EJBO Volume 58 Issue 1 Pages 73-85
EJBO Volume 58 Issue 1 Pages 73-85
EJBO Volume 58 Issue 1 Pages 73-85
73 - 85 (2018)
DOI :10.21608/ejbo.2017.1873.1128
©2018 National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC)
the development of a reliable green process for changes in seed germination, seedling growth
the synthesis of AgNPs has gained importance parameters, photosynthetic efficiency and
in the current nanotechnology research since hormonal content were followed.
these bio-based protocols are simple, relatively
inexpensive, environmentally friendly and easily Materials and Methods
scaled up for larger scale production (Bansal Biosynthesis and characterization of AgNPs
et al., 2015). Nowadays, the sustainability Biosynthesis of AgNPs
initiatives that use green chemistry to improve Capparis spinosa L. dried plant were chopped
and/or protect our global environment are focal and cut into small pieces and then grinded to
issues in many fields of research and AgNPs have the powdered form. The extract solution was
been implicated in agriculture for improving prepared by boiling powdered plant material (10
crops. Vannini et al. (2013) had indicated that the g) in Erlenmeyer flask with 100 mL of deionized
impact of AgNPs on seed germination vary with distilled water for ten minutes at 100°C. The boiled
nanoparticles characteristics and plant species. suspensions were filtered through Whatman No
Many investigations showed more negative 1 filter paper and the filtrate was collected and
effects in plants exposed to AgNPs than bulk Ag stored at 4°C for further use (Dwivedi & Gopal,
such as Allium cepa and Cucurbita pepo (Kumar et 2010). For preparation of AgNPs, 10 mL of the
al., 2009 and Musante & White, 2012). However, prepared extract was typically added to 100 mL
other studies have demonstrated that AgNPs play of 3 mM aqueous silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution
an important role in enhancing seed germination and incubated in a rotary shaker for 2 h, then at
and plant growth in different plant species such as room temperature for 24 h in the dark until the
Brassica juncea (Sharma et al., 2012), Helianthus brownish color was developed which indicated
annuus and Glycine max (Shelar & Chavan, the formation of AgNPs (Parashar et al., 2009).
2015). Furthermore, application of AgNPs
has been found quite effective in improving Characterization of AgNPs
resistance against salinity during germination of Visual observation: The reduction of metal
Foeniculum vulgare Mill (Ekhtiyari et al., 2011) ions was roughly monitored by visual inspection
and Solanum lycopersicum L. (Almutairi, 2015). of the solution by the conversion of the pale
Although the potential of AgNPs in improving yellow reaction mixture to a colored solution
salinity resistance has been reported in several (Fang et al., 2005).
plant species (Ekhtiyari & Moraghebi, 2011), UV–vis absorbance spectroscopy analysis:
however its role in the alleviation of salinity The reduction of pure Ag+ ions in AgNO3 into
effect and related mechanisms is still unknown. AgNPs was monitored periodically by UV–vis
Capparis spinosa is an evergreen shrub spectroscopy (T80 UV–vis spectrophotometer–
belonging to the family Capparaceae and double beam) after the dilution of the samples
was commonly used as a medicinal plant. It with deionized water (Raut et al., 2009). A UV–
contained many biologically active chemical vis spectrograph of the AgNPs was recorded by
groups including, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, using a quartz cuvette with water as reference.
phenolics, flavonoids, triterpenoids steroids, The UV–vis spectrometric readings were
carbohydrates, saponins and a wide range of recorded at 200–800 nm (Leela & Vivekanandan,
minerals and trace elements (Al-Snafi, 2015). 2008).
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
most important cereal food crops in Egypt and analysis of AgNPs: The suspension containing
according to FAO publications, Egypt is one of AgNPs was sampled by TEM analysis using
the heavy users of wheat but the imports of this (JEOL-TEM 100 CX) at the Electron Microscopic
crop exceed the production. However, to achieve Unit, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University.
sustainable increase in wheat production, new TEM samples were prepared by placing a
cheaper and efficient technologies have to be drop of the suspension of AgNPs solutions on
employed. Since nanotechnology might offer carbon-coated copper grids and allowing water
one of these technologies, the present study was to evaporate. The samples on the grids were
undertaken to assess the effect of the biogenic allowed to dry for 4 min. The shape and size of
AgNPs synthesized from Capparis spinosa AgNPs were determined from TEM micrographs
on alleviation of the salt-induced toxicity of (Elavazhagan & Arunachalam, 2011).
