SORB General Notes

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General SORB Guidance points

• A contract will be agreed between first party (government, person, Ngo, company) witch is owner and responsible for the
project cost and second party (government, person, Ngo, company) witch will be responsible of execution all the work.
• first party will assign an engineer or it representative to manage, supervise or monitor the work quality, progresses, payment...
• The contractor will be the second party how is responsible to provide (Engineering staff, man power, machinery….. or any
thing that is necessary to preform the project work.
1.1 The Bill of Quantities 'BoQ' or 'BQ'
• Document prepared by the cost consultant (often a quantity surveyor) that provides project specific measured quantities of the
items of work identified by the drawings and specifications in the tender documentation.
• The quantities may be measured in number, length, area, volume, weight or time.
• Preparing a bill of quantities requires that the design is complete and a specification has been prepared.
• The pricing specification of the quantities have to be fair and accurate system for tendering.
1.2 Contractor's area
- The work land will be available to the contractor(s).
- The Contractor must make his own arrangements for any land required for any other working areas outside the project

1.3 Notice of operations

- No important operation shall be carried out without the consent in writing of the Engineer which will be the project start date.
- The contractor should be given sufficiently time in advance of the operation.

Technical collage of engineering Highways and Bridges Department Sheyan O. Khaled

General SORB Guidance points
1.4 Setting out
1- The Contractor shall verify the existence of all Permanent Ground Markers (B.M) as are applicable to the Works and notify the
Engineer's if any are absence within one week and the Engineer's will then provide the necessary missing information.
2- If any Permanent Ground Markers is displaced the Contractor must then re-establish immediately at his own expense.
3- Spacing of the final setting out stakes shall be as directed by the Engineer or not more than 20m apart.
4- The Engineer shall be immediately informed any changes in B.M and re-establishment of these B.M.
5- The Contractor shall give the Engineer not less than 24 hours' notice of his intention to set out or give levels for any part of the
Works, in order check the necessary measurements for calculate payment(s).
1.5 Information where work is intended
1- The Contractor shall from time to time supply the Engineer's Representative with up-to-date copies of his main works program
2- The Contractor shall from a full information of the location of the sources of all materials.
3-The Contractor shall also supply to the Engineer's Representative a daily program of the work intended to be carried out the
following day to consider necessary for inspection.
1.6 Approval of sources and types of material and plant
• As soon as possible after the Contract has been awarded, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a list of the suppliers
from whom he proposes to purchase the materials, manufactured articles and machinery necessary for the execution of or
incorporation in the Works.
• No material shall be used which is not obtained from a source approved by the Engineer. Approval of a source does not
mean that all material in the source is approved.
• Each supplier must be willing to admit the Engineer the ordinary working hours for the purpose of obtaining samples of the
General SORB Guidance points
1.7 Offices for the engineer's representative
• The Contractor shall provide and maintain until three months after the issue of the Certificate of Completion and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and his staff, approved central offices, portable offices, field laboratory buildings and
residential provisions as specifically Special Specification.
• Proper sanitary accommodation and washing facilities with an efficient water supply shall also be provided and the Contractor
shall make all necessary arrangements, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
• During the currency of the Contract the Contractor shall supply all fuel, water, heating and cooling facilities, electric light,, etc.
required and make arrangements for the office being regularly and properly cleaned.

1.8 Transport for and assistance to the engineer's representative

• Within one month after the issue of the notice of the operations, the Contractor shall provide the motor vehicles as specifically
outlined in the Special Specification.
• Until these vehicles are accepted the Contractor shall supply the same number of temporary vehicles.
• The Contractor shall provide experienced assistance, pegs, markers, poles and other apparatus as required for checking the
Works, measuring up the quantities of the materials, supervision, inspection and testing of the Works at every stage.

1.9 Temporary traffic signs

The Contractor shall erect and maintain traffic signs and barriers necessary for the direction, protection and control of traffic with
the approved by the Engineer's Representative before erection.
General SORB Guidance points
1.10 Site for plant
The Contractor shall select and arrange for the use of sites for all central mixing plants for concrete, bituminous mixtures or the
deposit of materials and/or the storage of plant by Government and the Engineer's Representative's and when the work finished the
plant shall be removed and .all damage made good.
1.11 Maintenance of traffic
• The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of traffic flow on all public highways affected by the Works, providing
an effective width wherever practicable of at least 6m or .
• Single way traffic should be avoided as far as possible, but in necessary situations , the Contractor shall provide a width of at
least 3m each lane
• Arrange for traffic control by signals or flagmen and provide passing bays not exceeding 100m.
1.12 Temporary works
• The Contractor shall provide, maintain and remove on completion of the Works all temporary roadways, bridges, sleeper tracks
and staging, etc. over roads, streams or unsuitable ground and he shall make them safe and suitable.
• The roadways. bridges, sleeper tracks, staging, etc. shall be constructed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and
the Contractor shall nevertheless be responsible for damage done to or caused by these temporary works.
• The temporary work expense should be within the BoQ, if not, it shall be considered as covered by the rates entered against
other items in the Bill of Quantities.
General SORB Guidance points
1.13 Protection of property and buildings
• The Contractor shall take every precaution to preserve from damage any property, including buildings, fences, roads, paths,
trees …, in or near the site of the Works
• The Contractor shall not demolish or remove any property except on the specific instruction of the Engineer (including any
trench, excavation, demolition or pumping operation)
• Contractor shall support, shore or otherwise protect such buildings and property and shall be responsible for the making good
of any damage.
• The Contractor's responsibilities to repair of any damage which in the opinion of the Engineer has been caused by subsidence
or vibration.
1.14 Protection of or alteration to existing works or services
• The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for locating the position of all services, including telephone and telegraph lines,
power lines, cables, sewers, oil and water pipelines, irrigation pipes and channels, and railway tracks, and their appurtenances,
• All services which are encountered in the Works shall be adequately supported, slung up, strutted or otherwise protected from
• land drains or irrigation culverts or ditches cross the site of the works, the Contractor shall take such steps as the Engineer
considers necessary to maintain the flow of water as required along its existing course.
• Except where shown on the Drawings included in the Contract or directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall not alter or in
anyway interfere with existing works or services. but in necessary situations notice is to be given to authority concerned.
• The contractor should be aware of most of services form the first site visit stage before the agreement.
General SORB Guidance points
1.15 Protection of works from weather
• The Contractor shall. at his own expense, carefully protect from effect by weather all work and materials which may by
damaged or affected thereby.
• Any damaged work shall be removed and new work substituted at the Contractor's expense, all to the Engineer's satisfaction.

1.16 Filling in holes and trenches

The Contractor, immediately upon completion and examination of any work. shall at his own expense fill up all holes and trenches
which may have been made or dug, level the mounds may have been raised or any possible hazard situation.
1.17 Unit prices bid when extended to cover corresponding work performed and to cover all costs of the contract of every
kind and nature.
No claims for extra payment will be considered except as specified in the Bill of Quantities or provided in specifically
specification in the Contract Documents.

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