Guidelines - NEET (UG) - 2023 13-4-23 Revised

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List of Abbreviations

AACCC Ayush Admission Central Counselling Committee

AFMC Armed Forces Medical College
AFMS Armed Forces Medical Services
AIIMS All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AMU Aligarh Muslim University
BAMS Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BHMS Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery
BHU Banaras Hindu University
BoGCCH Board of Governors of Central Council of Homeopathy
B.Sc (N) Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSMS Bachelor of Siddha Medicine & Surgery
BUMS Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery
CCIM Central Council of Indian Medicine
DCI Dental Council of India
DGHS Directorate General of Health Services
DU Delhi University
ESIC Employees’ State Insurance Corporation
EWS Economically Weaker Section
GGSIPU Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
GST Goods & Service Tax
INI Institute of National Importance
JIPMER Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MCC Medical Counselling Committee
MCI Medical Council of India
MNS Military Nursing Service
MoH&FW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
MoA Ministry of Ayush
NCISM National Commission for Indian System of Medicine
NCH National Commission for Homoeopathy
NEET (UG) National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for admission to Undergraduate Course
NMC National Medical Commission
OBC-NCL Other Backward Classes-Non Creamy Layer
PwBD Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
RPwD The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
SC Scheduled Castes
ST Scheduled Tribes
OCI Overseas Citizens of India
UoI Union of India
UT Union Territory
UFM Unfair Means
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions


Note: Detailed Description of the Candidates activities at Examination Centrs ................ 4

Important Information at a Glance ........................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1: Background ............................................................................................................... 7
1.1 About National Testing Agency (NTA)................................................................... 7
1.2 About NEET (UG) – 2023 ....................................................................................... 8
1.3 Role of NTA in NEET (UG) .................................................................................... 9
1.4 Date of Entrance Test .............................................................................................. 9
1.5 Important Websites ................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Examination Functionaries involved in NEET (UG) ........................................... 10
Chapter 2: Duties of City Coordinators .................................................................................. 11
2.1 City Coordinator ................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Role of City Coordinator ........................................................................................ 11
2.2.1 Pre-Examination: ........................................................................................ 11
2.2.2 Planning Briefing/Meeting: ........................................................................ 11
2.2.3 Meeting with Observer(s) on their arrival: ................................................ 13
2.2.4 Arrangement and Conduct of the Briefing/Meeting: ................................ 13
2.2.5 Information to be communicated during Briefing/Meeting ...................... 14
Chapter 3: Duties of Centre Superintendents ........................................................................ 18
3.1 Centre Superintendent ................................................................................ 18
3.2 Role of Centre Superintendent.................................................................... 18
3.3 Arrangement of Videographer, Photographer and Guidelines for
Videography ................................................................................................ 20
3.4 Appointment and remuneration of Staff .................................................... 21
3.5 Staff Briefing/Meeting prior to Examination at Centre ............................. 23
3.6 Information to be displayed inside the Centre ........................................... 24
3.7 Information to be displayed outside the Centre ......................................... 24
3.8 Movement of Candidates after entry into the Examination Centre .......... 25
3.9 Other Arrangements ................................................................................... 26
3.10 Important information for Invigilators: ..................................................... 26
3.11 CCTV system Installation for Live Streaming at Control Room Set up at
NTA .............................................................................................................. 27
3.12 Installation and Effectiveness of Jammers (if applicable) .......................... 27
3.13 Other Important Issues ................................................................................ 28

Chapter 4: Duties of Other Functionaries at Centre ....................................................... 31
4.1 Deputy Superintendent ............................................................................... 31
4.2 Deputy/ Independent Observer ................................................................... 31
4.3 Flying Squad Member ................................................................................ 33
4.4 Invigilators on Duty .................................................................................... 33
Chapter 5: Duties of Observers ................................................................................................ 47
5.1 Observers ..................................................................................................... 47
5.2 Duties of the Observers ............................................................................... 47
Chapter 6: Conduct of Examination ....................................................................................... 51
6.1 Late start of the Examination for Unavoidable Reasons ........................... 51
6.2 Delivery/Distribution of Test Booklets........................................................ 51
6.3 Opening of Iron Box(es) and Test Booklet Parcels in Control Room ........ 52
6.4 Movement of Candidates after entry into the Examination Centre .......... 52
6.5 Action in respect of Candidates without a valid Admit Card .................... 53
6.6 Test Booklets/Attendance Sheets/Answer Sheet ......................................... 54
Chapter 7: Packing of Confidential Material......................................................................... 56
7.1 Packing of Answer Sheets ........................................................................... 56
7.2 Material to be Packed, Sealed and Delivered to the NTA .......................... 56
Chapter 8: Unfair means Practices and Breach of Examination Rules ............................. 60
8.1 Punishment and Canelllation of Result ...................................................... 60
8.2 Procedure to be followed by the Centre Superintendent in Unfair means
Cases ............................................................................................................ 60
8.3 Smuggling out the Answer Sheet ................................................................ 61
Chapter 9: Barred Items and Dress Code .............................................................................. 62
9.1 Barred Items ............................................................................................... 62
9.2 Dress Code ................................................................................................... 62
Chapter 10: Filling of Appendices & Bills .............................................................................. 63
APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 64
Appendix-1 : Seating Plan (Separate For Each Room)................................................... 65
Appendix-2 : Attendance Sheet ........................................................................................... 66
Appendix-3 : Absentee Proforma ....................................................................................... 67
Appendix-4A : Receipt of sealed Iron Box (es) containing sealed Test Booklet parcels
by Centre Superintendent............................................................................ 68
Appendix-4B : Receipt of sealed envelopes of Keys by Centre Superintendent and
NTA Observer(s) ........................................................................................... 68

Appendix-5 : Certificate for opening of sealed Iron Box (es) containing Test Booklet
parcels ............................................................................................................. 69
Appendix-6 : Certificate of packing of Unused Test Booklets ....................................... 70
Appendix-7 : Certificate of room wise receipt and packing of OMR Answer Sheets in
examination Control Room by Invigilator................................................ 71
Appendix-8 : Certificate of packing of OMR Answer Sheets in fabric bag(s) in
examination Control Room by Centre Superintendent .......................... 72
Appendix-9: No Relation Certificate................................................................................. 73
Appendix-10: Certificate of material packed after conclusion of the examination ..... 74
Appendix-11: Details of Impersonation/ Unfairmeans cases, if any .............................. 78
Appendix-12 : Certificate on conduct of examination, procedure of Videography, Live
streaming of CCTV display and installation & effectiveness of
Jammers ......................................................................................................... 79
Appendix-13A: Feedback Proforma for the Centre Superintendent ............................... 80
Appendix-13B: Feedback Proforma for NTA Observer(s) ................................................ 83
Appendix-14 : Adherence to Frisking/Biometric norms and care of sensitivity issues)
.......................................................................................................................... 86
Appendix-15A: Final Bill ......................................................................................................... 87
Appendix-15B: Remuneration Bill Form For Local Observer .......................................... 88
Appendix-15C: Remuneration Bill Form for Outstation Observer…………………….89
Appendix-16: Receipt of sealed material packed at Collection Centre after conclusion
of the Examination ……………………………………………………………90

Appendix-17 : Summary of receipt of sealed material at Collection Centre ................. 91

ANNEXURES .......................................................................................................................... 92
Annexure-1 : Centre Material Kit ...................................................................................... 92
Annexure-2: A Note for Invigilators ................................................................................. 95
Annexure-3A : Important Information at a Glance ........................................................... 97
Annexure-3B: Bell Timing Schedule on the day of Examination .................................... 99
Annexure-4: Cover/Last Page of Test Booklets ............................................................. 100
Annexure-5: Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................... 103

Note: Detailed Description of the Candidates activities
at Examination Centres
Movement of Candidates into the Examination Centre

1. All processes such as frisking, and verification of documents including Admit Card to
be done inside the Registration Room as per the procedure given below:

• Frisking to be done by the staff of designated agency in Registration Room/Hall

under supervision of CS/Observer.
• The Candidate will display following documents for verification

 Admit Card along with passport size photograph affixed on it.

 One additional passport size photograph to be affixed on the Attendance
 Original and Valid Photo Identity Card as ID proof.
 PwD Certificate (Appendix-XI) is given in Information Bulletin, available on
NTA NEET website (
a) The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation and a
Scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf, being
so certified in the aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical
Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution.
b) Compensatory time of one hour five minutes for examination of
three hours twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration for PwBD
Candidate [having a physical limitation to write] will be given,
whether such candidate uses the facility of Scribe or not.

2. After due verification,

 Invigilator on duty inside the Registration Room will check seat allocation
chart and direct the candidates to the examination room in batches.
 The floor plan with Roll Numbers may be pasted at 3 different places in the

3. While planning exit from Examination Room/Hall - Centre Superintendent needs to

ensure floor wise dispersal of Candidates to exit points and safe distance is maintained
between Candidates.

Important Information at a Glance
Date of the Examination: 07 May 2023 (Sunday)
Detailed Schedule on the day of Examination – Please refer to Annexure-3A and Annexure-3B
IMPORTANT:These Guidelines are to be read carefully and followed strictly by the City
Coordinator, Observers, Centre Superintendents, Deputy Centre Superintendents and the
 All Persons associated with the examination shall be under SURVEILLANCE.
 Only candidates and staff on examination duty are allowed to enter the examination centre.
Unauthorized persons are not allowed in the centre. All persons associated with the conduct of
NEET (UG)-2023 should wear and display their IDENTITY CARD during the period of
Examination Duty.
 It must be ensured that the candidates are permitted to enter the Examination Centre after screening
and frisking/biometric in the Registration Room.
 Observers will ensure that the sanctity of all the processes including opening of boxes, taking out
parcels, unpacking, sending Unused Test Booklets in a box/carton and packing of Original OMR,
Office Copy of OMR and all other Appendices as per the details for packing given in Appendix-10.
 It must be ensured by the Centre Superintendent that the Invigilators have given Sealed Envelopes
containing the Test Booklets (in sets of 24) after matching with the QP medium given in the List of
 It should be ensured by the Invigilators that the Candidates are given the Test Booklet after
matching the QP medium written on the adhesive sticker of Roll No. of candidate pasted on the
 All Test Booklets distributed to the Candidates must bear the facsimile stamp of the Centre
 It should be ensured that photo-copier, fax machine, computer, mobile phones or any electronic
gadget is not used in the school during the course of the examination.
 It must be ensured by all concerned Examination Functionaries that the Number of Candidates
Present = Number of OMR Answer Sheets with responses packed inside a parcel.
Important Links:
a. NEET Candidate Portal:
b. Test Admi Portal:
c. Examination Centre Portal:
The Test pattern of NEET (UG) - 2023 comprises four Subjects. Each subject will consist of two sections. Section
A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 Questions, out of these 15 Questions, candidates can
choose to attempt any 10 Questions. So, the total number of questions and utilization of time will remain the same.
The pattern for the NEET (UG) - 2023 Examination for admission in the Session 2023-24 is as follows:
Number Of Marks
S. No Subject(s) Section(s) Type Of Question(s)
Questions (Each Question carries 04 (Four) Marks)
SECTION A 35 140
SECTION A 35 140
(Multiple Choice
SECTION A 35 140
3. BOTANY Questions).
SECTION A 35 140

Note: Correct option marked will be given (4) marks and Incorrect option marked will be given minus one (-1) mark.
Unattempted/Unanswered Questions will be given no marks.

Chapter 1: Background
1.1 About National Testing Agency (NTA)
The Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India (GoI) has established the National
Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent, autonomous, and self-sustained premier testing
organization under the Societies Registration Act (1860) for conducting efficient, transparent,
and international standardized tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for
admission to premier higher education institutions with a mission to improve equity and
quality in education by developing and administering research-based valid, reliable, efficient,
transparent, fair and international level assessments.
The objectives of NTA, inter alia, include:
(i) To conduct efficient, transparent and international standard tests in order to assess
the competency of candidates for admission.
(ii) To undertake research on educational, professional and testing system & to identify
gaps in the knowledge systems and take steps for bridging them.
(iii) To produce and disseminate information and research on education and professional
development standards.
The National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET-UG) is being conducted by NTA since
2019 for admission to the undergraduate medical education, with the approval of the Ministry
of Health & Family Welfare (vide O.M. no. V.11025/14/216-MEP dated 6th December 2017)
and MHRD (vide Order No 35-5/2017-TS.I dated 24th September 2018).

Candidates at NEET(UG) Examination Centre

The NEET (UG) - 2023 is will be conducted in 499 cities throughout India and 14 cities
abroad on 07 May 2023 (Sunday) from 02:00 P.M. to 05:20 P.M. (Indian Standard Time)
in Pen & Paper-based Test by NTA as per the Schedule given in the Information at a Glance
for admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BSMS, BUMS, and BHMS Courses under the medical
institutions governed as per the relevant norms/guidelines/regulations notified by the
concerned Regulatory Bodies under the NCISM Act, 2020 and NCH Act, 2020. The duration
of the test will be three (03) hours and 20 minutes.

1.2 About NEET (UG) – 2023
As per Section 14 of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019, the NEET (UG) has to
be conducted as a common and uniform National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test [(NEET
(UG)] for admission to undergraduate medical education in all medical institutions.
Similarly, as per Section 14 of the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine
Act, 2020, there shall be a uniform NEET (UG) for admission to undergraduate courses in
each of the disciplines i.e. BAMS, BUMS, and BSMS courses of the Indian System of
Medicine in all Medical Institutions governed under this Act. NEET (UG) shall also be
applicable to admission to BHMS course as per National Commission for Homeopathy
Act, 2020.
Admissions to all seats of Undergraduate Medical / Dental Courses will be done through
NEET (UG) - 2023. The following are the seats available under different quotas:
• All India Quota Seats
• State Government Quota Seats
• Central Institutions/Universities/Deemed Universities
• State/Management/NRI Quota Seats in Private Medical / Dental Colleges or any
• Private University
• Central Pool Quota Seats
• All seats including NRI Quota as well as Management Quota, are in private
unaided/aided minority / non-minority medical colleges.
• AIIMS Institutes across India/JIPMER.
• The Counselling for successful candidates for Seats under 15% All India Quota and
100% including 85% State quota seats of Central Institutions (ABVIMS & RML
Hospital/VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital/ESIC)/ Central Universities (including DU/
BHU /AMU)/ AIIMS/ JIPMER and Deemed Universities, will be conducted by the
MCC/DGHS for Undergraduate Medical / Dental Courses. MCC only does the
registration for AFMC and forwards the data of registered Candidates to AFMC
Authorities for the admission process. DU/BHU and other Universities may use the
score for any other relevant courses being offered by them.
a) Indian Citizens/ Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) intending to pursue Undergraduate
Medical Courses in a foreign Medical/ Dental Institute also need to qualify for
b) The Result of NEET (UG) - 2023 may be utilized by other Entities of Central and
State Governments, in accordance with their respective eligibility criteria / other
norms /applicable regulations/guidelines/rules. The result data may also be utilized
for B.Sc. (H) Nursing courses in accordance with their respective eligibility criteria /
other norms /applicable regulations/guidelines/ rules. The NEET (UG) - 2023 data
will also be used for admissions to BVSc & AH courses under the 15% quota of
VCI in recognized Veterinary Colleges. However, the Council has to approach the
MCC of DGHS, MoHFW in order to obtain the said data of results.

• During counselling, the eligibility criteria, self-declaration, various documents, etc.
of the eligible candidates shall be verified as per norms specified by the respective
authorities and/or Medical/Dental Colleges. NTA does not have any responsibility
towards the correctness/genuinity of the uploaded information/documents during the
application process.

Note: MNS (Military Nursing Services) aspirants seeking admission to BSc Nursing
Course being conducted at Armed Forces Medical Service Hospitals for the year 2023
are required to qualify NEET and the NEET score will be used for shortlisting for
selection to the four year BSc Nursing course.

1.3 Role of NTA in NEET (UG)

The NEET (UG) - 2023 will be conducted by NTA as per the Schedule given in the
Information at a Glance for admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BSMS, BUMS, and BHMS
Courses under the medical institutions governed as per the relevant
norms/guidelines/regulations notified by the concerned Regulatory Bodies under the NCISM
Act, 2020 and NCH Act, 2020.
The official website of the NTA for NEET (UG) - 2023 is All the test-
related information, as amended from time to time (if any), will be available on this website
only. Candidates must regularly visit this website for the latest updates.

1.4 Date of Entrance Test

NEET (UG) - 2023 will be conducted on 07 May 2023 (Sunday) from 02:00 P.M. to
05:20 P.M. (Indian Standard Time). The duration of the test will be three (03) hours and
(20) minutes.

1.5 Important Websites

i. The official website of the NTA for NEET (UG) - 2023 is All
the test-related information, as amended from time to time (if any), will be available on
this website only. Candidates must regularly visit this website for the latest updates.

ii. The official websites for counselling of 15% All India seats, Central
Institutions/University and Deemed Universities related information are as under: The
official website of the NTA for NEET (UG) - 2023 is All the
test-related information, as amended from time to time (if any), will be available on this
website only. Candidates must regularly visit this website for the latest updates

For MBBS/BDS Courses:

• Ministry of Health & Family Welfare:
 National Counselling Committee:


• Ministry of AYUSH:
• AYUSH Admission Central Counselling Committee:

iii. For remaining seats, kindly check the website(s) of concerned State(s)/ Institution(s).
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Information Bulletin, the decision of
NTA/MoH&FW/NMC/MCI/DGHS/DCI/MoA/CCIM/BoGCCH shall be final and

1.6 Examination Functionaries involved in NEET (UG)
The following functionaries have been appointed by NTA to ensure the fair and successful
conduct of NEET (UG) - 2023:
The City Coordinator is Head of a School/Institution appointed by NTA to supervise all the
examination activities within the Cities where the NEET (UG) – 2023 Examination will be held. Few
Cities may have more than one City Coordinator, depending upon the number of Centres or number of
candidates in the City. There will be one City Coordinator for about 30 Centres. In addition, the City
Coordinator in every city needs to coordinate with Centre Superintendents and NTA Observers so that
the policy and practice of conduct of examination are implemented in the city meticulously.
The NTA would also depute Observer(s) at every Examination Centre depending upon the number of
candidates allotted to the Centre. At the Centre, both Centre Superintendent and Observer(s) are
required to coordinate each activity and support each other in the discharge of their duties.
Centre Superintendents of the Examination Centre are the Heads of the Institution/School or a person
appointed on his/her behalf.
Centre Superintendents are expected to convene a meeting and explain examination practices to all
concerned officials using this presentation. During the meeting, all the officials of the
school/organization involved in the conduct of NEET (UG) - 2023 shall remain present to understand
the instructions and to implement the same appropriately and strictly on the day of examination.
Deputy Centre Superintendents are appointed by the Centre Superintendents to assist them in the
conduct of the examination.
Invigilators are usually faculty (non-PCB staff i.e. other than Physics, Chemistry and Biology) of the
examination Centre appointed by the Centre Superintendent. An Invigilator will perform Invigilation
duty inside the examination hall and in the Registration Room as described in Chapter-10.
Deputy/Independent Observers:To ensure the implementation of the scheme of NTA for the fair,
smooth and successful conduct of NEET (UG).
Flying Squad/NTA Representative: To ensure the activities at different Centers. A visit to 5 – 6 most
sensitive Centres after discussion with the City Coordinator to observe the activities at different





A Power-Point Presentation and Guidelines will be sent by the NTA to all the Centres/City

Chapter 2: Duties of City Coordinators
2.1 City Coordinator
The City Coordinator is Head of a School/Institution appointed by NTA to supervise all the
Examination activities at the Centre within the Cities where the NEET (UG) – 2023
Examination will be held. Few Cities may have more than one City Coordinator, depending
upon the number of Centres or number of candidates in the city. There will be one City
Coordinator for about 30 Centres. The City Coordinator is an important link between the
Centre Superintendents, Observers, Deputy Observer and NTA.

2.2 Role of City Coordinator

The role of the City Coordinator is to ensure successful conduct of the examination in
his/her city by coordinating various activities of examination.
The City Coordinator is expected to supervise the Pre-examination activities, the conduct
of examination and post-examination activities of the NEET (UG) - 2023 by establishing
a better coordination network amongst Centre Superintendent, Observers and NTA.
The following will be the main responsibilities of the City Coordinator:

2.2.1 Pre-Examination
Assistance will be expected in the following pre-examination activities: -

• Login into

• Carry out virtual Centre Audit of Institute/School (identified as Centres)
themselves as requested in the letter sent by NTA (based on local knowledge,
telephone or virtual platforms).
• Ensure that the Institutes/Schools under their jurisdiction submits their consent
online on time at Examination Centre.
• To suggest alternate Centres in cases of rejection.
• To ensure that Observers including Senior School Principals submit their
online consent on
• Keep a watch on the news about NEET (UG) - 2023 published in Print media,
Social media etc. and communicate the same to NTA through proper channels.
• Coordinate with Observers who are Professors/Associate/Assistant Professors.

2.2.2 Planning Briefing/Meeting:

• To plan and conduct a meeting with Centre Superintendents, Deputy
Superintendent and Observers at their own institute or at any other suitable
venue on 06 May 2023 (Saturday) preferably in the forenoon at 11.00 A.M
to review and discuss the preparation and planning for the smooth conduct of –
the examination.

• To communicate meeting venue and schedule to the Centre Superintendents and

Observers. (Kindly ensure that meeting would be attended by all Centre

Superintendents so that correct decision on any issue is to be taken by the
Centre Superintendent during the conduct of the examination. The Deputy
Centre Superintendent, wherever appointed may join the meeting along with
Centre Superintendent. This is extremely important as the Centre
Superintendent has to conduct a similar meeting with functionaries in his own
institute/school and must be well aware of all Instructions regarding the conduct
of the examination.

• To confirm the participation of Observers in the meeting and get consent for
duty in the examination so that Observers are deputed at each Centre.

• To arrange for the absentee Observers from the NTA pool or the list of
reserve Observers sent by the NTA.

• The number of Observers appointed at each Centre will depend on the number
of candidates allotted at the Centre as per the NTA norms.

• If any Observer does not respond /report, City Coordinators are authorized
to depute Observers from the list of NTA Observer pool. They may also
depute some local senior-level officer of integrity and status from a
government education department or any faculty of a local university or its
affiliated colleges in lieu of the absentee Observer after the approval from
the NTA at the particular Centre and send their bill forms duly certified by
the City Coordinator to the NTA. They will submit their bills online along
with the report.

• The City Coordinator will update the details of such locally appointed Observers
online through the link provided by NTA. In all such cases, NTA must be
informed immediately.

• The Observers must inform the City Coordinator about their presence well in
advance and also attend the Briefing/Meeting on 06 May 2023 (Saturday).

• The City Coordinator should ensure that each Centre Superintendent has
contacted District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner/ Collector and
Superintendent of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police / Police Authorities of
the area for deputing at least four policemen and one Sub-Inspector in uniform
at the Centre to maintain law and order for the smooth and fair conduct of the

• The City Coordinator must get the data of PwD from dashboard and ensure
availability of Scribes for each Centre allotted to them.

They need to prepare a database for Scribe as per the numbers allotted in their
City and upload the details on their dashboard

• The City Coordinator needs to meet/establish proper communication with the

local police and administrative authorities for deploying police forces at each
examination Centre. NTA would send a copy of the communication in this
regard that could be used by the City Coordinators.

• The City Coordinator will monitor every Centre. They must visit the Centres
allotted to them and also deploy a flying squad whenever communicated to them
by NTA.
The Authority Letter regarding receiving the material from the Custodian duly signed by the
Director-General, NTA will be available on the dashboard ( )
for each City Coordinator.

2.2.3 Meeting with Observer(s) on their arrival:

Prior to the Briefing, the City Coordinator and Observer may exchange information
on the following issues so that correct and complete information is supplied during
the meeting:

• Venue and schedule of the meeting.

• Examination material related to the Centres.
• A probable number of the iron box(es) for each Centre, will help the Centres in
bringing covered vehicles along with Group–IV employees for carrying the
iron box(es) from the Custodian to the Centre safely.
• Finalization of time for distribution of confidential material from the
Custodian. The faraway Centres may be called early and nearest may be called
later on to collect Centres boxes of Question Papers to avoid the rush at the
Custodian Centre. If the number of Centres is large, time slots may also be
decided depending upon the distance of the Centres from the Custodian,
Timing must be communicated during the meeting.
• Custodian - In cities where there are 2 or more City Coordinators, the NTA will
provide 2 or more Custodians as well. This is to ensure that there is no delay
in receiving and delivery of Examination Material.
• No stoppage of the vehicle carrying confidential material from Custodian to
• Police arrangement at the Centres.
• Finalization of pickup plan of confidential material stored at another location
with concerned Agency.
2.2.4 Arrangement and Conduct of the Briefing/Meeting:
The successful conduct of the examination depends upon the successful conduct of
Briefing /Meeting. Hence, it is advised that the City Coordinator shall remain
present in the city and shall not plan any outstation engagements in the week of the
examination administration.
1. City Coordinator needs to ensure that the Briefing/Meeting to be attended by
Centre Heads and Invigilators.
2. City Coordinators need to ensure that the technical requirements are available
for the Guidelines and PowerPoint Presentation (shared by NTA).
3. Any other suitable arrangement to ensure the successful conduct of Briefing.

2.2.5 Information to be communicated during Briefing/Meeting
The meeting with the Centre Superintendents/Observers will be convened by the
City Coordinator. During the meeting, a PowerPoint presentation shared by NTA
will be used by the City Coordinator with an effort to communicate the exact
information to all the participants as communicated by the NTA. An Attendance
Sheet needs to be prepared for both Observers and Centre Superintendents and any
other official to mark their attendance in Briefing/Meeting.
The Attendance Sheet will be required for accounts and audit purposes.
In addition to the presentation, the following points should be specifically
highlighted and discussed in detail during the meeting: -
Points to be Discussed during the Briefing/Meeting
 Change in the duty of Observers, if any.
 Arrangements for the handling of confidential material, including receiving
question paper in Iron Boxes/ Cartons from the Custodian and need to ensure
their safe transportation to the Centres.
 For frisking/biometric by the authorized agency appointed by NTA, the
following arrangements be discussed:

(i) Contact authorized frisking/biometric agency appointed by NTA.

Preparation of frisking plan at the Centre in case the authorized agency
personnel fail to turn up.
(ii) Strict and proper frisking/biometric of all the candidates as per
instructions issued in this regard in consultation with the authorized
agency since there are financial implications involved.
(iii) Arrangement for special Invigilators/guards (both male and female) in a
sufficient/approved number for Security and Crowd management at the
(iv) Gender, cultural and religious sensitivity to be maintained at all points as
per the directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court.
(v) Frisking/biometric will be done by the staff of the designated agency (1
Guard for every 120 students, one male and one female guard for 240

 No candidate should be allowed to enter the examination Centre after the last
reporting time i.e. 01.30 P.M. (Indian Standard Time). This has been
introduced for mandatory frisking/biometric of each candidate.
 Installation of wall clock at the main entry point and in all examination
rooms. The time of all clocks at the Centre be set with the clock available
on NEET (UG) website (
 Candidate may carry their own transparent water bottle and small hand
sanitizer inside the Examination Room.
 No entry of barred items inside the Examination Centre (list is given in the
Guidelines) – refer to Chapter 9.
 Compliance of dress code by the candidates.
 Invigilators need to be vigilant in case candidates exhibit any of the
activities given below:
o The candidate is sitting and not writing the answers for unusually
long periods.

o Candidate where the State of taking the examination is different
from the State where the candidate has studied
o Candidates with untied long hair which appears to be suspicious.
o Candidates whispering.
o Candidates wearing high heels or fancy shoes.