germinating Triticum aestivum L. grains. The
Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS): weight. The chlorophyll stability index (CSI) was
Elemental analysis was carried using an Energy measured as noted by Sivasubramaniawn (1992)
Dispersive X-ray (EDS) spectrometer at the using the formula:
special unit of Electron Microscope, Faculty of
Science, Alexandria University. Link ISIS analyzer CSI = (total Chl content in stressed leaves/total
programmed attached with Scanning Electron Chl content in control leaves) ×100
Microscope (SEM) was employed for the data Measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence
collection. Measurements of Chl fluorescence was
Plant material, growth conditions, and treatments performed with OS-30P pulse modulated
Wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Sakha chlorophyll fluorimeter (Opti-sciences, Hudson,
61) were purchased from Agricultural Research and USA) following the procedure described by
Center, Giza, Egypt. Prior to germination, the van Kooten & Snel (1990).
grains were soaked in 0.1% sodium hypochlorite Determination of plant phtyohormones
solution for 3 min then washed thoroughly several Endogenous hormones, namely auxins (as
times with distilled water. To determine the effect 1-Naphthalene acetic acid, NAA and Indole-
of seed priming with AgNPs on germination of 3-butyric acid, IBA), abscisic acid (ABA) and
wheat under salinity stress, a factorial laboratory cytokinins (as benzylamino purine, BAP) were
experiment of completely randomized design extracted and purified as described by Kettner &
with 4 replicates was carried out. The sterilized Doerffling (1995). The plant leaves (1 g) were
grains were soaked either in AgNPs solution (1 ground in 80% methanol at 4°C for 72 h with an
mg L-1) or distilled water (as control) for 4 h at antioxidant butylated hydroxyl toluene. The extract
room temperature. Twenty grains were allocated at was centrifuged and the supernatant was reduced to
random in Petri dishes (15 cm diameter) containing aqueous phase using rotary evaporator. The pH of
filter paper moistened with 20 ml of either distilled aqueous phase was adjusted to 2.5-3.0 and extracted
water or salt concentration (25 mM and 100 mM four times with half volume of ethyl acetate. The
NaCl) covered with lid, and incubated at natural ethyl acetate was dried completely using rotary
environmental conditions (photoperiod of 16 h/8 h evaporator and the dried sample was re-dissolved
light/dark, 28/23±2°C light/dark temperature; light in 1 mL of methanol (100%). 50 μL of methanol
intensity PPFD, 23 μmol m-2s-1). extract was analyzed using HPLC system (Agilent
Germination and growth parameters technologies 1200 series and UV/VIS detector 200
Germinating grains were counted based on 2 LC, USA) equipped with a 5-μm column (Exclipse
mm radicle emergence on the 2nd day subsequently XDB -18; 4.6 X 150 mm; Brownlee). The solvent
complete seed germination was established on 5th- used was methanol- 2% acetic acid and H2O
10th day (with plumule and radicle). Germination (40:20:20) as the mobile phase, run isocratically
percentages were calculated according to Ruan et at flow rate of 1 mL/min. The detector was set
al. (2002) using the following equations: at 254 nm for the integration of peak areas after
calibration with the external standard.
Germination percentage (GP %) = (Gf/n) × 100
Statistical analysis
where Gf is the total number of germinated seeds Statistical analysis of the results was carried
and n is the total number of seeds used in the test. out according to Duncan’s multiple range tests
using SPSS-20. Data were subjected to one-way
Radicle and plumule lengths were measured ANOVA following the method of Sokal & Rohlf
at 3 and 5-days of the experiment. After 10 days, (1995). Differences between treatment-means were
3 seedlings were randomly selected in each plate considered statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05.
to measure both shoot and root fresh and dry
biomasses, photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll Results
fluorescence and plant phytohormones.
Characterization of AgNPs
Estimation of photosynthetic pigments Visual observation
The photosynthetic pigments were determined The color of the extract changes from pale
according to methods described by Moran & yellow to brown color after addition of 3 mM
Porath (1980) using N,N-dimethyl formamide AgNO3 which indicates the reduction of silver
(DMF), total carotenoid content was calculated ions (Fig. 1A).
