the South Bhutanese to wear the Northern Bhutanese dress
all the time - stripping off their cultural dress;
• Curbing religious freedoms;
• Imposing language and culture of the Ngalongs; and
• Banning television
At that time, an American attorney, David Thronson of Harvard University,
interning with INHURED International, Kathmandu, concluded in his book,
Bhutan: Cultural Cleansing that “Bhutan's Citizenship Law is a prescription
for statelessness.” 3
3 Book: Bhutan: Cultural Cleansing (uncitable)
Influx of Refugees to Nepal
4Bhutan's Dark Secret: The Lhosampa Expulsion. Online reference: The Diplomat
What is the key held by India? By the Indo-Bhutan Treaty of 1949, Bhutan
agrees to be guided by India in matters relating to external affairs.
Furthermore, India is a huge donor to Bhutan and traditionally has
substantial leverage on Bhutan both politically and strategically.
Bhutanese Refugees' Resettlement
Equipped with this new perspective from refugees, the UNHCR invited the
representatives of the US Department of Homeland Security and
international organizations (namely the International Organization for
Migration – IOM) for documenting and processing. Medical organizations
recruited personnel for smoothly screening and detecting any health issues
prior to processing.
GB News TV, Feb. 1, 2018, Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Ends - in Nepali
Nepali-speaking Bhutanese in Iowa
Since 2008, Bhutanese refugees began trickling into Iowa. Today, there is
an estimated 5,000 to 7,000 Bhutanese residing in Iowa. Many of them have
become productive members of the society. With a new sense of security
here, this population has spread into different kinds of entry-level and
professional jobs or engaged in self-employment ventures. All children go to
school and have kept their parents busy. Many of them have not only
become a part of the Iowa family, but have also secured US Citizenship.
Accept the fact that crimes committed in the past cannot be ignored as a
forgotten human tragedy. It must be brought to justice at least for the sake
of our children. Help us regain our lost dignity and free us from the indelible
scars of injustice.
1. Raise awareness about the human rights violations in Bhutan which has
led to the Bhutanese refugee situation.
7. Undertake any other appropriate activities to help regain the lost dignity
of the Nepali-speaking Bhutanese in Bhutan and in the countries they
have been resettled until justice is realized. Here, justice means that the
persecuted are relieved from the pain of having to undergo immense
sufferings in Bhutan at the hands of the Bhutanese military and police.
This can happen only when the perpetrators or the main players are
brought before the law.
This background paper was prepared and submitted by Dilip Bishwo, Human Rights
Activist who is affiliated with the Bhutanese Community in Iowa (BCI) based in Des
Moines, Iowa in the United States. Mr. Bishwo is also the author of The Bhutan
Observer Spiritual Monthly available on the BCI Website: