Past Life Regression Manual

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Past Life Regression - Therapist Training


Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) assumes:

We have many physical bodies, that we reincarnate into, and

We have a spiritual body, that carries into the present life…

Emotional and mental residues, and imprints of karmic actions.

Emotional residues can be many strong emotions with little reason, based on
our present life and conscious understanding. These can range from strong
attraction to strong aversion, from a phobia to an instant connection.

Mental residues can be fixed thoughts with little reason, based on our present
life and conscious understanding. As presenting issues, they are often limiting
beliefs or a singular frame of perception that is unhelpful for the client.

Karmic causative actions in past lives can have karmic effects in the present
life. We may need to get insights into the workings of that cause and effect to
apply a balancing or antidote realization, action and intention.

Therapy in past lives is to clear the emotional residue, clarify the mental frame
and understand the karmic causative actions and intentions.

In PLRT we often work with emotion and thought, by breaking the bond that is
now out-dated, and based on events in the past that are over. So we clean up
those residues, and help the client return clean and clear into the present life.

In PLRT we sometimes need to fully grasp and untangle the interweaving

threads of karma, though this is often not required to be done explicitly.

The outcome is to move forward with more emotional peace, mental clarity and
to ground to this to doing better future actions.

The PLRT process is like other therapies that regress to a cause and fix it. We
regress our clients back to causes in past lives, to help resolve effects on their
present day issues. Along the way we gather secondary benefits of a personal
experience or expanded spiritual perception, that can overcome fear of death,
and end with the client being more fully in the present moment.
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Therapeutic Context
PLRT can work alongside other modalities to fully resolve a client’s issues,
depending on where the cause of the issue.

Conscious, Subconscious, Superconscious; Our clients issues occur in daily

life where our conscious mind is at the forefront. Our client realizes there are
past causes they are not aware of or can’t be resolved by their conscious mind.

They can come for hypnotherapy to deal with their subconscious mind that can
store residues of emotions that energize limiting beliefs from the present life.

They can continue to their superconscious mind that is aware of their past lives
and existence beyond their present life body.

They may need detailed exploration of complex karmic issues in Life Between
Lives Therapy, which goes to the spiritual world between physical incarnations,
to meet the spirit guide, soul groups, and soul council.

Spirit Releasement Therapy connects with spiritual entities in the other areas of
the spiritual world, like earthbound spirits or dark force entities.

There can be areas of crossover between these modalities. PLRT can arise
spontaneously during hypnotherapy. SRT or LBL can arise during PLRT.

Present Moment - Conscious Mind

Issue effects. Client interview.
Informal Hypnosis
Present process > content.
Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP
Present Life - Subconscious
Causative issues from this life.
Hypnotherapy with Age Regression (HAR)

Past Lives - Superconscious Astral Plane

Causative events from past lives. Spirit attachment.
Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT)

Life Between Lives - Superconscious

Life review. Spiritual lessons. Decisions.
Life Between Lives Therapy (LBLT)
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Indications & Applications Of PLRT

PLRT sessions may be seen as ‘spiritual’ therapy vs ‘grounded’ practical
therapies. Yet PLRT relates directly to ‘non-spiritual’ issues, and as with many
therapies, it resolves the past to be more present in the now.

1) Resolve Issues; effecting a client’s present life negatively now.

Most clients will have suffering in the moment that compels them to seek a
solution. They may not want to spend time and energy on PLRT, but find they
need a solution. A compelling motivation of pain of suffering can be beneficial.
Past lives are veiled for a reason, but we can lift the veil if we have a good
reason, like overcoming limiting beliefs and emotional blocks that are inhibiting
our spiritual growth.

A limiting belief may be ‘I’m not the kind of person that can have a good
relationship.’ An emotional block may be a fear of commitment. We can regress
to the cause and fix it, just as we would with hypnotherapy. Past life recall may
come up invited and intentionally, or arise spontaneously.

2) Spiritual Insight; that reconnects with clients past positive experiences.

Clients can set a conscious intention for PLRT out of a ‘strong sense they need
PLRT’. They may not have a compelling issue they consciously aware of, yet
find their strong sense that it’s a good time for PLRT often proves correct.

Some clients simply have a curiosity, which is a vague curiosity they ‘might give
it a try’. This is an uncompelling reason, so see if you can discourage them from
having a PLRT session, or recommend they do other modalities they do have a
stronger sense about. If they insist, you have elicited a stronger sense.

Applications of Past Life Regression Therapy;

Emotional Spiritual
Family, Friends or Rivals Reconnect with Spiritual Abilities
Soulmates, Conflicts, Breakups Understand Life Purpose
Significant Life Changes Review Life with Spirit Guide
Depression, Loss and Grieving Connect with Higher Self
Career Crossroads Reconcile With Death

Mental Physical
Fears, Phobias & Aversions Weight Loss
Negativity & Anxiety Healing Injuries or Illness
Mental Blocks Syndromes
Obsession, Compulsion Chronic Pains
Déjà Vu, Intuitions, Dreams Birthmarks
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Why Does PLRT Work?

Any therapy works by getting insights and applying resolutions. Sometimes the
insight alone is enough to heal. We follow-up insights with therapeutic tools.

1) Resolve Therapeutic Issues; Multiple causative events can contribute to a

client’s present issue. We can start with the most recent layer, then move
deeper. It there is an incomplete response to treatments based on causes from
this life, PLRT is another step to get a full resolution.

a) Recent Past; We may consciously know a relationship break-up two years

ago is effecting our relationships. We can use therapies like NLP or CBT.

b) Childhood; We may not consciously know our parents divorce when we

were two effects our relationships. Yet with enhanced memory in hypnotherapy,
we can regress to the cause, two years after we were born, and fix it.

c) Past Life; We may not consciously know that an event in our past life is
effecting our relationships. Yet with enhanced memory in past life regression,
we can regress to the cause, two years before we were born, and fix it.

Past lives may seem distant and mysterious. Yet the first couple of years of this
life are also almost as distant and mysterious, and we easily accept that they
are highly influential on who we are today.

We already see the past as staying with us in the form of mental, emotional,
physical and spiritual residues stored in our subconscious mind. We can see
these are now outdated, so we are no longer ‘hung up’ on it, and can ‘let go’.

2) Insights Into Karmic Actions; Present life experiences can be seen as a

consequence of our past actions. As we get to the final session and resolutions,
we will look at karma, to understand past actions and make new balancing
actions, or to accept life circumstances. Karma can be complex, so we enlist the
help of our spirit guide, higher self or the client’s superconscious wisdom.

Clients see past karmic actions were like seeds, that create fruits. They realize
‘how things work’, and their role and responsibility in creating their present life
issues. This gives them the ability to respond creatively, with forgiveness,
patience, acceptance, courage and other fruits of spiritual realization.

We may discover past vows or intentions that made sense then but don’t apply
now, but still effect us. Those hurt by relationships vow to not be vulnerable to
love, with an emotional ‘protective layer’. Those that starve in a past life vow to
never be hungry again, and carry a physical ‘protective layer’.

So PLRT looks not just at the action, but at the intentions, and how this impacts
on the emotional, mental and karmic imprints they take into the present life.

We can work with those old vows and make new vows that are appropriate for
present life realities, and resolves the imprints and residues.
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PLRT; Origination & Beliefs

Clients and Therapists; PLRT is a therapy, so it’s originated by therapists with
their clients. Thousands of case studies show a high level of consistency across
clients with a range of issues and beliefs. Some clients come with a personal or
cultural belief in past lives, some will come with a personal or cultural disbelief.

Is Belief Required; in past lives or karma, to give or get PLRT sessions? No.

Therapist’s Belief; You just need to be willing to follow the detailed steps and
scripts. You can then observe the results for yourself. The PLRT therapist does
not need to dictate beliefs to the client, but should be in rapport with
themselves and the concepts of PLRT.

Client’s Belief; They just need to be open, and come into some rapport with the
process during the preparation stage.

Both parties beliefs, and understanding, develops with therapeutic experience.

Rapport; Most clients and therapists will come to PLRT already in rapport with
the subject. Some clients benefit by increasing rapport by looking into the
history, which can offer a form of social proof to help them feel it is an
‘acceptable’ form of treatment.

During the interview you just have a short discussion on the history to find out
their beliefs. You don’t have to try to convince the client before doing PLR, they
just have to be open with a base level of rapport to explore for themselves.

History; shows past lives occur in belief systems across cultures and time
periods. It is integral to Hinduism and Buddhism, from the Autobiography of a
Yogi to the Dalai Lama who is in his fourteenth incarnation as a Tibetan spiritual
leader. Greco-Roman thought included transmigration of the soul, taught by
Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates. Within Christianity, Judaism & Islam are the
mystic schools of Gnostics, Kabbalist's and Sufis, that are often interpreted as
including reference to reincarnation.

The West; Surveys in the last decade report a quarter to a third of American
and Europe Christians express a belief in reincarnation. The books of Dr Brian
Weiss have sold millions of copies. Hundreds of medical professionals have
written of past lives. Many people have personal experiences or beliefs in past
lives that they don’t make public. As a past life regression therapist, you may
be surprised to learn how commonplace past life belief is amongst many
different types of people.
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Three Levels Of Reality

We don’t have to believe or disbelieve in past lives as being a binary true or
false. Another way to look at it is with three levels of reality;

1) Conventional Reality; we have only one life.

The impressions people get during PLR are symbolic teaching stories the
subconscious mind creates. The therapeutic benefit comes when the client
interprets the stories as metaphors that relate to their life. Their belief it is
meaningful helps makes the positive change. Metaphoric teaching stories can
be effective without a past life element, the same principle applies.

Therapy; If our conventional reality has a problem that can’t be resolved by

conventional means, we can appeal to a spiritual reality.

2) Spiritual Reality, we have one soul, and many lives.

Humans have one soul that reincarnates into many bodies. The illusion is that
we are one body, when we are really one soul that experiences many bodies.

Our consciousness moves through time, learning over time. The past and past
lives affect the present, and this conditioning affects us for good or for bad.

Therapy; once we understand the cause of the issue from spiritual reality, we
can appeal to ultimate reality to ‘break the bonds of time' or any other dualistic
limitations that keep us bound by the past.

3) Ultimate Reality; Unity over duality, beyond self and other, past and future.

All souls are ultimately a fragment of one soul. The illusion is there are many
souls, when there is really just one soul or oneness. There is no self and other
body, and no self and other soul. The non-dual One or Zero.

Our consciousness can move into a dimension beyond time. It no longer has to
learn in a time based dimension. It is beyond conditioning and can free us to
transcend good and bad, past and future.

No Contradiction; Some attempt to analyze, reconcile and find contradictions

that ‘disprove’ a level of reality. PLRT does not operate in a binary or dualistic
frame of true of false, or in a therapeutic context of right or wrong. You could
‘believe’ in all three seemingly contradictory realities simultaneously, and work
within whichever reality is appropriate at the time to get to your client’s
therapeutic outcome.
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PLRT Program Overview

A program of PLRT sessions is generally one session per week, for three to four
weeks. The number of session required depends on the;

1) Readiness and abilities of the client. May enter PLs in the first session.
2) Complexity of the clients issues. May have multiple relevant PLs.
3) Experience level of the therapist.

PLRT can be done in as little as one session, for around 10% of clients. It may
take two sessions for 20% of clients. Most clients will take three sessions,
around 40% of clients. Some clients will take four sessions, around 20% of
clients, and five or more sessions will apply to around 10% of clients.

Initial Therapy
Many clients have sessions of related modalities like hypnotherapy, NLP
or spiritual healing, with incomplete results or spontaneous PLR.

PLRT Preparation. First Session

Client Interview. Assessment. Hypnosis. Age Regression.
Pre-talk. FAQs. Access a past life.

Second Session; Recall Past Lives

PLR to causative events in a past life effecting the present life.
Get the narrative, with a beginning, middle and end.
Go to the end of the past life for a life review with the Spirit Guide.
Check for other past lives. Repeat now, or have another ‘session two’.

Third Session; Apply Therapeutic Solution

Identify past life causes and bonds. Break the bonds of time.
Reframe causative events. Understand overarching themes.
Resolve karmic actions and interactions. Set a new intention and action.
Connect and integrate the insights to their present life.

Follow Up Session
Optional. A few weeks or months later. This happens automatically if
clients continue with the initial therapy, or start a related modality.
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Case Study - Relationships; Forgiveness & Trust


Client Interview; Lisa was a senior manager in her late-thirties, married for
sixteen years to Vincent, the only man she had ever known, with a teenage
daughter Isla. The first half of their marriage had been romantic, but both were
now more focused on careers and parenthood. Eighteen months ago Lisa
discovered Vincent was having an affair with Valerie.

Lisa discovered explicit messages on Vincent’s phone. She confronted Vincent,

He tried denied it. Lisa called Valerie, and hurled abuse and warnings. Lisa had
an episode of hysteria, a suicide attempt and was prescribed anti-depressants.
Vincent asked forgiveness, swearing to end it. They moved to a new city to
begin again.

Six months later Lisa discovered Vincent was still in contact with Valerie. Lisa
had another breakdown. Lisa had trusted him after the first betrayal, but she
now felt her ability to ever trust again was over. She took her daughter Isla and
moved back to her home city.

Vincent was rejected by his own extended family. He had strained weekly visits
with his daughter Isla. He was isolated and also suffering. He said he ended his
relationship with Valerie once and for all. He was trying to reunite with Lisa.

Lisa’s friends admitted Vincent had made passes at some of them going back
eight years, halfway through their marriage. Lisa now saw Vincent as a
womanizer. She became concerned about having him around Isla.

Present Life Issues; Lisa felt on one hand, she still loved Vincent and wanted
to reconcile with him. But on the other hand she had feelings of hatred and
wanting to punish and hurt him. Lisa had thought about relationships with other
men, but still could not really conceive of being with anyone else but Vincent.

Lisa wanted to move forward and reconcile her own feelings. But she felt stuck
in a pattern of constantly verbally attacking Vincent. He called her on the phone
most days, and they met each week. Lisa made hurtful bitter comments to
Vincent at every opportunity. She recognized that acting like this also hurt her
and Isla, and she wanted to stop but was unable to.

Goals: Short Term; Lisa wanted to express less anger towards Vincent. She
was still triggered daily, despite her conscious intention to move forward.

Medium Term; Lisa wanted to forgive and be at peace. She wanted to overcome
the hateful thoughts towards Vincent and Valerie. Lisa now had much less
suicidal thoughts towards herself. She felt her suicide attempts were an
attempt to hurt and punish Vincent. She knew now they mainly damaged
herself, her daughter and her prospects of ever reconciling with Vincent.
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Long Term; Lisa wanted to trust and love again, and to be happily married,
preferably with Vincent. She wanted to protect her daughter Isla.

Yet Lisa could not imagine how she could truly forgive and trust again. She felt
she had done everything right, and he had done everything wrong. She
wondered what she had done to deserve this.

Other Treatments; Lisa had been briefly admitted to a psychiatric ward after
the suicide attempt. She had been prescribed anti-depressants, but was
reluctant to take them. She had been seeing a cognitive therapist for a year
and a half. She was still functioning okay, if not optimally, at work.

Lisa recognized the importance of forgiveness. She had said the words during
cognitive therapy, but she had never felt forgiveness had come from her heart,
so she didn’t feel the peace that should follow.

Rapport; Lisa only came to me because of a glowing testimonial from her

friend who had been my client. She was uncertain about past life regression,
and asked if it really worked and if it could really help her. She was uncertain
about trusting me, as a male therapist. We had to build rapport with the client
interview and FAQs, so she could decide to proceed out of her own choice. We
agreed to do some hypnosis and an age regression to this life to develop
confidence in the process and in her ability to access her subconscious mind.

First Session: Age Regression To A Positive Resource; Lisa regressed to

an evening in her early twenties with Vincent. They were walking hand-in-hand
through a tree-lined suburb. She could feel again the warmth and protective
strength of his hand holding hers, and their strong love and connection then.
Lisa strongly felt the peaceful confidence she used to have in their relationship.

Age Regression To Current Life Issue; Next we regressed to the “main

issue you are here to focus on today. How has that issue affected you in this
life, in the last months, years or decades?” Lisa recalled her suicide attempt,
eighteen months ago. She recalled being in shock and total emotional overload.
We recognized her subconscious mind had prevented her from acting fatally.
Now in a resourceful state, we brought in more awareness, discovered the
destructive thoughts, debugged them, and reaffirmed her decision to stay alive.

Navigating Past Lives - First Steps; We had a little time left to enter into a
past life. Lisa reported a simple scene, sitting outside, by a stream in Holland,
as an attractive 18 year old women. Lisa felt her simple sense of freedom and
happiness in nature. She didn’t connect with any events or people.

After the session, Lisa was happy to have looked into the darkness in the recent
past, and shine a light on it. She was a little puzzled by the past life, but felt
uplifted by it’s helpful emotions. Lisa’s subconscious had chosen a simple past
life, to show her the door to past lives was open, and could help her gain
freedom and peace. Her confidence and trust in the process increased.
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Second Session Preparation; Lisa reported she had thought of canceling our
session because she had again been short and angry with Vincent during the
week. But Vincent said he saw a positive change in her, so she came.

Lisa said she now felt free of suicidal tendencies, but she was still afraid of a
future with Vincent, and afraid of a future without him.

Lisa wanted to address thoughts that were looping in her mind and tormenting
her. Why did this happen to me? How could he do it? How can I continue after
what has happened? Why should I ever trust him?

Navigating Past Lives - Background Information; We set an intention to

focus directly on the past life causes of her issues with Vincent. After an
induction and deepener, we exited a tunnel. We didn’t return to the Holland
past life, but to a new past life.

Lisa reported she was inside, in a study, wearing riding boots and a green
martial uniform with a sword. She sensed her past life personality was a man of
some power in his forties called Alain in the fifteenth century in Europe. I asked
her to play the scene forward, and the emotions began to flow.

Navigating Past Lives - Narrative Information; “I am furiously angry with

my daughter. We are a higher class family, and she has fallen in love with an
unsuitable boy. She told me she’s running away with him. I won’t allow it. I
lashed out at her violently and threw her into a room and locked her up.

I remember the fight now. She’s attractive, with dark hair, a navy blue dress,
proud but also afraid. Oh my, it’s her, it’s Valerie. I hit her hard. She’s crumpled
in the corner. I pick her up put she doesn’t move. I shake her, but she’s not
moving. I pull her up onto the couch, but she’s dead. I killed her.

What have I done? I only wanted to punish her, but now I have killed her. She
was a good daughter. I should have just let her be. How can I live after this?”

Navigating Past Lives - Progressing The Narrative; I ask her to move to

the next significant time to find out how she deals with her death.

“It’s my daughters funeral. My wife is crying, I don’t recognize her from this
life. A soldier rushes at me, shouting and crying angrily, his sword drawn. It’s
her lover. I recognize his eyes. It’s Vincent.

