NMT 04209 - Basic Pharmacology-1
NMT 04209 - Basic Pharmacology-1
NMT 04209 - Basic Pharmacology-1
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define terms related to pharmacology
Identify the different sources of medicine
Explain the forms of medicine preparations
Explain the factors affecting bioavailability of medicine
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
Step Time (min) Activity/ Content
1 05 Presentation Presentation of session title and learning
2 35 Brainstorming
/presentation Definition of terms
3 10 Lecture discussion Different sources of medicine
o Is the study of drugs and its interaction in the living cell, it include its origin,
chemical structure, preparations, administration, action, metabolism and
o Is the study of drug movement, it includes the way the body handle the drugs
from administration to elimination.
o Is the study of mechanism of action of drugs and other biochemical and
physiological effects.
o Is a drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease.
o Is a quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time
o Is the prescribed administration of a specific amount, number, and frequency of
doses over a specific period of time
o This is decreased responses to drugs even in increasing dosage
o Is a drug that interact with a receptor to stimulate a response
o Is the drug that attach to the receptor but does not stimulate a response
Minimum dose
o Is the smallest dose giving effects
Maximum dose
o Is the highest dose which can be used without causing side effects
Therapeutic dose
o Is the dose between maximum and minimum dose
o is abnormal sensitivity to an allergen, drug, or other agent, where the body
reacts with an exaggeratedimmune response
o Is a desire of continue to take a drug in increasing dose, there is psychological
and physical dependence with no withdraw symptoms if the drugs are stopped
o Is an instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be
issued with a medicine or treatment
Therapeutic index
o A ratio that compares the blood concentration at which a drug becomes toxic
and the concentration at which the drug is effective.
o Refers to the degree and rate at which an administered drug is absorbed by the
body's circulatory system
First pass effect
o Is a phenomenon of drug metabolism whereby the concentration of a drug is
greatly reduced before it reaches the systemic circulation.
Half life
o This is the period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the
body to be reduced by one-half (50%)
STEP 3: Different Sources of Medicine (10 minutes)
There are different sources of medicine and these include:
Plants sources
o All parts of plants are used as drugs example steam wood roots grasses
o Example of plant sources drug are quinine opium digital
Animal sources
o The drug are derived from animal bodies fluids glands etc.
o Example insulin, epinephrine
o Animal and plant sources as organic sources
Mineral salts
o These are derived from mineral
o Example iron sulphate, folic acids
Synthetic sources
o These are drugs synthesized in pharmaceuticals laboratories, they are artificial
madethis is the most important group of modern therapeutic agents
o Example magnesium sulphate, hydrogen peroxide, aluminum hydroxide
Solid forms/tablets
o These are dry – compressed powder which can be on test with small doses.
o Some are coated and some are not coated example
Bacall tablets – like panadol, aspirin, septrine
Enteric coated tablets – start to dissolve while in the stomach
Lozenges – kept in the moth until it dissolves, they usually contain water
sugarand mucilage
Capsule – powder which is coated in special easily digested covers
Pills – a solid spherical body containing medical agent in a base
Suppositories – conical shaped bodies, made of gelatin or cacao butter
containingdrug for introduction into the rectum
Pessaries – similar to suppository but larger for introduction into the vagina
Semi- solid forms
o Liniment – used for external application only
o Ointments – it is a greasy form/base which containing petroleum jelly
o Creams – the same as above
Liquid forms
o Emulsions – a suspension of two invisible liquid for example oil and water
o Mixture – a liquid preparation consist of more than one drugs dissolved in water or
other fluids
o Syrup – a concentrated solution of sugar and water
o They are taken through inhalations, they most of the time act on the respiratory
o Example oxygen
STEP 5: Factors Affecting Bioavailability of Medicine (30 minutes)
The factors affecting bioavailability of medicine includes:
o Most of the drugs are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, by the process of
diffusion to the bloodstream, few drugs are absorption by active transport
o The rate of absorption depends on physical properties of the drugs which include
how is it will pass the wall of the gut
o Absorption also depends on presence or absence of food in the stomach or
interaction with other drugs
First pass effects
o Most drugs after absorption are carried by portal circulation to the liver, some
may be metabolized and hence only proportional of absorbed drug reaches the
circulation and therefore there bioavailability is reduced
o Drug like lignocain shows a very larger first pass and thus they are not
administered by ingestion method
Hepatic first pass elimination
o Drugs absorbed from the GIT are transported by portal circulation to the liver
o As a result the drug may be taken up by the liver cells and metabolized
o Metabolites has no therapeutic effects to most drugs but some the metabolites
is theone with therapeutic effect
o The concentration of a drug in the blood stream is a good index of whether the
correctdose is being given to produce a satisfactory therapeutic effects
Champe, P. C. (2008). Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Pharmacology.
Clayton, B. D., & Willihnganz, M. (2013). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses16: Basic Pharmacology for
Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (Eds.). (2004). Basic & clinical pharmacology (Vol. 8). New
York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill.
Total Session Time:120minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04101 Human Anatomy and Physiology
NMT 04102 Professionalism in Nursing
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Describe the roles of a nurse in drugs administration
Describe the routes of medicine administration
Explain factors considered in medicine administration
Outline principles of medicine administration
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
Step Time (min) Activity/ Content
1 05 Presentation Presentation of session title and learning tasks
2 10 Brainstorming /presentation Roles of a nurse in drugs administration
7 05
Presentation Session Evaluation
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (5 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Enteral route
In this route drugs are administered into the gastrointestinal tract either by oral, sublingual or rectal.
Oral route
o The mouth is used for administering drugs
o Most convenient
o Usually least expensive- cheaper to manufacture Safe, does not break skin
o Administration usually does not cause stress
o The gastrointestinal tract provides a huge surface area for absorption.
o The drug can be taken home and does not need the attendance of a medical
o No pain, easy to take.
o Cheap, no need to sterilize (but must be hygienic of course.)
Sublingual route
o The medication is placed under the tongue, and allowed to dissolve slowly
o Because of the reach blood supply in this region it results into rapid onset of the
o The patient is instructed not to move the drug with the tongue nor to eat or
drink anything until the medication has completely dissolved
Advantage of sublingual route administration
o Same as oral route plus
o Drug can be administered for the local effects
o More potent than oral because the drug directly enter the circulation and by
passes the liver
Disadvantage of sublingual route administration
o If swallowed drug may be inactivated by gastric juice
o Drug must remain under the tongue until dissolved and absorbed
o Drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream
Buccal route
o The tablet or capsule is placed in the oral cavity between the gum and the cheek.
o The client is instructed not to manipulate the medication with the tongue;
otherwise, it could get displaced to the lingual area where it will be more rapidly
absorbed, or to the back of the throat, where it could be swallowed
Advantage of buccal route administration
o Same as sublingual route
Disadvantage of buccal route administration
o Dose absorbed is unpredictable
o If swallowed drug may be inactivated by gastric juice
o Drug must remain under the tongue until dissolved and absorbed
o Drug is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream
Rectal Route
o This means the drugs passed through the rectum
o Rectal drugs are normally in suppository form, although a few laxatives and
diagnostic agent are given via enema.
Advantage of rectal route
o Favor the drugs which has objectionable taste or odor, or when it can be
changed by digestive enzymes
o Drug released at slow steady rate
o It avoids irritation of the upper gastrointestinal tract
o Is reasonable convenient and safe method of giving drugs when the oral method
is unsuitable, as when the patient is unconscious
o Venous blood from the rectum doesn’t pass to the liver thus no first pass effects
Disadvantage of rectal route
o Absorption is slower than other routes
o It is irregularly and uncompleted absorption
o Causes irritation to the rectum
o Inconvenience to administer
Inhalation route
o Inhalation is the breathing of air vapour or volatile drugs into the lungs
o The gaseous drugs are inhaled and absorbed through epithelium of the alveoli of
the lungs
o Drug administered through this route may be for the local or systemic effects
o Examples of the drug given by inhalation for systemic effects are volatile
anesthetics agents such as ether, and halothane
Advantage of inhalation route
o Acts very quickly because the lungs have a larger surface area for absorption and
they are reach supplied with blood
o Drug act at the site of action .e.g. pulmonary diseases
o Introduces drug throughout respiratory tract
o Can be used to unconscious client
Disadvantage of inhalation route
o Poor regulation of dosage
o Inconvenience
o Drug intended for localized effect can have systemic effects
o Is used only for respiratory system
Topical Route
o This means application of drug locally at an intended site such as skin, eye, ear or
o Smoothing and softening the dry and rough areas of the skin
o To provide antiseptic or bacteriostatic effects in order to inhibit the growth and
multiplication of micro organism
o To provide a cleansing effects for the removal of dirt demis or infected tissue
Advantage of topical applications
o Provide a local effect
o Few side effects
Disadvantage of topical route
o Drug can enter body through abrasions and cause systemic effects
Parenteral route
o The term parenteral “refer to method of drug administration other than oral and
o It is commonly used to indicate the administration of drugs by “Injections”
o The common types of injections includes, intradermal, subcutaneous,
intramuscular and intravenous
o Drugs given parenterally must be sterile, readily soluble, absorbable, and non
o Sterile aseptic technique must be used to avoid infection
o Accurate drug dosage, proper rate of injection and proper site of injection are
essential to avoid harm such as tissue injuries.
o An injected drug is irretrievable, and an error in dosage or method or site of
injection is not easy corrected.