according to Wellburn (1994) and related to leaf
of an optical absorption band at 2.527 to 2.747 phtyohormones of wheat plants exposed to 100
Kev and 2.868 to 3.108 reveals the presence of mM NaCl and/or nano-priming revealed that
pure metallic AgNPs. The spectrum shows mainly salinity decreased shoot auxins namely NAA and
Ag (39.3%) and (60.7%), respectively. IBA concentration by 27% and 47%, respectively
compared to controls, while the corresponding
Salinity and wheat growth attributes values for root were only 15% and 8% (Table
From Fig. 1F and Fig. 2 it is shown that salt 2, Fig. 4). Endogenous cytokinin represented
stress resulted in an adverse effect on wheat by BAP was also reduced under salt stress and
growth as reflected by a significant decrease in the the reduction value ranged from 13-14% in both
GP, radicle and plumule lengths as well as fresh shoots and roots. On the other hand, the ABA
and dry biomasses of 10-days old wheat seedling. contents of both shoots and roots increased with
However, AgNPs priming has greatly shifted off the exposure of wheat plants to elevated NaCl
the inhibitory effect of the salt stress on the growth stress reaching 1.9-and 3.9-fold, respectively
of wheat plants. The highest reduction of GP was compared with the control ones. AgNPs-priming
recorded at 100 mM NaCl and amounted 55%. alone or in combination with salt stress had an
On the contrary, GP increased conspicuously inductive effect on the endogenous auxin and
in response to AgNPs priming reaching 90% at cytokinins while it decreased the ABA content,
100 mM NaCl. The application of the regression compared with their respective controls.
analysis resulting in a value of coefficient (R2) of
determination of about 0.942 and 0.999 for water- Discussion
and AgNPs- primed, respectively in presence of
NaCl (Fig. 2A and B). Most of the plants contain an ample of free
radical scavenging molecules such as phenolic
In the water-primed seedling grown at 100 mM and nitrogen compounds, vitamins, reducing
NaCl, the inhibition percentages of shoots and roots sugar, terpenoids and some other metabolites that
lengths were 74 and 81%, respectively, compared are rich in antioxidant activity (Salam et al., 2012).
with control. The corresponding values in AgNPs- Recently, Abou-Zeid et al. (2014) reported that
primed plants were 22% and 58%, respectively Capparis spinosa contains many phenolics (24.12
(Fig. 2C and D). In addition, the fresh and dry mg/g DM) and flavonoids (16.47 mg/g DM); they
biomasses of roots of AgNPs-primed-100 mM detected chlorogenic, caffeic, gallic, 2,5-dihydroxy
NaCl treated seedlings were 1.4 and 1.4-fold that benzoic and 3,5- dicaffeoyl quinic acid as well as
of 100 mM NaCl-treated seedlings, respectively. phloridzin and catechin. Nowadays, AgNPs are
The corresponding values for shoots were 1.6 and a very important part of nanotechnology mainly
1.7- fold, respectively (Fig. 2E and F). because they do not induce modification on living
cells. In the present investigation, an attempt was
As shown in Fig. 3, salt treatment resulted in made to use green biochemistry for obtaining
a significant reduction in the total photosynthetic AgNPs by using aqueous plant extract of Capparis
pigment contents, particularly at 100 mM NaCl spinosa L. as a simple, non-toxic and ecofriendly
and this reduction was mainly attributed to the green material and also exploring the possibility
reduction in chlorophyll a (Chl a). Nonetheless, of using nanopriming with biogenic nanoparticles
AgNPs priming could improve the chlorophyll in counteract the inhibitory effect of salinity on the
concentration in the seedlings exposed to salt- germination and growth of wheat grains.
stress. Additionally, 100 mM NaCl treatment
showed significant reduction in the percentages The nanoparticles formed exhibit brownish
of CSI reaching 69%, the corresponding value of color in aqueous solution which indicated the
AgNPs-primed plants was 42%. reduction of silver ions and formation of AgNPs.
The brown color of AgNPs became visible
The ratio Fv/Fm which reflects the quantum due to excitation in surface plasmon vibrations
efficiency for photochemistry of PSII decreased (absorbance 400-430 nm) which is due to the
with increasing salt concentrations being not electron oscillations that collectively gather
detected at high salt concentration (100 mM). around the surface of metal particles. The results
Whereas, the decrease in the photosynthetic obtained for characterization of AgNPs were in
quantum efficiency reached only 13% in AgNPs- accordance with those obtained by Pandit (2015)
primed-100 mM treated plants with respect to the and Benakashani et al. (2016) who reported the
control (Table 1). synthesis of AgNPs from Brassica nigra and
The HPLC analysis of endogenous Capparis spinosa.