 No staff on duty should be in possession of any communication device and

camera in the Control Room where the seal of the trunks containing parcels of
question papers are being opened and in the Examination Room.
 The presence of at least 2 Invigilators and 2 Candidates should be recorded
on top of the envelope along with their names and signature while opening the
seal of the trunks.
 Adherence to schedule of examination activities
 Neither the seal of unused test booklets be opened, nor the booklets to be
kept with the Centre for any purpose.
 The number of Unused booklets and Parcels not opened should be recorded in
Appendix-6 after been counted by CS and Observers. Moreover, Unused test
Booklet to be sealed immediately after the start of the examination and the
Iron box with unused booklets duly accounted will be sent to the City-
Coordinator who will then forward it to NTA.
 An announcement by Invigilators to the candidates that if any of the
candidates in the examination room is using any unfair means, the same may
be objected too and brought to the notice by the other candidates appearing in
the examination.
 The arrangements of seating/furniture and all other facilities.

 Pasting of floor wise seating plan (with Roll Numbers) at different places
inside the building to avoid overcrowding at the outside Gate. The staff should
be clear regarding the instructions for frisking/biometric by agency as well as
allocation of Rooms.
 Pasting of Roll Number Stickers supplied by the NTA on the desks as per
seating plan.
 Deployment of Invigilators and other support staff.
 Issue of Identity Cards to the examination Officials and staff
 Procedure for the opening of question paper parcels/packets and sealing of
OMR Answer sheets (Original and Office Copy), etc.
 Pink OMR Answer Sheets will be packed separately in Pink envelope and
Office Copy will be packed in Blue Envelopes.
 Police and security arrangements.
 To ensure that each Centre Superintendent has contacted District Magistrate /
Deputy Commissioner/ Collector and Superintendent of Police/Deputy
Commissioner of Police / Police Authorities of the area for deputing at least
four policemen and one Sub-Inspector in uniform at the Centre to maintain
law and order for the smooth and fair conduct of the examination.
 Information regarding the place of Custodian and an approximate number of
iron boxes to be communicated to the Centre Superintendents so that they can
bring a suitably covered vehicle along with Group-IV employees for safe

transportation of question papers in Iron Box(es)/ Cartons.
 The designated venue i.e. Collection Centre for submission of material by the
Centres (after the examination) will be informed to the City Coordinator. City
Coordinator to ensure that the Collection Centre is in the City/Centre and is
approachable. If the Centre of the City Coordinator is away from the city,
he/she may make arrangements for making a Centre under him/her as the
Collection Centre under intimation to NTA. If there are more than 2 City
Coordinators in a city, they may have their individual Collection Centres.
Finally, City Coordinator will handover the sealed box(es) to the
authorized Agency of NTA. Iron box(es) containing the Office Copy of
OMR Sheets and a separate Cloth Parcel or Carton/ Iron Box containing
Unused Booklets will also be handed over to the NTA authorized agency.
 Collection of digital locks from all Centre Superintendents against receipt and
maintaining a log of all locks collected. City Coordinator would store these
locks safely till it is picked up by a concerned agency. Digital locks should not
be used for any other purpose. Only pad locks should be used and recorded
count to be mentioned in Appendix-16.

** The NTA has modified the process of opening of Test Booklet parcels. Each Invigilator will get an envelope containing 24
Booklets. Envelope needs to be opened in the room/hall where the candidates are sitting. Small scissors may be provided in
each room/hall. Each individual Booklet will be wrapped in a transparent plastic envelope to be opened by the candidate

The City Coordinator is an important link between the NTA, Centre Superintendents and Observers. The
role of the City Coordinator is to ensure the successful conduct of NEET(UG)-2023 in his/her city by
coordinating activities of examination.
1. Pre-Examination work
1.1 To carry out Centre audit of Schools/Institutes as per the directions of NTA.
1.2 To arrange for the Briefing/Meeting of Centre Superintendents and Observers.
1.3 To confirm the participation of Observers for examination duty.
1.4 To make the arrangement in lieu of the absentee Observers.
1.5 To direct Observers to attend Briefing/Meeting one day before examination.
1.6 To ensure that each Centre Superintendent has contacted District Magistrate / Deputy
Commissioner/ Collector and Superintendent of Police / Deputy Commissioner of Police / Police
Authorities of the area for deputing at least four policemen and one Sub-Inspector in uniform at
the Centre to maintain law and order for the smooth and fair conduct of examination
1.7 A meeting with local police and administrative authorities for deploying police forces at each
examination Centre.
1.8 A teleconference with Observer on the relevant issues so that correct and complete information
will be supplied to Centre Superintendents and others: Venue and Schedule of the meeting,
Confirmation from Observers reporting on duty.
1.9 The City Coordinator must get the data of PwD from dashboard and ensure availability of scribes
for each Centre allotted to them. They need to prepare a database for Scribe as per the numbers
allotted in their City and upload the details on their dashboard (
1.10 Discuss Entry points and Exit points with respect to the Examination Centres.
1.11 Instructions regarding the prohibition of the use of mobile/ communication devices by staff during
examination anywhere inside the Centre.
1.12 Information regarding confirming the place of Custodian will be done by NTA early in the
morning and schedule for distribution of the question paper.

1.13 Finalization of time for distribution of confidential material from the Custodian. The far away
Centres may be called early and the nearest Centres may be called later to collect Question Papers.
If the number of centres is large, time slots may also be decided depending upon the distance of
the Centres from the Custodian.
1.14 Plan for no stoppage of the vehicle carrying confidential material from Custodian to Centre.
2. On the Day of Examination
2.1 To ensure that last entry in the Examination Centre in the Examination room/hall is not later than
01.30 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) i.e. no candidate is to be allowed to enter the Examination
Centre after the last reporting time i.e. 01.30 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) This has been
introduced as mandatory frisking/biometric of each candidate.
2.2 Handling of Confidential Material.
2.3 Coordinating with Centre Superintendent and Observers regarding the handling of the confidential
material that includes, receiving of Iron Box(es) from the Custodian and ensuring safety and
security while reaching the Centres.
3. Post Examination Work
3.1 Packing Plan of OMR Sheet (Original and Office Copy).
3.2 A place for the collection of material from centres after the examination will be designated by the
City Coordinator. If there are more than 2 City Coordinators in a city, they may have their
individual Collection centre. Finally, City Coordinator will handover the sealed box(es) to the
authorized Personnel of NTA.
3.3 To collect digital locks from all Centre Superintendents against the receipt and maintain a log of
all locks collected. The City Coordinator would store these locks safely till their pickup by the
concerned agency. Digital locks should not be used for any other purpose. Only pad locks should
be used.

Must have before the examination

• 3 passport size photographs
• Login on the Test admin portal
• Updated information and uploaded photograph on admin dashboard
• Copy of letter regarding Security at Centre
• List of all Examination Functionaries in their city.
• List of Observers and their acceptance of duty
• I-card from NTA
• Attended briefing and orientation as and when organized by NTA
• Organized Briefing/Meeting in their own city on 06 May 2023 (Saturday)
• Received advance for disbursement
• Received Keys in sealed Envelopes (Appendix- 4B)
• Authority Letter for Custodian(s) downloaded from the dashboard.


Chapter 3: Duties of Centre Superintendents
3.1 Centre Superintendent
The Centre Superintendent will be overall In-charge of the Centre where the examination is
being conducted and is overall responsible for the safe and smooth conduct of this high stakes
examination at their Centre. The Centre Superintendent will be appointed by NTA and will be
responsible for all processes as described in the Information Bulletin (IB), Guidelines as well as
in the corresponding Appendices. Centre Superintendent has to be present at the Centre as per the
requirement of the conduct of examination to ensure that all the preparations are made as per
plan under his/her supervision. Centre Superintendent will also coordinate with the City
Coordinator, Observer(s) and NTA.

3.2 Role of Centre Superintendent

The Centre Superintendent (CS) will personally attend the Briefing/Meeting to be held (at
time and venue communicated by City Coordinator) on 06 May 2023 (Saturday) by the
City Coordinator. The CS cannot depute another person.
The Centre Superintendent is expected to make the following essential arrangements at the
examination centre: -
Preparatory Stage
3.2.1 Identify a well-protected room to be used as a Control/Examination Room;
3.2.2 A strong almirah with keys in duplicate to be used by the Centre Superintendent for storage of
examination material;
3.2.3 Big Registration Rooms/Halls, one each for boys /girls;
3.2.4 Facsimile Signature stamps will be purchased by Centre Superintendent in adequate number to
affix on each Test Booklet and wherever applicable. Stamps to be kept in the safe custody of the
Centre Superintendent to avoid any misuse;
3.2.5 Cello Tape, Gum, Wax, Cloth, Needle, Thread, Bag, Luxor Pen/Permanent Marker, Scissors etc.
in sufficient quantity;
3.2.6 Sufficient and comfortable seating arrangement/furniture for the candidates;
3.2.7 Suitable arrangement of washroom/toilets separately for boys and girls;

3.2.8 Ballpoint pens provided by the NTA to be used by the candidates for writing particulars and for
marking responses in OMR Answer Sheet. Used pens may be carried by the candidates.
3.2.9 Water bottles for those candidates who forget to get their own water (20% of allocated strength)
may be organized. Water bottles for staff may also be organized.
3.2.10 Installation of wall clock at the main entry gate and for each room. The size of the wall clock
should be such that the candidates sitting in the last row should be able to see the time clearly.
(Non-adherence to this norm is the contempt of the orders given by Hon’ble Supreme Court of
India fortte on smooth and fair conduct of examination).
3.2.11 Since some candidates may come to the Examination Centre without photographs, it will be
appropriate to make the arrangement of a camera and a photographer at the centre in advance
to meet out such exigencies. Payment for photography may be claimed in the bill of the Centre
bill proforma.
3.2.12 The Centre Superintendent will hire the services of 02(two) Guards (One Male and One
Female) for entrance management duties at the outer gates of the Examination Centre and
during the conduct of examination and thereafter. These Guards will remain posted at the gates
only and will not be allowed to enter the Centre. The duties of the Guards will continue till the
completion of all activities on the day of examination. The payment to Guards will be paid as
per the NTA norms.

3.2.13 Ensure Jammers (if applicable) are installed in each Centre one day before the date of
Examination by an authorized Agency of NTA. These Jammers will be switched on half an hour
before the start of the Examination and will be switched off after half an hour of Examination or
as per the instructions of NTA. The switching ‘on’ is to be done in consultation with NTA only.
3.2.14 Frisking/Biometric will be done by the designated staff of the agency authorized by NTA inside
the Registration room/hall.
3.2.15 Appointment of Invigilator has to be done carefully as they need to be teachers/staff preferably
with non-science background. They should provide a declaration of “No Relation Certificate”
as per details given in Appendix-9. Moreover the list of all Invigilators with all details needs to
be provided to NTA in advance as per Appendix-9. NTA will conduct the orientations for
Invigilators for the examination in areas which have been found to be a matter of concern
in the past.

Pre-Examination Controls / Measures

A. Instructions in Candidates Admit Card
 Staggered Time Slot for the candidates reporting at the examination centres – to be printed
as “Slot (time)” such as 11.00 AM -11.30 AM
 List of items permitted in examination rooms
 A hyperlink for the location of the examination centre so that the Candidate may verify the
location of the centre in advance by clicking on the link. (When Candidate clicks the Centre
 In case of a PwBD candidate availing a Scribe from Centre arranged by NTA

 The following shall be the Pattern of NEET(UG) - 2023 :

The Test structure of NEET (UG) - 2023 comprises four Subjects. Each subject
will consist of two sections.
Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 Questions, out
of these 15 Questions, candidates can attempt any 10 Questions. So, the total
number of questions and utilization of time will remain the same.
The pattern for the Examination for admission in the Session 2023-24 is as

S. Number Of Marks Type Of

Subject(s) Section(s) (Each Question carries 04 (Four)
No Questions Marks) Question(s)
SECTION A 35 140

SECTION A 35 140
(Multiple Choice
SECTION A 35 140 Questions).

SECTION A 35 140

Note: Correct option marked will be given (4) marks and Incorrect option marked will be given
minus one (-1) mark. Unattempted/Unanswered Questions will be given no marks.

3.3 Arrangement of Videographer, Photographer and Guidelines for Videography
The conduct of examination would be videographed: Accordingly, videographers need
to be arranged in advance. To achieve the purpose of videography, the following
instructions may be issued to videographers:
3.3.1 First of all, the main entrance of the Centre is to be videographed along with the
seating plan and other information displayed outside the Centre. It may be ensured
that the name of the Centre is videographed properly.
3.3.2 The entry of the candidates in the Centre and their frisking/biometric may also be
videographed. Girls may be videographed only in case they are found in possession of
barred items. General videography of the searching/frisking of girls is not to be done.
3.3.3 Thereafter, a videographer will enter the Centre and videography of the Centre
Superintendent’s Room/Control Room especially duty chart will be done. However, it
may be ensured that during the opening of the Iron Box (es), only the authorized
officials are present in the room and no videography is done.
3.3.4 As soon as the examination starts, videography from first Room to the last Room be
done in such a manner that first of all the seating arrangement displayed at the entry
of the room be videographed clearly. Thereafter, in every room in ascending order of
roll number first the videography of the sticker of roll number is to be made and then
that of the concerned candidate. While videography is done in the rooms, instructions
may be issued by the Invigilator to the candidates that they will keep their faces in an
upright position for clear videography.
3.3.5 It is to be ensured that videography of all rooms and candidates be completed during
the conduct of the examination.
Precautions with Videographer

Keeping in view the sensitivity of the NEET(UG) the following precautions may be taken:

• Videographer(s) should be known to the school and must possess high integrity.

• Videographer/Photographer must not carry any of the barred electronic communication

devices including the mobile phone in the Examination Centre. Bluetooth enabled cameras
should not be used by the cameraman for taking photographs and for videography.

• Identity proof of the photographer/videographer must be ensured and verified.

• An identity card may also be issued to the videographer/photographer.

• It may also be ensured that none of the near relatives of the photographer is appearing in the
examination. Hence, an Undertaking may be taken from videographer(s) in this regard
(Appendix -12).

• In no case, a videographer will be allowed to leave the Centre before the Examination is over
and without handing over the storage device i.e. pen drive.

• The pen drive or storage device must be sealed in an envelope and signed by the
videographer, Centre Superintendent, NTA Observer and two Invigilators while indicating
the time and date of sealing. Centre Number must be mentioned on this envelope.

• It would be appreciated if one official from the school who is aware of the videography plan
be deputed along with the videographer to guide him regarding videography and also the
locations to be videographed.

3.4 Appointment and remuneration of Staff

Staff will be appointed as per the following norms and remuneration for the
conduct of examination:
(a) Engagement of Staff by the Centres:
Centre Superintendent One Should be Principal of School/College
Deputy Centre Upto 360 - One Should be Senior Vice-Principal/
Superintendent (s) Candidates Senior HeadMaster/ Sr. PGTs of the
361 to 720 - Two School
721 to 1080 - Three (Specific duties be assigned to Dy.
1081 and above - Four Centre Supdt. if more than one)
Invigilator(s) • Two for every 24 candidates in the Should be non-science teaching staff
(100% Invigilators be room. (other than Physics, Chemistry and
called for • They may be seated in a way that it is Biology (Botany and Zoology) of the
Briefing/Meeting prior in multiples of 24. School/College or from other
to the day of recognized schools/ colleges.
Examination) Note: In no case, any person from the
coaching centre is deputed as an
Invigilator or assigned any duty at
Administrative Staff / 01 for every 360 candidates Should be amongst the
Clerk Administrative staff of the
Water Boy 01 for every 120 candidates Should be amongst the Class IV staff
of the School/College
Sweeper/Cleaning 02 for every 360 candidates Should be amongst the Cleaning staff
Staff (Minimum Two -01 Male and 01 Female) of the School/College.
Watchman/Guards 02 for every 360 candidates Should be from among the
(Minimum Two-01 Male and 01 Female) Watchman/Guards of the
Upto 360 Candidates - One
Videographer 361 to 720 – Two
721 to 1080 - Three
1081 and above - Four

(b) Remuneration payable to the staff engaged for conduct of NEET(UG)- 2023:
Category Remuneration and Conveyance Payable
Centre Superintendent Rs. 2500/- per day + Rs.1000/- Fixed Conveyance per day
(Total admissible Rs.7000/- for two days only)
Deputy Centre Superintendent Rs. 1500/- per day + Rs.1000/- Fixed Conveyance per day
(Total admissible Rs 5000/- for two days only)
Room Invigilator(s)  Rs. 1300/- Fixed for those attending on the day of
(100% Invigilators must be called for Examination
Briefing/Meeting prior to the day of Examination)  Rs. 2200/-Fixed to those attending Briefing/ Meeting
prior to the day of Examination and attending on the
day of Examination
Administrative Staff/Clerk Rs. 700/- per day + Rs.300/- Fixed Conveyance per day

(Total admissible Rs 2000/- for two days only)

Supporting Staff-Sweeper/Cleaning Rs. 500/- + Rs.200/- Fixed Conveyance for the day of
Staff/Watchman/Guard/Water Boy/Peon Examination
(Total admissible Rs 700/- for the day of Examination
Videographer Rs 4000/- per Videographer inclusive of Pen
Drive/Storage Device Card
Passport Size Photograph – Rs 30/- for each Photograph

Other Contingent Charges are inclusive of Rs 15/- per candidate fixed
Charges maintenance of furniture, Facsimile
Signature stamps etc.
Purchase of Mask, Hand Gloves, Rs 25/- per candidate fixed
Sanitizer, water bottle for different
functionaries involved in Examination
and for those candidates who needs
sanitizers, Sanitization of rooms, floors
and desk etc. PPE Kit/Face Shield for
staff those in isolation room
Postal Charges Rs 100/- fixed
Refreshment Charges Rs 60/- per staff engaged for the day of Examination
Purchase of wall clocks and Rs 05/- per candidate fixed
Scissors/Cutter and small torch (as
many as required)
Conveyance for Collection of Rs 1000/- fixed
Confidential Material from Custodian
and transportation to the Centre
Conveyance for delivery of OMR Rs 1000/- fixed
Sheets and other material after the
conclusion of examination from Centre
to the City Coordinator.
(c) Remuneration payable to the Observers for the conduct of NEET(UG) - 2023:
Category Remuneration and Conveyance Payable
Observer Rs. 2000/- + Rs.1000/- Fixed Conveyance for a day prior to the day of
Rs. 4000/- + Rs.1000/- Fixed Conveyance for a day for the day of
(Total admissible Rs 8000/- for two days only)
10% TDS applicable on Remuneration.
Deputy/Independent Observer Rs. 2000/- + Rs.1000/- Fixed Conveyance for a day prior to the day of
Rs. 2000/- + Rs.1000/- Fixed Conveyance for a day for the day of
10% TDS applicable on Remuneration.
(d) Engagement of Staff and Remuneration payable to the City Coordinator for the conduct of NEET(UG)-
Category Remuneration and Conveyance Payable
City Coordinator Remuneration Rs. 20000/- fixed for three days for the Examination
Conveyance Rs. 3500/- fixed for three days for the Examination
(Total admissible Rs.23500/- for three days only)
10% TDS applicable on Remuneration.
Administrative One Rs. 700/- per day + Rs.300/- Fixed Conveyance per day
Staff/Clerk (Total admissible Rs 2000/- for two days only)
Supporting Staff- One Rs. 500/- + Rs.200/- Fixed Conveyance for two days
Sweeper / (Total admissible Rs 1400/- only)
Cleaning Staff
Waterman/Peon One Rs. 500/- + Rs.200/- Fixed Conveyance for two days
(Total admissible Rs 1400/- only)
Watchman/ Guards One Rs. 500/- + Rs.200/- fixed conveyance for the day of Examination
(Total admissible Rs 700/- for the day of Examination only)
Refreshment For staff* Rs 60/- per staff engaged in the examination per day for a maximum of
two days
Note: In case the City Coordinator is from an Examination Centre, the City Coordinator shall appoint a Centre
Superintendent for that Centre who shall be among the Senior Staff of the School/Centre.
(e ) Remuneration payable to the Observers for the conduct of NEET(UG) - 2023:
Category Remuneration and Conveyance Payable
Flying Squad/NTA Representative Rs 4000/- per day (subject to TDS) for duty day +
Fixed Local Conveyance - Rs 1000/- per day for duty
10% TDS applicable on Remuneration.
3.4.1 Staff for the conduct of examination to be engaged strictly as per prescribed norms.
3.4.2 All Invigilators should be called for attending Briefing/Meeting one day before the
examination at the Centre.

3.4.3 Necessary administrative staff/clerk and class IV staff may be called one day before the
3.4.4 Room wise allocation of work in case of Class IV staff may be done. Clear instructions
are given to them for offering drinking water in allotted rooms. No class IV staff should be
in the possession of any communication device/camera.
Persons whose near relation is appearing at the examination should not be appointed for
any examination duty. A ‘No Relation Certificate’ to this effect (Appendix-9) that no
near relation is appearing at the examination be signed by all the staff on duty and sent to
the NTA. NTA will conduct the Orientation for Invigilators for the examination in
areas which have been found to be a matter of concern in the past.

3.5 Staff Briefing/Meeting prior to Examination at Centre

(The Centre Superintendent should read and understand the Guidelines carefully before
Briefing/Meeting with the Deputy Superintendent (if any), Invigilators and other supporting

3.5.1 Before the examination, the Centre Superintendent shall call the Deputy
Superintendent(s), all Invigilators, Clerk(s) and Class-IV Staff for a briefing with the
help of Power Point Presentation shared by the NTA for the following purposes: -

(i) Management of Centre and Registration Rooms/Halls

(ii) Management of candidates at the entrance and in the examination room with
the help of male and female Invigilators and guards

(iii) Mode of obtaining Test Booklet Packets by the Invigilators

(iv) Circulation of Attendance Sheets (it may be ensured that while distributing
Attendance Sheets, the same shall not be cut into pieces)
(v) The seating arrangement of examination
(vi) Sealing and Return of Unused Test Booklet envelopes duly packed by
Invigilators and handed over to the Centre Superintendent
(vii) Collection and sealing of OMR Answer Sheets (Original and Office copy)
parcels with special seal and Attendance Sheets at the end of the examination
(viii) A detailed plan of frisking/biometric along with authorized staff/agency
deputed for frisking/biometric and scanning both.

3.5.2 After the presentation, Centre Superintendent may finalize the plan and communicate
to all Functionaries available at the Centre on the examination duty.
3.5.3 The seating plan of the examination rooms should be strictly adhered as per
Appendix-1. The objective of the seating plan is to help the candidates to find their
seats without any difficulty and to avoid getting the Test Booklet of the same code to
the candidates. Thus 24 or multiples of 24 should be seated in a room (In case of a
large hall, the adequate distance between candidates to be maintained )
3.5.4 The Centre Superintendent should check the seating arrangement is comfortable and
there is no scope for unfair means cases during examination.
3.5.5 After making all required arrangements, the Centre Superintendent shall ensure
sanitization is done in all the examination hall/rooms, toilets and the rooms meant for
confidential work are sealed one day before the examination. Before sealing, Centre

Superintendent needs to also ensure that no communication device has been hidden in
the examination room/premises which could be taken in possession by the candidate
after frisking/biometric for unfair use.

3.6 Information to be displayed inside the Centre

3.6.1 A sticker indicating the Roll Number of each candidate needs to be pasted on the
table/desk. The stickers shall be supplied by the NTA.
3.6.2 A Chart showing the Roll Number of candidates allotted in each room must be pasted
outside and inside of each room for identification of seats by the candidates.
3.6.3 List of staff on Examination Duty, i.e., list of Deputy Superintendent(s)/ Invigilators
(For rooms & Frisking/Biometric Staff of Agency)/Clerk(s)/Class IV Staff be
displayed in the room of Centre Superintendent/Control Room.
3.6.4 A schedule of different activities to be adhered by the Centre Superintendent as given
in Annexure-3A.
3.6.5 Bell Timing schedule as given in Annexure-3B.

3.7 Information to be displayed outside the Centre

The Centre Superintendent must display the following information at the entry point of
the Examination Centre:
3.7.1 A consolidated chart of candidates indicating Room Number and Roll Numbers ‘From
– To’ allotted in each room to be displayed at 3 different places as mentioned below:
• Inside the Control room
• In the main Corridor
• Outside the door of the Classroom

Instruction for Candidates

1. Candidates would be allowed to carry only the following items inside the Examination Room/Hall: -
 Personal transparent water bottle
 Mask
 Personal small hand sanitizer (50 ml)
 Examination related documents (Admit Card with photograph affixed on it, Original Valid Govt.
ID proof, Passport size photograph to be pasted over Attendance Sheet, PwD certificate (if
applicable), ID Proof and Photograph (If applicable).
 PwD Certificate (Appendix-XI) is given in Information Bulletin, available on NTA NEET
website ( The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical
limitation and a Scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf, being so
certified in the aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a
Government Health Care Institution. It is to be noted that the Scribe may be provided by the
National Testing Agency (NTA), if requested in the online Application Form of NEET (UG) -
2023. Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for the examination of
three hours & twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration, whether such candidate (having a
physical limitation to write) uses the facility of Scribe or not.

No other item is to be permitted inside the examination room/hall. The Admit Card will clearly
state what candidates are permitted to carry and what they are not permitted to carry.

** (Pen will be provided by the NTA in the examination room). Used pens after the conclusion
of examination to be carried by candidates.
2. Candidates will NOT be allowed to carry the following items inside the Examination Room/Hall: -

(a) Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Geometry/Pencil
Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, Calculator, Log
Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner etc.
(b) Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health
Band Etc.
(c) Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Cap, ATM/Credit/Debit Card, Plastic Identity
Card, any remote key, etc.
(d) Any Watch/Wristwatch, Camera, etc.
(e) Any metallic item
(f) Any eatable item opened or packed etc.
(g) Any other item which could be used for unfair means for hiding communication devices like
camera, Bluetooth device etc.
Non-adherence to the above would be considered as a case of Unfairmeans. (Diabetic candidates
may carry whole fruit, sugar tablets or candy. Any packed fruit or box containing cut
fruits/eatables would not be allowed).
3. Candidates are expected to be in clothes as per the instructions (given in Information Bulletin at
Chapter 10 – Section 10.2).
4. Candidates are not allowed to use white correction fluid on the OMR Sheet and Attendance Sheet.
5. Candidates should sit in their allotted seats only.

3.7.2 A wall clock must be displayed at the main entry point of the Examination Centre to
ensure that no candidate is allowed to enter after 01.30 P.M.(Indian Standard Time).
The time of all the wall clocks in the centre may be set as per the time displayed in the
clock available on the NEET website (
3.7.3 The Invigilators will ensure that candidates entering the examination room are not in
the possession of barred items.