Traditional Rights
Right client: Nurse must do the following
o Verify client
o Check ID bracelet & room number
o Have client state his/her name
o Distinguish between two clients with same last names
Right drug: Medication order may be prescribed by
o Physician
o Dentist
o Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)
Additional Rights
Right assessment
o Get baseline data before drug administration
Right Documentation
o Immediately record appropriate information
o Name, dose, route, time and date, nurse’s initial or signature
o Client’s response
o Narcotics
o Analgesics
o Antiemetic
o Sedatives
o Unexpected reactions to medications
o Use correct abbreviations and symbols
Right to Education:Client teaching on the following:
o Therapeutic purpose
o side-effects
o Diet restrictions or requirements
o skill of administration
o laboratory monitoring
Right Evaluation
o Client’s response to medications
o Effectiveness
o Extent of side-effects or any adverse reactions.
Right to Refuse:Nurse must:
o Determine when possible reason for refusal.
o Facilitate patient compliance.
o Explain risk for refusing medications and reinforce the reason for medication.
o Refusal should be documented immediately.
o Head nurse or health care provider should be informed when omission pose
threat to patient
Champe, P. C. (2008). Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Pharmacology.
Clayton, B. D., & Willihnganz, M. (2013). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses16: Basic Pharmacology for
Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (Eds.). (2004). Basic & clinical pharmacology (Vol. 8). New
York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill.
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define drug prescription and dose calculation
Identify the components of a drug prescription
Calculation of a drug/medicine dosage
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
Step Time (min) Activity/ Content
1 05 Presentation
Presentation of session title and learning tasks
2 05 Brainstorming
/presentation Definition of prescription and dose calculation
3 10 Lecture discussion Components of a drug prescription
5 05
Presentation Key Points
6 05
Presentation Session Evaluation
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (05 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Example 1: A prescription reads: Paracetamol tablets 1000mg t.i.d daily for 5/7
o Calculate the desired dose /amount of dose to give to a patient
o Calculate the total amount to be dispensed to the patient
Paracetamol tablets 500mg are available in your in the pharmacy
o Formula D/H x Q = x
o D=1000mg H=500mg Q=1 tablet or capsule
o 1000/500 x 1=2 tablets
o There for 2 tablets should be given t.i.d
o Total amount to be dispensed to the patient= Number of tablets or capsules to
be taken at each dose x Number of dose per day x number of days to be taken
Number of tablets or capsules to be taken at each dose=2 tablets
Number of dose per day=3
Number of days to be taken=5
Therefore 2x3x5=30 tablets should be dispensed
For liquid calculation
Same formula Desired dose (amount) = ordered Dose amount/amount on Hand x
Quantity(D/H x Q = x)
o D-dose ordered
o H- amount on hand
o Q- quantity
X-desired dose (amount
But here the volume is calculated
A provider requests lorazepam 4 Mg IV Push for a patient in severe alcohol withdrawal.
The clinician has 2 mg/mL vials on hand. How many milliliters should he or she draw up
in a syringe to deliver the desired dose?
o D/H x Q = x, or Desired dose (amount) = ordered Dose amount/amount on Hand
x Quantity
Dose ordered=4mg
Amount on hand=2mg
Quantity=1 ml
o 4/2x1ml=2
Units of measurement must match, for example, milliliters and milliliters, or one need to
convert to like units of measurement. In the example, above, the ordered dose was in
milligrams, and the have dose was in milligrams, both which cancel out leaving milliliters
(answer called for milliliters), so no further conversion is required
Champe, P. C. (2008). Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Pharmacology.
Clayton, B. D., & Willihnganz, M. (2013). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses16: Basic Pharmacology for
Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (Eds.). (2004). Basic & clinical pharmacology (Vol. 8). New
York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill.
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define of analgesics
List commonly used analgesics
Describe the indication ,mechanism of action and side effects of non-opioid
analgesics (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
Describe the indication ,mechanism of action and side effects of opioid
List commonly used steroids
Describe the indications, mechanism of action and side effects of steroids
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (05 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Are drugs that relieve pain due to multiple causes
o Analgesic drugs act in various ways on the peripheral and central nervous
Side effects
o Acute renal insufficiency in susceptible patients but reversible on stopping the
o Chronic use of NSAIDs can cause “ analgesic nephropathy”:- chronic nephritis
and renal papillary necrosis
o Salicylism:
Occurs after repeated ingestion of large doses:- tinnitus, vertigo ,
decreased hearing, nausea and vomiting
o Reyes’ syndrome – occurs in children
o Large doses alter the acid-base balance and the electrolyte balance
o Hyperpyrexia due to increased metabolic rate
o It is a combination of liver disorder and encephalopathy that can follow an acute
viral illness (mortality 20-40%).
o Generally mild and infrequent but high incidence of gastro-intestinal irritation
with slight asymptomatic blood loss
o Increased bleeding time, bronchospasm and skin reactions in hypersensitive
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
Is one of the most commonly used non-narcotic analgesic-antipyretic agents
It has relatively weak anti-inflammatory activity
o (500mg)by mouth: 0.5–1 g every 6 hours to a maximum 4g daily
Children 2 months 60 mg for post immunization pyrexia, repeated once after 6 hours if
Side effects
o Allergic skin reactions sometimes occur
o Regular intake of large doses over long periods may increase the risk of kidney
It has propionic derivates and is a therapeutically significant anti-inflammatory
The drug is used also in rheumatoid arthritis (including juvenile arthritis) and post
operative analgesia
o 400mg after every 8 hours and should be taken with food to avoid gastric
Side effects
o Acute renal insufficiency in susceptible patients but reversible on stopping the
Indicated in moderate pain and rheumatoid disease and dysmenorrhea
Not recommended in children
o 50mg every 8 hours with food
Side effects
o Skin rashes
o Kidney problems
o Stomach or intestinal bleeding
Used in the relief of pain and suppression of inflammation in rheumatic disease, other
musculoskeletal disorders, acute gout, and post- operative pain
o 50mg every 8 hours after meals.
o Formulations for deep intramuscular injections into the gluteal muscles are also
STEP 5: Indications, Mode of Action and Side Effects of Opioid Analgesics (Narcotics)
Mechanism of action of opioid
The central nervous system contain a series of receptors that controls pain .known as
opiates receptors
The opioids work by mimicking the endogenous (meaning produced by the human
body) endorphins by stimulating opioid receptors in the central and peripheral nervous
systems which results in relief of pain
The opioid receptors are subdivided into four types,mu (µ), delta (δ),kappa (κ) and
epsilon (ε)
It controls somatic pain following trauma or surgery.
Morphine is given through I/V, followed by an anti-emetic to alleviate severe visceral pain.
Morphine is also extremely valuable in the treatment of shock for relieving pain if present and for
calming the patient
o Given at a dose of 10-20mg by month or by subcutaneous, I/M or I/V injection, if necessary
the dose is repeated after 4 hours.
Morphine is the opioid of choice for the oral treatment of severe pain in palliative care
Side effects
o Decreased respiratory effort and low blood pressure
o Nausea and vomiting
o Constipation
o Morphine is addictive and prone to abuse
o If the dose is reduced after long-term use, opioid withdrawal symptoms may occur
Muscle pains
Increased tearing
Trouble sleeping
Is a synthetic narcotic analgesic
Commonly used for postoperative pain relief.
Given at a dose of 50-100mg I/M or by slow I/V injection; if necessary the dose is
repeated after every 4-6 hours in severe pain (A dose of 150mg may be required).
It is also particularly useful in the reduction of severity of labour pain without reducing
the force of contraction of the uterus.
Dependence is likely to occur if taken without caution.
Side effects
o Respiratory depression
o Hypotension
Pethidine cause more severe hypotension than morphine
o Nausea
These reduce the inflammatory component in chronic asthma and are life-saving in
status asthmaticus (acute severe asthma)
They do not prevent the immediate response to allergen or other challenges
The mechanism of action involves decreased formation of mediators like cytokines and
other inflammatory cells
They are given by inhalation (e.g. beclometasone), or intravenous hydrocortisone
Side effects
o sleep problems (insomnia), mood changes
o acne, dry skin, thinning skin, bruising or discoloration
o slow wound healing
o increased sweating
o headache, dizziness, spinning sensation
o nausea, stomach pain, bloating
Indicated for suppression of inflammatory and allergic disorders
o 10-20mg orally daily up to 60mg daily. Acute asthma, 30-40mg daily for few days
gradually reduced when asthma has been reduced
Precaution, avoid rapid withdraw
Common side effects includes
o Acne.
o Dry or thinning skin.
o Bruising or discoloration of the skin.
o Mild nausea or stomach pain.
o Bloating.
o Sleep problems.
o Mild mood changes.
o Increased sweating
Clayton, B. D., & Willihnganz, M. (2013). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses16: Basic Pharmacology for
Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (Eds.). (2004). Basic & clinical pharmacology (Vol. 8). New
York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill.
Rang, H., & Dale, M. (2007). Pharmacology (6th ed.). Edinburgh: Livingstone Churchill
Total Session Time: 120 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define of anaesthetics
List commonly used anaesthetics
Describe the indication ,mechanism of action and side effects of local
Describe the indication ,mechanism of action and side effects of general
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
Step Time (min) Activity/ Content
1 05 Presentation
Presentation of session title and learning tasks
2 05 Brainstorming
/presentation Definition of anaesthetics
3 05 Lecture discussion Commonly used anaesthetics
STEP 5: Indications, Mode of Action and Side Effects of General Anaesthetics (20 Minutes)
General anaesthetics
These are the compounds which induces unconsciousness
General anaesthetics can be administered through
o Intravenous
o Inhalational
o And intramuscular
Mode of action of general anaesthetics
General anaesthetics act on the brain primarily on the mid brain reticular activity system
and the cortex.
