General CNC Information
General CNC Information
General CNC Information
When a machine tool continually over travels when attempting zero return, make
sure the overt ravel switch is not being made before the zero return function
is finished. On most machines, when reference returning, the decel dog makes
the switch, the machine decels and continues at this low feed rate until the
switch drops off of the back of the decel dog. At this exact instant the
control commands a one revolution of the motor. after the one rev it looks
for the marker. One revolution on most machines equals about .200" of axis
movement. So, if the over travel switch is closer to the back side of the
decel dog than .200" it may be engaged while the control is trying to find
the marker. Unless you are very confident of the travel limits of the machine
you should move the decel dog a little in the negative direction rather than
moving the over travel dog. But either one will have the desired effect.
Normally, double arm tool changers don't use a G30. The Z axis stays put
while the arm moves up and down. Therefore the machines home position is
the tool change position. Also on double arm tool changers, when the arm is
in the up position the spring loaded grippers can be pushed in easily. When
the arm is in the down position the locking pins go up which locks the
fingers in on the tool holder. This prevents the tool from being thrown.
When setting the tool capacity, you must insert a whole number in BCD. In
the case of the MCV-1300S, the tool capacity is 30 tools. So Diagnostic 380
must be 00110000. In true BCD, it would look like 0011 0000.
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8421 8421
0011 0000
=3 =0
There is an instruction in the Ladder rung for M06 which checks Diagnostic
380. This instruction (LEC1) (R551.2) checks the tool number called against
D380 (Tool Capacity). If the tool called is higher than D380(i.e, M06 T31),
M06 will not execute. There will be no alarm, the M Code simply will not
execute. If the contents of D380 is higher than the actual capacity, the
result will be tool confusion. Setting D380 to a very high number will cause
the magazine to continually rotate when a tool is called. Another symptom of
a D380 incorrect setting is that if a number lower than the tool capacity but
higher than the current tool is input, any tool number lower than the current
tool or the magazine capacity can be called but nothing higher.
9 Pin
2 Receive Data (RD)
3 Transmit Data (TD)
5 Signal Ground (SG)
15 Pin
1 Signal Ground (SG)
6 Transmit Data (TD)
7 Receive Data (RD)
11 Request to Send (RTS)
12 Clear to Send (CTS)
13 Data Set Ready (DSR)
14 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
25 Pin
2 Transmit Data (TD)
3 Receive Data (RD)
4 Request to Send (RTS)
5 Clear to Send (CTS)
6 Data Set Ready (DSR)
7 Signal Ground (SG)
8 Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
15 Pin Male
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15 Pin Female
25 Pin Male
25 Pin Female
9 Pin Male
9 Pin Female
50 pin Honda
18 50
1 33
9 Pin
15 Pin
11-12 (In some cases)
25 Pin
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The Bridgeport Boss controls use open loop stepper motors. Mounted to the
side door of the electrics cabinet are four nearly identical boards. Three
are the X, Y and Z axis drives. The fourth is the ACC board. The final amp
stage for the axes is mounted to the large heat sink. Their are four for
each axis.
Most parts for these controls are only available through Electrical South.
Whenever working with a machine that is in a not ready state or the axes are
inhibited or interlock for a reason that is difficult to discern, make sure
that the ATC or tool turret, as the case may be, is ready. All machines
require that the tool changing mechanism is ready before the machine can be
ready. In the case of a machining center, be sure the tool pot is horizontal.
In the case of a turning center, be sure the turret is clamped.
LeBlond Makino does not use the Fanuc built in PMC, it builds it's own. In
most cases the components are Fuji Electric. So if you try to access the
Ladder, you may not be able to by normal Fanuc means. You will usually need
to consult the Makino manual for the proper operation.
On a Makino FNC74, if you have problems with the tool changer, check the
solenoids on the side of the machine. Solenoids 70, 71, 74 and 75 should
have the A side turned on when the tool changer is at home. If they are not,
the ATC is not ready. If any of them are on B you must:
1. Electrically (by switching the coil wires at the solenoid) shift the valve
to A. If solenoid 75 is on B, do it first.
2. While keeping the valve switched (holding the wire) press the E-Stop.
6. Do the remaining valves which require being careful to note the function of
the valve before you switch it to prevent slamming one part of the tool
changer into another.
On most EDM machines trying to discharge without polarity selected causes the
generator power to shut down. In most cases, polarity is selected by pulling
in a contactor.
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To find the feed rate needed for the G84 line, divide the desired pitch into
If the turret on a Yam CK-2, when commanded to index, indexes then clamps
then unclamps on it's own, check the turret clamp/unclamp confirmation
switches. In this case one of them is normally stuck. if the machine has a
Fanuc 0 control check Diagnostic bits 2.5 and 2.6. They should never both be
1 at the same time or 0 at the same time.
Amplifier Balancing Procedure for V1.10 PLC Software:
2. Enter a number which is one greater than the last visible selection in the
mode menu. (i.e. If the menu has 9 selections, enter 10.)
3. Press ENTER.
5. Press RUN.
6. The balance menu will be displayed. Only one servo axis will be active at
one time.
8. The PLUS and MINUS keys are used to select the DAC output value.
10. The first screen will be for ZERO DAC output voltage. Adjust the balance
pot on the servo amp until the delta value displayed is zero.
11. Press the UP arrow button to change to negative DAC output voltage.
Check the delta value displayed.
12. Press the UP arrow button to change to positive DAC output voltage. Check
the delta value displayed.
13. Compare the negative and positive DAC output voltage. This value should
be close.
14. Press the MODE key to exit the amp balance screen.
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10. Turn off power, wait 30 seconds, turn power back on.
On a Hurco control, every time it turns on all necessary data is loaded from
the Flash Eprom to RAM. If you replace the Main board, you must take the
blank eprom from the new board and replace it with the one from the old
board. Before you do this you should do a Master Save to be sure everything
in RAM is stored to the EPROM. A Master Clear will erase everything from
RAM but will not affect the EPROM. This is sometimes helpful in solving
problems. If you have some strange problems you can try doing a Master Clear
then disconnect the backup battery from the Main Board with a piece of paper
between the battery and the contacts for about two minutes with the power
off. Then remove the paper and turn the power back on.
Matrix Engineering
For problems with RS-232, especially in one direction only suspect pin 2 or
3 wiring problem depending on which direction the problem is in. If the
problem is in both directions suspect pin 7 of the 25 pin connector or pin
5 of the 9 pin connector. A poor connection will cause a situation where
data can be transferred at a slow baud rate but not at a higher one.
On a Kia KIT30A you have to push the Standby button for the hydraulics to
come on and make the machine ready. If the machine hits a hard limit switch,
you must hold in the Standby button.
With servo systems a motor running at a constant speed will have an equal
number of command pulses and feedback pulses.
Proximity switches:
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In most cases a three wire proximity switch can be replaced with a two wire
The Manual/Absolute signal determines whether or not the control adds travel
performed manually to the Absolute coordinate.
The cable supplied by SWI for the Haas indexer pins out this way. Pins 1 and
2 go to the pins for Cycle Start. Pins 3 and 4 go to the pins for Finish
Fanuc, GE Fanuc and General Numeric controls are basically the same in terms
of parts, manuals, etc. For example, a GN0 is the same control as a Fanuc 0.
The manual for this machine would be a part number GN61404E for General
Numeric and B61404E for a Fanuc and GFZ61404E for a GE Fanuc.
The Mori Seiki MH63 has a door switch on the NC cabinet. If this switch is
not made, the NC will not turn on. If an axis of this machine has a jerky
movement, it could be the scale but always first check the amount of backlash
in the axis. Particularly with the Y axis which is moving a great deal of
weight. The Y axis of a horizontal machining center carries not only it's
own weight but the Z axis and the spindle. Excessive backlash in the system
can cause a stick/slip condition especially on an older machine where the
ways may be worn in the middle of the travel but like new at the ends.
When reading the hard copy of the ladder on a Yasnac MX2, the decimal point
is omitted from the addresses. So 1872.4 would be written as #18724
The MV-65 uses NC driver boards to operate solenoids etc. These are Mori
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boards that have an MR connector from the control. It has two edge card conn-
ectors that contain the power to feed the loads, normally 24vdc as well as
the wires going to the loads. The boards are just small relay boards. The
tool clamp/unclamp for this machine is air over oil. It uses four air valves.
It has two oil filled cylinders, one mounted horizontally the other mounted
vertically. The one mounted vertically is a long aluminum cylinder. It has a
plastic line on the outside that runs from top to bottom and indicates the
oil level in the cylinder. It also has a switch in the bottom, I think is for
detection of oil level. As far as the switches related to the drawbar clamp
and unclamp there are three. The switch at the top of the unit indicates
when the tool is clamped or unclamped. It is made when the tool is clamped.
It is pressed in by the small inner cylinder. It is LS18, the address is
#1024.2, it's name is TOOL CLAMP DETECTION. The large outer cylinder has two
switches associated with it. The upper switch is LS25, the address is #1024.6
it's name is BELLVILLE SPRING FLEX. It should be made when the tool is clamp-
ed. The lower switch is LS24, the address is #1024.7, it's name is BELLVILLE
The manual clamping switch is address #1024.0, wire numbers are 180 and 24NC.
The manual unclamping switch is address #1024.1, wire numbers are 181 and
This machine uses three driver boards. They are identical. They are basically
small relay boards. At the top of each board there is a Honda 16 pin MR
connector that appears to be connected to the NC I/O board. This connector is
designated CN1. There are also two eight pin edge board connectors at the
bottom of the board. One is CN2, the other is CN3. Each board also has ten
LEDs from the top of the board to the bottom. These LEDs correspond to the
ten relays on the board. The board farthest to the right controls 24 vdc
outputs. The two boards to the left of this board control 220 vac outputs.
The DC board pins out like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
N24 U23 U24 U25 N24 U30 U31
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
N24 N32 U33 U27 N24 N24
N24 is the 24 vdc power feed, P24 is the return. It originates from a small
power supply to the right of the driver boards. The input to the power supply
is 220 volts on wires R11 and S11. The output of the power supply is 24vdc on
wires P24 and N24. There is a terminal strip behind the driver boards that
contains a number of supply wires such as P24, N24, 24NC and 0NC. The boards
to the left of this one are wired the same except that they control AC loads
so that N24 is replaced with R11.
There are three servo amplifiers. Each one has a seven segment LED as well as
three green LEDs from the top of the drive to the bottom.
The NC is mounted to the left door. It has three boards. The top board is the
CPU. It has a three volt Lithium battery for memory backup. The middle board
is the I/O board. The bottom board is the SERVO board.
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This machine has a geared head. The cylinder used for shifting gears is mount-
ed vertically. It has three switches that are activated by the rod end to
indicate gear selection.
If you have electrical problems, check the condition of all of the N24 and
P24 wires.
For troubleshooting ATC problems on the MV-65 there is a manual ATC mode.
To enter this mode there is a MANUAL ATC button that must be pressed. The
button is behind a door on the right hand side of the Operators Panel cabinet
Also behind this cover is the Over travel Release, the RS-232 port and the
110 VAC outlet.
Once the Manual ATC button is pressed, the machine enters the EDIT mode and
the ERROR lamp starts flashing. Press the ALM button, the ATC MANUAL screen
is displayed. The screen looks like this:
Now you can perform these four functions by pressing buttons that are redesignated for that function while
in the Manual ATC mode. If you look closely
at the buttons for things like Single Block Coolant On and Off, Block Skip,
etc., you will find that there are small numbers in the right hand corner.
When working in screens like ATC Manual, these numbers operate the function
listed beside the number. For example, if while in the Manual ATC mode, you
press the Single Block button which has a 1 on it, the pot will go up. Press-
ing the Coolant On button which has a 2 on it, the pot will go down. Pressing
the Coolant Off button which has a 4 on it will make the ATC arm rotate in
When you are finished with the ATC Manual mode you have to push the button
again to turn it off. If you don't do this and you cycle power, the control
will remember and issue an alarm. When the ATC is at home, Diagnostics 7408,
7409,7410 and 7413 will be 0.
take the tool out of the spindle, put it in the correct pot. Then set the
spindle tool number in the Tool Registration to 0.
The pot up/down on the MV-65 with a 30 tool magazine is done with a pneumatic
cylinder. The cylinder is located behind the tool pot which is in the standby
position. It is mounted vertically. The pot up limit switch is mounted to
the left of and just above the standby pot position. The pot down limit
switch is mounted directly behind the tool pot. The cylinder is controlled by
a two way valve which is located in an enclosure to the left of the magazine.
The A port of the valve moves the cylinder down, the B port moves it up. This
valve has a manual override for each port. There is a regulator in each of
the lines coming from the ports. They are located in the enclosure with the
valve. The overrides are the slotted screw type. They are labeled OFF and ON.
If the slot is horizontal the valve is manually ON. If the slot is vertical
the valve is controlled by the electrical signal.
The electrical signal for the A side of the valve is on wires P24 and U25.