3.8 Movement of Candidates after entry into the Examination Centre

3.8.1 Centre Superintendent needs to set up at least 2 big Registration Rooms/halls,

one each for male and female candidates, as a single point to streamline.
1. Thermal Scanning
2. Frisking/Biometric
3. Document verification (by displaying from a distance)
• Admit Card along with passport size photograph affixed on it
• One additional passport size photograph to be affixed on Attendance Sheet
• Original and Valid Photo Identity Card as ID proof.
• PwBD Certificate (Appendix-XI) given in Information Bulletin, available on
NTA NEET(UG) - 2023 website (
• The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation and a Scribe is
essential to write the examination on his/her behalf, being so certified in the
aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a
Government Health Care Institution. It is to be noted that the Scribe may be
provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA), if requested in the online
Application Form

Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for the
examination of three hours & twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration,
whether such candidate (having a physical limitation to write) uses the
facility of Scribe or not.
4. Information of Examination room number

3.8.2 Frisking/Biometric point and document verification desk to be set up at appropriate

physical distance inside the room/hall and would be managed by Invigilators on Duty,
besides frisking/biometric staff from a designated agency. As the number of candidates
per room is 24, one of the Invigilators may be involved in this pre-examination task as
per the roster before the examination begins.
3.8.3 Invigilators (as per the roster) may be on duty in the Registration Room. They must
carry a seat allocation chart to inform/direct students about their examination room.
3.8.4 Guards at the entrance would ensure that each candidate is wearing a mask. After
sanitizing hands, every candidate would pass through the Registration Room to
complete the three steps mentioned above. Observer(s) and Invigilator(s) on duty
would ensure maintenance of required social distance as per the social distancing

3.9 Other Arrangements

3.9.1 The Centre Superintendent shall provide an authorized Identity Card supplied by the
NTA to all officials associated with the conduct of NEET. The Identity Card must bear
the name, designation and signature of the official on duty. No official may be
allowed on duty without an Identity Card.

3.9.2 The Centre Superintendent shall contact District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner/
Collector and Superintendent of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police / Police
Authorities of the area for deputing at least four policemen and one Sub-Inspector in
uniform at the Centre to maintain law and order for the smooth and fair conduct of the
3.9.3 No person including Police Officials, District Administration Officials, Flying Squads,
Media Persons, or any other person who is not on examination duty shall be allowed
inside the examination Centre without due authorization from NTA.
3.9.4 Staff deployed for searching and frisking/biometric should be properly briefed to
prevent any effort of smuggling any Barred Item in the examination Centre. In case, it
is observed that any candidate is breaching the rules, the matter should immediately be
reported to Centre Superintendent/local police.
3.9.5 The gates of the examination Centre should be opened 3 hours before the specified
time of commencement of the examination, i.e., 11:00 A.M. No candidate who reports
after 01.30 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) be allowed to enter the examination Centre.
3.9.6 The schedule given at Annexure-3A is to be adhered at the Centre.

3.10 Important information for Invigilators:

NTA will be providing the following documents as part of the Centre Kit for each Centre:
• A note to Invigilator as part of Appendices
• Invigilators must read them carefully a day before the examination.

This will help Invigilators in remembering and performing their duties in the examination
room. Centre Superintendents may please supply a copy of the same to each Invigilator. These
may be retained by the Centres after the examination.
3.11 CCTV system Installation for Live Streaming at Control Room Set up at NTA
In case a Centre is on the list where CCTVs have to be installed for Live Streaming, Centre
Superintendent will be contacted by the Service Provider authorized by NTA.
• CCTV surveillance is to be provided for selected Examination Centres spread all over
India. The main aim of the live CCTV surveillance system in each of the examination
rooms of these Examination Centre is to curb malpractices, Unfair means in the
examinations so as to ensure smooth conduct of the examination.
• The authorized service provider of NTA will make arrangements for live viewing at
remote locations and recording CCTVs Systems of all examination centres at the control
room situated in the NTA.
• During the period of examination, the CCTV facility should not be interrupted due to any
technical fault, etc. and the authorized service provider shall take due care of functioning
CCTV with an adequate backup of CCTV during the conduct of the examination.
• Power backup and other arrangements at every Centre would be ensured by the
authorized service provider.
• The hardware required for the job shall be provided and maintained by the service
provider/agency and training of staff deployed at the examination Centres shall be
imparted by the service provider.
• Internet, Power backup and other arrangements at each examination Centre would need to
be provided by the authorized agency. In case they are not able to provide the Services
satisfactorily this must be reported in the Feedback/Report Proforma.
• The authorized service provider will ensure that the CCTV Cameras provided work
properly, during the entire duration of the examination in the Centres or as ordered.
• The authorized service provider will install cameras of 2 megapixels or higher resolution
IP based CCTV Cameras in the Centre.
• All Live Streaming must also be recorded on Service Provider’s secured central server.
• One Computer screen with one manpower at every Examination Centre should be
provided for Centre Incharge.
• The authorized service provider has to arrange any additional quantity of Colour Cameras
if required.
• The authorized service provider will have to ensure that the CCTV Cameras installed at
the Centres are working properly during the entire duration of the examination.
• The service provider will also install one CCTV Colour Camera at each Centre Incharge
room of concerned examination centres.
• The authorized service provider will ensure that the staff engaged are disciplined and
maintain the full decorum of the office.
3.12 Installation and Effectiveness of Jammers (if applicable)
This is further certified that Jammers for Jamming the Mobile Signals will be installed at the
Examination Centre by the firm identified by the NTA. The Jammers will be installed all

around rooms where the examination is being conducted. During the conduct of examination,
all the installed Jammers need to be functional and operational.
3.13 Other Important Issues
Though detailed guidelines have been given for each and every activity to be done at the
Examination Centre, however, if there is any issue which is in contravention to the Guidelines,
a detailed report is to be prepared by the concerned official of the Examination Centre and the
same may be signed and countersigned by Centre Superintendent and Observer respectively.
Report(s) may be kept in a separate envelope provided by NTA and packed along with
Appendices to be handed over to NTA.

Pre-Examination work:

1.1 Logging into Examination Centre Link

1.2 Update accurate Bank details on the dashboard
1.3 Attend Briefing/Meeting
1.4 Preparation for Examination Centre as per rule.
1.5 Security (Guards & Police) Arrangements at Centre
1.6 Appointment of Staff such as Deputy CS, Invigilators, Clerk and Class IV employees

On the Day of Examination:

2.1 Information to be displayed inside the Centre.
2.2 All important tasks (Receiving of Question Paper to Packing of Answer Booklets)
Must have before the examination:
• 3 passport size photographs
• Copy of letter regarding Security at Centre
• List of City Coordinators
• List of Observers
• I-card from NTA
• Logging into Examination Centre Link
• Has attended briefing and orientation as and when organized by NTA
• Has attend Briefing/Meeting by City Coordinator in their own city
• Conducted briefing of Deputy Centre Superintendent/Invigilators (100% of Invigilators to
be invited)

Frisking/Biometric Norms
(For Centre Superintendent and NTA Authorized Agency)
• There would be a separate frisking/biometric zone for male & female Candidates (In the
Registration Room/Hall). Only female staff will frisk the female candidates in the enclosure.
• Handheld Metal detector with long rod for detection of prohibited Metallic Equipment/
Mobiles / Electronics / Communication equipment or any small Electronic Bugs will be used
by the authorized Agency.
• No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination room without frisking/biometric.
• The trained staff of the authorized Agency will verify all documents including Admit Cards
and valid Identity Card of the candidate and other required documents, without touching
• The trained manpower to be supplied by the Agency will include male & female
frisking/biometric personnel.
• Personnel involved in frisking/biometric must take care of sensitivity issues related to
Gender/Religion/Socio-Cultural and regional Differences and should not hurt the
sentiment of any candidate.

Frisking/biometric (to be carried out by agency authorized by NTA):

Fair conduct of examination will depend on the quality of frisking/biometric done. There should not
be any laxity during frisking/biometric. Following is important information for frisking: -
a. Staff/guards for frisking/biometric must wear masks..

b. Female guards will frisk the girl candidates inside and male guards will frisk the male
candidates, in designated Registration rooms.

c. The frisking/biometric staff/guard will ensure that the candidates carry only the
following inside the examination room:-
• Mask, small hand sanitizer, transparent water bottle.
• Admit Card along with passport size photograph affixed on it
• One passport size photograph to be affixed on the Attendance Sheet
• Any one of the authorized IDs (must be original, valid and non-expired) issued
by the Government – PAN Card/ Driving License/Voter ID/ Passport/
Aadhaar Card (with photograph/E-Aadhaar).
• PwD Certificate (Appendix-XI) given in Information Bulletin, available on
NTA NEET website ( It is to be noted that the Scribe may
be provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA), if requested in the online
Application Form of NEET (UG) - 2023.

Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for the
examination of three hours & twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration, whether
such candidate (having a physical limitation to write) uses the facility of Scribe
or not.

d. The authorized staff on duty will ensure that candidates are not in possession of any
other article, except the items which are allowed while entering inside the Examination
Centre. List of Barred Items are given in Chapter-9.

e. The Invigilators will check thoroughly that candidates are following the dress code
advised in the Information Bulletin.
• If candidates are wearing garments with full sleeves, with big buttons or badges,
brooches etc. which could be used to hide tiny communication devices such as
Bluetooth, camera, etc., they need to be checked thoroughly.
• Suspicious candidates may be asked to remove shoes only at the time of
f. To avoid any misuse, it may also be ensured that the searching/frisking of girls is not
videographed. The candidates are not allowed to carry the following items inside the
examination centre under any circumstances:
i) Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers,
Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen
Drives, Eraser, Calculator, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner etc.
ii) Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones,
Microphone, Pager, Health Band Etc.
iii) Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Cap, ATM/Credit/Debit
Card, Plastic Identity Card, any remote key, etc.
iv) All ornaments like Rings, Bracelets, Earrings, Nose-pin, Chain/Necklace,
Pendants, Badge, Brooch etc. be carefully checked.
v) Any Watch/Wrist Watch, Camera, etc.

Great Things Never Came from Comfort Zones

Chapter 4: Duties of Other Functionaries at Centre
4.1 Deputy Centre Superintendent
The Centre Superintendent shall appoint Deputy Centre Superintendent(s) so that in the
absence of Centre Superintendent, he/she can take over the responsibilities. In case, more
than one Deputy Centre Superintendent is appointed at the Centre, specific duty is to be
assigned to each one of them.

The appointment can be withdrawn at any time by the Centre Superintendent if considered
necessary in the interest of the examination.

Duties of Deputy Centre Superintendent(s)

i. The Deputy Centre Superintendent shall assist the Centre Superintendent in all matters
pertaining to the arrangements for the efficient, timely, smooth and fair conduct of the
ii. In the absence of the Centre Superintendent, the Deputy Centre Superintendent will
exercise all powers of the Centre Superintendent and will be fully responsible for the fair
and smooth conduct of the examination.

To prevent impersonation, the Deputy Centre Superintendent (s) should visit every
examination room and check the genuineness of the candidates by comparing the identity of
the candidate present with the scanned photograph given on the Attendance Sheet/Admit

4.2 Deputy/ Independent Observer

The Deputy/Independent Observer is appointed by NTA for observing the conduct of NEET
(UG) – 2023. Deputy/Independent Observers are NTA representatives entrusted with the
responsibility to monitor the following aspects of the conduct of examinations and ensure that
the examinations are conducted in a punctual, fair and transparent manner at the examination
Centre, thus enhancing the general credibility of the NTA examination system:

• To ensure that the Security Guard is stationed outside the gate

• Crowd management of candidates and their guardians
• Make parallel linear queues
• Photograph on the Admit card the candidate is carrying, matches with his/her face.
Those who are not carrying the copy of their Aadhar card must be asked to fill up an
undertaking at the Centre.
• Frisking of the candidates using handheld metal detector is done extremely carefully.
• Use a torch to look inside ears of the candidates to ensure they are not wearing/hiding
any Bluetooth devices/Communication devices.
• Ensure that candidates are not carrying any personal belongings other than written in
the admit cards

• To take rounds of the Examination Room to ensure all examination functionaries are
doing their duty in a vigilant manner. No candidate is sitting idle for a long period of
• The Original copy should not be detached from Office copy before submission to the
Invigilator. In case of any untoward incident or observation at the center, you are
requested to contact the City Coordinator, who will be in direct touch with National
Testing Agency (NTA).
• Candidate must carry “Any one of the original and valid Photo Identification Proof
issues by the Government” – PAN card/Driving License / Voter ID/ Passport / Aadhar
Card (With photograph)/ E-Aadhaar/ Ration Card / Aadhaar Enrolment Number with
Photo. All other ID/photocopies of IDs even if attested/scanned photo of IDs in the
mobile phone will NOT be considered as valid ID Proof along with Admit Card.
• PwD Certificate (Appendix-XI) is given in Information Bulletin, available on NTA
NEET website ( The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a
physical limitation and a Scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf,
being so certified in the aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical
Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution. It is to be noted that the
Scribe may be provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA), if requested in the
online Application Form of NEET (UG) - 2023.

Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for the
examination of three hours and twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration, whether
such candidate (having a physical limitation to write) uses the facility of Scribe
or not.

Day before the examination day

• The Deputy/Independent Observer should report a day before at Centres to ensure the
operation/activities are done as per the protocol/procedure and familiarize with the
staff (invigilators, CS, support staff etc.)
• To ensure all the designated staff and functionaries have desired qualification and are
issued their ID Card.
• Plan to ensure that candidates reach the examination room only after registration.
• Ensure CCTV are in working condition, the name of CCTV camera matches with the
physical names. Ensure that there is no CCTV blind spot.
• Conduct a planning meeting with all the staff to inform/remind rules.
• Confirm if basic amenities for candidates’ comfort, safety and security of examination
is available at the examination centre

During examination

• The Deputy/Independent Observer should report at Examination centre on the

scheduled date and in order to supervise all the activities at the centre.
• Check presence of all staff. All staff deployed on the day of examination must possess
their identity card duly authenticated by the competent authority.
• The Deputy/Independent Observer must ensure that he/she and others do not possess

the mobile phone etc. during the conduct of the examination. All should deposit their
mobile phones at control room. Only one person from centre would be allowed to
carry mobile but at secure location only.
• The entry and exit of examination building should be strictly restricted during
examination time.
• The Deputy/Independent Observer should satisfy himself regarding arrangements
made for frisking of candidates at entry gate.
• Ensure that no person other than those deployed for duty is present in the examination
centre. Their duty orders as well as their identity cards should be checked.
• They have to visit the examination rooms frequently and check if invigilators are
vigilant and moving in entire room.

4.3 Flying Squad Member

The Flying Squad Member as appointed by NTA will visit all the Centres in the City and
depending on the time of visit, observe the following at different Centres:

• It is to ensure that, no candidate is allowed to enter the examination room without

frisking. All documents including Admit Cards and valid Identity Card of the
candidate and other required documents are verified.
• Frisking/biometric at the Centre (both process as well as manner). A separate frisking
zone for male and female Candidates (In the Registration Room/Hall). Only female
staff will frisk the female candidates in the enclosure.
• The trained manpower to be supplied by the Agency should include male and female
frisking personnel. Hand-held Metal detector with long rod for detection of prohibited
Metallic Equipment/ Mobiles / Electronics / Communication equipment or any small
Electronic Bugs as used by the authorized Agency is done seriously.
• Personnel involved in frisking/biometric must take care of sensitivity issues related to
Gender/Religion/Socio-Cultural and regional Differences and should not hurt the
sentiment of any candidate.
• Process of allocation of candidates ensuring they are sitting as per the Roll Number
sticker on their desk. Observe activities in the control Room with the NTA Observer
and Centre Superintendent.
• Opening of Iron Boxes at 1.15 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) distribution of Booklets,
Instructions given by Invigilators, Videography of each candidate and collection of
both Original OMRs and Office copy of OMRs.

After the examination, Flying Squad Members are required to submit Feedback reports
(enclosed with their letter).

4.4 Invigilators on Duty

The Invigilator is the most important functionary in the smooth and fair conduct of any
examination, including NEET (UG)-2023. It is expected that they shall perform their duties
judiciously for completing the following responsibilities:

An examination room with 24 candidates would have 2 Invigilators.

1. Proper administration and discipline inside the examination room.

2. Completion of all formalities to ensure proper documentation.

3. Fair conduct of examination inside the examination room.

Duties of Invigilators

i. Invigilators shall be informed about the place (room number) of their duties on the
day of the examination just before its commencement. They are not allowed to carry
their mobile phones or any other communication devices to the examination room.

ii. Invigilators shall receive the tamper-evident envelopes containing the sealed Test
Booklets (in sets of 24) from the Centre Superintendent, at the allotted time.

iii. On reaching the allotted room, the Invigilators shall once again verify Admit Card
and identity proof, as candidates display it to them.

iv. Invigilators must note that the time for the last entry to the Examination Room is
1:30P.M. (Indian Standard Time) No candidate who reports after 01.30 P.M. (Indian
Standard Time) shall be allowed to enter the examination centre.

v. While videography is being done, it may be announced that each candidate must keep
the face in an upright position during recording.

vi. The invigilator shall make the following announcement to the students at 1:40 P.M.
(Indian Standard Time).

vii. Between 1:40 P.M. and 1:50 P.M. (Indian Standard Time), Invigilators should check
the identity of candidates by checking their Admit Cards downloaded and printed
from the NTA website, tallying their signatures and the Photograph on the candidate’s
Attendance Sheets with the signature and the photograph on their Admit Cards while
candidates display documents to them. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt, the
matter should be reported to the Centre Superintendent immediately. The candidate
should also sign at the appropriate place on the Admit Card in the presence of the
viii. At 1:40 P.M. (Indian Standard Time), Invigilator shall open the envelope containing
24 Test Booklets within the allotted Examination room. Invigilators need to ensure
that the Test Booklets are distributed as per the seating plan (Appendix-1) and Test
Booklets of the same code are not given to the candidates sitting close by.
ix. At 1:50 P.M. (Indian Standard Time), on a single bell, while distributing the Test

Booklet to a candidate, it has to be ensured that the candidate has simultaneously
signed the Attendance Sheet. (The candidate will be signing with time the Attendance
Sheet twice, firstly, at the time of the receipt of the Test-Booklet and secondly, at the
time of handing over the Answer-Sheet to the Invigilator). The Test Booklet should
be distributed only after verification of genuineness of candidate, matching the
QP Medium written on an adhesive sticker of Roll No. of candidate pasted on
Table/Desk and QP Medium printed on Test Booklet and obtaining signature
with time and Pasting Photograph on Attendance Sheet.
x. After Distributing test booklets, the Invigilators should announce the important
instructions to the candidates in the examination room before the commencement of
the test. The Invigilator must check and verify that the candidate has written and filled
in the following particulars neatly and correctly on the Test Booklet and OMR with
Black Ball Point Pen (supplied by NTA) only.
xi. The Invigilators must check that the candidate has written the following particulars
correctly on the Attendance Sheet using Black Ball point pen (supplied by NTA
only): -

xii. The Invigilator should ensure that Candidates have put Left Hand Thumb Impression in
the space provided for Thumb Impression on the Original Copy of the OMR Sheet.

xiii. The Invigilators shall ensure that every OMR Answer Sheet has been countersigned by them.
They will take a round of the seats in the Examination Hall assigned to them immediately after
the commencement of the examination and check the Admit Card and compare specimen
signatures and photographs as given on the Admit Card and Attendance Sheet to verify the
genuineness of candidates appearing in the examination while maintaining distance.

xiv. The Invigilator will also check that the Mother’s name written by the candidate on the
Attendance Sheet is the same as mentioned in the List of Candidates. For this purpose, the
Invigilator will get the relevant pages of the List of Candidates from the Centre Superintendent.

Any mismatch or gap should be immediately reported to the Centre Superintendent, who would
ascertain the genuineness of the candidate by questioning him/her as to how the candidate had
written a different name. In case of any doubt, the photograph of such candidate be taken,
and it is duly attested by the Centre Superintendent and countersigned by the Observer
after being pasted on the white paper and sent to NTA. Further action is to be taken as
per instructions given in Chapter-8.

xv. The Invigilator will also check and ensure that nothing is written on the backside of the
OMR Sheet i.e. blank sheet provided as it will help to get the markings on the OFFICE Copy
of the Answer Sheet. Hence Invigilator should announce that nothing should be written on the
blank sheet and no stray mark should be made.

xvi. The unused test booklets against the absent candidates will be collected serially at 01:55
P.M. (Indian Standard Time). These unused test booklets will be packed in a given
envelope (in White Paper Envelope of size 10x12 inches) at 02:00 P.M (Indian Standard
Time) and necessary entries will be made on the envelope. Before packing the unused test
booklet, Invigilator will ensure that all the candidates present in the room do not have any
problem with their test booklet or the answer sheet which needs replacement. In case, test
booklets need to be changed, the same may be changed from the unused test booklets and
this may be reported on the packing envelope as well as a report be submitted separately
by the Centre Superintendent. Thereafter, at 02.00 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) sealed
packet of unused test booklets along with absentee information be returned to the Centre
Superintendent in the Control/Examination Room. These should be kept in an Iron Box
which should be immediately locked with one key with the Observer and the other one
with the Centre Superintendent.

xvii. If any candidate submits the blank OMR, then the Invigilator must get it signed
by the candidate that the OMR is blank and the Invigilator should countersign it.

xviii. Invigilators must collect the Admit Card of the candidates. No candidate will be
allowed to carry Admit Card with him/her.





• Check and ensure that you are sitting on allotted seats, and are not in possession of any of
the barred/prohibited items
• If any of the candidates in the room has noticed any other student using any unfair means of
activity, the same may be objected to and be reported immediately to the Invigilator(s) on
• If any Candidate is found to be in possession of any barred/prohibited items or Unfair means
as per the Information Bulletin or Admit Card, he be immediately handed over to the
Invigilators for further action.
• Candidates will use only BLACK BALL POINT PEN provided by NTA for writing and
filling up the particulars on the Test-Booklet, OMR Sheet and Attendance Sheet.

Instructions to be given by the Invigilators to the Candidates about filling

particulars and taking the test

a) Use only Black Ball Point Pen provided at the Centre for writing and filling up the particulars on
the Test-Booklet, Original Copy of the Answer Sheet and Attendance Sheet.
b) Go through Instructions for Marking on the back side of Office Copy of the Answer Sheet.
c) Open the seal, only after the instruction on hearing the double bell.
d) After opening check carefully that the Test Booklet Code printed on the OMR Answer Sheet
is the same as printed on Test Booklet. In case of any discrepancy, immediately report the
matter to the Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
e) Check immediately that the Test Booklet bears the facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent
and contains as many number of pages as are written on top of the first page.
f) Do not remove any page(s) of the Test-Booklet. If a candidate is found removing any page from
the Test Booklet, he/she shall be prosecuted and will be liable for criminal action.
g) Do not fold the Answer Sheet nor make any stray marks on it.
h) Do not remove the Office Copy of the OMR Answer Sheet.
i) Candidates are required to sign twice in the Attendance Sheet firstly at the time of receipt of the
Test Booklet and secondly while handing over the OMR (Both Original and Office Copy) to the
Invigilator before leaving the examination room.
j) The candidate will sign on OMR Sheet in the space provided for Thumb Impression at the time of
starting the work and at the back of the OMR Sheet while depositing the OMR Sheet.
k) On completion of the test, candidates must hand over the OMR (Both Original and Office Copy)
to the Invigilator and take away only the Test Booklet with them.

xix. Centre Superintendent has to prepare the OMR based Absentee Statement (Appendix-3) sent
by the NTA immediately after commencement of the examination. For filling up the
Absentee Proforma: Centre Superintendent has to darken the Appropriate Circles with Black
Ball Point Pen against the Roll No. of Candidates who are “Absent”. Do not use a Red /
Green Pen. In case of shortage of any OMR based Absentee Proforma, Proforma
provided in Appendix-3 may be printed and used.
xx. The Invigilator should ensure that the candidates do not leave their seats without the
permission of the Invigilator. No candidate should be allowed to leave the examination
room till the examination is over and Invigilator has counted OMR Answer Sheets
xxi. All Exits from the Examination Room should be closed immediately before the
Examination is due to end at 5:05 P.M (Single Bell).

xxii. The Invigilators should then collect OMR Sheets from each and every candidate and obtain
their signatures with time on the Attendance Sheets in the space provided for signature and
put Left Hand Thumb Impression in the space provided for the Thumb Impression. The
Invigilators should count the OMR Sheets (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) before allowing
candidates to leave the room to ensure that no candidate has left the examination room
without handing over both the OMR Sheets to the Invigilator. In each case there should be
two OMRs Original OMR, duly attached ORIGINAL and OFFICE copy. After
counting, both copies need to be separated at the mark. Then Invigilator will put the Original
OMR in a pink paper envelope and the Office Copy in the blue paper envelope and will
handover to Centre Superintendent. The Invigilator will be singularly responsible for any
lapse in any issue related to OMRs and not taking signature and thumb impression of
xxiii. Invigilators are under the control of the Centre Superintendent during the period they are on
examination duty. They should not leave the examination centre without the permission of
the Centre Superintendent.
xxiv. Invigilators are witnesses to the opening of the Test Booklets Packet(s) and sealing of the
bag/parcels of the unused Test Booklets/Answer Sheets/Attendance Sheets when desired by
the Centre Superintendent.
xxv. While the examination is in progress, Invigilators shall take care of the following:

• No candidate copies his/her answer with the help of another candidate or uses
notes/books etc. or makes use of any other unfair means, at the examination
• If an Invigilator finds a candidate talking or using unfair means, he/she should report
the matter to the Centre Superintendent and then act according to the instructions
given by the Centre Superintendent.
• Also, the Invigilators are expected to submit a written report to the Centre
Superintendent about all such cases and put his/her signature on the required
document(s) as per directions of the Centre Superintendent.
• Invigilators are responsible for maintaining the discipline, order and proper conduct
of Examination in the room under their supervision and as such they should
constantly be watchful and move about in the room and not talk or read any book,
newspaper or the Test Booklet during the period of examination.
xxvi. No candidate suffering from any infectious disease like smallpox, flu, mumps, etc. should be
allowed to sit in the room, with other candidates. If such a case is suspected, it should be
reported to the Centre Superintendent immediately so that his/her seating arrangements
could be made in a separate place.
xxvii. One of the Invigilators should always accompany a candidate wishing to make use of the
washroom during the examination. Candidate must wash their hands with soap every time
they use the washroom. It should be ensured that there is no copying material in the
washrooms and the candidates return to their respective places within normal time. Special
attention should be paid to those who visit the washrooms more than once during the
examination. Such candidates should be thoroughly searched again.
xxviii. No candidate is to be allowed to use the washroom in the last 30 minutes, i.e., from
04.50 P.M to 05.20 P.M. (Indian Standard Time).
xxix. Few Invigilators will also get duty in the Registration room from 11:00 A.M till last entry of
the Candidates, on a rotational basis (as per the roster) by changing duty at an interval of
every half an hour.

