CIMATRON AdvancedDrafting

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Advanced Drafting

CimatronE 8.5 Tutorial

Table of Contents
Advanced Drafting Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
View Creation ..................................................................................................................... 2
2D Drawing....................................................................................................................... 40
Insert picture ..................................................................................................................... 48
Groups............................................................................................................................... 51
Show hidden part as visible .............................................................................................. 59
BOM ................................................................................................................................. 63
Advanced Template .......................................................................................................... 95
Table of Holes................................................................................................................. 107
Label of Holes................................................................................................................. 115

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting i

ii Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5
Advanced Drafting Introduction

Welcome to the Advanced Drafting tutorial. Before beginning this tutorial, it is recommended to complete the
Drafting tutorial accessed by clicking on the icon below:

The tutorial consists of four chapters:

View Creation

2D Drawing

Insert picture


Show hidden part as visible


Advanced Template

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 1

View Creation

Unpack the clip mold.ctf (located in the \\ Tutorial Work Files \ Design directory).

Select the clip mold.elt Assembly Document.

Select a location on your computer where you would like the Mold stored.

Once the Unpack operation has been completed, click OK in the dialog and open the Drafting application.

The Sheet1 sheet is active upon entering the drafting application. This is due to the sketcher toolbar always
being open.

2 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Double click on the frame icon in the Drafting Tree at the left hand side of the screen and select the A2

Open the View Creation dialog and from the Cimatron E Explorer select the clip mold.elt Assembly

The catalog components keep their connections according to the relative path in which they were saved
(C:\Cimatron\CimatronE\Catalogs). If the catalog components have been placed in another location, the
Connection Status dialog will appear.

Click HERE to find out how to reconnect the catalog components, to those found on your computer.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 3

Change the scale to 1:3. Click on the Part Filter button. Uncheck the fixed side of the assembly.

4 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

The Runner System part is not checked as the Visible in View option has been unchecked (prior to loading)
under the Advanced tab within the Cimatron E Explorer.

Place the view in the top left corner of the frame.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 5

In the Drafting Tree change the name of the view to Top.

The Hidden Lines for the K30 plate in the assembly i.e. Cooling Channels will now be displayed.

Right click on the Top view in the Drafting Tree and select Set View Attributes.

The plate can be chosen via the View Attributes dialog. Scroll down to select the K30 plate under the clip-
mold_Movable Side sub assembly and set the following color for the Hidden Lines:

6 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Individual assembly components can be controlled through the View Attributes dialog.

Another way to pick a required plate is to click the plate on the screen, with the View Attributes dialog open. In
the picture opposite the cooling channels of the K30 plate were selected.

Right Click and select 'Text' from the drop down menu.

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Place the text as shown:

Ensure that the Leader option is checked.

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Notice the two circles, as shown below: The first circle determines the leader point and the second circle
determines the origin point of the text.

Enter the Text Editor and select the %%Part_Name Symbolic Text.

Attach the Symbolic Text to the Hidden Line indicated below:

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Select the K30 plate.

Symbolic text has now been attached to a individual components within an assembly.

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Auto Ordinate
Create the following two symmetry lines, using the default line factor of 1.2.

The symmetry line tool can be used on any two lines (including non-parallel lines).

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Set the character size to 3.5.

Click on the Automatic Ordinate icon .

Click on the Intersection Point filter from the menu bar, as shown below:

Pick the two symmetry lines. Accept the intersection point as the base point.

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Select the Y Only direction and click OK in the Automatic Ordinate dialog.

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UCS Filter

Double click on the Top view in the Drafting Tree to edit it, and click on the Show/Hide UCS icon.

From the Show & Hide UCS dialog box expand the clip mold Ejection system sub-assembly and select
the following UCS under the K60 plate.

14 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Set the character size to 5.

Zoom to the bottom left of the view and create the dimension shown below:

Hide the ordinate dimensions and at the top left of the view, create the center lines shown below:

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Create the dimension below:

The dimension was created using the endpoints of the center and symmetry lines.

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Right click in the display area and select View Creation.

Click on the Top view.

Any view can be clicked to activate the View Creation dialog.

In the View Creation dialog click on the M-View icon .

The M-Views dialog box now appears:

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 17

Select the Movable Side view and click OK.

Hide the UCS shown in the last step (via the Show & Hide UCS dialog) and place the M-View below the
Top view.

Close the View Creation dialog.

18 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Section from Section

Select the Section Line function and on the Top view assign the following four ‘Align Section Line’ points.