The B side is P24 and U24. The voltage is 24 vdc.
The magazine is rotated by an electric gear motor. The magazine is locked with
a pneumatic cylinder. The cylinder has a roller on the end of the shaft that
rides on a cam plate that is mounted on the drive sprocket. There is also a
proximity switch mounted two tool pots to the left of the standby pot posit-
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ion. It counts the tool pots by picking up on the pot itself. There is a
manual switch for rotating the magazine in both directions. The switches
are mounted on the cover of the enclosure mentioned above. The switch to the
left is for clockwise rotation while the one to the right is for counter-clock
wise rotation. The wire numbers for the CW are MGCW and 24NC. The numbers for
the CCW button are MGCCW and 24NC.
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The E-Stop button is in series with the Sleep Switch relay (CR5).
Solenoids on MCV-2300:
For machines in general if you have trouble with leaving chatter marks or
other poor finishes make sure the gibs are not too loose because loose gibs
WILL cause this problem.
If you have a machine that the tool gets stuck in the spindle, check the
temperature rise of the spindle. Thermal expansion will cause the tools to
sometimes stick.
On the Chevalier 2040MV with Fanuc 0-MD control, if reference return is comm-
anded on the X axis while the dog is on the switch, the axis will move in the
plus direction until it comes off of the switch then it will reference return
The X axis decel switch for this machine is SQ3. The wires on the normally
closed switch are +24 and 97. The cable pin out in the case of a Fanuc 0-MD
control is M201 pin 38 of the I/O board. The diagnostic bit is 16.5, it
should be 1 when the dog is not on the switch.
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Illinois at 630-469-7510.
On a Kiwa KNH-426X, if you get alarm 1300 NO PALLET SITTING CONFIRMATION when
the machine tries to execute it's warm-up program, check the value of timer
number 38 (No.38) in the case of an 18i control. On the TIMER page this is
No.38 T72. The value is in milliseconds. The machine may come from the
factory with this timer set for 1000 (1 second). This time is sometimes too
short to allow the air pressure switch to be activated. The switch is PS5.
It's bit is X6.6, symbol is PSPLSA. This bit is made high by relay CR28
being energized. CR28 is energized when 24vdc is applied to it's coil through
PS5. The timer box is on the rung with the alarm, it is:
TMR 38
The air supplied to this machine should normally be between .5 and .55 Mpa.
Also, on this Kiwa, if the spindle will not start and coolant pumps one, two
and three will not start but there are no alarms, check the door that is
between the ATC and the spindle. If this door is not fully closed so that the
proxomity switch is made, the spindle and the pumps will not start but no
alarms will be generated.
The AXIS FAULT alarm can be either the motor or the servo card. The drivers
used on this machine are made by Bosch. It is a conventional system which
consists of a chassis with a power supply card and three axis drive cards.
The axis cards are identical and can be slid in and out of the chassis with-
out removing connectors. These cards have the usual potentiometers such as
Tach and Offset adjustments. The motors are DC with a permanent magnet field.
They have encoders attached to the back and a tach. The motors are made by
SEM. The type is MT30M4-24. The output from the drive cards go to the main
board of the chassis before going to the motors. At the upper left hand corn-
er of this board there are six wires (two for each motor) where the output
of the board can be checked. From here one of the leads goes through a choke
then to the motor. There are also three connectors at the bottom of the main
board which correspond to the three drives. these connectors are the tach and
encoder wires. These connectors can be unplugged and swapped with one another
for testing.
The encoders model number for X and Y are ERO 115-200. For Z it is ERO 115-
125. The first number (115) is the series of encoder. The second number (125
or 200) is the Line count.
Machine Parameter 330.0, 330.1 and 330.2 for X,Y and Z tells the control
what the line count is, that is, it works with the ball screw pitch parameter
to measure correctly. If at some point you have to use a motor with the wrong
encoder line count you can try changing this parameter to make it measure
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On a Heidenhain TNC124 the alarm GROSS POSITIONING ERROR means that the value
set in machine parameter 1720 (MP1720) has been exceeded. When setting this
parameter it is recommended to use the value of the Lag for the axis during
rapid multiplied by 1.4 but will often be set considerably higher by the OEM.
MP1720 is a bit parameter, 1720.0 for first axis, 1720.1 for second axis, etc
Some Heidenhain controls use Position Coded Reference Marks on the scales.
These allow the machine to know where an axis is by moving just far enough,
usually an inch or two, to find the nearest coded mark. This is the normal
Reference Return procedure for some machines with Heidenhain controls. When
reference return is commanded the axis will move just a little until it finds
the mark then position itself based on that mark. This way no battery is
required as in the case of rotary absolute encoders.
Mori-Seiki MH-63
It uses four I/O modules that plug into a backplane along with a controller
module and a power supply. The first two modules from the left are output
modules. They are Fanuc OD24A 24 vdc modules. Each has two 50 pin Honda con-
nectors. The Fanuc designation for the ports are C21A and C21B. The Mori
designations are C007 and C008 respectively. The second module is C005 and
C006 on C21A and C21B. The input modules are ID24A. The first module has
C003 and C004 on ports C20A and C20B. The last module has C001 and C002 on
ports C20A and C20B. Next on the rack is the rack controller IF01A. It plugs
into the backplane like the other modules and has only one cable COP4. This
is a fibre optic cable that goes to port COP2 of the main board. COP1 of the
main board goes to COP3 of the CRT/MDI. The last module on the rack is the
power supply. It has no connectors but there are four terminals on the rack
itself. They are from top to bottom ALC, ALC, 24NC and 0NC. If the lights on
the operator's panel don't work check the cables and connectors of C003 and
C004. The schematic shows a C208 but I have not been able to find it on the
Mori-Seiki MV Junior with Yasnac MX2 control: If you get a 391, 392 or 393
TG/OC/OV ERROR for X, Y or Z axis respectively, check the servo amplifier for
the axis. One of the LED's will be on, either OV, OC or TG. There is also an
LED for FUSE and one for OL. The TG LED indicates a problem with the Tacho-
generator. Normally the alarm 310 SERVO OFF will be displayed along with the
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other alarm. Servo tuning on these drives is done by adjusting pots on the
top board. One of these pots, 16VR, sets the trip level for the above alarm.
Setting this pot to the minimum (fully CCW) will cause the alarm to trip as
soon as the servo power comes on. The LEDs are all red.
TG LED: Check the in-position signal. On the Yasnac MX2 control this is done
by going to the position screen and scrolling down to the proper screen.
Also check the power supply voltages at the drive(+5,+12,+15,-15,+24).
All of these voltages are supplied by a single power supply and all can be
adjusted separately by potentiometers on the front of the power supply.
The tachogenerator operates off of the 5 volt power. You can monitor the
tacho input to the drive at TG-M. This is the TG MONITOR. The signal is ref-
erenced to ground. The output of the tach is 7 vdc per 1000 rpm +/-15%.
As far as adjusting pots, you can try turning IN-ADJ(2VR) one notch counter-
clockwise. Also, try L-GAIN(4VR). Be careful adjusting the IN-ADJ pot since
it is very sensitive, one notch too far can cause the axis to fault or to
oscillate violently. Oscillation is normally associated with moving the pot
CW. There is a pot to the right of this pot (FINE) which is a fine adjustment
for IN-ADJ. Also, adjusting the IN-ADJ pot can cause the TG fault to be gener-
ated. It is important to note that very slight changes in just some of the
potentiometers can cause what looks like serious servo problems. Another
point of interest is that having the L-GAIN and/or IN-ADJ pot out of adjust-
ment can cause the 341 (in the case of the X axis) but if the one of the pots
is moved a little further, the alarm will change to 391 with the TG indicator
coming on. If you suspect that the pots have been moved it may or may not
help to set them back to their original positions (paint mark) but it's a
good place to start. What usually works better is to set all of the pots the
same as an axis that is working properly. This is especially true if you are
working on the X or Y axis of a vertical mill because these two axes should
need virtually identical settings. When setting the pots this way, pay atten-
tion to the dial marks of the pot. There are two dots on one end of the screw
slot, make sure this end of the pot is in the same position as the go-by.
Once you get close, you can use the IN-ADJ, FINE and L-GAIN to dial it in.
The best way to do this is to set the thumbwheel switch to position 4 (TEST).
When set to this position, go to the POSITION page of the CRT. Keep pressing
the PAGE DOWN button until the ERROR PULSE screen is displayed. When you
move the X and Y axes at the same feed rate, you should get the same value on
both. If you don't, adjust IN-ADJ and/or FINE until you do. This is partic-
ularly useful when you have an axis that runs fine at 25% or 50% rapid but
not at 100% rapid without generating either alarm 391 or 341 (for X axis).
In most cases if you go to the ERROR PULSE screen and set it the same as a
good axis, when you get finished you will usually be in good shape. Initially
you may have to make the adjustments while in 25% or 50% rapid. Also, if the
ERROR PULSE display of an axis is very far from zero while at rest you can
bring it to zero with the ZERO pot. For vibration or oscillation of an axis
at certain feed rates you can try adjusting 6VR C.FRQ-ADJ, this changes the
carrier frequency to avoid noise and roughness caused by resonance.
To change parameters on the Yasnac MX2 you must set the thumbwheel switch to
1. It is normally set to 0. The thumbwheel switch is just below the control
in the electrics cabinet. Once the switch is set cursor to the parameter you
want to change, type the value you want then press the WR button. Setting the
thumbwheel switch to some of it's other positions will allow access to other
screens of the control not normally seen when the switch is in position 0.
If the tachometer leads are reversed the axis will runaway when servo power
comes on.
The drives, motors and feedback units are all Yaskawa. The motors are DC.
The feedback unit consists of an encoder and a tachogenerator. Complete loss
of feedback such as the feedback unit being disconnected will cause the axis
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Hicup Motor
Feedback Unit
Feedback Unit
Parameter 6280 sets the X Axis Rapid Feed rate, 6281 sets Y, 6282 for Z.
When working on servo problems, there is a RESET button on the Servo pack so
you don't have to keep cycling power to clear faults.
The following list is the potentiometers of the Yasnac Servo pack CPCR-MR085K2
servo amplifier and what I know about them:
Auxiliary Input Adjustment
Adjusts speed reference and motor characteristics when auxiliary input 2CN
(1) 2CN(2) is used. Turning 1VR CW increases speed. If the auxiliary input is
not used turn 1VR fully CCW.
Motor Speed Adjustment
Adjusts speed reference and motor characteristics when speed reference is
supplied to 1CN(7) and 1CN(13). Turning 2VR CW increases motor speed. Check
this signal at terminals IN-M and TG-M.
Speed loop Gain Adjustment
Adjusts proportional gain. Turning this pot CW increases gain. Monitor this
signal at CUR-M and TG-M.
Current Loop Gain Adjustment
Turning this pot CW increases the current loop gain. Increase the gain until
the hunting of starting current stops. This signal is a square wave and can
be monitored at CUR-M.
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Starting Current Adjustment
Yaskawa recommends against adjusting.
Turning this pot CW increases starting current. Check this by monitoring the
actual motor current during ramp up. This is basically a torque setting.
Overspeed Detection Speed Adjustment
Sets the speed at which overspeed detection is activated. Turning the pot CW
increases the speed at which overspeed detection is activated. Normally, set
the overspeed detection speed at 120 to 140% of the motor rated speed. This
signal can be monitored at TG-M and OS-M.
Overload Detection Current Adjustment
Yaskawa recommends against adjusting.
Sets the operating current overload detecting circuit. Turning this pot CW
increases the operating current and operating time.
Overload Detection Offset Adjustment
Yaskawa recommends against adjusting.
Adjusts the offset of current detection circuit. Turning this pot CW incr-
eases output. Adjust this pot so that the overload detection output is 0V when
the motor current is 0 amps.
Current Detection Circuit Offset Adjustment
Adjusts the offset of current detection circuit. Turning the pot CW incr-
eases output. Adjust so that the signal at CUR-M is 0 volts when the motor
current is 0 amps.
Current Detection Adjustment
Yaskawa recommends against adjusting.
Turning this pot CW increases output. Adjust 12VR so that the signal at I-M
is 2V when the motor is operating at 100% of it's rated current. If this pot
is set too high, overload detection operates prematurely, if it is set too
low, the overload function does not operate.
Trip Voltage Setting
Yaskawa recommends against adjusting.
This pot adjusts the main circuit voltage at which an alarm is issued. An
alarm should be issued when the DC voltage in the main circuit exceeds 400V.
Turning the pot CW increases the voltage at which the alarm is issued. Set
this pot so that the signal at TV-M is 2.85 volts. Improper adjustment of
Signal 0V
0 volt common terminal for waveform observation.
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IN-M (CH4)
Input Monitor
For monitoring speed reference input.
TG-M (CH5)
TG Monitor
For observing the TG output waveform from transient speed. Should be 7vdc
+/-15% at 1000 rpm.
Speed Amplifier Monitor
For observing the current reference (speed deflection amplified waveform).