 Facilities for PwBD Candidate
Provisions relating to Persons with Disability (PwBD) Guidelines for conducting written
examination for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities above 40% vide letter dated 29 August
2018 from Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
As per Section 2(t) of the RPwD Act, “Persons with Disability (PwD)” means a person with
long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairment which, in interaction with
barriers, hinders his full and effective participation in society equally with others.
According to Section 2(r) of the RPwD Act, 2016, “persons with benchmark disabilities” means
a person with not less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified
disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability where
specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying
The candidates with a Disability shall be considered for admission in medical course against 5%
of the total seats, in accordance with the criteria prescribed under the Regulation on Graduate
Medical Education (1997) as amended up to 13-05-2019 (Please see Appendix-VI).
As per the guidelines issued by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment issued from time to time
on the subject: “Written Examination for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities”, for the
candidate with one of the benchmark disabilities [as defined in Section 2(r) of RPwD Act,
2016], holding a Disability Certificate in the prescribed format (Appendix–XI) in the Rights of
Person with Disabilities Rules, 2017 (link
99&type=rule&filename=Rules_notified_15.06.pdf) :

a) The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation and a Scribe is
essential to write the examination on his/her behalf, being so certified in the
aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government
Health Care Institution.

b) Compensatory time of one hour five minutes for examination of three hours
twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration for PwBD Candidate [having a physical
limitation to write] will be given, whether such candidate uses the facility of Scribe or
 Services of Scribe
As per the office memorandum of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Reference:
F. No. 34-02/2015-DD-III dated August 29, 2018), the PwBD candidates who are visually
impaired OR have a disability in the upper limbs OR have lost fingers/hands thereby preventing
them from properly operating the Computer Based Test platform may avail the services of a
Scribe (amanuensis).
As per the Guidelines issued by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
(Divyangjan) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment issued from time to time
on the subject: “In case the examining body provides the Scribe/reader/lab assistant, it shall be
ensured that qualification of the Scribe should not be more than minimum qualification criteria

of the examination. However, the qualification of the Scribe/reader should always be
matriculate or above. In case the candidate is allowed to bring his own Scribe, the qualification
of the Scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking examination.
The persons with benchmark disabilities opting for own Scribe/reader should submit details of
the own Scribe as per proforma at APPENDIX-XII (given in Information Bulletin)”.

The Scribe will help the Candidate in reading the questions and/or keying in the answers
as per the directions of the Candidate. A Scribe will NEITHER explain the questions
NOR suggest any solutions.
PwBD candidates who desire to avail the services of a Scribe need to opt for this during the
online registration of NEET (UG) – 2023. If a candidate desires to bring his/her own Scribe,
then he/she should submit a Letter of undertaking for using own Scribe as per the format
available at Appendix-XII (given in Information Bulletin).
It is to be noted that the Scribe may be provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA), if
requested in the online Application Form of NEET (UG) - 2023.
If it is found at any stage that a candidate has availed the services of a Scribe and/or availed the
compensatory time, but does not possess the extent of disability that warrants the use of a
Scribe and/or grant of compensatory time, the candidate will be excluded from the process of
evaluation, ranking, counselling, and admission. In case such a candidate has already been
admitted to any Institution, the admission of the candidate will be cancelled.
 Important Points
 It would be the personal responsibility of the Invigilator to ensure the collection of OMR
Sheets (Original and Office copies) from each and every candidate. In case a candidate
takes the OMR Sheets with him, the Invigilator(s) concerned shall be held responsible
for the same.

• While collecting the OMR Sheets, the Invigilators must check specifically that the
candidate has written his/her Roll Number and Test Booklet Number, Mother’s Name (in
running handwriting), Father’s name(in running handwriting) on the Original copy of the
OMR Sheet and also put Candidate’s Name, Candidate’s signature with time and put
Thumb Impression at the space provided for Thumb Impression. The Invigilator should
also countersign the OMR Sheet.

• The Invigilators should look for suspicious activities on the part of candidates like
leaving the OMR sheet blank for quite a long time etc. and pay special attention to these
candidates. Care should be taken at the same time that the candidates writing the
examination should not be disturbed. They need to ensure that no candidate is making
any attempt to use any unfair means by using any mode.
 Any candidate sitting idle and not writing the answers for an unusually long period
may be watched carefully.
 Candidates not belonging to the State in which the examination centre is situated be
watched carefully.
 If any candidate is whispering, he may also be put under strict vigil as he might be
using a Bluetooth device to communicate with people outside.
 Cases not covered under the above rules should be referred to the Centre
Superintendent for obtaining his/her guidance and necessary instructions.

Frisking/Biometric of Candidates by the Staff of the Authorized Agency
appointed by NTA

Frisking/Biometric Norms

• There would be a separate frisking/biometric zone for male & female Candidates (In the
Registration Room/Hall). Only female staff will frisk the female candidates in the enclosure.
• Handheld Metal detector with long rod for detection of prohibited Metallic Equipment/
Mobiles / Electronics / Communication equipment or any small Electronic Bugs will be used
by the authorized Agency.

• No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination room without frisking.

• The trained staff of the authorized Agency will verify all documents including Admit Cards
and valid Identity Card of the candidate and other required documents, without touching
• The trained manpower to be supplied by the Agency will include male & female frisking
• Personnel involved in frisking/biometric must take care of sensitivity issues related to
Gender/Religion/Socio-Cultural and regional Differences and should not hurt the sentiment of
any candidate.

Frisking/Biometric (to be carried out by agency authorized by NTA):

Fair conduct of examination will depend on the quality of frisking done. There should not be any
laxity during frisking. Following is important information for frisking: -

(a) Female guards will frisk the girl candidates inside and male guards will frisk the male
candidates, in designated Registration rooms.
(b) The frisking staff/guard will ensure that the candidates carry only the following inside the
examination room:-
• Masks, small hand sanitizer, transparent water bottle.
• Admit Card along with passport size photograph affixed on it
• One passport size photograph to be affixed on the Attendance Sheet
• Any one of the authorized IDs (must be original, valid and non-expired) issued by the
Government – PAN Card/ Driving License/Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (with
• PwD Certificate (Appendix-XI) is given in Information Bulletin, available on NTA
NEET website ( The facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a
physical limitation and a scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf,
being so certified in the aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/ Medical
Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution. It is to be noted that the
Scribe may be provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA), if requested in the
online Application Form of NEET (UG) - 2023.

• Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for the examination of
three hours & twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration, whether such candidate (having a
physical limitation to write) uses the facility of Scribe or not.

(c) The authorized staff on duty will ensure that candidates are not in possession of any other
article, except the items which are allowed while entering inside the Examination Centre.
List of Barred Items is given in Chapter-9.

(d) The Invigilators will check thoroughly that candidates are following the dress code advised
in the Information Bulletin.
• If candidates are wearing garments with full sleeves, with big buttons or badges,
brooches etc. which could be used to hide tiny communication devices such as
Bluetooth, camera, etc., they need to be checked thoroughly.
• Suspicious candidates may be asked to remove shoes only at the time of
(e) To avoid any misuse, it may also be ensured that the searching/frisking of girls is not
videographed. The candidates are not allowed to carry the following items inside the
examination centre under any circumstances:
• Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Geometry/Pencil
Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, Calculator, Log
Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner etc.
• Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager,
Health Band Etc.
• Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Cap, ATM/Credit/Debit Card, Plastic
Identity Card, any remote key, etc.
• All ornaments like Rings, Bracelets, Earrings, Nose-pin, Chain/Necklace, Pendants, Badge,
Brooch etc. be carefully checked.

• Any Watch/Wrist Watch, Camera, etc.

Chapter 5: Duties of Observers
5.1 Observers
Observers are the public representatives deputed by NTA for the conduct of examination
to witness and ensure that examination is conducted in a fair smooth and hassle-free
It is expected that they will assist NTA, Centre Superintendent, City Coordinators and other
staff at the Centre in the smooth conduct of examination by performing their duties effectively.
These responsibilities can only be fulfilled if they are well aware of the various instructions
issued by NTA for the conduct of the examination. They are, therefore, requested to read and
understand the guidelines carefully even if they have earlier acted as an Observer in the same

5.2 Duties of the Observers

It is expected that Observers will:
5.2.1 Read and understand the Guidelines carefully and will update their information on
5.2.2 Attend the Briefing/Meeting which is generally convened at 11.00 A.M. one day
prior to the conduct of examination at the place of the City Coordinator or on a
suitable venue decided by the City Coordinator. However, they are requested to get
the venue and schedule of the meeting confirmed by the Coordinator.
Briefing/meeting is very important and without attending it, Observers will not be able
to perform their duties judiciously. In case, the meeting is not attended by Observers,
they will not be allowed to act as Observers in the Examination and their claim will not
be processed for payment.
5.2.3 Reach the place of Custodian at the time as fixed by the City Coordinator on the day
of examination from where the trunks containing examination related confidential
material will be delivered to the examination Centre. They will accompany the Centre
Superintendent/or the authorized Representative of the Centre Superintendent to the
Examination Centre with the confidential materials. They will ensure that confidential
material is directly taken to the Examination Centre from the place of Custodian
without any delay and stoppage in between.

5.2.4 In no case, an Observer will refuse to go to the Custodian place at the time
communicated by the City Coordinator and NTA for collection of confidential
material. These instructions are to be followed strictly by all the Observers in all the
cities including Delhi.

5.2.5 At the place of Custodian, on the day of examination, one key of the Iron Box will be
handed over to the Observer and Centre Superintendent by City Coordinator. While
taking the delivery of the confidential material, they need to check the details
mentioned on the Iron Box and key to ensure that the material is sealed and belongs to
the designated Examination Centre and a receipt as per Appednix-4A (receipt of
Locked Iron boxes) and Appendix-4B (receipt of sealed key envelope) be duly
filled and submitted to the NTA.

5.2.6 Sealed Test Booklet parcels will be opened 45 minutes before the commencement of
the examination by the Centre Superintendent in the presence of an Observer and at
least two Invigilators and two candidates as witnesses. The Observers are requested to
check the seals on the Iron Box(es) and Test Booklets parcels. They are also requested
to ensure that Test Booklet parcels are opened only 45 minutes before the
commencement of the examination. They will not leave the Centre Superintendents
room till the time the packet of Test Booklets is not handed over to the Invigilators and
the remaining Test Booklets/ Packet of Test Booklets are kept in safe custody. It is
their duty to ensure that no photocopy/ photo of any Test Booklet is being taken and
also that no examination functionary carries mobile/camera in the room, where Iron
Box(es) of the confidential material is stored and opened.
5.2.7 Observers will ensure that the photo-copier, fax machine, computer, mobile phones or
any electronic gadget is not used at the examination centre during the course of the
examination by any of the officials on duty. All the mobile phones are collected and
stored at one place in switched off mode under lock and key.
5.2.8 Observers will ensure that candidates are not in possession of the following while
entering in the Centre: -
a. Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers,
Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives,
Eraser, Calculator, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner etc.
b. Any communication device like Mobile Phone*, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager,
Health Band etc.
c. Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Hairpin, Hair-band, Belt, Cap,
ATM/Credit/Debit Card, Plastic Identity Card, any remote key, etc.
d. Any Watch/Wristwatch, Camera, etc.
e. Any metallic item
f. Any eatable item opened or packed etc.
g. Any other item which could be used for unfair means for hiding communication devices
like camera, blue tooth device etc.
h. Any ornaments like Ring, Earrings, Nose-pin, Chain/Necklace, Pendants, Badge, Brooch
etc. should be carefully checked.
5.2.9 The Observer will observe that candidates entering inside the examination centre are
dressed as per the dress code for NEET (UG)-2023:
(f) If candidates are wearing garments with full sleeves, with big buttons or badges, brooches
etc. which could be used to hide tiny communication devices such as Bluetooth, camera,
etc., they need to be checked thoroughly with a metal detector held with a long handle.
(g) Suspicious candidates may be asked to remove shoes only at the time of frisking.

5.2.10 The Observer will ensure that:-

• No candidates at the examination centre are in possession of any prohibited
• No candidate is making any attempt to use any unfair means by using any mode.
• Any candidate who is sitting idle and not writing answers for an unusually long
period may be watched carefully.
• If any girl candidate has untied long hair, she may be kept under watch.

• If any candidate is found whispering, he may also be put under strict watch as he
might be using a Bluetooth device to communicate with outside people.
• If any candidate is wearing shoes and sandals with high heels, they must be kept
under close observation
5.2.11 While frisking, Observer will ensure that:-

Frisking/Biometric Norms
• There would be a separate frisking zone for male & female Candidates (In the
Registration Room/Hall). Only female staff will frisk the female candidates in
the enclosure.
• Handheld Metal detector with long rod for detection of prohibited Metallic
Equipment/ Mobiles / Electronics / Communication equipment or any small
Electronic Bugs will be used by the authorized Agency.
• No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination room without
• The trained staff of the authorized Agency will verify all documents including
Admit Cards and valid Identity Card of the candidate and other required
documents, without touching them.
• The trained manpower to be supplied by the Agency will include male and
female frisking personnel.
• Personnel involved in frisking/biometric must take care of sensitivity issues
related to Gender/Religion/Socio-Cultural and regional differences and should
not hurt the sentiment of any candidate.

5.2.12 Observers will ensure that unused Test Booklets are collected from the room as per the
schedule given on pages 1-2 (with their seals intact). The unused Test Booklets should
be sealed as per the Guidelines and sealed immediately after the start of the
examination and the Iron box with unused booklets duly accounted will be sent to the
City Coordinator after the examination is over who will then forward it to NTA. It
must be ensured that unused Test Booklet is not taken away by anybody outside
the premises. Seals of unused Test Booklets should not be broken by any person at
the Centre.
5.2.13 During the course of examination, Observer(s) will take random but minimum rounds
of the examination rooms to ensure fair conduct of the examination and verify the
number of candidates present in each room as per the Attendance Sheet and also ensure
that the seats allotted to the Absentee(s) are not given to any other candidate(s). They
should also verify the genuineness of the candidate writing the examination by
matching the photograph given on the Admit Card and Attendance Sheet.
5.2.14 Observers must be present at the time of packing of Answer Sheets (Original Copy &
Office Copy) and ensure that the whole process of packing of the Answer Sheets
(Original Copy & Office Copy) as detailed in Chapter-7 of these Guidelines is strictly
adhered to by the Centre Superintendent. Before certifying that the packing has been
done in their presence, they will also ensure that: -

a. All the Original Copies of OMR Sheets brought by the Invigilators to the
collection/Centre Superintendent’s room after the examination is in a pink paper
envelope, and the Office copy is in a blue paper envelope of size 10x12 inches.

b. The number of OMR Sheets (Original Copy & Office Copy) packed in each
envelope tally with the details given on the envelope. For the same, a certificate is
also to be given by the Observer, along with CS as per Appendix-7.
c. The total number of OMR sheets (Original Copy & Office Copy) received plus a
number of Absentees tally with the candidates allocated to the centre.
d. Proper counting, packing and sealing of the OMR Answer Sheets (Original Copy
& Office Copy) has been done.
e. They will also ensure that parcel of OMR has been sealed properly with the help
of cardboard, sutli, Tamper Evident Plastic bag and finally cloth bag supplied by
the NTA.
5.2.15 Observers will see that the proforma of Absentee Statement which is provided at the
Centre is filled in properly and deposited in a separate envelope marked Absentee
Proforma along with the Packet of Attendance Sheets to the NTA, immediately after
the examination is over.
5.2.16 All material would be handed over by the Centre Superintendent or his authorized
representative to the Collection Centre, in the presence of the Observer only.
5.2.17 The Observer will see that the rules with regard to the conduct of this examination as
given in this booklet are fully observed by him/her, the Centre Superintendent.
5.2.18 Observers will invariably submit the report of the conduct of examination in the
prescribed Proforma on the dashboard and will submit bills on the next day of the
examination at the following address:
National Testing Agency (NTA),
1 Floor, NSIC, MDBP Building, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi-110020

Sender’s Name: _______________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________
Mobile Number: _______________________________________________________

Original bills may be clearly mentioned on the envelope. For any queries related to bills, you
may send a message to mobile number: 7827981324 and/or email at

Must have before the examination

• 3 passport size photographs

• Copy of letter regarding Security at Centre
• List of City Coordinators
• I-card from NTA
• Registration/Login on the NEET(UG) link
• Attended briefing/meeting and orientation as and when organized by NTA
• Attend Briefing/Meeting in their own city

Chapter 6: Conduct of Examination
6.1 Late start of the Examination for Unavoidable Reasons
The late start of the Examination can only be done in consultation with NTA. If the
commencement of examination is delayed due to some unforeseen circumstances, time lost
should be compensated to the candidates. Any such decision must be duly recorded and signed
by Centre Superintendent, Deputy Centre Superintendent, two Invigilators, Observer(s)
and four candidates (from different rooms) and be communicated immediately in writing to
the NTA by uploading an image of the report on the NTA Examination App.

6.2 Delivery/Distribution of Test Booklets

6.2.1 Everywhere in the country, sealed iron box(es) of confidential material is to be

collected by the Centre Superintendent and Observers in the presence of the City
Coordinator. The Centre Superintendents of the centres in Delhi, also need to collect
sealed Iron Box(es) of confidential material from Custodian. The venue/custodian,
from where sealed Iron Box(es) of confidential material will be distributed, will be
informed by the City Coordinator during briefing/meeting.
6.2.2 Only Centre Superintendent along with Observer is authorized to collect the sealed
Iron Box(es) from the authorized Custodian/City Coordinator. Only in exceptional
cases, they may depute/nominate responsible staff for collecting sealed Iron Box(es)
of question papers from the authorized custodian with proper authority letter available
on the dashboard ( by attesting the photo and
signature of the deputed staff. For this work, fixed fare, as admissible under the rules
of the NTA, will be payable to the Centre for both collecting and depositing material.
These arrangements will, however, be discussed and finalized by the NTA with
Centre Superintendents, a day before the examination.

6.2.3 When sealed Iron Box(es)/Packets of Question Papers are received by the Centre
Superintendent or the authorized Representative of the Centre Superintendent, a
receipt as per Appendix-4A be duly filled and submitted to the NTA.
6.2.4 At the time of receiving sealed Iron Box(es) from the City Coordinator/Custodian,
Centre Superintendent and Observer will check the number of Iron Box(es),
respective keys (Appendix-4B) of the locks and the seal of the Iron Box(es)
(Appendix – 4A).
6.2.5 Centre Superintendent and Observers will directly transport the confidential material
to the Centre from the place of Custodian without any stoppage in between the route.

6.3 Opening of Iron Box(es) and Test Booklet Parcels in Control Room
Iron Box(es)/Parcels containing Test Booklets Packets should be opened by the Centre
Superintendent in the confidential room, 45 minutes before the time fixed for the
examination, i.e., at 01.15 P.M.(Indian Standard Time) on the 07 May 2023.

The Centre Superintendent shall open the sealed Iron Box(es) and thereafter the sealed parcels
& test booklet packets in the presence of Observer and at least two Invigilators and two
candidates as witnesses (Appendix-5).

The witnesses will carefully see that:

6.3.1 No mobile/camera be available in the control room, where confidential material will
be stored and opened by NTA Observer and other authorized representatives.
6.3.2 The seals on the Iron Box(es) & cloth parcel and Test Booklet packets are intact.
6.3.3 The sealed parcels containing Test Booklet Packets should be arranged in serial order
and be opened by cutting one edge of the parcel with scissors or a sharp knife in such a
way that all packets of Test Booklets remain intact.
6.3.4 Each parcel contains as many test booklet packets mentioned on the parcel cover.
6.3.5 Each Invigilator will get an envelope with 24 Booklets that needs to be opened in the
room/hall where the candidates are sitting.
6.3.6 The empty Parcel/Packet which is left after opening should be carefully preserved and
kept in an iron box(es).
6.3.7 In case, there is any unused packet/parcel which has not been distributed. It should also
be sealed immediately by the Centre Superintendent in the presence of the Observer in
the given envelope and deposited Iron box/Carton of unused booklets. They should be
duly accounted and sent to the City Coordinator who will then forward it to NTA
along with the other material.
6.3.8 A list of the officials with their signature present in the room along with a certificate
that no mobile/camera was available in the room, where question papers are opened is
to be prepared and provided by one of the officials.
6.3.9 Each packet has 24 Test Booklets. This packet will be opened in the Examination
Room 10 minutes before the examination.

6.4 Movement of Candidates after entry into the Examination Centre

Centre Superintendent needs to set up at least 2 Registration Rooms/halls, one each for male
and female candidates respectively, as a single point to streamline the following:

1. Thermal Scanning

2. Frisking/Biometric

3. Document verification (by displaying from a distance)

• Admit Card along with passport size photograph affixed on it
• One additional passport size photograph to be affixed on Attendance Sheet
• Original and Valid Photo Identity Card as ID proof.
• PwD Certificate (Appendix-XI is given in Information Bulletin), available on
NTA website ( The facility of Scribe, in case he/she
has a physical limitation and a Scribe is essential to write the examination on
his/her behalf, being so certified in the aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil
Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution. It
is to be noted that the Scribe may be provided by the National Testing
Agency (NTA), if requested in the online Application Form of NEET (UG) -
Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for the
examination of three hours & twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration, whether
such candidate (having a physical limitation to write) uses the facility of
Scribe or not.

Frisking/Biometric point and document verification desk to be set up at appropriate

physical distance inside the room/hall and would be managed by Invigilators on Duty,
besides frisking/biometric staff from designated agency. As number of candidates per
room is 24, one of the Invigilators may be involved in this pre-examination task as per
the roster, before the examination begins. Invigilators (as per the roster) may be on duty
in Registration Room. They must carry seat allocation chart to inform/direct students
about their examination room.

Guards at the entrance would ensure that each candidate is wearing mask provided by
NTA. After sanitizing hands, every candidate would pass through the Registration Room
to complete three steps mentioned above. Observer(s) and Invigilator(s) on duty would
ensure maintenance of required social distance as per the social distancing norms

6.5 Action in respect of Candidates without a valid Admit Card

NTA gives ample time to the candidates to download the Admit Card from the NEET(UG)
website and candidates are expected to download the Admit Card well within the time. While
downloading the Admit Card, the PDF copy of the same will also be e-mailed to the candidate.

Candidates are allowed to enter only after verification of the Admit Card. In such a scenario, it
is presumed that all the candidates have received their Admit Card on time and will report at
the Centre along with the Admit Card and other desired documents. In no case, any candidate
is allowed to enter the Centre without a valid Admit Card and its verification.

The facility of downloading Admit Cards will be available till 01.30 P.M. (Indian Standard
Time) of the examination day, i.e., the last entry time. If any candidate is approaching the
Centre without Admit Card, he/she may be directed to download the same but, in any case, no
candidate will be allowed to enter in the examination Centre after 01.30 P.M.(Indian Standard

6.6 Test Booklets/Attendance Sheets/Answer Sheet

6.6.1 Invigilator should distribute the Test Booklets to the candidates ten minutes before the
commencement of the examination, i.e., at 01.50 P.M. (Indian Standard Time).
6.6.2 Test Booklet should be distributed among the candidates in serial order with strict
instructions that they should not open it until instructed by the Invigilator.
6.6.3 Invigilators will ensure that candidates have written the required particulars on the
cover page of the Test Booklet before the commencement of the examination.
6.6.4 Five minutes before the commencement of the examination, i.e., at 01.55 P.M.(IST),
Invigilators will direct the candidates to tear the paper seal and take out the OMR Sheet
from the Test-Booklet. The Invigilators will ensure that the candidates have filled in the
required particulars on side of the Original copy of the OMR Sheet. The Invigilators
will then ask the candidate to start answering the questions.
6.6.5 The examination will start exactly at the specified time i.e. at 02.00 P.M.(Indian
Standard Time) Envelope of unused Test Booklets should be returned to the Centre
Superintendent by the Invigilators by 02.00 P.M.(Indian Standard Time). Necessary
entries will be made on the envelope in which unused test booklets are to be packed by
the Invigilator in the room. The certificate is as given in Appendix-6. Packets of sealed
unused Test booklets received from examination rooms or left with the Centre
Superintendent be immediately packed by the Centre Superintendent in the presence
of Observer to avoid any unfair use of these booklets. In this regard, a certificate is to
be given in Appendix-6.
The Centre Superintendent shall ensure that the unused Test Booklets are not
smuggled out of the Centre. If any misprint or other ambiguity is noticed in Test
Booklet, it should be brought to the notice of the
Senior Director (NEET), National Testing Agency (NTA), NSIC,1 Floor, MDBP
Building, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110020. No comments or clarification
is to be made by anybody at the Centre or before the candidates.
6.6.6 The Invigilator will take the signature of the candidate on the prescribed Attendance
Sheet while delivering the Test Booklet to the candidate before the commencement of
the examination. The Attendance Sheet will be supplied by the NTA as per the format
given in Appendix-2. The candidate will write Mother’s Name, Test Booklet No., Test
Booklet Code and Answer Sheet No. and put signatures at the space provided for
signature as well as space provided for Thumb Impression for marking his/her presence
on the Attendance Sheet. (In case the Computerized Attendance Sheets are not received
by the Centre Superintendent in time, he/she will ensure that sufficient copies of the
same as per Appendix-2 are kept ready to be used by the Invigilator(s) on duty).
6.6.7 After taking signature, Invigilator will also write the Roll Number(s) of Absentee(s) in
Absentee Proforma. In the Seating Plan for each room (Appendix-1), the Roll No. of a
candidate who is absent be encircled with red ink indicating absence. A copy of the
complete Seating Plan (Appendix-1) is to be sent to the NTA office. Please ensure that
each Test Booklet bears the facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent.
6.6.8 Immediately after the announcement ‘Stop Writing’ the Invigilators will collect the

OMR (both Original and Office Copy) from the candidates.
6.6.9 Signatures of the candidates will be obtained for the second time indicating that OMR
(both Original and Office Copy) have been delivered to Invigilator on duty. The
Invigilators should count the OMR (both Original and Office Copy) and tally with the
number of candidates present and ensure that no candidate leaves the room without
handing over the Answer Sheet and putting signature at the space provided for
signature as well as space provided for Thumb Impression for marking his/her presence
on the Attendance Sheet.
6.6.10 The Invigilator will serialize the OMR Sheets (both Original and Office Copy)
separately in the order of Roll Number and tally them with the Attendance Sheets. They
will bring their OMR (Original in pink envelope and Office Copy in blue envelope) to
the room of the Centre Superintendent by keeping them in designated envelopes. They
will ensure that no answer sheet is missed in between the examination room and Centre
Superintendent room. The packing of OMR (both Original and Office Copy) will be
done room wise in a small paper envelope of relevant colour as per the packing plan
and then 24 of these will be placed inside the Tamper Evident Plastic envelopes by
Centre Superintendent. These will be deposited by the Invigilator with the In-charge
person(s) designated by the Centre Superintendent for this purpose. The person
collecting the Answer Sheets from the Invigilator will count and obtain the signature of
the Invigilator concerned in a format as per Appendix-8.

6.6.11 The Answer Sheets packets collected from different rooms be arranged Room wise and
counted. It should be ensured that Total number OMR (Original copy) = Total number
OMR (Office copy) =Total no. of candidates.
6.6.12 It should be ensured that Answer Sheets are handled with clean hands and adequate
precautions be taken to avoid any stray marks on the Answer Sheets. It should be
ensured that the Answer Sheets are not folded either by the candidate or by the

Chapter 7: Packing of Confidential Material
7.1 Packing of Answer Sheets

1. Room wise collection of OMRs (both Original and Office Copy) from the candidate by the
Invigilators, separation of ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy and putting them into
designated envelopes supplied by NTA after counting properly (no sealing here).
2. Duly checked, serialized and counted OMR (Original copy) be put in a small pink
paper envelope of size 10x12 inches supplied by the NTA in Serial order (Roll No.
0000001- 24 and so on for each room). Similarly, Office copies of OMR sheets is to
be packed in small blue paper envelopes of size 10x12 inches. (may vary if any
candidate of this room is sitting in the Isolation room).