I barely react. I feel I could let him kill me. My soldiers stop him. I have him
released later without harm. It was my fault and I deserve to be punished.

We move forward to the next significant time. It is his death as Alain. Alain
carried a heavy burden of guilt and grief that shortened his life. “I am alone in
the room, floating off the bed, out of the body. I am calm. But I still feel that
because I caused her death, I should be punished. I wish we had the chance to
work through it in life, but I cut her life short.”
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Connect To The Present Life; I asked Lisa to link the past life to her current
life, which she could do quickly.

“Valerie used to be my daughter, and I loved her. Valerie hurt me in this life,
but I caused her suffering and killed her in that life. I stopped her from being
with Vincent. In this life she does get to be with Vincent, and she’s stopping me
being with Vincent.

I was so angry. I was blinded and out of control. I destroyed those I loved and
was trying to protect. I badly hurt myself for the rest of that life. This explains
so much. I can feel it deeply, this caused my issues in this life.

Now I understand why Vincent had that attraction to Valerie. Of course I can
forgive Valerie for what she has done to me this time. I did it to her too. I had
wanted punishment and suffering for what I did to them.

I have suffered as much as I needed to now. I don’t need to continue with my

destructive anger towards them or myself. That just maintains the cycle of
suffering. I am ready to forgive them both now from my heart.”

Wrap Up; When I counted her up she opened her eyes, looked at me and said,
“I can’t believe. That was amazing. Is it real?’’ She had a tremendous smile and
a look of wonder, joy and lightness on her face that answered her question.

She was asking about the events, the times and places. What was amazing to
me was she didn’t try to forgive, she simply acknowledging a shift that had
already taken place within her. I asked “How does it feel to forgive?”

“Great. Thank you so much. Now I know that, everything has changed. I can
just feel it.” Then she added; “I wonder how long this will last?”

We made progress with forgiveness. Now we moved to the next issue; trust.

Third Session Preparation; Lisa arrived early for this session. This week had
been better. There were moments, but she had achieved her goal of being calm
with Vincent. She felt once again an optimism about the future. “I’m still not
sure if I want to be with Vincent, but I feel good in myself. I can forgive him.
But I still don’t know if it is wise to trust him.”

Lisa was able to more quickly access past life events. My need to guide her with
questions decreased as her ability to understand her own journey increased.

Third Session - Narrative Information; “I am sitting on a park bench. It

seems to be a university of some kind. I’m a young woman. I’m talking with my
friend about boys. Oh, my friend is my daughter in this life, Isla. She’s telling
me about a guy she likes, Sebastian. I don’t like him. I’m telling her he’s not a
good guy but she won’t listen.”
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I asked; “Can you bring up pictures of Sebastian, and why you don’t like him?”

“Yes. I can see him. It’s Vincent. He made a pass at me, and when I rejected
him, he was rude. I’m on the bench again. I warn my friend what Sebastian has
a reputation for being a womanizer. She tells me he’s different with her. I feel
protective about her and don’t let it rest. It ends our friendship.”

Third Session - Progressing The Narrative; We move forward to the next

significant time. “I’m walking down the street. I’m in my thirties now. My
husband is with me. I don’t recognize him. We are happy together. There’s my
old friend. I haven’t seen her for years. It’s awkward as we stop to talk on the
street. She ended up marrying Sebastian despite my warning. He kept up with
his womanizer ways, and she’s been badly hurt. They’re not together anymore.
I think she’s missed out on her chance for a family and children because of it.
She’s crying now, saying that I was right. She should have listened to me.”

End Of Lifetime & Life Review; When I ask her to review what she’s learnt
while still in the hypnotic state, again she speaks with an emphatic clear
confidence. “I am over-protective of my daughter Isla now, because I felt I
could have done more to protect her when she was my friend to that life.”

Lisa admitted to me later, for the first time, that a big source of mistrust
towards Vincent was that he might molest their fourteen year old daughter Isla.
She felt it was totally irrational to equate a womanizing husband with a sexually
abusive father. Now she felt the source of those thoughts were this past life.

Reframe: “I had tried to protected my friend from a sexual relationship with

Sebastian. I still carry that residue of wanting to protect her from him. But now
they are father and daughter, and I know that he couldn’t possibly harm her
like that. I had cause to mistrust him when he was the womanizing Sebastian.
But I don’t have cause to mistrust him as a father. I sense he had Isla as a
daughter to try to make up for the previous life. I don’t have to defend her
from the bad husband he was. I can let their relationship take its karmic
course, and give him a chance to redress his wrongs by being the good father
that he is.

My spirit guide is telling me Vincent has a history of multiple past lives as

womanizer. In this life he has an opportunity to overcome those ways. But it’s
challenging for him. Vincent knows he did wrong by being with Valerie. He may
still have a chance to do right by me and Isla in this life.

Vincent has to deal with his issues, and I have to be calm and compassionate
enough to give him the opportunity to work through it. If I ‘kill’ his relationship
with me and Isla, he won’t get a chance to resolve in this life. We will all have
to come back again. I can’t be like my past self Alain, and end it before time.

We can all keep learning and growing from our past errors in this life, and not
add in all our old pains and prejudices from past lives.”
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Breaking the Bonds of Time; we reiterated breaking the bonds of time, so

Lisa no longer punishes herself for the mistakes she committed when she was
Alain and killed Valerie.

We broke the bonds of time so Lisa no longer punishes Vincent for the mistakes
he committed when he was the womanizing Sebastian who hurt Isla.

New Intention And Action; “I know who Vincent is better know. Neither of us
is the good or bad one. We’ve all just suffered together in different roles over
time. We all made mistakes and we are all trying to do better. I can accept him
for all is faults, as I accept myself for my own. I don’t need to be sharp with
him any more. I don’t need to hurt him or myself.”

If I decide to take the risk of trusting Vincent again with our relationship, I will
do so knowing that even if he can’t rise above his own destructive pattern, I
can handle that stress much better now. I am not afraid to trust him any more,
come what may. Maybe I can help him try fulfill his highest purpose, and my
highest purpose, because I am stronger now, I trust myself.”

Wrap Up; When I counted her up Lisa opened her eyes, blinking again, and
said, “I can’t believe it. That was amazing. Is it really real?” But this time she
knew. Seconds before she was authoritatively telling me the therapeutic
solution. Lisa was increasingly able to accept and trust her own inner wisdom.
She still asked the question, but she didn’t wait on my answer anymore.

She was teaching me now, about karmic lessons and coinciding life purposes,
about the deepest reasons for forgiveness, for giving others another chance to
grow spiritually, because she has the spiritual strength to be that accepting,
and that loving.

Days later a friend of Lisa’s would call me to request a session with “the person
who made such a physical change in my friend”. Lisa wrote to me saying; “I
want to take this opportunity to thank you, for helping me through the most
difficult phase of my life. It has been the most wonderful experience of my life
and I feel completely renewed. It feels like a rebirth, with a completely new
outlook for what I went through and for the future.”
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Session Preparation

Client Interview
Rapport; We gather information from the conscious mind, and develop rapport
at a subconscious level. Rapport is between the client and therapist, client and
modality, and within the therapist, so generate a state of peaceful confidence.

Be Non-Judgmental; If clients feel judged, disbelieved or doubted in anyway

they may withhold important information during the initial interview, and
therefore set a presenting issue which is not the real issue. They may also
block or not report experiences during the regression.

Disengage The Conscious; Avoid words like ‘why’, ‘think’ or anything that
encourages them to analyze, rationalize or justify; Why do you have this
problem? What is the cause of the problem? Why do you think that?

They can't really know these answers, or knowing doesn't help. Stay on topic of
the subconscious mind and past life issues and applications. Don’t attempt to
practice psychology, psychoanalysis or medicine without a license.

Engage The Subconscious; Notice spikes in body language, facial

expressions or vocal tones, and pursue triggered emotions. Encourage them to
speak from the heart. They may have difficulty ‘analyzing’ or verbalizing
precisely why they are there, which can be positive as it points to a
subconscious not conscious motivation. Ask emotion orientated questions, like;

Confirm Motivation; Pre-qualify clients before starting the full interview;

1) What inspired you to come?

2) How do you feel past life regression will help you?
3) What do you feel makes now a good time to come?

We are looking for an issue that is effecting their present life negatively now. Or
a strong sense that they would benefit from spiritual insight. Give them a
chance to convince you, and themselves, that there is a compelling motivation
to do the sessions. Encourage them to make self-suggestions.

4) Have you had dreams or meditations you sense are about past lives?
5) Have you had spontaneous past life recall, deja-vu or spirit communication?

These contribute to a ‘strong sense’ that they need PLRT.

6) How do you feel about your issue?

7) How do you feel about that feeling?
8) Where do you feel that feeling in the body?

We look for a subconsciously embedded effect, not an intellectual curiosity.

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Interview Content
Presenting Issue; How are they affected in the present life. The relationship
between the present and past life is key to getting the therapeutic outcome.

1) How does the issue affect you? Describe a specific moment in the last few
weeks to illustrate, including what you saw, heard and felt.

Underlying Issue; What are possible causes in a past life. Look for hints in
their choice of language or repeated metaphors like; ‘My partner stabbed me in
the back’, ‘I am battling with the troops at work.’ Look for non-verbal gestures
like physically referencing or touching a specific area of the body.

Short History Of The Issue; PLR goes into the past life history in sessions.
We go into the present life history in the interview. There will likely be parallels.

2) How long has this been an issue?

3) How has this issue changed over time?
4) Has it been constant, or has it had highs and lows?

5) What have you done to deal with this in the past?

6) What other treatments have you had to address this issue? How did they go?

7) What parts of the issues have already been resolved?

8) What are the main challenges or areas that still need to be resolved?

We don’t want to repeat treatment that has already been done.

Resources; This helps bring up past resources, which you can model or use.

9) What successes have you had with this issue, or related issues?
10) Do you feel you have, or are you in contact with, a Spirit Guide? Describe.
11) What spiritual lessons do you sense you may be learning now?

People; List key people with a description of their relationship to the client. In
session they will often bring up people with names and roles in this life, and
their names and roles in a past life. Being up to speed to start with and staying
up to speed by adding to your notes during session is important for efficiency.

12) Who are the major people in this life connected with this issue?
Name. Age. Relationship. Occupation. Effect on issue. Recent interaction. Story.

Outcomes; Summerize. Clarify criteria for success.

13) What is the priority issue to address with PLRT today?

14) What blocks, limiting beliefs or emotional residues do you want to resolve?

15) What would have to happen to know that these sessions were successful?
16) How would success with these issues look and feel a few weeks from now?
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Interview Assessment
Now we as a therapist have to ask ourselves some questions about our
potential client. We will be assessing as we do the interview. We may wrap up
the interview early if we feel PLRT is not for them. We may interject aspects of
the following Pre-Talk and FAQs early, to give explanation and increase rapport.

Is PLRT Appropriate For This Client?

Is the issue really mainly a subconscious or spiritual issue?

Does the issue fit within the major applications of PLRT?
Is the client medically and psychologically fit for PLRT?

As a check, get a brief medical history including if they are on any current
medication or have any psychiatric history. If their issue is really mainly a
physical or psychological issue, refer them to a more appropriate practitioner.

Stay strictly within the scope of the subconscious mind, do not give any advice
or attempt to offer any treatment beyond this.

Is This Client Appropriate For You As A Therapist?

1) Rapport; Can you develop a rapport with them? Can they develop a rapport
with the process? Do they have a compelling motivation and need or a genuine
desire, and an openness to the process?

It is natural for a client to have initial nerves or even skepticism, though these
should reduce during the interview and following pre-talk. Make sure you have
rapport before moving on to the first experience of hypnosis or guided

2) Attitude; If you have doubts about their desire and openness, ask about it.
“Are you here because it’s your idea, of someone else’s?” They might say, “I’m
not really interested in this, but my parent, partner or friend told me to come
or said it worked for them.” Make them take responsibility for their choice to be
their because they want to.

Move them towards the right mental attitude which is;

“I am interested in this process and I feel it can work for me.”

If they can’t get to this, refer them to another modality where they can.
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Pre Talk
We are done with the interactive interview where we ask questions and they do
the talking. Now we do the talking with a monologue, and they ask follow-up
questions. This five minute pre-talk provides vital clarification and sets the
frame for a smooth session.

Nerves or Excitement; Clients will say they are ready do to past lives, but
many are anxious as we actually begin, or they are so enthusiastic that they
‘try hard’ to go into hypnosis. They can say they understand hypnosis, yet feel
it is not working because they are not ‘under’. So we can say;

“We start with a relaxing hypnotic induction or guided meditation to a peaceful

state that’s between waking and sleeping, or like daydreaming. You don’t have
to try, just relax, focus on my words and the instructions with an easy-going
positive attitude. Hypnosis is not unconsciousness. You retain some conscious
awareness even as you gain access to your subconscious.”

What Is Hypnosis?; If you use hypnosis to access past lives, you likely have
some specific training in this area. If not I recommend hypnotherapy training,
like my course Hypnotherapy With Age Regression - Session Guide. The scripts
and techniques given here do cover the basics you need to do PLRT. Here is a
concise way to prepare clients for hypnosis.

“Hypnosis is ‘relaxed focused concentration’ to go beyond the conscious mind.

We go into the subconscious and the memories and wisdom it contains. There
is no unconsciousness or going under, it’s more like daydreaming. There is no
losing control, you can communicate and stop whenever you want. You remain
a witness to all that occurs.”

Initial Communication; Clients often have past life scenes play in their mind
while you are doing the induction and won’t tell you. Clients may think while
you are doing the induction, they are not permitted to speak. Clients may be
reluctant or slow to speak because they are so relaxed. By the time you find
this out, you may have a lot to catch-up on. To avoid this we say;

“If something significant comes up, you can talk and let me know, even if I
haven’t asked you a question. You have an open invitation to speak.”

Ongoing Communication; Even if you ask direct questions, some take them
as rhetoric, so we say; “You can talk with me. This won’t disturb your state, it
will help you go deeper. I will ask you questions and you will be able to reply.”

We say this now in the pre-talk now, and we will say it again during the
induction or as we start the past life recall. Despite this repetition, clients may
continue to give minimal communication, or appear to give no response. This
can be partly because in hypnosis many clients act as if they are in a ‘different
time zone’; you ask a questions and they may reply ten or more seconds later,
which is ten times the normal gap.
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So firstly wait much longer than usual to see if you do get a response. If you
don’t, they are likely reverting to the feeling they shouldn’t reply or are too
relaxed to reply.

So until you have a flowing communication, you can tag the end of your
questions with the statement; “You can verbally reply to me now”. For variety
and assurance you can add; “You can stay in this state, and reply to me now.”
“As you describe what is happening there out-loud, you will go deeper.”

Experiencing A Past Life; The experience varies from person to person,

which can be described in terms of the senses. For some it is like;

Seeing; scenes like a movie or photographs, though perhaps fuzzy or jumpy.

Hearing; voices, conversations and key phrases, perhaps with very little visuals.

Feeling; emotions, or getting a sense of knowing. There is also an emotional

detachment that allows a calm review and understanding of events.

Most clients have elements of each sense during their session, though there is
often a major sense. The sense can change during the session, often moving
from visual or auditory, to emotional.

Many clients have an expectation, and a desire, that the regression be visual,
like a movie. Now we need to set or modify expectations. No one sense is
better than the other. You can tell clients;

“People often want it to be like a movie. It can be mainly visual, or more

auditory. A key phrase can give the key message. It could give more of an
emotion, and a sense of knowing. A movie without a strong feeling can end up
being a bit ‘so what?’ Some people do get the visual movie, than realize if they
had the choice, they’d get more out of an auditory or emotional experience.”

How To Act In The Session; Clients may edit or analyze their experience.
When you notice them doing this in session, remind them again;

“Don’t edit or analyze. Give an unedited, unanalyzed stream of consciousness

of what you actually experience, whatever that may be. Just tell me simply and
clearly what comes up, and follow the spirit of the instructions and questions”

Don’t let their conscious mind try to take over and solve the issue. Their
superconscious mind, or you as the therapist, should be driving the process.

“Allow whatever comes up room to be there without judgment. There is no silly,

wrong, impossible or contradictory impressions. Just report things as they come
to you, and we will accept them and explore them to see where they take us.”
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Client FAQs
We have given our pre-talk, now we are ready to start the hypnotic section of
the session. The FAQs give them, the clients, a last chance to become fully
ready to make the step into hypnosis and a past life.

Some will ask many questions, to the point of stalling. We then need to build
rapport. Some won’t ask questions, but their subconscious body language
indicates they have questions. If there is something on their mind holding them
back you can extend the pre-talk, or ask and reply to FAQs on their behalf as
an extension of the pre-talk.

What If I Recall Death Or Pain?

Guidance; “You can recall all experiences with a sense of detachment and
peace. You will remain safe and secure in the chair. If something comes up,
communicate it to me and I will guide you through it. We can watch it from a
distance, yet stay with it enough to work through it and resolve it.

Reframe; We want significant things to come up so we can trace the issues to

their root cause and get results. That’s better than a blank or lukewarm session
that doesn’t create a breakthrough.

Benefit; Recalling a past life death can show you the transitory nature of
suffering and the relief of being out of a body. It can free you from a fear of
death, and give a lasting calm you carry into this life. From the point of view of
a soul, leaving a body is a relief.”

I Am Afraid Of What I Might Find; Convey a calm, confidence and ease.

“Your subconscious has a natural protection mechanism so it won’t give you

any experience you can’t handle. So if you are experiencing it, you can handle
it. We will not push your subconscious to do anything it does not want to. We
will ask permission along they way.

You retain a conscious awareness of what is going on, and you retain control,
so you can stop it if you want to. You can speak to me at any time during the
regression and let me know if there’s something you do or don’t want to do.

I have a peaceful confidence in you, and in the techniques. We can do it.”

Will I Recall Animal lifetimes?

“It’s (very) unlikely. Why do you ask?” It’s possible if your client has a strong
connection to the animal world or explains further reasons for a strong sense of
animal incarnation.

I Have Enough Problems With This Life, Without Adding Past Lives

“Your problems from this life may have past life causes, so they could have
solutions in past lives. You would reduce, not increase your problems.”
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Will PLRT Work For Me?

PLRT doesn’t necessarily work for every issue, for everyone, every time.

1) Issue; PLRT works with present life issues that have a subconscious basis
and a causative event from a past life. Many subconscious issues will have a
primary basis in the present life. Our interview revealed that they have already
worked through these as much as they can, but are left with only partly
resolved issues, indicating some causative events could be from a past life.

We started asking ‘Why Do PLRT?’ We need to see a compelling motivation from

an issue that is effecting a client’s present life negatively now.