GP %
60 R² = 0.942
G P%
40 b y = -0.090x + 20.11
5 R² = 0.999
0 0
10 12
3d H2O 3d AgNPs 5d H2O 5d AgNPs
3d H2O 3d AgNPs 5d H2O 5d AgNPs
8 a
6 a
b 6
4 b
b 4
a a a c
2 a b 2 b b
b c b b c c
c c
0 0
0 25 100 0 25 100
NaCl concentration (mM) NaCl concentration (mM)
a E F
a a
120 a 12
a b a b
100 10 b
b b a b
Fresh weight (g )
Dry weight (g )
80 c 8 b c c
b c
60 c 6
40 4 c Nano Root
Nano Root
20 c H2O Root 2 H2O Root
Nano shoot Nano shoot
0 0
H2O shoot H2O shoot
0 25 0
100 25
TheTheeffect of AgNPs-priming
effect on: (A) Germination
of AgNPs-priming percentageson
on: (A) Germinati GP%; (B) ntages
perce Regression analysis;
G%; (C) Plumule
(B) Regression
length; of G%;length;
(D) Radicle according
(E) Root(C)and
Plumule length;
shoot fresh (D) and
biomass; Radicle length;
(F) Root (E) dry
and shoot Root and shoot
biomass of 10-
fresh biomass; and (F) Root and shoot dry biomass of 10-day old w heat seedling
day old wheat seedling grown at 25 and 100 mM NaCl. Values are the means of
grown at 25 and 100 m M NaCl. Values are the means of 3 indepe nde nt replicates ±
3 independent replicates
± SE;
SE; means
means followed
followedby different letters are
by different significantly
letters different at P different
are significantly ≤ 0.05 to Duncan's multiple
at P ≤ 0.05 to
comparison multiple comparis on test.
1.6 Chla Chlb Total Chl Cart 1.6 Chla Chlb Total Chl Cart
1.4 1.4
H2O A a AgNPs B
1.2 1.2
1 a 1 a
mg g-1 Fw
a a
mg g-1 Fw
0.8 a 0.8 a
0.6 0.6 b
0.4 b
0.2 a a a ab b b b 0.2 a a a ab b b
0 0
0 25 100 0 25 100
NaCl concentration (mM) NaCl concentration (mM)
24%c 0
Fig. 3 effect
3. The Theofeffect of AgNPs-priming
AgNPs-priming on: (A,
on: (A, B) Photosynthetic B), (C,
pigments; photosynthetic pigments;
D) Chlorophyll stability index (CSI)
(C, of D),10-day old wheat seedling grown at 25 and 100 mM NaCl. Values are the means of 3seedling
chlorophyll stability index (CSI) of 10-day old wheat independent
grown at 25
replicates and
± SE; 100mM
means followed NaCl. Values
by different are
letters are the means
significantly ofat3P independent
different ≤ 0.05 according to
replicates ± SE; means followed
Duncan's multiple comparison test. by different letters are significantly
different at P ≤ 0.05 according to Duncan's multiple comparison test.
Egypt. J. Bot. 58, No.1 (2018)
TABLE 1: The effect of AgNPs-priming on photosynthetic efficiency of 10-day old wheat seedling grown at 25 and 100 mM NaCl. Values are the
means of 3 independent replicates ± SE; means followed by different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05 according to Duncan's multiple
comparison test
TABLE 1. The effect of AgNPs-priming on photosynthetic efficiency of 10-day old wheat seedling grown at 25 and 100 mM NaCl. Values are the means of 3 independent
replicates ± SE; means followed by different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple comparison test.
F0 Fv Fm Fv/Fm Fv/F0
H2O 94a±7.23 88a±6.77 307a±28.38 369a±28.38 401a±30.85 457a±32.64 0.765±0.06 0.807a±0.06 3.265a±0.23 4.193a±0.32
25 mM NaCl 138b±10.62 95a±7.31 349b±25.58 307b±25.58 487b±37.46 402b±28.71 0.716±0.06 0.763ab±0.06 2.526b±0.19 3.231b±0.25
TABLE 2: The effect of AgNPs-priming on endogenous phtyohormones content of 10-day old wheat seedling grown at 100 mM NaCl.
TABLE 2. The effect of AgNPs-priming onendogenous phtyohormones content of 10-day old wheat seedling grown at 100 mMNaCl. Values are the means of 3 independent
Values are the means of 3 independent replicates ± SE; means followed by different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05 according to
replicates ± SE; means followed by different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple comparison test.
Duncan's multiple comparison test.