3. Answer Sheet(s) of Unfairmeans case(s) (Yellow Envelopes), if any, be packed in a

separate envelope of Unfairmeans supplied by the NTA.

4. Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes (of PINK Colour) containing OMR Answer
Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) should be placed between two pulp boards and then tied with
strong thread in such a manner that the edges of envelopes are not damaged by the
thread. This should be placed in a Fabric Bag of size 16x18 inches of PINK colour
and sealed.
Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes of PINK Colour and so on.
Centre No. and fabric bag numbers 1, 2, 3 must be written depending on the number
of fabric bags for the Centre.
5. The process as per Point-4 is carried out for OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy)
for Tamper Evident Envelopes of BLUE Colour) and Fabric Bag of BLUE Colour
and sealed. The certificate of packing the Answer Sheets as given in Appendix-8 be
filled up. It should be ensured that columns provided on the envelopes are filled in

6. Pink fabric bag(s), Blue fabric bag(s) and other material should be packed and sealed
properly and delivered to the City Coordinator following the process mentioned under
(i) On each packet, and parcel Centre Number must be indicated.

(ii) All documents must be signed by the Centre Superintendent

The above material is handed over to the City Coordinator at the collection Centre either by the
Centre Superintendent himself or by deputing his Authorized Representative. The complete material
should be brought to the collection Centre jointly by the Centre Superintendent and the Observer.
Parcel of unused Test Booklets and empty envelopes/cloth parcels of used Test Booklets be sealed by
Centre Superintendent and Kept in Iron Box(es). Iron Box(es) be locked and sealed by Centre Super-
intendent. The Centre Superintendent will send it to the City Coordinator who will then forward to

7.2 Material to be Packed, Sealed and Delivered to the NTA
Sl. No. Enclosures
Packet-1: Pink Colour Fabric Bag Parcel(s) containing:
Parcel-1 • 24 room wise Duly checked,
(Pink serialized and counted OMR
Fabric (Original copy) be put in a small
Bags) pink paper envelope of size 10x12
inches supplied by the NTA in
Serial order (Roll No. 0000001- 24
and so on for each room).
• Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident
Envelopes (of PINK Colour)
containing OMR Answer Sheets
(ORIGINAL Copy) should be
a) Pink Colour placed between two pulp boards
Tamper and then tied with strong thread in
Evident OMR Answer Sheets such a manner that the edges of No of
Envelopes of (ORIGINAL Copy) envelopes are not damaged by the Envelope(s)
OMR thread. This should be placed in a _______
Answer Fabric Bag of size 16x18 inches of
Sheets PINK colour and sealed.
i.e. 10 X 24 Packets in Tamper
Evident Envelope (240 OMR
Answer Sheets)
• Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper
Evident Envelopes of PINK Colour
and so on. Centre No. and fabric
bag numbers 1, 2, 3 must be written
depending on the number of fabric
bags for the Centre.
Note : Please fill all details on top of
the envelopes.
• The OMR Answer Sheet(s)
Unfairmeans cases(s) and the
Examination materials confiscated
from these candidates to be packed
and sealed in this YELLOW Paper
Envelope (size 10x12) inches
supplied by the NTA.
b) Yellow
OMR Answer Sheets • The sealed YELLOW Paper
Colour Paper
(ORIGINAL as well as Envelope to be packed in PINK
Envelopes of No of
OFFICE Copy) along with Fabric Bag.
OMR Envelope(s)
Answer Sheet
confiscated material of • Roll Nos. and Name of the ______
Impersonation/Unfairmeans candidates reported to be
case(s), if any Impersonating/using Unfairmeans
to be mentioned in Appendix-11
duly authenticated by the
concerned Invigilator(s), Centre
Superintendent, Deputy Centre
Superintendent and the
Note :Please fill all details on top of
the envelopes.
Parcel-2 • 24 room wise Duly checked,
(Blue serialized and counted Office
Fabric copies of OMR sheets is to be
Bags) packed in small blue paper
envelopes of size 10x12 inches
Packet-2 Blue supplied by NTA. In Serial order
Colour Fabric Bag (Roll No. 0000001-24 and so on
containing: for each room). No of
OMR Answer Sheets
Blue Colour • Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelope(s)
Tamper Evident Envelopes (of BLUE Colour) ______
Envelopes of OMR containing OMR Answer Sheets
Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) should be placed
between two pulp boards and then
tied with strong thread in such a
manner that the edges of
envelopes are not damaged by the
thread. This should be placed in a

Fabric Bag of size 16x18 inches of
BLUE colour and sealed.
i.e. 10 X 24 Packets in Tamper
Evident Envelope (240 OMR
Answer Sheets-OFFICE COPY)
• Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper
Evident Envelopes of BLUE
Colour and so on. Centre No. and
fabric bag numbers 1, 2, 3 must be
written depending on the number
of fabric bags for the Centre.
Note:Please fill all details on top of
the envelopes.
Packet-3 : Green Colour Paper Envelope (12x16) inches containing:
Parcel-3 (a) Attendance
No of
(Green Sheets Refer to Appendix-2
Bag) (b) Absentee No of
Refer to Appendix-3
Proforma _____
Packet-4: Green Colour Paper Envelope (10x12) inches containing:
Seating Plan
No of
(Separate for each Refer to Appendix-1
Receipt of Sealed
Iron Box(es) and
Test Booklet Refer to Appendix-4A Yes/No
Parcels by Centre
Receipt of
Envelopes of Keys
by NTA
Refer to Appendix-4B Yes/No
Observer(s) and
Certificate for
Opening of Sealed
Refer to Appendix-5 Yes/No
Iron Box(es), Test
Booklet Parcels
Certificate of
Packing of Unused Refer to Appendix-6 Yes/No
Test Booklets
Certificate of
Room wise receipt
and Packing of
OMR Answer
Copy in Pink
Envelope and
Refer to Appendix-7 Yes/No
Pink Tamper
in Blue paper
Envelope and
BLUE Tamper
Certificate of
Packing of OMR
Answer Sheets
Refer to Appendix-8 Yes/No
in Pink Fabric Bag
Copy) in Blue
Fabric Bag
No Relation
Refer to Appendix-9 Yes/No
Certificate of
Refer to Appendix-10 Yes/No
Material Packed

after completion of
the Examination
Certificate and
Details of
Impersonation/ Refer to Appendix-11 Yes/No
Unfairmeans Cases,
if any
Certificate of
conduct of
Procedure of
Videography, Live
Refer to Appendix-12 Yes/No
streaming of CCTV
display and
Installation &
Effectiveness of
A. Format of
Report by the
t Refer to Appendix-13
B. Format of
Report by the
Certificate about
Refer to Appendix-14 Yes/No
and Gender
Final Bill Refer to Appendix-15A Yes/No
Renumeration Bill
Form for Local Refer to Appendix-15B Yes/No
Renumeration Bill
Form for Outstation Refer to Appendix-15C Yes/No
Parcel-3 Receipt of sealed
material packed at
Fabric Collection Centre Refer to Appendix-16 Yes/No
Bag) after the conclusion
of the Examination
Summary of receipt
of sealed material at Refer to Appendix-17 Yes/No
Collection Centre
No of Digital locks
handed over to City No of Digital Locks____
No of Digital locks
Kept by Centre No of Digital Locks____
No of pad locks
handed over to City No of Pad Locks_____
No pad locks kept
by Centre No of Pad Locks_____
Sample Impression
of Seal Used in Yes/No
Pen Drive/Storage
Device containing
Data of Yes/No
No of Iron Box(es)
handed over to City No of Box(es)____
No of Iron Box(es)
kept by the Centre No of Box(es)____

Chapter 8: Unfair means Practices and Breach of
Examination Rules
8.1 Punishment and Canelllation of Result
During the course of, before or after the examination if a candidate indulges in any of
the above or similar practices, he/she shall be deemed to have used unfair practices
and booked under UNFAIR MEANS (U.F.M.) case.
The candidate would be debarred upto 3 years in future and shall also be liable
for criminal action and /or any other action as deemed fit.
Cancellation of Result
• The result of the candidate's NEET (UG) - 2023 who indulge in Unfair means
Practices will be cancelled and will not be declared.
• Similarly, the result of those candidates who appear from the Centre other than
the one allotted to them write on the Test booklet/ OMR (both Original and
Office copy) of other candidates or allow other candidates to write on their Test
Booklet/ OMR (both Original and Office copy) will be cancelled (and will not be

8.2 Procedure to be followed by the Centre Superintendent in Unfair means Cases

8.2.1 A candidate found using any unfair means will not be supplied a fresh test Booklet or
OMR Sheet but will continue to write his/her answers on the same OMR Sheet.
However, the Centre Superintendent will prepare a report of the unfair means resorted to
by the candidate with his/her statement and statement of Invigilators and mention the
time when the candidate was found using Unfair means in his/her report. If the candidate
refuses to give a statement, he/she should not be forced to do so. The fact of his/her
refusal should be recorded by the Invigilator(s) on duty at the time of the occurrence and
attested by the Centre Superintendent. Nothing should be written on the Answer Sheet of
the candidate in this regard.

However, this OMR (both Original and Office copy) will be packed separately in
the envelope provided for the purpose and be handed over to the NTA. The OMR
(both Original and Office copy) of Unfairmeans cases should not be kept/ packed
with other OMR Answer Sheets but be kept in a separate yellow envelope provided
for this purpose.

8.2.2 The statement of the Invigilator/Centre Superintendent/Observer who detects Unfair

means material in the possession of a candidate shall cover:
 At the time when the material was detected,
 Place/Location it was detected
 Where was it detected from?
 Signature of the person who detected unfair means material,
 Counter signature of the Centre Superintendent at each paper

8.2.3 In respect of the cases detected by the Observers appointed by the NTA, the Centre
Superintendent should forward the same with his report to the NTA after giving an
opportunity to the candidate concerned to explain his/her conduct.

8.2.4 All cases of Unfair means must also be reported to local police for taking appropriate
action under the laws of the land. The complaint/report should be sent to the local police
in the format given at Appendix-11.

8.3 Smuggling out the Answer Sheet

In case a candidate has smuggled out the OMR (both Original and Office copy), the
Centre Superintendent should call for the student directly or through any source and try
to procure the OMR (both Original and Office copy). If the efforts fail, the matter should be
reported to the police and a copy of the FIR be sent to the office of the NTA along with the
statement of the Invigilators present in the room and also of the candidate. The statement of the
Peon/Police constable etc., if any, should also be forwarded.
The statement should contain:

• Time of incident.
• Details of the case as to how the candidate took away the OMR (both Original and Office
• Efforts were made to recover the OMR (both Original and Office copy) along with the
Test Booklet.

(i) In case of impersonation, the Centre Superintendent should send to the NTA the
statement of the person found to be impersonating, the Invigilator(s) and that of
the real candidate, if possible. The Centre Superintendent must invariably call
the police and handover the person who is impersonating to the police and file
an F.I.R.

In case of misconduct of a serious nature, the matter should be reported to the Police, if
necessary. Statement of the Invigilator(s) and that of the Peon/Policemen concerned may be
obtained and sent to the office of the NTA for further action.

Chapter 9: Barred Items and Dress Code
9.1 Barred Items
The candidates are not allowed to carry the following items inside the Examination Centre
under any circumstances. The candidates will be subjected to extensive and compulsory
frisking/biometric before entering the Examination room with the help of highly sensitive
metal detectors.
9.1.1 Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers,
Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives,
Eraser, Calculator, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner etc.
9.1.2 Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone,
Pager, Health Band etc.
9.1.3 Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Cap etc.
9.1.4 Any Watch/Wristwatch, Bracelet, Camera, etc.
9.1.5 Here as barred, earlier under close checking any ornaments.
9.1.6 Any eatable item opened or packed etc.
9.1.7 Any other item which could be used for Unfairmeans, by hiding communication
devices like a microchip, camera, Bluetooth device etc.
In case any candidate is found in possession of any of the barred items inside the Centre, it will
be considered as use of Unfairmeans and action will be taken against the candidate in
accordance with the relevant provisions.

9.2 Dress Code

The candidates are instructed to follow the following dress code while appearing for NEET
(UG) - 2023:
(h) If candidates are wearing garments with full sleeves, with big buttons or badges, brooches
etc. which could be used to hide tiny communication devices such as Bluetooth, camera,
etc., they need to be checked thoroughly.
(i) Suspicious candidates may be asked to remove shoes only at the time of

Note: The NTA believes in the sanctity and fairness of conducting the Examination,
however, it also believes in the Gender/Religious/Cultural/Regional sensitivity involved in
frisking/biometric of candidates and will issue comprehensive instructions accordingly to the
staff and other officials at the Examination Centres.

Detailed information regarding Dress Code is available in Section-10.2, Chapter 10: Barred
Item and Dress Code of NEET (UG)-2023 Information Bulletin.

Chapter 10: Filling of Appendices & Bills
10.1 After the examination, all the Functionaries i.e. City Coordinators, Centre
Superintendents and Observers are required to submit Original bills (refer to
Appendix- 15A, 15B and 15C), reports (refer to Appendix-13A and 13B) and
various appendices (by the Centre).

Functionaries are required to fill the same and submit it to the NTA.

‘Original bills’ may be clearly mentioned on the envelope. For any queries related to bills,
you may send a text message to mobile number: 7827981324 and/or email at


Appendix-1 : Seating Plan (Separate For Each Room)
(To be placed inside Parcel-3, Packet-4)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Date of Examination: 07.05.2023 Room No.: _________________

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4
Candidate’s Test Booklet Candidate’s Test Booklet Candidate’s Test Booklet Candidate’s Test Booklet
Roll No. Roll No. Roll No. Roll No.
No. Code* No. Code* No. Code* No. Code
1 -- A 7 -- C 13 -- A 19 -- C
2 -- B 8 -- D 14 -- B 20 -- D
3 -- C 9 -- A 15 -- C 21 -- A
4 -- D 10 -- B 16 -- D 22 -- B
5 -- A 11 -- C 17 -- A 23 -- C
6 -- B 12 -- D 18 -- B 24 -- D
*Code is representative only.
(A) Total No. of Candidates in this Room Allotted: Present: Absent:

(B) Total No. of

Test Booklets Received: Used: Unused:

Note: It should be ensured that the

 No. of candidates Allotted = No. of candidates Absent+ No. of candidates Present
 No. of Test Booklets received = No. of Test Booklets Used+ No. of Test Booklets Unused
White Paper Envelopes (size 10x12 inches) be used by the Invigilators for bringing Unused Test Booklets from
Room to Examination CONTROL ROOM and handover to Centre Superintendent, then these will be sent to
City Coordinator to forward it to NTA.
Invigilator-1 Invigilator-2
Signature with Date
Name in Capital letters
Designation in the School/College
Mobile No./Telephone No.

Name in Capital Mobile No./ Signature

letters Telephone No. with Date and Time of
NTA Observer 1

NTA Observer 2

Centre Superintendent

Deputy Centre Superintendent

(if appointed)

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. The seating plan of the examination rooms should be strictly adhered to as per Appendix-1. The objective of the seating plan is to
help the candidates to find their seats without any difficulty and to avoid getting the Test Booklet of the same code to the
candidates. Thus 24 or multiples of 24 should be seated in a room (In case of a large hall, the adequate distance between
candidates to be maintained ). An example of the seating plan for 24 candidates with Test Booklet Code A, B, C and D along with
the method of distribution of Test Booklets is given above.
2. The Invigilator should distribute the Test Booklet to the candidates as per the Seating Plan given above. If a candidate is absent, the
Test Booklet of that candidate should be put on the seat allotted to the candidate and collected immediately after the commencement
of the examination.

Appendix-2 : Attendance Sheet
(To be placed inside Parcel-3, Packet -3)

Date of Examination: 07.05.2023 (Sunday)

Appendix-3 : Absentee Proforma
(To be placed inside Parcel-3, Packet-3)

(Date of Exmination: 07.05.2023)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Mobile No./ Signature with Date

Name in Capital letters
Telephone No. and Time
NTA Observer 1

NTA Observer 2

Centre Superintendent

Deputy Centre Superintendent

(if appointed)

Signature & Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. Centres have been provided OMR-based Absentee Proformas. This sheet may be used in case the
OMR-based Absentee Proforma is not received.
2. Please darken the appropriate circle with a Black/Blue Ball Point Pen against the Roll No. of
Candidates who are “ABSENT”. Do not use a Red/Green pen.
3. Original copy of Appendix-3 (to be packed inside Parcel-3, Packet-3) and to be sent to the NTA office
through the City Coordinator along with the material and copy to be retained by the Centre.

Appendix-4A : Receipt of sealed Iron Box (es) containing sealed Test Booklet
parcels by Centre Superintendent
(To be placed inside Parcel 3, Packet-4)
Dated: 07.05.2023
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Received ………… sealed Iron Box(es)/containing sealed Test Booklets parcels pertaining to NEET (UG)-2023
from Mr./Ms. …………….…………………………………… City Coordinator on Sunday, 07 May 2023.

Name in Capital letters Mobile No./ Time of Receiving Signature with

Telephone No. Date
NTA Observer 1

NTA Observer 2


Appendix-4B : Receipt of sealed envelopes of Keys by Centre Superintendent

and NTA Observer(s)
(To be placed inside Parcel-3, Packet-4)
Dated: 07.05.2023
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Received……….…envelopes of keys of the above mentioned Centre which is for for the Centre Superintendent
and NTA Observer(s) on Sunday, 07 May 2023.

Name in Capital letters Mobile No./ Signature with Date and

Telephone No. Time of Receiving
NTA Observer 1

NTA Observer 2

Centre Superintendent

Space for affixing Space for affixing Space for affixing

photograph of the photograph of the photograph of the
NTA Observer 1 NTA Observer 2 Centre Superintendent

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. Sealed Iron Box (es)/Test Booklets Parcel(s) will be received by the Centre Superintendent from the City
Coordinator in the presence of the Observer(s).
2. One envelope containing keys will be received by NTA Observer and the other envelope by Second
Observer (if appointed) otherwise by the Centre Superintendent from the City Coordinator.
3. Original copy of Appendix – 4A & 4B (to be packed inside Parcel-3, Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA
office through the City Coordinator along with the material and one copy to be retained by the NTA
Observer(s) and one copy by the Centre Superintendent.

Appendix-5 : Certificate for the opening of sealed Iron Box (es)
containing Test Booklet parcels
(To be placed inside Parcel-3, Packet-4)

(The seal of the Iron Box (es) (Examination Material) should not be opened before 01:15 P.M.(Indian Standard Time)
on 07 May 2023)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

This is certified that sealed Iron Box (es) containing Test Booklet Parcel(s) pertaining to the
examination received have been examined by us and found in proper condition. The Iron Box(es)/Test Booklet
Parcel(s) was/were opened on 07 May 2023 at P.M.(Indian Standard Time) in our presence.

The total numbers of Test Booklets found inside the Iron Box(es) / Test Booklet Parcel(s) were

Name in Capital Mobile No./ Signature with Date and Time

letters Telephone No. (Indian Standard Time)

NTA Observer-1

NTA Observer-2

Centre Superintendent

Deputy Centre
(if appointed)



Witness Candidate -1

Witness Candidate -2

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

Original copy of Appendix–5 (to be packed inside Parcel-3, Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office
through the City Coordinator along with the material and one copy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.

Appendix-6 : Certificate of packing of Unused Test Booklets
(To be placed inside Parcel-3, Packet-4)
Centre Number City Centre Name with Address

1. Serial Number of Test Booklet received: From to

(First and last Number to be mentioned)
It should be ensured that the
 Number of Test Booklets received = Number of Test Booklets Used + Number of Test Booklets Unused
 Serial Numbers of Test Booklets Unused should tally with the total number of Unused Test Booklets.

2. Number of Test Booklets : Used(A) Unused(B) Received(A+B)

3. Serial Number of Unused Test Booklet:

(Individual Serial Number if the gap in Serial
Number or Serial From-To if no gap in Serial

4. Total No. of Unused Test Booklets

5. Total no. of envelopes/ parcels containing

(Unused Test Booklets and empty envelopes/cloth parcels of Used Test Booklets)

 It is certified that the Unused Test Booklets/ White Paper Envelopes (size 10x12) inches and Tamper
Evident Envelopes/empty envelopes/ cloth parcels of used Test Booklets were duly checked, packed,
locked and sealed immediately after the commencement of the Examination by us and put in Iron
Box(es) to hand over to the City Coordinator, then he/she will able to sent it to NTA along with the
other material.

 It is certified that no Unused Test Booklet was opened by the staff deputed at the Centre and no
Unused Test Booklet has been kept by the Centre for any purpose.

Mobile Number/
Name in Capital Signature with Date
letters Time of Packing
NTA Observer 1
NTA Observer 2
Centre Superintendent
Deputy Centre Superintendent
(if appointed)
Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. Unused Test Booklets and empty Tamper Envelopes/cloth parcels of used Test Booklets be packed and sealed
2. The sealed packet of Unused Test Booklets and empty Envelopes/ cloth parcels of used Test Booklets be kept in
Iron boxes (es). Iron Box (es) be locked, sealed by the NTA Observer and keys handed over to the Centre
Superintendent at the end of the examination. The sealed Iron Box (es) will be then handed over to City
Coordinator to send it to NTA along with other materials through the concerned Agency.
3. Original copy of Appendix–6 (to be packed inside Parcel-3, Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office through
the City Coordinator along with the material and a photocopy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.

Appendix-7 : Certificate of room wise receipt and packing of OMR Answer Sheets in
examination Control Room by Invigilator

 ORIGINAL Copy in Pink Paper Envelope and Pink Tamper Evident Envelope
 OFFICE Copy in Blue paper Envelope and BLUE Tamper Evident Envelope
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Tamper Evident Envelope No.: _____

Note: It should be ensured that in each Room, the
 No. of Candidates Allotted = No. of Candidates Present + No. of Candidates Absent
No. of Candidates Present = No. of OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) received and packed in Pink
Paper Envelope = No. of OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) received and packed in Blue Paper Envelope.
Sl. Room Room wise No. of Candidates Room wise No. of OMR Answer Signature of
No. No. Sheets received/packed
Allotted Absent Present ORIGINAL OFFICE Copy Invigilator Designated
Copy in in BLUE Paper (s) Official by
PINK Paper Envelope Centre Supdt.
** For more than 10 rooms in the Centre, this page may be photocopied as per requirement.
Roll Nos. of Impersonation/Unfair Means (UFM) case(s), if any in these 10 rooms:
 It is certified that the above OMR Answer Sheets (room wise) (ORIGINAL Copy) in Pink Paper Envelope and
(OFFICE Copy) in Blue Paper Envelope have been personally received by us. These have been duly checked, counted
and tallied with Room wise No. of Candidates present by each one of us and sealed with cello tape after signing and
putting facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent by us. It is also certified that these 10 sealed room wise Pink
Paper Envelopes (ORIGINAL Copy) and 10 sealed room wise Blue Paper Envelopes (OFFICE Copy) have been
further packed and sealed by us in the Tamper Evident Envelope of Pink Colour and in Tamper Evident Envelope of
Blue Colour respectively.

Name in Capital Mobile No./ Time of Signature with

letters Telephone No. Packing Date
NTA Observer
NTA Observer
Centre Superintendent
Deputy Centre
Superintendent (if appointed)

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. Invigilators (2 per room) need to fold the OMR Answer Sheets (Original + Office Copy) at perforation and then tear
them after the examination is over. They must ensure that no candidate leaves the room with any OMR Answer sheet.

2. OMR Answer Sheets of Isolation Room be packed separately mentioning labelling like “OMR Answer Sheet for
Isolation Room for COVID-19” along with Room No. in Pink Paper Envelope (ORIGINAL Copy) and BLUE Paper
Envelope (OFFICE Copy). The process as mentioned above for 10 rooms may be carried out for another 10
rooms and packed in another Tamper Evident Envelope and so on.

Appendix-8 : Certificate of packing of OMR Answer Sheets in fabric bag(s) in
examination Control Room by Centre Superintendent
(To be placed inside Parcel-3, Packet 4)
 PINK Fabric Bags (PINK Tamper Evident Envelopes) and BLUE Fabric Bags (BLUE Tamper Evident
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

1. No of Candidates : Allotted: Absent: Present:

2. Serial No of Test Booklet received: From: To:

(First and last Number to be mentioned)

3. No of Test Booklets : Used(A) Unused(B Received(A+B)

No. of Candidates Present = No. of OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) received and packed in Pink
Paper Envelope = No. of OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) received and packed in Blue Paper Envelope.
 It is certified that the above OMR Answer Sheets (room wise) (ORIGINAL Copy) in Pink Paper Envelope and
(OFFICE Copy) in Blue Paper Envelope have been personally received by us. These have been duly checked, counted
and tallied with Room wise No. of Candidates present by each one of us and sealed with cello tape after signing and
putting facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent by us. It is also certified that these 10 sealed room wise Pink
Paper Envelopes (ORIGINAL Copy) and 10 sealed room wise Blue Paper Envelopes (OFFICE Copy) have been
further packed and sealed by us in the Tamper Evident Envelope of Pink Colour and in Tamper Evident Envelope of
Blue Colour respectively.
Sl. No. of Roll No. No. of Candidates No. of OMR Answer Sheets Packed
Tamper Evident ORIGINAL Copy OFFICE Copy in
Envelope From To Allotted Absent Present
Roll Nos. of Impersonation/Unfair Means (UFM) case(s), if any in these 10 rooms:
(These OMR Answer Sheets along with confiscated material should be put in a separate YELLOW Paper
envelope supplied by the NTA. This YELLOW Paper envelope be put in (Parcel-1).
Name in Capital Mobile No./ Telephone Signature with Date and Time
letters No. of Packing
NTA Observer

NTA Observer
Centre Superintendent
Deputy Centre Superintendent
(if appointed)
Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent
1. Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes (of PINK Colour) containing OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) should be placed between two pulp
boards and then tied with strong thread in such a manner that the edges of envelopes are not damaged by the thread. This should be placed in a Fabric Bag
of PINK colour and sealed. Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes of PINK Colour and so on. Centre No. and fabric bag numbers 1, 2, 3
must be written depending on the number of fabric bags for the Centre.
2. A process as per Note-1 is to be carried out for OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) for Tamper Evident Envelopes(BLUE Colour) and Fabric Bag
(BLUE Colour) and sealed.
3. Original Copy of Appendix-8 (to be packed inside Parcel 3, Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office through the City Coordinator along with the
material and photocopy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.

Appendix-9: No Relation Certificate
(To be placed inside packet 4)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

I do hereby declare that none of my dependents or near relative(s)* is/are appearing in the examination for admission
to MBBS/BDS Degree Course being conducted by NTA on 07 May 2023. I am not involved in the coaching of the
Medical Entrance Examination in any way whatsoever.
‘*’ Father, mother, wife, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, daughter in law, son in law, brother in law,
sister in law, nephew and niece.
Name and address of Duty Designation in the Signature Mobile No./
Sl. Centre Superintendent/ Room School/College Telephone No.
No. Deputy Centre Superintendent/ Invigilator/ No.
Other Staff


For more Invigilators/Staff at the Centre, this page may be photocopied as per requirement.
Name in Capital letters Mobile No./ Signature with Date
Telephone No. and Time
NTA Observer

NTA Observer

Centre Superintendent

Deputy Centre Superintendent

(if appointed)

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

Note: Original Copy of Appendix-9 (to be packed inside Parcel- 3, Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office
through the City Coordinator along with the material and photocopy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.