2) Client; Even if this condition is met, we still need to rapport, between client
and therapist and client and PLRT. If the client doesn’t have a genuine personal
interest and belief in past lives, you have no reason to do past life regression.
PLRT is just one of many tools you could use to get a result. It’s best to find a
tool you resonate with. We can resolve past life issues fully and directly via
PLRT. We may resolve some past life issues at least partially or indirectly via
other healing modalities.

3) Timing; Even if both these conditions are met, we need the timing to be
right. Before we even started the interview proper, we pre-qualified our clients
by asking; what makes now a good time to come for PLRT?

Even if they are the right person with the right issue, it might not be the right
time. They may need to have some life experiences first, in the next few
months or years. Just because a client does not have past life recall in a session
today, does not mean that PLRT is not for them. They could have powerful past
life recall just days or months later.

Filtering Clients; During the entire preparation process we are filtering and
assessing, so when we do accept a client, we have a high degree of confidence
that PLRT will work for this issue, and this client, at this time. If we think PLRT
is not for them, we would have already asked them good questions, given them
a pre-talk, and be able to explain why it’s not a match at this time.

After filtering out a client, some clients may still be able to persuade you based
on their strong sense, that it will work for them.

Guarantee; We can’t guarantee the PLRT experience that the client desires.
Let them know there is no guarantee and you can’t force it, but the odds are
good. You will have a good idea after just one session if it’s for you, no more
than two. Even a ‘failure’ can plant a seed that flowers at another time. We will
see how do deal with clients that don’t access a PLRT experience later.
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Types Of Inductions
There are many ways to access a state of consciousness that can recall past life
memories. The induction used is decided by the therapist and client. Inductions
can be hypnotic or non-hypnotic, and intentional or non-intentional.

Hypnotic Intentional Inductions; Most PLRT inductions are hypnotherapsits,

and have the intention to access a past life. That’s what I use and teach in this
course. We will go into detail on this soon.

Hypnotic Non-Intentional Inductions; Advanced hypnotherapists use Age

Regression. If we ask a client to “go back to a time in the past that is causative
to your issue”, we may expect them to go back to childhood. But since we did
not specify “go back to a time… in this life”, some clients go back to a past life.
The subconscious can be literal in its response to questions, and wise in
recognizing that, formally intended or not, this is what the client really needs.

Non-Intentional Inductions - Self; Some clients will come for PLRT session
because they’ve had a spontaneous past life recall themselves through a déjà
vu or a dream, or during self hypnosis, meditation or yoga.

Humans experience hypnotic states naturally in daily life. Usually this is a light
hypnosis maintained for a short time. A hypnotherapist takes that natural
tendency and extends it, to a deep hypnosis maintained for a long time. Many
types of healing sessions create light, medium or even deep hypnosis for a
short, medium or a longer time.

If a therapist thinks it is difficult to do a hypnotic induction good enough to get

someone into a past life, remember some clients can do it so easily you don’t
have to do more than ask them to go there, and get out of their way. The
thought that it’s difficult is inaccurate, and actively unhypnotic.

Non-Hypnotic Non-Intentional Inductions - Therapist; Some clients come

for PLRT after spontaneous past life recall during another healing session.

Practitioners like psychologists, counsellors or spiritual healers have clients

recall and relive emotional events from years ago with focused attention. They
may find they then recall events from a past life, if they recognize it as such or
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Non-Hypnotic Inductions
Non-Hypnotic Inductions; Hypnosis can be a loaded word. For some
therapists and clients it has positive powerful connotations. For others it has
negative connotations. Yet hypnosis simply means accessing the subconscious
mind, and there are many different ways to do this.

Instead of using the word hypnosis, these practitioners may use names like
‘deep relaxation’, ‘accessing the alpha state’, ‘releasing’, ‘affect bridge’ or
others. Since they are not consciously doing hypnosis, or fully using standard
hypnotic techniques, we can call these non-hypnotic inductions.

Therapists who have their own non-hypnotic intentional methods to help clients
access past life memories could continue to use them if they prefer.

Induction Components; Hypnotic and ‘non-hypnotic’ inductions often share

similar components, like;

focused or modified breathing,

language patterns, suggestions,
guided imagery, recalling memories and focusing on emotions.

These are all effective ways to adjust consciousness in any type of induction.

Affect Bridge; Clients with emotional over-reactions in the present can

discover the causative events in the past. Therapists can intentionally trigger
and amplify emotions to take them back to that moment. It can turn out to be
in this life or a past life.

Clients can be triggered during the interview itself, or at a very early stage of
an induction. An unintended double meaning from one word can trigger an
emotional response. You can then use this to skip much of the formal induction.

We can use the affect bridge in PLRT after the induction is complete to aid the
regression and deepening. It can require some acting to amplify the emotion;

“Feel that choking, crushing feeling, go deep into it, knowing you are safe here.
Let that feeling take you back to the first time you felt that feeling in this life or
any other life.”

Competence and confidence is required to trigger abreactions and take people

deep into the eye of trauma in this way. If you don’t already have this training,
it is covered in my course Hypnotherapy With Age Regression.

Linguistic Bridge; In the interview we noted key words, gestures and

metaphors, like a client saying ‘it’s like a knife in the guts’ and moving their
hand to the stomach. Now we can drive home these key words and metaphors,
also triggering and amplifying them. Stay alert for new auditory or kinesthetic
cues. Feed back the clients exact words. Have them explain in detail to increase
emotion and connection with that subconscious reality.
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Hypnotic Intentional Inductions

Most PLR therapists use hypnotic intentional inductions. That’s what’s presented
in this course. PLRT inductions include many components like;

rapid and instant inductions,

progressive relaxation inductions,
modified breathing,
deepeners, body scan,
incremental regression through this life, and
guided visual imagery including safe places, gardens, tunnels and mirrors.

There are many different ways to use these components successfully. Each
practitioner can create or adopt according to their style and preference. The
scripts given in this course are effective because they are based on the core
principles, yet they are not magic words in themselves, so can be modified.

Client Variations; Therapists vary their inductions according to the type of

client. Clients can be analytical or emotional. Clients can be visual, auditory or
kinesthetic. Clients can respond quickly or slowly. This is covered in my course
Hypnotherapy With Age Regression. For now, know that twenty percent of your
clients respond quickly. You may only use a fraction of the induction before they
enter a past life. Twenty percent of clients will required the full induction given
in the scripts of this course. For the other sixty percent use your sensory acuity.
The scripts given are the maximum you need.

Hypnosis Prerequisites; We are about to do a hypnotic induction. Before you

move to this stage, check your prerequisites. If you don’t already hypnosis
training, it is covered fully in my course Hypnotherapy With Age Regression. For
now, the key basics are;

1) Rapport - The Key To All Inductions; The main thing you can’t replace in
hypnosis is rapport. Rapport with others allows you to create a connection on a
subconscious level, so they feel in sync or on the same wavelength as you.
They can open up, and relax their conscious mind. Rapport helps you tune into
their inner state, emotions and thoughts. It helps them follow you into the
inner states they need, like peaceful confidence.

What you do before you start the formal induction is more important than the
choice or implementation of induction. All our preparation builds rapport,
between client and therapist and client and process. There is no magic
induction, there is only good preparation, pre-talks, FAQs and rapport building.
If you have issues with rapport, see my course NLP For Therapists.

2) Consent; Get a verbal agreement that they are ready to proceed. “Are you
ready to experience hypnosis?”

3) Create A Positive Mental Expectancy; Your preparation and hypnotic

pre-talk will have created this. Assess if you feel it is high enough, and proceed.
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Rapid Inductions
Rapid Induction 1 - Hand Press Static

A successful hypnotic induction could simply be having the client recline, close
their eyes, and read the induction and deepener scripts proved. This induction
is a good optional extra for the first session. It is a gentle yet effect shock or
overload that quickly bypasses the conscious mind. It is a quick and easy first
induction for a first session.

Have your client recline in a position where they can go into hypnosis and stay
comfortable for an hour. Sit to their side. Put your hand palm up and by their
side a couple of inches above the arm of the chair, so they can comfortably
press down on your hand.

“Are you ready to experience hypnosis?

Pick out a point on the wall. Keep your eyes fixed on the wall.

Breathe in. Hold that breath. Release and let go. x2

Place your hand palm down on my hand. Press down on my hand.

Close your eyes. Watch your breathing.”

Suddenly remove your hand.

“Sleep! Loose and limp. Relax more with every breathe. Let your whole body be
loose, limp and relaxed like your arm. Let your whole body go even more loose,
limp and relaxed now.”

Pick up their forearm by the wrist. It should be loose and limp and heavy.

Gently drop their hand back to the arm of the chair and say;

“Let your whole body be loose, limp and relaxed like your arm. Let your whole
body go even more loose, limp and relaxed now.”

If they try in anyway to help you lift up their arm, gently take control of their
arm by shaking it lightly side to side and telling them;

“Loose and limp. Relax more with every breath.”

Gently drop their hand back to the arm of the chair and say;

“Let your whole body be loose, limp and relaxed like your arm. Let your whole
body go even more loose, limp and relaxed now.”
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Rapid Induction 2 - Hand Press Up Down Butterfly Finger

This induction is good optional extra for the second session. It is similar to the
first, but since the client is now aware that the hand press shock is coming. We
need to add another element to create a ‘shock’ overload. We can do this by
standing over the client, and having your hands near their face. This is best
done in a second session, because by then your client will have higher rapport
and trust in you.

Practice the back and forward, up and down push, as in the video.

“Are you ready to experience hypnosis?

Look at my fingers. Keep your eyes fixed on the my fingers.”

Move your hand slightly back and forward a few inches from their face, and
wiggle your fingers in a butterfly movement pattern.

“Breathe in. Hold that breath. Release and let go. x2

Place your hand palm down on my hand. Press down on my hand.

Up and down. Up and down.

Close your eyes. Watch your breathing.”

Suddenly remove your hand, so their hand drops a couple of inches and rests
on the arm of the chair. Very quickly say;

“Sleep! Loose and limp. Relax more with every breath.”

Gently pick up their forearm by the wrist. It should be loose, limp and heavy.
Gently drop their hand back to the arm of the chair and say;

“Let your whole body be loose, limp and relaxed like your arm. Let your whole
body go even more loose, limp and relaxed now.”

Rapid Induction 3 - Hand Press Slow Down Down Down

You can use a) Eye Fixation on a spot on the wall or b) Butterfly Finger.

Instead of Induction 1) Push Down, or

Induction 2) Up and down, use

Induction 3) Slow down, down, down, as in the video.

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Deepeners - Variations
This course covers a program of three sessions, so I will give you three script
variations of inductions and deepeners you can use with the client. I will
present these script together so you can more easily compare them, and
understand the explanation of their structure, components and principles.

When you use hypnosis, you often adjust the inductions to fit different types of
clients. Once you have done hypnosis with a client, they become a different
type of client in their next session because of that experience.

Length; The deepener variations become progressively abbreviated. Once a

client has done hypnosis with you once, they can go back quicker and deeper
next time, and therefore require a shorter induction.

The first session deepeners have inbuilt explanation, detailed direction, length
and space for the client to figure out what to do. Once a client has done PLR
with you, they are up to speed, and need less of these elements.

Style; The structure, components and principles remain the same, yet the
length can change, as can the style. Deepeners can vary from hypnotic to non-
hypnotic, so there is plenty of room for variation within hypnotic deepeners
according to each therapists style.

Familiarity vs Variety; I give three script variations of inductions and

deepeners, yet you could just repeat the first session technique each time. Or
you could do something quite different each time.

The first time clients experience the induction and deepener, it’s new to them.
The second time it’s not. Despite trying to stay the same, there is variation. If
we repeat, it can become too familiar. If we give too much variety, clients can
do an inner comparative analysis, and may prefer one method to the other.

We have to find a balance between familiarity and variety. So I give scripts that
stick with a familiar process, but give some variety in the content, but not too
much. The familiarity is comforting, and the variety keeps it engaging.
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Deepeners - Introduction & Breathing

Introduction; This reiterates instructions and expectations set in the interview
and pre-talk, now in a hypnotic state. We build client confidence and rapport
with self. Many people need assurance that they are doing it right, so they don’t
try too hard and just relax and follow the instructions.

Breathing; Focused breathing; helps disengage the conscious mind by making

it concentrate on performing an action usually done by the subconscious mind.

Modified Breathing; also helps them focus on their breathing, and helps us
gauge if they are focused on following our instructions. Asking someone to
‘relax’ can be general and hard to measure. Asking someone to breathe in and
hold is specific and measurable. You can instantly see if they are following your
instructions or not.

If they are not following your instructions, keep giving them instructions on
how to breathe until they do follow your instructions. It’s vital they follow your
instructions. If they won’t follow a simple instruction on when to breathe, how
can we expect them to follow a complex instruction like recalling a past life.

Session 1; Introduction & Breathing: Close your eyes and focus on the
sound of this voice, because you can decide to follow these words to enjoy a
hypnotic state today, that can range from drifting attention to deep relaxation.
Even if your attention seems to wander, my voice will go with you. You may
drift away, from the specific words, and drift into the spirit of the words for you.
My voice will go with you. You don’t have to seem to hear or remember every
word, because you can hear everything you need to, here and now. You don’t
have to try, just allow yourself to go with the flow.

Begin now by taking 3 conscious deeper breaths,

Breathing in deeper and slower, and exhale, release and let go. x3

That’s right, with each breath deeper and deeper, because you can tell your
body to breathe, to calm and to relax. As the body relaxes the mind relaxes,
and your breathing and relaxing continues automatically, all by it self.

Session 2; Introduction & Breathing: Close your eyes and give this your full
relaxed attention. Just allow your subconscious mind to come to the forefront
and use its wisdom to make positive changes in a way that’s acceptable to you.

Focus on your breathing. With each breath going deeper and deeper within.
Connect with your inner relaxation. Go deeper within, into the feelings of deep
relaxation, with each breath taking you deeper and deeper.

Session 3; Introduction & Breathing: Close your eyes, and give this your
full relaxed attention. Focus on your breathing, with each breath going deeper
and deeper within, connecting with your inner relaxation. Going deeper within,
with each breath taking you deeper and deeper into the feelings of deep
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Deepeners - Relaxation
Relaxation; The instruction to ‘relax’ can be complex. Relaxation can be, from
least to most simple, physical, mental and emotional. Start with the simplest.

Physical: Muscular Tension and Relaxation; You can tell someone to relax,
and they will, a bit. It’s more effective to tell them to be tense, and then relax.
By dropping existing high tension, and feeling the contrast, they relax more.

First Session; Clients may be most tense at first, so prefer muscular relaxation.

Second & Third Session; In later sessions we do a shorter physical muscular

tension, and longer a ‘light body’ scan, imagining the energy body.

Session 1; Muscular Tension and Relaxation: You can let go of any tension
in the body paradoxically by tensing muscles, then relaxing completely. So in a
moment you can concentrate on the feeling of the muscular tension, and the
relief of relaxation. If you have any injuries or pain, don’t tense that area, just
breathe and mentally release. Tense muscles with energy, but not excess strain.

Beginning with the hands, form a fist, hold it for five seconds, tensing even the
fingers within… and release it slowly, and observe that relaxation, as you can
let go. Now tense the biceps, but while keeping the hands relaxed. You could
bend the arm. Find that way to hold the bicep tense and hands relaxed. Tighter,
squeeze, and release. Relax and let go. Let that tension drain away. Now tense
the triceps. Straighten the arms and find that way to tense the tricep, tighter,
squeeze, and release. Relax and let go. Let that tension drain away.

Now tense the shoulder and the neck. Keep other muscles relaxed, but tensing
the shoulder and the neck, tighter, squeeze, and release. Relax and let go. Let
that tension drain away. Tense the feet and calves, tensing, tighter, squeeze,
and release. Relax and let go. Let that tension drain away. Now tense the
quads, hams and butt. Keep other muscles relaxed, but tensing the quads,
hams and butt, tense, tighter, squeeze, and release. Relax and let go.

Tense the jaw and face. Open the jaw, squeeze the eyes close, tense the lips
and cheeks. Keep other muscles relaxed, but tensing the muscles of the face
and jaw now, tense, tighter, squeeze, and release. Relax and let go. Let that
tension drain away. Just let your whole body relax. Observe the difference,
noticing how muscle tension has drained away. Let tension to drain away.

Session 2 & 3; Muscular Body Scan: Let the relaxation from breathing flow
into your muscles. Relax the muscles in your face. Relax your jaw. Relax your
neck. Let your whole head relax into a comfortable enjoyable relaxation. Relax
the muscles in your shoulders. Let any tension or weight on your shoulders
lighten for now. Relax your back and your core. Relax the muscles of your
arms. Feel your arms and fingers become loose, limp and relaxed. Relax the
muscles of your legs. Feel your legs and feet become more loose, limp and
relaxed. Relax the muscles of your whole body now. Feel all the muscles of your
whole body become more relaxed, taking you deeper and deeper.
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Deepeners - Countdown
Mental: Count Down Deepeners; are designed to target mental relaxation,
by engaging and focusing the conscious mind with a tension creating mental
task, and then giving the relief of being able to drop the tension and go into a
much deeper mental relaxation. There are many ways to do this, from counting
numbers forwards or backwards, doing calculations, or imagining numerical
visualizations, like going down a staircase.

First Session; We have a countdown with a focus on physiological sensations,

imagery and a subtle regression to memories of daydreamy states. We also
have a staircase countdown, with imagery of the stairs and white room.

Second Session; We drop the first countdown, but keep the staircase countdown.

Third Session; We keep the familiar staircase, but add a variation; Count Up. In
the second session we went down into the subconscious memories. In contrast,
we now go up into the superconscious wisdom for resolution and healing. It
symbolizes we are not repeating session two, but changing and concluding.

Session 1; Count Down Deepener: Follow the numbers down as I count

backwards from 5 down to zero, beginning with 5, feeling the weight of the
head, and with your eyes closed, turn your eyes upwards as if looking up
towards your 4-head, then letting a warm heavy pleasant energy flow down,
aware of the air on your skin, and 3 the feeling within, down deeper, into the
heart beating, sending warm loving energy through your body, aware of your
pulse, flowing down 2 your legs, down to the souls of your feet, heavier and

Letting that heavy, sleepy, day-dreamy feeling take over. And I wonder if it
reminds you of 1 time, watching a late night movie, trying to stay awake but
feeling half asleep, with your eyelids so heavy, trying not to close yet closing.
Then feeling a relief as you inevitably allow yourself to relax completely. You
could still hear the movie, and you could tune into your own movie. And how
good that felt, to finally hear your inner voice say, ‘it’s okay to relax’, slowing
down deeper with every breath, heartbeat and number, now with zero.

Session 1; Staircase: Imagine, visualize or feel a staircase with ten steps that
can take you down to a door into a safe comfortable white room where you can
access your past lives. Notice the color and texture of your staircase. So start
going down the staircase. Imagine or feel your feet stepping down now, going
down deeper down with each step, deeper down with every breath. 10, 9, 8, 7,
slow down deepen, 6, your subconscious 5, doesn’t mind, 4, getting to the
bottom 3, ready to step in 2 your white room with 1, now, be there.