Triangle Pulse OSC Monitor
For observing the operation of triangle waveform pulse oscillator which det-
ermines carrier frequency. This waveform has a positive peak of +4 volts and
a negative peak of -4 volts. The cycle time is 1.0 milliseconds.
Current Monitor
For determining the amount of current being drawn by the motor armature.
Use this table to discern how many amps are represented per volt based on the
servo model.
I Monitor
For detecting motor armature current. Output should be 2 volts when motor
current is at 100%.
V Monitor
For detecting motor speed.
Should be 3.6 volts +/-15% per 1000 rpm.
1 Drive Monitor
For observing the signal driving 1Tr. This signal is a square wave, the pos-
itive peak is +8 volts, the negative peak is -8 volts.
2 Drive Monitor
For observing the signal driving 2Tr. Square wave +8 volts to -8 volts.
3 Drive Monitor
For observing the signal driving 3Tr. Square wave +8 volts to -8 volts.
4 Drive Monitor
For observing the signal driving 4Tr. Square wave +8 volts to -8 volts.
Overspeed Monitor
17 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
Overload Monitor
Sets the level for detecting overload.
Set at 0.343 Volts.
Trip Voltage Monitor
Sets the level of the trip voltage. To measure this voltage, observe the dec-
ibel 0V connected to 024. Yaskawa recommends against adjustment.
Green LED
Indicates that 200 volts is applied to the main terminals R and T.
Green LED
Speed Reference Input
Indicates that the speed reference is being input.
Green LED
Motor Rotation
Indicates the motor is rotating. Use output of tachogenerator.
Indicates activation of TACHOGENERATOR failure detection circuit.
If the LED comes on and stays on when control power is applied to power
terminals R and T, the Servopack is probably defective. If TG comes on and
stays on and the motor rotates when main circuit power is applied, check for
one of the following:
Tachogenerator failure
Tachogenerator cable open or shorted
Tachogenerator leads reversed
Motor leads reversed
If TG turns on when the feedrate is increased check the value of the Overspeed
Setting, may be necessary to adjust 8VR (OS-ADJ).
Indicates activation of OVERCURRENT detecting circuit.
If OC comes on and stays on when control power is applied, the Servopack is
probably defective. If OC comes on and stays on when main circuit power is
applied, check for a short circuit of the DC Reactor, a gounded Motor or a
defective power transistor in the Servopack. If OC comes on when the motor is
starting and/or stopping, check the adjustment of potentiometer I.LIM-A.
Indicates activation of OVERVOLTAGE detecting circuit.
If OV comes on and stays on when the control power is applied, the Servopack
is likely defective. If it turns on while the motor is stopping, the GD2 load
is too great or the wrong type of regenerative unit is being used.
Indicates activation of OVERLOAD detecting circuit.
18 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
If this LED turns on when the control power is applied either the Servopack
is defective or the Thermostat circuit has failed. If it comes on when the
main circuit power is applied but the motor is not started check for a locked
rotor condition. If the LED comes on while the motor is running, check for an
overload condition.
Indicates blown fuse.
If this LED comes on replace the blown fuse. If it blows again there is like-
ly a defective power transistor.
The Yaskawa Servopack has three green LEDs. From top to bottom they are:
Green LED
Indicates 200 volts is applied to control power terminals R and S or R and T.
Indicates that the power supply is defective or the regenerative resistor
unit is not connected.
If the ALARM LED of the power supply turns on when the control power is app-
lied, the power supply is probably bad. If the LED turns on approximately
.5 to 1 second after the main circuit power is applied there is likely a pro-
blem with the either the regenerative resistor unit or the regenerative tran-
sistor. Check the resistance at terminals R1 and R2.
Heidenhain TNC124:
The alarm CONTAMINATION Z AXIS (or X Y, etc.) means that the signal
from the scale is too low. Normally, this alarm can be cleared with
the CE button and you can continue running.
If you need to operate this control without the interference of the scale
feedback such as when tackling sevo problems, you can make the control run in
Open Loop by applying 24vdc from the power supply to Input 7 (Pin 8 of X42).
19 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
These are all multi-turn pots accessible from the front of the amplifier
without removing the cover.
This is a single turn pot for adjusting the RMS output. It is located on the
bottom of the board on the left side. The cover must be removed to access it.
For other questions about this drive call Servo Dynamics at 818-700-8600.
On any machine that uses DC servo motors, if the motor does not have as much
power as it should or if the feedrate has to be reduced to keep the servo
from faulting, check the armature for a grounded condition. In this case, a
fault current can flow causing the lack of power or faulting.
20 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
Also, when working with DC servo motors keep in mind that the voltage applied
to the motor is not true DC. It is rectified or pulsating DC. This means that
there is a frequency component to the voltage, also called carrier frequency.
In situations where this frequency closely matches the natural vibration of
the machine at certain feedrates and/or at certain locations on the machine,
resonance occurs and can cause excessive noise and vibration. This can be
adjusted out if you find the correct potentiometer or parameter. In the case
of a Fanuc control, use the Filter Parameter, for example. This condition
explains why a new machine can develop noise and vibration of a particular
axis after a few days or weeks of operation or why a machine may behave this
way after many years. Mechanical conditions change, floors settle, etc.
Of course, the same thing can be observed on an AC servo system.
Parameter Write Enable Switch 0 = Parameters Locked
1 = Write Enabled
6004 D3
Programs O8000-O8999 0 = Can be displayed and edited
1 = Cannot be displayed or edited
6006 D0
Automatic Coordinate System Setting 0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
(Also refer to 6015, 6630 - 6639)
6006 D2
Dry Run 0 = Jog Feed
1 = Rapid
6007 D7
Reset After Editting 0 = Required
1 = Not Required
6008 D5
O Number with ALT Command 0 = Not Changeable
1 = Changeable
6015 D0-D4
Automatic Coordinate System Setting 0 = Off
X=D0, Y=D1, Z=D2, 4th=D3, 5th=D4 1 = On
6021 D2
Program Displayed When Power On 0 = Program O0
1 = Same Program at Power Off
6021 D0
M2, M30 and M99 0 = Not Seen as End of Program
1 = Seen as End of Program
6021 D6
Loading RS-232 Program Already 0 = ALREADY IN Alarm Issues
in Memory 1 = Writes Over Program
6021 D7
Editting of Programs O9000-O9999 0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
6022 D5
Display of Programs O9000-O9999 0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
6022 D6
21 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
6066 D6
Condition at Power On 0 = M96
1 = M97
X Axis Grid Shift Amount
Y Axis Grid Shift Amount
Z Axis Grid Shift Amount
4th Axis Grid Shift Amount
5th Axis Grid Shift Amount
X Axis Backlash Amount
Y Axis Backlash Amount
Z Axis Backlash Amount
4th Axis Backlash Amount
5th Axis Backlash Amount
X Axis Inch Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
Y Axis Inch Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
Z Axis Inch Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
4th Axis Inch Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
5th Axis Inch Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
X Axis Metric Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
Y Axis Metric Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
Z Axis Metric Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
4th Axis Metric Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
5th Axis Metric Value for Automatic Coordinate System Setting
22 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
On a Strippit SPM500, there is a top and bottom carousel for the punches.
They are mechanically independent with seperate drive trains but driven by a
common motor and common shaft. There is a plate at the motor with four posit-
ions. The motor must stop at one of these positions regardless of which of
the ten tools are called up. A Yamatake Honeywell proximity witch is used for
detecting this position. The plate is basically a round piece of sheet metal
with four notches cut the width of the proximity switch 90 degrees apart.
When the motor stops, the switch should be positioned in one of these slots.
The bottom carousel has a flat piece welded to the bottom which is detected
by a proximity switch. This proximity switch appears to be the home position
for the carousels. Each carousel also has a shot pin which is driven by a
pneumatic solenoid into an alignment hole for each position. The top shot pin
drives down into the holes, the bottom one drives up into the holes. Each
air cylinder has has two proximity switches, one for in and one for out.
Sometimes the carousels will stop in between positions, additionally, they
may not be aligned with one another. This normally occurs as a result of a
punch getting hung up in the part. One condition which can make this situat-
ion worse is if the two carousels are in tension with one another. That is,
if the tension and direction of tension of one of them is acting to pull the
other one. Once the carousels have gotten out of position with one another you
should take the chains loose so you can move them indepently. Push both shot
pins out of the holes, you may have to turn the air off. Move the bottom
carousel so that the dog is aligned with the proximity switch then move the
top carousel to the position which corresponds to this. Push the shot pins
into the holes. Loosen the sprocket at the top of the drive shaft. This is
a taper lock sprocket. Release the taper enough to allow the sprocket to spin
on the shaft. This will let the chain center itself while being tightened so
as not to pull the lower chain and put the two in tension with one another.
Now, with carousels aligned and shot pins in, you can tighten the chains. It
may be necessary to loosen the tension on the chain from the motor to the
drive shaft but it may not. The entire drive shaft and motor are mounted on a
large plate bolted to the machine with four bolts. There are two jack screws,
one on the top and one on the bottom. Adjust the chains to the proper tension
one at a time making sure that the chain is riding in the sprocket and in the
center of the idlers. Once the plate is tightened back down tighten the top
sprocket. If you did everything correctly you can pull the shot pins back one
at a time and the carousels will stay in alignment. If you did not do it all
correctly when you pull a pin back, the carousel will spring back, being
pulled by the chain tension. Last but not least make sure the plate is posit-
ioned over the proximity switch at the motor. You can loosen the four screws
that hold the plate and move it into alignment. A good thing to do once you
finish is to tighten all of the sprockets then use a permanent marker to put
timing marks on every moving part so that if something ever slips you will
know what moved relative to what.
Has motors like SWI, the sevo amplifier is attached to the motor. The scale
plugs into this amplifier via a D subminiature connector. The servo power
(120 vac) is sent from the pendant to the Y axis motor assembly, then jumps
from there to the X axis, then to the Z axis. There is a connector on the Z
axis motor like the rest of them for servo power out but is capped. This is a
convienient place to check the servo power. If an axis seems to be losing
servo power check these screw on amp connectors. The servo power in to each
motor is a strain relief connector. The encoder cable on the motor is also
a strain relief, the cable goes back to the pendant where it is a D submini-
ature conector.
23 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
on it's own. This can be caused by the 5 volt signal being too low, it needs
to be 5.1 volts. There is a potentiometer (VR1) to adjust this voltage. The
power supply is accessed by removing the two philips head screws on the top
of the controller about halfway back. Now the entire controller can be lifted
up and pulled out of the way, the bottom screws are in keyhole slots. You
will need a small screwdriver. You can monitor the voltage either at the test
points on the mother board or at any of the spare connectors. These are like
any other PC, a plug with a red and black (5vdc) and a yellow and black (12
On the Hyd-Mech saws with the PLC100 you can access the special function
screens (status, etc.) by presssing the Start button while powering up the
machine. On the PLC500 you hold the clear key while powering up.
If a DC motor controlled axis moves with a jerking motion check the tach
feedback. In addition to this a tach problem can cause a machine to have
trouble finding it's position, often overshooting or undershooting. Sometimes
this can be compensated for if the drive has a tach adjustment. If a tach
armature has an open winding it may run fine at high rpm but very rough at
low rpm. If the rpm is reduced to a very slow rate the motor may be seen to
rotate normally through part of the revolution then take off at a high rate
of speed, then slow back down and repeat the cycle. This is due to the drive
losing the feedback signal during the time that the open winding is in cont-
act with the brushes. This can be detected by measuring the resistance of the
windings and slowly rotating the motor. In some cases the tach can be elimin-
ated from the circuit by disconnecting the tach leads from the drive and
either placing a jumper across two pins, moving a shorting pin, flipping a
DIP switch, etc. to put the drive into open loop control. If the tach is the
problem the motor will now run smoothly but without tach feedback the gain
will be almost nothing so the motor will have very little torque. For general
information on DC drives you can check file AUTO.TXT. Much of the information
on Servo Dynamics can be used for servo drives in general.
If you need the password for a Hyd-Mech saw, try one from this list. The num-
ber on the left is the Hyd-Mech Program Name.
100Lv1.0 1197
100Lv1.1 0198
100Lv2.0 0598
100Lv2.1 0699
100Lv2.2 1099
100Lv2.3 1099
100Lv2.4 0500 (102)
100Lv2.5 0301 (102 Battery Password)
50PEv2.1 0998
50PEv2.2 0199
50PEv2.3 1299
50PEv2.4 0700
100Ev1.1 0198
100Ev1.2 0198
100Ev1.3 0598
100Ev1.5 1098
100Ev2.0 0698
100Ev2.1 1098
100Ev2.2 1198
100Ev2.3 1198
100Ev2.4 0399
100Ev2.5 0699
100Ev2.6 1199
100Ev2.7 0500
100Ev2.7a 0500
24 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
100Ev2.8 0301
100Ev2.8a 0301
100Ev2.9 1001
100Ev1.4 0698
100LEv2.0 0698
100LEv2.1 0199
500MEv1.0 0398
500Mv2.0 0698
500Mv2.1 1198
500Mv2.2 0399
500Mv2.2a 0499
500Mv2.3 0699
500Mv2.4 1099
500Mv2.5 0300
500Mv2.6 0600
500Mv2.7 0302
2100v1.0 0801 (Batt Low 1099)
2100v1.1 1001 (Batt Low 1099)
Mori-Seiki MH63
OVR ON (Red LED) comes on anytime the Feed rate Override is set on anything
other than 100%.