A principal site of action (of both general and local anaesthetics) seems to be along the
neuronal lipid bilayer membrane, which is altered by the drugs so that exchanges of Na+
and K+ is inhibited hence prevent transmission of nerve impulses
Adverse Effects
Halothane induces cardiac dysarrythmia
Hepatic damage occurs in a small proportion of exposed patients, in some cases short
lived jaundice
Halothane is contraindicated in a history of jaundice caused by repeated exposure to
Nitrous Oxide
A colourless gas with a slightly sweet odour
Depresses cerebral activity, producing light anaesthesia without depressing respiration
Nitrous oxide is very useful in minor operations such as dental extractions
Its major disadvantage when compared to Ethers and Halothane is that it is very
Nausea and vomiting may occur and prolonged use may cause bone marrow depression
Champe, P. C. (2008). Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Pharmacology.
Clayton, B. D., & Willihnganz, M. (2013). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses16: Basic Pharmacology for
Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (Eds.). (2004). Basic & clinical pharmacology (Vol. 8). New
York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill.
Rang, H., & Dale, M. (2007). Pharmacology (6th ed.). Edinburgh: Livingstone Churchill
Total Session Time: 120 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04101 Infection Prevention and Control
NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define antibacterial and antifungal
Identify common antibacterial and antifungal
Explain mechanism of action of common antibacterial and antifungal
Explain side effects of common antibacterial and antifungal
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Antibacterial also called antibiotics are a drug that either destroys bacteria or suppresses their growth or
their ability to reproduce.
The penicillins share features of chemistry, mechanism of action, pharmacology, and
immunologic characteristics with cephalosporins, monobactams, carbapenems, and β-
lactamase inhibitors.
All are β-lactam compounds, so named because of their four-membered lactam ring.
They are divided into four groups which includes:
o Long acting penicillins e.g. Procaine Benzyl-penicillin (Crystalline penicillin =
crystapen), Fortified Procaine Penicillin (Procaine benzyl penicillin = PPF)
o Acid-resistant penicillins e.g. Phenoxy-methyl penicillin (Penicillin V)
o Penicillin resistance penicillase e.g. Cloxacillin (Orbenin)
o Broad spectrum penicillins e.g. Ampicillin (Penbritin), Cloxacillin
Mechanism of action
Penicillins, like all β-lactam antibiotics, inhibit bacterial growth by interfering with the
transpeptidation reaction of bacterial cell wall synthesis.
The cell wall is a rigid outer layer unique to bacterial species. It completely surrounds
the cytoplasmic membrane, maintains cell shape and integrity, and prevents cell lysis
from high osmotic pressure.
The cell wall is composed of a complex, cross-linked polymer of polysaccharides and
polypeptides, peptidoglycan (also known as murein or mucopeptide).
Penicillin binding protein (PBP, an enzyme) removes the terminal alanine in the process
of forming a cross-link with a nearby peptide. Crosslinks give the cell wall its structural
Beta-lactam antibiotics, covalently bind to the active site of PBPs and this inhibits the
transpeptidation reaction, halting peptidoglycan synthesis, and the cell dies.
The exact mechanism of cell death is not completely understood, but autolysins and
disruption of cell wall morphogenesis are involved.
Beta-lactam antibiotics kill bacterial cells only when they are actively growing and
synthesizing cell wall.
Side effects
The penicillins are generally well tolerated, and unfortunately, this encourages their
misuse and inappropriate use.
Allergic reactions which include anaphylactic shock; urticaria, fever, joint swelling,
intense pruritus; and a variety of skin rashes.
Oral lesions, fever, interstitial nephritis (an autoimmune reaction to a penicillin-protein
complex), eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia and other hematologic disturbances, and
vasculitis may also occur.
In patients with renal failure, penicillin in high doses can cause seizures.
Nafcillin is associated with neutropenia; oxacillin can cause hepatitis; and methicillin
causes interstitial nephritis (and is no longer used for this reason).
Large doses of penicillins given orally may lead to gastrointestinal upset, particularly
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Ampicillin has been associated with pseudomembranous colitis.
Cephalosporins are similar to penicillins, but more stable to many bacterial β lactamases
and therefore have a broader spectrum of activity.
Cephalosporins are not active against enterococci and L monocytogenes.
Although they are efficient antibiotics they are rarely the drug of choice as for many
infections there are cheaper effective substitute.
They can be divided into three groups:
o 1stgeneration include cephalexin
1stgeneration cephalosporins have good activity against gram +VE
organism and moderate activity against gram –VE, including Escherichia
coli, Klebsiela pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis
They are given orally
Mechanism of action
Cephalosporins inhibit cell wall synthesis or activate enzymes that disrupt the cell wall,
causing cell lysis and cell death.
May be bactericidal or bacteriostatic
Most effective against rapid dividing cells
Side effects
Local irritation can produce pain after intramuscular injection and thrombophlebitis
after intravenous injection.
Renal toxicity, including interstitial nephritis and tubular necrosis
Seizures in high dose
Diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps
Hypersensitivity reactions including rashes, urticaria
May increase bleeding tendency, haemolytic anaemia
This is the group of antibiotics which interferers with protein synthesis in the bacteria
i.e. bactericidal i.e. kills bacteria.
Have fairly wide antibacterial range (broad spectrum)
Aminoglycosides are not absorbed in the GIT and are most given by injection except
kanamycin and neomycin
Aminoglycosides include gentamycin, neomycin streptomycin and kanamycin
They are most active against gram +ve and many gram –ve organisms
The common side effect of this group is dose related therefore care must be taken with
dosage and whenever possible Rx should not exceed 7 days
Aminoglycosides have a number of common properties:
o All are poorly/not absorbed in GIT therefore given by injection except kanamycin
and neomycin
o All are excreted by kidney and accumulate occurs due to impaired renal function
o They are all, to greater or lesser degree ototoxic or nephrotoxic
Streptomycin is active against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is reserved for
Mechanism of Action
They are transported across bacterial cell membrane, irreversibly binds to specific
receptor proteins of bacterial ribosomes.
It therefore interfere with protein synthesis, preventing cell reproduction and eventually
causing cell death
Side effects
May result into hypersensitivity reactions
High parenteral dose lead to muscle paralysis
Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity in high doses
May affect fluid and electrolyte balance by causing hypomagnesia
This act primarily against Gram – positive microorganism and gram – ve cocci
Marcolides are used in the Rx of pharyngitis/ tonsillitis sinusitis, chronic bronchitis
pneumonia, uncomplicated skin and skin structure infractions
Absorbed well after oral administration and diffuse widely but doesn’t enter CSF
It is bacteriostatic and act against a wide range of organisms including Streptococcus
pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, not effective against Haemophilus influenza a
common cause of respiratory infection
Marcolides include erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithromycin
Mechanism of action
Reversibly binds to the P site of the 50s ribosomal subunit of susceptible organisms,
inhibiting RNA dependent protein synthesis, it suppress protein synthesis
Useful in individual with penicillins resistance as a substitute
Side effects
Hypersensitivity reactions such as rashes
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain cramping, diarrhea, hepatitis
Following the discovery of penicillins and streptomycin a larger – scale investigation was
carried out into substances that were produced by various fungi.
Three important antibiotics which were discovered are known as tetracyclines
They are similar in chemical structure and toxic effects
The 3 tetracycline are chlortetracycline, oxytetracyclines and tetracyclines
Usually given orally and are quite absorbed from the GIT and 6 hourly dosage is
Tetracycline hydrochloride may be given IV, however it is very irritating to the vein
Mechanism of Action
Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis
Side effects
Benign intracranial hypertension, increase in children, and dizziness
Vestibular reactions
Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, esophagitis, pancreatitis
Photosensitivity rashes, pigmentation of skin and mucous membrane
This group of antibacterial drugs is increasing important, several are available already
and more will be produced probably in a few years coming
Quinolones act against a wide range of gram –VE and gram +VE organisms
They are used primarily in the Rx of lower respiratory infections, skin and skin structure
infections, UTIs and STI
Common ones are ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin
Mechanism of action
Inhibit DNA gyrase in susceptible micro-organisms, interfere with bacterial DNA
replications and repair.
It cause death of susceptible bacteria, therefore it is bactericidal
Side effects
Dizziness, drowsiness, headache, insomnia, acute psychosis agitation, confusion,
hallucination and increase intracranial pressure
arrhythmiasis vasodilatation
Abdominal pain, darrhoea, nausea, altered taste
interstial cystitis vaginitis
This is one of the oldest group of antibacterial agent
It’s importance has decreased due to increase bacterial resistance and replaced by
antibiotics which are more active
They differ in range of organisms (bacteria, plasmodia, cancer cells etc) which they
attack but most of their pharmacological properties are similar
All sulphonamide are well absorbed in the GIT, circulate widely in the body fluids and
crosses the meningeal barrier to enter cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
It circulates in the body partially bind to the plasma protein and partially in free state.
Only the free state has therapeutic effects
After absorption the liver start to acetylated the sulphonamides.