Session 2; Staircase Countdown: Imagine, visualize or feel the energy of a

staircase that can take you down into a beautiful, safe garden. Notice the color
and texture of your staircase. Give it 10 steps that can take you to a place
where you can access your past lives. As you go down the staircase, imagine or
feel you feet stepping down now. 10, 9, going deeper down each step, 9, down
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deeper with every breath, that’s it, 7, breathing, noticing the color or texture of
your staircase, 6, slow down deepen, your subconscious 5, doesn’t mind, 4,
getting to the bottom 3, ready to step in 2 your garden with 1, zero, now, be

Session 3; Staircase Count Up: Imagine a staircase, and let this be a

staircase that goes up. So you can ascend, go up, rise up, higher and higher,
like a stairway into the sky or a place of spacious radiance. Notice its color and
texture. It can be white like marble, or made of light or like clouds that move
you effortlessly higher with every step. Your thought to walk can take you up
the staircase with 20 steps going up now;

1, 2, becoming more aware, 3, 4, awareness expanding, 5, 6, as you go higher,

7, 8, the higher you go the more the view opens up so 8, 9, you are less part of
earthly dramas, 10, 11, and can breathe easy and free, higher, 12, 13, and
higher, as you approach a dimension of insight and healing, 14, 15, up to a
place where you can request your spirit guide to help you, 16, 17 requesting
your higher self, inner wisdom or superconscious mind can come forward to
help you, 18, 19 to access and heal past lives. As you get ready to step up into
a place of light, peace and wisdom, that’s it, with 20, now, be there.

Opening and stepping into this place of light and wisdom now. Notice if for you
it is like a pristine crystal temple. Or a place in nature like a light garden. A
place of pure light energy. Find a place where you can relax completely, and be
filled and surrounded with light, refreshing and healing.
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Deepeners - Body Scan

Emotional: Light Body Scan; We move from the physical body to the ‘energy
body’ and the imagination of colors and metaphors. In hypnosis clients can
fluctuate between a hyper awareness of their physical body and a sense of
complete heaviness, and a detachment from their physical body and a sense of
lightness, floating or spaciousness beyond form. This works with that tendency.

First Session; The initial breathing pattern is focused on sensations, and is

deeper. Now we can add in the imagination of exhaling color and form.
Breathing is now more subtle, which creates on contrast that enhances a client
realization their state has changed, and they are deeper in hypnosis.

Second & Third Session; We keep a longer version of this light body scan
because it takes the place of the physical muscular tension that we shorten.

Session 1; Light Body Scan: Notice the most relaxed part of your body. Let
that relaxation grow and flow through you. If that calm, cleansing energy had a
color, what would it be? Breathe in, imagine or feel that color of calm, cleansing
energy flow through your body. As you breathe out, imagine or feel that you
can breathe out any stress or tension, like a grey color that can go out and
dissolve away completely.

Session 2 & 3; Light Body Scan: Now imagine, visualize or feel a light
flowing down through the top of your head. Let it be a healing, loving, wise
light energy that can bring peace to every molecule in your body. Let that light
flow into your body. You could imagine a color or a clear white.

Let the light flow into your face and your jaw. Let the light flow into your neck,
and throat, so your whole head fills with this healing, loving, wise light energy,
that can surround you and flow within you, and go deeper.

Let the light flow into your shoulders, and flow down your back and fill your
core. Notice how that light can flow through your spine, from your neck to the
base of your spine. Notice how that light can flow through your chest. Let it
flow through your lungs so it spreads through every cell of your body with
every breath. Let the light flow through your heart centre. connecting with a
healing, loving, wise energy, that can spreads through every cell of your body
with every heartbeat.

Let the light flow into your legs. Flowing through your hips, flowing though your
upper and lower legs now, filling every cell and fibre of your body with calm.
Flowing to your feet and your toes, going deeper within, into the feelings of
deep healing calm.
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Deepeners - Protection
Protection; Some therapists will emphasize explicit protection and make it a
section in itself. My style is not to include it implicitly by using a spirit guide,
and using elements like; “imagine a healing protecting cocoon of light that
creates a protective layer of light”. If there are issues to be protected from, you
can deal with them using tools in my course on Spirit Releasement Therapy.

Session 1; Light Protection: Let your color of calm, cleansing energy grow
and go deeper, surrounding your whole body like a healing protecting cocoon of
light, creating a protective layer of light around you.

Session 2 & 3; Light Protection: Now let this light flow through your whole
body, surrounding your whole body like a healing protecting cocoon of light.
Imagine this creates a protective layer of light around you. You can see
everything through this light of relaxed healing calm. This light is always
around you, now you are tuned into it. So your core qualities of wise, loving
energy come to the forefront.
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Deepeners - Safe Place

Safe Places: White Room & Place in Nature; My style is to be artfully vague
and minimal, with a white room, garden and choice of a place in nature. What’s
notable here is what I have left out. It’s relatively short. When you leave gaps,
the client has freedom to fill them in with their imagination, not follow yours.

Some styles give very detailed, specific descriptions of long journeys and an
environment chosen by the therapist, not the client. They can include devices
like elevators, time machines, mountain or beach walks and space journeys.

These ‘contrived inductions’ can be time consuming, energy draining and

directive which can be a minor rapport break. Major rapport breaks occur if
clients have an aversion to the contrivance, such as claustrophobia with
elevators, a fear of flying or traumatic memories from a mountain or forest.
Some people simply find beaches irritating and the opposite of relaxing. I
recommend keeping it vague and minimal, not specific and intricate.

First Session; We go to a white room and place in nature, “like a beach, lake,
garden or a favorite place in nature.” If the client has an unusual place, or a
place they feel really good in, you could go back to it in the next sessions. We
use the metaphor of the sky, because that is a constant across all places in
nature, and it creates a useful metaphor with clouds dissolving like thoughts.

Second Session; Most clients like gardens, so it’s a good default if they don’t
choose or don’t have a strong preference. In spiritual hypnosis, clients often
spontaneously find themselves in gardens, so they are a powerful archetypal
metaphor. The colors connect with the ‘energy body scan’ and the chakras.

Third Session; We can keep the garden, but add the variation of a healing
temple in the garden. This keeps the color and chakra connection, and like the
staircase up, it foreshadows a different session type to come, focused less on
gathering information, and more on a therapeutic resolution and healing.

Session 1; White Room & Place in Nature: So at the bottom of the stairs
now, reach out to open the door, and find a white room with a comfortable
chair. Make it how you like it as you go inside, and settle back into the
comfortable chair. Imagine in front of you there is a cinema screen with a
relaxing scene, like a beach, lake, garden or a favorite place in nature. Once
you find your favorite place in nature, imagine moving into that place, so you
can feel the sun or water on your skin. Notice the colors, sounds and smells

Whether it’s warm sand you can sink into, or warm water you can float on,
notice the feeling on your skin, and the feeling within. Breathing in calm, clear
relaxation with every breath. Because you have been able to tense and relax
your muscles, so you can continue to relax like this now. Notice the sky above,
with clouds floating and dissolving like thoughts in your vast awareness.
Because the fact that you are here relaxing means your subconscious mind is
willing to work with you now to achieve your goal in a new ways.
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Session 2; Safe Place - Garden: Notice your garden’s plants and trees.
Imagine red roses, orange fruits and yellow flowers. Notice the green plants
and lawn. Notice the blue of the sky above, and a violet highlight of a flowering
tree. Notice how the tall trees reach high, and have deep roots. Here you can
be grounded, aware of the colors of nature, and the colors of your chakra
energy centers. Here you can be aware of your higher self, and stay grounded.

Find a place in your garden where you can relax completely, like a bench or a
comfortable chair or recliner. Imagine you are filled and surrounded with inner
light, refreshing, healing, relaxing. Because here the deepest levels of your
mind can open up, and you can remember everything.

Session 3; Healing Temple: Scan and discover the most relaxed part of your
body. Send that energy to each part of your body. Imagine you are reclining in
a healing temple. Notice or create a crystal above you. Imagine it can send
energy to your chakras. Imagine that body from a distance now, translucent
and accepting of your own inner wisdom. Notice the colors and swirling opening
energy that’s guided to where your body needs it to prepare you for your
journey to heal past lives.
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First Session - Accessing A Past Life


Spirit Guide & Set Intention

Script; Spirit Guide; Now you can invite your spirit guide. Send that request
now by saying in your mind; “I ask my spirit guide to come and help me now.”

You might see or hear or sense your spirit guide. Tell me when they come, or
what you sense. Does your spirit guide have a name? What is it?

Spirit Guide; Some clients will already have a conscious relationship with their
spirit guide, and know their name and recognize them.

Some clients will have had no interest in their spirit guide. Yet it’s worth asking
for them to come forward with every client. Many are positively surprised by
the appearance of their spirit guide. It can become a highlight of the session.

There are ways to check if the spiritual entities that come forward are actually
the spirit guide they claim to be. If there are issues in this area, they should
have already become apparent through the client’s presenting issue and initial

We are looking for a single Spirit Guide, not guidance from multiple Spirits.
Some clients will have already told you about many spirits they communicate
with. This is often okay or not relevant, but sometimes it can create or
contribute to their presenting issues. If an issue arises during PLRT, the session
can switch to SRT, a full modality covered in my course Spirit Releasement
Therapy - Session Guide.

Script; Set Intention; We can set an intention. You can repeat in your mind;
“I ask my spirit guide to help me access causative events in a past life or lives.
I ask because I am ready to resolve my present issues.”

Set Intention; This is a powerful suggestion that we give, and that we have
them repeat to amply it and make it their own.
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Age Regression
Age regression fulfills a number of purposes. It establishes the logistics of
communication and gets the client responding to your questions. The induction
is a long period of mainly us giving a monologue. Now the client needs to
understand are switching to a dialogue.

Age Regression To a Positive Resource; We start out asking easy

questions, which builds understanding that they can be in hypnosis and speak
from a stream of consciousness. It builds confidence that they can do what is
asked of them, like reply and recall memories from early in this life. The task
itself gathers a past emotional resource.

Script; AR To A Positive Resource; First we can go back to a time in this life

when you felt a peaceful confidence. This is a resourceful state you can
reconnect with. I will count from 3 down to zero. At zero you’ll be able to recall
or imagine any moment of peaceful confidence days, years or decades ago.

Drifting back with 3, a moment of peaceful confidence coming up with 2,

coming into focus with one, and ready to step into the scene with 1, and feel
the feeling, with zero, now, be there.

In that moment, are you inside or outside? What are you doing? What do you
see or hear? How are you feeling? Notice where you feel that feeling in your
body. Let that feeling grow, so a peaceful confidence fills your whole being. You
can let this feeling of peaceful confidence move into the background. This
feeling has your back while we deal with past life issues.

Age Regression To a Current Life Issue; This grounds the past life to the
present life issue. It creates a possibility for an Affect Bridge induction. If the
client abreacts, we can follow those emotions to the first time they felt them in
a past life, as we would in Hypnotherapy With Age Regression. If the client has
a moderate emotional reaction, it gives us a chance to show our competence in
managing a mildly ‘challenging’ emotion. This builds rapport. The client can
then allow more ‘challenging’ PL emotions to arise, knowing we can help them.

Script; AR To Current Life Issue; Now we can go back to a causative event

creating a negative effect. It can be a specific moment in this life that is
months, years or decades ago, and has everything to do with your core issue.

If you’re ever uncomfortable with an experience, simply float above it and

watch it from a distance. Allow any memory arise, as we go backwards with 3,
returning to significant time, back 2 a causative event of your main issue in this
life, so just let 1 specific moment can come up and into focus, zero, now.

In that moment, are you inside or outside? How old are you then? What is
happening there? What are the words you’re saying? What are the thoughts
you’re thinking? Notice your body language. What are the emotions you’re
feeling? What do you know now about what you experienced then?
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Now let that fade away. Go back to your safe place in nature. Breathe and
relax. Issues and blockages in this life can have a cause in a past life. The
thoughts, feelings and issues faced in this life can be the bridge that takes you
back to past life causes that can heal present life issues.

Other Age Regression;

Birth; Some do another regression to the moment of birth. The information is

rarely relevant, and there is a risk the client doesn’t recall their birth (because
it’s irrelevant) which drops confidence.

Ongoing Age Regression; For some clients, their causative issues will be so
predominately in this life that there subconscious will just keep going to more
present life scenes instead of past life scenes. This can mean that;

a) Age Regression is the required modality for this client. The cause of their
issue is in this life, not in a past life. So use Hypnotherapy With Age Regression
instead of PLRT.

b) Age Regression is the required modality for this session. We just have to do
an extra 30 or 60 minutes minutes of age regression, and then move on to past
life regression later in this session or in the next session.
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Accessing Past Lives - Mirrors

Accessing A Past Life - Mirror; Incrementally going back by decades also
gives builds initial easy wins. The mirror lets us attempt an easier task of
‘accessing’ a past life by seeing a face reflected. Or a more difficult task of
seeing a scene and perhaps stepping through. Our goal is to build up successes
one step at a time, and be able to maintain a frame of success regardless of the
pace of the client. We’ll use alternative metaphors like tunnels and doors later.

Script; Accessing A Past Life - Mirror; In your place in nature, imagine a

large mirror, that has the power to show information about your soul’s journey.
Does your mirror have straight lines or curves? What color is your mirror’s

Imagine your present day face reflected in the mirror. Now imagine your face
from ten years ago reflected in the mirror. Recall your hair and clothes. Now
imagine your face from when you were ten years old reflected in the mirror.
Recall your hair and clothes.

Now that mirror can act like a screen. It can play a scene that is your earliest
memory. Maybe you are five years old. Maybe you are ten months old. Where
are you there? Notice the playground, house, neighborhood or nursery room.
Let that scene or scenes play out, going further and further back in time.

In this mirror you can see your past faces reflected, and past scenes play out.
Now you can go even further back in time, to some years before your birth in
the present life, to some years towards the end of your last past life.

As I count backwards from 5 down to zero, your last past life face can appear in
the mirror, and/or scenes from your past life can play out. With 5, imagining
that past life face 4, getting clearer, 3, or that face acting in a past life scene,
with 2, coming up and being there with 1, zero, now.
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Accessing Past Lives - Faces & Scenes

Accessing Past Lives; We give the clients a choice. Do they want to succeed
in recalling past life information by recalling a face? Or, Do they want to
succeed in recalling past life information by recalling a scene? Whichever one is
easier can then feed into the other. If the recall the face, gather details which
gives them time to get context, so you can then zoom out to the scene. If the
recall the scene, gather details which gives them time to get specifics, so you
can then zoom in to the faces.

Our goal at this stage is to gather details like a photograph. We will then come
back in the next session to navigate it like a movie. Or like a hearing a phrase,
then hearing the full story. We have usually done enough in this session, this is
an anchor point or a base camp we can return to. So we probably won’t have
time to get too many details. Get what we came for, then wrap it up.

Script; Accessing Past Lives; First impression, is there; a face, or a scene?

Face Scene
Is it male or female? Are you inside or outside?
Describe the hair and clothes. Where are you? When are you?
What can you know about them? What is happening?
What they do? Where they from? What happens next?
Can this face enter a scene?… Focus on the face…

Encourage / Unblock; “Give yourself full permission to use your imagination.

Even if you feel you are ‘making it up’, your mind could make up anything, yet
it is experiencing this for a reason. We don’t have to question or know yet. It’s
okay to imagine or just make up or go Just go with whatever pops into mind.”

Script; Wrap Up; In the next session we can come back quickly and easily to
a past life to pick up where we leave off. You have done great so far. You have;

- Set a clear intention (and connected with your spirit guide).

- Experienced a hypnotic state, so you can go quicker and deeper next time.
- Done Age Regression to peaceful confidence, and a current Life issue.
- Done a Past Life Regression to find a face or scene we can come back to.

Script; Emerging: You have set an intention to access past lives to resolve
present life issues. Your subconscious can prepare to continue to do this
efficiently and effectively in the next past life regression sessions. We thank
your higher self and spirit guide for the help they have given and will give.

In a moment I’ll count you up to 5, and at 5 you’ll come back fully into the
moment, feeling good. So coming up with 1, aware of your body with 2, into
this time and place with 3, 4, moving the fingers and toes, with 5, feeling good,
eyes open, refreshed and alert. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Feeling good.
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Hypnosis Post-Talk
Just after formal hypnosis, clients remain in a suggestible state, so we can use
the last few minutes of the session to continue giving them positive suggestions
that recap the session, their successes and insights, during the few minutes
most client need to come back fully into their waking conscious mind.

The client may now want to ask questions based on their experience during the
session. Some clients will have very little to say, almost be speechless, and
leave the office quickly. Some clients will have a lot to say. In this case, I’d still
keep it to a few minutes, but encourage them to write everything out in a
journal as soon as they can.

Clients may go back to the pre-talk and FAQs. Before they tried to grasp a
subconscious experience with their conscious mind. Now they have had the
experience, they can better relate to the pre-talk. One common new FAQ that
arises at this stage is;

Did I Imagine The Whole Thing? Many people discount what they see and
hear during PLRT, but it’s the emotional element that makes them feel it is a
step beyond imagination. People often ask if they imagined it all, even after a
session where they had strong emotional reactions to past life memories.
Remind them of their emotional reaction as a convincer that there was an
added level of ‘reality’.

People can be nervous before a session that they will ‘lose themselves’ in the
past life and have a too scary reliving of past trauma and death. Then after the
session feel it wasn’t real or scary enough! It’s functional that we wonder if it
was imagination. We can say;

We said it is like daydreaming. Dreams can give us powerful emotional

reactions, even powerful messages. It is okay they feel like an imagination. For
past life regression, it is okay if they feel like an imagination, they can still have
powerful healing results. What you experienced is normal, and enough to get
the full results.”

“Before the session we said you won’t go unconscious, you will retain some
conscious awareness. So part of you knows you are safe here in the present
life. You don’t totally lose yourself and become the past life identity, or become
overwhelmed by a physical or emotional event in the session. You only need to
know enough to get the message from the past life and apply the resolution.
More than that would be excessive and unnecessary.

People might question the identification with the ‘character’ in the past life, and
say their past life self was ‘me, but not me’. We can say;

“That is useful. That is often how it works. You know it was you, and you know
that you are no longer that person. So there is not a confusion. You can get the
story and emotional connection, and have a form of detachment.”
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Second Session - Past Life Insights


Overview; The first session aims to access a past life, with a connection to
present life issues established through age regression.

The second session now enters a past life or lives, navigates the narrative and
gathers information about key causative events.

The third session will resolve the past life or lives, based on the full narrative,
and the themes and full character development that we gathered.

Catch-Up Interview; Before the first session we had an initial interview and
pre talk. Before the second session, we have a kind of interview too. We can do
this with just three key questions. Ask them;

What happened since our last session, relating to your key issue?