Appendix-10: Certificate of material packed after conclusion of the examination
(To be placed inside parcel-3, packet 4)
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

1. Number of Candidates Allotted:

Roll Nos. Allotted: From To
(First and last Roll Number to be mentioned)
No of Candidates Present(A) Absent(B) Total(A+B)

2. No of Test Booklets received:

Serial No of Test Booklet received: From To
(First and the last Number of Test Booklets to
be mentioned)
No of Test Booklets Used(A) Unused(B) Total(A+B)

3. No of Impersonation/ Unfair means Cases Impersonation(A) Unfairmeans(B) Total(A+B)

4. Activities Time
Receipt of sealed Iron Box(es) from Custodian/City Coordinator by the Centre Superintendent
Receipt of Envelopes of Keys from Custodian/City Coordinator by the Observer(s) and Centre
Opening of the sealed Iron box(es)
Commencement of Examination
Sealing Of Unused Test Booklets/ White Paper Envelopes (Size 10x12) and Tamper Evident
Envelopes/ empty envelopes/ cloth parcels of used Test Booklets
Conclusion of Examination
Packing and sealing of OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy and OFFICE Copy) separately.
5. Material packed and sealed in Three Cloth Parcels (Parcel-1 to Parcel-3) as per details given below:
Sl. No. Enclosures
Packet-1: Pink Colour Fabric Bag Parcel(s) containing:
• 24 room wise Duly checked, serialized and
counted OMR (Original copy) be put in a small
Parcel-1 pink paper envelope of size 10x12 inches
supplied by the NTA in Serial order (Roll No.
0000001- 24 and so on for each room).
(Pink Fabric • Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes (of
Bags) PINK Colour) containing OMR Answer Sheets
(ORIGINAL Copy) should be placed between
two pulp boards and then tied with strong
Pink Colour Tamper OMR Answer Sheets thread in such a manner that the edges of No of Envelope(s)
envelopes are not damaged by the thread. This
Evident Envelopes of (ORIGINAL Copy) should be placed in a Fabric Bag of size 16x18
OMR Answer Sheets inches of PINK colour and sealed. _______
i.e. 10 X 24 Packets in Tamper Evident
Envelope (240 OMR Answer Sheets)
• Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper Evident
Envelopes of PINK Colour and so on. Centre
No. and fabric bag numbers 1, 2, 3 must be
written depending on the number of fabric
bags for the Centre.
Note : Please fill all details on top of the
• The OMR Answer Sheet(s) (ORIGINAL and
OFFICE Copy) of Unfair means cases(s) and
the Examination materials confiscated from
these candidates to be packed and sealed in
OMR Answer Sheets this YELLOW Paper Envelope (size 10x12)
(ORIGINAL as well as inches supplied by the NTA.
Yellow Colour Paper
OFFICE Copy) along • The sealed YELLOW Paper Envelope to be No of Envelope(s)
Envelopes of OMR packed in PINK Fabric Bag.
with confiscated
Answer Sheet (s) • Roll Nos. and Name of the candidates
material of ______
reported to be Impersonating/using Unfair
Impersonation/Unfair means to be mentioned in Appendix-11 duly
means case(s), if any authenticated by the concerned Invigilator(s),
Centre Superintendent, Deputy Centre
Superintendent and the Observer(s).
Note :Please fill all details on top of the

Parcel-2 • 24 room wise Duly checked, serialized and
counted Office copies of OMR sheets is to
be packed in small blue paper envelopes of
(Blue Fabric size 10x12 inches supplied by NTA. In Serial
Bags) order (Roll No. 0000001-24 and so on for
each room).
• Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes (of
BLUE Colour) containing OMR Answer
Sheets (OFFICE Copy) should be placed
Packet-2 Blue Colour between two pulp boards and then tied with
Fabric Bag containing: strong thread in such a manner that the edges
OMR Answer Sheets of envelopes are not damaged by the thread. No of
Blue Colour Tamper
(OFFICE Copy) This should be placed in a Fabric Bag of size Envelope(s)____
Evident Envelopes of 16x18 inches of BLUE colour and sealed.
OMR Answer Sheets i.e. 10 X 24 Packets in Tamper Evident
Envelope (240 OMR Answer Sheets-OFFICE
• Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper Evident
Envelopes of BLUE Colour and so on. Centre
No. and fabric bag numbers 1, 2, 3 must be
written depending on the number of fabric
bags for the Centre.
Note:Please fill all details on top of the
Packet-3 : Green Colour Paper Envelope (12x16) inches containing:
Attendance Sheets No of
Refer to Appendix-2
No of
Absentee Proforma Refer to Appendix-3
(Green Fabric Packet-4: Green Colour Paper Envelope (10x12) inches containing:
Bag) Seating Plan (Separate No of
Refer to Appendix-1
for each Room) Sheets______
Receipt of Sealed Iron
Box(es) and Test
Refer to Appendix-4A Yes/No
Booklet Parcels by
Centre Superintendent
Receipt of Envelopes of
Keys by NTA
Refer to Appendix-4B Yes/No
Observer(s) and Centre
Certificate for Opening
of Sealed Iron Box(es), Refer to Appendix-5 Yes/No
Test Booklet Parcels
Certificate of Packing of
Refer to Appendix-6 Yes/No
Unused Test Booklets
Certificate of Room
wise receipt and Packing
of OMR Answer Sheets
in Pink Paper
Envelope and Pink
Tamper Evident Refer to Appendix-7 Yes/No
 OFFICE Copy in
Blue paper
Envelope and
BLUE Tamper
Evident Envelope
Certificate of Packing of
OMR Answer Sheets
(ORIGINAL Copy) in
Refer to Appendix-8 Yes/No
Pink Fabric Bag and
(OFFICE Copy) in Blue
Fabric Bag
No Relation Certificate Refer to Appendix-9 Yes/No
Certificate of Material
Packed after completion Refer to Appendix-10 Yes/No
of the Examination
Certificate and Details of
Refer to Appendix-11 Yes/No
Unfairmeans Cases, if
Certificate of conduct of
Parcel-3 Examination, Procedure
(Green Fabric of Videography, Live
Bag) streaming of CCTV Refer to Appendix-12 Yes/No
display and Installation
& Effectiveness of

Format of Report by
the Centre
Superintendent Yes/No
Refer to Appendix-13
Format of Report by
the NTA Observer
Certificate about
Frisking/Biometric and Refer to Appendix-14 Yes/No
Gender Sensitivity
Final Bill Refer to Appendix-15A Yes/No
Remuneration Bill Form
Refer to Appendix-15B Yes/No
for Local Observers
Renumeration Bill Form
Refer to Appendix-15C Yes/No
for Outstation Observers
Receipt of sealed
material packed at
Collection Centre after Refer to Appendix-16 Yes/No
the conclusion of the
Summary of receipt of
sealed material at Refer to Appendix-17 Yes/No
Collection Centre
No of Digital locks
handed over to City No of Digital Locks____
No of Digital locks Kept
by Centre No of Digital Locks____
No of pad locks handed
No of Pad Locks_____
over to City Coordinator
No pad locks kept by
No of Pad Locks_____
Centre Superintendent
Sample Impression of
Seal Used in packing
Pen Drive/Storage
Device containing Data Yes/No
of Videography packed
No of Iron Box(es)
handed over to City No of Box(es)____
No of Iron Box(es) kept
by the Centre No of Box(es)____

6. It is Certified that
a) The Wall Clocks were made available at the main entry and in each room. The uniform time is set in every Wall
Clock. If not, the reasons of deviation may be mentioned,
(a) The commencement and conclusion of the examination at this Centre was carried out at scheduled time. If not, the
reasons of deviation may be mentioned,____________________________________________________
The time lost was compensated to the candidates and it was duly recorded and signed by the Centre Superintendent,
Deputy Centre Superintendent, Observer(s), Two Invigilators and four Candidates (from different rooms).
(b) All the Attendance Sheets have been signed by the candidates (in running hand) twice with time –while
receiving Test Booklet and while handing over the OMR Answer Sheet.
(c) The Candidates are required to put their Left Hand Thumb Impression at the space provided in Attendance
sheet and also write their Mother’s name against their names after establishing his/her identity.
(d) The Candidates are required to fill-in the particulars in the OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) and
put their Left Hand Thumb Impression at the space provided in the OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL
Copy). The Candidate has also signed with time the “Declaration by the Candidate”.
(e) Both the Invigilators have also signed the Attendance Sheet and also OMR Answer Sheet (ORIGINAL
(f) The Absentee Proforma has been checked with the number of candidates present/absent and duly authenticated.
(g) The OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL as well as OFFICE Copy) have been checked with the number of candidates
present and duly authenticated.
7 (a) On the conduct of Examination:
 This is certified that the above-mentioned Examination has been conducted at this Centre in a fair, smooth and
peaceful manner and no untoward event has taken place during the Examination.
However, _____________ number of cases of impersonation/ using Unfairmeans etc. detected has been duly
recorded in Appendix-11. Roll Nos. and Name of the candidates reported to be Impersonating/using Unfair means
have been mentioned in Appendix-11 duly authenticated by the concerned Invigilator(s), Centre Superintendent,
Deputy Centre Superintendent and the Observer(s). The OMR Answer Sheet(s) and the Examination materials

confiscated from these candidates have been packed and sealed in a separate YELLOW paper envelopes and
packed in Packet-1 (Parcel-1).
Any other remarks in case of an untoward event which may have taken place during the “Conduct of

The sealed packet of Unused Test Booklets/ White Paper Envelopes (size 10x12) inches and Tamper Evident Envelopes/
empty envelopes/ fabric parcels of used Test Booklets have been kept in Iron Box(es). Iron Box(es) has been locked by the
NTA Observer(s) and keys handed over to the Centre Superintendent at the conclusion of the examination. The sealed
Iron Box (es) and keys must be handed over to the City Coordinator by Centre Superintendent, and then City
Coordinator will sent sealed Iron Box(es) with keys to the NTA along with other material.

(b) The procedure of Videography:

It is also certified that the videography has been done as per the specified procedure, for all the
Candidates at this examination Centre. The data so captured has been sealed in presence of the
Centre Superintendent, Deputy Centre Superintendent, NTA Observer(s) and Videographer along
with their signatures.

(c) Live streaming of CCTV display: Functioning and Effectiveness (if applicable):
It is also certified that the CCTV live streaming has been done as per the specified procedure, at
this examination centre. The data so captured has been recorded.
(d) Installation & Effectiveness of Jammers (if applicable):
This is further certified that Jammers for Jamming the Mobile Signals were installed at the
Examination Centre by the firm identified by the NTA. The Jammers were installed in and
around rooms where the examination is being conducted. During the conduct of examination, all
the installed Jammers were found functional and operational.
8. (a) Attendance Sheets (Appendix-2) and Absentee Proforma (Appendix-3) have not been placed
in the bundle of OMR Answer Sheets but packed separately in the envelope provided for this
purpose (Packet-3).
(b) All Appendices have been packed and placed in (Packet-4).
9 (a) Parcel-1 (PINK Fabric Bags) containing OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) packed in (Packet-1)
(b) Parcel-2 (BLUE Fabric Bags) containing OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) packed in (Packet-2)
(c) Parcel-3 (GREEN Fabric Bag) containing Packet-3 (Appendix-2 and Appendix-3) and Packet-4 (All Appendices).

Name in Capital Mobile No./ Signature with Date &

letters Telephone No. Time of Packing
NTA Observer

NTA Observer

Centre Superintendent

Deputy Centre Superintendent

(if appointed)

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. On each parcel, Parcel No, Centre Number and Centre Name with Address MUST be indicated.
2. All documents must be sealed and signed by the Centre Superintendent and Observer(s).
3. Original copy of Appendix-10 (to be packed inside Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office through
the City Coordinator along with the material and one copy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.

Appendix-11: Details of Impersonation/ Unfair means cases, if any
(To be placed inside packet 4)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Sl. Name of the Roll No. Type of Offence Room Signature

No. Candidates (Impersonation/Unfairmeans) No. of the Invigilator

Note: Write ‘ NIL’ and pack if No case of Impersonation/Unfair means on the Yellow Paper Envelope
supplied by NTA.
This is to certify that as reported by the Invigilator(s) signed above, the Candidates whose Roll Numbers and
Names are mentioned above have been found to be Impersonating using Unfair means in this examination
held on 07.05.2023 at the above said Centre in the City.
The OMR Answer Sheet(s) (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) and the Examination materials confiscated from
these candidates have been packed and sealed in this YELLOW Paper Envelope (size 10x12) inches supplied by
the NTA. The sealed YELLOW Paper Envelope has been put and packed in PINK Fabric Bag( Parcel-1).
Name in Capital Mobile No./ Signature with Date
letters Telephone No. & Time of Packing
NTA Observer
NTA Observer

Centre Superintendent
Deputy Centre Superintendent
(If appointed)

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

Original copy of Appendix-11 (to be packed inside Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office through the
City Coordinator along with the material and one copy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.
Yellow paper Envelopes be put and packed in PINK Fabric bag (Parcel-1).

Appendix-12 : Certificate on the conduct of examination, the procedure of Videography, Live
streaming of CCTV display and installation & effectiveness of Jammers
(To be placed inside packet 4)
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

We certify that:
1. The examination organized by the National Testing Agency was conducted in a satisfactorily and fairly
manner at this Centre on 07.05.2023 Sunday from 02:00 P.M. to 05:20 P.M. (Indian Standard Time).
Any other remarks in case of “Conduct of Examination”:
2. I do hereby declare that none of my dependents or near relative(s)* is/are appearing in the NEET (UG)-
2023 for admission to MBBS/BDS Degree Course being conducted by NTA on 07 May 2023. I am not
involved in the coaching of the Medical Entrance Examination in any way whatsoever.
‘*’ Father, mother, wife, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, daughter in law, son in
law, brother in law, sister in law, nephew and niece.
3. It is also certified that the Videography has been done as per the specified procedure, for all the Candidates
at this examination centre. The data so captured has been sealed in our presence and all have put their
signatures with time of packing and pen drive/other storage device has been sealed in packet 4.
Any other remarks in case of “Procedure of Videography”:

4. During the conduct of the examination, all the installed Jammers (if applicable) were found functional
and successfully operational.
(If due to any reason deficiency has been found during the examination please indicate in the space below,
else cross the space).
Room Number Time of switch-off of Jammer Time of Resumption Total duration

Any other remarks in case of Jammers (if applicable):

5. CCTV systems (if applicable) were functional and operational at the Centre during the examination
including Examination Control Room and live streaming was forwarded to the NTA Control Room as per the
norms(If due to any reason deficiency has been found during the examination please indicate in the space
below, else cross the space).
Any other remarks in case of Live streaming of CCTV display (if applicable):

Name in Mobile No./ Signature with Date &

Capital letters Telephone No. Time of Packing
NTA Observer
NTA Observer
Centre Superintendent
Deputy Centre Superintendent
(If appointed)
Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

1. Jammers and Live streaming of CCTV may or may not be used in each Centre and thus only in those cases where
it is applicable, the above may be filled in. Any exception handling may be recorded as part of this Appendix-12.
2. Original copy of Appendix-12 (to be packed inside Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office through the City
Coordinator along with the material and one copy to be retained by the Centre Superintendent.

Appendix-13A : Feedback Proforma for the Centre Superintendent
(to be filled online on
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Note: It should verify that
 No. of Test Booklets received = No. of Test Booklets Used + No. of Test Booklets Unused
 No. of candidates Allotted = No. of candidates Absent + No. of candidates Present
 No. of candidates Present = No. of OMR Answer Sheets packed (ORIGINAL Copy) in PINK Fabric Bag
= No. of OMR Answer Sheets packed (OFFICE Copy) in BLUE Fabric Bag

1. Number of Candidates Allotted:

(a) Roll Nos. Allotted From To
(First and last Roll Number to be
(b) Number of Candidates Present(A) Absent(B) Total(A+B)
2. Number of Test Booklets received:
(a) Serial Number of Test Booklets received From To
(First and the last Number of Test
Booklets to be mentioned)
(b) Number of Test Booklets Used(A) Unused(B) Total(A+B)
Date Activity Time
Receipt of sealed Iron Box(es)from Custodian/City Coordinator by the Centre
Receipt of Envelopes of Keys from Custodian/City Coordinator by the Observer(s) and
Centre Superintendent
Opening of sealed Iron Box(es)
07.05.2023 Commencement of Examination
Sealing of Unused Test Booklets/ White Paper Envelopes (size 10x12) inches and
Tamper Evident Envelopes/ empty envelopes/ cloth parcels of used Test Booklets
Conclusion of Examination
Packing and sealing of OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy and OFFICE Copy)

S.No. Activity Nos.

(a) No. of Iron Boxes received
(b) No. of Iron Boxes returned to the City Coordinator
(a) No. of Digital Locks received
(b) No. of Digital Locks returned to the City Coordinator
(a) No. of Pad Locks received
(b) No. of Pad Locks returned to the City Coordinator
7. No. of Examination Rooms
8. No. of Invigilators
9. No. of Security Personnel at Entrance

10. No. of Persons for frisking/biometric
11. No. of Impersonation cases if any#
12. No. of Unfairmeans cases if any#
13. No. of late entry, if any
14. No. of medical emergency, if any:
15. No. of functional CCTV installed (if applicable)
16. No. of Jammers installed (if applicable)

Note: The sealed packet of Unused Test Booklets/ White Paper Envelopes (size 10x12) inches and Tamper Evident
Envelopes/ empty envelopes parcels of used Test Booklets have been kept in Iron Box(es). Iron Box(es) has been
locked by the NTA Observer(s) and keys handed over to the Centre Superintendent at the conclusion of
examination. The sealed Iron Box(es) and keys to be handed over to the City Coordinator to sent it to the NTA
along with other material.

# Roll Nos. and Name of the candidates reported to be Impersonating/using Unfairmeans have been
mentioned in Appendix-11 duly authenticated by the concerned Invigilator(s), Centre Superintendent,
Deputy Centre Superintendent and the Observer(s). The OMR Answer Sheet(s) and the Examination
materials confiscated from these candidates have been packed and sealed in separate YELLOW paper
envelopes and packed in Parcel-1.

17. (a) Whether the Invigilators were appointed as per norms of the NTA: Yes/No _________________

(b) If not, the reasons for deviations may be mentioned: ____________________________________


18. (a) Whether there was a functional CCTV camera installed in the Examination Control Room: Yes/No

(b) Whether there was a functional CCTV camera installed in the Examination Room/Hall:Yes/No

19. (a) Whether the Videography was done at the Centre as per specified procedure: Yes/No _______

(b) If not, the reasons for deviations may be mentioned: ____________________________________


It is certified that, I have scrutinized the Attendance Sheets, and all have been found to be duly
signed with time by the Candidates and Invigilators. No. of Candidates present tallies with the OMR
Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL as well as OFFICE Copy) packed and sealed.

It is further certified, that the contents of Packet-1 to Packet-4 were checked and verified and
counted by me and then sealed. These sealed packets along with ALL LOCKS (Digital and Pad), Iron
Box(es) and Keys were handed over to __________________________________________, City
Coordinator by me as well as by the Observer(s) for delivery to the NTA’s office.



The following are my observations about Examination conducted on 07.05.2023:

Observation (Kindly indicate through Yes or No) Yes/No

1. Were the procedure for the following was clearly followed:
(a). Receiving of sealed Iron Box(es)
(b). Opening of sealed Iron Box(es)
(c). Distributing Roomwise Test Booklets
(d). Receiving Seating Plan, Absentee Statement and unused Test Booklets
(e). Receiving Room wise OMR Answer sheets ORIGINAL Copy in Pink Paper Envelopes
and OFFICE Copy in Blue Envelopes
2. (a) Were the Iron Box(es) have digital locks (wherever applicable).
(b) Were the GPS enabled digital locks, were opened at the right time (wherever applicable).
3. (a) Were adequate security arrangements were available at the Centre
(b) Were the Security/Police personnel deputed were available at the entry gate of the Centre.
4. (a) Were the Frisking/biometric done at the entry gate of the Centre before Examination was
meticulous and carefully done keeping the cultural and religious sentiments in mind
(b) Were the female candidates were managed with sensitivity and care during
frisking/biometric, identity verification and during the conduct of Examination.
5. (a) Whether the drinking water facility was adequate
(b) Whether the toilets were clean and hygienic.
6. Whether the OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy and OFFICE Copy) were personally
counted and packed as per requirement.
7. (a) Was the Examination commenced and concluded at the scheduled time.
(b) Whether the arrangements at the Centre including seating and others were satisfactory.
(c) Whether 24 candidates were seated in a room.
8. Whether necessary care was extended to the disabled candidates as per guidelines.
9. Whether necessary cooperation was extended by the Centre to the Candidates during entry,
the conduct of examination and providing Ball Point pens etc.
10. Whether necessary cooperation was extended by the Centre Superintendent, Deputy Centre
Superintendent and his/her staff.
11. Whether any shortcoming about the Test Booklets/OMR Answer Sheets was reported
12. (a) Whether the Jammers (if available) for jamming the Mobile Signals in every room were
installed at the examination Centre.
(b) Whether all the installed Jammers(if available) were found functional and successfully
operational for Jamming all the Mobile/ Blue tooth Signals i.e. CDMA/ GSM/ 3G/ 4G/
Spy Camera/ Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth etc. for incoming as well as outgoing signals.
(c) Whether the services of the installed Jammers (if available) for Jamming the Mobile
Signals were found effective and satisfactory and no cases of cheating through electronic
mode were found/ reported.
13. Whether functional CCTV cameras were installed in each room, at the entrance and in the
Examination Control Room (if applicable).
14. Whether the Observer(s) appointed at this Centre can be considered again for the Examination
in future.

Remarks: In my opinion, the Examination at Centre No._____________ in City ________________ was fair,
smooth and peaceful and the arrangements made were satisfactory.
(a) Any other remarks on “Conduct of Examination_____________________________________
(b) Your observations for Improvement on “Conduct of Examination”: ____________________
Note: This is a specimen copy only and the report needs to be filled online on

Appendix-13B : Feedback Proforma for NTA Observer(s)
(to be filled online on
Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Note: It should verify that
 No. of Test Booklets received = No. of Test Booklets Used + No. of Test Booklets Unused
 No. of candidates Allotted = No. of candidates Absent + No. of candidates Present
 No. of candidates Present = No. of OMR Answer Sheets packed (ORIGINAL Copy) in PINK Fabric Bag
= No. of OMR Answer Sheets packed (OFFICE Copy) in BLUE Fabric Bag

1. Number of Candidates Allotted:

(a) Roll Nos. Allotted From To
(First and last Roll Number to be
(b) Number of Candidates Present(A) Absent(B) Total(A+B)
2. Number of Test Booklets received:
(a) Serial Number of Test Booklets received From To
(First and the last Number of Test
Booklets to be mentioned)
(b) Number of Test Booklets Used(A) Unused(B) Total(A+B)
Date Activity Time
Receipt of sealed Iron Box(es)from Custodian/City Coordinator by the Centre
Receipt of Envelopes of Keys from Custodian/City Coordinator by the Observer(s) and
Centre Superintendent
Opening of sealed Iron Box(es)
07.05.2023 Commencement of Examination
Sealing of Unused Test Booklets/ White Paper Envelopes (size 10x12) inches and
Tamper Evident Envelopes/ empty envelopes/ cloth parcels of used Test Booklets
Conclusion of Examination
Packing and sealing of OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy and OFFICE Copy)

S.No. Activity Nos.

(a) No. of Iron Boxes received
(b) No. of Iron Boxes returned to the City Coordinator
(a) No. of Digital Locks received
(b) No. of Digital Locks returned to the City Coordinator
(a) No. of Pad Locks received
(b) No. of Pad Locks returned to the City Coordinator
7. No. of Examination Rooms
8. No. of Invigilators
9. No. of Security Personnel at Entrance

10. No. of Persons for frisking/biometric
11. No. of Impersonation cases if any
12. No. of Unfairmeans cases if any
13. No. of late entry, if any
14. No. of medical emergency, if any:
15. No. of functional CCTV installed (if applicable)
16. No of Jammers installed (if applicable)

Note: The sealed packet of Unused Test Booklets/ White Paper Envelopes (size 10x12) and Tamper Evident Envelopes/ empty
envelopes parcels of used Test Booklets have been kept in Iron Box(es). Iron Box(es) has been locked by the NTA Observer(s)
and keys handed over to the Centre Superintendent at the conclusion of examination. The sealed Iron Box(es) and keys to be
handed over to the City Coordinator to sent it to the NTA along with other material.

# Roll Nos. and Name of the candidates reported to be Impersonating/using Unfairmeans have been
mentioned in Appendix-11 duly authenticated by the concerned Invigilator(s), Centre Superintendent,
Deputy Centre Superintendent and the Observer(s). The OMR Answer Sheet(s) and the Examination
materials confiscated from these candidates have been packed and sealed in separate YELLOW paper
envelopes and packed in Parcel-1.

17. (a) Whether the Invigilators were appointed as per norms of the NTA: Yes/No _________________

(b) If not, the reasons for deviations may be mentioned: ____________________________________


(c) Whether the quality of Invigilation was upto the mark: Yes/No____________________________

18. (a) Whether there was a functional CCTV camera installed in the Examination Control Room:Yes/No

(b) Whether there was a functional CCTV camera installed in the Examination Room/Hall:Yes/No

19. (a) Whether the Videography was done at the Centre as per specified procedure: Yes/No _______

(b) If not, the reasons for deviations may be mentioned: ____________________________________


It is certified that I have scrutinized the Attendance Sheets, and all have been found to be duly signed
with time by the Candidates and Invigilators. No. of Candidates present tallies with the OMR
Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL as well as OFFICE Copy) packed and sealed.

It is further certified that the contents of Packet-1 to Packet-4 were checked and verified and counted
by me and then sealed. These sealed packets along with ALL LOCKS (Digital and Pad), Iron Box(es)
and Keys were handed over to __________________________________________, City Coordinator
by me as well as by the Observer(s) for delivery to the NTA’s office.