On this machine, if the following alarms are displayed at the same time check
circuit breaker NFB4, it is likely tripped. A possible cause for this is a
problem with the coolant motor. The alarms are:
If this breaker is already tripped when the power is turned on you will norm-
ally see:
The Johnford TC-20 with the Fanuc 0-TC control uses Baraffauldi TOE-160/12-3
twelve station turret, part number 12-4811-14. This turret has a VDI tool
disk. It looks and operates much like a comparable Duplomatic turret. It has
a 220 vac electric motor for indexing. It has a solenoid activated shot pin
which is top mounted much like the Duplomatic. When the round plate on top of
the turret is removed, there is access to the proximity switches for the shot
pin and the locking. Just like the Duplomatic, when this turret indexes one
contactor energizes to rotate the turret. Once in position, this contactor
drops out, the other one energizes momentarily to back the turret up which
allows the shot pin to go in. Before the turret indexes, the shot pin is up
which means the proximity switch is clear of the flag. The associated wire
number 10 is 0vdc and diagnostic bit 17.1 = 0. This proximity switch is
mounted to the left horizontally and can be viewed in it's entirety. Also at
this time the locking proximity switch will be made. It's associated wire
number 11 will be 24vdc and it's associated diagnostic bit 17.2 will be 1.
This switch is mounted to the right of the other switch and is mounted vert-
ically. There is very little visible other than the LED on the back of the
switch. The binary representation of the tool number output by the encoder is
at Diagnostics 16.0, 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3. The wire numbers are 32, 33, 34 and
35. The other two outputs from the turret encoder are Strobe which is wire
number 48, diagnostic 17.0 and Parity which is diagnostic 16.7, wire number
40. Another signal is Y51.6, this is the output for the brake. It's associat-
ed relay is R3. This bit should be 1 at all times except when the turret is
indexing. The relays for CW and CCW of the indexing motor are R1 and R2.
On the machine schematics the shot pin is called "Pre-indexing". When the
turret is at rest the Parity and Strobe bits should be 1 but the turret will
index if the parity bit is 0. The encoder is like the Duplomatic in that it
mounts horizontally on the indexing shaft and can be adjusted by loosening
the two hold down screws and turning the encoder until the diagnostics disp-
lay the correct tool number and Parity and Strobe equal 1. When commanded to
25 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
index, the brake (relay R3) should drop out, the appropriate contactor should
energize, the motor rotates to the approximate position, the shot pin goes
down, the motor backs up, the shot pin drops in, the brake turns back on, the
shot pin comes back up. I think the shot pin is relay R4, diagnostic Y52.4
On a Mori-Seiki MH-63 with the Fanuc 11M control, the Grid Shift Parameter is
1850. Adjusting this parameter by adding 1000 to it's value will shift the
axis one millimeter or .03937 inches. The value in 1850 needs to be the same
as in 1816 (Reference Counter Capacity) or less. Normally on these machines,
1816 is set for 1001 on bits 0-3, this correlates to 10000.
TOOL ARM, ETC!!!!!!!!!!!
On the MH-63 independent operation of the ATC is possible but is not done by
M-Code. Instead Counter Presets are used. The procedure is:
0 No Operation
1 Door Opens
2 Main Arm moves toward the Spindle
3 Tool is Unclamped
4 Tool is Pulled
5 Arm Rotates Clockwise
6 Arm Rotates Counterclockwise
7 Tool is Pushed
8 Tool is Clamped
9 Main Arm moves toward it's Original Position
10 Door Closes
11 Main Arm moves toward the Magazine
12 Tool is Pulled
13 Main Arm removes toward it's Original Position
14 Tool is Pushed
15 Magazine Pot is Locked
16 Magazine Pot is Unlocked
Some of the operations appear to be duplicated but which value you used is
26 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
dependent upon the direction of movement. Keep in mind that the arm's home
(original) position is not all the way to the magazine but between the magaz-
ine and the spindle.
Another method for moving the ATC is by using the +/- STEP buttons if the
machine is equipped with them. The procedure is:
If the machine does not have the STEP buttons, make Keep Relay K5.6 = 1 so
you can use the +X and -X Feed buttons in this capacity. SOME MACHINES WILL
For Spindle +/- Step Operation make K5.4 = 1 and use M31, M35.
For Magazine +/- Step Operation make K5.5 = 0 and use M31, M34.
For Sub-Arm +/- Step Operation make K5.5 = 1 and use M31, M34.
The Tos SN71 uses mechanical clutches. Both the forward and reverse clutches
are mounted on the main shaft. This shaft is driven directly from the motor.
The clutches can be located by following the shaft from the driven pulley to
the left. The forward clutch is the one closest to the pulley. Both clutches
can be accessed and adjusted by means of an access cover located on the BACK
of the headstock. The access cover has six screws. This cover can be removed
without draining the headstock but the machine cannot be run with it off due
to the oil pump. When the lever is placed in either forward or reverse a
shifting fork moves a slider which squeezes the plates of the corresponding
clutch together. The slider is located at the center of the shaft between
the two clutches. The adjustment is very simple. It is a split nut with a
screw which pulls the two ends together. The nut is threaded onto the shaft
next to the clutch. There is a nut for each clutch. To adjust, loosen the
screw and turn the nut, then tighten the screw. To tighten the clutch turn
the nut as you would to tighten on a right hand thread. If you get the clutch
too tight the spindle will turn in that direction without being engaged. Also
the lever may not feel right and may not stay engaged.
If only one clutch is worn or out of adjustment the spindle will stall or run
at reduced rpm in one direction but run fine in the other direction.
The nut should turn very easily when you adjust on the clutch. On the END of
the headstock there is a flange with a T-handle bolt in it's center. This is
the metal oil filter. It should be turned from time to time to keep it clean.
You can turn it as much as you want. When changing the oil it should be removed
and the buildup removed from it. If you remove it before the oil is drained
you will have a mess to clean up. The headstock oil is supposed to be Mobile
DTE Medium (AW46) but AW32 is OK. When the lever is raised the machine runs
in reverse, when it is lowered it runs in forward. The fill hole for the head-
stock is located on the very top of the headstock.
On the KIA KIT30A with the Fanuc 0-Mate control if everything works except
the spindle won't run, check the door switch. This switch will keep the
spindle from starting but doesn't stop the spindle once it is running. The
Diagnostic bit is 20.0, the wire number is X200. It is fed by wire +24N.
This switch does not always show up in the hard copy of the ladder where it
should. There is a rung which ends with the the internal relay coil R639.0
which has four instructions showing on the hard copy. The instruction for the
switch should be here but is not.
27 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
Sometimes you can turn on the Ladder by changing bit 2 of parameter 60.
Some of the LNS bar feeders used on the Ecocas have a limit switch on the
track that it moves back and forth on. If the bar feeder is pushed back and
this switch is not made, the machine is placed in E-Stop mode.
The Toyokoki press brake model 8025W is sold through Mitsubishi Heavy Indust-
ries. It uses a TNC-ACII control. It has both Okuma and Panasonic servo amps.
For help on this machine you can try Aaron at MC Machinery 630-350-7061.
If you get the alarm "UNUSUAL COMMUNICATION" first check all connections be-
cause this alarm means just what it says, there is a communication problem
between the OSP and the HP1601. Also check the connections to the servo amps.
Another thing to try is a RAM clear. To do this, hold the F5 and F8 keys
while powering up. If the machine loses it's parameters you need a special
device so someone from MC Machinery will likely have to do it.
Supertec G30P-100CII
The infeed of this grinder uses hydraulics to move the wheelhead during man-
ual operation and a stepping motor for automatic operation. Once the hydraul-
ic pump is running, pressing the retract button will cause the wheelhead to
move toward the operator. The normal state of the hydraulic valve causes the
wheelhead to be in it's retracted position unless the button is pressed. If
the hydraulics are turned off while the wheelhead is in any position other
than fully retracted, it will retract automatically when the hydraulics come
on. The hydraulic valve is controlled by output Y6 of the PLC via wire number
21. If the head is fully retracted when the retract button is pressed Y6
turns and the head moves toward the operator. According to Supertec, a timer
in the PLC causes the the head to traverse for 5 seconds in either direction
but in observing the machine operating, output Y6 once turned on stays on
until the retract button is pressed again, likewise for the reverse operation
It appears that the movement is stopped by reaching a positive stop. In any
case the head will move the same amount, about 3.5 inches regardless of where
it has been positioned by the handwheel. Any problems with this operation
should be treated as a hydraulic problem, sticking valve, etc. The PLC is a
Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2N-16MR.
The phone number for Mitsui Seiki in California is 562-948-4009. In New Jer-
sey is 201-337-1300. Ask for John.
28 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
On most of these machines the tool must be commanded on a block other than
the one in which the M06 is commanded. For example:
G91 G0 G30 X0 Y0 Z0;
If the magazine rotates, the spindle orients and the pot comes down but the
ATC arm will not rotate check the spindle orientation signal. In the case
of spindle amplifier with an orientation board make sure the IN-POSITION LED
(LED 6)is on. If this LED is not on, the spindle orientation completion sig-
nal will not be output from the NC to the ladder. This LED should be on any-
time the position of the spindle is within one degree of it's orientation
position. If the spindle is in position but the LED is not on you can adjust
RV7 to bring it on.
The VR5A with the Fanuc 6M control does not issue machine alarms. When an
alarm condition does occur there are a couple of red LEDs on the operator's
panel that will either turn on or flicker. When this happens, check PC param-
eters 200-207 for the details of the alarm. To access the PC parameters:
The screens of this control update very slowly so you have to be patient.
29 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
All of the bits should normally be zero unless an alarm condition is present.
There is a box on the ATC side of the machine with an LED display. This box
is used to move a tool pot to the tool loading position. There is a position
to the left of the standby position where loading the tool is facilitated.
There is a lever at this position for removing the tool from the pot. To use
this box.
1.Press the + and - buttons at the same time.
2.Press either the + or - button to display the number of tool you want.
3.Press the START button.
This machine's spindle is a three stage geared head. It uses the old digital
spindle drive. You can adjust the gear ranges individually by adjusting one
of three gain pots on the drive.
When the alarm lamps light on the operators panel check Diagnostics 200-210.
Use the maintenance manual to find out what the Diagnostics indicate.
Generally speaking, if a machine does not use a tool change macro for ATC
operation, you will have to command the head to tool change position with a
G30 command.
Kiwa 426X:
Uses absolute pulse coders on the X, Y and Z axes, reference return switch on
the B axis. To zero return the B axis:
1.Press the ZRN button.
2.Press the 4th button.
3.Press the + button.
The coolant through the tool pump (#3) has a pressure switch that must be
satisfied. If for some reason it cannot be you can bypass it to prevent the
low pressure alarm from being issued. This is done by changing the value of
keep relay K3.4
If the pallet does not sweep in true with the spindle after reference return,
adjust the grid shift parameter (1850) until it does.
The manual operation of the pallet changer cannot be performed until the Z
axis has been sent to it's second reference point (G91 G30 Z0). Once this has
been done, select JOG mode, place the selector switch on UNCLAMP, press the
START button. The pallet will unclamp. Place the selector switch in UP, press
the START BUTTON, the pallets will raise up. Place the selector switch in
30 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
CW, etc.
For questions about Mitsubishi made press breaks, regardless of other brand
name, call 212-397-6118 or 630-860-4666.
If a spindle which uses a magsensor for orientation has trouble finding the
orientation position check that the spindle deceleration is not too long. In
this case the spindle may jerk back and forth searching for the position
because it can't stop fast enough to stop in the middle of the sensor. If the
mechanics of the machine will allow you can open the window of the orient
position to make it easier for the spindle to find a stoping position.
The Heidenhain Pilot VRZ739/779 DRO is a digital readout which can interface
with an inverter to perform constant surface operation. The port on the DRO
which is used to interface with the inverter is X41(EXT). This DRO is used
on the Clausing VS lathes. In this case, X41 connects to CN18 of the relay
board. These machines typically use the Mitsubishi Freqrol A-200 spindle
inverter. If the DRO is turned off the spindle will not run at all. Pressing
the RUN/RESET button will cause it to turn on (green), but when released it
will turn off. On the Clausing lathes which use this DRO, you must push the
green button (RUN/RESET) to make the machine ready, the green light should
stay on after you release the button. If it does not, make sure that the
spindle lever is in the neutral position and the chuck guard is closed.
