A History of Palestine in 10 Sides
A History of Palestine in 10 Sides
A History of Palestine in 10 Sides
app are
1,790 BC
1,203 BC 1,500 BC
Ibrahim AS and his nephew Lut AS migrate to Palestine
Musa AS leads the Children of Ya’qub (Canaan) from Ur, a place in modern-day Iraq, which was
Palestine falls under Egyptian
(Banu Israel) from Egypt, escaping rule. The Pharaoh of Egypt part of the Babylonian Empire. Later, Ibrahim AS’
Pharaoh, towards Palestine. The Banu enslaves many of Ibrahim AS’ newphew Lut AS is ordered to go to the cities of Sodom
Israel refuse to enter as the Canaanites descendants who had settled and Gomorrah, east of Jerusalem. Ibrahim AS’ grandson,
in Palestine have might and power. in Egypt after Ya’qub AS had Ya’qub (also known as Israel), the son of Ishaq AS moves
They are banished for 40 years. moved there. to Egypt at the bequest of his son, Yusuf AS.
1,018 BC
1,157 BC 1,025 BC
Dawud AS is the second King of the Israelites
The 12 tribes of Banu Israel unite and moves towards Jerusalem, currently
After being banished for 40 years, under King Talut (Saul) as their ruled by the Jebusites, a Canaanite tribe. He
Banu Israel capture Jerusalem from defeats them and Jerusalem becomes his
first king. They battle with the
the Canaanites under the capital. He builds a Masjid - within Masjid al-
Philistines tribe. Goliath, a mighty
leadership of Yusha’ bin Nun AS. Aqsa (which is the entire compound), that
Philistine warrior, is killed by the
Palestine is divided between the 12 was originally designated by Adam AS. Jews
tribes. They still face challenges
Israelite shepherd Dawud AS.
Dawud AS later becomes king. refer to this as a ‘temple’.
from some remaining Canaanite
tribes and the Phillistines tribe who
are near the west coast of Palestine.
538 BC
King Darius, of the Persian Empire, allows the building of
the Second Temple. He even provides financial
assistance. The rebuilding is led by the governor of
Judea, Zerubbabel.
264 BC 164 BC
333 BC
Banu Israel (the Hasmonean jews)
Alexander the Great travels East from The Romans begin
revolt against Seleucids in the
Greece to conquer the Persian Empire and heading to the East,
gains control over Jerusalem. He dies young,
Maccabean Revolt. They recapture
taking control of
and Ptolemies take charge of Egypt while Jerusalem and establish the
North Africa -
Seleucids take charge of the area of Hasmonean Kingdom but infighting
Palestine, Jordan, Syria & Iraq Tunisia.
begins amongst Banu Israel.
37 BC
0 BC 63 BC
The Romans appoint Herod, a Jewish
Isa AS is born. However, Banu Israel convert, to oversee Jerusalem. He The Romans take advantage
reject him. They go to the Roman extends the Masjid (called ‘Herod’s and conquer Jerusalem
governor Pontius Pilate and have Isa Temple’) on a grand scale. He places an under Emperor Pompey.
AS ‘crucified’ - or so they believe. eagle at its entrance to please the Judea (where Masjid al-Aqsa
Romans. is) is now a part of the
Roman Republic.
The Banu Israel revolt against 570
the Romans in Palestine. After The Eastern/Byzantine Roman
several months of fighting, Emperor (Roman Empire by now had a
Western and Eastern Empire)
Vespasian and Titus crush the
revolt and flatten Jerusalem
Constantine becomes a Christian.
Jerusalem is now run by Christians.
Sallallahu Alayhi
entirely. Herod’s temple is
destroyed and Banu Israel are
Persecution of jews begins as Wasallam is born
Christians rule Palestine for 300 years.
624 614
The second caliph of the Muslims,
Umar RA has conquered much of
Persia and now conquers Jerusalem. Heraclius, the Byzantine emperor recaptures The Persian Empire,
He meets Sophronius, signs a treaty Jerusalem from the Persians as predicted by becoming stronger, attack
and cleans Masjid al-Aqsa (which is the Qur’ān in Surah al-Rum. Jews are again and conquer Jerusalem. They
the entire compound). No blood is persecuted. Sophronius, a pious Christian raze it to the ground and the
shed. priest, becomes Patriarch of Jerusalem. ‘True Cross’ is taken to Persia.
Jews now are once again able
to persecute Christians.