The acetylated together with unaltered sulphonamide are excreted in the urine
The acetylated are poorly soluble, and therefore they precipitate in the urine unless an
adequate flow is maintained by taking a lot of water
The common sulphonamide in use are:
trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole(cotimoxazole/septrine/batrium), sulfadiazine,
sulphadimidine, trimethroprim, sulphacetamide, sulphasalazine
Mechanism of action
It affects the cell by interfering with their use of Para – aminobenzoic acid, which is a
precursor of Folic acid which is essential for cell division
Trimethoprim which is common combined with sulphonamide, interfere with folic acid
metabolism and thus inhibit build up cell nucleus and thus cell dies
The combination of sulphonamide with trimethoprin is partially effective in preventing
bacterial cells division and bactericidal
Sulphonamide are similar to PABA and are taken by bacteria, however can’t be used and
bacteria ceases to multiply
Side effects
Hypersensitivity reactions such as itching and rash
Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset
Loss of appetite
Changes in taste
These are drugs that limit or prevent the growth of yeasts and other fungal organisms.
Fungal infections can be divided into two quite different conditions depending on the
location of the infection.
The antifungal drugs presently available fall into the following categories:
o Systemic drugs (oral or parenteral) for systemic infections
o Oral systemic drugs for mucocutaneous infections
o Topical drugs for mucocutaneous infections
Mechanism of action
Amphotericin B is selective in its fungicidal effect because it exploits the difference in
lipid composition of fungal and mammalian cell membranes.
Ergosterol, a cell membrane sterol, is found in the cell membrane of fungi, whereas the
predominant sterol of bacteria and human cells is cholesterol.
Amphotericin B binds to ergosterol and alters the permeability of the cell by forming
amphotericin B-associated pores in the cell membrane.
Side effects
Infusion-related reactions consist of fever, chills, muscle spasms, vomiting, headache,
and hypotension.
o They can be ameliorated by slowing the infusion rate or decreasing the daily
o Premedication with antipyretics, antihistamines, meperidine, or corticosteroids
can be helpful.
Renal damage is the most significant toxic reaction.
Seizures and a chemical arachnoiditis may develop, after intrathecal therapy with
amphotericin often with serious neurologic sequelae.
Azoles are synthetic compounds that can be classified as either imidazoles or triazoles.
The imidazoles consist of ketoconazole, miconazole, and clotrimazole. The latter two
drugs are now used only in topical therapy.
The triazoles include itraconazole, fluconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole.
Mechanism of action
The antifungal activity of azole drugs results from the reduction of ergosterol synthesis
by inhibition of fungal cytochrome P450 enzymes.
Imidazoles exhibit a lesser degree of selectivity than the triazoles, accounting for their
higher incidence of drug interactions and adverse effects.
Has a narrow antifungal spectrum.
For oesophageal candidiasis, give 200-400mg orally daily until remission is obtained.
Oral dosages of ketaconazole with or immediately after meals.
The drug of choice in esophageal and oropharyngeal candidiasis
A single oral dose usually eradicates vaginal candidiasis.
Fluconazole is now the drug of choice for initial and secondary prophylaxis against
cryptococcal meningitis.
Side effects
Adverse effects of the azoles include vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, and sometimes
hepatotoxicity (especially in patients with pre-existing liver dysfunction).
Ketoconazole inhibits hepatic cytochrome P450 isozymes and may increase the plasma
levels of other drugs, including anticoagulants, cyclosporine, oral hypoglycemics, and
Ketoconazole interferes with the synthesis of adrenal and gonadal steroids and may lead
to gynecomastia, menstrual irregularities, and infertility.
Side effects
Mental confusion
Gastrointestinal irritation
Changes in liver function
A drug interaction may enhance coumarin metabolism, resulting in decreased
anticoagulant effect
Topical azoles
Other topical antifungal agents include the azole compounds miconazole and
Miconazole and clotrimazole are both synthetic imidazoles which are active against
fungi (both dermatophytes and yeast) and gram positive (staphlylococcus and
streptococcus species).
Miconazole and clotrimazole are used for the topical treatment of most common fungal
infection of the skin and vagina.
Specific indication includes ringworm, diaper dermatitis, vaginal candidiasis, and fungal
infection of the outer ear.
Miconazole is used in the treatment of and prevention of oral candidiasis and denture
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education. Bennett, P. N. (2003). Clinical pharmacology. (9th ed.). London:
Churchill Livingstone.
Gould, D., Greenstein. B., & Trounce, J. (2004). Trounce’s clinical pharmacology for nurses (17th ed.).
London: Churchill Livingstone.
Greenstein, B. Gold, D. Trounce, J. (2009): Clinical pharmacology for nurses, (18 th Ed.) Livingstone China,
Hopkins, S. J. Kelly, J.C. (2008): Drugs and Pharmacology for nurses, Livingstone China, Churchill
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Rang, H. P. (1995). Pharmacology (3rd ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.
Total Session Time: 120 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04101 Infection Prevention and Control
NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define anti-helminthic and antimalarial
Identify common anti-helminthic and antimalarial
Explain mechanism of action of common anti-helminthic and antimalarial
Explain side effects of common anti-helminthic and antimalarial
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Anthelmintics are drugs that are used to treat infections with parasitic worms
(helminths) and other internal parasites from the body by either stunning or killing them
and without causing significant damage to the host.
Mebendazole is a synthetic benzimidazole that has a wide spectrum of antihelminthic
activity and a low incidence of adverse effects.
Effective against hookworms, thread worms, round worms and whipworm infestations
by blocking the parasites’ glucose uptake.
It can be taken before or after meals; the tablets should be chewed before swallowing.
Less than 10% of mebendazole is absorbed after oral administration, but a fatty meal
increases absorption.
Metabolized in the liver and only about 5 to 10 per cent of an oral dose is recovered in
The plasma half-life ranges between 2 and 9 hours.
Mebendazole is excreted in the faeces mainly in the unchanged forms.
It is used for mass treatment in community (Chemoprophylaxis) in eradication programs
Mechanism of action
Mebendazole acts by inhibiting microtubule synthesis; the parent drug appears to be
the active form.
Side effects
Mostly tolerated and nearly free from side effects.
Gastro-intestinal disturbances, headache, toxic effects include vomiting, nausea occurs
Mebendazole is teratogenic in animals and therefore contraindicated in pregnancy.
It should be used with caution in children younger than 2 years of age because of limited
experience and rare reports of convulsions in this age group.
Albdendazole is a benzimidazole derivative with a blood-spectrum antihelminthic
Albendazole, a broad-spectrum oral antihelminthic, is the drug of choice for treatment
of hydatid disease and cysticercosis.
It is also used in the treatment of pinworm and hookworm infections, ascariasis,
trichuriasis, and strongyloidiasis.
Albendazole is administered on an empty stomach when used against intraluminal
parasites but with a fatty meal when used against tissue parasites.
Mechanism of action
Albendazole act against nematodes by inhibiting microtubule synthesis.
Albendazole also has larvicidal effects in hydatid disease, cysticercosis, ascariasis, and
hookworm infection and ovicidal effects in ascariasis, ancylostomiasis, and trichuriasis.
Side effects
When used for 1–3 days, albendazole is nearly free of significant adverse effects.
Mild and transient epigastric distress, diarrhea, headache, nausea, dizziness, lassitude,
and insomnia can occur.
In long-term use for hydatid disease, albendazole is well tolerated, but it can cause
abdominal distress, headaches, fever, fatigue, alopecia, increases in liver enzymes, and
Antimalarial are drugs designed to prevent or cure malaria.
Such drugs may be used for some or all of the following: Treatment of malaria in
individuals with suspected or confirmed infection.
Hours 0* 8 24 36 48 60
5 to 15 kgs 3 months up to 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 to 25 kgs 3 years up to 8 2 2 2 2 2 2
25 to 35 kgs 8 years up to 12 3 3 3 3 3 3
Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine (DPQ)
An alternative artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is Dihydroartemisinin-
Piperaquine (DPQ).
Strength: Standard tablet, fixed formulation containing 40mg of Dihydroartemisinin
(DHA) and 320 mg Piperaquine (PPQ).
Paediatric formulation contains a fixed combination of 20 mg of Dihydroartemisinin
(DHA) and 160 mg Piperaquine (PPQ).
2 up to 4 months 5 up to 7 ¼
4 up to 12 months 7 up to 11 ½
1 up to 5 11 up to 19 1
5 up to 9 19 up to 30 1½
9 up to 14 30 up to 45 2
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
MOHSW. (2006). National guidelines for malaria diagnosis and treatment. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Ministry of Health & Social Welfare.
Total Session Time: 60 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04101 Infection Prevention and Control
NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define antiviral
Identify common antiviral
Explain mechanism of action of common antiviral
Explain side effects of common antiviral
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
Step Time (min) Activity/ Content
1 05 Presentation
Presentation of session title and learning objectives
2 05 Brainstorming Definition of antiviral
3 35 Presentation Commonly used antiviral
4 05
Presentation Key Points
5 05
Presentation Session Evaluation
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (5 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Antivirals are drugs that kill a virus or that suppresses its ability to replicate and, hence,
inhibits its capability to multiply and reproduce.
Acyclovir is an acyclic guanosine derivative with clinical activity against Herpes Simplex
Virus type 1 and 2, and Varicella Zoster Virus.
Oral acyclovir has multiple uses. In first episodes of genital herpes, oral acyclovir
shortens the duration of symptoms by approximately 2 days, the time to lesion healing
by 4 days, and the duration of viral shedding by 7 days.
In recurrent genital herpes, the time course is shortened by 1–2 days.
Intravenous acyclovir is the treatment of choice for herpes simplex encephalitis,
neonatal HSV infection, and serious HSV or VZV infections.
In immunocompromised patients with VZV infection, intravenous acyclovir reduces the
incidence of cutaneous and visceral dissemination.