When the green button is pressed, relay K6 on the PCB should energize. K8 on
the PCB should energize whenever power is supplied to the PCB through fuse
F1 on the PCB. Relay K5 on the PCB energizes whenever the E-Stop button is
pulled out. Also, when the E-Stop is pulled out, contactor K1 should energ-
To use the constant surface feature, press the CSS button, move the X axis to
the point where you want maximum rpm to be reached, adjust the spindle speed
control to this rpm, press the RPM MAX button. Move the X axis to the point
where machining will begin, adjust the spindle speed to the desired start
rpm. As the X axis is moved in toward the centerline the rpm will increase up
to the maximum rpm.
The phone number for the Duplomatic dealer in Charlotte (Macoser) is 704-392-
0110. The contact is Dan Britton.
On the Kiwa horizontal, if the magazine has less than 100 tools, parameter
6810 can be 100. If it has more than 100 tools, make it 1000. If the paramet-
er is set too low, alarm 151 (Fanuc 18) will be issued.
If a machine with a high/low geared head stalls in a cut, check the high/low
gear confirmation switches. A temporary loss of one of these signals may
cause the spindle to drop in and out.
Typical parameter settings for the Yaskawa spindle inverter on the Sharp
1118H are:
31 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
On the Mori-Seiki MH-40, alarm EX49 occurs when a cycle such as ATC,SBC,ZRN,
etc. does not finish. The control remembers the alarm even if the main power
has been turned off, it can not be reset. When the alarm occurs, a Keep Relay
will be changed by the control from 0 to 1. The relays to check are K14.5,6
and 7. If you get the alarm even though all cycles are complete, you can re-
move the alarm by changing the keep relay back to 0. To change a keep relay
on a machine with a Fanuc 11 control:
The Mori-Seiki horizontals have wear pads on the bottom of the column, these
can wear to the point where the column can drop down on one end. This will
causing machining problems and rough movement in the Z axis.
Alarm OT102 on a Mori-Seiki horizontal mill means that the spindle amplifier
has alarm AL02 EXCESSIVE SPEED DEVIATION. If you look at the spindle amplif-
ier, LED 2 will be on.
On the older Yasnac controls (MX1, MX2, etc.) the motor encoders are called
Feedback Units, if you pull these off the end of the motor and turn them over
there are pots you can adjust. One of the pots is a sensitivity adjustment.
This adjustment is useful in cases where the optical reader gets weak over
time. A symptom of this is that it has trouble seeing the marker pulse so it
is difficult for it to complete zero return. If you remove the cover from the
newer Optical Encoders on the MX3 controls you will find pots as well but you
should not adjust these. According to Yaskawa these encoders should not be ad-
justed, even their field service technicians are not allowed to adjust them.
The encoder should be either replaced or sent in for repair.
Often when an axis on a machine with a Yasnac MX3 control gets alarm 242 (in
the case of the Y axis) when it is being zero returned, you can adjust para-
meter 6316-6320 (approach speed 2) to make the axis approach the zero point
slower. Also in this case check the ZRN decel switch to make sure it's not
On Heidenhain controls to access the Ladder you enter the code 807667 at the
CODE NUMBER = prompt. Keep in mind that some controls will not display the
ladder such as the TNC124. On these controls you must have the software on a
PC to extract the binary file from the EPROM in the control. Even then you
cannot see the ladder, only gated logic ( AND, OR, etc.)
32 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
and 6027 to the same value. Only the first four bits (0-3) of the parameter
are used for the baud rate setting. The table below applies in all cases.
50 0 0 0 0
100 0 0 0 1
110 0 0 1 0
150 0 0 1 1
200 0 1 0 0
300 0 1 0 1
600 0 1 1 0
1200 0 1 1 1
2400 1 0 0 0
4800 1 0 0 1
Bit 4 of these parameters sets the number of stop bits, 0 = one stop bit,
1 = two stop bits.
As with a Fanuc control, if you want to send or receive the parameters you
must go to the parameter page. Then press either the IN or the OUT button.
The CRT will flash either IN or OUT depending on the operation.
Heidenhain LS500 series reading heads: The intensity of the light source can
be increased by replacing the resistor, it is accessed by removing the cover
on the bottom of the reader.
According to Hyd-Mech the head of the S-20A can drift down as much as .080/in
while in HOLD mode and be within specification. Also according to Hyd-Mech if
the front vise and shuttle vise are not aligned they recommend to shim out
the wear plates on the front vise.
When replacing thrust bearings, if the new ones are the same manufacturer
they are probably the same thickness but you should check. If not the same
manufacturer, stack the older bearings as they go in the machine and measure
the overall thickness. It will normally be different from the old ones. If
the new ones are thicker you will have to turn the difference off of the
retention plate. If thinner you will have to make a spacer.
For service support on the Fuji Frenic spindle drives call OESS at 201-288-
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On the Fuji Frenic 5000V2 the buss should normally be about 300 vdc. It it
goes above 400vdc the over voltage alarm is issued. This indicated by leds 3
and 4 being on at the same time.
When the DDF valve is replaced on the Hyd-Mech S20-A saw, the feed force
valve must be adjusted:
1.Remove the cap from the hydraulic fitting at the bottom of the DDF.
2.Connect a hydraulic hose and gage. (You can use one of the pressure gages
from the hydraulic compartment door and put the cap on the line.
3.Bring the head down to rest on a block of wood. Leave the selector switch
in the DOWN mode.
4.Loosen the setscrew on the black knob (feed force adjustment) and remove
the knob.
Only adjust the feed force valve when the DOWN mode is selected.
The S-20A with the Sequencer has three switches to control the movement of
the shuttle vise. The top switch on the right is the confirmation switch for
the forward travel, the middle switch stops the vise in it's reverse travel.
This is how the work piece is measured. The part that contacts the switch is
the spindle face of a micrometer. The micrometer moves with the length adj-
uster along the distance of the tape. Once the pointer is set to the desired
length it can be fine adjusted with the micrometer. The micrometer is norm-
ally set for .250 so that the position can be adjusted a quarter inch either
way. If the piece is cut too short the shuttle is not moving back far enough
so move the micrometer back away from the switch. The bottom switch places
the shuttle in slowdown mode.
On the Yaskawa 616PC, terminals FV and FC are the 0-10vdc speed command input
The W.F. Wells B-25-1 horizontal band saw works in the following manner:
As the head moves down through the part the blade will under some circum-
stances be pushed up toward the blade guides (eight side bearings) which is
undesirable, particularly because if the kerf of the blade is allowed to run
within the guides for any length of time the blade will lose it's set. This
will normally cause the saw to cut out of square from top to bottom. The saw
is designed to prevent this by using two metering valves, one mounted on each
guide arm. The valves are connected to the down feed force assembly by two
hydraulic lines on each valve. These output of these valves is inversely
proportional to the amount of displacement of the actuator. The input actuat-
or of each valve is connected a tie rod which connects to a pivot arm on
which the top bearing is mounted. The top bearing rides on the blade back.
As the blade is pushed up by the material, the metering valves are forced
closed in proportion and, in turn, decrease the rate of downfeed. If the
valves are properly adjusted, the downfeed of the head will be stopped compl-
etely before the blade displacement reaches .050". To adjust this mechanism,
first adjust the top bearings so that they just kiss the blade back with the
sw cutting air. (It may be necessary to make this adjustment with the blade
actually cutting material at a very low down feed setting, in this case, try
to make the adjustment during the first moments of the cut). The adjustment
is accomplished using the set screw and jam nut on the pivot arms. Next,
place the saw in down feed condition, again cutting air. As the head feeds
down, use a screwdriver to raise one of the top bearings off of the blade.
You should see the head movement slow down and then eventually stop. A
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plunge dial indicator can be very helpful in determining if the head is being
properly controlled by the valves. Adjustment is acheived by either increas-
in oe decreasing the length of the tie rods. As previously mentioned, the
two valves work together and generally speaking both top bearings will move
into the material simultaneously so if possible try to raise both bearings
at the same time, you will find that the down feed will more affected this
way rather than raising one at a time. Another thing to keep in mind is that
not only is any adjustment of one side linked to the other side but also
adjustment of the top bearings will affect the metering valve adjustment.
As far as adjusting the blade guides, they should be set for .001" greater
than the thickness of the blade. Most blades for this saw are normally either
.042 or .050". An easy way to make this adjustment is to find a short piece of
a broken blade, put it together with a .001" feeler gage, put the two of them
between the blade guides, turn the movable bearings until they close on the
blade and feeler to where you can just get them out, then tighten the nut.
If the blade tension needs adjusting there is a metering valve located behind
the blade tension solenoid valve. This valve is located beneath the electri-
cal cabinet. It consists of a setscrew on the bottom of the valve.
On the Kiwa KNH-426X, to bypass the coolant pressure switch change the value
of Keep Relay K3.4
The Cincinnati Arrow 750 uses the Control Techniques control. To access the
Ladder on this control, press and hold CTRL + D. The PROGRAM PROTECT KEY can
be found at Net 183.
The magnescales used on some Sony DRO systems, particularly the LH51, have a
green LED which indicates when the gap between the reader and the scale is
the correct distance. If the reader is either too close or too far away, the
LED will go out. Once the correct distance is achieved it will burn brightly.
1.Remove the bolts from the face of the chuck (usually six socket head cap
2.Press the chuck pedal so that the chuck is pushed away from the spindle.
3.Unscrew the chuck from the draw tube. (It should turn freely and the
threads are standard direction.
To install a chuck:
1.Screw the chuck onto the draw tube until it runs out of threads.
2.Back it off until the alignment pin lines up with the NEAREST alignment
hole on the back of the chuck.(This may take a few attempts)
3.Press the chuck pedal so that the chuck is pulled toward the spindle.
4.Once pin is aligned and chuck is pulled flush against the face of the spin-
dle, insert and tighten the six bolts.
5.Check for run out.
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Sometimes a new chuck will come with a blank draw nut, that is, the draw nut
has not been threaded. In this case you can re-order the chuck with a thread-
ed nut, thread the nut yourself or in some cases the draw nut on the old
chuck may be interchangeable with the new chuck. This is particularly true
when the old chuck is a Kitigawa since many chucks are copies of these,
notably the strong chucks.
Be careful when removing and installing a draw nut that you do not lose the
steel ball that rides in the detents of the draw nut, it is very small and
easy to miss.
It is also important to know that this condition can be caused by a bad servo
amplifier so it is not uncommon to find a machine with the symptoms above and
when you replace either the motor or the amplifier, you still have basically
the same problem with the machine until you have replaced both of them.
1.With the DRO turned off, hold the RESET button while turning the unit on.
2.Press either the X or the YZ button until LC _ _ _ is displayed.
3.Enter the value from the table corresponds to the required amount.
4.Press the P button.
5.Cycle the power.
The actual amount of error cannot be entered so a number from the table which
most closely matches the error must be used. Use the table below:
36 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
.000020 -020
.000600 -600
The newer TRL 1840 machines use a Yaskawa GPD 315/V7 inverter to control the
spindle. If this inverter displays an alarm message that consists of a large
upper case S, a large lower case r and a large upper case P, this indicates
an emergency stop condition that is originating from a source external to the
inverter. In the case of the 1840, try removing the computer module and re-
seating the boards into the motherboard or look for some other hardware pro-
blem. This alarm is related to parameter n005.
The manual for this inverter as well as other Yaskawa inverters can be down-
loaded and or viewed directly from the website DRIVES.COM
Alarm 1300 NO PALLET SITTING CONFIRMATION on the Kiwa KNH-400 is issued when
pressure switch PS5 detects a lack of back pressure. This switch is located
in the back of the machine with the main air input and solenoids, etc. The
switch is labeled AIR CATCH SENSOR. There is an air line from this sensor to
the pallet. The sensor has four LEDs, two red and two green. At least one of
the greed LEDs must be on to prevent the alarm from being generated. It does
not matter about the two red ones unless they are the only ones on. In this
case X0006.6 (PSPLSA) will be zero, making the alarm rung true. There is an
adjustment on the switch that is normally sufficient to correct the problem.
The output of the switch does not go directly to the I/O module, instead it
turns on relay CR28, the output of which is tied to the I/O module. This
relay can be hard to find, it is one of the tiny black solid state relays in
the electrical cabinet. Anytime you have this alarm, make sure that the main
air supply has not changed. Also raise the pallet and blow out any chips that
may be keeping the pallet from seating.
The Clausing Mastiff lathe with the Fanuc 20T uses a rolling column matrix
for the operator's panel (A10). There are four 24 volt output transistors and
eight current sink transistors (all from the Fanuc I/O board(A1) ) which to-
gether control 32 LEDs. In order for an LED to turn on, both it's correspond-
ing output transistor (Y address) and corresponding current sink transistor
must be turned on. The anode of eight of the LEDs will be tied, in parallel
with one of the 24vdc output transistors while four of the LED cathodes will
be tied, in parallel, with one of the current sinking transistors. Each LED
will have a different Output address (Y address) which, apparently, when
called by the control will activate both transistors. The four outputs are
from the I/O board (A1), connector CM31, pins B13 A13 B12 A12 to the relay
board (A4) through the fuses on the relay board F5 F6 F7 F8 respectively.