Hide the dimensions for easier viewing.

The ‘Align Section Line’ points are placed in the center of the holes.

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Create the following section line:

Using the section line, create a section view to the right of the Top view.

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In the Part Filter, also check the clip mold_Fixed Side sub-assembly.

Now create a horizontal section line through the center of Section A-A.

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Click here to view the Align Section point created at the left of the view.

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Below the first section view, create another section i.e. section view from a section view.

The result is a section view from the whole model yet relative to the section projection.

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This function allows marking circles and arcs as ejector pins, cooling channels and other hole types.

Select the Marking icon .

Select the following hole on the Section B-B view:

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Zoom into the selected circle and select the following Marking type for the cooling channel.

Click the Type picture in the dialog to access the drop down list of the marking types.

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Rotate the symbol by 180 degrees.

Select Apply and place Marking Symbols in the five remaining cooling channel holes.

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Change their color to blue.

The ejector hole markings were imported automatically with the Top view due to the Ejector Global View
Attributes being set to on.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 27

Local Section
A local section will now be created.

Click on the Contour icon .

Zoom into the left side of Section A-A, click on the view and create the contour shown below:

Use a tangential constraint between the arc and the reference line.

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Exit the Sketcher.

Click on the Local Section icon and select the contour created.

Select To reference point, from the Local section dialog box.

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Pick the reference point from the right of the Top view.

Click OK in the dialog box.

Various editing options are available within the Local Section feature.

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3D Section

Open the View Creation dialog, select a view and click on the M-View icon .

In the M-Views dialog box select the 3D Section view.

Toggle the Section Projection type to 3D and click OK.

Place the 3D Section M-View to the right of the Section A-A.

Double click the Top view in the Drawing Tree to edit it.

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From the View Creation dialog, select the Show/Hide Model symbols icon.

From the Show & Hide Model symbols dialog, select the section line and click OK.

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Click OK in the View Creation dialog.

The section line used to create the 3D section has been placed on the view.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 33

Various modifications will now be performed on the hatch belonging to Section B-B.

On the Section B-B view, double click on the hatch below and change the space of the between the hatch
lines to 1 mm.

Now dimension the height of the section, and drag the dimension inside the hatch.

34 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5
Double click on the hatch to edit it and in the Hatch dialog, click on the Add text to contour icon.

Select the dimension and then middle mouse click to accept.

An island has now been created around the dimension.

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Click on the Section B-B view and select Activate view.

When a view is active, any operation performed will affect the view only.

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Using the sketcher toolbar, create the contour indicated below:

Edit the hatch and select the Add geometry to contour icon.

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Verify the Free option is selected, select the lines that make up the contour and middle mouse click to

Middle Mouse Click and verify the Single Indication option is selected.

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Click inside the island created and set the parameters as shown below:

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2D Drawing

In order to work with a view, it must be activated. This is done by either picking the view and selecting Activate
view from the right-click popup menu, or by selecting the view name in the Drawing Tree and selecting Activate
view from the right-click popup menu. The activated view is highlighted for clarity.

Create a derived view to the right of Section B-B.

Show the views As Model Color and Hidden Line View Attributes.

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At the bottom right of the view, create the local section shown to a depth of 122.

Use the same method as shown in the Local Section step.

The Hidden Lines are shown to locate the precise location of the Cooling Channels.

2D operations will now be performed on this view.

The 2D Drawing Toolset allows for manipulating the view geometry as well as adding 2D geometry to existing

Activate this view.

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Zoom in and delete the lines circled.

Select the lines and either:

a) Press Delete


b) Right click and select Delete

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Draw the sketch (in red) shown below:

There is Auto referencing from the part in the Drafting Environment.

The Dimension is editable.

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Trim the two lines shown below:

Middle mouse click to accept these two lines and pick the following point as the trimming point:

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Set the trimming side as shown:

Click OK in the Trim/Extend Feature Guide.

Now select Sheet/Restore View Edges.

The deleted and trimmed lines are shown in green. Experiment with the two options available.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 45

Create an ISO view of the female_clip mold_Movable Side sub assembly.

Show the Hidden Lines of the view in purple.

Activate the view and select Sheet/Change Curve Visibility.

Pick the lines highlighted below:

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Verify the Mark as visible option is selected and click OK.

Segments can be changed by either selecting Sheet/Change Curve Visibility, or by editing the view and in
the View Creation dialog selecting Reset visibility changes.

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Insert picture

We will now add the picture of the part and a logo to the drawing.

From the Symbol menu, select the Insert Picture option.