Mechanism of action
Acyclovir triphosphate inhibits viral DNA synthesis by two mechanisms: competition
with deoxyGTP for the viral DNA polymerase, resulting in binding to the DNA template
as an irreversible complex; and chain termination following incorporation into the viral
Acyclovir diffuses readily into most tissues and body fluids.
Side effects
Acyclovir is generally well tolerated.
Nausea, diarrhea, and headache have occasionally been reported.
Intravenous infusion may be associated with reversible renal toxicity or neurologic
Somnolence and lethargy may occur in patients receiving concomitant zidovudine and
ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pairs to add on points not mentioned
Abacavir is a guanosine analog that is well absorbed following oral administration and is
unaffected by food.
Abacavir is often co-administered with lamivudine, and a once daily, fixed-dose
combination formulation is available.
Abacavir is also available in a fixed-dose combination with lamivudine and zidovudine.
Mechanism of action
The NRTIs act by competitive inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase; incorporation
into the growing viral DNA chain causes premature chain termination due to inhibition
of binding with the incoming nucleotide.
Side effects
Symptoms, which generally occur within the first 6 weeks of therapy, include fever,
fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
Possible increase in myocardial infarction
Respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea, pharyngitis, and cough may also be present.
Other potential adverse events are rash, headache, and pancreatitis
Didanosine (ddI)
Didanosine (ddI) is a synthetic analogy of deoxyadenosine.
Side effects
Peripheral neuropathy
Possible increase in myocardial infarction
Lamivudine (3TC)
Lamivudine (3TC) is a cytosine analog with in vitro activity against HIV-1 that is
synergistic with a variety of antiretroviral nucleoside analogs-including zidovudine and
stavudine-against both zidovudine-sensitive and zidovudine-resistant HIV-1 strains.
Lamivudine is often co-administered with abacavir, and a once-daily, fixed-dose
combination formulation is available.
Lamivudine is also available in a fixed-dose combination with zidovudine, either alone or
in combination with abacavir.
Side effects
Potential adverse effects are headache, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, dry mouth, and
gastrointestinal discomfort
Stavudine (d4T)
The thymidine analog stavudine (d4T) has high oral bioavailability that is not food-
Because the co-administration of stavudine and didanosine may increase the incidence
of lactic acidosis and pancreatitis, concurrent use should be avoided. This combination
has been implicated in several deaths in HIV-infected pregnant women.
There is no evidence of human teratogenicity in those taking stavudine.
Side effects
Peripheral neuropathy
Rapidly progressive ascending neuromuscular weakness (rare)
Zidovudine (AZT)
Zidovudine (azidothymidine; AZT) is a deoxythymidine analog that is well absorbed and
distributed to most body tissues and fluids.
Zidovudine is available in a fixed-dose combination formulation with lamivudine, either
alone or in combination with abacavir.
Zidovudine was the first antiretroviral agent to be approved and has been well studied.
The drug has been shown to decrease the rate of clinical disease progression and
prolong survival in HIV-infected individuals.
Efficacy has also been demonstrated in the treatment of HIV-associated dementia and
Side effects
The most common adverse effect of zidovudine is myelosuppression, resulting in
macrocytic anemia or neutropenia.
Gastrointestinal intolerance, headaches, and insomnia may occur
Less common toxicities include thrombocytopenia, hyperpigmentation of the nails, and
High doses can cause anxiety, confusion, and tremulousness.
Side effects
Rash, usually a maculopapular eruption that spares the palms and soles, usually in the
first 4–6 weeks of therapy.
Severe and life-threatening skin rashes have been rarely reported, including Stevens-
Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Symptomatic liver toxicity may occur
Other adverse effects include fever, nausea, headache, and somnolence.
Efavirenz can be given once daily because of its long half-life (40–55 hours).
It is moderately well absorbed following oral administration.
Since toxicity may increase owing to increased bioavailability after a high-fat meal,
efavirenz should be taken on an empty stomach.
Efavirenz should be avoided in pregnant women, particularly in the first trimester as it
may cause congenital anomalies.
Side effects
The principal adverse effects of efavirenz involve the central nervous system. These
include dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, nightmares, and headache.
Psychiatric symptoms such as depression, mania, and psychosis have been observed and
may necessitate discontinuation.
Skin rash
Other potential adverse reactions are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, crystalluria, elevated
liver enzymes, and an increase in total serum cholesterol.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Total Session Time: 120 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define antihypertensive
Identify common beta blockers, diuretics, vasodilators, medicine acting on heart
Explain mechanism of action and side effects of common beta blockers,
diuretics, vasodilators, medicine acting on heart muscles
Explain management of side effects of common beta blockers, diuretics,
vasodilators, medicine acting on heart muscles
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
Step Time Activity/ Content
(min) Method
1 05 Presentation of session Presentation title and learning tasks
2 05 Brainstorming
Presentation Definition of anti-hypertensive
3 30 Presentation Commonly used beta blockers, diuretics, vasodilators,
medicine acting on heart muscles
4 50 Lecture discussion mechanism of action and side effects of common beta
blockers, diuretics, vasodilators, medicine acting on heart
5 20 Lecture discussion Management of side effects of common beta blockers,
diuretics, vasodilators, medicine acting on heart muscles
6 05
Presentation Key Points
7 05
Presentation Session Evaluation
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (5 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Anti-hypertensives are a class of drugs that are used to treat hypertension (high blood
o Antihypertensive therapy seeks to prevent the complications of high blood
pressure, such as stroke and myocardial infarction.
o Evidence suggests that reduction of the blood pressure by 5 mmHg can decrease
the risk of stroke by 34%, of ischaemic heart disease by 21%, and reduce the
likelihood of dementia, heart failure, and mortality from cardiovascular disease
STEP 3: Common Used Beta Blockers, Diuretics, Vasodilators, Medicine Acting On Heart
Muscles (20 Minutes)
There are many classes of antihypertensives, which lower blood pressure by different means. Among the
most important and most widely used drugs are beta blockers, Diuretics, Vasodilators, Medicine acting on
heart muscles.
Beta Blockers also written β-blockers are a class of medications that are predominantly
used to manage abnormal heart rhythms, and to protect the heart from a second heart
attack (myocardial infarction) after a first heart attack (secondary prevention). They are
also widely used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).( Atenolol, Carvedilol,
Propanolol, Labetalol)
Diuretics A diuretic is any substance that promotes diuresis, they increased production
of urine. ( loop diuretics-Furosemide, Bendofurothiazide, potassium sparing diuretics-
spironolactone, amiloride)
Vasodilators examples are Nitropruside, Hydralazine and Captopril.
Medicine acting on heart muscles examples are Hydralazine,Isosorbide dinitrate
(Isordil) sosorbide mononitrate (Imdur)
STEP 4: Mechanism of Action and Side Effects of Common Beta Blockers, Diuretics,
Vasodilators, Medicine Acting on Heart Muscles(50 Minutes)
Beta Blockers
Class of medications that are predominantly used to manage abnormal heart rhythms,
and to protect the heart from a second heart attack (myocardial infarction) after a first
heart attack (secondary prevention), also widely used to treat high blood pressure
(hypertension) .( Atenolo, Carvedilol, Propanolol,Labetalol)
Side effects
Furosemide also can lead to gout caused by hyperuricemia.
Hyperglycemia is also a common side effect.
Tendency, as for all loop diuretics, to cause low serum potassium concentration
(hypokalemia) it is corrected by combination of products, either with potassium or with
the potassium-sparing diuretic amiloride (Co-amilofruse).
Other electrolyte imbalance that can result from furosemide use include hyponatremia,
hypochloremia, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalcemia.
Mechanism of Action
It activate the cGMP enzymes that leads to subsequent release of calcium ions results in
the relaxation of the smooth muscle cells and vasodilation.
Side effects
Symptoms of overdose include
o vasodilatation,
o venous pooling, reduced cardiac output, and hypotension.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Total Session Time: 120 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define anti-diabetics and anticoagulants
Identify common anti-diabetics and anticoagulants
Explain mechanism of action and side effects of common anti-diabetics and
Explain management of side effects of common anti-diabetics and
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
Step Time Activity/ Content
(min) Method
1 05 Presentation
Presentation of session title and learning tasks
2 05 Brainstorming Definitions of anti-diabetics and anticoagulants
3 30 Presentation Commonly anti-diabetics and anticoagulants
Anti-Diabetes these are drugs used to treat diabetes mellitus by lowering the glucose
level in the blood. With the exceptions of insulin, all are administered orally are
called oral hypoglycaemic agents or oral anti-hyperglycaemic agents
An anticoagulant is a drug (blood thinner) that treats, prevents, and reduces the risk of
blood clots-breaking off and traveling to vital organs of the body, which can lead to life
threatening situations.
o They work by preventing blood from coagulating to form a clot in the vital organs
such as the heart, lungs and brain.
Mechanism of action of insulin
Increases insulin in the body and these results in increase insulin receptor binding route
of administration for all types by subcutaneous injection.The
molecular mechanism of insulin actioninitiates its action by binding to a glycoprotein
receptor on the surface of the cell. Activation of this kinase is believed to generate a
signal that eventually results in insulin's action on glucose, lipid, and protein
Acetohexamide (Dymelor)
Mechanism of action
Lowers blood sugar by stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin and helping the body
use insulin efficiently.The pancreas must produce insulin for this medication to work
Therapeutic effects are more potent and have longer action than Tolbutamide. It promotes and
increase effectiveness of endogenous insulin.
It pharmacokinetics;
o Absorption: Rapidly absorbed from GI tract.
o Onset: 1 h. Peak: 2–4 h. Duration: 12–24 h.