The current sinks are supplied from the I/O board connector CM31 A14 B14 A15
B15 and so on. The output addresses are Y1000.0 Y1000.1 Y1000.2 and so on.
The Mori-Seiki MV Junior uses a Yasnac MX2 control. If the CRT is blank,
check the 24vdc supply from the power supply. This power supply is located at
the bottom of the electrical cabinet. The only input of this board is 220
VAC, the outputs are 5vdc, 12vdc, 15vdc and 24vdc. These are output on five
connectors A, B, C, D and E. The output of connector C is +24vdc. All of
these voltages go first to the top of the card rack and are jumpered from
there to the boards. In the case of the 24vdc, when it goes to the I/O board
it feeds a bridge rectifier which if it shorts will cause the power supply
to shut down and the CRT will be blank. This power supply can be hard to
troubleshoot because even though a short on one of the outputs will cause the
power supply to shut down, disconnecting the connector to remove the short
37 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
will cause the same problem since removing one of the connectors on even a
healthy power supply will cause shutdown.
Hyd-Mech H-14
One revolution of the length encoder equals 3.142 inches of linear travel.
The encoder supply voltage should be 22-26 vdc.
Encoder outputs:
0v to Channel A should be 10-13 vdc while encoder is in motion.
0v to Channel B should be 10-13 vdc while encoder is in motion.
LEDs X0 and X1 correspond to encoder channel A and B outputs.
The folowing parameters are with regard to length measurement and control.
ACCEL DISTANCE - How far the shuttle vise moves in slow feed before
engaging fast feed.
DECEL DISTANCE - How far the shuttle vise moves in slow feed following a
fast feed movement.
If you program a length of cut whose length is shorter than the DECEL DIST-
ANCE parameter, the shuttle vise will travel this entire distance in slow
You can view the I/O states at the PLC in the main electrical cabinet of the
Before you start make sure there is a piece of material in the saw which is
longer than the maximum stroke of the shuttle vise.
3.Press and hold the FWD and REV buttons at the same time until prompted for
the password.
5.Display will normally show the Height Calibration screen. Cursor to the
Length Calibration screen. It will look like this:
6.Press the ENTER button. The CYCLE START should start flashing and the [0]
should change to [1].
38 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
7.Start the blade. The saw will make a trim cut, raise the head then the
shuttle vise will move fully back in slow, clamp on the material, bring it
fully forward in slow and make the cut. The 1 will change back to 0.
9.Cursor to ACT.LTH.
10.Enter the length you measured plus the kerf of the blade.
11.Press the AUTO/MAN button. The PLC will calculate and store the calibrat-
ion factor.
If you find that you need to adjust the calibration factor, you must go thru
the above procedure to change the ACT.LTH. parameter but you don't have to
actually cut material. If length measurement error increases as measured
length increases, increase the ACT.LTH. parameter. If the error decreases as
the length decreases, decrease the parameter.
Whenever troubleshooting length error problems, make sure the cushion period
(slow approach distance) is set correctly. This will normally be set for one
When the machine is turned on it is normal to have alarm 3000 SERVO OFF. This
is because the NC does not energize 1K3 (large contactor) which sends three
phase power to the servo unit. To turn on the servo unit, press either the
STANDBY button or the NC POWER ON again depending on the PLC version.
When the STANDBY button is pressed the output Y57 (#11057) should turn on and
stay on while the button is held. It should also stay on for about five sec-
onds after the button is released. This output is from the FC-860 board. This
is the I/O board for the i80 control and is distinguishable from the other
control components since it is not a plug in module of the chassis. It is
normally mounted away from the control chassis and is connected to the cont-
rol through a communication cable from CN11 of the FC-860 to CN21 of the
FC-210. Some machines may use a FC-211 instead of FC-210 but in either case
this is the PLC module mounted on the control chassis. The Y57 output is
24vdc from connector CN2 pin 7 on FC-860 to connector X23 pin 7 of DSB1 which
feeds relay 1K1A (MACHINE READY P.B.).
This relay is an ice cube relay located on the distribution board (DSB1).
The distribution board is basically a central location for input and output
connectors but it also has the 24vdc pc mounted relays which control most
machine I/O functions. The majority of PLC controlled outputs are 24vdc sign-
als from CN1 of FC-860 to DSB1. If the control is ready for Servo Power On,
pc mount relay on DSB1 (1K3A) will be energized by 24vdc supplied from CN27
pin 10 on FC-230 through the relay to CN27 pin 17 ( /SVMX ). The normally
open contact of this relay feeds 110 vac from connector X8 pin 1 of DSB1 to
1K3, the return side of the relay is tied to wire number 2. An important note
about this relative to the HT20 is that X8 pin 1 on DSB1 actually is not con-
nected to anything else on the PCB. In order for this board to work on the
HT20, it needs to have a series of jumpers soldered to the back of the board
to route the 110 volts to relay 1K3A.
39 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
Alarm 79727 TURRET CLAMP FAULT will occur at power up if the turret is not
clamped. The machine determines if the turret is clamped using a proximity
switch located behind the index gear. This alarm can be cleared by manually
turning the gear until the proximity switch is made (the red LED comes on).
The E-Stop circuit consists of 24vdc output at address Y43 which feeds the
E-Stop buttons on wires D101, D102, D103, etc. Make sure that you have 24vdc
leaving FC-230 connector CN27 pins 10 and 11, going through E-Stop circuit
returning to CN27 pin 19.
The X axis brake is released when the 24vdc output at address Y44 from conn-
ector X8 pin B3 of DSB1 goes through a normally open contact of 1K3 to conn-
ector X8 pin A3 of DSB1 to ice cube relay 1K5 (BRAKE RELEASE RELAY). The re-
turn side of 1K5 is FC-230 CN27 pin 18.
The ladder of the i80 searches from the top so that if the address you are
looking for is located above the current position the CRT will display NOT
FOUND. If this happens, press the FUNC. SELECT (F9) then press the BT/TOP
Soft key. The first press will take the display to the bottom of the ladder,
press it again to go to the top.
If the machine has alarm 3000 SERVO OFF and 2190 MACHINE UNREADY at the same
time, alarm 2190 will be masked because 3000 is a higher priority.
Like most CNC controls, the servo unit of the i80 has control power applied
at power on in order to do self-diagnostics, etc., but the three phase drive
power is not applied to the machine is ready.
40 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
the machine tool so a number of the inputs to the barfeeder will be tied to
a dry contact or 24 volt source.
Some SEM servo motors have an encoder mounted to the back of the motor with
two set screws. If these become loose the machine will have trouble repeating
especially with regard to reference return to zero.
If you are working on a Servo Dynamics drive with which the Lag value can not
be adjusted close enough to zero, check the connections of J1 and J2. A bad
connection here, or even a dirty connection can prevent the Lag from being
A 2500 line rotary encoder connected to a 10mm ball screw should give a .0001"
The position sensor for spindle orientation on a Kiwa KNH-426 is BZI type,
Fanuc part number A860-2120-T401.
On the Hyd-Mech H-12 with the Mitsubishi PLC, if the hydraulics cut off when
you release the button and the number three LED is flashing, the program is
probably either lost or scrambled. If the LED is on steady, their is likely
a hardware problem with the PLC. If the LED is flashing you can order a mem-
ory card from Hyd-Mech and plug it into the PLC it will load the program.
In this case the full the model number of the machine will be H-12 MITS.
On the Rhino ST/8 lathe with the new spindle amplifier there is a row of 7
LEDs. The first LED from the left should indicate the PWM signal to the
amplifier which should be seen to flash in sympathy with the speed signal to
the amplifier. The second LED should come on when CW rotation is commanded
and be off when CCW rotation is commanded.
1.Change n177 of the source drive from 0 to 1. This will allow the parameters
to be read and written.
2.Change n176 from Rdy to rEd. This will transfer the parameters from the
drive to the digital operator.
5.Change n176 to CPy. This will transfer the parameters from the digital
operator to the inverter.
6.Change n176 to vFy. This will verify that the parameters in the digital
operator match the parameters in the drive.
7.Change n177 back to 0 on both drives. This will prevent accidental over-
If a Yaskawa inverter will not run when commanded, check the digital operator
to be sure that the display is on FREQ or at least some other selection with
a green LED. If the display is on LO/REM or PRGM (red LEDs) the drive will
not respond to a remote command.
The parameter for setting the rapid rate of the Z axis on a machine with a
Yasnac MX2 control is 6282.
41 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
4.Close the front vise. The display will change to another screen.
5.Press the F4 key.
6.Hold the NUM key while typing the desired length.
7.Release the NUM key, press the Enter key.
8.Cursor to R and enter the required number of parts. This number has to be
greater than the value in C.
9.Press the CYCLE START button.
These machines have a relay board where all of the inputs and outputs are
connected. The relay board is connected to the PLC by two ribbon cables, CN1
and CN4.
If the display will not come on check the cable that connects it to PLC. This
is a PS2 type connector which if unplugged will keep the LCD screen from
coming on.
The Kia 21LMS turret uses a Fanuc Beta motor and drive for indexing. The tur-
ret uses an absolute pulse coder. The turret can become confused for a couple
of reasons one of which is PMM parameter 11.0, this parameter has to be 1 for
the turret home position. If this parameter gets set to 0 it causes a strange
condition in that the turret will be able to index and go the correct tool
but after the index the cycle start lamp will stay on because the TFIN is not
generated. There will be no alarm and if the machine is turned off and back on
the turret can be indexed again. To change this parameter you must access the
Power Mate CNC Manager screen. The parameters stored here are used for Beta
drives only. The parameters are stored in the drive itself so if you replace
the drive the parameters go with it.
Another important PMM parameter is 11.7 because it must be 1 for the absol-
ute pulse coder.
Anytime the turret becomes confused or exhibits the condition described above
the following procedure must be performed.
1.Go to the PMM parameters and make 11.0 = 0. With this parameter all eight
bits must be entered so make sure you change the value of bit 0 only.
3.Unclamp the turret by pressing SPINDLE STOP, SELECT and FEED HOLD buttons
simultaneously. The SELECT button in this case is the button which shows
two arrows pointing in opposite directions and is located next to the
5.Press the CALL/BZ button. The turret should clamp. Check the turret clamp
confirmation switch at X0.7 to make sure it is clamped.
7.Press the SPINDLE STOP, SELECT and FEED HOLD button simultaneously. This
time the SELECT button is the button which shows an arrow pointing to the
left and is located next to the MACHINE LOCK button. On some machines it
may not have an arrow but may be a blank button labeled SELECT only.
The hydraulic solenoid on the Kiwa KNH-400 that sends the single arm back
42 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
from the chain pot to home position is Sol 52,53 (wire numbers Y542C and
The way lube pump on the Kiwa KNH-400 comes every on eight minutes whether the
spindle is running or not. It is controlled by counter C02. This oiler also
oils the spindle bearings and is lighter than the usual 68.
When looking at angular contact (thrust) bearings their direction can be det-
ermined by the arrows etched on the side of the outer race if the bearing has
an arrow. Not all bearing makers place an arrow on the bearing. In this case
you can find direction based on the fact that the inner race is wide (fat) on
one side and narrow (skinny) on the other side. The arrow should point to the
fat side. As far as how the bearings are stacked, there are different config-
urations for different loads such as high axial loads, etc.
If a machine with a double arm ATC hangs up at the spindle and especially
if the ATC arm motor trips the overload check the tool grippers. Sometimes
the plungers will get tight and have trouble pushing back far enough to be
able to engage the tool. In this case you might see the magazine pot move
excessively when the arm engages it.
When working with cam follower bearings, most of the time they are available
with either a straight screwdriver slot or an allen head. In either case they
will often have a Torx head within the allen or the straight slot.
If the X, Y and Z axes of a Mori MH63 will not move and the B axis will but
there are no alarms check the pallet (B axis). The other axes are interlocked
through the pallet down confirmation switch. On a machine with a Fanuc 6M
control the signals are:
These G signals are active low signals so they should be 0 for axis motion to
be allowed.
The LeBlond Regal lathes use the Servo Shift mechanism to change spindle
speeds. This mechanism is entirely hydraulic with the exception of the pulse
switch located on dial A. This switched is open and closed anytime the dial is
moved to another speed setting. This is done with detents on the dial. The
dial has a shaft which connects it's center to the Servo Shift unit in the
headstock. This unit sits just below the top cover and is easily accessible.
Turning the dial turns the shaft which opens and closes the various ports in
the Servo Shift unit but the shift does not actually occur until dial B is
placed in the BRAKE position. Dial A should only be turned while dial B is in
one of the two OFF positions. If dial A is turned while dial B is in the
BRAKE position the Servo Shift will try to shift to the next speed range as
43 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
Dial A speeds:
Dial B
| | Reverse
| | Off
| | Brake
| | Off
| | Forward
Below Dial A is a plate held on by six screws. Behind this plate are two pla-
stic half gears with detents. As the drive gears are shifted these half gears
move, their detents ride on levers, the other ends of which work against a
If the Servo Shift is operated improperly such as turning Dial A when Dial B
is in the BRAKE position it can result in a condition in which the gears
shift as soon as Dial A is moved off of the current speed before it reaches
the next RPM setting. When the machine is run and then Dial B is turned back
to the BRAKE position, the spindle may start to oscillate in an effort to
shift to the next speed. In some cases this may not occur immediately but
instead it may happen as a result of the vibration of putting a part in the
chuck, etc.