We want to find out if their present life issue is getting better or worse, or if
there have been any new events. Sometimes the client has much to say, and
this may effect their view of their presenting issue. Sometimes the client was
withholding information in the first session, that due to your increased rapport,
they can now share. So it can become like an initial interview.

Some clients will really need to give you an update, and you won’t be able to
do hypnosis until they have got their update off their chest. Some clients won’t
volunteer information, so ask;

What reflections do you have on our last session?

Do you have any questions about what happened in the last session?

This gives them another chance to ask about the process, so you might do
another version of a pre-talk or FAQs, explaining how things do and don’t work.

Wrap; Don’t spend too long on conscious conversation. Just enough to gather
relevant information we might reference in a subconscious state, or set an
intention to deal with. Talk just enough to keep rapport by allowing them to
express or vent, then be ready to get on with the session.
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Entering Past Lives

In the first session we accessed a past life with a mirror. From now on we are
entering past lives with a tunnel. We can keep some familiarity to this variation
by having the mirror in the beginning of the tunnel, and giving the client the
choice to look at it and get something from it or not.

You could use other metaphors like a corridor with many doors, or an elevator
to different floors, each of which can be to a different past life. Entering a past
life does not require a metaphor. At any moment your client could go into a
past life, even very early in your monologue before we get to the tunnel or any
other metaphor. This becomes more likely from the second session onwards.

We don’t want to give the entire induction and deepener if we don’t have to. So
we encourage them to ‘interrupt our monologue’ in two ways.

a) We can continue to use, throughout of interview, pre-talk and deepener the

instruction; “you can let me know if past life impressions arise at any time”.

b) We can continually look out for small bodily movements while we do the
induction. These can indicate they are getting past life impressions. Its like a
watching a sleeping person, and their eyes go into REM as they start dreaming.

If they do get a solid past life impression, move to Navigating Past Lives. Once
you’ve established what’s happening, you could pause and backtrack a little to
do the Spirit Guide & Setting Intention piece, then go back to Navigating Past
Lives without needing to go through the tunnel.

Sometimes when we move early to Navigating Past Lives, clients get a weak
past life impression and weak responses. So we backtrack and ensure we do
the Spirit Guide & Setting Intention and don’t skip Entering Past Lives - Tunnel.

Script: Spirit Guide & Setting Intention; Now you can invite your spirit
guide to be with you. Send that request to the universe now; ‘I ask my spirit
guide to come and assist me now.’

Either way your spirit guide can hear you, and assist you to access a past life or
lives that relate to your issue. Does your Spirit Guide have a name? What is it?

You can let your spirit guide know that you are here to ask for their guidance
into and through a past life or lives that are a cause of present life issues.
Because you are ready to take a major step forward to get insights into past
lives, to help resolve present life issues involving… (state their issue.) You have
already been able to;

- Experience a hypnotic state

- Regress to a time of peaceful confidence and issue in your present life
- Find a past life in (location or time period), to explore in this session.
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Script: Entering Past Lives - Tunnel; Now make your way to your place in
nature. Find or create in front of you a tunnel that can take you into a past life.

As I count from 5 down to zero you can walk into the tunnel. At zero you’ll be
at the end of the tunnel ready to emerge into a past life relevant for your issue.

5, stepping into the tunnel 4, noticing the quality of the tunnel walls, 3 half-
way, as the light behind you recedes, the light at the end of the tunnel draws
you forward, with 2, as you move you’re ready to recall a previous life, notice
or create a mirror and catch a glimpse of that different body, different clothes,
somehow familiar but from another time with, 1, step out of the tunnel into the
light with zero, now, be there.
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Navigating Past Lives

Question Style; Navigating past lives is mainly asking questions. Just as in the
interview, we gather factual and sensory information and ask questions that
engage the subconscious mind. We ask open neutral questions. We don’t ask;

Analytical questions; Why did you do that? Why did they do that?

Leading questions; That are really statements based on your analysis.

Assumptive questions; Did they kill you? Prefer, What happened next?

Questions that tell them how to feel; ‘Does their betrayal make you angry?’
They may not see it as a betrayal, just a bad choice. They may have been
mainly disappointed, but the question stokes anger.

Navigating Past Lives: Entry Info; We start off with fourteen questions to
establish the basic who, where and when of the past life. We are not navigating
the life, we are establishing the set and main character before getting into the
story. We are also establishing how the regression process works, locking in and
getting into the flow.

Clients may get off to a slow or jolty start. They may not be able to answer your
first few questions, or feel confident about their answers. That’s okay, find a
balance between using pauses that give some space for things to arise, and
continuing to move forward with the questions. We ask the fourteen entry
questions, and if we get a solid answer to three questions, that’s great, we have
past life answers. We can build on this and gain momentum.

So we don’t need to be too quick to assume a jolty start means the client can’t
do it, so we give up. Or that the client is being blocked. If they can’t answer
any of the fourteen questions, we go into the unblocking process later.

Script; Navigating Past Lives: Entry Information;

Where are you? Are you inside or outside?

In a city, town or country? In a building or in nature?

Are you male or female? Are you a child or adult?

What are you wearing? What color or texture are your clothes?
What could be your occupation? Are you a young adult, middle aged, or older?

It’s okay to imagine or just make up or go along with whatever pops into mind.
Give yourself permission to use your imagination.

Which country, or continent? What is your race?

What year is it? Which century, or time period?
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Narrative Information
Narrative Information; The Entry Information was like a static picture. Now
we ask questions to play the movie to find out the what and how of the events.

Past lives often have three acts, creating a story with a beginning, middle and
end, with character development, a theme and a moral of the story. We will
repeat this process of gathering narrative for a number of scenes that make up
the story. We are like reporters gathering the more objective who, what, when,
where, and how. We will leave it to the client’s superconscious to tell us the
why, and we will wait till the third or last session for the final version of why.

Script: Narrative Information; What is happening there now?

What are you doing? Are you alone or with people?

What are you saying? What are you thinking?
How do you feel? How do they feel?

What is your profession or task? Are you trying to achieve something?

Are you succeeding? Are you encountering obstacles?
Do you have colleagues? Do you have competitors?

What is you emotional situation?

Are you happy in this life? Is there frustration, anger or sadness?

What is your family life?

Are there parents, brothers, sisters? Are there wife, husband, children?

What is your personal life?

Do you have friends or allies? Or enemies?

Is there anything else you can add? Play it forward, how does this end?

Go through the questions about the events and relationships until you feel you
get the idea, then move on. One key skill you will learn with experience is when
to leave a past life scene. Sometimes you find you stay too long in a scene; the
questions get replies that are not significant. Sometimes you find you leave a
past life scene too early. You may realize much later that there is an important
missing piece, and have to come back or go slower without it.

To check you have got enough from each scene you can say; “Play it forward to
a point where you’ve learned as much as you can for this moment. Is there
anything else we can learn from this scene?”

Once you have got all you can from one scene, move on to the next. It can be
like a jigsaw puzzle. We don’t need every piece to realize the big picture. We
don’t stop gathering pieces too early to try to analyze, assume or guess what
the big picture will be. Just keep moving forward through each question and
scene until the big picture clicks into place by knowing not analysis.
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Progressing The Narrative

Progress The Narrative; One scene can be enough to resolve past life issues,
for around 10% of clients. Most will have multiple act stories, so progress the
narrative to the next significant scene. This might be as close as later that day,
or the next day, or as far as decades later. You may find and explore a new
scene, but realize it’s not significant, and the first scene was all you needed.

You can often find that the first scene was not that significant, it was more of a
moving picture prelude to the story, and a way to warm the client in the
process. This may be because the most significant scene could be traumatic,
and like jumping into the deep end. The client’s subconscious can protect or
help them by starting off wading into the shallow end first to get acclimatized.

The script works with this tendency. We ask them to go any significant past life
scene. Then to a next significant past life scene. And only then, to a worst
significant past life scene. This process is similar to hypnotherapy with age
regression. We want to find the event has the biggest karmic or causative effect
on the present life issue. This is often the ‘worst’ time, or can equally be the
‘first’ time; it wasn’t ‘as bad’, but the shock and change to their life because of
it can make it the primary causative event.

We gather information and move on, in the same we did for the initial scene.

Script: Progressing The Narrative;

A) Go To Next Significant Time: Is another significant time in that life

effecting present life issues? Short; Go to the next significant time now.

(Longer: As I count you down from 5 to zero, move to the Next Significant Time
in that life with 5, moving to another event 4, in that lifetime 3, that’s a cause
of present life issues, with 2, 1, zero, be there.)

Next Questions; Where are you now? In the same place, or a new one?
What year is it now? How many years ahead? How old are you now?

What is happening there? What life changes have happened?

What are your emotions or thoughts? How have they developed?

What can you learn from this flow of emotions or events?

How have your most significant relationships developed?

Is there anything else you can add? Play it forward, how does this scene end?

B) Worst Time: Is there another significant time in that life that is a cause of
present life issues, perhaps a Worst time? Go to worst time now. (Repeat Next

c) First Time: Is there another significant time in that life that is a cause of
present life issues, perhaps a First Time, where it began? Or have we already
seen the first time? If so; Go to that first time now. (Repeat Next Questions.)
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Other Ways To Progress The Narrative; In a hypnotic state, the client is

speaking from their subconscious mind that and doesn’t really have questions.
It knows what happened. So it is up to the therapist to drive the process and
ask the questions to bring the awareness of past lives into our conscious view.
We become like a back seat driver. We have to continually feed questions and
directions through to get to the destination. If we don’t, the client can lose all
momentum and come to a stop. These are useful phrases to keep the
conversation and momentum going, and to get us out of dead-end streets.

Script: Other Ways To Progress The Narrative;

What happens next? Go to the next significant event.

Play it forward. Rewind it back.
How did this situation begin? How does the scene end?

Should we rewind or go forward?

Go back to near the beginning. Play forward to near the end.

Take us to where you think we should go. What question should I ask?
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Identifying Key People

Identifying Key People; The story gives us key characters and their roles.
Now is a good time to pause and focus on these people, to see if they are
known to the client in their current life. Sometimes clients will recognize past
life characters as people from their present life instantly, though they might not
say it out loud, so we address this directly. Often clients won’t recognize the
soul, and need this part of the script to focus on the person and see the one
soul behind the two differing faces.

The moment of recognition is often a powerful positive one for your client. They
can feel a joy of connection. It can make the PLR experience suddenly ‘get real’.
The meaning and insight can bring an instant realization and transformation.
This is often when there are contrasting roles in each life; ‘they are bad to me
in this life, but the roles reversed in the past life - we are even”.

Script: Identifying Key People; Now we pause at the end of that scene, to
focus on the key people in those events. You can mentally move to them, to
bring up the faces of the most significant people.

Let the first one be there. Focus in on their eyes, mannerisms, energy and
inner self. Are they familiar? Are they are connected to you in your present life?

You can recognize people even if they are different genders, ages or cultures.

Let the next one be there. Focus in on their eyes, mannerisms, energy and
inner self. Are they are connected to you in your present life?

How is the past life relationship effecting the present life relationship?

Do actions in one life explain or balance out actions in the present life?
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End Of Lifetime
End Of Lifetime; The past life death is often a significant part of the story, and
the manner of past life death often contributes to present life issues. If not, it’s
still an important as; a) a gateway to the upcoming life review, and b) a way
for the client to experience the death process, which can be enlightening and
have the therapeutic effect of removing the client’s fear of death.

Guiding a client through this process is not more difficult than any other
emotionally challenging event. As usual, stay calm, keep the questions neutral,
and keep a flow of guidance so they don’t get stuck at any unpleasant point.

Script: End Of Lifetime; Now, if appropriate, we can go to the end of that

past life. We can learn about the experience of leaving that body with a
detachment and peace, with just enough feeling to get the message, knowing
you are safe here and now. As I count you down from 5 to zero, with 5, move
to the last day 4, of that life 3, with a detachment and peace, with 2, 1, zero,
be there.

Where are you? What age are you? Are you alone or are there others around?

What life changes have happened? What is happening there? What are your
words or inner thoughts? What are the emotions? What else do you know?

Play it forward to the moment of leaving that body. Let go and notice the relief.
Leave any emotion or sensation. That is no longer your body.

Can you look down from the ceiling or sky and see that body? How do you feel
about that body now?

Describe the transition feeling. What did know about bodies now?

Play it forward to see if there is a funeral you can witness.

What happens? Who is there? How do you feel?
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Life Review
Life Review; In PLRT we tend to drive the life review stage. We will identify
bonds and karmic imprints, give suggestions and rationale to break the bonds
of time, observe the clients frames and use reframes based on spiritual truths
to get to a therapeutic resolution.

Sometimes the client will have an active Spirit Guide who can do some of this
for us, especially for simple issues. Sometimes the client will spontaneously
move deeply into the spiritual world, which is covered in-depth in by the
modality and my course Life Between Lives - Therapist Training. I will give a
short preview of this modality, and some more highlights we can use in PLRT, at
the end of this course.

All we are looking for now is an initial review, and to see how if the Spirit Guide
can co-drive the resolution process we are now getting to in the third session.

Script: Life Review; We can pause here for a moment to observe the end of
the lifetime by looking down at your body or the funeral. And we can look up
and connect with your spirit guide for a brief life review.

If you look up, what do you see? Can you see any points of light?
Do you feel drawn to or pulled to a brighter point of light? How does it feel?
Can you move yourself towards the light, or to the portal, using thought?

As I count from 5 to zero, at zero you will be surrounded by a loving wise light.
With 5, into the light 4, move towards the center with 3, feeling the loving,
wise light filling you with peace, with 2, to meet your spirit guide for a life
review with 1, zero, now. You can ask your spirit guide, or higher self;

What was the main lesson from that past life?

How was that past life connected to the present life?
What new actions can I take now?
What advice can you give me?
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Other Lives
Other Lives; Now we check if there are other relevant past lives.

Half of our clients only need to learn about one past life, and half will have
multiple relevant past lives.

Of the clients with multiple relevant past lives, half can explore two past lives in
one session, and half need a full ‘second session’ to explore each past life.

Script: Other Lives; Are other past lives relevant for the present life issue?

If ‘No’ Go to Wrap. If got time, possibly do ‘Session Three’.

If ‘Yes’ But you are out of time… “We will visit in the next session.” Wrap

If Yes And you have time…

Short; Go to the next significant past life now.

Longer: As I count you down from 5 to 0, move to the next

significant past life with 5, moving to an event 4, in another past life
3, that is a cause of present life issues, with 2, 1, 0, be there, now.

Go back and repeat process from Navigating Past Lives: Entry Info.

Script: Wrap; Soon you can come back fully into the present life, feeling great
because you have been able to experience a regression to a past life where you
learned… (repeat session highlights).

We thank your spirit guide and higher self for their help. We ask that they help
you integrate this past life recall into your daily life, so any time you think of
this session, you become more present in the now.

In a moment I’ll count you up to 5, and at 5 you’ll come back fully into the
moment, feeling good. So coming up with 1, aware of your body with 2, into
this time and place with 3, 4, moving the fingers and toes, with 5, feeling good,
eyes open, refreshed and alert. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Feeling good.
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Dealing with Blocks

As we start asking questions, the client may sound unsure about their answers,
or be blocked to give any answer out-loud.

1) Imagination; “Give yourself full permission to use your imagination. Go

with the flow of whatever comes to mind. Your mind could imagine anything,
yet it is experiencing this for a reason. You may not be sure, but if you could
make guess, how could you answer the question?”

2) Darkness; “Can you switch on a light? Can you look up and find your way
by stars? Can you move out of this room or area to where there is some light?”

3) More Deepening; “You don’t have to try hard to grasp at an answer. We

will create a space for an answer to arise. So now we will spend a few minutes
just breathing. Breathing in deeper and slower, and exhale, release and let go.
x3 You can speak if anything comes up at anytime.” Keep silence for two

4) Spirit Guide And Higher Self Assistance; “Come back to the garden and
rest in your protecting cocoon of light. Imagine, visualize or feel a beautiful
light. Breathe in this light, so it fills every single cell of your body, and expands
your mind so it can merge with your higher self that has knowledge of your
past lives, and can communicate with your spirit guide. Ask for their help in
accessing a past life, because you are ready to grow in your present life.”

Trying Again; After one or all of these four ways of getting past blocks you
can try again, to see if they are unblocked now, by saying;

“As I count you down from five to zero, you will return to a past life affecting
your issue with 5, going back 4, down the tunnel and 3, all the way back, with
2, coming into focus, 1, zero, be there.”

5) Spirit Guide And Higher Self Reason; “Stay in that light where you can
communicate with your higher self and spirit guide. Can your higher self or
spirit guide tell us;

Is there a reason for not accessing a past life at this moment?

Is there is a secondary gain (client name) is getting from their issue, so part of
them does not want to overcome the issue?

Has (client name) incarnated on earth before?

Is this not a good time to experience past lives?
When would be a better time to do past life regression therapy?
Does the issue affecting (client name) have a cause in their present life?
Is there another treatment or recommendation you would give?”
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Can’t Access Or Enter Past Lives

1) Spirit Guide Gives Reason; Point out we have accessed a wisdom beyond
the conscious mind of the client, so that’s a result. Reasons given may be;

a) Their issue doesn’t have a past life cause. Find out what the cause is. It’s
likely you can convert the session into Hypnotherapy With Age Regression.

b) Spirit/s are blocking, so convert the session into Spirit Releasement Therapy.

c) The client is not ready or too young. Get a timeframe on when they will be.
Sometimes a task will be set to complete before returning. Sometimes a
timeframe from days to months to years will be set.

As long as you have this communication, ask as many questions as you can.

2) Rapport; Review the preparation, interview and assessment, and their

responses. Consider if there was a lack of rapport between therapist and client,
client and modality or therapist and modality, therapist and self or client and
self. You could have session on confidence for you or the client, or redo the
preparation stage, then be good to go for the session after that. Or you may
recommend another therapist who’s a better match.

3) Dead End; If you don’t get feedback from the higher self, and feel rapport
was good, you can discuss with your client how to proceed. You may mutually
agree PLRT is not a good match for them, for this issue, at this time.

4) Exit Interview; before they go, check their frame, and reframe.

a) Accentuate the positive; don’t let them forget if they got valuable or even
complete information from the Age Regression or Spirit Guide.

b) Remind them this was a possibility discussed in the pre-talk; PLRT doesn’t
necessarily work for every issue, for everyone, every time. But people, times
and things change. You could arrange to pick up later. (Don’t tell them they
have no past lives, or because they couldn’t do it, they will never be able to.)

You can’t guarantee everyone will access a PL, but it can be worthwhile trying.
You will find client’s expectations of success in PLR are low. You will vastly
exceed most clients expectations. Those that don’t experience it will be few,
and will understand, especially due to all the preparation and this post process.