The following are my observations about the Examination conducted on 07.05.2023:
Observation (Kindly indicate through Yes or No) Yes/No
1. Whether the procedure for the following was clearly followed:
(a). Receiving of sealed Iron Box(es)
(b). Opening of sealed Iron Box(es)
(c). Distributing Roomwise Test Booklets
(d). Receiving Seating Plan, Absentee Statement and unused Test Booklets
(e). Receiving Room wise OMR Answer sheets ORIGINAL Copy in Pink Paper Envelopes and
OFFICE Copy in Blue Envelopes
2. (a) Whether the Iron Box(es) had digital locks (wherever applicable).
(b) Whether the GPS enabled digital locks were opened at the right time (wherever applicable).
3. (a) Whether adequate security arrangements were available at the Centre
(b) Whether the Security/Police personnel deputed were available at the entry gate of the
4. (a) Whether the Frisking/biometric done at the entry gate of the Centre before Examination was
meticulous and carefully done keeping the cultural and religious sentiments in mind
(b) Whether the female candidates were managed with sensitivity and care during
frisking/biometric, identity verification and during the conduct of Examination.
5. (a) Whether the drinking water facility was adequate
(b) Whether the toilets were clean and hygienic.
6. Whether the OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy and OFFICE Copy) were personally
counted and packed as per requirement.
7. (a) Whether the Examination was commenced and concluded at the scheduled time.
(b) Whether the arrangements at the Centre including seating and others were satisfactory.
(c) Whether 24 candidates were seated in a room.
8. Whether necessary care was extended to the disabled candidates as per guidelines.
9. Whether necessary cooperation was extended by the Centre to the Candidates during entry, the
conduct of examination and providing Ball Point pens etc.
10. Whether necessary cooperation was extended by the Centre Superintendent, Deputy Centre
Superintendent and his/her staff.
11. Whether any shortcoming about the Test Booklets/OMR Answer Sheets was reported
12. (a) Whether the Jammers (if available) for jamming the Mobile Signals in every room were
installed at the examination Centre.
(b) Whether all the installed Jammers(if available) were found functional and successfully
operational for Jamming all the Mobile/ Blue tooth Signals i.e. CDMA/ GSM/ 3G/ 4G/ Spy
Camera/ Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth etc. for incoming as well as outgoing signals.
(c) Whether the services of the installed Jammers (if available) for Jamming the Mobile
Signals were found effective and satisfactory and no cases of cheating through electronic mode
were found/ reported.
13. Whether functional CCTV cameras were installed in each room, at the entrance and in the
Examination Control Room (if applicable).
14. Whether the Centre Superintendent at this Centre can be considered again for the Examination
in future.
15. Whether the Institution (School/College) can be considered again for holding the Examination
in future.
16. Whether the Other Observer(s)at this Centre can be considered again for the Examination in
Remarks: In my opinion, the Examination at Centre No._____________ in City ________________ was fair,
smooth and peaceful and the arrangements made were satisfactory.
(a) Any other remarks on “Conduct of Examination_____________________________________
(b) Your observations for Improvement on “Conduct of Examination”: ____________________
**Note: This is a specimen copy only and the report needs to be filled online on

Appendix-14 : Adherence to Frisking/Biometric norms and care of sensitivity issues)
(To be placed inside packet 4)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Please answer with “Yes or No”

Yes No
1. Whether authorized agency had erected a separate enclosure for frisking/biometric female
2. Whether staff deputed by the authorized agency was well trained, polite and supportive.
3. Whether Female and male staff were available in a ratio of 1:120 candidates
4. Whether Female security personnel were deputed for frisking exercise for female candidates
by the authorized agency.
5. Whether Female Invigilator was deputed in the rooms, where female candidates were
6. Whether Persons on Examination duty were briefed and oriented on gender sensitivity
issues, before the Examination.
7. Whether there were enough washroom/toilets for Male and Female Candidates

It is to certify that
• Frisking/Biometric was done compulsorily for all candidates as per NTA Guidelines.
• Relevant Staff was trained on frisking/biometric guidelines and made aware of sensitivity issues
• Extra care was taken to be sensitive to socio-cultural, regional and religious sentiments
• The female candidates were frisked by female staff only, with sensitivity and care.

Note: In case any untoward incident is reported during the conduct of Examination, this should be
clearly mentioned in the space below: -

Name in Mobile No./ Time of Signature with

Capital letters Telephone No. Packing Date
NTA Observer
NTA Observer
Centre Superintendent
Deputy Centre Superintendent
(if appointed)

Dated: 07.05.2023 Seal of Centre Superintendent

Note: Original copy of Appendix-14 (to be packed inside Packet-4) and is to be sent to the NTA office
through the City Coordinator along with the material and one copy to be retained by the Centre

Appendix-15A : Final Bill
(The original bill with supporting vouchers are required to be submitted by the Centre Superintendent directly to the National Testing
Agency, Noida within a week of examination for final settlement of bill)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

No of Candidates Allotted Absent Present

Sl.No. Category Remuneration and Conveyance Payable (Original Bills must be Amount
enclosed) (Rs.)
1. Centre Superintendent Rs. 2500/- per day+ Rs. 1000/- Fixed Conveyance per day
(Total admissible Rs. 7000/- for two days only)
2. Deputy Centre Superintendent Rs. 1500/- per day+ Rs. 1000/- Fixed Conveyance per day
(if appointed) (Total admissible Rs. 5000/- for two days only)
3. Room Invigilator(s)  Rs. 800/-+Rs. 500/- Conveyance. Fixed for those attending on the day
(100% Invigilator must be of Examination
called for Briefing/Meeting  Rs. 1200/-+Rs. 1000/- Conveyance. Fixed for those attending Briefing/
prior to the day of Meeting prior to the day of Examination and attending on the day of
Examination) Examination
4. Administrative Staff/Clerk Rs. 700/- per day+ Rs. 300/- Fixed Conveyance per day
(Total admissible Rs. 2000/- for two days only)
5. Supporting Staff-Sweeper/ Rs. 500/-+Rs. 200/- Fixed conveyance per day
Cleaning Staff/Water Boy/ (Total admissible Rs. 700/- for the day of Examination)
6. Watchman/Guard Rs. 500/-+Rs. 200/- Fixed conveyance attending on the day of Examination
(Total admissible Rs. 700/- for the day of Examination only)
7. Videographer Rs. 4000/- per Videographer inclusive of Pen Drive/Storage Device Card
Passport Size Photograph- Rs. 30/- for each Photograph
(Original Bills must be enclosed)
8. Other Charges (Original Bills must be enclosed)
(a) Contingent Charges are inclusive of maintenance of furniture, Facimile Rs 15/- per candidate
Stamp Signature etc. fixed
(b) Purchase of Mask, Hand Gloves, Sanitizer, water bottle for different Rs 25/- per candidate
functionaries involved in Examination and for those candidates who needs fixed
sanitizers, Sanitization of rooms, floors and desk etc. PPE Kit/Face Shield
for staff those in isolation room
(c) Postal Charges Rs 100/- fixed
(d) Refreshment Charges* Rs. 60/- per staff
engaged for the day of
(e) Purchase of wall clocks and small pair of Scissors/Cutter and small torch (As Rs. 05/- per candidate
many as required) fixed
(f) Conveyance for collection of Confidential Material from Custodian and back to Rs. 1000/- fixed
the Centre (for Custodians identified by NTA)
(g) Conveyance for delivery of OMR Answer Sheets and other material after the Rs. 1000/- fixed
conclusion of examination from Centre to the City Coordinator and back
*Note: In the case of a City Coordinator with a Centre, the Centre Superintendent has to be nominated from the Senior Staff of the
Total Expenditure
Less: Amount received in advance from NTA
Net Amount payable by NTA

Enclose Vouchers & Receipts

Name in Capital letters Mobile No./ Telephone Signature with Date and Time

Dated: Seal of Centre Superintendent

Note: Original copy to be sent to the Reception, National Testing Agency, 1st Floor, NSIC, MDBP Building, Okhla
Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110020 directly within a week of examination for final settlement of bill and photocopy to be
retained by the Centre Superintendent. ‘Original bills’ may be clearly mentioned on the envelope. For any queries related to
bills, you may send email at

Appendix-15B: Remuneration Bill Form For Local Observer


1. Duty assigned for the Examination

(Name & Year of Examination)
2. Centre No. with complete address

3. Name of Claimant
(strictly as per bank record)
4. Designation
5. Address for Communication

6. Contact No.(s)
7. Total Duty Days
(a) Honorarium Amount (in Rs.)
(b) Admissible Conveyance Charges
9. Bank & Branch Name

10. Bank Account No.

(As per bank record in digits)
11. IFSC code (As per bank record in digits)

12. MICR Code

13. PAN No.

Amount to be paid (in words) : ________________________________________________________

Countersigned by City
Signature of Claimant with date


Paid vide cheque/NEFT/RTGS___________________No:___________________________

Pay Rs. _______________ (Rupees_____________________________________________)
Against Head No.: ___________ to Claimant ____________________________________
Bank & Branch Name : ______________________________________________________
Dealing Assistant JOINT-DIRECTOR/DDO
Note: Photocopy may be used if required.

Appendix-15C: Remuneration Bill Form for Outstation Observer

1. Duty assigned for the Examination

(Name & Year of Examination)
2. Centre No. with complete address

3. Observer ID
4. Name of Claimant
(strictly as per bank record)
5. Designation
6. Address for Communication

7. Contact No.(s)
8. Total Duty Days
(a) Honorarium Amount (in Rs.)
9. (b) Admissible Travelling Charges
(as Per (A) Travelling Details below) and
Hotel / Food Bill etc. (if applicable)
(as Per (B) Details of Hotel / Food Bill etc.)
10. Bank & Branch Name
11. Bank Account No.
(As per bank record in digits)
12. IFSC code (As per bank record in digits)
13. MICR Code
14. PAN No.

(A) Travelling Details :

Departure Arrival Mode of Distance Air/Rail/Taxi Amount of
Fare Paid
Date Time From Date Time To Journey in Kms. Receipt No.
(Air /Rail/Taxi)

(B) Details of Hotel / Food Bill etc. (if applicable):

Name & Address of Nos. Bill No. & Room Rent Paid Food Charges Total
Hotel / Guest House of Date Amount
with Phone No. days

*Original Bills (verified by yourself) must be enclosed with this form. It is certified that the particulars filled in above are correct and true.
All the money paid is the interest of Organization.
Amount to be paid (in words) : ______________________________________________________________________________________
Countersigned by City Coordinator:______________________________Initials of Claimant with date:________________________


Paid vide cheque/NEFT/RTGS : ____________________No.______________________________________________Pay

Rs. ___________(Rupees___________________________________) Against Head No.: ________________________ to
Claimant__________________________________Bank & Branch Name:_________________________________________

Dealing Assistant JOINT-DIRECTOR/DDO

Note: Photocopy may be used if required.

Appendix-16: Receipt of sealed material packed at Collection Centre after
conclusion of the Examination
(as per Appendix-10)

Centre No. City Centre Name with Address

Received following sealed Fabric Bag(s) with seal intact pertaining to NEET (UG)-2023 from the above centre
containing material packed at Centre after Completion of the Examination as per Appendix-10 on Sunday,
07 May, 2023.
No of Pink Fabric Bag(s) :

No of Blue Fabric Bag(s) :

No of Green Fabric Bag(s) :

No. of Digital Locks received:

No. of Digital Locks returned to the City Coordinator:

No. of Pad Locks received:

No. of Pad Locks returned to the City Coordinator:

Name in Capital letters Mobile No./ Time of Signature with

Telephone No. delivery/receiving Date

NTA Observer

NTA Observer


Dated: 07.05.2023 Signature of City Coordinator

with Name, Date, Seal and time

1. Original copy of Appendix-16 to be retained by the City Coordinator and photocopy to be given to
Centre Superintendent and NTA Observer(s).

2. The City Coordinator shall submit Original copy of Appendix-16 to the NTA along with the material
and shall retain the photocopy.
3. City Coordinator shall pack Pink, Blue and Green Fabric Bag(s) of all Centres in the city along with
all locks (Digital and pad) and send all sealed box(es) by approved Courier in Iron Boxes to National
Testing Agency 1st Floor, NSIC, MDBP Building, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110020.

Appendix-17 : Summary of receipt of sealed material at Collection Centre
(Material Packed At Centre After Conclusion Of The Examination As Per Appendix-10)

City Code & Name: __________________________________________Page No: _____

Received following Sealed Fabric Bag(s) with seals intact (containing to have material packed at Centre after
Conclusion of the Examination as per Appendix-10 along with all locks (Digital and pad) from Centre
Superintendent and Observer(s))

Sl. Centre No of Sealed Fabric Bag(s) received Time of Signature of

No. No. Pink Blue Green Fabric Receipt Centre NTA
Fabric Bag Fabric Bag Bag Superintendent Observer(s)
(Parcel-1) (Parcel-2) (Parcel-3)
For more than 20 Centres in the City, this page may be photocopied as per requirement.

Dated: 07.05.2023 Signature of City Coordinator with Name, Date and Seal

1. The City Coordinator shall submit an Original copy of Appendix-17 along with an Original copy of
Appendix-16 to the NTA along with the sealed material in Iron Boxes and shall retain photocopy.

2. City Coordinator shall Pack Pink, Blue and Green Fabric Bag(s) of all centres in the city along with
all locks (Digital and Pad) and shall send all sealed box(es) by approved courier to National Testing
Agency 1st Floor, NSIC, MDBP Building, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110020.


Annexure-1 : Centre Material Kit
NTA will furnish the following material to each Centre for the examination.
(a) A carton box(es) contains following items:

Sl. No. Items Quantity

1. Information Bulletin One

Guidelines for City Coordinators, NTA Observers, Centre, Superintendents, Deputy

2. Two
Centre Superintendents, and Invigilators and other Examination Functionaries

3. A Note for Invigilator 2 for every 24 candidates

4. All Appendices and Annexures 2 Copies -in rubber band

I Cards: for City Coordinator, Centre Superintendents and Deputy Centre Superintendents,
Observer, Invigilator, Deputy/Independent Observer, Flying Squads/NTA Representative,
5. Support Staff (Guards/Watchman/ Peon/Water Boy/Cleaning Staff/Sweeper), Authorized Staff As per Requirement
(Administrative Staff/Clerk), Authorized Staff (Videographer/Photographer/Jammer
Staff/Frisking Staff)

Sl. No. Items Quantity

6. Brown Envelope 3-inch box (Jali) Two for each Centre

For bringing Admit Cards etc.

7. White Paper Envelopes (10x12) One for every 24 candidates

for bringing UNUSED Test Booklets from examination Room to CONTROL

ROOM by Invigilators

8. Yellow Paper Envelope (10x12 laminated): Two for each Centre

for packing OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL as well as OFFICE Copy) of

Impersonation/Unfair Means along with Examination materials confiscated
from the candidates.

9. Pulp Board (12x14) One for every 240 Candidate

For packaging of OMR Answer Sheets

10. Pink Paper Envelopes (10x12), Pink Tamper Evident Envelope (12x14) and Pink Fabric Bag (16x18) for packing OMR
Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) only

(a) Pink Paper Envelopes (10x12) One for every 24 candidates

for bringing OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) from Rooms to

Examination Control Room by Invigilators

(b) Pink Tamper Evident Envelope(12x14) One for every 240 candidates

for packing OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) of 10 Rooms in


(c) Pink Fabric bag (16x18): (Parcel-1) One for every 600 candidates

for packing upto Six Pink Tamper Evident Envelope (12x14) packed
@ Sl.No.-5(b) between two Pulp Boards and tied with strong
thread. The tied packet along with Yellow Paper Envelope packed
@ Sl. No.-3 is put in one Pink Fabric Bag.

11. Blue Paper Envelopes (10x12), Blue Tamper Evident Envelope (12x14) and Blue Fabric Bag (16x18) for packing OMR
Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) only

(a) Blue Paper Envelopes (10x12) One for every 24 candidates

for bringing OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) from Rooms to

Examination Control Room by Invigilators

(b) Blue Tamper Evident Envelope(12x14) One for every 240 candidates

for packing OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) of 10 Rooms in


(c) Blue Fabric bag (16x18): (Parcel-2) One for every 600 candidates

for packing upto Six Pink Tamper Evident Envelope (12x14) packed
@ Sl.No.-6(b) between two Pulp Boards and tied with strong thread.
The tied packet is put in one Blue Fabric Bag.

12. Green Fabric Bag (16x18 ), Green Paper Envelope (12x16 with Jali) and Green Paper Envelope (10x12 laminated) for
packing of Attendance Sheet, Absentee Proformas and Appendices as mentioned in Chapter 7 (Section 7.2):

(a) Green Fabric Bag (16x18 ) : (Parcel-3) for packing Packet- 3 , Packet-4. One for each Centre

(b) Green Paper Envelope (12x16 with Jali): (Packet-3) One for each Centre

for Packing of Attendance Sheets (Appendix-2) in rubber band and

OMR based Absentee Proforma (Appendix-3) in Polythene with

(b) Green Paper Envelope (10x12 laminated): (Packet-4) One for each Centre

for Packing of All Appendices. All Appendices be tagged in serial order.

Brown Paper Envelope (10x12 w/o Jali & w/o lamination) (For packing One for each Centre
Final Centre Bill and related documents)

Sl. No. Items Quantity

14. Ballpoint pens One Poly pack of 26 for every 24 candidates

15. Inkless Pads One for every 24 candidates

(b) A carton box(es) contains following items:

Sl. No. Items Quantity

16. List of Candidates appearing at the Centre. One – Stapled

17. Attendance Sheets of candidates appearing at the Centre. One- in rubber band

18. Adhesive stickers of Roll No of candidates for pasting on Table/ Desk.

One- in Polythene with
19. OMR based Absentee Proforma of candidates appearing at the Centre

Annexure-2: A Note for Invigilators
(Date of Examination – 07.05.2023)
Before Examination Starts:
1. Attend Orientation organized for Invigilators in an online mode by NTA.
2. Reporting time: As directed by Centre Superintendent
3. Participate in Centre Superintendent briefing attentively, and get details of your duty room on the day of examination.
4. Check the examination schedule and Bell Timing schedule on the day of examination, given at Annexure-3 carefully
5. Please do not carry your mobile and any other electronic device to Exam area/Exam room/ Centre Superintendent
room. Deposit them in Examination Control Room.
6. Two Invigilators (as identified by Centre Superintendent) need to witness opening of sealed Iron Box(es) and Test
Booklet Parcels containing OMR Answer Sheets in Examination Control Room
7. Receive the Envelopes containing the sealed Test Booklets (in sets of 24 candidates) from the Centre Superintendent
for the allotted Room, at the allotted time, in sealed condition only. These need to be opened in the Examination
room/hall at 1:40 P.M.(Indian Standard Time). Each packet will contain 24 Test Booklet in the individual transparent
polythene. This will be given as such to candidates.
8. Receive one poly pack of 26 Ball Point pens, White Paper Envelope and Attendance Sheet from the Centre
Superintendent for the allotted Room.
9. Invigilators will be present in the Registration room from 11:00 A.M (Indian Standard Time) till last entry of
the Candidates. They can be used on a rotational basis (as per the roaster) by changing duty every half an hour.
At the Beginning of Examination:
1. On reaching the allotted room, ensure you have carried with you 26 Ball Point pens, White Paper Envelope,
Attendance Sheet and Sealed Envelopes containing the Test Booklets (in sets of 12 candidates) for the allotted Room.
2. The last entry to the Examination Room is allowed till 1:40 PM. (Indian Standard Time) (01.15 P.M (Indian
Standard Time) to enter in the Examination Centre)
3. 1:40 P.M. (Indian Standard Time)– Announce (May use verbatim)
 “Check and ensure that you are sitting on your allotted seats; and do not have any of the barred/prohibited items
 If you have any such item hand over immediately to the Invigilators.
 If you, the Candidates notice any other Candidate using any unfair means activity, please object and report
immediately to the Invigilator(s) on duty
 Use only BLACK BALL POINT PEN provided at the Centre for “answering and filling up the particulars on the
Test-Booklet, OMR Answer Sheet and Attendance Sheet.”
The Test structure of NEET (UG) - 2023 comprises four Subjects. Each subject will consist of two sections.
Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 Questions, out of these 15 Questions, candidates
can attempt any 10 Questions. So, the total number of questions and utilization of time will remain the same.
The pattern for the Examination for admission in the Session 2023-24 is as follows:

Number Of
S. No Subject(s) Section(s) (Each Question carries 04 Type Of Question(s)
(Four) Marks)
SECTION A 35 140
SECTION A 35 140
SECTION A 35 140 (Multiple Choice Questions).
SECTION A 35 140

Note: Correct option marked will be given (4) marks and Incorrect option marked will be given minus one (-1) mark. Unattempted/Unanswered
Questions will be given no marks.

4. 1:40 - 1:50 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) - Check the identity of candidates through Admit Cards, tally their
signatures and the Photograph on the candidate’s Attendance Sheets with the signature and the photograph on their
Admit Cards. Take signature of candidate at the appropriate place on the Admit Card in the presence of the
Invigilators. Open the envelopes containing the sealed Test Booklets.
5. 1:50 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) (single bell)– Each Invigilator to check the packet containing 24 Test Booklet
within the Examination Room. Distribute one Test Booklet (covered in transparent plastic) to each student strictly as
per the seating plan, with an instruction not to open the seal till 01.55 P.M.(Indian Standard Time).
The Test Booklet should be distributed only after verification of genuineness of the candidate, matching the QP
Medium written on adhesive sticker of Roll No. of candidate pasted on Table/Desk and Medium printed on Test
Booklet and obtaining signature with time at the space provided in Attendance sheet against their names and candidate
will also write their Mother’s name and paste his/her Photograph of the candidate on the Attendance Sheet. While
handing over Test Booklet one Ball Point Pen may also be given to the candidate.
6. Announce (May use verbatim) – “Tear open the transparent plastic cover and take out the sealed Test Booklet. Do not open

the paper seal of the Test Booklet. Write Particulars on the Cover Page of Test Booklet and wait for double bell to open the
paper seal”.
7. 1:55 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) (double bell) -Announce- (May use verbatim)
 “Open the seal of the Test Booklet and take out the OMR Answer Sheet.
 The OMR Answer Sheet consists of two copies, the ORIGINAL Copy and OFFICE Copy. Do not attempt to separate or
displace them while recording information/answers.
 The candidate is NOT allowed to carry ORIGINAL or OFFICE Copy of OMR Answer Sheet with him/her on conclusion
of the examination.
 Check carefully that the Number and Code printed on the Test Booklet is the same as the Number and Code printed on
the OMR Answer Sheet. In case of any mismatch, immediately ask the Invigilator to replace both the Test Booklet and
the OMR Answer Sheet.
 Check immediately that the Test Booklet contains as many numbers of pages as printed on the top of the first page of
the Test Booklet. Do not remove any page(s) of the Test-Booklet. If a candidate is found removing any page from the
Test Booklet, it would be considered as Unfair Means and the candidate shall be prosecuted for criminal action.
 Read carefully Instructions given on back side of the OMR Answer sheet (OFFICE Copy) before you start
writing/marking on ORIGINAL Copy. Put your signatures with time on OMR Answer Sheet in the space provided for
signatures at the time of starting the work only in presence of Invigilator.
 You need to place your left through in the space provided at the bottom of the Original OMR in such a way that thumb
impression is clear and does not go out of the space provided.
 Do not fold the OMR Answer Sheet. Do not make any stray marks on it.
 Do your Rough Work in the space provided in the Test Booklet only.
 On completion of the test, hand over the OMR Answer Sheet (ORIGINAL Copy as well as OFFICE Copy) to the
Invigilator and sign with time on the attendance sheet again. You can take away only the Test Booklet with you.
 You can start writing on hearing the long bell. All the best for your examination!”
8. 2:00 P.M. (Indian Standard Time)- Announce (May use verbatim) – “Your test starts now”
9. Collect all unused sealed test booklets with plastic cover (Absentee cases), complete details on White Paper Envelope
(size 10x12) and hand over them to the Centre Superintendent in examination Control Room, along with the Absentee
statement for your room.
10. Please ensure that all candidates sign twice with time in the Attendance Sheet – first at the time of receipt of Test
Booklet and second, while handing over the OMR Answer Sheet (both ORIGINAL Copy and OFFICE) before leaving
the examination room. The candidates are also required to write their Mother’s name. Tally mother’s name with the
name in the LOC (List of Candidates) given to you.
11. Facilities for PwD Candidate
As per the Guidelines issued by the Department of Empowerment of Person with Disabilities (Divyangjan) under the
Ministry of Social Justice of Empowerment issued from time to time on the subject: “Written Examination for Person with
Benchmark Disabilities”, a candidate with one of the benchmark disabilities, holding a valid Disability certificate (as
detailed in Information Bulletin), is entitled for following:
Facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation and a Scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf, being so
certified in the format by a CMO/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of a Govt. Health care Institution. It is to be noted that the Scribe
may be provided by the National Testing Agency (NTA), if requested in the online Application Form of NEET (UG) - 2023.Compensatory
time of 1 hour 5 minutes will be provided for the examination of 3 hours 20 minutes (3:20 hours) duration, irrespective whether the
candidate uses the facility of Scribe or not.
During the Examination:
1. Ensure that students have written particulars on test booklets and OMR Answer Sheets properly and put the facsimile
stamp of the Centre Superintendent on Test Booklet of each student and Countersign OMR Answer Sheet.
2. Take rounds. No Invigilator shall leave the Examination Room without making alternate arrangement, if needed.
3. While videography, you may announce that each candidate must keep their face in upright position when videography
is done.
4. Ensure that no candidate leaves seat without permission. Keep an eye for any unusual activity like whispering, sitting
idle, frequent washroom usage etc.
5. Medical case, if any, arises, you may immediately contact Centre Superintendent for further necessary action.
6. One of the Invigilators should accompany student till washroom. Ensure that only one candidate moves at a time. No
washroom usage should be allowed after 4:30 P.M. This is for your own safety as you are responsible for
collecting both the ORIGINAL Copy as well as OFFICE Copy of OMRs at the end of the examination.
7. 5:05 P.M.-(Indian Standard Time) Close the doors/of the examination room. With an instruction only fifteen minutes
left and to “Stop Writing after hearing long bell”
8. 5:20 P.M. (Indian Standard Time) (Long bell)– Say “Stop Writing”. Collect OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL
Copy as well as OFFICE Copy) immediately. Take their signatures with time at the space provided for signature in
the Attendance Sheet. Count and tally number of OMR Answer Sheets with number of candidates present. THEN
After the Examination:
1. OMR Sheets should not be tagged/ stapled. Arrange OMR Answer Sheets in the order of Roll Number.
2. Invigilator(s) need to fold the Answer Sheets OMR (ORIGINAL + OFFICE Copy) at perforation and then tear. Be
extremely careful in this action so as to not damage the OMR. Original OMRs have to come as complete A4 Sheets
and not divided into two under any circumstances. They must count the OMRs (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) and
then place them room wise inside the PINK Paper Envelope (ORIGINAL Copy of OMRs) and BLUE Paper Envelope
(OFFICE Copy of OMRs) provided by NTA.
3. Invigilator(s) to fill up required column given on Pink and Blue Paper Envelope.
Invigilators shall carry PINK Paper Envelope (containing ORIGINAL Copy of OMRs) and BLUE Paper Envelope
(containing OFFICE Copy of OMRs) from Room to Examination Control Room.

Annexure-3A : Important Information at a Glance
Schedule on the day of Examination Date of Examination: 07.05.2023 (Sunday)

S. No. Activity Timings

Reporting of candidates into the Examination Centre (as 11:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
per timing indicated on Admit Card) (Indian Standard Time)

01:30 P.M. (Indian

2. Last Entry of Candidate into the Examination Centre
Standard Time)

01:30 P.M. (Indian

3. Gate Closing time of Centre All processes in Standard Time)
Thermal Scanning at the entrance of Registration 11:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Room/Hall* (Indian Standard Time)

Strict and compulsory frisking/biometric and document 11:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
verification of the Candidates inside the Registration Room (Indian Standard Time)

11:30 A.M. to 1:40 P.M.