100 mM NaCl 6.412b±0.49 3.698 a±0.31 1.469b±0.11 2.637b±0.20 10.695b±0.89 10.560b±0.81 19.163b±1.60 22.618b±1.88
100 mM NaCl 6.475b±1.28 3.154b±1.27 1.487a±0.80 1.752b±1.20 9.585b±0.12 14.389b±0.13 16.595b±0.46 16.558b±0.23
Fig. 4. HPLC chromatogram showing the effect of AgNPs-priming on endogenous phytohormone content of 10-
day old wheat seedling grown at 25 and 100 mMNaCl.
S= Shoot, R= Root; (1, 2) H2O priming, (3, 4) H2O priming +100 mMNaCl, (5,6) AgNPs priming; (7, 8)
AgNPs priming +100 mMNaCl.
The inhibitory effect of salt stress on wheat photosynthetic pigments, CSI and photosynthetic
growth is consistent with several reports in efficiency. These results were in agreement with
other plant species (Jafar et al., 2012; Srivastava those of Siddiqui et al. (2015). Earlier, Sharma
et al.,2015 and Ismail et al., 2017). Debez et et al. (2012) showed enhanced fresh weight, root
al. (2004) reported that salinity has inhibitory and shoot lengths, vigor index and antioxidant
effects on water uptake, germination of seeds and status of Brassica juncea seedlings in response
seedling root elongation. Furthermore, Farooq to AgNPs-priming. Abou-Zeid & Mostafa (2014)
et al (2015) postulated that salt stress influences reported that root tips of wheat and barley
seed germination primarily due to hyper-osmotic germinated seeds treated with AgNPs showed
stress resulting from toxic effects of sodium and cytological changes and significant increase in
chloride ions on germinating seeds or by altering mitotic index as well as photosynthetic pigments
protein synthesis. Thus, the impaired growth of and chlorophyll fluorescence.
wheat seedlings could be due to the disturbance of
plasma membrane integrity, the poor root growth Additionally, under the prevailing
as well as to the inhibition of cell division and/ experimental conditions, AgNPs -priming could
or restriction of cell elongation. Moreover, the ameliorate the inhibitory effect of salinity on the
reduction in plumule and root lengths and hence germination and growth of wheat grains. This may
the growth, might be attributed to the disturbance be explained by the enhancement of the different
of biosynthesis and allocation of hormonal signals biochemical reactions and water absorption as
in the roots (Ali & Abbas, 2003). indicated by a marked increase in GP, shoot length
and other growth characteristics. Similarly, Bhati-
The imposition of salt stress caused a significant Kushwaha et al. (2013) and Almutairi (2015)
reduction in the content of all photosynthetic reported that the AgNPs appeared to mitigate
pigments including carotenoids. It is noteworthy the deleterious effect of chilling and salinity in
also in this study that these observations were wheat and Solanum lycopersicum L., respectively.
coincided with a decrease in Fv/Fm ratios. The Likewise, nano-silicon as well as nano zinc oxide
reduction of Fv/Fm ratio in NaCl stressed wheat were capable of improving salt resistance in
plants may be due to reduction in the Fm value, some plants (Sedghi et al., 2013 and Kalteh et al.,
which indicates increased energy dissipation, 2014). Taran et al. (2017) recorded an increase of
dissociation of the light harvesting antennae from carotenoid content in the leaves of winter wheat
the PSII core and denaturation of the PSII reaction seedlings grown from seeds treated with zinc
centre (Santos et al., 2001). Similar observations and copper nanoparticles after drought action
were recorded in maize (Qu et al. 2012) and rice which demonstrates the well-known adaptation
(Senguttuvel et al., 2014) grown under salt stress. mechanism. In contrast to this view, there was no
The suppression in photosynthetic pigments significant change in carotenoid contents of wheat
content has been reported to be related to the leaves in response to either salt stress or AgNPs-
inhibition of specific enzymes responsible for priming. However, AgNPs-priming particularly at
their synthesis and induction of some degradative 100 mM NaCl could stimulate the growth of wheat
enzymes such as chlorophyllase as well as seedling as evident by the significant increase in
destruction of the photosynthetic machinery FW, DW, photosynthetic pigment content and
(Yamane et al., 2008). Fv/Fm ratios; where the chlorophyll fluorescence
parameters were not detectable in water-primed
In recent years, accumulating evidences show seedling grown at 100 mM NaCl. These results
that metal nanoparticles are considered to modify may indicate the development of other adaptive
physiological and biochemical processes in plants mechanisms to salt stress.