On a Kiwa horizontal if you get alarms 2050 and 1030, etc. when you call a
tool number over 64 on a machine that has a 120 tool magazine try running
M100 to reset the tool table and then M101 to register the tools but check
the Keep Relay K2.0 first. For 64 tools it should be 0, for 120 tools it
should be 1.
44 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
Machines that use a built-in (integrated) spindle do not have a pulse coder
on the motor like other spindle motors, it uses a PLG unit. this unit cons-
ists of an inductive sensor that is sensing a plastic gear. There is a PCB
between the sensor and connector CN5. This PCB has several potentiometers
which are used to adjust the signal strength for PA and PB. If a machine like
this exhibits a condition where the spindle oscillates and makes a high pitch
noise, this PCB probably needs to be adjusted. Typically, the signals PA and
PB need a signal strength of 3 Vpp. The gap between the sensor face and the
gear is critical and should be about .006". The plastic gear has one tooth
that is longer than the others and represents the reference marker.
After pressing the INDEX button for the fourth time, the display will default
back to the normal display (current settings for INDEX and REQ. QUANTITY) so
you really have to watch closely to see what the setting is for parameter 5.
The typical settings for parameters 1-5 are:
1 - 75
2 - 50
3 - 320
4 - 50
5 - 50
If the Auto cycle will not execute on this machine, check that the limit
switch for shuttle vise forward is made, if not the cycle will not continue.
In some cases the sequencer can become confused causing the INDEX # display
to reset itself to 0. This will, of course, cause the Auto cycle to stop
because the saw needs to make at least one index to execute the cut. Some-
times this can be resolved by simply accessing and scrolling through the
parameters. The condition may occur as a result of switching the Mode select
switch directly from MANUAL to AUTO without stopping at the NEUTRAL position,
according to Hyd-Mech you should always stop at NEUTRAL for a second.
In Auto mode the machine should execute the cycle with or without the blade
running with the exception that the head will not come down.
The S-23 with a sequencer like the S-20 uses a limit switch to position the
shuttle vise for the proper length, this is the top left limit switch and has
a vernier dial (micrometer) for fine adjustment. The bottom left switch is
the approach switch and it is placed ahead (in terms of travel) of the top
switch. When the shuttle contacts this switch the feed rate slows to allow
more precise positioning. The limit switch on the right is used only for
confirmation of the shuttle vise fully forward.
The B axis for the KNH-400 has two proximity switches that confirm the state
of the axis, either clamped or unclamped. The CLAMP confirmation switch is
LS36, it's symbol is LSBRCL, the I/O address is X0009.7. The UNCLAMP confirm-
ation switch is LS37, it's symbol is LSBRUC, the I/O address is X0009.6.
Both switches are two-wire devices, their source is wire HP. These switches
are actuated by a piston in the base of the B axis. It is accessed by remov-
ing the eight screws and cover located on the ATC side of the B axis. The
piston is held on by two bolts and is easily removed once the cover is out of
the way. The piston is pushed out by hydraulic pressure when the axis is
45 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
If you need a password to access the ladder of a Mori-Seiki, try entering the
letter L, then input.
The Yasnac 3000G control has only 100 parameters (00-99) but parameter 65
consists of 8 groups of parameters with each group consisting of 8 bits.
If you replace the main board (CP03) board of a Yasnac 3000G control and it
exhibits strange behavior, it may be necessary to regenerate the control. To
do this:
When reloading the parameters you need to be aware that N65 is for the Option-
al Features (option parameters). This parameter appears as a single zero (0)
when viewed normally, but when viewed with the thumbwheel switch in position
5, it appears as an eight bit binary number. The Optional Features are set in
groups of 8. The groups appear as 65X,65Y,65Z,65A,65I,65J,65K,65R. These
values are altered by typing the letter of the group (i.e., X, Z, J, etc.).
The eight bits of each group are designated D0-D7 corresponding to bits 0-7.
On some machines, the keypad may not have the letter A so you must use the
number 4 to access group 65A. Also, if you press a key that does not repres-
ent a valid group (S, T, G, etc.), the parameter N65 will disappear from the
machine. Pressing a valid letter such as X or J will cause N65 to reappear.
Reloading the parameters is a simple matter of typing in the value that you
want the parameter to be and pressing the Write (WR) button. Make sure that
you select the correct letter designation first. For example, to change the
value of parameter 71Y you would use the Page Up/Down and the Line Up/Down
buttons to get to parameter 71, then type in the letter Y. Now the value that
you enter will affect 71Y but not 71X, 71Z, etc.
In some cases you may need to clear the program storage area again in order
46 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
The Strong model N212 chuck like the ones used on the Ecoca SJ-25, etc. has
a jaw stroke of .417" on the diameter, the plunger stroke is .905". The act-
uators used on these machines have a piston stroke of .915".
The electrical boxes of the LNS bar feeders are wired for the lathe they are
to be installed on and LNS keeps a copy of the wiring diagram that can be
referenced by the drawing number.
Yasnac MX3:
To access the RUN TIME, CYCLE TIME, etc, press the ALM button, then page down until TIMER is
displayed at the top of the screen. You should see:
To clear a timer value, press the desired number (1,2,3 or 4) along with the origin (ORG) button.
On the Kia SKT21 with a parts catcher, catcher up confirmation is X3.0, down is X3.1. In the case of the Kia
SKT15 with a Fanuc 0i control, the main spindle parts catcher up confirmation signal is X8.2, X8.3 is parts
catcher down. On the SKT15 the output coils for parts catcher up/down are Y8.2 and Y8.3 respectively. The
relays are 2KA11 and 2KA12. The M-code for parts catcher up is M63, down is M64. These are configured
to finish with a hardware signal. The parts catcher function for the SKT15 is enabled and disabled by way of
a G.DATA bit. This bit is D0009.6 and must be set to a value of 1 in order for the parts catcher to be valid.
Typically the value displayed will be in decimal so you must convert the 8 bit binary number to decimal then
input. If the value in D0009 is currently 0 you must enter a value of 64 (01000000). Normally on this
machine the value of D0009 will be set at 32 from the factory so you would add the two and enter 96.
The Krras Bend 70.30 with PGP601 back gage controller uses only 12 parameters in the controller. They
• The above settings are typical and may be different for other machines.
• The Index Quote Programming value is defined by the customer and varies depending on how far the
fingers, etc. are from the die.
For a twelve lead AC motor there are six windings with two leads for each set. The numbering for the sets is
The resistance of each winding is normally in the range of 1 ohm. When the motor is wired for DELTA (low
voltage) operation there are essentially three sets of two windings with the two windings of each set in
series. Using the numbering above, this is accomplished by connecting the leads as follows:
47 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
U1 to Z2
X1 to U2
X2 to V1
Y1 to V2
Y2 to W1
Z1 to W2
L1 to U1, Z2
L2 to X2, V1
L3 to Y2, W1
X1 to U2
Y1 to V2
Z1 to W2
X2 to Y2 to Z2
L1 to U1
L2 to V1
L3 to W1
This connection places four windings in series with respect to any two phases.
Regardless of how the windings are numbered, you can wire the motor by ringing out the leads to find
individual windings and wiring accordingly.
Another thing to be aware of is that the wire numbering using alpha numeric such as U1, V1, W1, X, Y and
Z is IEC nomenclature while numbering that uses numbers only such as 1,2,3,4 etc., is NEMA
High Voltage
4 to 7, 5 to 8 and 6 to 9, line voltage to 1, 2 and 3.
High Voltage
Same as for Wye connection.
B axis clamp/unclamp information:
24vdc is supplied by wire HP at terminal block TB5 to Unclamp limit switch LS37 and Clamp limit switch
LS36. Both switches are normally open. Closure of LS37 sends 24vdc through TM2-16 to wire X096 then to
Fanuc I/O Module CB151 pin 16 turning on input X9.6. Closure of LS36 sends 24vdc through TM2-17 to
wire X097 then to I/O Module CB151 pin 17 turning on input X9.7. On the output side Y3.7 (B AXIS CLAMP)
sends 24vdc from Fanuc I/O module CB151 pin 9 to wire Y037 through TM2-9 connecting to CR18 coil. The
return is wire HN. CR18 contact closure sends 110 vac from L1-9 to wire Y37C through connector CN1-L to
B Axis Clamp solenoid SOL27. The return is L2-9. The solenoid valve is Daikin KS)-G02-3BA-30-E 100 vac.
Stankoservis VTL:
48 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
If the table will run at some speeds but not others check the glass fuses that feed the clutches. Each fuse
feeds a different set of clutches. So if, for example, the 7th fuse from the left blows speeds 1.25-6.3 will not
work. In this case the table brake also will not work.
When the table is started and the arm feed engaged after a set time the table speed is locked and cannot
be changed. If the feed is stopped, the table speed can then be changed and feed resumed. This function
may be tied to the V=C switch.
*** Model A163-2000 100 ***
When replacing old faceplate with adapter cable must be ordered from Anilam
and rewired according to drawing number AOC 1 in Anilam file. Also, on this
model readout, if an axis direction indication is backward the wire harness
from the scale can be reversed on the PCB to give proper indication.
Series 1100
To run in Auto, make sure the AUTO/MAN switch is in AUTO.
If no program is selected, won't go into Auto.
There are four LEDs on the Motion Board, if the second one from the top is
off the machine is in E-Stop condition.
There is a small power supply to the left of the relay board which supplies
the 24 vdc for most things. The 110 volt supply for this unit comes from the
relay board, from the connector on the lower right corner of the board. It
is a four pin connector, the other two pins are the 24vdc from the power
supply. K4 on the relay board has to energize first. The +24vdc for the coil
of the relay is supplied directly to the coil, the -24vdc (common) is routed
through the motion board. The common is a yellow wire on the power supply.
The common signal from the motion board is at P1-1. It goes to P3-3 on the
relay board. Having all of this in place will cause K4 to energize. To ener-
gize the other relays and make the machine ready you have to press the SERVO
ENABLE soft key.
On the 1100 control you change the direction of the motors by accessing the
Setup Utilities. Direction +/- is shown as inverting/non-inverting.
To access the CMOS setup you need a keyboard. There is a port on the control
to plug an AT keyboard but if you have a PS2 keyboard you have to plug it
into the CPU board. You have to press either F2 or DEL to enter setup. If the
keypad and VGA ports are both on the same board (CPU), use F2. Sometimes a
control will default to a drive other than the one where the startup files
are stored. This may be caused when the CMOS battery dies. If you go to the
setup utility and change this but it does not hold, the battery is probably
dead. The CMOS battery is Rayovac BR2335 or BR2330. Some of the CPUs use a
battery inside the chip, these cannot be replaced. The board has to be upgrad-
ed at a cost of about $1000.
The Anilam 3300 has a MANUAL/AUTO switch on the back of the pendant. If this
switch is in the MANUAL position, the servos will not power up. In this case
the control will act as a DRO only. If the control is powered up in MANUAL
then switched to AUTO, it will still not be able to operate servos, the
switch must be in AUTO during power up. There is an I.D. key installed on the
back of the pendant which identifies which options are available to the cont-
rol. If the key is missing or damaged the options will not be available.
Miscellaneous functions such as spindle operation are options on this control
so if the key is missing or damaged the spindle will not turn on. In this
case the serial number (SER.NO.) of the I.D. key which is normally displayed
in the upper right hand corner of the CRT display will read all zeros. The
key is like a gender changer so other cables can be plugged into the back of
it. Certain cables such as a RS-232 plugged into the key will prevent it from
working. The Motion I/O board has a row of LED indicators from top to bottom
which indicate several things such as the status of the E-Stop, overtravel
switches and if the servo on signal has been turned on. When the SERVO ON/
RESET button is pressed the corresponding LED should come on and the K1 relay
(ice cube) should turn on energizing the solid state relay K2 which is mount-
ed to the backplane of the cabinet with connection to the board via screws
49 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
through the board. This relay sends the 115 vac to the drives. If there is
no display of position change when an axis is moved check the external power
supply which provides the 5vdc to the motor encoders via connectors on the
Motion I/O board.
25 pin 25 pin
connector connector
9 pin 25 pin
connector connector
In both cases, pins not shown are not used. A ordinary parallel cable will
not work and if attempted could cause damage to the PC or the control since
Pin 25 of ALL Fanuc controls is a 24 vdc supply for use with specific Fanuc
50 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
Pin 9 No Connection
Pin 6 -|
|-------------- Pin 20
Pin 8 -|
|- Pin 6
Pin 20 ---------------- |
|- Pin 8
If you have a 25 pin to 9 pin molded RS-232 cable, the pin outs are probably
like this:
51 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
25 Pin 9 Pin
The adapter that I use to make this cable work with controls is purchased
from Radio Shack, it is configured this way:
This adapter is a RS232 SHIELDED JUMPER BOX 276-1403A. I normally use this in
conjunction with a Radio Shack DOUBLE SHIELDED RS232C CABLE (6 feet). Part
number is 26-269.