6. Entry of the Candidates into the Examination Room
(Indian Standard Time)

01:40 P.M. (Indian

7. Last Entry of the Candidates in the Examination Room
Standard Time)

Opening of sealed Iron Box(es) containing Test Booklet Parcels in the Control Room of 01:15 P.M. (Indian
the Centre Standard Time)

a) Verification of Admit Cards by the Invigilators in the Examination room while

Candidates display it from a distance (for second time, as first one was done in the
Registration Room)
01:40 P.M. to 01:50 P.M.
9. b) Announcement by Invigilator in Examination Room to ensure that (Indian Standard Time)
 Candidates have occupied their assigned seat only
 Candidates are not in possession of any prohibited item.

Opening of sealed envelopes containing 24 Test Booklets by the Invigilator(s) inside the 01:40 P.M. (Indian
allotted Examination Room. Standard Time)

Distribution of Test Booklet by the Invigilator to the candidates after matching QP

01:50 P.M. (Indian
11. medium indicated on adhesive sticker pasted on Table/Desk of the candidate with
Standard Time)
the medium of Test Booklet .

01:50 P.M. to 01:55 P.M.

12. Writing of particulars on Cover Page of the Test Booklet by the Candidate
(Indian Standard Time)

a) Opening of the seal of the Test Booklet by the candidates to take out the OMR
Sheet (both ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy)

b) Instruction by the Invigilators to candidates

 Candidates must tally and ensure that Number and Code of the Test Booklet and
13. 01:55 P.M. (Indian
OMR Sheet attached (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) are same
Standard Time)
 Candidates must fill up correct information in the OMR Sheet (ORIGINAL
Copy), put their Left Hand Thumb Impression and has to sign with time the
“Declaration by the Candidate”.

 Candidates must not detach/separate/tear OFFICE Copy of OMR Sheet, attached
with the ORIGINAL Copy

 All Rough Work needs to be done in the Test Booklet only. The candidate
should not do any Rough Work or put stray marks on the OMR Sheet (both

02:00 P.M. (Indian

14. Test Commences
Standard Time)

All the Unused Test Booklets with seal intact be put (in White Paper Envelope of
Size 10x12) inches, Seating Plan (Appendix-1) and Roll No’s of Absent Candidates are 02:05 P.M. (Indian
collected by the Invigilators and counted, tallied with the Absentee List and handed Standard Time)
over to the Centre Superintendent in the Examination Control Room.

White Paper envelope(s) of Unused Test Booklets and empty envelopes/cloth

15. parcels of used Test Booklets are to be packed and sealed by Centre
Immediately after the
Certificate of packing of Unused Test Booklets (Appendix-6) is prepared by the Centre commencement of
Superintendent and verified by the NTA Observer(s). Consolidated Absentee Proforma examination
(Appendix-3) is also prepared by the Centre Superintendent and verified by the NTA

05:05 P.M. (Indian

16. Closing of the doors of Examination Room
Standard Time)

05:20 P.M. (Indian

17. Test Concludes
Standard Time)

Room wise collection of OMR Sheets (both ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) from
the candidate by the Invigilators, Separate ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy and
carry the same to Examination Control Room after packing inside (no sealing) Immediately after the
conclusion of examination
 PINK Paper Envelope (ORIGINAL COPY) and
 BLUE Paper Envelope (OFFICE COPY)

After 5:25 P.M. (Indian

Standard Time)
Exit from Examination Room in batches (Floor/Room wise exit as planned by the
19. After collection, counting
Centre Superintendent)
and verification of OMR
Sheets by Invigilators

Note: Separate Test Booklets envelopes are available for Isolation Room. In case there is shortfall of test booklets, these may be taken
from Absentees from adjoining rooms. (see Appendix-1)

‘*’ 1. Reporting time slot will be mentioned on the Admit card.

2. All processes (thermal scanning, frisking/biometric and document verification will be done in two separate
rooms also known as Registration Rooms (one (1) for boys and one (1) for girls). The Centre Superintendent
needs to block two rooms for this purpose. Please refer to the Chapter 10 for details.
’ It should also be sealed immediately by the Centre Superintendent in the presence of the Observer in the given
envelope and deposited Iron box/Carton of unused booklets. They should be duly accounted and sent to the City-
Coordinator who will then forward it to NTA along with the other material.

Annexure-3B: Bell Timing Schedule on the day of Examination

S.No. Particulars Time Type/No. of Bell

Last Entry into the Examination

01:30 P.M. (Indian
1. Centre/Centre’s Gate closing Long Bell
Standard Time)

Distribution of Test Booklet to 01:50 P.M. (Indian

2. Single Bell
the candidates Standard Time)

Seal of the Test Booklet to be

broken/opened by the candidates 01:55 P.M. (Indian
3. Double Bell
to take out the OMR Answer Standard Time)
02:00 P.M. (Indian
4. Commencement of Examination Long Bell
Standard Time)

03:00 P.M. (Indian

5. After One Hour Single Bell
Standard Time)

04:00 P.M. (Indian

6. After Two Hours Single Bell
Standard Time)

04:30 P.M.
7. After Two and Half Hours (Indian Standard Single Bell

05:05 P.M. (Indian

8. For Closing the Room doors Single Bell
Standard Time)

05:20 P.M
9. Test Concludes (Indian Standard Long Bell

Annexure-4:Cover/Last Page of Test Booklets

Cover page of English/Hindi Language Test Booklet

Cover page of Regional Language Test Booklet

Cover page of Urdu Language Test Booklet

Annexure-5: Frequently Asked Questions
(a) On material required for conduct of Examination:
S No Question Action

YES. Wall Clocks are required at main entry and for each
Whether Wall Clocks are examination Room. The size of the wall clock should be such that
1. required at main entry and for the candidates sitting in the last row should be able to see the time
each examination Room. clearly. The time of all clocks at the Centre be set with the clock
available on NEET (UG) website ( )

26 Ball Point Pens have been supplied for every 24 candidates. This
2. Shortage of Ball Point Pens
should meet the requirement.

If Photo Attendance Sheets Use Appendix-2 for those not available

(Appendix-2) are not available
3. for all Candidates or not
available for a particular Roll

Match Credentials and Photograph with ID Proof.

Match Physical Face with Photograph Pasted on Admit Card
Match Physical Signature with Signature given on Admit Card
4. Missing Photograph and Ask Mother’s Name and match with Mother’s Name given in List
Signature on Attendance Sheets of Candidate
Ask Address and match with Address given on Admit Card/ID
Check the Identity of the Candidate properly.

If OMR based absentee Use Appendix-3 for those not available

proformas (Appendix-3) are
5. not available for all Candidates
or not available for a particular
Roll No/Candidate

If Identity Cards NOT available May be Photo copied and issued.

6. in required quantity. All persons on examination duty must display Identity Cards.
Unauthorized persons are not allowed in the centre.

Short fall of WHITE Paper

Envelopes of size 10x12 inches One WHITE Paper Envelopes of size 10x12 inches has been
for bringing back UNUSED supplied for every 24 candidates in a room.
Test Booklets by Invigilator(s) For short fall of WHITE Paper Envelopes, one envelope may be
from ROOM to the Examination used for two-three rooms

Shortfall of Yellow Paper Two Yellow Paper Envelopes have been supplied to every centre.
Envelopes for (Details of
8. For short fall, ordinary Paper Envelope may be used indicating
Impersonation/ Unfairmeans
Cases, if any) (Details of Impersonation/ Unfairmeans Cases, if any) on Envelope

Short fall of PINK Paper One PINK Paper Envelope of size 10x12 inches has been supplied
Envelopes of size 10x12 for for every 24 candidates in a room for packing Room wise OMR
9. packing of Room wise OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy).
Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL For short fall, one PINK Paper Envelope may be used for two-three
Copy) rooms

Short fall of PINK Tamper One PINK Tamper Evident Envelope of size 12x14 has been
10. Evident Envelope of size 12x14 supplied for every 10 rooms for packing of OMR Answer Sheets of
For packing of OMR Answer 10 Rooms (ORIGINAL Copy).

S No Question Action
Sheets of 10 For short fall, one PINK Tamper Evident Envelope may be used for
Rooms(ORIGINAL Copy) more than Ten (10) rooms.

Short fall of PINK Fabric Bag One PINK Fabric Bag has been supplied for packing upto Six(6)
for packing upto Six(6) PINK PINK Tamper Evident Envelopes containing OMR Answer Sheets
Tamper Evident Envelope (ORIGINAL Copy)
11. containing OMR Answer Sheets For short fall, one PINK Fabric Bag may be used for packing more
(ORIGINAL Copy) than Six(6) PINK Tamper Evident Envelopes containing OMR
Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy).

Short fall of BLUE Paper One BLUE Paper Envelope of size 10x12has been supplied for
Envelopes of size 10x12 for every 24 candidates in a room for packing Room wise OMR
12. packing of Room wise OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy).
Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) For short fall, one BLUE Paper Envelope may be used for two-
three rooms

Short fall of BLUE Tamper One BLUE Tamper Evident Envelope of size 12x14 has been
Evident Envelope of size 12x14 supplied for every 10 rooms for packing of OMR Answer Sheets
13. For packing of OMR Answer of 10 Rooms (OFFICE Copy).
Sheets of 10 Rooms(OFFICE For short fall, one BLUE Tamper Evident Envelope may be used
Copy) for more than Ten (10) rooms.

One BLUE Fabric Bag has been supplied for packing upto Six(6)
Short fall of BLUE Fabric Bag
BLUE Tamper Evident Envelopes containing OMR Answer Sheets
For packing of upto Six(6) (OFFICE Copy)
14. BLUE Tamper Evident
For short fall, one BLUE Fabric Bag may be used for packing more
Envelope containing OMR
than Six(6) BLUE Tamper Evident Envelopes containing OMR
Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy)
Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy).

(b) During conduct of Examination:

S No Question Action
If candidate Roll Number is NOT to be permitted
not in the List of Candidates
16. What do the candidates need
Candidates MUST bring only the following documents on the day of
to bring to the examination
examination at the test centre. Candidates who will not bring these
centre? will not be allowed to sit in the examination and shall lead to his/her
OR • Admit Card along with Self declaration(Undertaking downloaded
What documents Candidates from NTA website) with passport size photograph affixed on it.
can carry inside the • One passport size photograph to be affixed on Attendance Sheet
Examination Centre? at Centre during Examination.
• Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, valid and
non-expired) – PAN card/Driving License/Voter ID/Passport/
Aadhaar Card (with photograph)/Ration Card.
• PwD Certificate (Appendix-XI) is given in Information Bulletin,
available on NTA NEET website ( The
facility of Scribe, in case he/she has a physical limitation and a
Scribe is essential to write the examination on his/her behalf,
being so certified in the aforesaid format by a CMO/Civil
Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care
Institution. It is to be noted that the Scribe may be provided by the
National Testing Agency (NTA), if requested in the online
Application Form of NEET (UG) – 2023 (

• Compensatory time of one hour five minutes will be provided for

the examination of three hours & twenty minutes (03:20 hrs)
duration, whether such candidate (having a physical limitation to
write) uses the facility of Scribe or not.

S No Question Action
• Personal Hand Sanitizer
• Masks
Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instrument/ Geometry/ Pencil
box, Handbag, Purse, any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material
(printed or written material), Eatables, Mobile Phone/ Ear Phone/
Microphone/ Pager, Calculator, DocuPen, Slide Rules, Log Tables,
Camera, Tape Recorder, to wear/carry any type of watch including
Electronic Watches with facilities of calculator, any metallic item or
electronic gadgets/ devices in the Examination Room.
Diabetic students will be allowed to carry eatables like sugar
tablets/fruits (like banana/apple/ orange) to the Examination Room.
However, they will not be allowed to carry packed foods like
chocolates/candy/sandwich etc.
17. Whether candidate has to be Candidates have to be allowed inside the centre after proper
allowed inside the frisking/biometric only
centre with or without No Candidate would be allowed to enter the Examination Centre,
frisking/biometric. without identity verification.
18. For candidate not ready to NOT to be permitted
undergo for frisking/biometric.
19. Candidate reporting upto 1.30 Gate may be closed exactly at 1.30 P.M. (Indian Standard Time)
P.M. (Indian Standard Time) All candidates inside the gate may be frisked and permitted.
20. Candidate reporting after Gate NOT to be permitted
Closing Time i.e. after 1.30
P.M. (Indian Standard Time)
21. Candidate reporting without NOT to be permitted
Admit Card
22. Candidate reporting without NOT to be permitted
ID Proof
23. Missing Photograph and Match Candidate’s appearance and Signature with Attendance Sheet
Signature on Admit Card Match Credentials and Photograph with ID Proof.
Match Physical Face with Photograph Pasted on Admit Card
Match Physical Signature with Signature given on Admit Card
Ask Mother’s Name and match with Mother’s Name given in List of
Ask Address and match with Address given in Admit Card
Check the Identity of the Candidate properly. Undertaken to be taken.
24. Missing Photograph and Match Credentials and Photograph with ID Proof.
Signature on Admit Card and Match Physical Face with Photograph Pasted on Admit Card
Attendance Sheet Match Physical Signature with Signature given on Admit Card
Ask Mother’s Name and match with Mother’s Name given in List of
Ask Address and match with Address given in Admit Card
Check the Identity of the Candidate properly. Undertaking to be
25. While videography, What While videography, it may announce that each candidate must keep
Invigilator need to check? their face in an upright position when videography is done.
26. Whether the candidate is No Candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Room before
allowed to leave the the conclusion of the Test. After the completion of the examination,
Examination Room before the the OMR Answer Sheet Original and Office copy must be handed
conclusion of the Test over to the Invigilator in the examination Room and the candidate is
permitted to take away with them only the Test Booklet.
27. Candidate reporting with Allow if name is available and other credentials match at the new
Admit Card of Old Centre centre, LOC (List of Candidates).
Check the Identity of the Candidate properly. Undertaking to be
28. In case the Parent’s Name Allow such candidates with undertaking and photocopy of valid Govt.
interchanged/D.O.B. incorrect

S No Question Action
/Residence Address incorrect ID Proof.
Check the Identity of the Candidate properly.
29. What is new process of The NTA has modified the process of opening of Test Booklet packed
opening of Test Booklet 24 Booklets which need to be opened in the room/hall where the
Packets by the NTA? candidates are sitting. A small scissors may kindly be provided in
each room/hall. Each individual Booklet will be wrapped in
transparent plastic envelope which will be opened by candidate
30. Pattern of OMR answer Sheet Pattern of OMR Answer Sheet : One side is Original Copy and the
for NEET(UG)-2023? other side is Office copy (carbon copy of Original copy). The last
page contains instructions related to OMR Answer sheet. Moreover,
there is space for the left thumb impression on the OMR.
31. Whether candidate is allowed Candidate is NOT allowed to take away OMR Answer Sheet
to take away OMR Answer (ORIGINAL Copy or OFFICE Copy) with her/him. After the
Sheet (ORIGINAL Copy or conclusion of the examination, the OMR Answer Sheet (ORIGINAL
OFFICE Copy) with her/him Copy as well as OFFICE Copy) must be handed over to the
after the conclusion of the Invigilator in the examination Room. The candidate is permitted to
examination. take away only the Test Booklet with them.
32. In how many regional NEET (UG) - 2023 will be conducted in the following languages:
languages, NEET (UG) - 2023 1. HINDI
will be conducted? 2. ENGLISH
13. URDU
33. If a candidate is opting Candidates opting for English would be provided Test Booklet in
English as medium of question English only.
paper, in which language
candidate will be provided
Test Booklet?
34. If a candidate is opting Hindi Candidates opting for Hindi languages would be provided Test
as medium of question paper, Booklet in Hindi and in English. In case of any ambiguity in
in which language candidate translation of any of the question, its English version shall be treated
will be provided Test Booklet? as final.
The booklet will contain English and Hindi paper in white color.
35. If a candidate is opting for Candidates opting for regional languages would be provided
regional language as medium Test Booklet in 2 languages i.e. in selected language and in English,
of question paper, in which In case of any ambiguity in translation of any of the question, its
language candidate will be English version shall be treated as final. The booklet will
provided Test Booklet? contain English and Hindi paper in white color and the Regional
Language in Yellow Color, Urdu will be available in green color.
36. Will any candidate be able to No candidate will leave his/her seat or the Examination Room/Hall
leave early if he finishes the until the Test concludes as per the schedule. Candidates should not
test before the allocated test leave the Room/Hall without handing over their OMR Sheets to the
time? Invigilator on duty.
37. If one does not get Admit Admit cards will not be sent to candidates. These will be uploaded on
Card, whom should he website. Candidates need to download the Admit Card from the
contact? website only.

S No Question Action
38. What will be the pattern of The Test structure of NEET (UG) - 2023 comprises four
NEET (UG) - 2023?
Subjects. Each subject will consist of two sections.

Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have

15 Questions, out of these 15 Questions, candidates can attempt
any 10 Questions. So, the total number of questions and
utilization of time will remain the same.

The pattern for the Examination for admission in the Session

2023-24 is as follows:

Number Marks Type Of

S. (Each Question
Subject(s) Section(s) Of Question
No carries 04
Questions (Four) Marks) (s)
35 140
15 40

35 140
15 40
35 140
15 40

35 140
15 40


Note: Correct option marked will be given (4) marks and Incorrect
option marked will be given minus one (-1) mark.
Unattempted/Unanswered Questions will be given no marks.
39. If one does not get Admit Admit cards will not be sent to candidates. These will be uploaded on
Card, whom should he website. Candidates need to download the Admit Card from the
contact? website only.
40. What is the Entry time at the Entry will be allowed from 11:00 A.M (Indian Standard Time).
Examination Hall? However, no candidate is to be allowed to enter the Examination
Centre after last reporting time i.e. 01.30 P.M. (Indian Standard
41. Which dress code should be The candidates are instructed to follow the following dress code while
followed while appearing for appearing for the examination:
the NEET examination? • If candidates are wearing garments with full sleeves, with big
buttons or badges, brooches etc. which could be used to hide
tiny communication devices such as Bluetooth, camera, etc.,
they need to be checked thoroughly.

• Suspicious candidate may be asked to remove shoes only at the

time of frisking/biometric.

S No Question Action
42. Is there is Report Proforma for Though detailed guidelines have been given for each and every
concerned officials to submit activity to be done Centre by different functionaries involved at the
after examination? Examination, however, if there is any issue which is in contravention
to the Guidelines, a detailed report is to be prepared by the concerned
official of the Examination Centre and the same may be signed and
countersigned by Centre Superintendent and Observer respectively.
Report(s) may be kept in a separate envelope provided by NTA and
packed in Packet-4 alongwith appendices to be handed over to NTA.
This envelope has been named as Envelope for Miscellaneous
(c) After the conclusion of the Examination:
S No Question Action
43. Packing procedure of • All the Unused Test Booklets (in White Paper Envelope
Unused Test Booklet? of Size 10x12), Seating Plan (Appendix-1) and Roll No.
of Absent Candidates are collected by the Invigilators
and counted, tallied with the Absentee List and handed
over with seal intact to the Centre Superintendent in
Examination Control Room.
• Unused Test Booklets and empty envelopes/cloth parcels
of used Test Booklets are packed and sealed.
• Certificate of packing of Unused Test Booklets
(Appendix-6) is prepared by the Centre Superintendent
and verified by the NTA Observer(s). Consolidated
Absentee Proforma (Appendix-3) is also prepared by the
Centre Superintendent.
• The sealed packed Unused Test Booklet will be handed
over to the City Coordinator, then he/she will sent it to
NTA along with other material.
44. The closing time of Closing of Examination 05.05 P.M. (Indian Standard Time)
Examination Room doors and
Test concludes? Room doors

Test Concludes 05.20 P.M. (Indian Standard Time)

45. Room wise Collection Room wise collection of OMR Answer Sheets from the candidate
procedure of OMR Answer by the Invigilators, separation of (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy)
Sheet? and carry the same in Examination Control Room
 in PINK Paper Envelope (ORIGINAL COPY) and
 in BLUE Paper Envelope (OFFICE COPY)
46. Submission of Centre A place for the collection of material from centres after the
material from centres to NTA examination will be at the designated venue by the City
after the Examination? Coordinator. If there are more than 2 City Coordinators in a city,
they may have their individual collecting centre. Finally, each City
Coordinator along with OMR and attendant(s) [i.e. (Pink Fabric
Bag(s)-Parcel 1), (Blue Fabric Bag(s)-Parcel 2) and (Green
Fabric Bag(s)- Parcel 3) along with all locks (Digital and Pad)
will be sent to NTA through approved Courier on the same day.

Material packed and sealed as per details given below:
Sl. No. Enclosures
Packet-1: Pink Colour Fabric Bag Parcel(s) containing:
• 24 room wise Duly checked, serialized and counted OMR (Original
copy) be put in a small pink paper envelope of size 10x12 inches
Parcel-1 supplied by the NTA in Serial order (Roll No. 0000001- 24 and so on
for each room).
• Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes (of PINK Colour)
(Pink containing OMR Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL Copy) should be placed
Fabric between two pulp boards and then tied with strong thread in such a
Bags) Pink Colour Tamper Evident OMR Answer Sheets manner that the edges of envelopes are not damaged by the thread.
Envelopes of OMR Answer (ORIGINAL Copy) This should be placed in a Fabric Bag of size 16x18 inches of PINK
colour and sealed.
Sheets i.e. 10 X 24 Packets in Tamper Evident Envelope (240 OMR Answer
• Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes of PINK
Colour and so on. Centre No. and fabric bag numbers 1, 2, 3 must be
written depending on the number of fabric bags for the Centre.

Note : Please fill all details on top of the envelopes.

• The OMR Answer Sheet(s) (ORIGINAL and OFFICE Copy) of
Unfair means cases(s) and the Examination materials confiscated
from these candidates to be packed and sealed in this YELLOW
OMR Answer Sheets Paper Envelope (size 10x12) inches supplied by the NTA.
Yellow Colour Paper (ORIGINAL as well as • The sealed YELLOW Paper Envelope to be packed in PINK Fabric
Envelopes of OMR Answer OFFICE Copy) along Bag.
Sheet (s) with confiscated material • Roll Nos. and Name of the candidates reported to be
Impersonating/using Unfair means to be mentioned in Appendix-11
of Impersonation/Unfair
duly authenticated by the concerned Invigilator(s), Centre
means case(s), if any Superintendent, Deputy Centre Superintendent and the Observer(s).

Note :Please fill all details on top of the envelopes.

Parcel-2 • 24 room wise Duly checked, serialized and counted Office copies
of OMR sheets is to be packed in small blue paper envelopes of
size 10x12 inches supplied by NTA. In Serial order (Roll No.
(Blue 0000001-24 and so on for each room).
Fabric • Upto Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes (of BLUE Colour)
Bags) containing OMR Answer Sheets (OFFICE Copy) should be placed
Packet-2 Blue Colour Fabric between two pulp boards and then tied with strong thread in such a
Bag containing: manner that the edges of envelopes are not damaged by the thread.
OMR Answer Sheets This should be placed in a Fabric Bag of size 16x18 inches of
Blue Colour Tamper Evident
(OFFICE Copy) BLUE colour and sealed.
Envelopes of OMR Answer
i.e. 10 X 24 Packets in Tamper Evident Envelope (240 OMR Answer
Sheets Sheets-OFFICE COPY)
• Similarly, another Six (06) Tamper Evident Envelopes of BLUE
Colour and so on. Centre No. and fabric bag numbers 1, 2, 3 must
be written depending on the number of fabric bags for the Centre.

Note:Please fill all details on top of the envelopes.

Packet-3 : Green Colour Paper Envelope (12x16) inches containing:
Attendance Sheets
Refer to Appendix-2
Absentee Proforma Refer to Appendix-3
Packet-4: Green Colour Paper Envelope (10x12) inches containing:
(Green Seating Plan (Separate for each
Fabric Refer to Appendix-1
Bag) Receipt of Sealed Iron Box(es)
and Test Booklet Parcels by Refer to Appendix-4A
Centre Superintendent
Receipt of Envelopes of Keys
by NTA Observer(s) and Refer to Appendix-4B
Centre Superintendent
Certificate for Opening of
Sealed Iron Box(es), Test Refer to Appendix-5
Booklet Parcels
Certificate of Packing of
Refer to Appendix-6
Unused Test Booklets
Certificate of Room wise
receipt and Packing of OMR
Answer Sheets
 ORIGINAL Copy in Pink
Paper Envelope and Pink Refer to Appendix-7
Tamper Evident Envelope
 OFFICE Copy in Blue
paper Envelope and BLUE
Tamper Evident Envelope
Certificate of Packing of OMR Refer to Appendix-8

Answer Sheets (ORIGINAL
Copy) in Pink Fabric Bag and
(OFFICE Copy) in Blue Fabric
No Relation Certificate Refer to Appendix-9
Certificate of Material Packed
after completion of the Refer to Appendix-10
Certificate and Details of
Impersonation/ Unfair means Refer to Appendix-11
Cases, if any
Certificate of conduct of
Examination, Procedure of
Videography, Live streaming
Refer to Appendix-12
of CCTV display and
Installation & Effectiveness of
A. Format of Report by the
Centre Superintendent
Refer to Appendix-13
B. Format of Report by the
NTA Observer
Certificate about
Frisking/Biometric and Gender Refer to Appendix-14
Parcel-3 Final Bill Refer to Appendix-15A
(Green Remuneration Bill Form for
Refer to Appendix-15B
Fabric Local Observers
Bag) Renumeration Bill Form for
Refer to Appendix-15C
Outstation Observers
Receipt of sealed material
packed at Collection Centre
Refer to Appendix-16
after the conclusion of the
Summary of receipt of sealed
Refer to Appendix-17
material at Collection Centre
No of Digital locks handed over to City Coordinator
No of Digital locks Kept by Centre Superintendent
No of pad locks handed over to City Coordinator
No pad locks kept by Centre Superintendent
Sample Impression of Seal Used in packing
Pen Drive/Storage Device containing Data of Videography packed
No of Iron Box(es) handed over to City Coordinator
No of Iron Box(es) kept by the Centre Superintendent

• The Invigilators shall ensure that every OMR Answer Sheet has been countersigned by them. They will take a
round of the seats in the Examination Hall assigned to them immediately after the commencement of the
examination and check the Admit Card and compare specimen signatures and photographs as given on the
Admit Card and Attendance Sheet to verify the genuineness of candidates appearing in the examination while
maintaining distance.
• If any candidate submits the blank OMR, then the Invigilator must get it signed by the candidate that the
OMR is blank and the Invigilator should countersign it.
• Invigilators must collect the Admit Card of the candidates. No candidate will be allowed to carry Admit Card
with him/her.
• The Invigilator will also check and ensure that nothing is written on the backside of the OMR Sheet i.e. blank
sheet provided as it will help to get the markings on the OFFICE Copy of the Answer Sheet. Hence Invigilator
should announce that nothing should be written on the blank sheet and no stray mark should be made.
• Before packing the unused test booklet, Invigilator will ensure that all the candidates present in the room do
not have any problem with their test booklet or the answer sheet which needs replacement. In case, test
booklets need to be changed, the same may be changed from the unused test booklets and this may be reported
on the packing envelope as well as a report be submitted separately by the Centre Superintendent.
• After Distributing test booklets, the Invigilators should announce the important instructions to the candidates
in the examination room before the commencement of the test. The Invigilator must check and verify that the
candidate has written and filled in the following particulars neatly and correctly on the Test Booklet and OMR
with Black Ball Point Pen (supplied by NTA) only.
• The Invigilator will also check that the Mother’s name written by the candidate on the Attendance Sheet is the
same as mentioned in the List of Candidates.


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