Select the logo.jpg (located in the \\ Tutorial Work Files \ Design directory)

Place the picture on the right lower corner of the frame, in the upper field.

To move the picture, select one of the eight hot spots and drag it.

To resize the picture, click the Move toggle button. The status changes to Resize

Now drag one of the corner hot spots to resize the picture.

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Right-click the mouse button and select Close to exit the function.

Insert the picture of the part (clip.jpg) to the drawing.

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Note: Since the pictures are embedded, there is no association between the original picture and embedded
picture. Meaning, changes to the original picture will not be incorporated in the drawing, frame or template
containing the embedded picture.

The jpg can be saved into template and frame

Via the Frame settings dialog box. (Insert entity from the sheet)

Save the file.

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External View
Right click on the Top view in the Drawing Tree and select Copy.

Open a New drafting document.

In the Display Area right click and select paste.

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The view has now been copied to another drafting document.

This view is dependant on the same model used to create the original drafting document.

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Create Group
A group is a set of drafting geometry and drafting symbols that are combined into one entity. This entity is know
as a group and can be added to locations in the drawing or to other drawings.

Groups allow for the easy reproduction of drafting geometry and symbols within the drawing.

Groups provide flexibility to use local groups inside the drawing and external groups to share data between

Hide the drafting symbols from the view and activate the view.

Zoom into the area circled below:

Select the Create Group icon .

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Select the screw highlighted below:

Accept via the middle mouse button the selection, name the group and pick the following three reference
points in the order shown:

If more than one reference point is picked, the first point picked is used as the default origin point.

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Click on the pick the origin point of the group icon.

Leave the origin point as selected above i.e. in the center of the screw.

Click OK in the Create group Feature Guide.

Save the current document, before placing Groups.

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Place Group
Create the two lines below as placement guides for the group.

Select the Place Group icon .

Select the group created from the Place Group dialog and click OK.

The External Group option is used when selecting a group from another drafting document.

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Place the Group on the midpoint of the line created above.

Toggling the 'Group instance' option to 'Explode instance' will explode the group to sketch curves and

Repeat the placement on the midpoint of the second line created and click OK in the Place Group Feature

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Hide the placement guide lines.

Save your work.

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Show hidden part as visible

The show hidden parts as visible checkbox is accessed from the View Creation dialog and enables users to
display all hidden parts in predefined assembly views (based on the Part Filter). This option saves the user the
time required to hide hidden lines.

Create a section line on the top view as indicated in the picture below:

Create a section view. In the part filter select only the fixed and the movable sides.

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Before creating a view showing hidden part as visible, we will first create a view containing visible 'model
hidden attributes to see the differences between them.

Double click the section view.

Change the View attributes as follows:

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Click the Expand icon on the toolbar at the bottom of the dialog to display the hidden part area, and select
the Show hidden parts as visible checkbox, as follows:

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Click the Regenerate button.

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BOM in the Assembly

Create a Bill of Materials for the Mold Design application. This BOM file contains all the data regarding the
components that make up the complete mold.

Open the main assembly clip mold.elt.

Select the BOM option from the Assembly menu.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 63

Click a row in the table to highlight the relevant component in the display area. (Clicking a component in the
display area will highlight the relevant row in the table.)

Note that the BOM table is composed of two categories:

Template data

• The table Configuration which determines which attributes appear in the BOM file and their order.
• The Columns properties such as width, text justification etc.

Data Management attributes The value of the attributes fields.

Changes to the Data Management attributes that are performed in the assembly, will reflect in the drawing and
will be updated with every change..

64 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Changes to the template data will be imported to drawing in the first time the drawing is created and will not be
updated later.

Double-click number 103 (4 screws) and change its name to: 103 changed.

Select the Column Chooser icon and add the Creation Date field. Select OK.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 65

Note the additional column in the table.

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Create the template of the current BOM setting. Select the Save as BOM template icon.

Change the name to ex.btp and select Save.

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Exclude from BOM
In order to exclude/include a component from the BOM, press the Expand button.

An additional window is displayed. This table contains the parts to be excluded from the BOM. Note that some
parts (such as Cooling, Pocket etc.) were automatically excluded from the BOM.

Select the Locating Ring and click the double arrow button (the Exclude button).

68 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

The Locating ring is now listed in the Excluded window. Excluded parts can be included by selecting them from

the Excluded list and pressing the other double arrow button (the Include button) . Do not press the
Include button.