A source for Fanuc and Mitsubishi cables is Machine Tool Services, they can
make motor and feedback cables for many CNC controls. Their phone number is
To enable the parts catcher you must make parameter 7005.1 equal 1. To do this:
* Enter a value of 2 in parameter 7005.1 disables the parts catcher. If you do not change the PWE back to
0 none of the M functions will work, etc.
52 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
# Set Value
A Machine Symbol N/A H-12A
B Shuttle Length Constant 0 31478
C Pulses Per Revolution of Encoder X10 1 40000
D Shuttle Length (Inches) 2 40
E Rear Cushion 3 1
F Front Cushion 4 1
53 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
G Overshoot 5 .016
H Front Vise Dwell 6 750
I Shuttle Vise Dwell 7 750
J Wheel Constant 8 43
K Wheel Pulses Per Revolution 9 740
L Machine Characteristics A 1
When "PAUSED" is displayed the Out Of Stock Limit Switch has been activated.
If the hydraulics will not stay on, try holding the button in then using
the manual buttons to open the vises. If the blade break proximity switch
is bad or out of adjustment the machine will start and run until it "sees"
that the blade is not moving. It does this by having the prox switch look at
the driven wheel.
On V18APC, if the hydraulics will not start, the encoder cable may be
On the V-18APC, if the length measurement is off on straight (90 degree) cuts, adjust the INCH/REV
parameter. If the cut comes out too long, increase the value, if too short, decrease the value. If it is off on
angle cuts, adjust the DP RADIUS parameter. The BP RADIUS parameter is normally used for when there
is a measurement error when going from an angle cut to a straight cut.
The S-20P Series III uses a Mitsubishi FR-S520E-2 inverter for the blade motor. If it displays alarm OV3 it
normally means that the regenerative voltage was too high during deceleration. The decel time is set from
the factory at .5 seconds so under certain conditions this may not be enough. You can increase the decel
time by changing inverter parameter number 8. You have to change parameter number 79 from 2 to 1 to
unlock the other parameters.
Most Mazaks use a main breaker which is interlocked through the door
switches. If a door is opened, the main breaker will trip removing all power
from the machine.
1. Call up a tool.
2. Once the turret locates, loosen the bolt holding the arm and move it to
toward the switch which corresponds to that number. (The tool positions
are printed on the PCB)
3. Listen carefully and as soon as the switch closes, stop the arm and
tighten it down.
If a position confirmation switch fails in the open state, the turret will
index continually when that tool is called. The height of the magnet relative
to the top of the switch is very important. It should be about .060". If the
switches are not located correctly the turret may stop at the correct
position but will unable to locate and re-clamp. If this happens and you do
not know which switch is out of position or if the height is wrong, a good
place to start is to:
Slightly raise the first switch from CCW (Decel switch) above the board.
Press the second switch (Position confirmation) flush with the board.
54 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
If the turret still has trouble re-clamping, try moving the second switch a
little away from the first. Remember, these are Reed switches soldered to the
board so be careful not to bend the leads too far.
For CHECK SUM ERROR on Mazatrol M2, press the PARAMETER key in menu, press the
NEXT key in menu (F3). The bad ROM causing the check sum error will be displ-
ayed in CS20. If the first digit from the left is 0, the bad ROM is on board
FX84, if it is 1, the bad ROM is on FX84-1. The next two digits from the left
indicate the location of the bad ROM on the board.
For M2V/B check CS24. If the first digit from the left is 0, the bad ROM is
on board FX784-8, if it is 1, the bad ROM is on board FX784-9. Again, the
next two digits from the left indicate the location of the bad ROM on the
For Mazatrol T2/T3, select the DIAGNOSIS screen, select CHECK S/W VERSION,
when a check sum error has occurred where the software version is normally
displayed (MIL) will, instead, display the location of the bad ROM (i.e.
5K). Should look like:
Chicago Technical Center 847-291-2340
Technical Representative Eric Jozaitis direct line 847-291-6201
Manuals and other publications 847-509-6057 Theresa Vanover direct line.
Also check Parameter N032 Motor KW to be sure it is set high enough for the
size of the motor. Another thing to check for is the AC voltage parameters.
If the incoming AC is 220 volts Vmtr, N003, and N011 should be 220.
55 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
If constant n010 is set improperly, you will not be able to change constants
11-18. On most units it is set to F, but this pattern will not work for all
applications and you will have to select another or build one yourself.
56 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
n043 1
n044 0
n045 0
n046 100
n047 0
n048 0
n049 1.00
n050 6
n051 0
n052 110
n053 0.7
n054 60
n055 2.0
n056 0
n057 0
n058 0.0
n059 0.0
n060 1.0
n061 1
n062 1
n063 0
n064 50
n065 0.5
n066 0.0
n067 1.0
n068 0.434
n069 172
n070 1
n071 170
n072 160
n073 0.0
n074 0
n075 160
n076 0.1
n077 0.0
n078 0.0
n079 0
n080 7
n081 8
n082 0
n083 0.2
n084 0
n085 1.00
n086 1.0
n087 10.0
n088 0.00
n089 0
n090 100
n091 0.0
n092 0
n093 0
n094 1.0
n095 0
n096 94.75
n097 50
n098 12
n099 1
n100 0
n101 0.5
n102 0.2
n103 1
n104 1
n105 0
n106 0
n107 2
n108 1
57 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
n109 0.0
n110 30
n111 2.0
n112 0
n113 2.0
n114 0
n115 5
n116 0
The 616PC5 has a design defect in that the control card made by Saftronics
exhibits erratic behavior at frequencies between 124.5 and 160.1 Hz. This
is caused by an older version of software which contains a program error.
The software version is Ver. 1010 and has been replaced by Ver. 1015 which
does not exhibit these symptoms. The software is surface mounted to the
board and cannot be replaced. The memory is not EE so it cannot be changed
either. The only fix is to replace the control card with a ver. 1015. The
only precaution is to be sure that the replacement card is for an inverter
of the same KW rating as the one being replaced. To determine the software
version of a drive, look in U-10. this is where the version is stored. You
must use the display key to scroll over to Montr. then use the arrow key to
scroll up to U-10 then press enter. The version will be displayed.
Gear Lo
Motor Lo 11.0 6.5 4.8 3.9 3.4 3.1 2.8
Gear Lo
Motor Hi 7.1 4.3 3.3 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.0
Gear Hi
Motor Lo 11.0 6.5 4.8 3.9 3.4 3.2 2.9
Gear Hi
Motor Hi 7.1 4.3 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.5 4.0
Some inverters will allow access to more constants than others. To gain
access to more of them on the 616PC5, change constant n001 to a value of
616. This should allow you to access up to constant n140. The newest
versions of software for the 616 as of 11/97 is 2010 and 3010.
ES3000 EDM:
The ES3000 with a Heidenhain control, as with most Heidenhain controlled EDMs
uses the following procedure for operation. After power-up:
1.Press CE.
2.Press the Sine Wave (Symbol) button to turn on generator power.
3.Home all axes by pressing Start once for each axis.
58 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
4.Press the PGM RUN button. (This is usually a symbol pointing to the right)
5.Press GOTO.
6.Press 0.
7.Press ENT.
8.Press START.
This will take you to the beginning of the program and begin the discharge.
On the ES3000 there are four contactors which select the polarity. Two of
these select positive polarity and the other two select negative polarity.
One of the polarities must be selected which means any time you are trying to
burn two of these contactors must be pulled in. If not the generator power
will shut off when discharge is attempted. The green LED on the DC9343 board
comes on when the polarity is selected. There are six contactors at the
bottom of the electrical cabinet. The four on the left are the polarity
contactors. When the first and third from the left are pulled in, Reverse
polarity is selected. When the second and fourth are selected, Normal
polarity is selected. The fifth contactor is the Dielectric Pump, the sixth
is Generator Power.
If the machine will not release from the E-STOP condition and the button is
not depressed, check for an axis over travel. The axis limits are tied between
X21 pin 34 and X22 Pin 4. You can eliminate a machine problem by removing
these connectors and connecting a jumper between the two pins. These
connectors go to the Interface Board TNC3062 on connector CN6. X21 Pin 34
goes to the 14th pin from the top on the front row of pins on CN6.
X22 Pin 4 goes to the 12th from the top on the same row. The E-Stop button is
tied to pins 1 and 2 of CN1 on the TNC3062.
The TNC306 control is for use on EDM machines. The TNC360 is for mills.
If the BUFFER BATTERY alarm is issued, you need to replace the three AA
batteries. They are located in a black plastic tube in the gold colored
chassis. On the ES3000 this chassis is behind the Operator's Panel.
If you have trouble with an EDM machine that it won't move down when dis-
charging. The generator comes on but the ram does not move. Make sure it is
off of the travel limit switch. If it is off of the switch, try replacing
one or both of the small PCB boards (OSC).
On the 6BVS machines that I interfaced with the SWI AGE3 controls, I removed
all of the power leads going to the two motor contactors (FWD/REV). I did not
mess with the auxiliary contacts. I used one normally open contact from each
contactor and tied them in parallel so that any time either one is pulled in
the spindle inverter is enabled. When the control stops the spindle for a
tool change, etc., the contactors drop out disabling the inverter. I also
removed the motor leads from the overload relay. One of the two wires from
the normally open contacts is tied to my forward and reverse contactors in
the electrical cabinet to their common terminal. The other wire is tied to
#1 in the cabinet, feeding the common.
Normally when powering up the ES-3000 with the Heidenhain TNC306E and start-
ing to run, the sequence is:
59 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
ACTL. X nn,nnnn Y nn,nnnn
Z nn,nnnn
X nn,nnnn
Y nn,nnnn
Z nn,nnnn
The Lag value differs between axes and at different feed rates but generally
should not exceed about 700. Normally, if the Lag is too high, the axis will
move with a rough or jerked motion. Also you will notice that after releasing
the Jog button, the axis continues to move an abnormally long time.
In order to adjust Lag you need to access the Lag Display screen. This is one
of the position screens. To do this:
MP 110.0 0
MP 110.1 1
MP 110.2 2
MP 110.3 3
60 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
MP 110.0 1
MP 110.1 0
MP 110.2 2
MP 110.3 3
If the problem still exists on the X axis the culprit is probably the scale
or encoder or their cable. All of this is aimed at troubleshooting mainly
feedback of positioning problems. The idea here is to eliminate the PLC as
the problem.
The Service Manual for the TNC 306/360 is useful in working on other
Heidenhain controls because the parameter section also list parameters for
other controls such as TNC2500, TNC234 and TNC355.
Processor board
X1 Encoder 1
X2 Encoder 2
X3 Encoder 3
X4 Encoder 4
X6 Encoder S
X8 Nominal Value Output 1,2,3,4,S
X9 VDU (BE or BF)
X11 Hand wheel HR 130/330
X12 Touch Probe System
B Signal Ground
PLC board
X21 PLC Output
X22 PLC Input
X23 TNC Operating Panel (TE)
X24 Power Supply 24V for PLC
X25 Data Interface V.24/RS-232-C
X26 PLC I/O board (PL 400)
X27 Machine Operating Panel (MB)
Power Supply
X31 Power Supply 24V for LE
Heidenhain calls the reader heads of it's scales, scanning units. In the case
of the LS 603, these are optical devices. They can be replaced without the
cable. Remove the four screws on the front of the unit. Inside there is an
Amp connector. Unplug this connector and remove the unit from the body.
When ordering a new scanning unit, you will need the ID number. This number
is on the unit, it looks like:
Another important number is the ML number, this is the measuring length. This
number is typically in millimeters (i.e., ML1740mm).
61 of 62 28-09-2015 11:01
For the Euro Source ES-3000 at Xaloy, the control is Heidenhain TNC 306E.
The NC Software is 260030 03G. The PLC Software is 252555 13.
The cable pin out for RS-232 is the same as Fanuc Standard.
The 6BVS with the Dynapath control has four wires to the motor aside from the
motor leads. The two yellow wires go to terminals AM and AC on the F7 inver-
ter. These wires are for the brake, the parameter that controls this multi-
function output should be set so that it monitors the output frequency. The
two blue wires go to the motor fan. The parameter for this multi-function
output should be set to close when the motor is running.
In order for the brake to work properly on this machine, the parameter B1-03
must be set to 1 so that the motor will coast to a stop. If you try to decel
the motor and use the brake, at higher RPM the brake will come on while the
motor is still decelerating, cut off, then the motor will start running
again until brought to a stop under normal decel. If you try to reduce the
decel time enough for the brake to come on at the end of the decel curve, the
drive will fault due to DC buss over voltage.
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