Direct Examination Script - Criminal Cases

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COUNSEL (APPEARANCE): Good morning/afternoon, Your Honor. Atty. _____

respectfully appearing as Private Prosecutor, under the direct control and
supervision of the Honorable Public Prosecutor
Good morning/afternoon, Your Honor. Atty. _____ respectfully appearing as
counsel for the Accused.
COUNSEL: Your Honor, the purposes for the offer of testimony of the witness is
already stated in his/her Judicial Affidavit filed with this Honorable Court on
__________ and we would like to adopt the same.
COUNSEL: Mr./Ms. Witness, do you recall having executed a Judicial Affidavit in
relation to this case?
WITNESS: Yes, sir.
COUNSEL: If I show it to you, would you be able to recognize it?
WITNESS: Yes, sir.
COUNSEL: I’m showing to you a document consisting of ___ pages, is this the
same document you are referring to as your Judicial Affidavit?
WITNESS: Yes, sir.
COUNSEL: In page ___ hereof, there is a signature above the name *name of
witness*, whose signature is this Mr./Ms. Witness?
WITNESS: That is my signature, sir.
COUNSEL: Your Honor, we would like to request that this Judicial Affidavit be
marked as our Exhibit A, and his/her signature be bracketed and sub-
marked as Exhibit A-1.
COUNSEL: Now Mr./Ms. Witness, you attached several documents in your Judicial
Affidavit, marked as Exhibits B to C, I’m showing you once again your
Judicial Affidavit, are these documents attached to the Judicial Affidavit the
same you attached and identified?
WITNESS: Yes, sir
COUNSEL: Your Honor, we would like to manifest that we are adopting the
markings of the documentary exhibits as stated in the Judicial Affidavit.
COUNSEL: Now Mr./Ms. Witness, do you affirm and confirm the truthfulness and
veracity of all the statements you made in your Judicial Affidavit?
WITNESS: Yes, sir.
COUNSEL: And do you affirm that all the documentary exhibits attached to the
Judicial Affidavit are faithful reproductions of the originals?
WITNESS: Yes, sir.
COUNSEL: With that, Your Honor, we move that the Judicial Affidavit be adopted
in lieu of his/her direct testimony.


COUNSEL: Private Complainant _________, by counsel as private prosecutor
under the direct control and supervision of the Honorable Public Prosecutor,
and unto this Honorable Court, formally offers the hereunder pieces of
evidence duly identified and described, with the corresponding purposes:
Accused _________, by counsel, and unto this Honorable Court, formally
offers the hereunder pieces of evidence duly identified and described, with
the corresponding purposes:

Exhibits/Documents Purpose/s
Exhibit “A” and “A-1” – To prove that _________.
Judicial Affidavit and
Signature of Mr./Ms. To prove that _________.
To prove that _________.
Exhibit “B” – To prove that _________.
Exhibit “C” – To prove that _________.

COUNSEL: We move that all documentary exhibits be admitted, and with the
admission of the foregoing documentary exhibits, together with the
testimony of its witness, the Prosecution/Defense formally rests its case.

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