European Christians were allowed to visit holy sites under Muslim rule. However, Al-Hakim, the
Fatimid caliph begins persecuting Christians and destroys the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Pope
Urban II calls on Christians to take up arms against the Muslims and reclaim Jerusalem, with the
promise of heaven. The Byzantines join the Europeans and this is the first crusade. They enter
Jerusalem including Masjid al-Aqsa, and massacre everyone. They establish a state called the First
Kingdom.They also begin to persecute the Jews.
1879 CE
As European pogroms
(killing of Jews) Nationalism grows in the Arabs,
increase, hatred disgruntled by Ottoman rule. The first European countries begin
towards Jews is given Arab nationalist party forms. The taking chunks of the Ottoman
the name ‘anti- European countries hope to divide and Empire. France annexes
semitism’. occupy.
Ottoman Algera. Many years
later, Italy takes Libya.
1881 CE
Jewish ‘pogroms’ (killing of Jews)
continues in Russia and Romania.
Many groups called ‘Lovers of Zion’ 1896 CE
emerge in Romania and Russia. They
want Jewish self-rule.
1890 Austrian Journalist Theodore Herzl, a non-
religious Jew, founds the Zionist
movement. The only solution he feels is to
1888 CE Due to continued
persecution in Europe, many establish a Jewish state. He needs a
government to sponsor his cause. The
Jews leave Europe for
The Ottomans divide Palestine into Jews feel that the only way to tackle
Morocco, Turkey, Canada, antisemitism is to establish a state for the
three areas: Acre, Nablus and
Jerusalem. The Ottoman Empire wants America. A tiny minority Jewish people in a land where Banu Israel
to keep a close eye on Jerusalem to emigrate to Palestine. once lived; Palestine.
avoid European interference.
1901 CE 1897 CE
1902 CE The first Zionist congress happens in
Herzl writes directly to Sultan Abdul Basle. They form the World Zionist
After gaining no success with the Hamid II, stating that if Jews are to settle Organisation and consider two lands
Germans, Herzl tries to win the in Palestine, the Jews will pay off all of the for the Jews; Palestine and Argentina.
favour of the British. He speaks with Empire’s debts. He responds with, “I The Eastern European (Russian) Jews
Prime Mininster James Balfour and would prefer my body be dissected to insisted it had to be Palestine. ‘Zion’
explains how Zionism will be at the small pieces rather than give Palestine means the area of the Solomon
service of British imperialism in the away”. The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is Temple. Around this time, Israel
Middle-East. The British knew this set up financed by the Rothschilds. It’s
would also limit Jewish migration to Zangwill coins the term “A land
purpose is to purchase Palestinian land. without a people for a people without
a land”. He later admitted the land
already belongs to others.
1903 CE 1908 CE
Britain, not wanting any immigration of
1904 CE
The Young Turk Revolution
Jews into Britain, propose Uganda,
demands the restoration of
Cyprus and Egyptian Sinai as an option Theodore Herzl dies, he is succeeded
the 1876 constitution so
for the Jews. This was known as the East by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, a Russian
that the parliament has
African Scheme. They rejected this and Jew. Like most Russian Jews, has his
power, and attempts to
demanded Palestine. Many Rabbis are heart set on Palestine. He meets
depose Sultan Abdul Hamid
not happy with Zionism, they believe British PM Balfour. He builds a strong
of the Ottomans
that a return to Palestine can only occur friendship with him.
through divine intervention and thus
consider Zionism as heretical.
1914 CE
1909 CE
World War 1 begins. Turkey enters as an ally of Germany. The Zionists have their eyes on
Palestine and reassure the British that they will be an outpost for the British interests in The nationalist Young
the region. Weizmann commits himself and Zionism to the British war effort with the Turks overthrow
understanding that Britain will reward them with a public declaration of political support Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
for Zionism. The British had promised the same to the Arab nationalists, such as Sharif Weizmann knows this
Hussein, if they revolted against the Ottomans. is his chance to raise
the issue of Zionism.
1916 CE
After the Europeans defeat Germany and its allies, the Sykes-Picot
Agreement is ratified. The Europeans carve up Ottoman territories.
Britain would occupy Iraq and from Egypt to Eastern Palestine.
France would occupy Lebanon, Syria. Palestine is promised to the
Zionists. The Arab nationalists thought they would get Palestine.
1919 CE
1917 CE
The King-Crane Commission Report is released in which
the Palestinian people are asked how they wish to be ruled.
The Balfour Declaration is written by British Foreign
The Palestianian’s response is clear; Zionism’s triumph
Secretary and former PM, James Balfour. This is one month
would mean Arab enslavement. 90% of Palestine is
before the Ottomans surrender Jerusalem. In 67 words,
currently non-Jewish.
Balfour expressed how Britain would assist the Zionist
project of settling Jews in Palestine.