• Attribute modifications that are done to a part using the Properties Pane of the Cimatron E Explorer, will
be updated automatically within the BOM when loading the Drafting document.
• The Standard Number attribute is an exception, as this attribute affects the BOM topology (the number
of rows in a Purchase List may change due to a change in this attribute). Therefore, if the Standard
Number attribute was changed through the Cimatron E Explorer, the Assembly document should be
opened first in order to update the BOM in the drawing.
• It is highly recommended to modify the Standard Number attribute (as well as other BOM-related
attributes) through the BOM in the Assembly document.
• The Ignore in BOM attribute indicates whether a component is excluded from the BOM (attribute value =
true) or included in the BOM (attribute value = false). This attribute is not accessible from the Cimatron E
Explorer. In the Assembly environment, the following additional operations are available from the BOM
Table Editor (for the All Parts option only):

Exclude from BOM - exclude a component from the BOM.

Include in BOM - include a component (that was previously excluded) from the BOM.

Select OK. Save the file.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 69

70 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5
Edit the BOM
Create a new drawing. Apply A2 sheet. Create top, side & front view with scale 1:5 (clip mold).

Create a BOM, by clicking the BOM icon from the Symbols menu.

Select one of the views, and set the location on the screen.

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Drag the button right corner of the BOM and place it on top of the upper right corner of the frame table as
indicated in the pictures below;

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Change the drawing sheet size to A0 and relocate the views.

Note that the corner of the BOM table remains associated to the point of the frame.

Zoom in the BOM table; notice that the columns are the same as we have set in the assembly environment
(previous step). Note also that the Locating Ring (502) is not included in the BOM.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 73

Edit the BOM step2
Double click on the BOM to activate it and in the BOM dialog box, click on the Edit BOM icon.

Restore the default template, using the Set BOM Template icon . Note that the creation date column no
longer exists in the BOM Table Editor dialog.

Select Apply.

The creation date column disappear from the table and the table is still attached to the same point.

74 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

In the Edit Part List dialog, click the Column chooser icon and change the properties of the Qty field:

Change the width of the column to 100. Select OK twice. Select apply to view the result.

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Edit the BOM Step 3
Within the Edit BOM mode, right click on the left margin of column 306 and select Split Table. Select OK.

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Another way to split the table is to right click the relevant row of the table and select the Split Table option

The split BOM side function is now enabled in the BOM dialog box.

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To turn off the Split Table function, right click the row and select Split Table again.

Add the M View (3D Section) to the drawing.

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ID Number Step1
Load the ex.btp template.

Select the Automatic ID Number icon .

Select the M view and set the following parameters in the Automatic ID Number dialog.

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80 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5
Apply the same parameters to the other views apart from the top view. For the top view use the Manual
Distance option and set the value to 40.

ID Number Step2

Click a row in the BOM table editor, note that the relevant ID numbers and BOM table row are highlighted.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 81

Select the Order Symbols icon .

Select the ID Numbers to the right of the view.

Accept the selection via the Middle Mouse Button.

Click on the 'Origin' point shown.

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Now click on the ‘Destination’ point.

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Middle Mouse Click twice to accept the selection and exit the Order Symbols function.

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Double click the ID 101and change it to 101text

The relevant row is updated in the table.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 85


This feature allows you to connect ID numbers with BOM data to an Assembly model. Numbers are assigned
automatically based on whether they are first level or only parts. Different numbers are also assigned according
to part type.

Double click on ID Number 908 and change the ID Number to 600.

The BOM has been updated automatically.

An ID Number that appears in the BOM but is not attached to a component will now be created.

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Copy the view shown below from the first drawing you have created to the current drawing.

Uncheck the Model hidden parameter in the view attributes.

Paste the view. Change its name to Derived view.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 87

Enter the ID Number function and place a number below the Derived view. Do not associate the arrow to
any entity.

In the ID Number dialog box, select the Connect Dummy icon.

Select the derived view and exit.

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The new row in the BOM displays the next available number i.e. the one that became available upon changing
the ID number above.

Create the following ID Number.

While still in Edit mode, click on the Right Autoalign option.

Click on the Connect to component icon.

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Click on the Plug shown below.

Select the line as indicated below:

Select the Z6302 component.

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Apply this selection and exit the ID Number dialog.

Save your work.

Update and reconnect

Open the assembly component. Select the row with the number 103 changed to highlight the relevant

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 91

Delete the 4 screws from the assembly.

Note that after performing changes in the BOM and ID numbers in the drafting, it is no longer connected to
the Assembly BOM.