5) Try Again / When To Stop; You should access past lives within two
sessions. While a beginner, give yourself a maximum of three sessions. I’ve had
clients who go for over five sessions with a PL Regressionist with minimal PL
entry. If you are not delivering other valuable breakthroughs along the way,
don’t keep charging them, and reducing their rapport with PLRT. Have the ‘Dead
End’ talk, and if they are not done with PLRT, likely refer them to someone else.
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Third Session - Therapeutic Resolutions


Overview; The ‘second session’ means gathering all significant information, to
discover all the old wounds, without coming to conclusions, which could take a
couple of sessions. The ‘third session’ means applying a formal therapeutic
resolution, bringing things to a conclusion, and healing the old wounds.

The scripts given so far can be used word for word. The script for this session is
more of a guideline so you get the idea. Once you understand the principles,
you can apply it in your own words to the situation of the client. This is the
therapeutic part of PLRT. It allows the therapist to exercise creativity beyond
generic scripts. There are some ways I can give assistance to do this;

1) PLRT Applications; In the next section I give examples of specific scripts

to use for the top specific issues that people bring of PLRT, like relationships,
weight loss, fears, anxiety, spiritual issues.

2) Insights; Sometimes we don’t not have to drive the therapeutic process,

because in PLRT the insights alone can heal. Your client will often realize on
their own that they can let go of past life influences. In the moment of knowing
the past life causes they can be automatically relieved of the present life issue.
If this happens, we should still formally confirm this with…

3) Resolutions; We guide the client to do a karmic action, with a conscious

intention, to counter-act their previous karmic actions and intentions. We do
this through a core technique called;

Breaking the Bonds of Time; this is a simple, direct, easy to use and effective
technique. We discovered what the bonds were. Now we decide to let go and
come fully into the moment. PLR and karma can get complex and perhaps
confusing, for client and therapist. This technique gives a tool and a script that
cuts through, so we can speak with clarity and confidence in a session.

4) Spirit Guide; or Higher Self can act as the therapist, often at the life
review. We can elicit the client’s own inner wisdom, and have them apply the
therapy. We have set the frame and guided them there, and we supervise to
ensure their inner wisdom is on point. Often clients say exactly what we were
about to say from our script. The PLRT style is to elicit the wisdom, not give the
answers. As much as you can, leave space for the client, knowing many are
capable of having their own realizations

Catch-Up Interview; can be shorter. This time as a therapist, spend some

time reminding them of what happened in the second session, and asking them
what they think it means and how it could resolve. It can be interesting to
compare their conscious guess with their subconscious wisdom later in session.
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Client Driven Therapy

The amount of past life navigation, review and therapy required to be driven by
the therapist varies across clients. PLRT emphasizes eliciting the clients inner
wisdom, so the therapy can often be highly client driven.

Fully Self-Healing Client; Some clients will have insights into how all the
pieces of the puzzle fit together, and explain to us the causes, effects, and
therapeutic resolution required. They may do this speaking as their Spirit Guide
or Higher Self. They will be completely or mostly correct, so all we need to do is
check and reiterate what they say, and formalize it with a tool like Breaking the
Bonds of Time.

Partially Self-Healing Client; Some clients will have insights of how some of
the pieces of the puzzle fit together, but require the therapist to explain others.
This includes how some actions were causative, what their effects were, and
what needs to be done to counter-act or balance out those actions. On hearing
this, clients will be quick to understand and accept, and allow their healing.

Minimally Self-Healing Client; Some clients will gather information about

their past lives, but have very little idea how each scene fits together, what it
means, or the required actions. We as a therapist have to explain it fully, put it
together for them, and be more directive on what they need to intend and do to
resolve the issues. They may struggle to ever understand to workings of karma,
but their subconscious can digest Breaking the Bonds of Time.
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Re-Entering Past Lives

We go into the third or final session feeling we have gathered all significant
information. Now we want to apply a therapeutic resolution to resolve specific
aspects of a past life; we may want to forgive, ask for forgiveness, revoke a
vow or make a new vow.

So we can go back into a past life to apply the remedy in the past life. And we
can go back into a past life to check if there is any more significant information
to gather. We may have a complete three act story, but find there is another
scene that acts as an epilogue or prologue. We may find there are entire other
past lives that act as full sequels or prequels. If so, this ‘third session’ can
revert to a ‘second session’ and become 100% information gathering.

If not, we just want to spend up to 25% of this session re-entering a past life,
reminding ourselves what happened, and navigating to the most significant
causative scene, so we can apply a remedy. This could be making a vow, doing
a causative karmic action, the death scene, or the post death life review.

Script: Spirit Guide & Setting Intention; Now you can invite your spirit
guide to be with you. Let your spirit guide know you are here to go back to a
past life or lives that were causative to the present life issues of… (state their
issue.) Recall you have already been able to;

- Experience a past life or lives.

- Discover causative events, actions and reactions.
- Discover causative relationships and interactions.

So now you are here to address these events and issues, and get a final formal
resolution, for the highest good, to be more whole and present in the now.

Entering Past Lives - Tunnel; Now make your way to your place in nature.
Find or create in front of you a tunnel that can take you into a past life. You
could recall and return to scenes from your previous past life regression. You
could find new scenes in that life. You could find new past lives.

As I count from 5 down to zero you can walk into the tunnel. At zero you’ll be
at the end of the tunnel ready to step into a past life scene that’s most helpful
for resolving past life issues. 5, stepping into the tunnel 4, notice or create
mirrors that give glimpses of yourself in a different body, different clothes, 3
half-way and as the light behind you recedes, the light at the end of the tunnel
draws you forward, with 2, so as you move you’re ready to recall a previous
life, with, 1, step out of the tunnel into the light with zero, now, be there.

Entry Information; Is this a past life from our last session, or a new one?

Where are you? Describe your environment and location.

Are you male or female? Describe your body, clothes, race and age.
What year is it? Describe the time period?
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Reviewing Past Lives

This is a high level recap. We don’t need full answers to all the questions. Our
focus is to get a reminder and reiteration of the important information, and
check if there is any extra important information to gather. Our priority is to
have this as a stepping stone to the therapy, not to gather excess information.

Script: 1) Narrative Info; Is this event from our last session, or a new one?

What is happening there? Describe what you’re doing and saying

Are you alone or with people? Describe what they’re doing and saying

What are you thinking? Describe the situation.

What is your emotional situation? Is there frustration, anger or sadness?

Describe anything significant relating to professional tasks, your objectives,

your friends, colleagues, or family.

Is there anything else you can add? Play it forward, how does this end?

2) Progressing The Narrative; Play it forward to the next significant event.

What happens next? Where are you now?

How many months or years ahead? What is happening there?
Are you alone or with people? How have those events developed?

Describe the changes in events, emotions and relationships.

3) Identifying Key People; Tune into the first most significant person.

Let the first one be there. Focus in on their eyes, mannerisms, energy and
inner self. Are they familiar? Are they connected to you in your present life?

What patterns are repeating across past lives, into your present life?
Do actions in one life explain or balance out actions in the present life?

4) End Of Lifetime; Now, if appropriate, we can go to the end of that past life.
We can learn about the experience of leaving that body with a detachment and
peace, with just enough feeling to get the message, knowing you are safe here
and now. As I count you down from 5 to zero, with 5, move to the last day 4, of
that life 3, with a detachment and peace, with 2, 1, zero, be there.

Where are you? What is happening? Are you alone or with people?
Describe your age, actions, thoughts and emotions. What can you learn?

5) Life Review; Move into the wise, loving light. Ask your spirit guide;

What was the lesson from that life? How does it connect to the present life?
What new actions can I take now? What advice can you give me?
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Breaking the Bonds of Time - Script

Set-Up; We have discovered past life causes of present life issues. Now we can
resolve these issues by talking directly to your subconscious mind.

Part of your mind is in time, so past lives can effect each other, yet…
Part of your mind is beyond time, so you can break the bonds of time.

Reason; Your mind can realize that past life actions are in the past. We are
taking an action now to counteract past actions, reactions, interactions and
intentions. Our new action and intention is to recognize and come into
alignment with the higher truth that is beyond time. So residual energy from
past lives is no longer carried over to effect the present life.

We can do this because, even in the time-bound world, times have changed.
Old intentions, decisions or vows are now out of date and no longer need apply.
They only have a low level of reality that was created and perpetuated by the
mind of (client name). Therefore the mind of (client name) has the power to
stop it.

Apply To Client; We have seen the;

past life taking place in… summerize the country and time period.
with the actions of… summerize the past life events.
and interactions between… summerize the relationships and people.
that had been a cause of… summerize the present life issues.

Decision; These are the past life bonds to the present life we are breaking now

Client name, can you confirm your intention to break the bonds, through your
actions here now? (You can reply yes or no.)

Client name, can you confirm your subconscious mind agrees to break the
bonds to come into alignment with the higher reality? (Reply yes or no.)

Increments; How much residual energy from past lives can be released?

Could we release 50% today? Or are we up to 80%, 90%, 100% already?

If no or <50%; Can the higher self of spirit guide offer another solution?

We believe this solution is in accordance with spiritual law and our rights. The
fact we have come this far shows client name is ready to know the bonds of
time. And their intention now means they can let go of the bonds of time. We
request your assistance to help client name realize the full extent of their
rights, aided by their insights, actions and intentions today.

Increase Increments; Since we released; (state % already agreed e.g. 50%)

Could we release another 10%, 20%, 40% or 50% today?
(Should be yes, another 20%.) Great, so that’s at least 70% for today.
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Since we released; (state % already agreed e.g. 70%).

Could we release another 10%, 20% or 30%?
(Should be yes, another 10%.) Great, so that’s at least 80% for today.

Any of the remaining residual energy of (state %, e.g. 20%) can keep releasing
in the coming minutes, hours or days. That is all we need now for a powerful
healing effect in this life.

Breaking the Bonds of Time; Some clients will say they can break the bonds
of time 100%. We can still go through the Incremental Release.

Most clients need an incremental release, and get to around 70% or over. This
is enough. Some people never give anything 100%. 70% is a solid pass mark.
We graduate and move on, it doesn’t have to be ‘perfect’. The remaining 30%
can release in the days ahead. We have created a breakthrough that has
momentum, and planted a seed that can flower fully in time. If clients can’t get
to an incremental release over 50% you can;

a) Give more explanation why the bonds can be broken, with reasons based on
emotion, spiritual and mental reality, and related to their past and present life
narratives and their interconnection.

b) Ask their spirit guide of higher self if there any reasons for blocking. If you
suspect systemic blocking, go to Dealing With Blocks.

c) Accept that percentage. Schedule another session. You likely need to gather
more information from another past life of lives.

d) This factor, along with other symptoms, can mean bringing in other therapies
like Hypnotherapy, Spirit Releasement, or Life Between Lives Therapy.

Confirmation; Now, as I count you from 5 down to zero, let the realization
that you have been able to break the bonds of time sink in. You can realize and
fully digest the action your mind has taken today, which is to realize that past
life actions are in the past.

You have set an intention and now broken the bonds of time with your actions
here today. Your subconscious mind has agreed, so all aspects of your being
can now come into alignment with the higher truth that is beyond time. So the
residual energy from those past lives events is no longer carried over to effect
those present life issues.

Sinking In; Let this realization continue to sink deeper and deeper in to your
subconscious with every breath, with:

Five Your subconscious mind has broken the bonds of time.

Four You are now free of residual energy from past lives.
Three That had been a cause of present life issues.
Two Creating the appropriate powerful healing effect in the present life.
One Giving yourself permission to let go and be in the present moment
Zero Now. You have done great.
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Breaking the bonds of time is a more of a script of direct suggestion, with some
customization required as we summerize the clients issues and events.

Reframing is a more of a basis for suggestions, with much customization

required according to each clients issues and events.

The next section gives examples with scripts of suggestions. Now we look at
the underlying principles. We can reframe based on the levels of reality;

1) Conventional Reality, Now; from the frame of this one life. What they feel
in the present, as their presenting issue, framed as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

2) Spiritual Reality, Time; from the frame of multiple lives. Past lives show
role reversal, with our soul and other souls playing many roles, such as a friend
and an enemy, with a balancing of ‘good’ and ‘bad’.

3) Ultimate Reality, Timelessness; from the frame of infinite, non-dual life.

Beyond good and bad, self and other. Peace that passes understanding.
Sometimes key to past lives. Often key to Life Between Lives issues.

We progressively reframe as we translate levels of reality to our clients issues;

1) Frame Of Bad vs. Good; Clients analyze an event or interaction that

causes pain them in this life as ‘bad’, for my conventional egoic self. Resist.

2) Reframe ‘Bad’ As ‘Helpful’; Clients realize events or interactions let them

‘pay karmic debts’, ’bring balance’, forgive and get forgiven. It still doesn’t ‘feel
good’, but we accept that it is helpful, for their soul’s growth. Accept.

It’s bad to lose our money due to theft from our enemy. But it’s helpful to get
to practice compassion and forgiveness. Anyone can forgive friends. We grow
spiritually if we can forgive enemies. ‘Enemies’ can be the greatest helpers.

3) Frame Of Acceptance & Gratitude; They may realize there is no ultimate

good or bad, for me, or my soul, because there is no ultimate self to judge
events as good or bad, and no ultimate self at all, so no good or bad
interactions, because there is no ultimate self and other. Transcend.

They accept ‘bad’ as ‘helpful’, and then are grateful that for all blessings in
disguise that enable spiritual growth to transcendence. Our life purpose is not
for our ego to experience only ‘good’ events and be stroked by others; it is to
grow spiritually. So thank goodness for ‘bad’ events’ and ‘enemies’, when we
are able to move from fear, anger, control and competition, to forgiveness, love,
compassion, co-operation and a deeper understanding of ultimate reality.

For excessive, inappropriate residues from past lives, we break the bonds.
For appropriate effects from our causes, we reframe to get to acceptance and
transcendence, aided by understanding spiritual laws, like karma.
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Karma helps us reframe using Spiritual Reality. We can do PLRT without
mentioning karma, in our preparation or during the sessions. Yet it can be seen
as a spiritual law underpinning PLRT implicitly.

If we lose our money due to theft from our enemy;

Conventional reality; we lose and they gain. Feel bad now, want earthly justice.

Spiritual reality; Karma will balance; they’ll lose sometime, get spiritual justice.
Karma has balanced; we gained sometime, is spiritual justice.

Ultimate reality; we are them and they are us, no gaining or losing, no injustice.

The Word Karma; is from Sanskrit meaning the sum of our ‘actions’ or
‘deeds’, of body, speech, and mind, including our intention and thoughts. Our
individual actions are karmic, they ‘plant a seed’ and are a cause that has an
effect. Seeds ripen and bear fruit, in this or another life.

Fruits may be sweet or bitter, with ‘good or bad’ results, yet this is a
judgement. We presume sweet is good, and bitter is bad. Coffee is bitter, yet it
can be ‘helpful’ if it wakes us up and energizes us to act to bring balance.

We act positively, or chose peace over re-acting to not perpetuate the cycle. If
we steal, we don’t really gain, will lose. If we give to help others, we will gain.
If we steal back, or in turn take from others, to ‘find justice’, we lose.

The Concept Karma; defined mainly by Buddhism and Hinduism, sets a frame
that the purpose of life is to become free of the cycle of reincarnation. Karmic
issues from this and past lives can require rebirth to be resolved.

Some clients come to resolve their presenting issue with PLRT because they
have as a meta-outcome the desire to ‘clear my karma’, to become free of
rebirth. This is even more likely if the client extends their program of PLRT
sessions to include a session of Life Between Lives Therapy (LBLT).

Types of Karma; distinctions to stay mindful of while assessing past lives. I

will give examples in the next section of applications and general case studies.

1) Individual Karma; My karmic action. Many limit karma to my actions, as a

self, in an event. Yet as important is a physical act is the mental intention. PLRT
can address specific acts, and express a positive intention or acceptance.

2) Relationship Karma; Our karmic inter-action and re-action. Karma is a

vast interweaving of self with other. Our ability to forgive and not act, or not
re-act to perpetuate the karmic wheel becomes vital.

3) Collective Karma; Our collective karmic action. We may do a ‘bad’ act in a

group, with an intention to be a ‘good’ compliant group member. Use to frame
and reframe. This comes up more in LBL with Inner of Outer Soul Groups.
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Forgiveness Of Self and Others; is an important tool in modalities like
hypnotherapy, where it can be a core technique. In counseling it can be a
sometimes complex process to get the conscious mind to say, though not
always fully feel, forgiveness.

In PLRT, forgiveness is not really a tool in itself, and not a complex process. It is
often an automatic by-product of the therapeutic work we have already done. A
forgiveness process is often incremental, and we have already used this to
incrementally ‘let go’ and break the bonds of time.

Forgiveness is essentially implied, within reframing, realizing levels of reality

and karma, and especially in adopting a Frame Of Acceptance & Gratitude.

In PLRT we are not dealing with the conscious mind, or even the subconscious.
It is much easier for the superconscious wisdom of the transpersonal soul to
forgive. In PLRT forgiveness should be fairly automatic and implied, so we won’t
cover it as a separate area with a specific technique.

We looked at reframing with examples of actions or events that affect my

karma, my karmic actions.

For forgiveness, we can look at our inter-actions with others, that causes us to
want to be forgiven or give forgiveness. We can then look at our interactions
through the Frame Of Bad vs. Good, Reframe ‘Bad’ As ‘Helpful’, and get to the
Frame Of Acceptance & Gratitude.

In Past Lives, we identify with the Spiritual Frame of one soul and many bodies.
In the present life it may be hard to forgive when you did right and they did
wrong. In PLRT We see the many roles our client plays, so they want to be
forgiven and give forgiveness. “They did bad to me in this life, but we’ve both
been doing bad and good to each other for many lives, of-course I can forgive
them.” With the life review in PLRT, we start to bring in the Ultimate Frame…

The Ultimate Frame sees the infinite, eternal and non-dual nature of reality.
There is no clinging to identity, and ultimately no self and other. So there is no
one to forgive or be forgiven, no question of ‘forgiveness’ between two beings,
just an indivisible loving wise unity.

These words are limited in a conscious state, but they represent ‘a peace that
passes (conscious) understanding’, a transcendent impersonal frame. Some of
your clients will get to this ineffable stage in PLRT. If your clients progress to
LBL sessions, many of them will get to this stage in Life Between Lives.
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Take Resolutions Into Present Life

It’s important to clearly spell out the connection between past lives and the
present life. Otherwise clients can walk away from their session with a detailed
past life history, but end up thinking, so what? This is PLRT, not PLR. We are
Therapists, not just Regressionists.

We connect, then integrate the past life information back into their present life,
so they don’t get stuck in a fascination with the past. We bring them fully back
to the moment, not just by emerging them at the end of a session, but by
‘emerging’ them at the end of our program of sessions. We provide a full and
final resolution and closure, so at the end they are done with PLRT.