1929 CE
1935 CE The Buraq (Wailing) Wall incident happens in British- 1922 CE
mandated Palestine. Jews living in Palestine march
The Nazi holocaust begins as Zionists towards Western Wall - which the Muslims refer to as Britain releases a
continue to take the land of the the Buraq Wall as the Prophet left his conveyance there White Paper clarifying
Palestinians under British-mandated during Al-Isra - they chant “The wall is ours”. Jews the Balfour
Palestine. Fed up, the Palestinians believe the wall is the sole remaining part of Sulayman Declaration and that it
declare a general strike and revolt AS’s temple. Riots break out all over Palestine due to does not mean that
against the British for 3 years. Over the event, causing 100 deaths on both sides. British the Zionists will have
4,500 Palestinians are killed blame it on the Palestinians. A 1930 International authority in Palestine.
including many leaders. Commision of Inquiry rules that the wall belongs to the But, rather, they will
Muslims. simply live there as
1939 CE
1938 CE
To appease the Palestinians suffering from Zionist persecution, the British
release a White Paper in which they propose a reduction in Jewish
The Evian Conference occurs
immigration to Palestine. The Zionists now went on the offensive with the
in which the Allies discuss Palestinians and British. Irgun and Haganah, two Zionists millitias now
where Jewish refugees began bombing and killing Palestinians and British, including Lord Moyne.
escaping Germany could More Jews continue to settle in Palestine. They now represent 30% of the
move. the Zionists boycott population of Palestine. Meanwhile, the holocaust in Nazi Germany
continues. With World War 1 giving them the Balfour Declaration, the
the event as they don’t want
Zionists are convinced World War 2 will give them a state.
the Jews going anywhere
except Palestine.
1944 CE
The Zionists attack British government buildings 1940 CE
and attempt to assasinate British High
Commisioner Sir Harold McMichael. After Lord Zionists convince Britain to raise a Jewish Battaloin as
Moyne’s murder and repeated Zionist attacks, part of the British army. They were trained to high
Winston Churchill, expresses concern in the House millitary standards by the British. In 1941, the
Haganah millitia, with the aid of the British,
of Commons over British sponsoring of Zionism
established the Palmach, a commando unit of 32,000
Jews trained by the British Army.
1946 CE
Zionist millitias blow up 11 bridges in one day,
severing connections between Palestine and
Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and the Sinai. The
Irgun Zionist militia blows up King David Hotel
(British Headquarters) in Jerusalem killing 92. US
also pressures Britain to relax its restrictions on
Jewish migration to Palestine. Jan-July 1947 CE
Zionists kill more than 20 British servicemen. The British ask the newly-
4th January 1947 formed United Nations to interven, but Zionists continue their terror,
they kill Clifford Martin and Marvyn Paice, two British Sergeants. They
The Jaffa massacreoccurs. 26 then hang their bodies up whilst booby-trapping them.
Palestinians are killed.
November 1947 CE
August 1947
12th December Zionists lobby US to create a Jewish state after which the
newly-formed United Nations (formed mainly by the British
1947 and US) puts forward a plan for partition. Jews would now
be given 55% of Palestine even though they constituted
The British
announce they
only 37% of its population and currently owned only 7% of will leave
Haifa massacre land. The UN partition keeps the West Bank (Jerusalem is Palestine in
occurs. 55 within West Bank) and the Gaza strip for the Palestinians. November.
Palestinians are killed The Arabs are livid at this decision and ask an International
by Zionists. court to determine how the UN partition is legal.
1948 1950
After the announcement of Israel, and
frustrated at the UN resolution of 1947, a
Israel implements the Law of Return.
It provides an automatic right of 7th February 1951
combined Arab military force from Egypt, Israeli citizenship to all Jews from
Jordan and Syria marched to Palestine. The anywhere in the world. Israel builds Sharafat massacre occurs. They
Israeli army, far better equipped and trained settlements for these Jews. enter the village of Sharafat, 10
by the British in World War 2 destroy the force. Palestinians are unable to return to Palestinians are murdered and
Instead of 55%, they now occupy 78% of their homes after ‘Al-Nakhbah’ homes destroyed. All over
Palestine. Only the West Bank (taken by despite the UN resolution enforcing Palestine, there are restrictions
Jordan) and the Gaza strip (taken by Egypt) are that. This law is widely considered on movement and jobs for
still not in their control. 700,000 Palestinians an apartheid law. Palestinians.
are made refugees. This ethnic cleansing is
referred to as the ‘Al-Nakhbah’ (catastrophe).