Side effects
Symptoms of severe hypoglycemia include extreme weakness, blurred vision, sweating,
trouble speaking, tremors, stomach pain, confusion, seizure (convulsions), or coma
Metformin (Glucophage, Glumetza).
• Generally, metformin is the first medication prescribed for type 2 diabetes.
Mechanism of action
• It works by improving the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin so that body uses insulin more
effectively. Metformin also lowers glucose production in the liver.
Side effects
• Nausea and diarrhea are common
These medications help body secrete more insulin.
Examples of medications in this class include glyburide (DiaBeta, Glynase), glipizide (Glucotrol)
and glimepiride (Amaryl).
Side effects
Include low blood sugar and weight gain.
Diabinese (chlorpropamide)
Indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with
type 2 diabetes mellitus
Initial therapy the mild to moderately severe, middle-aged, stable type 2 diabetes
patient should be started on 250 mg daily.
The most common side effects
• Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headache
An anticoagulant medicine is used in patients to prevent blood clots from forming in veins, arteries, the
heart, and the brain of a patient.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill. Bennett, P. N. (2003). Clinical pharmacology. (9th ed.). London: Churchill
Gould, D., Greenstein. B., & Trounce, J. (2004). Trounce’s clinical pharmacology for nurses (17th ed.).
London: Churchill Livingstone.
Greenstein, B. Gold, D. Trounce, J. (2009): Clinical pharmacology for nurses, (18 th Ed.) Livingstone China,
Hopkins, S. J. Kelly, J.C. (2008): Drugs and Pharmacology for nurses, Livingstone China, Churchill
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Rang, H. P. (1995). Pharmacology (3rd ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.
Total Session Time: 60 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define emetics, anti-emetics
Identify common emetics and anti-emetics
Explain mechanism of action and side effects emetics and anti-emetics
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Emetic, any agent that produces nausea and vomiting. The use of emetics is limited to
the treatment of poisoning with certain toxins that have been swallowed. Although its
use is now discouraged.
Anti-emetics:are drugs prescribed to help with nausea and vomiting that are side effects
of other drugs.
o This may include drugs for anaesthesia used during surgeries or chemotherapy
for cancer.
o Antiemetic drugs are also used for nausea and vomiting caused by
motion sickness
morning sickness during pregnancy
severe cases of the stomach flu (gastroenteritis)
other infections
STEP 4: Mechanism of Action and Side Effects of Common emetics and anti-emetics (20
The prototypical central emetic is apomorphine, and the prototypical gastric emetic
is ipecac.
Mechanism of action of Emetics
The precise mechanism of action of apomorphine as a treatment for Parkinson's
disease is unknown, although it is believed to be due to stimulation of post-synaptic
dopamine D2-type receptors within the brain.
Apomorphine causes vomiting by acting on dopamine receptors in
the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the medulla; this activates the nearby vomiting
Pharmacokinetics of apomorphine it lower bioavailability when taken orally, due to
not being absorbed well in the GI tract and undergoing heavy first-pass metabolism.
It has a bioavailability of 100% when given subcutaneously. It reaches peak plasma
concentration in 10–60 minutes.
STEP 5: Management of Side Effects of Common Emetics and Anti-Emetics (30 minutes)
Coping with emetics and Anti-emetics Side Effects
In taking medication to control nausea may experience symptoms some of which may be side
effects from the medication.
o Many medication-related side effects diminish with time.
but if they persist or are troublesome,
o a prescriber may be able to minimize them by lowering the dosage,
o switching to another drug,
o Prescribing medication to counteract the side effects.
Alternatively, some side effects—particularly the less severe ones—can be managed with lifestyle
or self-care measures.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Gould, D., Greenstein. B., & Trounce, J. (2004). Trounce’s clinical pharmacology for nurses (17th ed.).
London: Churchill Livingstone.
Greenstein, B. Gold, D. Trounce, J. (2009): Clinical pharmacology for nurses, (18 th Ed.) Livingstone China,
Hopkins, S. J. Kelly, J.C. (2008): Drugs and Pharmacology for nurses, Livingstone China, Churchill
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Rang, H. P. (1995). Pharmacology (3rd ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.
Total Session Time: 60 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define anti-acids and anticholinergic
Identify common anti-acids and anticholinergic
Explain mechanism of action and side effects anti-acids and anticholinergic
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (05 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
o Is a substance which neutralizes stomach acidity and is used to relieve
heartburn, indigestion or an upset stomach.
o Are drugs that block the action of acetylcholine.
o Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter, or a chemical messenger.
Common Anticholinergic
Antipsychotic like clozapine
STEP 4: Mechanism of Action and Side Effects of Common Anti-Acids and Anticholinergic
(25 Minutes)
Anti-Acids Drugs
Antiacids are commonly used for heartburn ,excessive eating and for peptic ulcer disease
Mechanism of action
o These are weak alkalis and so they partly neutralize free acid in the stomach and
partly they stimulate mucosal repair mechanisms around the ulcers possibly by
stimulating local prostaglandin release
o This is by buffering the hydrochloric acid (Normal pH1 to 2) to a lower hydrogen
ion concentration with pH of 3 to 4 which is highly desired because the
proteolytic action of pepsin is reduced and the gastric loses its corrosive effect
o Aluminum-intoxication
o Osteomalacia
o Hypophosphatemia
Antacids that contain magnesium may cause
o Diarrhea
This is because they have a laxative effect
o Increased magnesium level in blood
In patients with renal failure they may cause increased magnesium levels in the
blood, because of the reduced ability of the kidneys to eliminate magnesium from
the body in the urine
Chalky taste
The ant cholinergic drugs are used clinically for treatment of the gastro intestinal and
opthalamic disorders
Mechanism of action
These drugs act by occupying receptors sites at the parasympathetic nerve ending
Which then prevent the action of acetylcholine
The parasympathetic response is reduced ,depending on the amount of anti-cholinergic
drug activity
The effect includes mydriasis of the pupil with increased intraocular pressure in patients
with glaucoma, dry tenacious secretions of the mouth , throat ,nose and bronchi and
increased heart rate and gastrointestinal tract motility
o Atropine is used as pre-operative medications
The usual dosage is 0.5 to 1 mg IV push, may repeat every 3 to 5 minutes
up to a total dose of 3 mg (maximum 0.04 mg/kg)
An action ison the parasympathetic nervous system inhibits salivary and
mucus glands hence reduce saliva and bronchial secretions during
Also for treatment of pylorospasm and spastic condition on the
gastrointestinal tract
o Also atropine is used in the examination of the eye to dilate the pupil
Rang, H., & Dale, M. (2007). Pharmacology (6th ed.). Edinburgh: Livingstone Churchill
Total Session Time: 60 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04101 Infection Prevention and Control
NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define of ant-asthmatics
List commonly used ant-asthmatics
Describe the indication ,mechanism of action and side effects of anti-asthmatics
List the commonly used cough remedies
Describe the indication ,mechanism of action and side effects of cough remedies
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Session Overview Box
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (05 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Is defined as follows
Is a beta2 agonist which acts by stimulating the beta 2 receptors in the smooth muscles
of the bronchi causing relaxation
Preparations Available
o Tablets, syrup, and aerosol/ inhalation
Dose 4mg tid daily
o Inhalation 200microgram -2 puff 3 to 4 times a day
o Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), especially aspirin, can
precipitateasthma in sensitive individuals
Mechanism of action
o The beta adrenergic agonists stimulate the beta receptors in the smooth muscles
of the tracheobronchial tree to relax
o Opening the airway passage to greater volume of air
STEP 6: Indications, Mode of Action and Side Effects of Cough Remedies (35Minutes)
Is a medication that helps bring up mucus and other material from the lungs, bronchi,
and trachea
Mechanism of action
Expectorants aid clearance by increasing bronchial secretions and the production of
mucus that is less viscous and therefore coughed up more easily.
Thus the combination ciliary action and coughing expels the phlegm from the pulmonary
Is one of the expectorant used
Side effects
Nausea and vomiting
Inhalation of steam aids expectoration
The warm water vapour hydrates the bronchial tree and increases the secretion of
mucus that is less viscous which can easily be removed by coughing
Addition of menthol, tincture of benzoin, eucalyptus encourages deep inhalation of the
Mucolytic agents
Cough Suppressants
Nasal Decongestants
Aromatic Inhalations
o Inhalations containing volatile substances such as eucalyptus oil are traditionally
used and although the vapour may contain little of the additive, it encourages
deliberate inspiration of warm moist air which is often comforting in bronchitis
o Pseudoephedrine is available over the counter
o Dose
Adult 60 mg 3–4 times daily
Child 2–6 years 15 mg 3–4 times daily, 6–12 years 30 mg 3–4 times daily
Side Effects
Tachycardia, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, rarely hallucinations, rash, and
urinaryretention also reported
Champe, P. C. (2008). Lippincott's illustrated reviews: Pharmacology.
Clayton, B. D., & Willihnganz, M. (2013). Basic Pharmacology for Nurses16: Basic Pharmacology for
Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (Eds.). (2004). Basic & clinical pharmacology (Vol. 8). New
York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill.
Rang, H. P. (1995). Pharmacology (3rd ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.