You will get clients that have already had PLR sessions with ‘regressionists’, but
have unanswered questions, and unresolved present day issues. They come to
you hoping you can finish the job by giving PLRT as an actual therapist, who
can find therapeutic resolutions, that do carry into the present life.

The whole point of PLRT is to resolve the past to be more present in the now.

Script: Take Resolutions Into Present Life;

1) Imagine The Near Future; Can you image taking this new understanding
into your present life? Imagine a time a few days of weeks in the future.

Notice, are you inside or outside in that moment? What are your thoughts? Let
that get better and better.

Ask your higher self or spirit guide;

What new actions can you take now?
What advice can you give me?

2) Let Client Conclude As Their PLRT Journey Ends; (Client name), how
can you summarize what you have learnt during these sessions? How have you
changed, based on what you know now? How does this make you feel? How can
this benefit you going forward?

Wrap; You have done great by being able to;

- Experience more of a past life or lives where you learned to…

- Reframe your past life experience, and go beyond good or bad.
- Forgive others, be forgiven, forgive yourself.
- Break the bonds of time.

Repeat session highlights as a powerful suggestion and reinforcing reminder.

So now we thank your higher self and spirit guide for their help. We ask that
they help you integrate this past life recall into your daily life, so that anytime
you think of this session, you become more present in the now. Count Up.
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Applications & Case Study Patterns


Case Study Structure

The PLRT structure can be applied to many presenting issues. In this section we
look at the most common issues and the patterns that repeat for many clients.
This helps to quickly their issue, and provide an efficient resolution. The process
lays out examples of thought processes, and ways of dealing with clients that
can be modeled and applied to your clients.

These applications are a generalized version of the end result we get to as a

collective average of many case studies. I will include a couple of specific case
studies to illustrate some real world examples.

We break down how to deal with these specific issues by looking at the;

Present Life Issue: The client’s presenting issues and effects, including
physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual issues, that have a past life cause.

Past Life Cause: Causative events containing the action, reaction, interaction,
and associated intention from a past life, that carries into a present life as a
karmic imprint or residue.

Past Life Bond: A vow or suggestion in response to past life events, that
perpetuates the issue and energizes the residues to carry forward. Many karmic
imprints are necessary ‘equal and opposite reactions’ to past life actions. Yet
they become unnecessary bonds due to over-reaction by the soul, which are
formalized as an unhelpful vow or self-suggestion.

Break The Bonds of Time: We break the excess overreaction with a rebuttal
to the unnecessary past life vow. We create a contrary present life vow to
restore the natural balance. This is like direct suggestion for PLRT.

Reframe: Some past life causes create necessary balanced karmic imprints.
Reframing assists accepting and coming to peace with necessary karmic effects.

Some past life causes create unnecessary excess unbalanced karmic imprints.
Reframing assists understanding the excessive and unbalanced nature of the
reaction, and giving reasons to make adjustments, to restore natural balance.
This is like ‘go to the cause and fix it’ in Hypnotherapy With Age Regression.

New Intention And Action: We set a new frame, vow and plan of action, so
the session becomes a present life causative event and form of skillful action
and intention for positive future life effects.
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Phobias & Fears

Phobias mainly have a causative traumatic event from early in the present life.
If there is no known cause in this life, we can do PLRT. Phobias can have a
cause due an event in a past life, especially through a past injury or death.

Present Life Issues: An extreme overreaction to trigger stimuli with no

present life explanation. Clients feel intense fear, feel silly, embarrassed and
frustrated at their lack of control because they know consciously there is no
need to have such a strong physiological reaction. Many live for decades with a
fear, but only come when they worry about being a bad example to their
children, or when a specific fear prevents from doing an important personal or
professional activity. Phantom injuries, soreness, sensitivity in the body or
birthmarks may indicate imprints from past life events.

Past Life Cause: Any traumatic past life injury or death; common ones are
drowning, suffocation, killed by animals, killed in battle. These create fear of
water, claustrophobia, fear of animals, xenophobia. Witnessing other peoples
death or injury is enough to imprint fear.

Past Life Bond: “Avoid that danger at all costs.” “Trigger means life or death.”

Break The Bonds of Time: “I release excess fears, and maintain appropriate
caution and calmness because that it is safer.”

Reframe: We came from the frame that the trigger is a life or death event, so
we take extreme immediate action to get away from the danger. Our past life
taught us the lesson that (the trigger e.g. swimming in the ocean), means (the
worst case outcome e.g. death by drowning).

Now we can come from a new frame, and learn a new lesson. That time is over.
It was true that swimming in the ocean meant death by drowning then, but
that was not always true even then, and it is certainly not the absolute truth.

We can understand that this was an attempt to protect you. The old threat is
over, because you already died! You have many bodies that get injured or die,
but your soul transcends, taking new bodies growing in wisdom and peace.

New Intention And Action: Your good intention was to be safe and protect
yourself from danger. Your old action was to react to a worst case scenario from
the past, which is now an overreaction, and therefore can be dangerous. Your
new action is to react with clarity about the reality of the situation, and with
calm so you deal with the situation in the most appropriate and safe way.

Your subconscious mind has the wisdom to know how much past life fear it can
safely release. You can let go of excess, counter-productive fears. You can
retain just enough caution to keep your self safe. You don't have to be panicked
or fearful anymore. You can be attentive, careful and calm.
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Case Study - Fear & Divorce; Positive Reconnect

PLRT is not always focused on disconnecting negative traumatic events. It can
be effective by reconnecting with positive mundane events.

Present Life Issues: Harry had a fear of dogs, that made him feel weak in
front of his son. Harry had avoided this and other fears, but his wife had
recently left him, and he felt he now had to face up to many inner weaknesses
and improve himself. Part of Harry had wanted to be single again, but now he
was he wanted to be married.

The divorce and separation from his son left him with generalized fear of the
future, self-doubt and depression. Harry was not sure how to address his
relationship issues directly, but he felt if he could master his fear of dogs he get
take a much needed lift in his son’s, and his own eyes.

Past Life Cause: Harry recalled a life as a career soldier. He was married, but
had neglected his family in favor of adventure. Harry recalled a moment of
finally returning from war to retire and be with his family, when his horse and
carriage went over a ravine. Watching is family at his funeral, Harry felt a
regret at staying away so much, and vowed to return and be with them.

Next Harry recalled a life where he was reunited with this family. But they were
subsistence farmers. He was dissatisfied with his life and longed for adventure
which never came. He didn’t appreciate his granted wish to be with the family.
His main pleasure came from working with the horses and dogs, which he did
since he was a boy. He also tamed and cared for injured wild animals, a skill he
taught his son.

Past Life Bond: Harry recalled two more lifetimes, with this pattern or
alternating between having adventure and pining for home, or having a home
and pining for adventure. He realized he had two contradictory vows, and
whichever life he was in, he could long for the other type of life.

Break The Bonds of Time: “I appreciate whichever life type I get.”

Reframe: Harry can from the frame that the grass was greener on the other
side. Harry realized in the simultaneousness of ultimate reality, he was on both
sides of the fence. He was many lives to experience everything, but real felt
experience requires acceptance and embracing what is.

New Intention And Action: Harry set an intention not to judge any life
circumstance as better or worse, and to appreciate the moment. Harry felt the
courage he had as an adventurous soldier. He felt more confident, inspired and
out-going. Harry had not just looked through his eyes as an animal master, but
felt the joy and skill of his relationship with animals. As he left my office that
night, he saw a stray dog, approached it skillfully, patted its head, and played.
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Romantic Relationship Ends

Present Life Issues: A relationship that has definitively ended, due to divorce,
a breakup or unrequited love. Mentally, clients present obsessive thoughts,
denial or lack of closure. Emotionally, clients are slow to heal with residues of
pain, sadness, anger or fear that lead them to block or infect new relationships.

a) Mistreated: Anger Sadness; Relationship ended due to partner leaving client.

They were cheated on, betrayed, abused or hurt by their partner. They have
anger and a desire for revenge and to hurt them. Or sadness, with a desire to
avoid future relationships, and to hurt themselves.

b) Mistreat: Guilt Regret; Relationship ended due to client leaving their partner.
They cheated on, betrayed, abused or hurt their partner. They may regret
leaving and have failed in attempts to get back. They may have moved on, but
feel guilt for their actions. They may feel angry and sad towards themselves.

c) Clinging; Relationship ended without blame on either side. The client wasn’t
mistreated and didn’t mistreat. They may have been separated by death or
circumstance. It has ended and there is difficulty letting go. Clinging to the past
blocks them from getting on with life.

Past Life Cause: Events or whole lives have an ongoing effect;

a) Mistreated, Anger Sadness; Multiple past lives where the same pattern of the
present life is repeated again and again, as romantic partners, or as friends,
family, colleagues or rivals. Or, opposite lifetime with roles reversed, so the
client is the one that leaves, cheats, betrays of abuses.

b) Mistreat, Guilt Regret; Again, relationship drama & mutual pain across lives

c) Clinging; Many lives together already. Not recognizing the completeness of

the relationship. Not moving on to the next stage of learning and growth.

Past Life Bond: Reactions and conclusions have an ongoing effect;

a) Mistreated, Anger Sadness “I will get revenge. I give up on love.”

b) Mistreating, Guilt Regret “I’ll punish them / myself for what happened”

c) Clinging To The Past “I want to come back and keep repeating.”

Break The Bonds of Time: We get and give closure.

a) Mistreated, Anger Sadness “I release any desire to hurt them.”

“I believe in myself and in love.”

b) Mistreating, Guilt Regret “I release any guilt or desire to punish.”

c) Clinging To The Past; “I move on, and accept if my learning and growth
requires walking the same path, or walking a new path with others.”
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Reframe: Clients come with a one-sided frame based on what happened in this
life, through interactive karma. Our client often did little individual action
themselves, but were on the receiving end of the others actions and deeds.
With PLR we get the other side of the story. In the present life the story
seemed unfair and incomplete. With past lives, we realize it’s already balanced.

a) Mistreated, Anger or Sadness; In past lives, roles were reversed, you

mistreated them, so you may have already had revenge. Yet all this did was
lock you in a relationship drama and mutual pain across lifetimes. So now
release any desire to hurt them or hurt yourself, to free of cyclic suffering.

b) Mistreating, Guilt or Regret; People with a desire for punishment tend to

receive it, but many times more that would have been required to even things
out. It’s almost certain that you have suffered enough, you don’t have to invite
excess inappropriate suffering, or invite others to play a role in punishing you.

c) Clinging To The Past; You have already spent so much time together, played
all the roles and resolved many things. You might yet have more years together
in future lives. Or more likely you have already done all that you needed to do
in past lives, so no more is needed to be done in this life.

New Intention And Action: We set a new frame, vow and plan of action; the
session becomes a present life causative event for positive future life effects.

a) Mistreated, Anger or Sadness; Everyone is accountable for their own actions.

Karmic justice will be done without needing any judging or punishing from you.
There is no such thing as getting revenge. Whatever they did to you, you
probably did to them too. You can free yourself from anger towards them, or
sadness that limits you. Now it is safer to go beyond that cycle, so you forgive
them as they may forgive you.

b) Mistreating, Guilt or Regret; Justice will be done without your guilt. You’ve
probably already caused yourself to be punished excessively in multiple other
lives already. Now it is safer to go beyond that cycle, so you forgive yourself,
and release them a role of being your punisher.

c) Clinging To The Past; If they have moved on, they are continuing to learn
and grow. You might need to meet again, you might not. But if they continue to
learn and grow, and you cling to the past, you don’t increase the chance of
meeting again, you reduce it. You can be grateful for the chance to meet again,
to say goodbye, and the to chance close a door from the past, so you can open
a door into the future.
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Romantic Soulmates
Soulmates take many forms, though we often romanticize or sexualize a sense
of connection. We may romanticize that a person playing the role of a romantic
soulmate in this life has also been a past life husband or wife. Spiritual reality is
souls reincarnate both as men and woman and ultimate reality is beyond roles
and gender entirely. Our true ‘soulmate’ loves us, not just romantically, but in
every way, as a mother and father, daughter and son, friend and enemy. Our
soulmate’s purpose is to aid our spiritual growth in every way and form.

Present Life Issues: A relationship is active; at the beginning with doubts, in

the middle requiring maintenance, or at the end contemplating leaving.

a) New Relationship with Doubts; Does our sense of connection mean we are
romantic partners? Why are we attracted?

b) Ongoing Trust and Commitment Issues; I want to be with them, but I can’t
trust them, or I can’t make a commitment.

c) Leave Relationship To Be With Another?; Is someone else my real soulmate?

Past Life Cause: Previous relationships can have an ongoing effect;

a) New Relationship with Doubts; A strong sense of connection can come from
a loving past live experience that it is often not romantic. E.g. sisters in a past
life may still feel a deep love, if they come back as a heterosexual man and
woman, but may wonder or sexualize the feeling. An actual romantic
connection plays out according to karmic needs, not cultural norms or wants of
the client.

b) Trust and Commitment; Abandoned, cheat on or mistreated by their partner.

Loved their partner, but somehow ended up hurting them.

c) Leave Relationship To Be With Another?; One or more past life lovers or

spouses appears and creates confusion about the present life relationship.

Past Life Bond: Reactions and conclusions have an ongoing effect;

a) New Relationship Overlapping roles and residues of many lives.

b) Trust and Commitment; “I can’t trust them or myself to stay.”

“I hurt others in love.” “I get hurt by love.”

c) Leave Relationship; “I will re-meet and marry this person again.”

But made to two people in two past lives.

Break The Bonds of Time: We get and give closure.

a) New Relationship “I can explore this relationship fresh in the now.”

b) Trust and Commitment “I accept a new opportunity to love, learn & grow.”

c) Leave Relationship; “You will realize your souls intention for this life.”
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Reframe: Clients can be stuck on the frame of the present life or a romantic
ideal. We introduce the new frame of souls beyond gender with universal love.

a) New Relationship with Doubts; Your many and varied past lives together can
leave residues. You helped each other grow in many ways by taking many
roles. This explains some doubt. Your background in past lives doesn’t need to
mean you should have (or block) a present life romantic relationship.

(Past life sisters could intend to meet as non-romantic man and woman, but
romanticize the love feeling and the meaning of the strong connection.

b) Ongoing Trust and Commitment Issues; This life is different, you don’t have
to carry fears from past lives. You can release outdated events and move
forward fresh in the now.

c) Leave Relationship?; Your inner wisdom is the one that will have to realize
what to do based on the rest of your history and situation.

a) You could realize you have to leave your existing relationship to complete
unfinished business from your past.

b) You could realize you have to stay with your existing relationship. Your past
business with the other person is finished. You can learn whatever you need to
from meeting again, but stay with your existing relationship.

New Intention And Action: We set a new frame, vow and plan of action, so
the session becomes a present life causative event for positive future life

a) New Relationship with Doubts; Continue the relationship clear of residues,

and focus on the mutual spiritual purpose in this life.

b) Ongoing Trust and Commitment Issues; You may have been hurt, or hurt
others, concluded that you are not the kind of person that deserves love, or can
give love without hurting others. Things that might have been true for a few
years in just one of your many past lives, does not have the right to seem to
stay true forever. You can release them and let love flow in your present life.

c) Leave Relationship?; You can give yourself every chance to explore this
present day romantic relationship free of past influences. You can clear past life
residues, to get clarity on your spiritual intention for this life. (This case study
is particularly suited to LBL.)
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Family, Friends & Rivals

Family relationships can be as intense as romantic relationships, and are harder
to solve with a ‘breakup’. People often use PLRT to work on tensions within
families, between parent and child, brother and sister. Friendships and business
partnerships can turn into rivals or enemies. Our romantic soulmates will
reappear in other lives as all types of family member, friend, rival and enemy.

Present Life Issues: we or others carry strong preset thoughts or emotions.

a) You Have An Instant Aversion To Them; There is no apparent reason for the
strength of your aversion or dislike towards them, but it dominates your
relationship. Trivial events in this life trigger you to have big overreactions. You
feel tense and uncomfortable in their presence.

b) They Have Instant Aversion To You; They are aggressive, intolerant or rude
to you for no apparent reason. You don’t feel the same back or understand why.

c) Competition & Tension; You can’t relax around them, and constantly ‘score
points’. To be happy, it’s not enough for you to succeed, they must also fail.

Past Life Cause: Previous relationships can have an ongoing effect;

a) You Have An Aversion To Them; They caused you serious damage or pain as
an enemy, creating understandable hurt or anger.

b) They Have Aversion To You; You caused them past pain unknowingly or
unintentionally. Part of an enemy tribe. Killed someone close to them.

c) Competition & Tension; Past life scores remain and have to be settled. Past
life competitors, possibly to the death or financial ruin.

Past Life Bond: Reactions and conclusions have an ongoing effect;

a) You Have Aversion To Them “I will attack, avoid or be wary of them.”

b) They Have Aversion To You None from your side.

c) Competition & Tension “I must win. For me to win they must lose.”

Break The Bonds of Time: Antidote statements to update to present reality.

a) You Have Aversion To Them “I can forgive and move on in the now.”

b) They Have Aversion To You “I am patient & accepting of their reactions.”

c) Competition & Tension “It’s over. I don’t need to compete anymore.”

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Reframe: Clients can be stuck on the frame of the past life. We introduce a
new frame to clear past prejudice and move forward with spiritual growth.
Souls ultimate role is to help each other grow, often by being a ‘good enemy’.

a) You Have Aversion To Them; Our roles and times have changed. They are a
soul incarnating with us for many lives in many roles, to help us to learn the
most important spiritual lessons. Our enemy can be our greatest teacher.

b) They Have Aversion To You; There was no conscious reason for their action,
but there was a past life reason. If a person throws a stick at us, we may push
back at the person. If a stick falls from a tree, we don’t fight the tree. Their
actions are like a karmic wind knocking down a branch that we created.

c) Competition & Tension; Sometimes competition is helpful and appropriate, it

can motivate and push you to do your best. But in this life you have different
roles, so it’s most likely that competition is counter-productive. Instead of a
relationship based competition, it should now be based on co-operation.

New Intention And Action: We set a new frame, vow and plan of action, so
the session becomes a present life causative event for positive future life

a) You Have Aversion To Them; We can release old fears, hurts, grudges or
anger. Now you won’t be triggered to have emotional over-reactions.

b) They Have Aversion To You; If someone pushes us, we can tend to push
back. If someone pushes us and we react with calm and peace, it makes it hard
for them to stay aggressive, and makes it possible to resolve the cycle of
conflict. Even if they seem to be acting unfairly towards you, based on this life,
knowing what you know means you are patient with them.

c) Competition & Tension; The past is over, the things you were competing over
have turned to dust, and the bodies you competed in have passed away. You
can adjust to the new reality now. You can be more harmonious, productive and
in healthy relationship with more co-operation and peace. Enjoy a healthier
more relaxed relationship with them, or a better energy within yourself.
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Negativity, Anxiety & Depression

Clients with negativity, anxiety and depression may have questions like; Why I
am like this? Where does it come from? Negativity and anxiety can arise for a
good reason, and could have once been protective and helpful. But if that was
based on another life, it is now inappropriate and counterproductive.