thereby affecting their germination percentages
and growth favorably or otherwise (Hossain et One of the most important plant mechanisms
al., 2015). Under the prevailing experimental to overcome drought and salt-induced damages
conditions, AgNPs -priming could counteract the is the alteration in endogenous phytohormone
inhibitory effect of salinity on the germination levels which modulate several responses during
and growth of wheat grains. This may be the whole plant life cycle both under stress and
explained by the enhancement of the different non-stress conditions (Ahmadi et al., 2010). Data
biochemical reactions and water absorption as of this study revealed that increasing salinity
indicated by a marked increase in GP, shoot level leads to a sharp change in the balance of
length and other growth characteristics as well as endogenous phytohormones; accumulation of
ABA was associated with decreased levels of seed germination, seedling growth, chlorophyll
growth stimulator (auxins and cytokinins) in content and photosynthetic efficiency along with
wheat shoots and roots. Changes in hormone changing endogenous phytohomones balance were
levels in wheat plant might be an initial process a manifestation of plant adaptation to salinity at
controlling growth reduction due to salinity. For the influence of the AgNPs. Nevertheless, further
instance, Younis et al. (2003) observed increased physiological and molecular studies are required
ABA levels at the expense of IAA in maize to determine the exact cascade of changes and the
under salinity stress; this modification may particular genes that are induced to bring such an
lead to stomatal closure to minimize water loss effect.
as a consequence of salinity-induced osmotic
stress. Higher ABA levels in salt-stressed wheat Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful
may help to minimize water loss and may even to Prof. Dr. Laila Mostafa Bidak, Botany and
regulate growth promotion . Sadak et al. (2013) Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science,
suggested that the decrement in the concentration Alexandria University for providing Capparis
of auxins and cytokinins in salt-stressed plants spinosa plant.
could be referred to reduction of their biosynthesis References
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دور النقع في جزيئات الفضه (المتناهيه الصغر) النانونيه والمخلقه حيويا في استجابه نبات
القمح تحت تأثير اإلجهاد الملحي
حنان محمود ابو زيد و غاده صابر محمد اسماعيل
استاذ مساعد قسم النبات والميكروبيولوجي -كليه العلوم -جامعه اإلسكندريه -اإلسكندريه -مصر.
حٌضرت جزيئات النانو لعنصر الفضه باستخدام المستخلص المائي لنبات الكبر(كاباريس سبينوسا) كعامل
اختزال واستقرار .تم فحص جزيئات النانو المخلقه باستخدام جهازي مطياف األشعة المرئية وفوق البنفسجية
و مطياف تشتت الطاقة باألشعة السينية .كما تم فحص شكل وحجم جزيئات الفضه النانونيه المخلقه باستخدام
المجهر اإللكتروني النافذ.هدفت الدراسة إلى التحقق في ما إذا كان النقع في جزيئات النانو المخلقه (تركيز
1ميليجرام /لتر) له دور في التخفيف من األضرار السميه الناجمة عن اإلجهاد الملحي (محلول كلوريد الصوديوم
25، 100مللى مول) في بذور نبات القمح المستنبتة .أظهرت النتائج أن النقع في جزيئات الفضه النانونيه استطاع
ان يحسن بشكل ملحوظ انبات البذورونموها ،وكان له دور ملحوظ على المحتوي الهرموني للنبات حيث ادى إلى
زيادة ملحوظه في محتوي األوكسينات (اندول بيوتاريك اسيد و نفثالين اسيتيك اسيد) ،والسيتوكينينات (بنزيل
امينوبيورين) ،و انخفاض في المحتوى الداخلي لحمض األبسيسيك .كشفت النتائج أن اإلجهاد الملحي يسبب العديد
من التغيرات المثبطة في نمو القمح كاإلنخفاض المعنوي فى نسبه و مؤشر اإلنبات ،وكذلك أصباغ البناء الضوئى
ومؤشراالستقرار الكلوروفيلي ،محتوى األوكسينات والسيتوكينينات ،والزياده الملحوظه في المحتوي الداخلي
لحمض األبسيسيك .وقد أوضحت النتائج أن المعاملة بجزيئات الفضه النانونيه ادت إلى زيادة ملحوظة فى كل
المقاييس والمعايير المسجلة خاصه كفاءة البناء الضوئي والمحتوي الهرموني للنبات .وقد خلصت الدرسة إلى
بيان دور النقع في جزيئات الفضه النانونيه في التخفيف من األضرار الناجمة عن اإلجهادات البيئيه مثل اإلجهاد
الملحى في نبات القمح.