Open the drawing. The document is not updated. Note the two ID numbers indicated by the red arrows:

103 changed is the component that was deleted in the assembly

101 text is a local changes that was perform only in the drafting.

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Press the Update button. A message is displayed asking you if you want to overwrite the changes to the
Drafting BOM with those from the Assembly BOM. Press NO.

Note that although the system did not overwrite the local changes we made (101 text) it converted the 103
changed to be grayed out (meaning that it does no longer exist in the assembly). It is also marked as a deleted
component in the table.

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Enter the BOM editor Press the Reconnect to Model button to re-synchronize the Assembly and Drafting

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Advanced Template

Preparing a template
Open the file: Drawingtemplate.elt

Note that this is a drawing of a Screw.

The drawing includes 5 views.

Note that Section A-A is not a real section, it is just a name that was given to an ISO view. This also applies
for Mview1 and the exploded view, which were not created as M-View/Explode View in the model, but are just
names of simple views.

Save Via Sheet\Template\Save Sheet As Template the sheet as a template. Name the template:

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Examine the Mold document

Unpack the file: MD_MD.ctf

Open the assembly file MD_MD.elt

Note that the model includes an M-View, Section A-A and an Exploded View.

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Export To Drafting

Export the model to Drafting.

Use the previously saved template.

Note that the views on the left side are the M-Views saved in the model. The views on the right are the views
which were saved in the template.

Note that the views in the model that have the same names as the views in the template are automatically
assigned to the template layout.

Note that originally all the views in the template layout (right side) are simple views and display as simple views
regardless of their names.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 97

The views that were assigned from the Model M-View tree to the template layout, overwrite the existing view
they are assigned to.

Assign the M-View

Assigned the M-View 1 to the Mview1, by selecting them and pressing the double arrow button.

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The view M-View1 includes a section. You may define here whether to see the section in a 2D or 3D mode.

Press the 2D button to toggle the option to 3D.

Press the preference button. Accept the default Best Fit option.

Select OK & Open document.

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Examine the Drawing document

Note the any assigned M-View was overriding the original view in the template it was assigned to.

Section A-A in the template is a simple iso view.

The assigned Section A-A is a real M-View section.

This also applies for M-View1 and the exploded view.

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Template with Two Models
Open the file: Drawingtemplate2models.elt

Note that two different models (screw and plate) are combined in this drawing.

Save the sheet as a template.

Open a new Drafting file.

Select Sheet/Template/Create Sheet from Template. Select the previously saved template.

The template dialog is opened.

Press the folder button to load the model. Select the MD_MD assembly

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Assign M-View to model0
Note that none of the views is automatically assigned. First you are requested to assign the model to one of the
two template models.

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Assign the MD_MD model to the Model0.

Note that now that the model was assigned, the system automatically assigned the Section A-A to the equivalent
view in the template layout.

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Add another model
Press the folder button to add an additional part.

Select any part.

Assign the new part to the second model (Model 1).

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Assign views

Assign the M-View1 to Mview1 in the Template Layout.

Change the option to 3D section.

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Assign the Exploded view to the Iso view.

Select OK.

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Table of Holes

This feature includes selecting the required view, the origin point and the table location. The system runs the
hole analyzer on the selected model and creates a table of holes displaying information such as, hole number,
hole type, hole parameters and more. During this process, the system automatically groups identical holes
together (containing the same geometry, hole attributes and threads).

Table of Holes Dialog

Unpack the TOH Exercise.ctf file.

Open the TOH Exercise.elt file.

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From the Symbols menu, select Table of Holes.

The Table of Holes dialog is displayed. This dialog contains three required steps, as follows:

1. Reference view selection.

2. Origin point definition (X, Y, and Z, position only) .

3. Table location.

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CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 109
Table of Holes Dialog1

Select the upper view as the reference view.

The system now automatically moves to the second required step.

Define the origin location, then select the TOH Origin UCS and click OK.

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In order to get the same UCS name as in the part (server) document, check the Preserve Original UCS
Name option in the preferences (General\Update Mode\Attribute Update)

Note that the orientation (X and Y axis direction) is always defined by the Drawing Sheet, and will not be
affected by the selected UCS. The selected UCS defines only the origin location.

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Set the precision as two digits after the decimal point.

It is also possible to modify the precision at a later stage, after the table was already created.

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Examine the Result
Place the Table of Holes to right of the views, as follows:

Examine the result.

Note: For each hole, the system provides the following:

Hole ID, X coordinate (center point), Y coordinate, Zstart, Zend

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 113

For recognized holes additional information is available:

• Parameters that define the hole (diameters and depths).