Present Life Issues: Clients carry ingrained thoughts and emotions.

a) Negativity Client has positive circumstances, but sees them negativity.

b) Anxiety GAD, social phobia, panic attacks…

c) Depression Low self esteem. Not engaging in the world as ‘no point’.

Past Life Cause: Previous events can have an ongoing effect;

a) Negativity; A life with ‘positive life circumstances’, that lead to a negative

outcome, materially or spiritually. Wealth and status made them a target, so
more money more problems, like being murdered for money or status. Married
for money but was miserable. A life of wealth, but with guilt as it was based on
corruption or exploitation. A life of indulgence followed by the last minute
realization it was a wasted opportunity. Ended up suffering because so much
that you perceived positive things as having negative consequences.

b) Anxiety; Negative events lead to a negative outcome, could be any mode of

death, injury, loss experienced by the client, or witnessed by the client. It
‘teaches’ them that the trigger ‘always’ leads to a worst case outcome.

c) Depression; Past life circumstances created limiting beliefs, and ingrained

pattern of low self worth. Lives as an ‘inferior’ in times when there was a severe
class system, education only for the elite, or enslaved or dominated groups.

Past Life Bond: Reactions and conclusions have an ongoing effect;

a) Negativity “I don’t want ‘positive’ things again, they lead to negatives.”

b) Anxiety “I stay alert to every possible danger. I won’t happen again.”

c) Depression “I am not good enough.”

“A guy like me has no chance to achieve that.”

Break The Bonds of Time:

a) Negativity “I allow whatever circumstances to play out.”

b) Anxiety “I release old out dated worries and anxieties from past lives.”

c) Depression “I have more resources and opportunities than ever now, and I
have the energy and ability to use them.”
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Reframe: Clients can be stuck on the frame of the past life.

a) Negativity; In a past life you learnt that what appeared to be positive can
have a negative outcome. From this you learned a frame of negativity. Yet
using this logic, what appears to be negative can have a positive outcome. So
we never really know if something is ‘negative’ or ‘positive’. The real lesson was
‘non-judgement’. You can now adopt this frame of spiritual and ultimate reality.

b) Anxiety; Anxieties in this life are an overreaction because of issues in past

lives, that did make sense then, but are over now. It was helpful to be anxious
about the thing that hurt or killed you in the past life. But it is not helpful to
cling on trying to protect yourself from something that has already happened.
You can’t protect yourself from an event in the distant past. You can act with
appropriate care as you move forward to fulfill your soul’s purpose in future.

c) Depression; Souls are not ‘inferior or superior’. They all take roles to
experience every facet of human existence and grow spiritually. To take a
challenging life as an ‘inferior’ shows a ‘superior’ soul, that can now grow
beyond these judgements and assessments of dualistic good or bad.

New Intention And Action:

a) Negativity; You can release old emotions or one-sided limiting interpretations

from the past and be clear in the moment. Appreciate the is-ness of things
without the human conditioned subjective judgement.

b) Anxiety; You are more present in the now, giving appropriate care, but not
inappropriate dangerous excessive anxieties due to past lives. Your anxieties
get smaller and smaller, just enough to motivate you to act and stay truly safe.

c) Depression; In this life you are better educated and have more opportunities
to advance your life circumstances. The world has changed for the better, so
with this clarity comes a new more accurate positivity. You begin to reconnect
with your skills and abilities, and realize you can put them into action.
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Weight Loss
Weight loss can involve a complex combination of causes involving body, mind
and emotions. Most PLRT clients have worked on these issues directly. Yet some
have unusually limited results, and feel it is due to spiritual blocks. Weight loss
is also a common issue for unintentionally triggered PLRT.

Present Life Issues: The client’s presenting issue includes the following
physical and behavioral factors, and an emotional response like frustration,
anger, despair.

a) Compulsive Overeating Consistently overweight. Hard to lose weight.

b) Binge Eating Periodic overeating. May not be overweight.
c) Yoyo Dieting Periodic feast or famine. Fluctuating weight.
d) Self Sabotage Easy to lose weight. Hard to maintain weight.

Past Life Cause: an event in a past life, or the overall lifestyle, have an effect.

a) Compulsive Overeating Death by starvation.

b) Binge Eating Life of malnutrition. High calorie food is rare.
c) Yoyo Dieting Life with irregular food supply, so store body fat.
d) Self Sabotage Reaction where weight brings major secondary gain

Types of karma can vary for the ‘same’ cause. For example death by starvation;

Action Individual Dying alone in a desert due to a personal error.

Action Collective Dying in a famine after a military defeat with tribe.
Interaction Soulmate Outcast from the tribe by the leader and left to die.

Past Life Bond: A vow in response to a past life events becomes a suggestion
that carries forward. In the past life it made sense and was helpful. But in the
present life it does not make sense, and is actively unhelpful.

a) Compulsive Overeating “I will never be hungry again.”

b) Binge Eating “I will consume high calorie food whenever I can.”
c) Yoyo Dieting “I’ll eat as much as I can, when I can.”
d) Self Sabotage “I’ll use fat as a protection and be less attractive.”

Break The Bonds of Time: The mental limiting belief, energized by the ‘life or
death’ event with the intense emotion, is enough to carry the inappropriate vow
forward as a residue from the past. We break this inappropriate overreaction.

a) Compulsive Overeating “Now it is safer to eat a moderate amount of food.”

b) Binge Eating “Now I eat high calorie food occasionally.”
c) Yoyo Dieting “I eat the right amount of food consistently.”
d) Self Sabotage “I no longer protect myself with layers of fat.”
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Reframe: We recognize the old frame that exacerbated the causative issue,
and offer a new frame, with a rationale why we can break the bonds. “That old
frame made sense then, but this new frame makes sense now.”

a) Compulsive Overeating; In your present life you will not starve to death
because of too little food. In this time period there is abundant food. Before you
suffered from too little food, now you suffer from too much food. The solution
to under-eating isn’t over-eating; it’s healthy eating.

b) Binge Eating; In that past life high calorie food was rare, so you could only
find it once a week or once a month. So you ate high calorie food every time
you found it. In your present life, high calorie food is common, you can find it
every day. So now you don’t have to eat it every time you find it. Your body
was designed to find and eat high calorie food occasionally.

c) Yoyo Dieting; In your present life you don’t need to eat as much as you can,
when you can, and store the excess as body fat. Because in this time period,
you can get the right amount of food consistently. Now there is no famine. So
you don’t need to feast, and you don’t need to store body fat.

d) Self Sabotage; In your present life it’s more acceptable and safer to be
attractive. There is better law and order, and better women rights now. Any
past traumatic events due to gaining unwanted attention are over now. You can
give yourself permission to have the body appropriate for this time period.

New Intention And Action: We Take Resolutions Into Present Life with a plan
because weight, more than most issues, requires constant action.

a) Compulsive Overeating; Your good intention is to eat to stay safe, and not
starve. Your new action is to eat a moderate amount of food, finding balance
between eating too little and too much. It is safer to eat a moderate amount of
food. You don’t have to fear or overreact to hunger.

b) Binge Eating; Your good intention is to fulfill your bodies need for calories.
Before that meant eating high calorie food whenever you could find it. Now it
means eating high calorie food occasionally. Now you eat the right type of food
at the right time, and feel at peace.

c) Yoyo Dieting; Your good intention is respond to your bodies requirements for
food. Before that meant overeating and storing the excess as body fat. Now
there will always be enough food, so you don’t have to overeat and store the
excess as body fat. Now you eat the right amount of food and feel at peace.

d) Self Sabotage; Your good intention is get a gain, but your secondary gain
was blocking and in conflict with your primary gain. Now you can decide on new
actions that remove the contradiction. You figure out how to satisfy both areas
directly, in ways that are no longer contradictory. Now you allow yourself to
carry less body fat, even if that makes you more attractive, and feel at peace.
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Illness with a past life influence works similarly to phobias. Phobias are an
emotional and physiological overreaction based on a past life event. Illness can
be a physical imprint carried over from a past life event or lifestyle, that creates
a pattern or response or a limiting belief like the opposite of placebo effect that
exacerbates illness and blocks healing.

Present Life Issues: Clients may come to find the cause of syndromes or
illness that don’t have a clear medical explanation. They may be getting over
an injury or illness and want to help their recovery process. They may want to
work on the emotional or mental aspect if healing, such as managing stress,
limiting beliefs or negative thinking which can slow healing.

Past Life Cause: A traumatic singular event like a violent death or serious
injury. A traumatic ongoing event like a serious illness that imprints a pattern of
behavior and belief.

Past Life Bond: “I am ill, injured and weak. I can’t overcome illness or injury.”

Break The Bonds of Time: “My body now has the power to heal itself and
stay healthy and strong.”

Reframe: You came from the frame that my body is weak, sick or carries a
scar. It made sense that you learned those limitations, or that the physical
residues stayed with you for the rest of that life in that body.

Yet now you can come from the frame of a new body. Past illness was an
imprint that made sense then, but it is over now. Because the physical body
that did have limitations is gone. You have been reincarnated and physically
rejuvenated. You have passed through the Life Between Lives stage where you
have been spiritually rejuvenated.

All physical bodies are subject to aging, illness and death. Yet your soul has an
immaculate immortality which is untouched by the physical dimension.

New Intention And Action: So you can also release old out dated illness or
injuries from past lives that affect your physical body. You were just repeating
old patterns. You don't have to do that anymore.

Imagine the part of your body that was affected. Your mind can scan through
your physical body like an x-ray filling it with light. Focus that bright light
energy on the part of your body that was affected by injury or illness. Let that
bright white light soak and saturate into that part of your body, clearing,
healing, unblocking, repairing.

Discover a metaphor to cleanse and heal, like cool flowing water, a cleansing
cloth, a scrubbing pad, a warming hand. Imagine taking out any dark areas,
smoothing out any roughness, cooling any heat.
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Case Study - Healing; Anxiety, Insomnia, IBS

Present Life Issues: Peter was a successful businessman in his early thirties.
An upcoming promotion and the birth of his first child were exacerbating his
stress, insomnia, IBS and anxiety. He wanted to manage his stress and reduce
his sleep medication. He chose PLRT because of his spiritual inclinations and
curiosity about his relationship with his godfather David, a man fifteen years his
senior, and in poor health. They had little in common, but Peter had a huge
sense of devotion to David. Peter’s highest stresses in the last few years had
related more to fears about David’s illness rather than his own life events.

Past Life Cause: Peter recalled a three lives. The first two were with David.

1) Peter was an outlaw in India, who while jailed became regretful of his career
choice. An armed rebellion occurred, and Peter wanted to use his skills for a
good cause. His jailer recognized his changed intent, and risked his life to free
him. Peter recognized David as the jailer who gave him an ‘unforgettable’ hug
as released him. He spent the rest of his life fighting for his country, atoning for
his outlaw past.

2) Peter was a woman living a poor but happy life raising children by a river,
with David as a good husband. Peter felt this explained his devotion to David.

3) Peter was a Buddhist monk in Tibet. He specialized in teaching a technique

to raise inner heat and stay warm by connecting with inner light. Peter had not
heard of the term tummo or ‘inner fire’ meditation when I mentioned it. He felt
a strong peace as he realized he could now use the light to burn away many of
his anxieties, worries and fears.

Past Life Bond: After his life as an outlaw, Peter had vowed to live a life
contributing to society, not taking from it. This had been a cause that gave him
a lot of success, and responsibility, at a young age.

Peter had his answer to why David felt special. As the wife he had vowed to
meet again and serve David. Now Peter also felt less fear about David’s health
and possible death, feeling they can continue to meet again across lives.

Break The Bonds of Time: “I accept the responsibility I chose.” “I am grateful

to be with this soulmate David again in whatever form, for however long.” “I
reconnect with my past talents to enhance my meditation.”

Reframe: Peter’s fear came from a ‘life or death’ feeling. Now he felt there was
no such thing as a ‘life or death’ situation. The opposite of life is not death, its
birth. There are ‘birth and death’ situations. Life has no opposite, it is eternal.

New Intention And Action: Peter practiced self-hypnosis with ‘inner fire’ and
reported that his insomnia and IBS improved by ninety percent. He dealt with
challenges at work without going into ‘panic mode’. He felt more centered in as
an expansive, wise spiritual being, rather than a fearful individual body or ego.
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Spiritual Path
Clients may have blocks or questions on their spiritual path. They want to
resolve negative events, or reconnect with positive experiences and learnings.

Present Life Issues: Clients may discover a certain religion and want to know
details of a previous connection. Clients may have a crisis of faith and question
the validity of their current existing path. Clients may feel a conflict between
their spiritual aspirations and the lure or demands of material life. They may
want to get in touch with a spirit guide or higher wisdom to grow spiritually.

Past Life Cause: A life with positive learnings in a religious tradition, gaining
spiritual abilities. A life with traumatic events, being punished for expressing
spirituality, falling out with a religious tradition, or being killed for their faith. A
life fighting for their beliefs in a religious war, but feeling a conflict between
their actions and the teachings.

Past Life Bond: “I dedicate myself to growing spiritually.”

“I avoid spiritual practice because it can be dangerous.”

Break The Bonds of Time: “I reconnect with my spiritual dedication.”

“It is safe and appropriate to develop my spiritual practice. It is worthwhile.”

Reframe: We can have a frame that we had a ‘good or bad’ experience on the
spiritual path, and we carry that moment into the future. We can move to the
frame that transcends ‘good or bad’, because what seems ‘bad’ for us physically
can be helpful for our spiritual development. We can move to the frame that
does not cling to the past, be it a past life, or a past moment. A greater
spiritual truth is impermanence. It is not in alignment with ultimate reality to
cling to past events. Karmic winds may blow, and when they do, they blow right
through us, because we do not cling to the idea of permanent self.

New Intention And Action: If you were born into one tradition, but discover
you were in another seemingly contradictory tradition, you don’t have to feel a
conflict between the two lives and traditions. You don’t have to go back to the
past tradition, your past can simply enrich your present life tradition.

You reconnect with the support you got on the spiritual path from your fellow
students, spiritual teachers, spiritual beings and your inner wisdom over many
lives. You can bring this feeling into your present life relationship with those in
your spiritual community, spiritual teachers. And with all beings, of all religions.
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The Healer’s Path

PLRT clients are current or aspirational healers themselves.

Present Life Issues: They may have inner doubts about their abilities. They
may feel blocked while practicing certain modalities. They may want to be a
practitioner and set an intent to reconnect with past life healing abilities.

Past Life Cause: A life as a healer developing positive learnings and abilities.

A life as a healer with traumatic events like punishment, labeled a witch, or

exile. This can scare people off the healing path, or create anger towards those
that persecuted them.

Past Life Bond: “I dedicate myself to my healing practice.”

“I will avoid healing practices which can be dangerous.”

Break The Bonds of Time:

“I reconnect with my past life healing abilities.”

Reframe: You may come from a frame that alternative healing has negative
consequences based on past life experience. Now you can move to a frame that
fits with the increased level of consciousness and the increasing modern
problems which are less physical and more psychological and spiritual. Healing
modalities are becoming more mainstream and accepted, and more needed in
this day and age.

New Intention And Action: You overcome any old out of date blocks, and
accept your own abilities more. Your act of coming to this healing session
proves you are already on the path of developing healing abilities. The more
you heal yourself and learn about healing modalities from the inside, the more
you can act as a healer to others. You can continue to find ways like this to
move forward.
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Life Between Lives

Life Between Lives Therapy (LBL or LBLT) is modality I cover in my course; Life
Between Lives - Therapists Guide. LBL is highly related to PLRT because just as
a hypnotherapist might find their client going into the past life realm, a past life
therapist might find their client going into a life between lives realm.

Also, once you complete a program or PLRT sessions, some clients will want to
continue on with a life between lives session. LBL works best once a client has
experienced a number of past life regression sessions, including observing the
death, leaving the body and connecting with spirit guide for a life review.

LBL sessions continue on from the life review with the spirit guide. They go
deeper into the life review, and move from the astral realm to the spiritual
world where the spirit has a ‘life’ with events to complete before reincarnating
again. This includes meeting and completing tasks with the;

1) Spirit Guide: a soul guiding our client’s soul through the past & present life.
2) Soul Group: souls who reincarnate with our client’s soul through many lives.
3) Soul Council: senior souls who play a high level role in guiding the souls
journey in the context of many of lives. They help decisions between lives, like
helping the soul select their next lives, to further their spiritual evolution.

LBL can be appropriate for clients with;

a) A presenting issue that relates directly to spirituality.

b) Very complex past lives that the higher self, spirit guide and PLRT therapist
find may pose as many questions as they answer. We can go to a ‘higher’
authority for guidance.

c) Spontaneous glimpses into LBL. They want to go extend and go deeper.

Initial Questions; An initial way you can extend and go deeper in LBL is to
ask some extra questions during the life review, like;

Can you recall more of the death process?

Are you first met by loved ones you knew in you life who passed on?

Do they explain your death and welcome you?

Does your spirit guide take you through a review of that life?

What were the most important spiritual lesson from that life? or lifetimes?

In which lessons do you need to make more progress?

How are patterns repeating across past lives, and into your present life?

Is it appropriate to meet your Soul Group? Can we meet the Soul Council?

Is it appropriate and beneficial to have a session of Life Between Lives?

Page 82 of 82

Final Words
Congratulations, you made it to the end.

Q&A; If you have questions relating to the content of the course, please do use
of the Q&A section within Udemy.

So it’s now up to you to set the conscious intention and make the decision to
take action, and have the courage to do these sessions with your clients.

Your clients will be great teachers, so elicit their inner wisdom.

Your greatest teacher will be your own inner wisdom. Doing PLRT sessions gives
your a compelling motivation to come to the forefront.

By helping others with their spiritual path, you benefit your own spiritual path.

Further Study;

1) Video courses at the "Past Life Awakening Institute" (PLAI).

1. Clinical Hypnosis
2. Hypnotherapy with Age Regression
3. Hypnotherapy Demonstrated
4. Past Life Regression Therapy
5. Past Life Regression Demonstrated
6. Past lives For Healers
7. Past Life Regression For Soulmates & Relationships
8. Spirit Releasement Therapy
9. Spirit Releasement Therapy Demonstrated
10. NLP For Therapists,
11. Between Lives Regression Therapy

Get all 11 courses for an exclusive bundle price.

Free Course; 'Hypnosis For Spiritual Awakening and Healers'

2) Past Life Regression - Professional; complete extensive assignments of

giving 36 sessions to your real clients, supported by 18 hours of personal
mentoring via Zoom.

3) Personal Sessions; in Past Life Regression, Between Lives Regression,

Hypnotherapy and Spirit Releasement with Mark

Thank you for taking this course.

Mark Beale

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