SORB General Notes
SORB General Notes
SORB General Notes
• A contract will be agreed between first party (government, person, Ngo, company) witch is owner and responsible for the
project cost and second party (government, person, Ngo, company) witch will be responsible of execution all the work.
• first party will assign an engineer or it representative to manage, supervise or monitor the work quality, progresses, payment...
• The contractor will be the second party how is responsible to provide (Engineering staff, man power, machinery….. or any
thing that is necessary to preform the project work.
1.1 The Bill of Quantities 'BoQ' or 'BQ'
• Document prepared by the cost consultant (often a quantity surveyor) that provides project specific measured quantities of the
items of work identified by the drawings and specifications in the tender documentation.
• The quantities may be measured in number, length, area, volume, weight or time.
• Preparing a bill of quantities requires that the design is complete and a specification has been prepared.
• The pricing specification of the quantities have to be fair and accurate system for tendering.
1.2 Contractor's area
- The work land will be available to the contractor(s).
- The Contractor must make his own arrangements for any land required for any other working areas outside the project