Rang, H., & Dale, M. (2007). Pharmacology (6th ed.). Edinburgh: Livingstone Churchill
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define anti-tuberculosis
Identify common anti-tuberculosis
Explain mechanism of action of common anti-tuberculosis
Explain side effects of common anti-tuberculosis
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Handout: Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin and Ethambutol
Session Overview Box
Step Time (min) Activity/ Content
1 05 Presentation
Presentation of session title and learning tasks
2 05 Brainstorming Definition of anti-tuberculosis
3 40 Presentation Commonly used anti-tuberculosis
4 05
Presentation Key Points
5 05
Presentation Session Evaluation
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (05 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
These are drugs that are used to manage tuberculosis.
TB Treatment Regimens
Tuberculosis is treated in two phases:
o Initial /intensive phase, which consists of: RHZE for 2 months for new case AND SRHZE
for 2 months then RHZE 1 month for re-treatment case.
o Continuation phase, which consists of: RH for 4 months for new patient AND RHE 5
months for re-treatment case.
Table Recommended Daily Doses of first-line anti-TB drugs for adults and children
New/Retreatment Initial phase Continuation phase
21 – 30 kg 2 2
31 – 50 kg 3 3
51 – 74 kg 4 4
≥ 75 kg 5 5
4 – 7 kg 8 – 11 kg 12 – 15 kg 16 – 24 kg 25 kg +
4 months of RH (75/50) 1 2 3 4
phase, daily
Rifampicin is the most important drug to be discovered for TB.
It was discovered in the late 1950s but registered for use in TB treatment in 1963 (UK)
and 1964 (US).
In Tanzania rifampicin is only available for management of TB.
Mechanism of action
Bactericidal and affects RNA/protein synthesis
Mainly oral but can be given intravenously
Well absorbed when given orally and reaches peak concentration in plasma 2-4 hours
after oral administration
Absorption is improved when the oral dose is taken on an empty stomach.
90-95%, and undergoes wide distribution into most body tissues and fluids, including
penetration into the cerebrospinal fluid.
This is an advantage in management of TB meningitis.
Because of extensive body distribution, saliva, tears, sweat, urine, and faeces are
colored orange-red; this can frighten patients if they are not warned about that.
And they should be informed that it is sign that the patient is taking the treatment.
Rifampicin is the most effective (able to kill the TB bacilli) drug therefore backbone of TB
Used in initial and continuation phases of TB treatment
Kills both rapidly multiplying and dormant TB organisms
Side effects
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea
skin rash and itching
Thrombocytopaenia and acute haemolytic anaemia.
Thrombocytopenia refers to reduced number of platelets.
Patients with severe thrombocytopenia have problems with clotting.
Rifampicin can also cause red blood cells to disintegrate or hemolyse and this can lead
to anemia and jaundice.
Isoniazid (INH) is one of the main drugs used in TB treatment during both the intensive
phase (first two months) and during the continuation phase (6 months)
Mechanism of action
Bactericidal for rapidly dividing mycobacteria but bacteriostatic for slow growing
Inhibits the synthesis of mycolic acid in the mycobacterial cell wall.
INH also disrupts DNA, lipid, carbohydrate, and interferes with other metabolic activities
of the TB organisms, thus making it difficult for them to live.
Mainly oral (tablets or syrup) but can be given intravenously and intramuscularly
Food and antacids such as aluminium hydroxide interfere with absorption
Metabolized in the liver so the dose must be reduced if liver function is impaired.
Isoniazid causes hepatotoxicity and patients who develop jaundice should be referred
Isoniazid and its metabolites are excreted in the urine
Kills 90% of the total population of bacilli during the first few days of treatment (hence
used in the initial phase).
Most effective against the metabolically active, continuously growing bacilli.
Isoniazid and rifampicin are most effective in preventing resistance to other drugs.
Isoniazid can be used to prevent development of TB disease in a program referred to as
Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT).
o PLHIV who have been exposed to TB with no “active” TB (no signs and
symptoms) are given INH to prevent them from developing active TB according
to the National TB & Leprosy guideline.
Dosage Forms
Dosage forms: Available as fixed dose combination (FDC), single drug, syrup and
injection (but rarely used)
Side effects
Unwanted effects depend on the dosage and occur in about 5% of individuals
Peripheral neuropathy
Liver problems (Hepatitis)
It also causes a skin rash, fever, nausea and vomiting may cause haemolytic anaemia in
individuals with glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency deficiency
Drug interaction
It decreases the metabolism of the antiepileptic agents; phenytoin, ethosuximide and
carbamazepine, resulting in an increase in the plasma concentration and toxicity of
these drugs.
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
MOHCDGEC, 2017. The United Republic of Tanzania Standard Treatment Guidelines and National
Essential Medicines List5th ed., Dar es Salaam.
Mechanism of Action
Pyrazinamide is converted to pyrazinoic acid - the active form of the drug - by
mycobacterial pyrazinamidase.
The specific drug target is unknown, but pyrazinoic acid disrupts mycobacterial cell
membrane metabolism and transport functions.
Pyrazinamide is an important front-line drug used in conjunction with isoniazid and
rifampin in short-course (ie, 6-month) regimens as a “sterilizing” agent active against
residual intracellular organisms that may cause relapse.
Tubercle bacilli develop resistance to pyrazinamide fairly readily, but there is no cross-
resistance with isoniazid or other antimycobacterial drugs.
Side effects
Major adverse effects of pyrazinamide include hepatotoxicity (in 1–5% of patients)
drug fever
Streptomycin was isolated from a strain of Streptomyces griseus.
Mechanism of action
Irreversible inhibitor of protein synthesis, but the precise mechanism for bactericidal
activity is not known.
Streptomycin is mainly used as a second-line agent for treatment of tuberculosis.
Nontuberculous Infections: In plague, tularemia, and sometimes brucellosis
The dosage is 0.5–1 g/d (7.5–15 mg/kg/d for children), which is given intramuscularly or
It should be used only in combination with other agents to prevent emergence of
The typical adult dose is 1 g/d (15 mg/kg/d).
Side effects
Streptomycin is ototoxic and nephrotoxic.
Vertigo and hearing loss are the most common adverse effects and may be permanent.
Toxicity can be reduced by limiting therapy to no more than 6 months whenever
Fever, skin rashes, and other allergic manifestations may result from hypersensitivity to
Pain at the injection site is common but usually not severe.
Streptomycin given during pregnancy can cause deafness in the newborn and,
therefore, is relatively contraindicated.
Susceptible strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other mycobacteria are inhibited
in vitro by ethambutol, 1–5 mcg/mL.
Ethambutol is well absorbed from the gut.
Ethambutol crosses the blood-brain barrier only when the meninges are inflamed.
As with all anti-tuberculous drugs, resistance to ethambutol emerges rapidly when the
drug is used alone. Therefore, ethambutol is always given in combination with other
antituberculous drugs.
Mechanism of action
Ethambutol inhibits mycobacterial arabinosyl transferases.
The higher dose is recommended for treatment of tuberculous meningitis.
The dose of ethambutol is 50 mg/kg when a twice-weekly dosing schedule is used.
Side effects
The most common serious adverse event is retro-bulbar neuritis, resulting in loss of
visual acuity and red-green colour blindness.
This dose-related adverse effect is more likely to occur at dosages of 25 mg/kg/d
continued for several months.
Ethambutol is relatively contraindicated in children too young to permit assessment of visual acuity
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define antipsychotics and antidepressants
Identify common antipsychotics and antidepressants
Explain mechanism of action of common antipsychotics and antidepressants
Explain side effects of common antipsychotics and antidepressants
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (05 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Mechanism of Action
Chlorpromazine is a narcoleptic drug (often known as a “major tranquillizer”) which
abolishes or reduces the thought disorder which characterizes schizophrenia.
It is believed to act by blocking the D2 dopamine receptors in the limbic areas.
Chlorpromazine is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders.
For long-term treatment of schizophrenia the patient should be maintained on the
lowest possible dose that will prevent major exacerbation of symptoms of the disease
Chlorpromazine is also used in the treatment of severe organic psychosis
The dosage is to give 50-300mg orally every 8 hours depending on clinical requirements.
Side Effects
Chlorpromazine may adversely affect movement, autonomic nervous functions and
These may occur after some years of antipsychotic therapy.
There may be tardive dyskinesia, a movement disorder usually with involuntary
movement of the tongue, jaw and face.
Postural hypotension, dryness of mouth, visual disturbances, retention of urine and
constipation may also occur.
Jaundice, rashes and agranulocytosis are rare.
Chlorpromazine is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease
and impaired consciousness.
Drug Interactions
Chlorpromazine and haloperidol interact with Reserpine, leading to increased risk of
extra pyramidal effects.
Metoclopramide interacts in the phenothiazines and Haloperidol, also causing increased
risk of extra pyramidal effects.