18th September 1987
As the First Intifada united the The First Intifada begins. ‘Intifada’ means ‘shaking off’ and this was the
Muslims with Hamas, Israel and the Palestinians protesting and expressing civil disobedience at Israeli
US want to check their progress by occupation. With Israel having occupied the West Bank and Gaza since
allowing the PLO back into 1967, illegal Jewish settlers had increased and life conditions on
Palestine. Palestinians were made difficult. It was sparked by an IDF truck crashing
into a Palestinian car in occupied Gaza. This sparked protests. Hamas is
The Madrid Peace Conference occurs
whilst the Intiffada is raging on. 1993
The Declaration of Principles is written in Oslo (also called the Oslo
Accord I), between the Israeli government, headed by Yitzhak Rabin,
18th September 1991 and PLO, which establishes a frame-work wherein Palestinians
would recognise Israel as a state and in return be given Interim Self-
Government Arrangements in the West Bank for 5 years. Israel
The First Intifada comes to an end. 1,095 agree to withdraw from West Bank and Gaza in the Declaration, but
Palestinians have been killed. 100 Israelis its civilians will be allowed to ‘freely’ use the roads in Gaza and West
killed. Shaykh Ahmed Yasin, the leader of Bank. Israel fails to comply by the 13th December deadline.
Hamas was arrested in 1989 during the Innocent Palestinians hopeful for peace are excited that they may
Intifada and was given life imprisonment. get back the West Bank and Gaza strip.
April 2002
Israel begins the construction of a wall that cuts off the West Bank from
the rest of Israel thus cutting off Palestinian villages from Israeli land
September 2000
taken in 1948. 85% of the wall itself is on the inside of the West Bank, i.e.,
decreasing the size of the West Bank and bringing more of it under The Second Intifada begins when opposition
complete Israeli control. The Palestinians inside the wall have to go leader, Ariel Sharon makes a provocative visit
through checkpoints and deal with Israeli settlers on a daily basis inside to Masjid al-Aqsa with 1,000 Israeli soldiers.
the West Bank. The wall is widely condemned even by Blair and Bush. This deliberately lit the fuse for Palestinian
protests. Ariel Sharon is elected by Israelis as
Prime Minister the very next year, 2001.
September 2004
The Second Intifada ends. 3,334 Palestinians are killed in the Second Intifada including 12
journalists. The most harrowing death is the killing of 12-year old Muhammad al-Durra whose
father tried to protect him, the child is killed. 75% of Palestinians in the Gaza strip are living below
the poverty line. Shaykh Ahmad Yaseen, spiritual leader of Hamas is assassinated earlier in the
year and Yasser Arafat, leader of PLO also passes away. Arafat is replaced by Mahmoud Abbas.
July 2006
31st May 2010 December 2008
After Hezbollah, a political
An international flotilla of six ships set Israel launches ‘Operation Cast Lead’ on organisation in Lebanon captures
sail from Turkey, carrying desperately Gaza. This is followed by a full land two Israeli soldiers, Israel has the
needed aid to Gaza. Israel’s navy invasion. 1,400 Palestinians are killed. perfect excuse to attack Lebanon
boards the MV Mavi Marmara and Israel uses Phosphorous bombs against a again. They perform a ground
carries out a deadly attack that leaves UN school. By the end of December, food invasion and kill 1,000 Lebanese
9 Turkish nationals dead. Initially, and medicine stocks in Gaza are at an all- civilians. The US and Europe do
Israel attempts to deny all wrong- time low. The very next year, Benjamin not call for a ceasefire until the
doing, when this is unsuccessful, they Netanyahu becomes Prime Minister for Qana massacre occurs in which
apologise to Turkey. the second time. the Israeli Air Force bombs a
three-storey building killing 56
April 2014
In May, Israel launches ‘Operation January 2014
Pillar of Defense’ on Gaza. Amongst Mahmoud Abbas (representative of PLO) signs
the killed are 4 teenagers aged 16 to Despite attempts for peace, Israel an agreement to form a unity government with
18 who were killed in a sports approves plans for the construction Hamas. Netanyahu uses this as an excuse to say
stadium. The offensive lasted for 7 of a further 1,400 Jewish settler that Israel will not negotiate with a Palestinian
days. During the operation, the homes in West Bank and East government backed by Hamas, this is despite
massacre of the al-Dalu family occurs Jerusalem. The Palestinian him not wanting the peace talks from the
in which Gaza resident Jamal negotiators have now essentially beginning, unless it involved complete control
Mahmoud’s entire family is wiped out. given up any hope of peace. for Israel.
In November, the UN passes a
resolution to recognise the state of