• A picture that illustrate the hole and its parameters.
• The system automatically groups identical holes together. Meaning, holes with the exact same
geometry, hole attributes, and threads.

In this example all holes were recognized.

Note: In the preferences you can determine the required maximum hole diameter to be included in the TOH,
as follows:

114 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Label of Holes

This tool enables you to automatically label holes and create labels on the view beside each hole.

Create Label of Holes

Select the Label of Holes (LOH) function from the Automation pull down menu, or directly from the
Automation toolbar.

The LOH (Label of Holes) dialog is displayed. This function is based on two required steps:

• Select the reference view

• Select the UCS origin.


In the case that a TOH was already created from this view, the origin point will be automatically selected
according to the same UCS, since the TOH and the LOH are associated.

The LOH (Similar to the TOH) refers to all presented holes in the view (including hidden holes, in case hidden
lines are presented in the view). Once the LOH was created, it is possible to change the view attributes without
affecting the LOH\TOH.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 115

The Label of Hole Dialog
The Label of Holes dialog contains six different sections.

Section 1: Required steps to create the LOH.

Section 2: Add New Holes

This option enables you to add labels only to new holes that were added to the view through Update. Existing
labels will not be affected (as well as deleted labels).

Select the upper view. The Ignore holes which already have label is now enabled.

Section 3: Label Setting

In this section you may define which of the information will be included in the LOH. The required label
information should be checked.

It is possible to add a prefix\postfix for each parameter. The added prefix\postfix will be displayed in all labels.

Note that the prefix\postfix will not be added to the TOH. However local changes that are done in the TOH
will be presented in the LOH.

116 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Section 4: Label Position

This section enables you to define the label position relative to the hole.

Section 5: Label Format

This section enables you to define the format of the created label.

Section 6: Distance

By default, the distance is calculated automatically by the system. You can check the Manual Distance option,
and define the distance in mm\Inch (according to the document units)

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 117

Set the Parameters of the LOH
Maintain the default label option (Hole ID should be the only marked option), and the Label Position option
as shown in the picture below:

Select the Top View as your reference view.

Ensure that the Leader option is checked and click OK.

118 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Examine the result. A label is attached to each hole. The LOH is associative to the TOH, and the Hole ID
assigned accordingly.

Edit Hole No. 7 as shown in the picture below:

The relevant hole is highlighted, as well as the equivalent row in the TOH

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 119

Add Center Label -Y

Invoke the LOH.

Select the lower view as your reference view.

Select the TOH Origin as your reference UCS.

Mark the Center (Y) option, as the only available option.

Set the Label Position to the right

In the Label Format section, ensure that the Leader option is checked .

120 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Set the precision as shown here (Dim.##) and Select OK.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 121

Add Center Label-X
Invoke the LOH.

Select the lower view as your reference view.

Note that the system automatically uses the same UCS origin, since we have already used this view as a
reference view in the previous step Center Y.

In the Label area, check the Center X option, as shown below.

In the Label Position area, set the label to the top position, as shown below.

Click OK.

The Center X labels are created for all the visible holes in the view.

122 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Add Local Changes to the TOH

Double click on the TOH to edit the table.

Edit the Y value of holes 1 through 8, and modify them to values between 250 to 255.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 123

Add Hole Attributes to the Part
Open the part TOH_Exercise.elt (Part) file.

From the Tools menu, select Hole Attributes.

Add the Ignore Hole attribute to the holes, shown in the picture below:

Activate the drawing document, and update your drawing. During the update, the system detects that a
local change was performed. A message is displayed, requesting the user to either keep the changes or to
overwrite it using the new data from the model.

124 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Click Yes to overwrite the changes.

Examine the result in the TOH.

The Ignore Hole attribute appears in the Parameter Values columns, below all the parameters, and the
Y value has been overwritten.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 125

Add Accurate Hole Attributes
Activate the Part window.

You can toggle between the opened CimatronE documents using the CTRL+TAB keys.

Hide all, and show only the Accurate set.

You may use the Select Entities option from the Set right click menu for easier selection, as follows:

126 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

Attach the Accurate Hole (H6) attribute to these faces.

CimatronE 8.5 Advanced Drafting 127

Click OK.

Activate the drafting document and update it. The system does not provide any message at this time.

Examine the TOH and view the results. The Accurate Hole (H6) note appears in the Parameter Values
column, beside the diameter.

128 Advanced Drafting CimatronE 8.5

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