Mechanism of Action
A selective depressant action on the CNS and reduces psychomotor activity
Produces less sedation than chlorpromazine
Marked antiemetic activity
Long duration of up to 24 hours and therefore need not be given more frequently
thanonce or twice daily
Readily absorbed from the GIT, concentrated in the liver and in part excreted in the bile
Slowly excreted in the urine, with less than half of the dose taken being eliminated in
Haloperidol is used in the treatment of mania and schizophrenia to control
delusions,hallucinations and paranoia
It is also used in tranquilizing and treatment of behavioral disturbances in adults
andchildren. It is used in short-term adjunctive treatment of severe anxiety
Treatment of psychoses in adults, given by mouth initially 2-5mg daily in divided
dosesgradually, increasing to 100mg daily in severely disturbed patients
For treatment of psychoses in children, give 25-50 micrograms per kg body weight
dailyto a maximum of 10mg
For adolescents, give up to 30mg daily in two divided doses
In severe anxiety, give adults 500 micrograms orally twice daily
For the treatment of psychoses, given by I/M injection 2-10mg (increasing to 30
foremergency control) and then 5mg every 4 to 6 hours or more frequently, as may
bedeemed necessary
Side Effects
Adverse effects and contraindications are the same as with chlorpromazine
It is less sedating than chlorpromazine and has fewer ant cholinergic and
Drug Interactions
Haloperidol and phenothiazines may increase risk of extra pyramidal effects
Carbamazepine, phenothiazines and rifampicin interact with haloperidol causing
reduced plasma concentrations of haloperidol
Imipramine and Amitriptyline are the most widely used in the treatment or depressive
Imipramine is less sedative compared to Amitriptyline
Mechanism of action
Inhibitors of the reuptake of nor adrenaline (nor epinephrine) and serotonin (5-HT)
incentral monoaminergic neurons
Indicated for depressive illness; also used for nocturnal enuresis in children
Cautions, Contraindications and Side Effects
see under Amitriptyline Hydrochloride (but less sedating)
Depression, initially up to 75 mg daily in divided doses increased gradually to 150–200
mg (up to 300 mg in hospital patients); up to 150 mg may be given as a singledose at
bedtime; in elderly initially 10 mg daily, increased gradually to 30–50 mg daily;in child
not recommended for depression.
Nocturnal enuresis, child 7–8 years 25 mg, 8–11 years 25–50 mg, over 11 years 50–75
mg at bedtime; maximum period of treatment (including gradual withdrawal) 3 months-
full physical examination before further course.
Depressive illness and as a prophylaxis of migraine.
For depressive illness, initially 50-70mg in a single or divided dose, gradually increased
to 150mg.
For prophylaxis of migraine, 25mg at night increased to 75mg
Avoid alcohol and driving as it causes drowsiness
Side Effect
Dry mouth
urinary retention
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Bennett, P. N. (2003). Clinical pharmacology. (9th ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.
Gould, D., Greenstein. B., & Trounce, J. (2004). Trounce’s clinical pharmacology for nurses (17th ed.).
London: Churchill Livingstone.
Greenstein, B. Gold, D. Trounce, J. (2009): Clinical pharmacology for nurses, (18 th Ed.) Livingstone China,
Hopkins, S. J. Kelly, J.C. (2008): Drugs and Pharmacology for nurses, Livingstone China, Churchill
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Rang, H. P. (1995). Pharmacology (3rd ed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.
Total Session Time: 60 minutes
Prerequisites: NMT 04103 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define anticonvulsants, hypnotics and anxiolytics
Identify common anticonvulsants, hypnotics and anxiolytics
Explain mechanism of action of common anticonvulsants, hypnotics and
Explain side effects of common anticonvulsants, hypnotics and anxiolytics
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
Anticonvulsants (also commonly known as antiepileptic drugs or as anti-seizure drugs)
are a diverse group of pharmacological agents used in the treatment
of epileptic seizures.
Mechanism of Action
Like the other barbiturates, phenorbabitone acts in a non-selective manner, at its
mainmechanism of action is that of potentiation, the effect of Gamma Amino Butyric
Acid(GABA) and reducing the action of glutamic acid at the receptor sites.
It is used for temporal lobe epilepsy, tonic clonic seizures, status epilepticus
andprevention of febrile convulsions status epilepsy, except absence seizures
It should be given only once daily at night
In children dosage is, by mouth 3 – 5 mg/kg body weight per day
Adults, 60–180 mg at night
For status epilepticus, by intravenous injection (dilute injection 1 in 10 with water
forinjections), 10 mg/kg at a rate of not more than 100 mg/minute, max 1 g
Phenorbabitone is contraindicated in porphyria
Drug Interactions
Phenorbabitone is a potent liver enzyme inducer and increases the clearance of
manymedicines including warfarin, carbamazepine, oral contraceptives steroids and
It also has additive effect with other sedative or hypnotic medicines
Side Effects
Hepatitis, hypotension;
respiratory depression,
behavioural disturbances, drowsiness,lethargy, depression, ataxia, hallucinations,
impaired memory and cognition,
hyperactivity particularly in the elderly and in children;
megaloblasticanaemia (may be treated with folic acid)
It is one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of partial and
generalizedtonic/clonic seizures.
Mechanism of Action
Phenytoin has a number of actions on neurons
It acts on voltage-sensitive sodium channels thereby blocking the repetitive firing
It reduces calcium entry into neurons which block neurotransmitter release, and
itenhances the action of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA
It is used as a prophylaxis in partial seizures and as treatment in tonic/clonic seizures
Phenytoin is not normally effective against other generalized seizure types.
Phenytoin is the third choice after phenorbabitone and diazepam.
The most commonly used anxiolytics and hypnotics
They act at benzodiazepine receptors which are associated with gamma-amino
butyricacid (GABA) receptors.
They enhance the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter at the GABA receptor
whichis situated on chloride channel.
The benzodiazepines act on another receptor on the chloride channel which is
distinctfrom the GABA receptor site.
The commonly used benzodiazepine at the primary facility is Diazepam.
Others includeLorazepam, Olanzepam and Clonazepam.
This has a relatively selective action on components of the limbic, thereby
reducinganxiety at doses that have little effect on the reticular activating system (i.e.
little sedativeeffect). It has also the relaxant effect on skeletal muscle (mediated
Diazepam has an anticonvulsant activity and has long half-life and also it can also
causeamnesia; this is why is used in pre-anesthetic medication (e.g. in dental
It is indicated for short term use in anxiety or insomnia, recurrent seizures,
febrileconvulsions, adjunct in alcohol withdrawal and status epilepticus.
Anxiety: adult doses orally 2mg every 8 hours, increase if necessary to 15 – 30 mgdaily in
divided doses
Insomnia associated with anxiety: orally 5-15 mg at night
Night terrors and somnambulism in children: orally 1-5 mg at night
Severe anxiety: control of acute panic attack by intramuscular injection or slow
IVinjection (rate not more than 5 mg /minute) 10 mg repeated if necessary after 4
Status epilepticus: by I/V injection 10-20 mg at a rate of 5mg/minute, repeated
ifnecessary after 30-60 minutes, may followed by I/V infusion to the maximum
of3mg/kg body weight over 24 hours, children 200 – 300 μg/kg.
Diazepam can be given intramuscularly, but I/V administration is most preferredbecause
absorption can be irregular and unpredictable.
Respiratory disease, alcohol, avoid prolonged use and abrupt withdrawal
Avoid in patients with porphyria (liver disease) or renal impairment
Other sedative drugs can produce addictive CNS depression when taken with Diazepam
Respiratory depression
Chronic psychosis phobic or obsession state
Acute pulmonary insufficiencies
Severe hepatic impairment and myasthenia gravis
Side Effects
Drowsiness, confusion and ataxia (especially in the elderly)
Dependency, amnesia, muscle weakness headache, gastro intestinal disturbances,
urinary retention blood disorders and jaundice
Skin reaction, raised liver enzymes and vertigo
Katzung, B. G., Masters, S. B., & Trevor, A. J. (2012). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (LANGE Basic
Science). McGraw-Hill Education.
Laurence, D. R., Bennett, P. N., & Brown, M. J. (1997). Clinical pharmacology (8th ed.). Edinburgh:
Livingstone Churchill.
Learning Tasks
At the end of this session a learner is expected to be able to:
Define anticancer
Identify common anticancer
Explain mechanism of action of common anticancer
Explain side effects of common anticancer
Resources Needed:
Flip charts, marker pens, and masking tape
Black/white board and chalk/whiteboard markers
LCD Projector and computer
Note Book and Pen
4 05
Presentation Key Points
5 05
Presentation Session Evaluation
STEP 1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks (05 minutes)
READ or ASK participants to read the learning tasks
ASK participants if they have any questions before continuing
Anticancers are drugs used to destroy malignant cells with minimal damage to normal
cells, but few drugs are so selective.
The majority of anticancer agents (with the exceptional of hormonal drugs) attack all
rapidly dividing cells which accounts for their severe side effect.
Alkylating Agents
Alkylating drugs kill cancer cells by directly attacking DNA, the genetic material of
By attacking the DNA, the drug prevents the cell from forming new cells.
Nitrogen mustards, which were the first nonhormonal chemicals with anticancer
abilities,are alkylating drugs. Cyclophosphamide and Mustargen are two alkylating
Cyclophosphamide, the most common alkylating agent, is often used in combination
withother drugs to treat breast cancer, lymphomas, and other tumors in both children
Mustargen is part of the treatment for Hodgkin's disease.
These drugs interfere with the production of DNA and keep cells from growing
They are used to treat a variety of cancers including breast cancer, leukemia,
lymphoma,colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer, osteogenic sarcoma,
choriocarcinoma (a rareuterine cancer), and urothelial cancer.
Examples of antimetabolites are 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), Tegafur, and Uracil.
Steroid hormones slow the growth of some cancers that depend onhormones
For example, drugs in this group include:
o Progestogens: They are alternative drugs used in breast cancer.
o Examples include:
Tamoxifen: is used to treat breast cancers that depend on the hormone
estrogen for growth.
It is given in dose of 10mg twice a day, subsequently increased as
required upto 20mg twice a day.
Gestronol is used in endometrial cancer and benign prostate hypertrophy
in doses of200-400mg weekly by intramuscular injection
o Oestrogens: Inhibits the production of androgens, and on that account they have
beenused in the treatment of prostatic cancer.
o Examples of drugs in this group include:
Ethinyloestradol which is given in a dose of 3mg daily.